Installation and configuration of home wi-fi. How to set up a NETGEAR JWNR2000 Wi-Fi router with a PPPoE connection

“Setting up a WiFi router? Nothing could be simpler, Watson!
Being even a very far person from the depths of knowledge of all the secrets computer world, most likely you have heard of such a thing as Wi-Fi! Let's immediately decide what this word means. WiFi is a technology wireless transmission information via radio signal. Now it has become widespread, so in order to keep up with the homosapiens of the 21st century, I strongly recommend getting involved in the topic and actively mastering and using it. Customization Advantage wifi at home before the cable connection is so huge that there is no point in even explaining it - the Internet and data exchange without wires! No sockets, cords or other millennia-old nonsense - I took out a laptop or smartphone (or whatever else is weighing on your pocket?) - turned it on and away I go...

If you are reading this article, then the question of setting up a WiFi router has arisen for you. Well, let's figure out how to set up WiFi on a laptop and computer with Windows 7 or XP.

I’ll immediately make a reservation that the menu sections in the router admin panel that I will talk about can different models have different names and are located in various parts menu - the main thing is to understand the essence, in which section what needs to be written.

  1. So, first of all, you need to purchase a router with wifi support. To set up a router to distribute a high-speed signal, it is advisable to purchase equipment with maximum throughput (currently there are up to 450 Mb/s), which is called a reserve. All the features of the choice are described in detail in this blog.
  2. Turn on the WiFi router and connect two cables to it - one, Internet from the provider, to the connector called “WAN”, the other, free on both sides, which came with the kit, to the “LAN” connector.

  3. Connect the free end of the cable to the computer or laptop from which we will configure the equipment.

  4. Go to the browser address or another address indicated on the bottom of the device. Depending on the manufacturer and model, the address may look like, or - from those that I personally came across.

  5. Enter your login and password - usually admin/admin, but may differ. They are indicated there, on back side router, next to the address for logging into the admin panel.

  6. In the router settings, in the WAN or Internet section, select the type of connection that is either specified in the provider’s contract or found out by calling technical support, and enter all the access data depending on this type. Again, they are all indicated in the contract or accompanying explanatory materials and instructions from the provider.

  7. In the “Wireless Network” or “WiFi” section, set the name of our Wi-Fi (SSID)

  8. In the security section, set the encryption type to WPA2/PSK and set a password for connecting to WiFi.

  9. We activate the virtual server mode - DCHP, which allows you to dynamically distribute IP addresses from a given range.

  10. Save all changes

Setting up a WiFi router - connecting a laptop

Let's move on to WiFi setup on a laptop. Let's look at Windows 7 as an example, although on XP everything will be the same - the only difference is in the names of the menu items in the system itself. But first of all, keep in mind that the laptop must have a WiFi module - either built-in, which you will be notified by a sticker on the case informing you of its presence, or some kind of button to activate it.

If it is not there, then you need to purchase and install a WiFi adapter - read more about choosing this device.

Possible errors when setting up a router

When you independently configure the router for distribution wifi signal Beginners often make fairly simple mistakes. I will now give the solution to the most common ones.

If all the router settings have been made correctly, then the Internet should start working wirelessly. Follow the blog updates to learn how to increase Wi-Fi range and many other useful things.

Today's review on quick setup Tp-Link router. As an example, I will use the TL-WR841 model, but I want to say that other routers from this company will be configured in the same way.

Actually, I’m writing this article with the aim of answering a question that a young girl asked me yesterday through the form feedback: "Ask a Question". You can also ask me any question related to the computer and software, V as soon as possible I will give detailed answers.

How to set up a TP LINK router

The essence of the girl’s question was that she was trying to set up a router, not only to work with wi-fi network yu, but also in parallel connect access to the Internet to a personal computer (system unit). Based on several tips, she was able to connect the cable and access the Internet on her PC, but the Wi-Fi network remained inactive.

I wanted to help the girl in text format, but for some reason her parents disposed of the box from the router, which still contained the instructions and installation disk. Based on this problem, I will try to describe in detail the solution to the situation with several options. And at the end you can watch a video review where I will show you all the necessary actions and settings on my laptop.

So, let’s begin to solve all the questions in order, but until I begin to describe in detail the necessary actions, I advise you to read the article, what is wi-fi. This will allow you to be more competent in solving issues on this topic.

Setting up a router with a complete set

In order to start installing the router, check the necessary components and prepare them so that you don’t have to run around later. To set up you will need: router, power cable, power cord, installation disk

(if the installation disk is missing, then you first need to download the disk image. To do this, go to the next section, and then return here).

The order of actions may vary slightly, but I do it in this order:

Watch the pictures carefully and repeat the same thing for yourself.

We launched the disk; as a rule, it contains several settings for different routers. Choose your model.

In the next window, select the language and click start installation.

After other windows appear, always click next. A check and configuration of parameters will appear, and the checkbox indicating successful installation will light up.

Carefully fill out all the pop-up windows or check the box “I didn’t find the settings I needed.”

If you see such a window, then you need to select the connection type. You can find out what type of connection you have by reading the contract you entered into with your provider. The most popular is PPPoE. But to be sure, be sure to check, or you will simply not complete the installation.

Now let’s move on to the most unpleasant part: look for your login and password for access in the agreement with the provider and enter it in the appropriate windows. Click next again (if such a window does not appear, then just move on).

In the next window, write the name of your network in English letters.

We come up with a password to access our network.

Now we confirm our data.

Let's be a little patient and just wait, at this stage the final setup is underway.

So in about 5 minutes we completely configured the router and the network is ready for use. After successful setup, you can close the program. Remove and remove the installation disk and disconnect network cable, which connected the router and computer.

We check the wi-fi network using any supporting device (smartphone or laptop), make sure that the network is working and you can access the Internet. Now you can place the router in a place convenient for you.

What to do if you have lost the installation disk from your router?

To emerge victorious from this situation, you will need to download the image or utility for this installation disk from the manufacturer’s website.

To do this, go to the website and look for the model of your router. Go to the search tab and type in the model of your router; on some sites this may be a support section. By the way, you can download the installation disk image from other sources, but no one knows whether you will get a couple of viruses.

As an example, I go to the Tp-Link website, go to the search field, enter the router I am interested in.

Several search results will appear below, select the one we need and scroll through until we see something like this line, in which there is a “downloads” section.

In the download section we need to find the software and download the version of the utility we need.

To find out which version you need, turn the router over and on the back you will see a sticker with the version of your equipment.

Once we have decided on the version, click on required section and scroll almost to the very bottom of the page. Until the moment where it will be possible to download the utility to your computer.

Now we return to the first stage of setup. When you need a disk, simply run the utility or disk image file and safely continue with the quick setup.

Connecting the router to the PC system unit

If you have successfully completed setting up your Wi-Fi network, you can move on to the next step. Namely, connecting the router to a personal computer where it is not possible to work via a wi-fi network.

To do this, you just need to take the network cable that was included and insert one side into the slot of the router, and the other into the network slot of the PC or other equipment. Wait about a minute and check if there is an Internet connection on your computer.

By the way, most likely the included network cable will be very short, which will cause some inconvenience. I recommend purchasing a cable of the length you need, they are not expensive.

Video review of setting up a router using quick installation

If you have additional questions on the topic, do not hesitate to write them in the comments of the article. Only with your help will it be possible to timely add and update information on the site.

Greetings, our dear readers. IN modern world Almost everyone faces Wi-Fi router mi. The Internet is firmly established in our lives. Sometimes you have to connect and configure it yourself, let's find out how to set up a Wi-Fi router yourself.

First of all, we need this:

  • availability of a wired connection to the Internet;
  • PC or laptop;
  • wireless router;
  • cable connecting to the network card.

Setting up a Wi-Fi router.

How to properly set up the Internet via a Wi-Fi router for your home? Initially, you should connect the equipment. It is the same for all routers; for clarity, everything is clear in the photo.

And sometimes manufacturers simply draw a diagram on the modem itself. Very convenient and understandable.

Here's what we need to do:

  • To do this, insert the power supply cord into the router.
  • Next, the provider cable should be inserted until a characteristic click is heard into one of the ports on the device, which is a different color from the others.
  • We connect our laptop or desktop computer to any of the remaining LAN ports.

Connection via web interface.

Now almost all network routers are managed using a web interface. Therefore, it is worth considering the question of how to set up a Wi-Fi router at home through a computer browser. To use the program, you must first log in to it.

To this end, we do the following:

Setting up basic parameters.

In the Wan/Basic Settings/Main Settings (or something similar) tab, you need to set the following parameters:

  • connection type
  • username and password
  • IP parameters
  • connection mode

Currently, in most cases, the PPPoE connection type is used; to clarify it, you can find out from the contract with the provider or from the support service.

Sometimes there is no such parameter, more often the required type of connection is automatically connected there, if it is not found, we skip it.

We enter the username and password from the documents provided when concluding the agreement.

We leave the IP parameters Disable or Dinamic IP, depending on the conditions that the operator provides you.

We set the connection mode to Auto so that devices can connect to it automatically and at any time. And don't forget to save your settings! =)

After this, we proceed to setting up the WiFi connection.

Open the Wireless Networks/WiFI tab or something similar. In the basic wireless network settings tab, we need to specify:

  • Connection type
  • Network mode
  • Wireless network name SSID
  • Channel

We set the type of connection based on the data in the contract, most often as “Access Point”. Sometimes this option simply does not exist.

Set the network mode as b/g/n or g/n mixed. The bottom line is that, depending on the network mode, devices with different WiFi standards will be able to work in it. So if you have an old phone or laptop, it will not be able to connect to Wi-Fi modern standard. If you have modern device then it is capable of working in most standards.

We set the name of the wireless network as desired - this is the name of your wifi for connection, for example “My_WiFi”.

The channel can be left on auto.

However, if devices will not connect in this mode, you should change it manually to 7 or any other selection method. This is due to the fact that nowadays there may be several routers nearby, for example in multi-storey building and they can work in the same range, which causes difficulties.

And on final stage Setting up Wi-Fi on the router, go to the security settings. Here you need to do the following:

After that, we try to connect to WiFi from a phone or tablet and check the functionality. Next, you need to correctly change the network card settings in order to connect the laptop to the network.

Setting up the network card

To fully answer the question of how to set up a Wi-Fi router, we still need to correctly configure the network card itself. You can carry out manipulations in the “Network Connections” menu.

  • The easiest way to get into it is to enter the network adapter parameters through the command line, using the Win+R key combination, then executing the ncpa.cpl command.

  • Or just go to the network settings;

  • Next, we should open the properties of the connection that interests us;

  • After this, you need to go to “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”;

  • Where should you put a checkmark next to the IP and DNS items, thus allowing their automatic receipt.

  • After this, we connect to the configured WiFi network of our modem as usual!

So we figured out how to set up a Wi-Fi router (Wi-Fi) without a disk using the web interface. That's all for me, leave your comments or questions below, subscribe to our group, bye everyone.

Updated: January 9, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

Many of us are sure that setting up a router for home use- this is very difficult task for the average user. Of course, if it is possible to call a specialist from your Internet provider, and possibly for free, then the idea of ​​setting up Wi-Fi can immediately be thrown onto their shoulders. But if the call to a specialist is paid, you can set it up yourself without much difficulty.

So, we got our hands on a router. It doesn’t matter whether it’s brand new from the store or used. Where to start setting up and what exactly we really need for Wi-Fi to work.

What we will need to do:

  1. Reset settings to factory defaults if we use a used router. If using a new one, skip this step;
  2. Connect the router to a computer, laptop or laptop and, accordingly, to the Internet;
  3. Log in to the administrative panel of the router;
  4. Enter your provider’s network access data;
  5. Block access with an unauthorized password.

Methods for setting up a wi-fi router

  1. Auto. Using a special wizard program, which is located on the software disk included with the wireless router. All you need to do is insert the software disc into your computer's optical drive.
  2. Manual. Using the router's web interface. The setup is done via a PC browser.

The first method is the easiest: router setup wizard will ask you to enter the required data (in best case scenario Sometimes it’s enough to select your Internet provider from the list) and the program will configure the wireless connection itself. You will need to refer to your user manual to find out when to turn on the power to your wireless router - before or after running the setup program, as this is important for the setup program to work correctly.

Of course, it may happen that your provider is not on the list offered by the program. In such situations, you have to manually configure the router through its web interface. I will dwell on this procedure in more detail and describe the 3 main steps of setting up the router:

  1. setting up a connection between a computer connected to the router’s LAN port and the router itself to gain access to its web interface
  2. setting up an Internet connection (WAN port parameter) using data from the provider
  3. setting up a wireless network, including setting security parameters (password, choice of encryption method, etc.), as well as physical parameters such as signal strength and selection of wireless channels

This, of course, is not all; you can optionally configure other parameters related to protection and additional functions, but the latter depend on the router model.

Static and dynamic IP addresses

Information about what type of IP address you received from your provider is very important when setting up your router. If
your computer, which was previously on a wired connection, had a specific IP address (usually specified in the contract), then your IP address - static.

If nothing is mentioned about IP, and, let’s say, there is only a login and password, then the router will receive
it automatically. So your IP address is dynamic.

How to reset your router

Resetting your router (returning the router settings to factory settings) is necessary when problems arise during setup, you get confused, or something goes wrong. For such cases, there is a special button on the body of the wi-fi router - RESET. At what point to press it and how long to hold it pressed, it is said in the user manual, or focus on the change in the behavior of the indicators on the front side of the router, which will tell you if the reset was successful.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this the only way change forgotten password on the router.

This completes the theoretical preparation for setting up. Next, I will go into detail about each of the 3 steps.

Setting up a connection with a router on a computer

  1. Connect the cables local network(ports 1-4), if any, will be used.
  2. Connect the provider cable to the router’s “Internet” port (another name is the “WAN” port).
  3. Then, connect the router's power supply, plug it into a power outlet.

That is, turning on the power supply is the last thing to do.

Any kit supplied at retail, in addition to the router itself, includes two “devices”: a power supply, and also a power cord (patch cord). During the initial (first) setup, we recommend using the supplied cord. That’s right, you will make sure the router is working.

Before you connect wifi router at home, the first time you connect it “next to the computer”.

A. If DHCP server is enabled on the router by default, which automatically distributes IP addresses to connected
devices, make sure that automatic acquisition of a network address is enabled on your computer. To do this, follow these steps:

2. In the local network connection status window, click on “Properties”.

3. After that, in the next window, select “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on the “Properties” button.

4. In the “Properties: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” window on the “General” tab, the switches should
be in the “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server automatically” position. If this is not the case, set them to the desired position and close all windows by clicking “OK”.

B. If The router is assigned a static IP address by default, follow these steps.

1. Find the default IP address in the router's user manual (often it is indicated on a sticker located on the bottom of the device). Repeat steps 1-3 above.

2. In the “Properties: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” window, on the “General” tab, set the radio buttons to “Use the following IP address” and “Use the following DNS servers”. If this is not the case, set them to the desired position and close all windows by clicking “OK”.

3. In the “IP address:” field, enter the IP address, the last number (after the dot) of which is greater than the corresponding number in the router’s IP address. For example, if the default address for your router is, you can enter

4. In the “Subnet mask:” field, enter the value, and in the “Default gateway:” and “Preferred DNS server:” fields - the IP address of the wi-fi router.

Close all windows by clicking the “OK” button. Now everything is ready to configure the router.

Setting up a router using the wizard

There is nothing tricky about this procedure. Insert the software CD that came with your Wi-Fi router. Run the installation wizard, accepting the license agreement when prompted.

Click next until you are asked for wireless connection information. Enter the SSID of the wireless network (the name of your network that will be displayed when searching) and password in the appropriate fields, or leave the suggested ones, they can be changed later.

Connection settings internet wi-fi The router will detect it automatically. If your connection type uses a Login and Password, then you can enter them later, in the web interface, and in any other case you can use it if after automatic settings the Internet did not appear. Just don’t forget to write down the Login and password to access the router’s web interface (if the router generates them itself, in the installation wizard window).

At the very end of setting up the router, you will automatically go to its web interface to manually configure your Internet connection.


If you did everything according to the instructions of the installation wizard and did not receive any error messages, but, unfortunately,
We have not received any connection to the Internet, there are 2 possible solutions to the problem:

  1. As I wrote above, you need to enter additional connection settings in the web interface.
  2. It is possible that the provider allows access to its network only to devices with a specific MAC address - an individual device number. It works as follows: the provider’s equipment remembers the MAC address of the client device when it first connects to the network and subsequently allows access only to it. This information may not be included in the connection setup information. To eliminate this problem, routers have a special function for cloning and manually entering the MAC address, which I will talk about a little later.

Setting up a router manually (using the example of an Asus router)

If you cannot set up a connection using the wizard or you need to configure any parameters that are not provided in the router installation wizard, you can make the settings manually through the web interface.
Open any browser and type the router's IP address in the address bar:

Enter your name and password in the appropriate fields in the window that appears (their default values ​​are indicated in the router user manual) to access the web interface. Please note that after setting up your connection, it is recommended to change your username and password for security reasons.

Some manufacturers use or to log into the panel

In the LAN section of the router interface, select the “DHCP Server” tab and check the “Enable DHCP Server” - “Yes” box. This will enable the router to automatically distribute IP to devices connecting to it.

In the WAN section in the “Internet connection” tab, select the type of Internet connection.
Which type of Internet connection should you choose, look in the documents issued to you by your provider or use the article: “How to determine the type of Internet connection.”

The most common Internet connection options

  1. With dynamic IP (Auto IP or DHCP)
  2. With a static IP address (Manual configuration of the WAN IP address setting field, mask, gateway...)

We will consider the 2nd option, with a static IP address. As soon as you select it, the fields for entering static connection parameters will become active - “Setting up the WAN IP address”, which must be filled in according to the data received from the Internet provider.

Click “No” and fill in all fields one by one.

It is worth noting that in this case the IP address and other network parameters are fixed; they should be entered exactly as specified by the provider.
If you select the option with a dynamic IP address, or PPPoE or L2TP, then the setup is simplified and the router will receive all connection parameters from the provider automatically. Only for the last two connection types you need to specify the name and password provided by the provider (or in rare cases, the “Service Name”).

Complete the settings by clicking the "Apply" or "Save" button.

In some cases, the provider binds the user to the MAC address (physical address) of his computer so that no one else can connect instead of him. In this case, attempting to access the Internet using the router will become impossible.

To avoid this, the MAC address of the router's external interface should be changed so that it matches the MAC address that your ISP assigned you to (usually the address of your computer's network interface).

This operation is called MAC address cloning, however, this function in the router web interface does not always have the same name.
To clone the MAC address of your computer, which was connected by cable to the Internet before installing the router, enter it in the MAC field of the “Special requirements of the Internet service provider” section in the WAN section, Internet connection tab.

Save the settings by clicking the "Apply" button.

How to find out the MAC address of a computer

To find out the MAC address of your computer and enter it when setting up an Internet connection on the router,
do the following:

1. Click on the computer icon in the task tray (tray), click “Network and Sharing Center”

and in the window that opens, select “Local Area Connection”.

2. Click on the "Details" button to see the MAC address.

The MAC address will be located in the Physical Address field.

Configuring Wi-Fi settings manually

If you did everything correctly and specified the correct connection parameters, then after rebooting the router you will have access to the Internet from the computer on which you made the settings. Open your browser and type
address of any website, for example MediaPure.Ru. The site page has opened, so you can start
to setting up a wireless network (wi-fi).

In the router web interface menu, select the “Wireless” section, “General” tab.

Please note that some routers support wireless networks in two bands at once (5 GHz and 2.4 GHz). Set up a wireless network in the more popular 2.4 GHz band.

Specify the wireless network operating mode. The best option - universal setting, providing compatibility with both new and old versions of the Wi-Fi standard. It is called “Mixed” or “Auto” (automatic mode).

Enter the network SSID (Network name that will be displayed when scanning) in the field of the same name. Select a security option in the “Authentication method” field, I recommend WPA2-Personal, read why in the Wi-Fi section. Enter the password (or key) in the WPA Pre-Shared Key field. This key and network name (SSID) will be required to set up access on your wireless devices, so it is recommended that you save them to a file or write them down somewhere safe.

It is recommended to hide the SSID so that your home wireless network was not visible from the outside, but you will still be able to connect to it, since you already know the SSID. To save the settings, click on the “Apply” or “Save” button. By the way, a wireless network in the 5 GHz band is configured in the same way.

For fans of video instructions

Before connecting, it is advisable to find an agreement with the provider, where all the settings are written down. If you can’t find it, you can call and find out what you need for Wi-Fi settings router. Once we have this information, we can connect the router.

It is advisable to install the router in the center of the house or apartment so that the signal is more or less stable even on a balcony or loggia.

Typically, the blue color indicates the WAN connector for connecting the wire from the provider. On the ASUS RT-N10E router this is Ethernet. Separately, yellow Ethernet connectors are designated for connecting computers via a local network.

At the beginning, we connect at least one computer via a local network using a patch cord (how to crimp twisted pair and you can see how to get a patch court at home). For settings. We connect as shown in the figure above and sit down at the computer connected by wire to the router.

Go to “Network and Sharing Center”

On the left click ""

Find your Local Area Connection, right-click on it and select “ Properties»

Among the marked components used by this connection, select “ Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click " Properties«

If you have “Get the next IP address” set, you can take a screenshot of this window so that the settings are at hand. The same settings are written in your agreement with the provider. Install " Obtain an IP address automatically" And " Obtain DNS server address automatically". Click " OK»

Now you need to log into the router's Web interface. We look at the bottom of the router case and there is the address of the Web interface and authorization data

I needed to reboot my laptop.

Changing the password for logging into the router's Web interface

Now you need to change the password to log into the router’s Web interface for greater security. Go to the section " Administration" to the tab " System". Set a new password and confirm it.

Here you can also set the Time zone from the drop-down list. Click “Apply”.


The most difficult thing when Wi-Fi connection router at home is to find an agreement with the provider. When this is done, feel free to set it up according to the instructions above. If you have a different router and are having difficulty setting it up, you can ask your provider for help by calling support or finding instructions for your model on the Internet.

One more thing. When you have configured the router, the connection that you started on the computer to connect to the Internet no longer needs to be started. (this is in the case of PPPoE, L2TP and the like) Now the connection is restored by the router.

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