Anki English. What is Anki English Word Memorization Software? Other programs for memorizing words

Anki is a program for memorizing words. You can memorize everything in it, but more often it is used to learn a foreign language. You can load decks of cards (word-translation) into it and study them. You can also create your own decks. There is also an analogue of Anki - it is better.

The Anki program itself has a Russian interface, but the site from which the program is downloaded is in English. Do not look for a Russian site, it does not exist. On the site, click the big “Download” button and download the program. There is a version for each operating system - download it.

How to choose a Russian interface

Despite the fact that the Anki website is in English, it is highly likely that during installation the program will correctly detect your interface and will be in Russian.

But if the program did not select Russian, then you can switch the interface to Russian in the "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> "Interface language" menu. Select the Russian language, exit the program and start it again. The interface will become Russian.

How to use Anki

First you need to get the sets of words that you will study from somewhere. They are called decks. You can create them yourself or import ready-made ones.

Where to download decks

Ready decks can be downloaded from the site. After registering on the site, the Decks tab will become available to you. Click the Get shared decks button and you will be able to select decks by language, theme, etc.

For example, if you select English, then we get a list of decks like this

It must be taken into account that this is a garbage dump, and the deck will have to be looked for. This pile includes not only Russian-English pairs, but also English-German, English-Spanish and others related to the study of the English language.

How to sync with the site

Words can be studied not only in the program, but also on the site. Why sync? So that both in the program and on the site you have the same thing - the same decks, the same learning progress. In general, this is like an Apple cloud that transfers the same thing to different devices.

To synchronize with the site, you must, of course, be registered on it.

And then in the program, click the button in the upper right corner of the window.

You will be asked to enter a name and password (under which you registered on the site). Enter.

Choose what you want to do: get data from a site to a device or from a device to a site. For example, I first studied in the program on a PC, and then I decided to write everything down on the site. Now I can continue to study directly on the website. Decks and learning progress were carried over when synced.

How Anki works

Anki sets the schedule for how you repeat words. If you remember the words well in a month, then the next repetition will not be soon, since remembering the words after a month break is considered a good result. This means that the words are already in long-term memory. Anki adjusts the amount of training so that you don't waste time on what you know well and study raw more often. By the way, was it easy to remember the word, you say when studying it yourself - for each choice there is a time signed, after which it will be necessary to repeat again.

Learning the deck

If you “don’t remember”, then soon you will be shown the same card again - literally within a minute.

Anki for Android - AnkiDroid

On the Google market there is AnkiDroid - this is the name of the Anki program for the Android operating system.


Anki and similar programs are known for a long period of use, but if compared with Quizlet, then for me it is preferable. It has a better interface, prettier decks, and a more modern look. In general, these are analogues.

Previously, ordinary cardboard cards were often used to memorize foreign words (and not only words). Today, with the development of electronics, this role will be perfectly taken over by a smartphone that is always with you.

When learning languages, and not only languages, you always have to devote time and effort to the so-called "cramming". Whatever creative approaches are used in the exciting process of mastering foreign languages, there is information that you just need to memorize. Some rules, words to build a basic vocabulary, a list of irregular verbs, etc. An excellent, proven method for remembering is the system of cards, by writing a word in a foreign language on one side, and on the other side of the translation, you can repeat and memorize information at any time.

Owners of smartphones and tablets have the opportunity to create such cards not on paper, but in their device. Advantages - fast, convenient, mobile. Disadvantages - words are not written by hand, and there is an opinion that writing by hand is somehow magically fixed better. We doubt this a little, because we believe that in our time, mobile phones and computers are much more firmly connected to the brains of users than ballpoint pens.

But of course, choosing methods for training, everyone decides for himself. And we did a little research and chose a program that we can recommend. Flashcards+ is currently only available to owners of iOS devices. The principle of operation is the good old sets of double-sided cards. We look at the card, mentally guess the translation, turn it over, praise ourselves and put a tick, which will mean that the card has been mastered. Or we don’t praise ourselves without ticking (such cards will be saved separately and then they can be repeated again).

Program features

  • creation of cards with words, on the one hand, an unfamiliar word, on the other, a translation;
  • grouping cards into sets, and there can be as many sets as you need. Note that this way you can learn several languages ​​in parallel, just make separate sets for words and you won’t get confused;
  • knowledge can be tested anywhere - at the desk, on the tram, at a lecture on physics or at a meeting with the authorities.

Nice extras:

  • pictures can be added to the card with the word. After all, it is much more interesting to memorize words using visual images.
  • owners of several iOS devices can take advantage of the opportunity to synchronize and exercise alternately on different devices.
  • the program has saved sets of cards from other users, so that on almost any topic you can find a set of words and download it. You may not need to create your own.
  • for english,

Anki (Japanese 諳記 - memorization) is a computer program for memorizing words, expressions and other information using the memorization technique using spaced repetitions.

The first versions of Anki used the SuperMemo SM5 algorithm. However, according to the authors, it was found that SM3 and newer algorithms, in which, unlike SM2, the answer to one card affects the time of appearance of others similar to it, in fact, have significant drawbacks compared to SM2, in which, when the answer sets the gap only for this card. This is especially noticeable when the program is accessed irregularly. Anki now uses an algorithm based on SM2.

With the help of this program, even the laziest can quickly learn a lot of new words and terms, so after a few weeks of using the Anki program, new words will appear in the user's everyday life, and it will become easier to memorize the necessary information in everyday life. The essence of the program is both simple and ingenious - you just need to periodically repeat certain information, and soon this information is successfully assimilated.

In previous versions of Anki, users were asked to memorize only textual information, so only visual memory was trained. Now, lessons with audio recordings and video files are available to users, so you can also train figurative and sound memory. All tasks in the program are divided into special Anki Drive cards depending on their definition, pronunciation and other criteria. All tasks are listed in the database of the program, and you can always download new cards with tasks to further expand your horizons and train your memory.

Also, the Anki program provides the possibility of flexible configuration, so everyone can easily customize the program to suit their needs and abilities. At the same time, the program ensures the most even distribution of questions and tasks so that they do not repeat too often. Sometimes, when answering questions or performing tasks of the program, the user needs to leave. In this case, the program can save the card on which the user stopped. And when he starts the program again, she will offer him to continue completing tasks from the saved place or start a new training session.

Tasks in the Anki program can be divided into two groups - in one, the user is asked to answer the question, and in the other, he needs to give a definition of the proposed word. Thus, the maximum effect of memorizing new words and definitions is achieved. The program allows you to improve your long-term memory, learn how to memorize the necessary information, and add many new words to your vocabulary.

Features of Anki

  • Learning languages.
  • Preparation for medical and legal exams.
  • Increasing geographical knowledge.
  • Learning long poems and complex guitar chords.

Anki functions

  • The basis of the Anki database (collection), stored in the format, is a list of records (notes; before version 2.0 - “facts”).

Each entry is a set of fields with words, definitions, pronunciations, etc., from which cards are automatically created according to the templates specified in the database. Fields can consist of text with styles, images, sounds (since recording is supported), video (since and LaTeX.

  • When closing or synchronizing (before version 2.0 - after entering the number of facts specified in the settings or viewing a certain number of cards), a backup copy of the database is saved (without media files).
  • Anki can make it so that different cards generated from the same entry (e.g. "picture → word" and "word → image") do not appear in a row (in version 1.x, the time is configurable; since version 2.0.21 they are delayed by default until tomorrow, postponed can be returned in advance).

Available for the user setting and many other variables.

  • If an error is made in scoring an answer, the scoring can be cancelled.
  • A number of statistics are available in the form of numbers and graphs.
  • There are special features for learning Japanese - for example, when entering a kanji in the "question" field, the corresponding furigana can be automatically entered in the "answer" field.

Since version, functions for Japanese and Chinese languages ​​have been moved to plugins.

Comments recording Free services for creating educational cards disabled

I think many of us have created flashcards for various subjects. To memorize new words in a foreign language, many people make cards, on one side of which the word is written, and on the other, its translation. Perhaps you made such cards on geography, and wrote the names of states on one side, and the names of capitals on the other. Or in history, when there was an important historical event on one side, and its date on the other. It is possible that you carried such cards in your pocket, or left them on your bedside table to look through before going to bed.

The services mentioned in this article allow you to create such cards, only in electronic form. They also have additional functions: use cards created by other users; share your cards with other users; add images or audio to cards; work with cards using mobile devices. Online cards can not only be flipped, but also shuffled and combined into groups.

How to use online flashcards in teaching?

  • Students can create flashcards on given topics.
  • The teacher can create flashcards for students.
  • Students can share the created cards with each other.

Before you ask your students to make flashcards, you should familiarize them with all the features of the program you plan to use, as well as create several sets of flashcards as a reference.

Quizlet is a learning flashcard service that lets you:

  • create your own cards by adding pictures and audio files to them,
  • search for cards created by other teachers,
  • embed cards on the site, and share them on social networks,
  • print cards,
  • adjust the visibility of cards (only for you, for everyone, by password, a certain class).

Quizlet can be used to create flashcards for a variety of subjects, but I think it would be especially useful for language teachers, especially since the audio is available in 18 languages.

Both teachers and students can use the basic features of Quizlet for free.

You can purchase one of the premium versions, for students - for $15 per year, for teachers - for $25 per year.

A detailed article on Quizlet can be found.


StudyBlue allows you to create study cards using a combination of text, voice and images.

You can either turn the cards over to see if you answered correctly, or turn a set of cards into an online test or printout. When re-studying the cards, you can work with the entire set at once, or select only those cards in which you made a mistake.

When you create cards, you can see hints in the margins - variants of cards with the same word created by other users. This is very convenient, since the use of ready-made formulations allows you to create your own materials very quickly.

Basic features are available for free, there is a premium version for $84 per year.

When I first saw Anki a couple of years ago, I was absolutely delighted, including the fact that there is an opportunity to download collaborative decks. However, later it turned out that those decks that were in the public domain were, to put it mildly, "bad". Everyone advised me to make my own, in principle I did and do, but at the moment I went back to that list of public decks and was pleasantly surprised - there were lovely decks that will be very useful to use. Here are the main ones (I will go in descending order of popularity):

1.Title: Advanced English Vocabulary - 2000 Sentences
Commentary: language english vocabulary
Size: 441.70 Kb
Advanced English vocabulary - words, phrases, idioms & phrasal verbs.
All items with example sentences.

At their core, these are quite rare words, but they are made in a very good way - as missing words in a sentence, and a hint about its meaning. In fact, I think this is the standard - this is how all Anki dictionaries should be formatted. The context and meaning of the word is clearly visible here. It is a pity that the words are quite rare.

Card examples:

2. Name: English Word Frequency 1/4 (00001-10000)
Comment: English
Size: 771.67 Kb
This is part 1 of 4 English word frequency lists (all together some more than 40000 items). The question contains only the number of ranking - the answer the English expression. You will need to add your own questions in your preferred language and your own sample sentences etc, what should be not too difficult by using the web and online or offline dictionaries. The benefit is to learn words in order of importance for common usage. For experienced learners I recommend deleting all at first sight known words. This approach gives you the chance to check your command at English and to advance it with what you most are in need of.

This, unfortunately, is a "raw" deck, i.e. it cannot be used immediately. However, at least for me, it is quite important - I already have a pretty decent vocabulary, but from time to time I stumble upon a word that I don't know - and this dictionary bridges the gaps in my knowledge. All that is needed is to go through the list of words, immediately remove a lot of known ones, and add phrases and translations to unknown ones.
Yes, there is a lot of work here, but the deck will turn out to be of very high quality and your knowledge will finally become completely complete.

Card examples:

3. Title: English Phrasal Verbs with Sentences
Commentary: english, phrasal verbs
Size: 142.62 Kb
English Phrasal Verbs with Sentences
how to this deck was building (Russian language):

A good dictionary with stable English phrases, examples and subtexts.

Card examples:

4. Title: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dict En-En: Top 0001-1000
Comment: en_en monolingual english oxford wordlist corpus top en_en monolingual english macmillan wordlist corpus top sentence_mining onami phrases
Size: 18408.26 Kb

This deck contains numerous examples of usage of the most frequent words of English (from 1 to 1000). It was made according to frequency lists such as BNC (British National Corpus), COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English), Longman 3000, and Paul Nation's one.

* * *
Here are some screenshots of how the cards look like:
* * *
There are 3 possible layouts:
Q: You look lovely, if I may say so.
A: may /meɪ/ - used as a polite way of making a comment, asking a question, etc.
Q: Go on! Take it! I dare you.
A: dare somebody /der/ - to persuade somebody to do something dangerous, difficult or embarrassing so that they can show that they are not afraid
Q: He must have known what she wanted.
He must have known (= surely he knew) what she wanted.
must /məst/ - used to say that something is likely or logical

My comment: Awesome! Looks like what I need! It really turns out now that in a sentence I don’t know just one or two words. This dictionary should just tell me them. Again, lots of context - easy to learn.
Please note that there are a lot of decks (this is only the first part), in the search for decks, enter "Oxford Advanced Learner" s" to see everything.

Card examples:

Last: Title: Russian-English
Size: 78585.05 Kb
3920 cards "Russian-English" (side "Question" - Russian, "Answer" - English; tag: Standard) and _of_them_ another 3860 cards "English-Russian" were made (mirror image of the sides "Question" - English, "Answer" - Russian, tag:Reverse)
I would not advise using this dictionary - it contains a lot of "Single" words, without context and phrases, so they will be remembered for a very long time.

In this review, I did not include frankly uninteresting soundboards, in which, for example, 800 of the most frequent words, or 300 I don’t understand what words, or hundreds of words, but which have only a translation word (according to this principle, learn English words it is forbidden! I speak from my bitter experience, I did this for a year, I remembered much fewer words than I could.)

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