What to eat for healthy skin. Skin friendly products. Video: Nutrition for beauty and youthful skin

If you eat the right products for facial beauty, then you will definitely see the result. The body is replenished with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which means that much less effort is required to correct beauty. The hair is shiny. Nails are strong and do not peel. Teeth are fine. The skin is radiant.

So much research and experimentation! How many recommendations have been made by dermatologists, nutritionists, nutritionists to keep the skin of the face healthy and beautiful! And the price of effective cosmetics based on natural products is... no comment. A number of studies by American scientists dealing with the problem of "purity" confirm that wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne, and even dry skin are "treated" cheaply and tastefully. In the truest sense of the word - "with taste." After all, some foods in the diet help maintain the freshness of the skin of the face or help it “recover”. Here are some tips on what foods to eat for facial beauty.

Dark spots

Most often they appear on the arms, face and chest. Their color is from pale yellow to dark brown.

Why is there a problem?

One of the possible reasons is a deficiency of vitamins, in particular - B 12, and some minerals. The result is a metabolic disorder. Intoxication of the body and stressful situations are also among the "provocateurs" of hyperpigmentation.

Age spots are especially manifested if you stay in the sun for a long time. Antioxidant-rich foods help protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

What to include in the diet?

It is worth paying attention to such products for facial beauty:

Meat- the main source of vitamin B 12, which converts carbohydrates into energy.

Citrus(grapefruit, lemon, lime, oranges) - rich in vitamins and minerals. Promote collagen production and reduce melanin content in the skin.

Berries. Kalina, blueberries, raspberries, black currants are a source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Strawberry ellagic acid minimizes the effect of harmful ultraviolet radiation. Sea buckthorn is a champion in vitamin E content.

Cabbage. There is many times more vitamin C in white-pumped than in citrus fruits. Broccoli is a supplier of vitamins and minerals in "giant quantities" and a normalizer of hormonal levels. Brussels - low-calorie, contains phosphorus, potassium, iron. Leaf (Beijing) - a source of vitamin D.

Green leafy vegetables. In addition to vitamin C, it also contains silicon dioxide, which is important for the synthesis of connective tissue.

Tomatoes. Lycopene in red vegetables - protects the skin from free radicals and ultraviolet radiation.

Oily skin

It has been scientifically proven that foods with a high glycemic index contribute to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Vitamin A deficiency goes hand in hand with iron deficiency, which is also a contributing factor to oily skin.

Why is there a problem?

Oily sheen of the skin is a violation of the sebaceous glands. To reduce sebum secretion, eat foods high in vitamin A. Load up on orange and yellow fruits and vegetables - they are a source of retinol, beta-carotene (vitamin A).

What to include in the diet?

Egg yolk. Its vitamin A is a tissue regenerator. Vitamin D - detox. There is also a rejuvenating antioxidant - vitamin E. There are linoleic acid, choline, melatonin.

Beef liver- a source of vitamins of almost all groups and an "iron" pantry. It has a lot of selenium.

Mango. Dietary exotic fruit rich in vitamins and minerals, essential and organic acids, natural antioxidants. Mango carotenoids improve the color and tone of the skin, make it "luminous".

Pumpkin- a non-caloric source of beta-carotene, which is transformed into vitamin A in the body. There is more of it in pumpkin than in carrots. There is a rare vitamin T (carnitine). Pumpkin seeds are a source of zinc, which is involved in the regulation of sebum secretion.

Minimize your intake of high glycemic foods. Both the skin and the figure are useful.

Pimples, acne, acne

Owners of oily skin often suffer from these "shortcomings".

Why is there a problem?

The sebaceous glands are very active. In this case, the skin pores are clogged. They begin the rapid multiplication of bacteria and inflammatory processes.

Foods with a high glycemic index, containing gluten and gluten are an indirect or direct culprit for acne and pimples.

The reason may be hormonal imbalance, and poor absorption of dairy or other products.

What foods to eat for facial beauty?

Diet is one way to solve the problem. Eat foods that contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which relieve skin inflammation. And also

Walnuts. Source of alpha-linoleic acid, vitamin E, lecithin, iodine, manganese, copper.

Flax seeds (linseed oil). Powerful superfood, one of the properties of which is an anti-inflammatory effect. The omega-3 fatty acids in the seeds promote rapid wound healing. Skin rashes, redness, irritation when using flax is minimized. Read more about the properties of flax seeds on our website.

Fish and seafood. They are rich in fatty acids, which are needed for the absorption of vitamin A and to protect the cell membranes of the skin. Improving blood circulation and increasing elasticity are also on the list of benefits.

Seaweed. Indispensable in detox programs and cleansing pores from the inside.

Dry skin

The unspoken motto of nutrition for dry skin is balance and plenty of water. Low-calorie diets are not welcome.

Why is there a problem?

Excessive dryness of the skin can be triggered by an excess of vitamin E, vitamin A deficiency, lack of cholesterol.

What to include in the diet?

Increase the concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids in the body. Due to the products that are best absorbed with them. If vegetarianism is not your thing, eat meat and fish (salmon, mackerel, trout, tuna). 2 tablespoons of oil per day (preferably olive oil) is a good “helper” for the skin.

beans. Low-calorie. Source of monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, valuable amino acids, fiber.

Eggs. Rich in sulfur, which prevents dryness and flaking of the skin. Stimulates metabolism.

Meat. Gives the lion's share of cholesterol for the body.

Avocado. A lot of fiber and a set of unsaturated fats, rare vitamins (K, F), zinc, powerful antioxidants. A valuable source of biotin, vital for the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

Grape. In addition to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, it is a good source of additional hydration for the skin.

Peanut. It contains a lot of healthy monounsaturated and omega-3 fats that work to moisturize and maintain skin elasticity.


A sign of skin aging. Studies show that antioxidants are effective in the fight against aging.

Why is there a problem?

One of the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles is the presence of sugar, since the glucose contained in it reduces skin elasticity. By damaging collagen fibers, sugar makes them unable to repair themselves.

Drinking alcohol, causing dehydration, greatly affects the severity of wrinkles. Selenium deficiency is another reason.

What to include in the diet?

Give up alcohol, reduce the consumption of sweets to a minimum. Try these facial beauty products:

Eggplant. They are low-calorie (28 kcal per 100 g of product). Promotes the production of collagen, normalizes metabolic processes.

Black chocolate. Its antioxidants even out the skin and protect it from harmful UV rays.

Green leafy vegetables. Rich in silicon dioxide, which is responsible for the elasticity and freshness of the skin. Zinc, present in the composition of all enzymes and hormones. Vitamin E, folic acid.

Garlic. Contains a lot of selenium, which activates vitamin E, preventing the formation of free radicals. Vitamin A renews cells.

Dark circles under the eyes

May appear not only because of fatigue or lack of sleep.

Why is there a problem?

Food allergy or food intolerance. If the symptom of dark circles is "long-lasting", see your doctor and have a food intolerance test done. Eliminate potentially dangerous milk, instant coffee, sweeteners.

Iron deficiency and low hemoglobin, dehydration are among the causes of dark circles.

What to include in the diet?

Water. Drink it a lot. Do not abuse coffee.

Meat. Replenish iron deficiency and increase hemoglobin.

Tuna. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty and omega-3 acids, iron. Zinc is a component of cellular regeneration processes, which facilitates the manifestations of allergies.

Orange or red sweet pepper. Its vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Reduces pigmentation for an even complexion. Stimulates the production of collagen. Increases the resistance of the skin to the environment.

The connection between food and skin health is undeniable. Our body, like nature, loves harmony and moderation in everything. Pay attention to, and the skin will thank you.

The skin is the most multifunctional and largest organ of the human body, occupying an average of two square meters. A professional nutritionist, looking at a person's skin, can tell if he is eating right. After all, the skin is the mirror of our body.

All problems of the internal organs are reflected on it in the form of inflammation, changes in complexion, sagging, redness. Not expensive cosmetics standing on the dressing table will help to solve this issue, but products for good skin. You need to rethink your diet to include the most beneficial foods for the skin.

It is important and correct to cook food: nutrients in food become less when frying, stewing, deep freezing or improper storage. How to eat to forget about skin problems forever?

What substances are good for the skin

First, let's look at what nutrients are necessary for healthy skin. First of all, it is antioxidants that help maintain youth. Vitamins E and PP - good natural antioxidants that protect the skin from negative environmental influences and free radicals, are necessary for cell renewal, restoration of the protective layer of the skin. The list of products for youthful skin includes strawberries, pears, blueberries, blueberries, cherries, sea buckthorn. All these berries and fruits contain vitamin E.

Lycopene, which is part of red foods (tomatoes, red apples, strawberries, watermelon, cherries, cherries), has antioxidant activity. To slow down the aging process and improve the blood supply to the skin, include polyphenol in your diet - a plant antioxidant. It is abundant in raisins, wine and red grapes. Its main advantage is the saturation of the skin with oxygen, slowing down the processes of destruction of the skin.

It is important that the diet is rich in zinc, selenium and iron. These products have a positive effect on the skin, toning it. A lot of zinc in pumpkin seeds and sardines, selenium - in mushrooms, garlic, foods high in iron - buckwheat, red meat.

Do not forget about the sufficient amount of proteins and fats. A lack of protein leads to poor regeneration, and the absence of fats can cause wrinkles, they are also necessary for the absorption of vitamin A. Foods with Omega 3 fatty acids found in seafood, walnuts, and olive oil are good for facial skin. By using these face products in the right amount daily, you will forget about acne and rashes forever.

Vitamins A, B, C are considered the most useful vitamins for the skin. Products with retinol (vitamin A) are important for skin renewal, so include carrots, eggs, oily fish, greens, bright orange fruits in your diet. B vitamins help keep skin looking healthy and are found in large quantities in animal products, cottage cheese, rice, nuts, and liver. Vitamin C for skin elasticity can be obtained from citrus fruits, sour berries, bell peppers, tomatoes. They improve the condition of the skin and activate the production of collagen.

The most useful products for the skin

Your main task is to diversify your diet by including fresh, high-quality, skin-friendly foods. To make it easier for you to plan your diet, here is a list of the most beneficial facial skin products that will help you always look young.

The most useful product for the skin is not food, but water. Drinking 1.5-2 liters of water daily, you will keep your whole body in good condition, improve metabolism, help the body remove toxins and toxins. Also drink a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal, this will make the body better absorb the nutrients from food. To normalize bowel function, you should consume low-fat sour-milk products daily.

Seafood has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. They contain zinc and Omega 3, which we talked about earlier. Enough 2-3 times a week to eat fatty fish (herring, tuna, sardine, salmon, mackerel), shellfish, oysters. As a result - improved blood circulation, radiant and clean skin without inflammation, dryness and premature aging.

Citrus fruits are also included in the list of useful products for human skin. They make it supple, smooth, fight inflammation, sagging, neutralize free radicals, and prevent wrinkles. That is why vitamin C can often be found in cosmetic creams. Lemons, grapefruits, oranges, tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers, cabbage, cherries are beneficial.

The most beneficial foods for the skin include green and orange-red vegetables. They contain beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Carrots, leafy vegetables, kiwi, mangoes, avocados, cucumbers, tomatoes - complete this list of healthy skin foods with your favorite vegetables, fruits and berries in green, orange or red. .

Nuts, whole grains and seeds contain coarse fibers, vitamins and trace elements that help remove toxins, protect from sunlight, and retain moisture. Especially useful are almonds, pistachios, walnuts, flax seeds, buckwheat, wheat germ, brown rice. Now you know the main useful products for skin beauty.

Table of the most useful products for the skin


Useful material

Strawberry Vitamin E, Antioxidants, Carbohydrates, Nicotinic acid
Mushrooms Selenium
plums Beta-carotene, Antioxidants
Seafood Fatty acids, Iron, Protein, Phosphorus, Selenium
Tomato Vitamin E, Beta-carotene, Antioxidants
Sour cream Zinc, Protein, Potassium, Phosphorus, Vitamin B
Sea ​​buckthorn Vitamin P, Antioxidants
nuts Fatty acids, Protein, Protein, Vitamin E
Rose hip Antioxidants, Vitamin D
Mint Carotene, Phytoncides, Vitamin C, Vitamin P
Cherries Vitamin E, Antioxidants, Vitamin C
Apples Iron, Zinc, Vitamin E
Pears Vitamin E, Iron, Antioxidants, Zinc
Blueberry Vitamin E, Antioxidants
Cabbage Carbohydrates, Iron, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin B
Watermelon Zinc, Antioxidants, Iron
Grapefruit Antioxidants, Vitamin C
bell pepper Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, Vitamin A
Lemon Vitamin B, Vitamin C
Spoiled milk Zinc, Protein, Potassium, Phosphorus, Vitamin B
Chicken meat Protein, Zinc, Iron
Orange Vitamin C, Vitamin B
Kashi Nicotinic acid, Vitamin B, Rutin
Flax seeds Fatty acids, Vitamin E
Mango Antioxidants, Zinc, Iron
Carrot Antioxidants, Beta-Carotene
Eggs Protein, Vitamin B, Calcium, Lecithin
Olive oil Fatty acids, Vitamin A
Blackberry Antioxidants, Vitamin C
Kefir Zinc, Protein, Potassium, Vitamin B, Phosphorus
Spinach Antioxidants, Beta-carotene
Beef Protein, Zinc, Vitamin B2

It’s not enough just to eat the most beneficial products for beautiful skin. It is also important to follow a number of simple rules regarding nutrition:

  • Eliminate simple carbohydrates (potatoes, white bread, preservatives, fast food, candy, sweets, white rice, pasta, carbonated drinks);
  • Reduce your salt intake;
  • Forget about alcoholic drinks, coffee. They lead to a dull complexion, dehydration, wrinkles;
  • Save healthy fats (omega 3) with olive oil, soybeans, oily fish;
  • Give up cigarettes, products with the additive "E";
  • Avoid foods with a high glycemic index;
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of non-carbonated pure water daily.


I just want to say: the skin is our everything. “Firstly, it is the largest organ of our body with a total area of ​​​​about 2 square meters. m and weighing about 5% of body weight, says Elena Morozova, nutritionist, head of the Elena Morozova Weight Loss Center. “Secondly, it is the most multifunctional organ of the human body.” The skin protects our body from negative external factors: dangerous microbes, ultraviolet radiation, heat, cold. And she breathes, providing 2% of gas exchange in the body. And if her breathing is disturbed, it threatens with great trouble.

Plus, the skin absorbs useful substances and removes harmful, waste products. The latter is especially important when the liver or kidneys are not working well. Finally, the skin plays an important role in metabolic processes. “In addition to the gas exchange that occurs during skin respiration, it also undergoes intermediate carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin and water-salt metabolism,” says Natalya Grigorieva, nutritionist, head of the Institute of Cosmetology and Cell Technologies Real Clinic.

Skin is the mirror of our body

Any nutritionist can easily determine whether you are eating right by looking not at your plate, but at your skin: it reflects all the problems of our internal organs. “For example, duodenal ulcer, colitis and dysbacteriosis worsen the complexion, provoke various rashes, itching and flabbiness of the skin,” says Elena Morozova.

Accordingly, to solve these problems from the outside, with the help of cosmetics, if possible, then not for long. When the skin deteriorates for internal reasons, they also need to be addressed from the inside - by changing the diet. “Reconsider your diet, change your eating habits and cooking methods,” advises Natalya Grigorieva. - Deep freezing, long-term and/or improper storage can destroy almost all vitamins contained in food. Traditional cooking methods - boiling, frying, stewing - also destroy useful substances. Deep frying and reusing frying oil “enriches” food with carcinogens.” What beauty of the skin can we talk about when it literally suffocates, trying to remove all this muck from the body?

When building a diet for healthy skin, remember: the skin, like the whole body as a whole, needs to receive a full range of nutrients and vitamins.

What nutrients are needed for healthy skin?

“First of all, it needs to be provided with a sufficient amount of proteins and fats,” recalls Elena Morozova. Proteins increase skin tone, providing a clear oval of the face. Their lack can lead to the appearance of long-term non-healing wounds and cracks on it. Fatty acids are essential for the absorption of vitamin A, which is responsible for skin renewal. The smoothness and color of the skin, the absence of wrinkles depend on them.

In addition, the skin needs B vitamins to help it look healthy. Vitamin C activates the production of collagen. Vitamin H helps the skin avoid flabbiness and restores its healthy color.

Vitamins E and PP are good antioxidants, they protect the skin from free radicals and aggressive environment, increase the resistance of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Zinc and selenium also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Iron tones the skin and is responsible for normal blood circulation.

Products for healthy skin

Where can you get all this? Vitamin A (retinol) is found in the liver, eggs, fatty fish, and provitamin A (beta-carotene) is found in red and bright orange vegetables and fruits. B vitamins can be obtained from animal products - meat, eggs, milk, cheese, fish - and vegetable: nuts, beans, mushrooms, rice, buckwheat. Vitamin C is found in citrus, kiwi and sour berries. The source of vitamin E are foods containing vegetable fats: nuts, seeds, oils. Vitamin D is found in milk and seafood.

Foods rich in zinc are, again, the liver, and also sardines, pumpkin seeds. Selenium is found in mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, porcini, pistachios, and garlic. "Iron" products are red meat, offal, buckwheat.

“In order to gain all the substances necessary for the skin, strive to diversify your diet as much as possible, include only fresh and high-quality products in it,” advises Natalia Grigorieva. - Try to have on the menu products from each of the above categories of essential vitamins and minerals.

To simplify this nutrition scheme, we offer you the top products that are good for the skin, and the top ones that are harmful.

Skin Healthy Products

Dairy products. The lactobacilli contained in them normalize the functioning of the intestines, the condition of which determines the beauty of the skin.

Fish and seafood (especially mackerel, salmon, sardines, herring and tuna). They contain omega-3 fatty acids that protect cell membranes and improve skin elasticity and blood circulation.

Meat. Chicken protein improves the general condition of the skin and is involved in regenerative processes. Beef is rich in zinc and vitamin B 2 and is a reliable assistant in preventing the appearance of wrinkles, cracks, ulcers.

Vegetables (especially broccoli and carrots) and fruits (especially lemon) .

“These are almost magical products that any woman must include in her menu,” says Elena Morozova. - Broccoli is rich in antioxidants that prevent early aging of the skin and increase its elasticity. Regular consumption of carrot juice improves complexion. And vitamin C contained in lemon makes the skin smooth and relieves it of darkening and age spots.

Green tea. Contains antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, preventing premature aging of the skin.

Products harmful to the skin

Food and drinks that cause dehydration and intoxication of the body and destroy skin cells: smoked meats, preservatives, alcohol, coffee, dried fruits and products with E additives.

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To keep our skin healthy and beautiful, we buy dozens of bottles of cosmetics - it's scary to even imagine how much money we spend on them. But back in 2005, American dermatologists found out that you can get rid of wrinkles, acne, hyperpigmentation and even dry skin cheaply and tastefully. You just need to include a few foods in your diet.

website shares recommendations for a balanced diet from the book “Cosmetic Dermatology. Principles and Practice ”, thanks to which you will no longer need foundation.

With age spots


Hyperpigmentation may indicate lack of vitamins in particular B12. Animal products are rich in this vitamin. However, even without meat, you can get rid of excessive pigmentation - you just need to follow a certain diet.

What to do:

  • Get rid of hyperpigmentation promise vitamins C and E and antioxidants, such as ellagic acid and grape seed extract. In large quantities, these useful elements are found in citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, pomegranates and tomatoes.
  • Pigmentation becomes even more noticeable if you stay under the sun for a long time. To protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, it is necessary to eat foods rich in antioxidants: berries, grapefruits, pineapples, plums, Brussels sprouts and collards, chili peppers, spinach and common buckwheat.

For oily skin


It has long been proven that foods with a high glycemic index increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the glands secrete more sebum than is needed for moisture, and this causes oily sheen.

What to do:

  • Cosmetics save from oily sheen only for a short time, while diet high in vitamin A will help to significantly reduce the secretion of sebum. In addition, it is corny tasty and uncomplicated - just add to the diet dried apricots, mangoes, carrots, egg yolks, spinach and sweet potatoes.
  • Also worth cut down on high glycemic foods. Eat less white bread, buns, potatoes, and soft wheat pasta, and skin problems will soon be forgotten.

For pimples and acne


And again, foods with a high glycemic index are to blame - it is not for nothing that acne problems most often occur in owners of oily skin. Due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, the pores become clogged, bacteria begin to multiply in them and an inflammatory process develops.

What to do:

  • You can also get rid of acne with diet. The main thing is that the diet should include as many foods rich as possible. polyunsaturated fatty acids, that relieve inflammation. To put it simply, you need to eat as often as possible. fruits, vegetables, walnuts, flax seeds and linseed oil, seaweed, seafood and fish.

For dry skin


Excessive dryness of the skin indicates at the same time excess vitamin E and lack of cholesterol. The last reason is typical for vegetarians, since we get the largest share of cholesterol from meat and fish.

What to do:

  • It is necessary to increase the concentration in the diet monounsaturated fatty acids. They are best absorbed when not using oils and nutritional supplements, but whole foods: beans, seaweed, eggs, soybeans, avocados, peanuts and other nuts.
  • If you are not a vegetarian, try to eat regularly meat and fish. Will be especially useful albacore tuna, lake trout, mackerel and salmon.



The severity of wrinkles is strongly affected by the presence of alcohol in the diet, as it causes dehydration. Sugar can also be the cause of premature skin aging, because the glucose it contains makes the skin less elastic.

What to do:

  • More than 10 years ago, American researchers discovered that Antioxidants also help rejuvenate. For example, if every day there is products containing soy then the signs of skin aging will become almost invisible, and you will completely get rid of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.
  • Studies have also shown that wrinkles are the least noticeable in adult residents of Sweden, and this is also a consequence of a proper diet. The diet of these people is rich green leafy vegetables, spinach, asparagus, celery, eggplant, garlic and onions. And here red meat, sugar, butter, margarine, milk and dairy products there is almost none in it.

Dark circles under the eyes


It is a mistake to assume that dark circles under the eyes only indicate lack of sleep. They can be a symptom of a serious illness - allergies or intolerances to certain foods, which lead to inflammation and darkening of the area around the eyes.

What to do:

  • Get tested for food intolerances while waiting for tests remove potentially dangerous foods from your diet- for example containing lactose. These include dairy products, baked goods, chips, instant coffee, instant soups, and artificial sweeteners.
  • If it's not an allergy, then dark circles may be warning you of dehydration. So drink your fill water And don't drink too much coffee.
  • It is also worth adding foods containing heme iron and increasing hemoglobin to the diet - its deficiency can also affect the appearance of circles under the eyes. So try to eat more red meat, tuna, egg yolks and buckwheat porridge.

"Man is what he eats." No, it's not about trouble.

It's about beauty. And about products that seem to be created in order to take care of our appearance.

PUMPKIN SEEDS - the number one product for beautiful and clear skin

The rich mineral composition of these seeds not only perfectly fights helminths, but also stands guard over female attractiveness. For the prevention of acne, as well as problems with skin rashes and acne, it is recommended to eat pumpkin seeds daily.

The world-famous nutritionist Esther Bloom strongly recommends that all women and girls eat pumpkin seeds. The natural zinc contained in these seeds can eliminate many skin problems, such as excessive greasiness and clogged pores, as a result of acne and comedones hated by many.

How many seeds to eat? At least 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds a day and you are protected from skin problems!

Kiwi: the perfect complexion

Action: This small, hairy fruit is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene. This fruit is recommended by such actresses as Jennifer Aniston and Halle Berry. With the help of kiwi, you can not only get a shock dose of vitamin C, but also establish the process of collagen production in the skin (vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen, which ensures skin elasticity). As you know, with age, the elasticity of the skin is lost due to the loss of collagen. Eating kiwi can slow down skin aging.
It is also a powerful antioxidant, necessary for tissue growth and repair and protection from environmental pollution. Together with carotene, it contributes to a good complexion.

Alternative: guava, orange, lemon, blackcurrant, parsley, cabbage.

How to use: 1 kiwi for breakfast every other day, alternating with a glass of orange juice.

A simple recipe: prepare a "long drink" - pass sliced ​​​​kiwi, orange and peeled apple through a juicer and serve in a tall glass with crushed ice.

AVOCADO: soft skin and silky hair

Action: the pulp of a ripe fruit consists of 30% vegetable fats (including valuable oleic acid), which nourish and restore tissue cells. Avocado will help to forget about dry skin and restore shine to dull hair.

Alternative: vegetable fats are also found in borage, sunflower seeds, olives and rapeseed.

How to use: eat 1 avocado twice a week, in winter - three times a week (if there are no problems with being overweight). Add good vegetable oil to salads (olive, grape seed, etc.).

A simple recipe: Avocado puree, lemon juice, olive oil and spices make Mexican guacamole sauce.

OYSTERS: healthy hair and nails

Action: in these mollusks, all the minerals of sea water are present in a concentrated form. Including iodine, an excellent stimulator of cellular activity, and zinc, which is necessary for the formation and development of certain tissues. Oysters are the best choice if you dream of shiny hair and want to strengthen brittle exfoliating nails.

Alternative: mussels, iodized sea salt, seaweed, seaweed.

How to use: during the oyster season - from October to February - eat 10-12 oysters per week.

Easy recipe: Bake garlic butter oysters in the oven and eat them with seaweed salad or seaweed.

EMMENTAL CHEESE: strong nails

Action: hard sweetish cheese - a real concentrate of calcium (more than 300 mg per 25 g of cheese), which, as you know, serves as a building material for bones and teeth. Emmental also strengthens nails and promotes their faster growth.

Alternative: other hard cheeses - parmesan, conte, beauforet; There is a lot of calcium in any dairy products, as well as in green vegetables.

How to use: a piece of cheese or 100 g of cottage cheese twice a day.

Easy recipe: make broccoli casserole with parmesan or emmental.

MILLET: firm and elastic skin

Action: millet is rich in silicon, a trace element that is an important part of all connective tissues of the body. Together with collagen and elastin, it forms the "skeleton" of the skin. Thanks to millet, its top layer, the epidermis, retains youth and elasticity.

Alternative: barley, brown rice, apricots, corn, germinated cereal seeds, wheat bran, oats.

How to use: a portion of cereals every day.

A simple recipe: a great breakfast option is oat and millet muesli with orange and pineapple pieces.

Sauerkraut: clear healthy skin

Action: sauerkraut contains lactic acid - an excellent cleanser for the whole body. This substance also strengthens the intestinal flora. What is reflected in the condition of the skin: irritations and rashes disappear, the complexion improves.

Alternative: cucumbers, yogurt, kefir, kvass, gherkins, olives, soy sauce.

How to use: a portion of sauerkraut at least once a week.

A simple recipe: season squeezed sauerkraut with yogurt or vinaigrette sauce.

MUSHROOMS: smooth young skin

Action: champignons contain a real elixir of youth - two powerful antioxidants: pantothenic acid (or vitamin B5, which has regenerative properties) and selenium (an oligoelement very often used in anti-aging cosmetics). These mushrooms prevent wrinkles and help maintain a fresh complexion.

Alternative: white mushrooms, whole grains, brewer's yeast.

Method of application: half a kilogram of champignons 1-2 times a week.

Easy recipe: Make stuffed mushrooms by stuffing raw mushroom caps with minced tuna and hard-boiled egg yolks.

walnuts: moisturizer

Action: Walnuts are rich in vitamin E, and this is perhaps the best remedy against free radicals, highly active molecules that destroy skin cells. Walnuts are quite fatty, they perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin and maintain its elasticity.

Alternative: wheat germ oil, vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, corn), almonds, peanuts, green leafy vegetables.

How to use: a handful of walnuts or hazelnuts three times a week.

A simple recipe: make a mung bean salad with walnut kernels and smoked duck fillet.

APPLES - the best product for the health and beauty of teeth

Eating 1-2 apples a day, you can not only saturate the body with vitamins and acids, but also protect yourself from many dental problems. The acids found in apples will help remove coffee and tea stains from your teeth, give your smile a dazzling shine and whiten your teeth with the help of a natural remedy!

Watercress for freshness and healthy radiance of the skin of the face

This green contains a record amount of antioxidants that destroy free radicals and eliminate micro-inflammation on the skin. Also, this herb is rich in iron, without which a beautiful and blooming appearance of your skin is not possible. The more watercress you eat, the less likely you are to suffer from genetic damage at the DNA level of the cell.

EGGS for nail health

For strong and healthy nails, you need a lot of protein and phosphorus, which eggs are so rich in. Nutritionists and beauty experts advise eating boiled eggs several times a week. By doing this, you will also provide your nails with biotin, which is found in eggs and is so important for nail growth.

FLAX SEEDS will protect the skin from overdrying

British scientists have recently proven that it can eliminate redness and flaking of the skin. We can say that flax seeds are for us, women, a natural remedy for moisturizing the skin. No more expensive moisturizing serums! How to eat flaxseed? You can just eat in the morning on an empty stomach 2 tbsp. spoons of pre-soaked seeds or add them to your favorite salad, porridge or fermented milk products.

GREEN BEANS - for luxurious healthy hair

SPINACH Protects Your Eyesight

And most importantly, for a radiant and healthy look, eat fresh spinach! It contains useful lutein, which is even specifically recommended for drinking with problems with the eyes and vision. It is lutein that is responsible for the natural whiteness of the whites of the eyes and their healthy radiance.

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Pasta with tuna in creamy sauce Pasta with fresh tuna in creamy sauce
Pasta with tuna in a creamy sauce is a dish from which anyone will swallow their tongue, of course, not just for fun, but because it is insanely delicious. Tuna and pasta are in perfect harmony with each other. Of course, perhaps someone will not like this dish.
Spring rolls with vegetables Vegetable rolls at home
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