How to decorate a corner in the living room. What to put in an empty corner? Decor of corners in rooms and corridors. Overhead lighting in your living room

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When repairing, we focus on our own feelings, not knowing the basics of design, which is why so often the result does not live up to expectations.

website collected the most common mistakes that are made when decorating a living room interior.

Overhead lighting in your living room

Lighting creates atmosphere and should be tailored to your mood, so a living room can't get by with a single chandelier in the center of the room. Create your own lighting system (table lamps, sconces, floor lamps, ceiling lighting, etc.).

Missing or wrong size carpet

Small rugs bring imbalance to the room, so choose the right size rug for your living room. A large carpet will provide a visual expansion of the space, and the interior will take on a finished look.

Your TV is out of place

The best place to place a TV is an empty wall. Do not install the TV in front of or near a window, it is harmful to your eyesight and prevents you from seeing the image clearly. The distance between the TV and the sofa depends on the size of the screen: the distance should be 3-5 diagonals. Keep this in mind when buying a new TV.

You underestimate the power of pillows

Sofa cushions create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. When choosing pillows, consider whether the texture of the material is suitable for the upholstery of a sofa or chair. If the upholstered furniture in the living room is made of velvet or velor, then cotton or linen textiles will be inappropriate. Neat and small products are suitable for small-sized furniture, and a massive sofa can contain several voluminous pillows.

Your sofa is against the wall

This rule works for large rooms. If you have the opportunity to put the sofa not against the wall, then be sure to do it - thereby you will visually increase the space and create coziness. The sofa against the wall in the spacious room looks more like a dance class than a living room.

Dark furniture in a low room

Your living room will become visually more squat and cramped if you purchase dark-colored furniture. Compact sofas, armchairs and neat tables, always on raised legs, are suitable for a low living room. Opt for neutral light shades.

You choose furniture based on design, not personal convenience.

Just because a piece of furniture looks nice doesn't mean it will suit your home. Make sure your furniture is comfortable for you, try it out. Sit in a chair or at a table that you like. Otherwise, you will rarely use these things and you will have to part with them.

Furniture that has lost its relevance

There is also furniture fashion. Bulky upholstered furniture with voluminous backs and armrests has long lost its relevance. Pay attention to furniture with straight lines and a clear silhouette. You can choose a traditional sofa, but in an unexpected and modern color.

Photos hang incorrectly

The ideal height is 153 cm from floor level to the center of the image. If you have too many photos, then a gallery on the wall is a great solution, rather than photo frames placed in all corners.

Oversized furniture

The most common mistake is to force the room with furniture that does not fit in size, especially sofas. This makes the room seem even smaller. If you have a large living room, then you can afford a roomy corner sofa. For small living rooms, a double sofa and a couple of armchairs will be preferable.

You neglect the functionality of the living room

If you have a rectangular room, then you can adjust it with a closet or shelving, since the square shape of the room is the most advantageous and it is easier to maintain balance in such a room.

Several options for zoning:

  • Living room and bedroom - the bedroom will always be closer to the window, since by definition the sleeping place should be away from the entrance.
  • Living room and kitchen - the placement of both zones is strictly according to your taste, although it is preferable to place the kitchen near the window so that the hostess is comfortable and light enough to cook food.
  • The living room and dining room are two full-fledged units that should have enough space and space in the conditions of one room.
  • Living room and office - an office can occupy a very small corner, the main thing is to install an additional light source.

The center of the room is not marked

The living room needs a bright accent. The center can be a fireplace, a picture, a mirror, photo wallpaper - everything that the eye clings to. You can also make a relaxation area a focal point, highlighting it with contrasting colors, prints or mixing complex tones.

The problem of empty corners is an eternal challenge for the owner of every home. And it doesn’t matter if it’s tiny or big, sooner or later you will think to occupy it with something - beautiful or functional. In this guide, you will learn 20 ways to use the corner of the living room to the maximum benefit for you and harmony for the interior.

We offer to look at empty corners in a new way. Experienced designers advise you to start by answering the most important question: what do you want to change in the living room. Those. be puzzled by the use of corners, not because they are empty (problem), but in order to improve the interior (opportunity). And the tool for this will be small free areas of the floor.

For clarity, we have collected 80 photos of the design of the corner in the living room. Get inspired and let the finds be successful!

After analyzing a lot of options, we found that all ideas on this topic can be divided into two large categories (according to the tasks that you solve): (1) decor or (2) practicality. Of course, they can unite, but still one of the goals will be more important.

At the moment when you answer the question about the desired interior changes, you automatically determine:

  • do you want to make it more beautiful (more spectacular, add a touch of originality, etc.)
  • find a more practical way to use the area of ​​​​the living room, including its reserves.

If decor is more important, see the first section (out of 7 ways).

If you prefer a rational approach, there are 4 more detailed sections for you (storage, creation of small additional zones, corner arrangement of furniture, fireplace, TV, etc.).


corners in the living room - 7 tricks of beautiful decor

Some of these ideas require a very small space and will not affect the original arrangement of the furniture. To implement others, you may need to acquire some new decor elements or make a small rearrangement.

1. Large indoor plants.

Tall plants with large leaves are appropriate in any room, regardless of style and size. Put a ficus, a small palm tree or anything else in that very uncomfortable empty corner - and immediately feel how it became easier to breathe. And if your house has architectural delights like columns, which already exacerbate empty corners, the plant will balance them.

2. Beautiful screen.

Why is she good? The one that won't get lost in a corner, like a painting, for example. The screen will turn the corner of the living room into a highlight of the interior. The taller and richer the decor, the more it will attract attention.

For greater effect, frame them with a contrasting color or decorative panels, add a backlight. Put your favorite books or cute things in the niche.

4. Large art object.

Just do not rush to object that you do not have money for such a luxury. This decor does not have to be expensive, fashionable or defiant. As an art object, any large object that you like is suitable.

It can be an unusual installation of bare branches, as in this eco-style interior. Or - a large vase on the bedside table. Or maybe you like a collection of vintage suitcases or an antique mirror in the corner?

5. Pridivanny table with a table lamp.

If you already have one, simply add a dramatic table lamp (interesting in color, texture, or shape). This decorative element has a practical use - it is convenient to read or communicate in a private setting.

And a positive visual effect is also added - the illuminated corners are perceived as more comfortable, while the room seems larger.

6. Spectacular floor lamp.

It perfectly illuminates the middle of the living room if it has a fashionable modern shape (curved base + very large lampshade). Or replaces a table lamp (more traditional forms of floor lamps).

At the same time, a high spectacular decor appears in the corners. So, as in the previous method, you get two effects at once - decorative and practical.

7. Console table and mirror.

If a console table or a beautiful chest of drawers is planned in the corner, hang a mirror above it. It will turn out a very elegant element, especially relevant in a classic interior.

In addition, the mirror surface will add light and volume (practical role).


additional area in the corner of the living room - 4 options

The essence of the idea:

furniture and design is selected depending on what you need - the opportunity to work, private communication or a corner for personal relaxation.

Reading corner.

It will fit even in the smallest room. A comfortable chair and a lamp (wall sconce or floor lamp) are enough. If desired (and enough space) - a bedside table or a miniature bookcase.

Workplace in the corner of the living room.

In your house there is no place for a full-fledged office, but in the living room there is a large enough empty corner? The perfect place for a home office!

To maximize the use of precious space, hang corner shelves on the walls or choose a corner desktop.

Interested in an idea? We know, find out and you - in our guide on this topic.

A corner for private communication.

A couple of armchairs, a coffee or card table, a little decor - and voila, a hospitable corner is ready!

If the living room is large, this trick will help hide empty corners. If the area is modest, you will win an additional place for gatherings with your soulmate or friend.

Tea corner or minibar.

In the large living room, you can create an additional, very comfortable corner for a small meal, evening tea or a conversation over a cocktail. The difference from the previous version is in the height of the table (or rack, if we are talking about a small home bar).

The "gentleman's set", in addition to the table, may include a pair of chairs or a corner sofa. Even if you already have a full-fledged dining room, you can always add such a corner for a cozy conversation over your favorite drink.


large interior elements

Here we will look at the 2 most popular options.

TV in the corner of the living room.

Sometimes this location of the TV is the most convenient. It is enough just to purchase a corner cabinet for equipment.

Beating such a zone with decor is not at all easy. However, if you look for eye-catching furniture to frame your TV, this can be a very good move.

Another reason to use this solution is the problematic combination of a modern plasma screen and a traditional style (anything from classic and country to ethnic and colonial).

Fireplace in the corner of the living room.

Usually, the hearth turns into a focal point of the living room, and it is placed in the most conspicuous place. But it is more appropriate with large classic fireplaces, beautiful in their scale. And for a corner (for example, near the window), their younger brother, a mini-fireplace (usually gas), is quite suitable.

It smoothes the corner, and at the same time attracts attention - with light, warmth and comfort. By the way, this solution is ideal for those who really want a fireplace, but cannot make it the center of the living room (for example, if the room is small or performs several functions at once).

A beautiful finish is not canceled and depends on your imagination (or the type of model purchased in the salon).

By the way, corner fireplaces are more expensive than standard ones. Therefore, it may be sufficient to simply rotate the normal model at an angle to both adjoining walls. If at the same time you are confused by the free space formed in the corner, order a corner mantel-top and attach it instead of the standard one.


corner cabinets and shelves

Storage issues in the living room can become a problem (if the room is small) or worry the owners only in connection with the problem of empty corners. Therefore, in this section, we have included 3 completely different ways to solve these problems using angles.

Corner home library.

Do you have so many books that you no longer know where to store them? Or, conversely, is there no room at all for your few chosen volumes? The bookcase (racks) in the corner will save you. And compact, and beautiful, if in harmony with the rest of the situation.

Shelves for living room corners.

It is not necessary to specifically look for corner shelves - it is enough to combine ordinary ones into a beautiful and comfortable composition. However, if you turn on the fantasy, you can come up with more original options.

On such shelves you can place books, decor, photographs or small boxes for small things.


All you need is shelving or an open corner cabinet. And he will proudly demonstrate your "treasures". Especially good for fragile gizmos that you are afraid to put on hanging shelves.

June 13, 2017
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

How to finish the corners of the walls so that they turn out to be even, strong and beautiful? Previously, I was often interested in this question, but now, having gained experience, I myself will tell you how the corners are finished - the outer corners inside the building and outside. I am sure that this information will help beginners to cope with the task.

Finish options

The complexity of finishing the corners lies not only in the fact that they must be even. The fact is that these sections of the walls are often subjected to shock loads, so it is necessary to provide them with sufficient strength.

Currently, there are several ways to solve this problem. The choice of method depends on the type of wall decoration, which may be as follows:

Option 1: plastered or plasterboard walls

If the walls are plastered or sheathed with drywall, then special plaster corners are usually used to finish the corners. They are of two types:

  • Aluminum perforated. Used for finishing flat areas;

  • Arched. Made of plastic. Their main feature is increased flexibility, which allows them to be used for finishing curved surfaces;

The corners are glued with plaster or putty at the stage of rough wall finishing. In the process of their installation, be sure to use the level. This allows you to install them strictly vertically or horizontally.

I must say that this solution is used both for internal walls and for facades. But, most importantly, such decoration of the outer corners of the house allows not only to level them, but also to protect them from mechanical damage.


Keep in mind that all prices are current in spring 2017.

Option 2: trimmed with PVC clapboard

Recently, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) lining, which is simply called plastic panels, has been very popular. Most often this material is used in the following rooms:

  • bathrooms;
  • kitchens;
  • hallways.

If the walls are finished with plastic, the corners can be arranged in the following ways:

  • With the help of profiles. This is the easiest way, the essence of which is the use of corner profiles. They are installed on the level help crate, like plaster corners.

As a rule, profiles are fixed on the crate with a stapler. Then the panels are simply inserted into special grooves;

  • By bending the panels. To bend the plastic panel with your own hands, you need to cut along the fold line on its inner side. It is even advisable to cut a thin strip, as shown in the photo diagram above.

Before bending, it is advisable to heat the front side, for example, using a hairdryer.

Price. The price of guides for PVC panels starts from 25-30 rubles per 3 m (standard length).

Option 3: trimmed with wooden clapboard

Not so long ago, when decorating walls with clapboard for corner joints, the boards were cut and adjusted. At the same time, the remaining gaps were puttied. Nowadays, for the design of corners, you can purchase a special wooden corner.

You can fix it on the lining with the help of window studs. The only thing is that it is advisable to bite the nail heads so that they are invisible.

I must say that in this way it is possible to finish not only external, but also internal corner joints.

Price. The cost of wooden corners on average is about 50 rubles per linear meter.

Option 4: siding finished facade

Many beginners are interested in how to finish the corners of the house on the facade? As I said above, perforated plaster corners can be used for wet facades.

If the facade is sheathed with siding or other facade panels, special additional elements should be used, which are usually sold complete with panels.

Such corners perform several functions at once:

  • Provide fixation of panels;
  • Make out the joint of the panels;
  • Protect the ends of the panels from mechanical stress;
  • Serve as siding guides.

In fact, the installation of siding corners resembles the installation of guides for PVC lining. They are also mounted on the crate, but not with a stapler, but with self-tapping screws. In this case, the level must be used.

Option 5: wooden walls

At first glance, the design of the corners of a wooden house from the outside is not required, since they themselves look quite attractive and at the same time are quite durable. However, not everyone knows that the ends of lumber are areas that are the least resistant to moisture and decay.

To protect them, they use special sealants and impregnations for the corners of a wooden house.

Price. Below are the most popular compositions and their cost:

It is possible to use compositions for the ends of lumber not only outside, but also in a wooden house inside.

Option 6: wallpapered or finished with liquid materials

Above, I have already talked about the rough method of finishing plastered walls. Finally, consider how the decorative decoration of such walls is performed.

So, there are two most common ways to solve this problem:

  • decorative overlays. Finishing external corners in the apartment involves the installation of PVC or polyurethane corners.

These products can be made under a tree or even look like an expensive baguette. The latter are usually made of polyurethane. They look rich and are used in classic interiors;

  • decorative stone. In this case, the corners are pasted over with decorative stone, which can be made of gypsum, cement, or even natural stone.

I must say that in this way it can be used not only for internal walls, but also for the facade.

Installation instructions for decorative corners require the removal of the finish coating in the area where they adjoin the wall. This is especially true for heavy polyurethane overlays.

Price. Below is the cost of some materials for decorating corners:


Now you know what methods and materials are used to decorate the corners of the house from the outside and from the inside. Watch the video in this article for more. With all questions on this topic, you can contact me in the comments.

If after the repair and decoration of the living room there is an empty corner, then the room looks unfinished. Immediately there is an imbalance in the environment. Therefore, when the corners remain empty, it seems that something is missing. But at the same time, if the room is forced with a lot of furniture and objects, then the room can become heavy and oversaturated. Let's try to figure out how to avoid this and achieve the golden mean in the design of the corners of the living room interior.

Corner chair for living room

Corner furniture in the living room setting

How to arrange a corner in a room? This question torments many who have decided to change the interior of the hall. The most popular thing that comes to mind is to use corner furniture. Modern stores offer a wide range of products. Here are some common items that can be used in decorating a room:

  1. Modular corner sofa. This is the most rational way to take a corner in the room. It is best to choose the farthest place from the entrance for its placement. The sofa in the corner near the window will look original.
  2. Armchair. In the corner of the room, you can put a soft and cozy armchair with legs or a rocking chair. Throw a fluffy blanket over it, put a small coffee table and a floor lamp next to it. The corner will be cozy. Perfect for relaxing or reading a book.
  3. Console, coffee table. You can buy a small corner table. It will not take up much space and will decorate the room. You can put a vase of flowers, family photos, books and many other little things on it.
  4. Hanging shelf or rack. This is the perfect way to fill an empty corner, while also creating additional storage space for your belongings and accessories.
  5. Showcase. This is a beautiful and original piece of furniture that can become an accent in the room. Collectibles, expensive dishes or elite spirits are stored here.
  6. Wall-slide or cabinet. This is the most compact way to place furniture. In most cases, many living rooms cannot do without this item.
  7. Dresser. A corner chest of drawers can serve as a storage system for things or a TV stand. It can also be decorated with clocks or vases of flowers.
  8. Desktop. If the living room should have a working area, then the ideal place for it is the corner near the window. This will help save space and fill the void.
  9. Aquarium stand. This is the most colorful and original way to decorate an empty corner of a room. It will help bring the room to life.

Correct placement of the TV

The most important item in the interior of the living room is a TV or home theater. He is able to gather around him all the members of the family. Its convenient placement is a corner. It can be viewed from anywhere in the room. There are several ways to set up a TV:

  1. Hang on a special bracket. When choosing this element in the store, pay attention to the product that turns away from the wall. This is convenient, especially when you need to connect a memory card or an antenna.
  2. Place a corner cabinet.
  3. Place a corner chest of drawers.
  4. Embed the TV in a special niche made of drywall.
  5. Install the TV in the corner section of the wall.

Corner wardrobe in bright colors

Fireplace - the main element in the living room

You can decorate a corner in a spacious living room with a fireplace. This building will make the room warm, cozy and comfortable. A room in a country or village house will look especially aesthetically pleasing.

Corner hanging shelves in the interior of the living room

For the interior of a city apartment, a fireplace of the following types is ideal:

  • gas;
  • electric;
  • biofireplace.

The last option looks very original and realistic. Real flames and crackling logs will burn in it. But among the shortcomings, one can single out its expensive maintenance. The electric model will be cheaper. If there is no finance for any of these fireplaces, then you can make a fake fireplace with your own hands. The firebox of such a product is usually decorated with candles or LED lighting.

In the corner of the living room you can put a small coffee table and a potted plant

The top mantelpiece can be decorated with things that are valuable to you, for example:

  • family photos;
  • figurines;
  • hours;
  • candlesticks.

Living plants in large tall pots are placed in the corners of the room.

Decorative accessories in the corner of the living room

In addition to furniture and a fireplace, there are many ideas that can be used to decorate a corner in the living room. Each of these items will require you a little time to implement, while others, on the contrary, will take all your time and become unusual and interesting. You can choose from the following:

  1. Place a large and tall floor lamp in the corner of the room. Such a thing will always be fashionable and relevant. The lighting fixture can be matched to any style in the living room. You can choose a desktop model that can be placed on a bedside table or chest of drawers.
  2. Ceiling hanger. This is the most original method of decorating corners. Hang the original lamp on a long cord. It can also be wicker balls, wind music or flowers in pots. This method of decoration is rarely used, but you will get an unusual setting.
  3. Wall decoration. This is another way to decorate an empty corner in the living room. To do this, just hang a few posters or photos. Stick to all measures. Don't cover the entire wall.
  4. Houseplants. If you love flowers, then you will never have a question about how to decorate an empty corner in the room. Put a tall palm tree or other plant in a beautiful pot there.
  5. Floor vases. Its size directly depends on the dimensions of the room. For example, the larger the room, the taller and thicker the vase can be. You can create a whole composition in the corner of vases of various sizes, but similar in design. But this technique is used when one vase looks lonely. When choosing them, pay attention to the height. It should be at least 40 cm.
  6. Basket with dried flowers. You can replace it with a transparent and plump vessel, which contains sea shells or river pebbles.

There are actually many options for putting a room in a corner. It all depends on your taste preferences and creative fantasies. Some try to make an empty corner the main focus in the room and put bright upholstered furniture there. Some do the opposite. They fence off the corner with a screen and hide an ironing board or a vacuum cleaner behind it. It is up to you to choose, the main thing is not to disturb the harmony and balance in the living room.

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Today we will give you some tips on how and what to fill the empty corners of your home.

One of the biggest challenges in creating a design is integrating the corners of the room into the overall concept. In this article, we will consider several ideas for solving the problem.

Use of shelves

Several shelves placed in one of the corners of the room, in addition to their functional purpose, will visually "smooth" the corner.


If space and overall design allows, then placing a desk there will be a great corner filling.

Corner - a place to read

A cozy reading nook can be made in the corner of the room by placing a large pouffe or pillows there. It remains only to put a convenient lamp with adjustable luminous flux.

TV cabinet placement

Beneficial use of the angle - the TV will be visible from almost anywhere in the room.


Convenient placement of the fireplace without using the usable area.


The combination of corner and traditional shelves is the perfect solution for a large library.

corner sofa

This option for filling an empty corner is especially good for a living room. You just need to choose a sofa of suitable sizes and colors.

cabinet area

By placing a corner cabinet, you can turn the corner into an office area. And place the necessary items for work in the closet or use it as a showcase for beautiful decor details.


In the corner of the children's room, it would be very appropriate to place a tent. This is an ideal place to play without occupying usable space.

Cloth decoration

In the nursery, you can simply decorate the corner like a theater curtain. This will be a place for the use of children's fantasies: a stage, a fitting room, a house. Children will love the unusual play corner.

Placing the TV stand

Very simple and practical use of an empty corner.

large ornamental plant

The corner is an ideal place to place a large plant, it does not take up extra space and serves as a wonderful decoration for any room.

Double headboard by the bed

If the bed in the bedroom is in a corner, then a very practical and beautiful solution would be to make a double headboard at its headboard, both parts of which will be symmetrically located on the sides of the corner.

Unusual large lamp

An oversized lamp will look very good and stylish in the corner of the room. This is an additional source of light and a beautiful element of decor.

art gallery

An elegant solution to filling an empty corner would be to place beautiful paintings or posters on its walls.

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