What happens if you drink cat urine. How to get rid of the smell of cat urine: tips for cat owners. What are the benefits of a cat for humans

It is unlikely that anyone would like to enter the apartment, right from the threshold to feel the smell of cat urine. Among those who have ever encountered this problem, there is an opinion that such a “flavor” can only be got rid of together with the cat and the object spoiled by it. As if cat urine is stronger than the urine of all other animals combined.

In fact, of course, this is not the case. This substance in its composition is no different from similar waste products of other mammals. Another thing is that cats are one of the most common pets, which means that there are much more victims of their “sloppiness”.

Unfortunately, not all owners understand the extent of their own responsibility to the pet. Before bringing a kitten into the house, you need to carefully consider the conditions for its maintenance and provide it with everything necessary. Then the physiological processes of the animal will not cause concern.

Why does a cat refuse a tray?

Even a well-bred and clean pet can “suddenly” turn out to be “sloppy” and do their business in the wrong place. To prevent this from happening again, it is necessary to find out the reasons for such a sudden “failure”. There may be several.

    Maybe something happened to her tray. For example, he no longer fit her in size. When the toilet, which was happily used by a small kitten, becomes cramped, the cat may refuse it. Ideally, when the length of the tray is one and a half times the length of the cat's body.

    If everything is in order with this, take a closer look, is it in a convenient place? Maybe your children have grown up and now do not allow the cat to calmly do its business, pulling and distracting it from the process? Or maybe another pet has appeared in the house who uses her tray? Please note that not all cats allow this.

    Finally, ask yourself - do you clean cat litter well? Its processing with detergents should take place at least once a day, then both you and your pet will be satisfied.

    The second most common reason is the appearance of unfamiliar objects in the house. For example, a cat may not like your friend's sneakers, who looked at you for a glass of tea. And while you are discussing with him the latest news from the football fields, the cat will decide to show who is the boss in the house. To avoid having to blush in front of a friend later, hide your shoes away. Just in case.

    Very often, in a state of stress or anxiety, a cat can “forget” about its litter box. For example, if the owner left for a long time. That is why a well-mannered cat, which has never “missed” in its life, for no reason, for no reason, shits on the bed. Or a child has appeared in the house and the owners do not pay attention to her at all. Or maybe stress in a cat is caused by tension and constant conflicts in the family. In this respect, cats are no different from children. They are also jealous and worried.

    Take a closer look at the cat: if she is at a respectable age and wants to make "kaku" right in front of you, she may just be sick. In this case, she will go to the toilet more often than usual, while as if “complaining” with you about something. Most likely, the veterinarian will ask you to collect urine and take it for analysis.

    Finally, an unneutered cat or an unneutered cat may simply mark its territory, attracting individuals of the opposite sex. In this case, the animal will not make large puddles, being content with only tiny wet spots. But do not flatter yourself, the smell from them will be much more persistent than from simple puddles, because such “marks” contain a specific odorous secret.

    Neutering the cat or neutering the cat will help get rid of this problem. Only they need to be done in a timely manner so that such a designation of the territory does not become a habit. If you do not want this, then let the animal go outside. Most likely, he will leave his marks there.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?

So, the cause is found, now it remains only to eliminate the consequences. Unfortunately or fortunately, there are really a lot of folk ways. Some of them are quite effective, while others are questionable. In order not to have to rush to extremes or regret the damaged thing, it is better to first find out what cat urine consists of and how to eliminate all its components.

Composition of cat urine:

  1. Urea It is a sticky substance that dissolves well in water.
  2. Urochrome- imparts color to the liquid.
  3. Uric acid- the most persistent part of urine. These are hard to see crystals that do not have color. They do not dissolve in water or alcohol, but they are well eliminated with the help of glycerin, alkali solutions and hot sulfuric acid.

Urea and urochlom can be easily removed with warm water and common detergents. But uric acid crystals often go unnoticed. They are just waiting in the wings to remind you of an unpleasant smell. Uric acid is activated after exposure to moisture: water, sweat, or repeated contact with urine. For this reason, the cat's favorite places “smell” more and more over time.

Really good home remedies include potassium permanganate, an aqueous solution of vinegar (1 to 4), lemon juice, iodine (10 to 20 drops of iodine are added to a liter of water) and hydrogen peroxide. These are quite strong oxidizing agents, so it is better to check their action on some inconspicuous area of ​​​​the object being processed.

Fresh puddles are well eliminated with alcohol, water, tea leaves and laundry soap (it contains glycerin). In this case, it is advisable to immediately remove as much urine as possible with paper napkins or an unnecessary rag. The less liquid remains, the easier it is to eliminate.

But different flavors should not be used - they will not eliminate the cause of the smell, which means they will not help much.

professional tools

Fortunately, there are many products on the market to neutralize animal odors. Moreover, both imported and domestic manufacturers have tried here. When buying, you should pay attention to the presence in their composition of enzymes that remove uric acid crystals. In addition, products for the care of various surfaces are produced. The main thing is to follow the instructions on the label and not overdo it: the effect of some drugs appears only after a couple of days.

Finally, you can find old "gifts" from a cat using a special Wood's lamp, the light of which causes urine stains to glow.

As you can see, eliminating the specific "cat" smell is not at all such a difficult task. The main thing is to take care of your pet, keep its tray clean and remove "fragrant" stains in time. And, of course, you need to love your cat, try to understand the reasons for her behavior, as well as her main problems and needs.

People usually catch T. gondii disease in two ways: by eating undercooked meat from infected animals or by contact with cat feces.

Some studies have shown that psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, depression and anxiety are more common in people with toxoplasmosis, while others suggest that the disease may affect a person's level of aggression, extroversion, say researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.

In this new study, a laboratory experiment conducted by researchers found that human dendritic cells, which are an important part of the immune system, began to release the signaling chemical GABA after being infected with toxoplasmosis.

GABA suppresses feelings of fear and anxiety. Disorders of the GABA system are found in people with depression, schizophrenia, bipolar illness, anxiety syndrome, and other psychiatric disorders.

Although studies have found a link between the system's immune response to gondii toxoplasmosis and a mental health problem, this does not prove a causal relationship.

The characteristic pungent smell of cat urine is considered an indispensable attribute of a pet lover's apartment. However, this scourge can and must be fought. At the same time, it is important to distinguish between ordinary urine (when a cat just goes to the toilet past the tray) and odorous "secret" (a special substance that male cats mark territory with). If it is relatively easy to remove the stench of urine even after a few days or weeks, then the cat's "marks" eventually eat deeply into the surface and become only "vigorous", so it is important to remove them as quickly as possible.

Why does cat urine smell so good? Because it contains uric acid, which does not dissolve in water, which means that urine cannot be washed off with an ordinary damp cloth. When dry, the substance crystallizes and almost does not smell, but with the slightest increase in humidity or temperature, it again makes itself felt (in stuffy rooms it “smells like cats” especially strongly). To effectively combat scourge, oxidizing agents are required - agents that break down acid.

Helpful Hints:

  • in no case do not try to drown out the unpleasant smell in the apartment with the help of perfume or air freshener - the resulting “blend” will turn out to be a hundred times more disgusting than the original caustic, but still at least natural amber.
  • do not use chlorine: chlorine will quickly remove the smell of urine, but will leave its own, and it remains to be seen which is worse. In addition, breathing chlorine vapor is harmful to both humans and animals.
  • don't forget that cats have a much more sensitive sense of smell than humans - even if the smell seems to be completely eliminated, there may still be clear signs of "misuse" of a sofa or carpet for a pet. For an animal, this is a sure sign - the toilet is here! If the cleaning is not thorough enough, the cat will definitely update the removed spot, and more than once;
  • before using the selected product, check its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing, floor or furniture, if after 10-15 minutes the fabric or surface has not changed color, then you can proceed to the treatment of the problem area.

Proven remedies for cat urine odor

There are many specialized products sold in pet stores. Both the prices and the effectiveness of these formulations vary greatly, so we do not undertake to advise anything here. But there are several time-tested home recipes that will quickly remove the smell of cat urine with improvised means available in every home.

Generic Methods

  1. Homemade lemonade (juice of one lemon per glass of water). From all sides, an excellent tool: it does not spoil the treated surface, effectively breaks down and removes urine, leaves a pleasant citrus aroma.
  2. Acetic solution (proportion with water 1: 3, ordinary table vinegar 9% is required). It is especially effective to spray the affected surfaces with a spray bottle.
  3. Iodine (10-20 drops per liter of water). Such a composition is also painted, but removing stains from iodine is as easy as shelling pears: heat the fabric (for example, with a hairdryer), and the pollution will “disappear” by itself.
  4. Vodka or ethyl alcohol diluted to 40%. Soak a cotton pad in it and thoroughly wipe the “defiled” place. True, after that you will have to think about how to weather the alcohol aroma from the house.
  5. Soapy water (the cheapest unscented laundry soap works best, as it is made from glycerin).

For hard surfaces (floors)

  1. A solution of potassium permanganate (by eye, you should get a liquid of saturated red color). This product does not leave an unpleasant odor behind, but it can stain fabrics, so it is better not to use it on sofas, carpets, curtains and clothes.
  2. A complex complex method: cover the odorous stain with baking soda, fill it with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide and leave it like that overnight. In the morning, just wash everything off with warm water and the smell will go away.

For upholstered furniture

  1. First, soak the urine with napkins, wipe the stain with vinegar solution (1 part 9% table vinegar to 3 parts water), then blot well with paper towels, sprinkle with soda and spray on top with a spray bottle with a special home-made product (hydrogen peroxide with water in a ratio of 1: 2 plus a few drops of dishwashing liquid). Wait until the process of uric acid breakdown is over (that is, the pungent smell of ammonia disappears), collect the remaining soda with a vacuum cleaner and dry the stain with a hair dryer. Ready!
  2. If traces of your cat's dirty tricks have penetrated deep into the sofa, inject the furniture with a soda solution (1 tablespoon per 0.5 l of warm water), and then inject a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (in pure form or 1: 1 with water) there with a small addition of dishwashing liquid (10 ml). Do not be alarmed by the distinct ammonia smell - it indicates that uric acid is successfully decomposing and weathering. If at the same time the stain itself was not removed from above, but you are only struggling with the ingrained smell (for example, you got rid of the stain earlier), you don’t need to wash anything off, just dry it and vacuum it.

For shoes

  1. If the urine is very fresh, you literally caught the cat “hot” - immediately rinse the shoes with cold water and rub the affected area with vodka (40% ethyl alcohol solution) or lemon juice, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and in general any agent suitable for treating carpets and fabrics ( see above).
  2. It is very difficult to remove the old smell of cat urine from shoes, here it is better to use store-bought products, otherwise the “aroma” will remain in your favorite shoes or sneakers forever. You can find such compounds in pet stores, ask the seller to choose the most effective option.

All of the above methods will help get rid of cat urine, but for odorous "marks" of males, a more serious remedy is required - a chemical composition with enzymes and (or) enzymes. It is impossible to make such a drug at home, you can only buy it. Do not expect a quick effect - such substances do not act quickly, sometimes the result is noticeable only after a couple of days, but yellow spots will disappear along with the smell, which often have to be removed separately.

Prevention of the appearance of cat urine in the house

All measures are reduced to the proper upbringing and care of the pet:

  1. From childhood, teach the kitten to the tray;
  2. If this is a cat, and not a cat, castrate it (most often, male owners decide on this operation precisely because of the unpleasant smell, and not at all because of unwanted offspring from neighboring cats);
  3. Do not offend or annoy the cat (often animals deliberately “revenge” or walk past the tray due to stress);
  4. Arrange a cat litter box in a secluded and convenient place (our pets can be trivially shy about doing their business in front of everyone, so they hide in the corners for this purpose).
  5. Change the filler in the tray regularly.
  6. Check your pet periodically with a veterinarian for kidney disease and infections.
  7. To discourage your cat from marking plants, place orange peels or pine cones in flower pots.

If a cat lives in your house, then you know this smell very well. The fact is that in addition to unpleasant sensations, cat urine harms our body. But this only happens if you do not clean the cat tray and the like for a long time. In this article I will try to show all the possible consequences.

Causes of Bad Smell

Ammonia is the main cause of bad breath. In the urine of a person, cats, dogs - everywhere contains ammonia, approximately 0.05%. In cleaning products, its content ranges from 5 to 10%. Since the cat does not consume much water, the urine is very concentrated and yellow or amber in color. The more often you clean the tray, the better. But never choose cleaning products that are high in ammonia.

Toxoplasmosis and pregnancy

A short stay in a room with a low concentration of ammonia is practically harmless. However, as time goes on, this gas affects your body more. 0.00005 mg/l is quite safe, and 0.0001 mg/l causes severe irritation of mucous membranes. At higher concentrations - cough, runny nose, pulmonary edema. At a concentration of about 25%, burns of the skin and mucous membranes are observed, but such a concentration of ammonia in the urine is practically impossible. If a person gets used to the smell of ammonia, he can harm himself without noticing a strong concentration. For example, this can lead to a respiratory disease such as asthma. This is especially true for children living in an apartment.

Getting rid of the smell of cat urine

First, if possible, clean the tray daily. If you have multiple cats in your home, make sure there are enough litter boxes for everyone - each pet should have its own "toilet". Stubborn odors can be removed using soap. You will not only save your health, but also prevent the cat from trying to "shit elsewhere."

But recently, a special category of products has appeared on the shelves of pet stores, namely sprays to neutralize unpleasant odors, especially urine. This greatly simplifies the task of the owner of the cats, because. the use of sprays gives an effective and reliable result, and takes less time, effort than using soap, vinegar, etc. I suggest you read a brief overview of these tools.

Cat urine odor removers


The spray has a pleasant smell of fir, which does not spread far around the apartment. In addition to neutralizing odors, it acts as a stain remover. This product is perfect for cat owners, because it does not remove marks left by cats. It does not have a deterrent effect on pets.

This spray is not so easy to find in pet markets. Therefore, I advise you to look for it in online stores.

2. Mr. Fresh 3in1 Cat Eliminator

It has a strong smell of citrus and alcohol. Works on all types of unpleasant "aromas": from urine and feces to marks of cats and vomit. Despite the fact that the smell of the spray is quite strong, it quickly disappears. Therefore, it is necessary to process the necessary areas regularly, which is why the product is quickly consumed. By the way, the smell will scare away animals from the treated area.

  • high temperature;
  • fatigue;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.


Nematodes(Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati): Infection with roundworms occurs through their eggs. The incubation period for eggs in the ground at the site of the animal's feces lasts several weeks.

If a child plays in this place and puts dirty hands in his mouth, he swallows the eggs and becomes infected with worms. Therefore, most often small children aged from one to three years suffer from round worms. This disease rarely leads to serious consequences. Usually it proceeds quietly and is hardly noticeable in adults. Children become infected with worms more often, so they face big problems. Once in the body of a child, helminths move through the tissues and cause disorders, in particular an increase in the liver and fever. These symptoms may appear throughout the year. In some children, the larvae enter the eye and cause inflammation. This is very dangerous, as surgeons are known to mistakenly associate such an eye lesion with early cancer and remove the eye. In addition, studies show that some children develop allergies to helminths in the body, further complicating the disease.

Leptospirosis: Infection with this serious disease occurs through contact with water contaminated with animal urine. Many animals, especially rats, can be carriers of leptospirosis. Pets get leptospirosis by drinking contaminated water (or licking it off their fur) or eating food rats have urinated on. In humans, the symptoms of leptospirosis are flu-like. These include high fever, headache, chills, fatigue, vomiting, and muscle pain. In addition, the eyes, membranes of the brain and spinal cord become inflamed. In some cases, the liver and kidneys are affected. This condition can lead to death. The disease is severe for two or three weeks.

Tapeworms(Dipylidium caninum): Tapeworms are another type of helminth that do not infect humans with their eggs. First, they enter the body of the animal, settle in the muscle tissue and enter the human body after he eats infected meat. Pets become infected with tapeworms by biting and swallowing fleas or eating ground squirrels, carriers of the infectious form. Children can become infected by ingesting fleas after running their nose over a pet's fur, or when a pet licks them with a tongue that has chewed flea residue on them. Infection of humans with this type of tapeworm is infrequent, compared with other types that enter the human body through the consumption of infected beef or pork that has not undergone sufficient heat treatment.

Toxoplasmosis: many people are exposed to the disease in daily life and develop natural immunity to it. Very rare cases of death in adults from toxoplasmosis. It usually causes congenital malformations in children born to mothers infected during pregnancy. The source of infection may be contact with the feces of an infected cat or contaminated soil. Infection with toxoplasmosis also occurs due to the consumption of raw or uncooked (undercooked) meat. Since the fetus of a pregnant woman is easily susceptible to infections, this problem is discussed in detail in the section “Toxoplasmosis” on page 451. Prevention of diseases transmitted through feces and urine In addition to cleaning and disposing of pet feces, all family members should strictly adhere to the following safety measures:

  • Wash hands after contact with the ground where the animal went to the toilet.
  • Do not walk barefoot in those areas where the animal went to the toilet, especially in the warm season, when hookworms thrive.
  • Remind children to wash their hands before eating and to keep their hands out of their mouths while playing with animals or in potentially contaminated areas.
  • If the dog has bathed or wandered through the dirty water on the shore of a pond or small body of water, which may contain causative agents of leptospirosis, carefully bathe it at home in the bathroom.


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The smell of cat urine: a solution to the problem

Cat urine has a very pungent and unpleasant odor due to its high ammonia content. However, trays with modern fillers are able to capture the smell well, so in most cases, the owners of furry pets only need to change the filler in a timely manner. However, even the most disciplined cats fail. The reason may be the offense of the animal, a dirty toilet, or an inadvertently closed door to the room where the tray is located.

Many tend to believe that smell of cat urine- this is a plague that cannot be eliminated in any way, believing that this substance in its odor is many times greater than the urine of any other animals. This myth can be easily dispelled by a glance at the chemical makeup of cat urine. It does not differ significantly from the composition of the urine of most mammals. The question arises, why then such a violent public reaction, so many opinions, negative reviews about cats because of the "incense" allegedly inherent in them.

First, the cat is one of the most common pets. Accordingly, a lot of people allow themselves to build the statements of an “experienced cat lover”. It is also possible that due to the prevailing national traditions and ideas about a cat that “walks by itself”, even modern owners living in comfortable apartments and townhouses do not consider themselves obliged to provide proper care for the animal. The problem of the disgusting smell of cat urine in the house actually arises only because of the negligent attitude towards cleaning and processing the cat's places. Poor cleaning of urine stains leaves room for bacteria to thrive, and as a result, the odor intensifies over time. And if there are a lot of such spots ... You are guaranteed a special spirit!

Before proceeding directly to a detailed review of ways to eliminate the unpleasant smell of cat urine, let's turn to the reasons forcing the animal to defecate in unintended places. Understanding the psychology of your cat or cat and eliminating negative factors will help to avoid many problems in the future.

Veterinarians and zoopsychologists all main reasons why cats refuse to use the litter box reduced to the following:

Perhaps the tray is simply not the right size for the animal. The length of the tray should be at least one and a half times the length of the cat, and it should be in a secluded place. Cats, like people, like to fulfill their physiological needs in a calm atmosphere. Some particularly demanding individuals also do not like to share their tray with other members of their kind. And, finally, the most common phenomenon is dishonestly washed tray. Do not forget that cats are clean animals and their sense of smell is several times better than ours. Thorough cleaning of the tray with detergents, preferably daily, in most cases helps both the cat and the owner to feel good.

New unfamiliar objects and smells (for example, baby sheets or guest shoes) are perceived by cats as an encroachment on their own territory.

Then the pet is simply obliged to remind that he is the "king" in the house. This reason is easily detected, since the animal urinates just on foreign objects.

Some felines are very emotionally sensitive. They do not tolerate resentment, long absences of the owner, physical punishment, and simply changes in the family routine. This type of problem requires a special approach, sometimes even the participation of animal psychologists. It is not possible to normalize relations with an animal immediately, it takes time and patience. It is important not to rush to extremes - from passionate love for a pet to hatred from the smell of cat urine in the house. Most of all, cats value an even and stable attitude towards them.

Urinating in the wrong place can be a sign of a cat's illness, especially if it is of advanced age. In this situation, you will notice more frequent urination, as well as the desire of the cat to defecate in front of you or in your presence. The veterinarian will definitely ask you to bring cat urine tests, so you can immediately collect them and go to the veterinary clinic.

Territory marking or splashing is not urination in the truest sense of the word. The animal only slightly sprays urine in different places, and does not make a puddle. Such behavior is aimed at both attracting individuals of the opposite sex during the "walk" and the manifestation of dominance, reinforcing one's own position. To a greater extent, unneutered cats and unsterilized cats are prone to marks. The smell of cat marks is much stronger than the usual smell of cat urine due to the content of a specific odorous secret in it.

There are several ways to solve this problem. The most common method is neutering a cat or spaying a cat. It is very important to have the operation on time, because if there is sexual experience or conflicts with other cats before the operation, the animal may remain in the habit of defending its territory in this way. You can also slightly expand the boundaries of the cat's territory, allowing him to leave the house. Then in most cases the cat will leave marks outside the apartment. Finally, a somewhat unconventional way is to establish your own dominance over the cat. Experienced cat breeders sometimes prefer to communicate with cats in their language. You can show the cat who is the boss in the house by lifting him by the scruff of the neck at the crime scene and keeping him in that position, keeping an eye on him until the final victory. The one who first averts their eyes loses. The cat's plaintive squeak after a menacing hiss symbolizes his recognition of his own defeat. To strengthen your position, it is recommended in the presence of the defeated to wipe the mark with your thing, preferably with the smell of sweat. The method is peculiar and controversial, but is gaining more and more popularity among cat lovers.

Regardless of the reason why a cat leaves urine in the wrong places, the strong and pungent smell of cat urine requires immediate removal, which, although a difficult task for the cat owner, is still quite achievable.

Which method is most effective for cleaning cat urine depends on a number of factors, such as the type of surface the stain is on and how long it has been undetected. If the puddle is fresh, the first thing to do is take paper towels and try to absorb as much of the liquid as possible. The less urine remains on the carpet, sofa, linoleum, the easier it will be to remove the smell completely.

To understand how you can get rid of the smell of cat urine, knowing its composition will help.

3 main constituents of urine:

- urea ( sticky part, soluble in water);
- urochrome (derivative of bile pigments, color part);
- uric acid (colorless crystals, poorly soluble in water and ethanol, soluble in alkali solutions, hot sulfuric acid and glycerin).

Many products work on the first two parts mentioned above, removing the color and some of the smell. Uric acid crystals often simply dry out and become invisible. When they are again exposed to moisture, sweat or again urine, the smell returns. That is why, in “well-washed” shoes, the smell of cat urine returns after the first wear. And places that have been repeatedly marked by a pet smell sharper due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals in them.

It should be said that home remedies are not always effective in use and require certain physical costs, but often attract people with their economic benefits.

Having visited numerous forums on the Internet, you will find a lot of fantastic folk recipes, one of which is given below.

Most unwanted way to combat the smell of cat urine is the use of chlorine-containing substances. Despite the fact that chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent and kills microorganisms well, one should not forget about its high toxicity. We can simply harm an animal that has a sharper sense of smell than we do. The use of ammonia, which is known to contain ammonia, as well as the urea of ​​cats, is highly questionable. The problem can only get worse, as in the case of applying a large amount of perfume products to the stain.

Much more effective in relation to the smell of cat urine are strong oxidizing agents, such as:

- potassium permanganate (also has a deodorizing effect, used in urology);
- vinegar (necessarily in aqueous solutions);
- lemon juice;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- iodine (solution per 1 liter of water 10-20 drops of iodine).

When the stain is fresh enough, the usual bactericidal agents will be effective: vodka, alcohol, laundry soap (also contains glycerin, which breaks down uric acid crystals), h ajnaya brew, concentrated soda solution, mouthwash.

The use of fragrances in itself is not a solution to the problem. Common cat urine odor removers such as freshly ground coffee, dried parsley, asterisk, aroma bath salt, aromatic oils of lemon, orange, tea tree, lime, etc. They just cover up the smell for a while.

Homemade recipes for getting rid of the smell of cat urine usually contain several of the above components and are experimentally created by housewives.
Here is an example of one of them:

1. Preparatory stage: remove urine. To do this, you can use rags or napkins - just blot the carpet until urine stops coming out of it. The more you remove urine mechanically, the better. You can put napkins on the stain and stand on it: the weight will help "squeeze" the urine out of the carpet. If the stain has already dried, then soak it with water and dry it in the same way.

5. Using a brush, rub the mixture into the stain and leave to dry completely.

6. Remove residue from the carpet with a clean sponge or vacuum cleaner. If necessary, repeat.

1. If you caught the cat "on the hot", immediately thoroughly wash the shoes with water and laundry soap, and then treat with alcohol (vodka) or glycerin. An old and stubborn mark cannot be removed in this way - the smell will appear from the heat and sweat of the feet.
2. As with carpet, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, a solution of vinegar or lemon juice.
3. Fabric shoes can be odor-free with a few thorough washes. It goes without saying that a hundred leather shoes simply will not survive such treatment, and not every fabric shoe will endure three or more washes ...
In general, if the situation is with expensive shoes, it is better not to save on good special products, since it is almost impossible to completely remove the smell of cat urine from shoes - it still returns during walking. Having treated the shoes from the smell, it is advisable to also treat them with an “anti-gadine” so that henceforth it would be disrespectful for the pet to defecate in your favorite shoes

The procedure for saving a sofa from "cat's puddles" by folk methods is practically no different from the carpet treatment described above. All the methods described will help minimize the unpleasant odor, but unfortunately they won’t be able to discourage the pet from a bad habit ... Remember that any method or remedy must first be tested in a little visible place so that you don’t have to carry your favorite furniture in a constriction or, what’s good, on trash can.

Today the market is oversaturated with products to neutralize animal odors. Unfortunately, not all of them prove their effectiveness in practice and often only mask the smell for a short time. The most recommended products on the market contain enzymes (or enzymes) that break down the uric salt crystals and completely neutralize the odor.

Among the products of Western manufacturers, the following means will be absolutely reliable in the fight against the smell of cat urine: "Urine Off", "Just for cats Stain&Odor Remover" by Nature's Miracle, "Pet Stain&Odor Remover" by Hartz, "Odor Kill & Stain Remover" by ATX, "Complete Pet Stain&Odor Remover" by 8 in1. The high quality of these drugs allows you to use many of them even on leather products. Do not forget only that the skin does not tolerate a large amount of moisture, so it is better to process it in several stages.

You can also try domestic products, paying attention to the presence of enzymes in the composition. Tools such as "DesoSan", "Bio-G" and "Zoosan" have long received laudatory reviews from cat breeders.

Specially designed for carpets and upholstered furniture "Pet Stain & Odor" from Kirby home care, Cleansan, Zoovorsin and other means.

When using professional products to remove the smell of cat urine, do not forget to follow the instructions, because due to the presence of enzymes, the effect of some drugs appears only after a few days.

All of the above tools are also suitable for processing a cat tray. In addition to them, you can use toilet deodorants, for example, from Bio-Wax.

Finally, if you want to be one hundred percent sure that even the slightest trace of cat urine is absent in your home, use a black light lamp (Woods lamp) to detect soiled areas, the ultraviolet light of which causes the metabolic products to glow. Urine, in particular, will glow yellowish. Such a lamp costs about 5000 rubles, but will serve you for many years.

As we can see, the arsenal of effective means of combating the smell of cat urine is simply huge.

Regular washing of the tray and timely processing of soiled places will completely save you from this problem. If you want your home to be fragrant as well, light an aroma lamp, spread floral fragrances around the house, or simply use electric air fresheners.


Doctors told who and why it is dangerous to start cats. Doctors do not recommend keeping these animals at home for the elderly, pregnant women and people who have weak immunity. True, there is no unity among doctors. There are other opinions about the danger of cats.

Experts attribute this to the fact that cats are often carriers of various kinds of diseases, explains VistaNews.

When toxoplasmosis enters the human body, it begins to create cysts and seals in the tissues that cannot be removed or destroyed. If a person becomes infected once, then he will not be able to recover completely. Pills can only muffle the symptoms.

In connection with this warning from colleagues in the pen, "NI" consider it their duty to remind people of other diseases common to humans and cats that can be picked up from an affectionate purr:

Infection occurs mainly through contact with infected soil, sand, food, animals and their feces. The larvae are small and sticky, so they easily stick to the cat's fur and its paws. Then the cat leaves them on the floor, the table, and also on the hands of a person. When swallowed, the larvae quickly penetrate into various internal organs - lungs, liver, brains, and even into the eyes - where they can live for several years.

In humans, infection is characterized by behavioral changes, headaches, seizures, abdominal pain, rash, fever, enlargement of the spleen and liver, and sometimes visual disturbances or epilepsy. Treatment is difficult and lengthy (lasts several months).

How to protect yourself from infection? It is important to regularly deworm cats, wash hands often, especially before eating, after contact with animals or after playing, especially after visiting the sandbox or playground.


The scabies mite is easily transferred from cats to humans, not only through direct contact, but also indirectly, for example, through clothing. In humans, the symptoms of scabies are a rash that itches a lot. A frequent complication of the disease is a fungus (the skin loses its "defensive" functions and cannot protect itself from fungi). In young children or allergy sufferers, the symptoms of scabies are fairly easy to confuse with an allergic reaction.

To avoid scabies infection, you should observe the cat's coat (for the first signs of baldness), as well as wash your hands often and wash clothes / underwear / bedding at a high temperature.

Zoonotic fungal infection has two forms:

  • superficial - characterized by the formation of limited oval changes on the scalp, both in cats and humans.
  • deep - there are tumors, purulent inflammation. Hair usually falls out spontaneously. General symptoms may also appear - fever or lymphocytosis.

Long-term treatment (oral drugs, vaccines, antiseptic baths). In order to prevent infection, it is necessary to regularly clean the apartment, wash the bed linen, clean the cat's bed and, above all, wash your hands often (always after playing with the cat).

cat scratch disease

Cat scratch disease (Bartonellosis) is caused by bacteria. Rochalimaea henseale that are transmitted through fleas. Infection occurs through a bite or scratch of a cat. Children often suffer from cat scratch disease. Animals do not have any symptoms of infection with this bacterium.

In humans, at first the disease is asymptomatic or with local symptoms (local redness of the scratch). In a few patients, after a few weeks, fever may appear, swollen lymph nodes, which can burst (then leakage of purulent contents occurs). Other symptoms of the disease: headaches, back pain, lower abdomen, fatigue.

To avoid bartonellosis infection, it is necessary to prevent infection of the cat and avoid situations in which the cat can bite or scratch. If it comes to a scratch, clean the damaged skin surface as soon as possible. hydrogen peroxide.

Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that in cats manifests itself as a runny nose: the animal often sneezes, mucous discharge flows from the eyes. The disease most often affects young cats, the first year of life, due to the underdevelopment of the immune system.

The main route of infection is contact with secretions from the conjunctival sac of a sick animal. In humans, as a rule, symptoms of the disease do not appear. Very rarely there are symptoms similar to those of gonorrhea. In men, abnormal discharge from the urethra can be noted.

Cats should be vaccinated annually to prevent disease.

Rabies is a deadly disease caused by a virus. Rabies virus(RABV). A person can become infected with it as a result of the bite of a sick animal. The incubation period lasts 2 months, during which immunization to the action of the virus is possible with the introduction of an antitoxin and a series of vaccines.

Dr. O.A. Eliseeva believes that toxoplasmosis is a threat not only to the person himself, but also jeopardizes natural population growth in Russia:

". As you know, toxoplasmosis is especially dangerous for the unborn child. The fetus in the mother's womb does not have its own immune system. Therefore, Toxoplasma, which has penetrated the placenta into the fetus, multiply rapidly and uncontrollably, causing extensive and often fatal brain damage. Working as an ophthalmologist and neuroradiologist, I saw many children with congenital toxoplasmosis with terrible complications: microcephaly, hydrocephalus, anizorbita, anophthalmos, encephalitis in combination with meningitis, cerebral arachnoiditis with such syndromes as diencephalic, epileptiform, vestibular-cerebellar, hypertensive ... "

America and Finland allocate billions of dollars for high-quality diagnostics of toxoplasmosis, treatment and care for children affected by toxoplasmosis. Cats are accustomed only to artificial nutrition, so they do not eat rats and mice - carriers of toxoplasmosis.

In Russia, the statistics of toxoplasmosis are clearly underestimated - 35%, and, apparently, there are no high-quality reagents in laboratories for research. These 35% of the incidence, apparently, do not bother doctors and, as a result, there is no alertness, and hence the memory of the disease - toxoplasmosis. In addition, domestic scientific literature highlights the conclusion that in the chronic stage, the stage of cyst formation, toxoplasmosis is not dangerous to human health, which means that it is not necessary to treat it and remember it.

In 1980, the production of diagnostic preparations for toxoplasmosis and scientific research by scientists were closed. Thus, not only the possibility of diagnosing and treating patients with toxoplasmosis in the country was closed, but the memory of this disease among doctors was also erased. Foreign scientists with bitter irony "congratulated" toxoplasmosis specialists on the elimination of toxoplasmosis in the USSR.

Commentary by Margarita Teplovoy, a veterinarian of the 1st category (37 years of clinical experience):

Yes, cats do carry Toxoplasma. The disease is asymptomatic. In order to exclude or confirm the presence of Toxoplasma, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study of feces and blood. Basically, Toxoplasma is localized in the intestine. The disease is treatable, which was known and practiced by doctors in the middle of the last century.

Yes, indeed, if people are infected with toxoplasmosis from a cat, and this is a married couple planning to have a child, it is necessary to check the parents and carry out appropriate treatment. Toxoplasma, indeed, can lead to miscarriage or the birth of a non-viable baby. Timely diagnosis and timely treatment reduces this risk to almost zero.

Toxocariasis affects not only cats, but also dogs. And to say that only cats are the carrier - it's not correct, it's not true.

In addition, anthelmintic drugs are sold against Toxocara in any pet stores and veterinary pharmacies, and their treatment is not difficult. Any responsible pet owner knows that once every three months, both a cat and a dog, and any other four-legged one, need to be dewormed. In addition, miniature pigs have been popular pets for many years. In their physiology, they are very close to humans. If feline toxocariasis and canine toxocariasis are not transmitted from cats and dogs to humans, then from

pigs, many types of helminths are transmitted to humans. Just like a roundworm cat is not dangerous to a person, but from a pig - the risk of infection is maximum.

Echinococcosis- a disease that occurs in the republics of Central Asia. Sheep are the main source of echinococcosis disease. Therefore, it is in regions with developed sheep breeding that the greatest spread of this disease is observed. If we take the European part of Russia - echinococcosis is extremely rare, it is not typical for our region. And if it occurs, then in sheep, and not in cats. In order for cats to become infected with echinococcosis, they must be purposefully fed with infected lungs and trachea of ​​a sick animal.

Before slaughter, any animal is examined by a veterinarian (clinical examination, temperature measurement), after slaughter, a full veterinary and sanitary examination of the carcass is carried out, and the state veterinary certificate is issued to the owner of the carcass. If the meat of the animal is intended for sale, then a repeated veterinary and sanitary examination is carried out at the place of sale. Thus, the ingestion of offal infected with echinococcosis is impossible. The infected carcass is disposed of. Therefore, it is simply ignorant to argue that cats can provoke human disease with echinococcosis.

Scabies It's not just cats that get sick. Scabies affects all types of mammals and birds. But, as a rule, it is an autoimmune disease. For example - notoedrosis, scabies with characteristic clinical signs. It is an autoimmune disease and manifests itself with a decrease in immunity caused by various reasons. The second disease - otodectosis - ear scabies - kittens become infected from their mother or being with reduced immunity in a group of infected animals. But neither notoedrosis nor otodectosis is transmitted to a person under any circumstances. Demodicosis - such a common disease rarely affects cats, often affects dogs. But it is also autoimmune.

For the information of the author of the article: all of us, people, are infected with demodicosis, but in most cases, we develop antibodies to this disease, and it does not manifest itself clinically. If a person has reduced immunity, he can be affected by demodicosis without having any contact with pets, in particular with cats. With appropriate therapy, scabies is curable in both animals and humans.

Most often, cats suffer from microsporia, and dogs suffer from trichophytosis. But dogs, including, can get microsporia. A person is sick with both types. Lichen, as the common people call fungal diseases, can easily be obtained in municipal transport or any other public place without having direct contact with infected animals. With the modern level of medicine, treatment is not difficult. If 50 years ago in the Soviet Union, an animal affected by ringworm was euthanized, today both four-legged and bipedal patients easily cope with the disease.

Veterinarians have daily contact with animals suffering from various diseases. According to the author of the article, the mortality or disability among veterinarians infected with patients would be one hundred percent.

Chlamydia infected in varying degrees, the entire population of the planet. All the many billions of people. By virtue of immunity, chlamydia may not manifest itself in any way. Currently, there are studies on toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and urioplasma (this is one study). When diagnosed, all of these diseases are curable. Dogs also suffer from these ailments, not just cats.

Rabies is a really serious problem. This is an anthropozoonotic disease. There are natural foci of rabies. The main carriers are warm-blooded animals - wolves, foxes, mice, hedgehogs, rats. Including cattle. In order for a person, or a cat, or a dog to become ill with rabies, it is necessary to have contact with a sick animal in the clinical manifestation stage. (The rabies virus is contained in saliva. Infection occurs when a sick animal bites a healthy animal or person, or when saliva gets on cracks, scratches, wounds on the skin)

From time immemorial, we have had an anti-rabies vaccine (rabies vaccine). Most pet owners vaccinate their pets annually, primarily to protect themselves. If a sick animal enters the settlement, quarantine is imposed on the entire territory, all animals are vaccinated again. The rabies virus in saliva appears ten days before clinical signs, therefore, in doubtful situations (stray animals), they must be quarantined for 10 days under the supervision of specialists. As follows from the above, cats cannot be a direct source of this truly incurable disease.

The assertion that cats are distributors and provocateurs of schizophrenia, depression, suicidal thoughts and oncological diseases is so absurd and wild that it does not deserve any comments at all. The earlier the child begins to communicate with animals, including cats, the more mentally stable and sociable he will grow.


If a cat lives in your house, then you know this smell very well. The fact is that in addition to unpleasant sensations, cat urine harms our body. But this only happens if you do not clean the cat tray and the like for a long time. In this article I will try to show all the possible consequences.

Ammonia is the main cause of bad breath. In the urine of a person, cats, dogs - everywhere contains ammonia, approximately 0.05%. In cleaning products, its content ranges from 5 to 10%. Since the cat does not consume much water, the urine is very concentrated and yellow or amber in color. The more often you clean the tray, the better. But never choose cleaning products that are high in ammonia.

A short stay in a room with a low concentration of ammonia is practically harmless. However, as time goes on, this gas affects your body more. 0.00005 mg/l is quite safe, and 0.0001 mg/l causes severe irritation of mucous membranes. At higher concentrations - cough, runny nose, pulmonary edema. At a concentration of about 25%, burns of the skin and mucous membranes are observed, but such a concentration of ammonia in the urine is practically impossible. If a person gets used to the smell of ammonia, he can harm himself without noticing a strong concentration. For example, this can lead to a respiratory disease such as asthma. This is especially true for children living in an apartment.

First, if possible, clean the tray daily. If you have multiple cats in your home, make sure there are enough litter boxes for everyone - each pet should have its own "toilet". Stubborn odors can be removed using soap. You will not only save your health, but also prevent the cat from trying to "shit elsewhere."

But recently, a special category of products has appeared on the shelves of pet stores, namely sprays to neutralize unpleasant odors, especially urine. This greatly simplifies the task of the owner of the cats, because. the use of sprays gives an effective and reliable result, and takes less time, effort than using soap, vinegar, etc. I suggest you read a brief overview of these tools.


The spray has a pleasant smell of fir, which does not spread far around the apartment. In addition to neutralizing odors, it acts as a stain remover. This product is perfect for cat owners, because it does not remove marks left by cats. It does not have a deterrent effect on pets.

This spray is not so easy to find in pet markets. Therefore, I advise you to look for it in online stores.

2. Mr. Fresh 3in1 Cat Eliminator

It has a strong smell of citrus and alcohol. Works on all types of unpleasant "aromas": from urine and feces to marks of cats and vomit. Despite the fact that the smell of the spray is quite strong, it quickly disappears. Therefore, it is necessary to process the necessary areas regularly, which is why the product is quickly consumed. By the way, the smell will scare away animals from the treated area.

If you are interested in this product, you can order it at a discounted price here.


Perhaps the main advantage of this product is that it is the cheapest spray on the pet market. The smell is unobtrusive and perfectly masks, remains for a long time, which allows you to use the product only 1-2 times. However, this spray is only applicable to remove the smell of urine and feces, it is better not to use this remedy against cat marks.


Cats are the most beloved pets for many. It is pleasant to play with them, they show affection and playfulness, they are funny and sensitive to the mood of the owner. To keep such an idyll in the house, you should take care of some things. This will help keep the household and the cat itself healthy. Why are cats dangerous to humans? Few know the answer to the question, but the danger exists. These are diseases that domestic cats carry.

There are breeds of dangerous cats that are naturally prone to various diseases. Cats are capable of carrying various types of diseases. Diseases from cats are transmitted to humans and pose a great danger to him. In particular, this applies to pregnant women, small children, allergy sufferers and people with weak immunity.

Statistically, this is the most common problem. Cat owners often experience scratches. Small kittens usually scratch. Traces of their claws can provoke the development of itching and redness. If bacteria enter the damaged skin, an inflammatory process begins, which is accompanied by:

  • high temperature;
  • joint and headaches;
  • fatigue;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Most people recover from scratches fairly quickly.

A type of fungus that the host catches from a cat, receiving a skin infection as a reward. The animal picks up the fungus usually in the house if several pets live in it at once. They endure the disease for a long time. In this case, the cat itself does not show any symptoms of the disease. Getting rid of ringworm is difficult enough. Cats can infect a person with a fungus, and the owner will not even guess where the disease comes from.

A sick cat should be isolated. After the course of treatment, in the absence of pathological symptoms, the room must be disinfected.

Toxoplasmosis is the most dangerous disease that cats spread. The pathogens live in animal feces. Cats contract toxoplasmosis from raw meat they eat or from contact with sick animals.

Infection of people from cats is very rare, but if it does, it is deadly to humans. Much more often, toxoplasmosis is picked up by eating dirty vegetables.

Toxoplasmosis poses a huge danger to unborn children. In the mother's womb, the baby can become infected from the woman herself, who during pregnancy is in close contact with cats. The mother-to-be should refrain from cleaning the litter box on her own. Infecting a child with toxoplasmosis can lead to miscarriages or physical deformities.

A fairly rare infectious disease for the cat family. However, this danger still exists. If the cat suddenly becomes lethargic, starts sneezing and coughing, her stool is liquid, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Despite all its caress, tenderness and devotion, a cat can be dangerous for its owner and people around them in terms of contracting serious diseases. To avoid unpleasant situations, the animal should be well looked after, fed with the right foods, kept clean and monitored for its health. Do not neglect your scheduled visits to the veterinarian. This will help not only to identify the signs of the disease in time, but also to prevent them altogether.


Scientists have repeatedly conducted studies confirming the positive impact of pets on the mental and physical health of their owners.

Cats love to be petted, no wonder. But it is curious that people also like to stroke cats. Simply stroking a cat's warm, silky coat has a strong anti-stress effect, reduces anxiety and relaxes.

If we pay attention to the map of the palm used by reflexologists, we will see that the zones responsible for relaxation and stress relief are located exactly in those areas that are stimulated when petting a cat.

These points in the figure are indicated by the following icons.

In addition, pleasant strokes stimulate the production of oxytocin - the "hormone of love" and lower the level of the stress hormone cortisol. Evidence of this was recently obtained by Australian scientists.

Cats improve the well-being of people suffering from mild to moderate depression. They improve mood and reduce stress.

Cats have unconditional love for us. Relationships with a cat are simple, and you can be yourself without fear of hurting her feelings, saying the wrong thing, or getting unsolicited advice. A rare opportunity in our lives, isn't it?

The animal is a responsibility. And if a depressed person can easily give up on himself, then caring for an animal pulls him back to the surface, helps him feel needed and useful.

Daily routine has the same supportive effect. You can stay on the couch and eat only sandwiches, but if you have a cat, you will have to feed her twice a day what she used to eat and clean the tray. These daily activities help you stay afloat.

A depressed person feels cut off from the world. But if you have a cat, you will never be alone.

Scientists at Brooklyn College (New York) back in 1980 conducted a study in which elderly patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system participated. Participants in the study included cat owners and people who did not own a cat.

The study found that cat owners dealt with losses faster, felt less lonely, and were generally more social.

By the way, it has recently been proven that pets also help to cope with insomnia.

Cats are excellent therapists for children with autism, cerebral palsy and developmental delay. They help in the development of speech and communication skills, improve the social interaction of children.

Several studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of cats on the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. This is the Brooklyn College study mentioned above, and the New York University study, in which 48 brokers who suffered from high blood pressure took part.

The study lasted 6 months, during which all subjects received a drug to lower blood pressure, and half of them got a cat at home. As a result, it turned out that the average pressure indicators decreased in all participants, but stress peaks - only in those who got a cat.

These life-threatening conditions largely develop against the background of constant stress and high blood pressure. Cats, by helping in getting rid of stress and lowering blood pressure, help reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

A study by researchers at the University of Minnesota found that cat owners are 30-40% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who don't own a cat. Interestingly, the dogs did not have a similar effect.

Many parents are afraid to have pets in a home with young children. But recent studies by scientists have shown that, on the contrary, children who grow up with pets have a higher level of protective antibodies and stronger immunity, as well as a lower risk of developing allergies and bronchial asthma.

Perhaps this effect is associated with a feeling of living warmth, because the body temperature of cats is higher than human. Therefore, when a cat lies down on a sore spot, warming reduces spasm and thus reduces pain. If the cat is still purring at the same time, the healing effect of light vibration is added to its effect.

Cats purr at a frequency between 20-120 Hz. Experiments have shown that mechanical vibrations occurring at the frequency of a cat's purr:

  • in the range of 18-35 Hz accelerate the recovery of cells, soft tissues, joints and muscles;
  • in the range of 20-50 Hz and 100-200 Hz accelerate bone growth and strengthen them

Cats not only save your health, but sometimes they can literally save your life, like Nafanya the kitten (read the details in our material).


A fluffy bundle of happiness on your knees, purring affectionately, looks into your eyes. And in the cat's eyes - the abyss and the abyss. What these mysterious creatures have not experienced in their history - the worship of the Egyptians, and extermination during the period of the Inquisition, and the indifference and cruelty of the modern world.

Why did people hate cats, exterminating them by the thousands? Why don't they love it now? Does the cat family really pose any threat to humans?

Recent studies by scientists have dispelled all the myths about the "harmfulness" and "uselessness" of cats. Here are the results over the past 5 years published by American scientists: the risk of sudden death from a heart attack in cat owners is reduced by thirty percent, compared with ordinary people who do not have cats in the house. Why, you ask? Unfortunately, there is no logical explanation for this. But the figure of thirty percent can hardly be a mere coincidence or an accident.

According to all the same scientists, those people in whose house a cat lives are much less likely to suffer from heart attacks and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. This fact is most likely explained by the fact that, according to scientists, the presence of a cat in the house creates an unusually comfortable environment, makes it easier to cope with various stressful situations, helps to relax and forget about problems. When we look intently into the bottomless cat's eyes, listen to their gentle purr, sort out silky wool - all problems and hardships go somewhere, only we and the cat remain, no one else and nothing.

Many anti-animals claim that having a pet in the house is unhygienic and can trigger allergies. And if there is a small child in the house, then it is even more impossible to start any animals. And all living four-legged at the time of the appearance of the child, at best, should be distributed among acquaintances, and at worst, simply thrown out into the street. Can our Marquises and Murchiks really harm a child and provoke allergies, toxoplasmosis and many other terrible diseases?

American scientists from Virginia did not stop at the results of their colleagues' research and went further, trying to prove the beneficial effects of cats on the health of their owners. They stated very clearly: if a cat lives in your house, this fact can prevent the development of childhood asthma.

The only exception is a clear allergy to wool and dust. Many people confuse an allergy to these two components with an allergy to the animal itself. These are completely different things. So, living with a cat helps your child develop an immune response that prevents the development of asthma and lung disease in children. This is due to the fact that antibodies begin to be produced in his body, which save not only from asthma, but also from the so-called “cat” allergens, wool and dust.

All other cat problems, such as the possibility of fleas, worms and lichen, in our modern age are easily solved with a visit to the veterinarian or veterinary pharmacy for the necessary medicines. Add to this the regular mandatory vaccinations, and your cat will certainly not cause any harm to your health.

The main thing is not to be the opposite - do not offend your fluffy (or smooth-haired) beauty.

You just have little idea what helminths from cats are. And what is an allergy, by the way, too.
The presence of a cat in the house - 99% of the so-called infection. worms. Toxoplasmosis, for example. Read, for starters, what kind of rubbish will you wear in yourself if you have a cat in your house.

As for allergies, I myself am allergic to cat hair. Or the saliva they leave on the fur, whatever. And although these animals are extremely cute to me, I will NOT keep them in the house, as I did before. Alas, knowledge and experience will no longer allow this.

Igor Tkachev, I’ll say right away that I’m more of a dog lover than a cat lover, and in principle, we got cats only because I have very kind children, who brought poor cats so that they would not die from mistreatment in the family and from the cold on the street , and then just a hand did not rise to expel them and they found their home here. Yes, animals can infect you with worms and bring heaps of fleas from the grass, and they have lice, which they haven’t seen enough of, and they get sick like people and are not much more economical in terms of money, I’m not saying how much they need besides food, toilet filler, bowls, rugs, etc. These are the same family members as children, and naturally they need care, so your worms are a fact of your dislike for your “children”. Yes, and for an analogy - how many diseases can be caught through sexual intercourse, maybe we won’t do this, but suddenly.

Lidia Bogdanova, you understood me correctly)

Igor Tkachev, of course there will be worms - both in cats and in dogs. Therefore, anthelmintics were invented. Which every sane owner gives to his animal 3-4 times a year. So that their number does not exceed the permissible limits - just like in people.
And not everyone who has an allergy to animals has, they simply do not give birth.

Natalya Osokina, you will have worms. Cats and dogs have them all the time.
And anthelmintics do not relieve completely, or relieve only for a while. "So that their number does not exceed the permissible limits."
You also have worms.
Everyone has worms who has pets.

Igor Tkachev, not “everyone who has. “But just everyone.
And you, including.

Natalya Osokina, the first sign of a fool - give him the truth, he will begin to resist it with all his might. Look for flaws and confirmation of your stupidity. Wriggle like a helminth in a toilet bowl.

The presence of pets increases the risk of contracting helminths fold. For a hundred years now, all owners have been advised to “worm” several times a year at lunchtime. Their absence in the house reduces this risk, and sometimes reduces it to almost zero.

An illustration for an article where a child kisses a cat - how exactly they become infected with worms.
So, kiss, hug, sleep with cats that walk on the street and carry the infection into the house. And look for excuses.

Igor Tkachev,
At least I love animals. And you are neither people nor animals.

Igor Tkachev, “Read, for starters, what kind of rubbish will you wear in yourself if you have a cat in your house.”
Igor, yes, we are already home to many types of bacteria and protozoa. What's so terrible about worms?! Follow the rules of hygiene, periodically visit a doctor and everything will be fine. And by the way, not only cats can give worms.
Here is a verse written by a veterinarian about toxoplasmosis

"If you are serious about
get toxoplasmosis
And you definitely want
get it from a cat
You will have to work hard
And maybe you have to
Even a few tries
to this end.
To start, the mouse is raw
Get your cat.
If the cat does not want the mouse
So this is sabotage.
Have a conversation with her.
explain what is wrong
Right from the start
She will thwart your plans.
When the cat agrees
Count 2 weeks
And run grab the pot
How she gets into it.
Hide it right away
In a warm dark quiet place.
Because it is very necessary
lie there shit.
How will 3 more nights pass
You get the pot
Sing, rejoice, dance
You are at the finish line.
you now only have
Eat poop from the pot.
If your plan fails
The cat is to blame.
And for the next try
The cat needs to be replaced.

Olga Sharina

Igor Tkachev, “I would not kiss you. I wouldn't gently hold my hand. And, in general, I would keep at a marathon distance "
Apparently, after this I should be very sad and upset in every possible way, right ?! You are such a joker though.
Are you running a marathon? And thank God! It’s easy with worms - I ate a pill and there are no worms, but you can’t get rid of your intracranial cockroaches so easily. So you have it. stay away. And then I’ll imagine that they are running around your brains there, the convolutions are tickling with their paws. Brrr!

Tatyana Dyakova,

And I always have cats and cats in the house, and not one at a time. I castrate cats at the age of seven months. And after that they are so affectionate, the fur shines nowhere, they don’t mark anywhere, there is no smell. My paws. The main thing is not to overfeed them after that. They sleep next to me in bed, rumble, tell tales, beauty.

Zoya Potapova, I congratulate you: you are a carrier of worms. And several types -)

And we love cats. We have always had a lot of them - up to four, but in the private sector they do not create any particular problems.

Every cat has a different personality, just like people. Mom's Marcella was gentle and docile, do what you want with him. And my father's Vasya is cunning, persistent and inventive. For example, he rested his forehead against a pot of food on the table and pushed until it fell off, and there the whole brigade of tailed ones ate). So many vivid memories!

From them, of course, a lot of harm and financial expenses, but without them life would not be so interesting. Cats are truly a blessing.

I read the article, looked into the mysterious eyes of my kitty. She immediately looked at me and murmured friendly in response. Our girl is very talkative, we constantly communicate with her. It is said that in families in which animals are spoken to, they also give a greater voice in response. Our Basya is very talkative. When the pot becomes dirty, it begins to meow and invites you to follow it, calls to clean it - so there is no smell in the house at all. There is a lot of wool, of course, but there are rags, brooms, and a vacuum cleaner in the house, because it’s not only the cat’s fur in the room, for example, as soon as the puddles dry up, a dusty haze hangs over the city, so don’t even be a cat in house - there will be plenty of dust in any case. Basya also always reports that her bowl is empty, and she needs to put food or pour water. Once, she did not see that I just poured fresh water into her drinking bowl, ran out of the room and immediately jumped on the side of the sink: to drink running water, she loves it. And I told her: - "Basenka, I just poured you fresh water, go drink from your cup." Basya understood me perfectly, immediately jumped off the side of the sink and went to the drinking bowl. But when I feel bad, my girl immediately comes running, climbs on me and fits exactly in the place where it hurts, and patiently lies until it becomes easier. She knows when to come, she just can’t be held in her arms, but if necessary, she will sit like glued, you can even let her go, she asks back again, pulls her paws. And what about toxoplasmosis and other bad things - who prevents the cat from being treated? In our childhood, when she was still a small kitten, lichen began, the doctor said - they brought her on her feet from the street. Indeed, homeless kittens were always thrown into the entrance to us, cats walked in packs, until an iron door was installed with an intercom. We quickly cured her of depriving her, now she is a fluffy black-and-white beauty, and none of us, depriving us, got sick, contrary to all the well-known horror stories. Regarding fleas - once a year we use a flea remedy for cats - for a whole year then not a single one is visible. The only whim of our favorite is to sharpen the remnants of the claws (I periodically cut them off for her) only on the sofa upholstery, mainly on the sides. There already the upholstery is simply combed by her claws. We tried to somehow buy a “repeller” and spray it. It's good that it was summer - it stank so much that neither we nor the cat could approach this sofa, all windows and doors were kept wide open around the clock until it weathered. So I'm not thinking about buying a new sofa yet. As for shoes, our cat loves to take care of his son’s shoes during estrus, sometimes he leaves smelly messages next to him, but sandals are quite easy to wash, I have German liquid for such cases, and if it happens in winter, it’s even easier - Basya mostly leaves his messages on his boots, usually stays dry inside. I have an allergy, where would a modern person be without it, but thank God, not to cats, not to dogs, and not to dust, and not to cat hair. So I don't know what else could be harmful from a cat? When mice appeared in the house, Basya caught them regularly, then I ran after her, took them away, we were afraid that she would not inadvertently get poisoned, suddenly the mice ate some kind of poison in the basement. So the benefits of cats, I think, there is, and even enormous pleasure. If I don’t see my fluffy girl for more than three hours, I get bored without her, I start looking for her everywhere. Of course, some people may not like cats, but I think it's their own business. All people are different. Our cat lives in our apartment, walks only on the balcony, so she does not interfere with anyone, and we simply adore her. In an anthology on medieval literature, I once read - how could a traveler, having come to the city, immediately determine which woman is a good housewife, which of them could, without fear of refusal and insults, ask for a drink of water, or even get some kind of treat ? It turned out to be very simple - you had to turn to the woman who had a cat in the house.

Everything can be justified, both the benefits and harms of animals in the house. The only thing that cannot be rationally explained is the love for the smaller brothers. Either it exists, and you forgive all the inconveniences of living together, receiving pleasure and happiness from communication in return, or it doesn’t exist, and you will always find something to cling to and even bring under this scientific or, most often, pseudoscientific foundation

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