What to cook with peas. What to cook with green peas. Hearty green pea salad with shrimp

Green peas are a plant from the legume family, which has been known since ancient India. There he was considered a symbol of fertility and wealth, although in ancient Greece peas were the main food of poor people. Now green peas are eaten raw, boiled, canned. It is believed that peas slow down the aging process of the body, and also reduces the likelihood of cancer.

Use of green peas in cooking

There are several types of green peas. The most common of them are peeling, brain and sugar. The peeler is used for cooking boiled dishes, primarily soups. Brain, on the contrary, is not applicable for cooking, canned food is made from it. And sugar peas have a sweetish taste and are eaten raw.

Green peas can be added to almost any dish - soups, salads, casseroles, side dishes, etc. Moreover, both fresh peas and canned peas are used. And if you have harvested a rich harvest and are worried about its safety, then you can simply freeze it, then in winter you will always have an almost ready side dish for a meat dish at hand.

Easy green pea recipes

Recipes from green peas amaze with their variety from the elementary addition of fresh or canned peas to a salad to unusually tasty and tender cream soups. Peas are ideally combined with foods such as meat, eggs, cheese, potatoes, etc. This explains its presence in such popular salads as Russian salad and vinaigrette. There are many recipes for green pea soups: baked soup, light summer soup with greens, mushroom soup with peas, puree soup, cream soup, etc. Peas can be added to pasta, potatoes, rice, casseroles, and can be used as an independent side dish.

If green peas have lain with you for a long time and managed to harden, do not rush to get upset. Dip it in boiling water for a few minutes, and then immediately in cold water - you will again get tender sweet peas. Dishes made from green peas strengthen bones and lower cholesterol levels. Please note that canned peas, despite the processing, retains almost all the nutritional components.

Young peas are known to be very useful. As a rule, we are used to eating it raw or canned. Today we want to offer you an original recipe - young pea pods fried with garlic and soy sauce. An excellent side dish for meat dishes. Believe me, it's very tasty! You will definitely like it.

Young pea pods fried with garlic

The recipe is very simple, ready in just 10 minutes. Peas are used very young, in which peas are just beginning to form. This dish tastes amazing! If you have never tried this recipe, be sure to cook it.


  • young peas in pods - 250 grams
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • butter - 1 tbsp
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp
  • ground black pepper - to taste

Wash the peas under running water and remove the tails. You can simply cut them off with a sharp knife.

Peel the garlic clove and chop finely with a knife. Put the pan on medium heat, add butter and chopped garlic to it. Then throw in the peas.

Fry the peas in butter for 7-10 minutes. It is fried quite quickly, most importantly, do not forget to stir. When the pods are ready, put them on a plate. Don't overcook the pods or they will lose their juiciness. Ready peas have a slightly yellowish tint.

Pour the finished fried young pea pods with soy sauce and pepper to taste. If you have sesame seeds and love them, you can sprinkle some peas on top. That's it, our delicious dish is ready!

Such peas can be used as a side dish for meat. Sweet and juicy, it perfectly complements meat dishes.

We hope you enjoy our original recipe. If you cook fried peas, please write about it in the comments, we will be interested to read your opinion.

Enjoy your meal!

Green peas are not only tasty, but also a healthy ingredient that is added to many dishes. It can be used to make salads, casseroles, soups and even desserts. In summer, dishes from fresh green peas, including green peas, are relevant. And in winter, you can take a frozen or canned product. In this article, we will consider interesting, simple and original recipes for dishes with the addition of green peas. Let's talk about what can be prepared from fresh, frozen and canned products.

Dishes with fresh green peas

Fresh peas are healthier and tastier than frozen ones. In its composition, it contains easily digestible protein and a lot of fiber. However, it is quite difficult to find it in winter, so most often dishes from it are prepared in the summer. Peas are not only healthy, but also a satisfying product. It is especially popular in Italian cuisine, where it is used everywhere. A fresh ingredient is added to soups and main courses, as well as desserts. It is also used to decorate all kinds of snacks. Dishes from young green peas are suitable for a daily diet and for a festive table. However, it should be used with caution by people suffering from increased gas formation. In large quantities, peas can lead to bloating. Therefore, it should be eaten in moderation. In addition, green peas are a dietary product. 100 grams of the product contains only 73 kcal.

Ribollita is a healthy and hearty Italian soup made with lots of vegetables. It is especially fragrant if you add fresh green peas to it. The recipe for the dish is quite simple, in addition, it is prepared quickly. The calorie content of such a dish is 197 kcal per 100 g. Ribollita can also be served at a festive feast. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Fresh green peas.
  • Carrot.
  • Ciabatta or pita.
  • Fresh tomatoes.
  • Red onion.
  • Celery root.
  • Olive oil.
  • Savoy cabbage - in its absence, you can replace white cabbage.
  • Parsley, red pepper and garlic, as well as seasonings to taste.

To prepare this dish, you must first clean the vegetables. After that, you need to finely chop the onion and garlic. Coarsely chop the cabbage, and cut the carrots and celery into cubes. Fresh peas should be put in a saucepan and poured with plenty of water. She must cover him completely. Tear pita bread or ciabatta into small pieces and leave to dry.

Garlic, carrots, celery and onions must be separately fried in olive oil. From the chopped tomatoes in a blender, you need to make a puree. It and parsley are added to the pan with other vegetables. Then leave the mixture to simmer until it thickens. After that, it must be added to the green peas cooked in a saucepan. The resulting mixture should be simmered for 15 minutes. Then cabbage leaves and broken pieces of ciabatta are added to it. Ribollita should be infused for 10 minutes, after which it can be served. It can also be garnished with parsley beforehand.

Pea fritters

There are many original recipes for fresh green peas. For example, you can make soft, juicy and fragrant pancakes from it. They make a great addition to your dining table. In addition, losing weight people can replace classic pancakes with such pancakes. Their calorie content is 155 kcal per 100 grams.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Fresh green peas. It can also be replaced with a frozen counterpart.
  • Wheat flour.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Eggs.
  • Milk.
  • Baking powder for the dough.
  • Salt, any greens (usually take dill, parsley or green onions), seasonings to taste. You can also add turmeric.

Fresh green peas must first be put in a frying pan and poured with a small amount of water to soften it. Separately, mix flour with baking powder, eggs and milk. Add spices and turmeric if needed. Then mix everything thoroughly, avoiding the formation of lumps. After that, peas and greens are added to the mixture. The dough should be infused for 20 minutes, after which you can start frying the pancakes in vegetable oil.

Miniature cutlets with green peas

This original dish of fresh green peas will be a great substitute for classic meat patties. It can be served for breakfast or dinner. The calorie content of such vegetable cutlets is 162 kcal. To prepare them, you will need the following products:

  • Green pea. In summer, you can take a fresh product, and in winter, replace it with a frozen one.
  • Fresh potatoes and carrots.
  • Wheat flour.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Garlic, ground black pepper and other spices as needed.

To prepare them, you first need to defrost the green peas and put them in a separate bowl. If you are taking a fresh product for a dish, then this step can be skipped. Then peas and other vegetables need to be chopped in a meat grinder, turning them into minced meat. After that, they are mixed in one deep plate, where flour, pepper, salt and seasonings are also added. Now you can sculpt cutlets. If they fall apart, you can add a little more flour. Cutlets should be fried in vegetable oil until golden brown, and then immediately served.

In Italy, fresh green pea recipes are very popular. Often, bruschetta is prepared with its addition - these are sandwiches with pre-fried bread. This hearty appetizer is the perfect addition to your dinner table. The calorie content of this dish is 202 kcal. To prepare bruschetta, you need to purchase the following products in advance:

  • Fresh green peas.
  • Baguette or ciabatta.
  • Avocado.
  • A clove of garlic, lemon, any herbs and seasonings to taste.
  • Olive oil.

First you need to prepare the bread for the bruschetta. To do this, the baguette needs to be cut into small pieces. Then they should be dried in a hot pan without adding oil. Finely chop the avocado, mix it with green peas. To them should be added lemon juice, garlic, herbs and seasonings to taste. The resulting mixture should also be sprinkled with a little olive oil. Then it is spread on top of dried pieces of bread and immediately served on the table.

Recipes with green peas

Juicy pods of unripe green peas are also used to prepare summer dishes. Most often they are added to various salads and snacks. However, there are often recipes for first and second courses with green peas in pods. They are especially popular in Eastern countries. In Russia, green peas are usually consumed only in summer, as the frozen product loses its unique taste and useful properties. Consider the original recipes for dishes that can be prepared with its addition.

Pea salad

Salads are the most popular dishes with green pea pods. It is easiest to cook them in the summer. This original salad is suitable for a lunch or even a festive table. To prepare it, you need very few ingredients:

  • Fresh green pea pods.
  • Green onions and garlic.
  • Salt, ground black pepper - other seasonings can also be added, but if desired.
  • Olive oil - if desired, it can be replaced with sunflower oil.
  • Fresh mint leaves.

To prepare this dish with green peas, you will need a deep frying pan. Pour olive oil into it and heat it up. Peas need to be cut off the ends. Then it, along with onions and garlic, should be fried in a pan for 4 minutes. Seasonings, salt and pepper are added as desired. Then the finished dish is laid out on plates, decorated with mint leaves and served on the table.

Stewed with meat

Green pea dishes are a healthy side dish that contains a lot of fiber, so they are often served with meat. To prepare this hearty lunch or dinner, you will need the following products:

  • Beef tenderloin. Other types of meat can also be used if desired, such as chicken, pork or lamb.
  • Stringy green peas.
  • Chilli.
  • Soy sauce and sesame oil.
  • Garlic.
  • Salt, pepper and sesame, other spices are added only at will.

The meat should be thinly sliced, mixed with garlic and poured with soy sauce and sesame oil. In this mixture, it should be marinated for 15-20 minutes. The dish is cooked in a deep frying pan. Pour oil into it, and then add pea pods there. They are fried for 3 minutes. Then meat, chopped peppers and sesame seeds are placed in the pan. All this is fried for another 3 minutes and served on the table.

Oriental green pea pods

This oriental dish of green peas in pods is quick and easy to prepare. It can be served both cold and hot. In addition, it is quite useful, since fresh green peas contain a lot of vitamins and fiber. Therefore, this dish is often served as a side dish for meat dishes. Preparing it is quite simple. You will need the following ingredients:

  • Pod green peas.
  • Olive oil - in its absence, you can replace it with sunflower oil.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Garlic - Fresh is best, but dried will work too.
  • Toasted sesame seeds.
  • Chili oil - if it is not available, you can replace it with any hot sauce to taste.
  • Seasonings, sugar, salt and pepper - they are added at will, focusing on their own taste preferences.

This dish is cooked in the oven. First you need to warm it up. After that, the pea pods are laid out on a baking sheet, where olive oil and finely chopped garlic are also poured. It is necessary to mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave them to cook for 5 minutes. At this time, you need to mix sesame seeds, soy and hot sauce with seasonings, sugar and salt. Pour the prepared stewed peas with this mixture. After that, the dish is served on the table.

Frozen Green Pea Recipes

Frozen vegetables and fruits are a healthy alternative to fresh produce. With their help, you can not refuse traditional summer dishes even in winter. In addition, modern fast freezing technologies allow preserving not only the original taste of the product, but also the vitamins contained in it. Also, you do not need to spend a lot of time in order to defrost the product.

Many summer dishes with green peas can be prepared with a frozen product. The only exception is salads, where fresh vegetables are indispensable. But frozen peas can be added to numerous soups, side dishes, casseroles and meatballs. It is also suitable for light snacks and desserts. Below we consider some interesting recipes where fresh peas are easily replaced with frozen ones.

Casserole with green peas

This dish with green peas will be a great addition to both family and holiday dinners. In this case, you can use both fresh and frozen products. The casserole cooks up pretty quickly. In addition, this is a very satisfying dish for which you do not need to purchase expensive products. Its calorie content is 284 kcal per 100 grams. For pea casserole, you need to prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • Wheat flour.
  • White cabbage.
  • Frozen green peas.
  • Butter.
  • Kefir.
  • Cheese - it is better to take one that melts faster.
  • Eggs.
  • Sugar, baking soda, salt and seasonings are ingredients added to taste.
  • Fresh or dried garlic.

To prepare the casserole, you must first mix kefir, flour, sugar and soda. Salt can be added to the resulting mixture to taste, and then beat everything thoroughly. Cabbage needs to be shredded. In a separate bowl, mix grated cheese with garlic. Add cabbage to the mixture. Then the blank for the casserole is laid out on a baking sheet greased with butter. Green peas and mixed cheese with garlic are poured on top. The casserole needs to be baked in the oven for half an hour.

Peas are often added to soups and main dishes. But you can also cook with it in original desserts. For example, pea biscuits. The calorie content of this healthy frozen green pea dish is 300 kcal per 100 grams of product. To prepare it, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • Frozen green peas.
  • Granulated sugar.
  • Wheat flour.
  • Baking powder for the dough.
  • Refined oil.
  • Egg yolk.
  • Salt.

Frozen peas should be put in a pan and fried with vegetable oil, and then left to cool. After that, it must be thoroughly mixed with sugar, flour and baking powder for dough. You can also add a little salt to taste. The finished dough must be divided into small pieces, from which cookies are molded. Ideally, it should have a slight greenish tint. Cookies should be brushed with beaten egg yolk. Additionally, it can also be decorated with peas on top. Blinded cookies are laid out on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and sent to the oven, where they are baked for 15 minutes. After that, it is cooled and only then served on the table.

Frozen pea garnish

This frozen green pea dish is a healthy and satisfying addition to meat or fish. It is especially popular in winter, when it is difficult to get fresh vegetables. Peas, even in a frozen state, retain a lot of vitamins and useful trace elements. In addition, such a dish is considered dietary. Its calorie content is only 130 kcal per 100 grams. To make this side dish, you will need a small amount of ingredients. Prepare in advance:

  • Frozen green peas.
  • Butter or vegetable oil.
  • Onions and garlic - both fresh and dried vegetables can be used.
  • Water, salt, pepper and other seasonings as needed.

This side dish is pretty easy to make. First you need to finely chop the onion and garlic, and then stew them in butter or vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes. After that, frozen peas are added to them, which is poured with a small amount of water. The prepared dish is sprinkled with pepper and salt, if desired, you can also add spices. Everything is thoroughly mixed, and then covered with a lid. You need to simmer the peas until it becomes soft.

Pilaf is a hearty and aromatic dish. Often, to improve its taste for meat and rice, all kinds of vegetables are put, including green peas. The recipe for the second course with its addition is not too different from the classic cooking option. Its calorie content is 217 kcal. You will need the following products:

  • Frozen or fresh green peas.
  • Chicken meat.
  • Basmati rice. You can also take just steamed.
  • Carrots and onions.
  • Salt, black pepper and other seasonings.
  • Vegetable oil.

Chicken meat must be cut and fried in oil until golden brown. Then chopped carrots and onions are added to it. After that, washed rice should be added to the fried mixture. Pour water into the pan and leave the rice and meat to stew for 15 minutes. Then thawed peas are added. The dish must continue to simmer until all the water has evaporated. Then it can be served on the table.

Hearty green pea salad with shrimp

Dishes with canned green peas are not as healthy as with fresh or frozen ones. But they differ in original taste, and preparing them is quite simple. Canned peas are often added to salads. It pairs well with seafood such as shrimp. Salad with shrimp and peas is suitable for a festive table. Prepare the following ingredients in advance for its preparation:

  • Canned green peas. You can also use frozen.
  • Couscous.
  • Boiled shrimp.
  • Canned sweet corn.
  • Fresh cucumbers.
  • Vegetable oil, salt and pepper, as well as other seasonings to taste.

First you need to boil the couscous. Then it is simply mixed with canned peas, corn and chopped vegetables. Pre-boiled shrimp are added to the dish. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The salad is dressed with oil. If desired, you can also pepper and salt the dish, after which it can be put on the table.

Fresh green peas appear on our tables most often as part of light vegetable soups, but its possibilities are much wider. The sweetish tender pulp goes well with most seasonings and can diversify the taste of a wide variety of dishes - from salads to desserts.

Salad "Panzanella" with peas

Use this Italian recipe as a base to which you can add any other ingredients like capers, olives, or chopped anchovies. Of course, tomatoes, peppers and any green vegetables will also be appropriate.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
400 g fresh peas
150 g dill
4 green onion sprigs
1 cucumber
120 g of white bread - ciabatta, pita bread, etc. - "bread with crust"
1 garlic clove
6 art. l. olive oil
2 tbsp. l. red wine vinegar

Boil, but do not overcook, the peas until tender in boiling salted water, about 5 minutes. Rinse immediately under cold running water and transfer to a salad bowl. Chop dill and onion. Peel and finely chop the cucumber. Mix all vegetables. Cut the ciabatta in half, fry until golden brown and crisp in olive oil, then break into small pieces and place in a salad bowl.

Mix peeled and crushed garlic with salt, black pepper, oil and vinegar and drizzle a couple of drops on the bread in a salad bowl. Place the pea mixture on top of the bread slices and pour over the remaining mixture. Decorate with any greens - the more the better.

This is interesting

Most recipes from fresh peas in German cuisine - it includes salads, soups, main courses, marinades, desserts and even pea ... sausage.

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Summer jumble

The delicate taste of the peas does not overpower the original flavor of the mushrooms, and the textures of these two products also complement each other wonderfully.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
400 g forest mushrooms
300 g peas
2-3 tbsp. l. white wine type "Rkatsiteli"
3 art. l. sour cream
1 st. l. chopped green parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Rinse and clean mushrooms - russula, chanterelles, porcini or a mixture of them. Fry them in butter for 3-5 minutes. Roast the fresh peas in a separate pan. Put the mushrooms and peas in a saucepan, pour in the wine and simmer for 10 minutes. Add sour cream, salt, pepper and leave on minimum heat for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

This is interesting

While the peas are young, and the peas themselves have not fully grown, all parts are edible in it and are eaten along with the skin. In this form, in the summer, peas are added to salads, stewed or served as a side dish.

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Lobster Pea Breakfast

Legend has it that Omar Sharif, a famous actor and handsome man, preferred to start the day with such a breakfast. Like it or not, it is not known for sure, but a hearty and healthy dish will surely appeal to many.

Ingredients for 3 servings:

250 g fresh peas
3 eggs
4 garlic cloves
1 st. l. olive oil
4 slices jamon ham
2 tbsp. l. dry sherry, such as Amontillado
100 ml chicken broth
5-6 fresh mint leaves

Bring salted water to a boil in a large saucepan and add the peas - cook for 5 minutes. In another saucepan, smaller, boil the eggs until "in the bag". Rinse the cooked eggs immediately with cold water so that they do not "cook" further in their own shells.
Heat the olive oil in a large skillet and sauté the minced garlic. After a minute, add the sliced ​​ham and sauté quickly, being careful not to let the garlic brown. Pour in the sherry, leave the pan on the fire, stirring the contents for another minute, then add the broth, fresh mint, seasonings and dried peas. Boil for a minute and set aside on the edge of the stove

Peel the warm eggs and cut in half, arrange on top of the peas and serve directly in the skillet.

This is interesting

According to the same legend, sherry should be flambéed, that is, set on fire right in the pan. Omar himself did not always succeed in this culinary trick, so mere mortals can get by with simple stewing, the main thing is not to forget about sherry.

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Spicy Kerala Peas

This dish is the perfect accompaniment to something hearty, but can also be a solo. In any case, it can take you on a culinary journey to the tastes of Kerala - the most idealistic state of India and a place where relaxation is always with you.

Ingredients for 6 servings:

2 tbsp. l. ghee butter
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
1 green chili

1 bulb
450 g peas
2-3 cm fresh ginger root
3-4 garlic cloves

salt and pepper to taste
juice of one lemon
3-4 sprigs of cilantro

Heat the melted butter in a large skillet over medium heat. When the ghee is hot, add the cumin and mustard seeds and stir for 1-2 minutes until the seeds start to pop. Place the chopped coriander, chili and onion in the skillet and sauté until the onion is translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the peas, chopped ginger, garlic, and cardamom, salt and pepper to taste.

Fry and stir over high heat for 3 minutes. Add lemon juice, sprinkle with cilantro and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Where can you buy ghee

You can buy everything on the Internet, but if you do not want to buy a "pig in a poke", organic food shops will help you. Ready oil costs from 4 c.u. for 100 g.

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Summer pea ribollita

A thick vegetable soup originally from Tuscany was traditionally served in the winter, but it also has a summer variation in which the obligatory beans or beans are replaced with fresh peas. Instead of black cabbage, Savoy cabbage is needed, and olive oil remains the only permanent ingredient.

Ingredients for 6 servings:

1 ciabatta or ½ pita bread
225 g fresh peas
450 g tomatoes

200 g savoy cabbage leaves

3-4 sprigs of parsley or marjoram

2 garlic cloves

1 celery root

1 medium carrot

2 medium red onions

1-2 cm red chili

3-4 pink peppercorns

3 art. l. olive oil

Peel all vegetables. Finely chop the garlic and onion, dice the carrots and celery, coarsely chop the cabbage, and disassemble the parsley into leaves. Grind the chili, break the ciabatta into pieces of arbitrary shape and let dry slightly.

Place the peas in a saucepan and add enough water to cover them and then half the amount of water already in the saucepan. Bring the liquid to a boil and lower the heat. Put the finished peas on the edge of the plate directly in the liquid.
Pour a little oil into a thick-walled saucepan or large saucepan and fry the garlic, celery, carrots, onions and chili on it over medium heat for 5 minutes, and then leave, stirring occasionally, at a minimum.
While the vegetables are cooking, use a blender to puree the chopped tomatoes. When the vegetables are soft, add the parsley leaves and saute for another 5 minutes, then add the tomato puree and mix everything. Continue cooking for another 20 minutes over low heat. The vegetable mixture should be allowed to thicken and then add the peas to it along with the liquid in which it was boiled. Boil everything together for at least 15 minutes, and then supplement with cabbage leaves. Stir and ... put pieces of dried ciabatta on top. Drizzle the bread with the remaining olive oil, remove the pan from the heat and let the soup steep for 10 minutes. Then mix everything, season with salt and pepper and you can serve real pea ribollita on the table.

This is interesting

The most non-standard use of fresh peas was invented by cooks in England, in some restaurants with a "family menu" you can see ... green pea ice cream.

From time immemorial, this culture has been treated with respect in the Celestial Empire, considering peas a symbol of fertility and wealth.

It has long been known that peas are a real storehouse of vitamins, useful amino acids, iron, potassium and phosphorus. In addition, in terms of protein reserves, it is in no way inferior to beef.

There are many recipes for soups, salads, main hot dishes, sauces or toppings for baking, in which peas are an essential ingredient. The point is small - choose those that you like. For example, from frozen green peas, you can whip up a wonderful French-style side dish for meat, poultry or fish. The peas are quickly boiled in boiling salted water, drained in a colander, and then combined with mint, pickled onions and lettuce leaves and seasoned with a creamy sauce.

Indian chefs like to add green peas to hot appetizers, stews or soufflés, as well as baked in cheese. Fragrant pea soups with smoked shank or pork ribs are a big hit in Eastern European cuisine, while hummus and falafel, the famous pasta and deep-fried balls made from chickpeas, a Turkish variety of peas, have long been the hallmark of Israeli cuisine.

But in order for our hero to retain the taste after heat treatment as much as possible, it is worth remembering a few tips. Before cooking, the peas are sorted, poured with cold water and left for 6-7 hours.

Soaking can significantly reduce the cooking time. The main thing is not to overexpose the peas in water, otherwise it can turn sour. Boil peas on low heat, under a lid. If the water in the pan has boiled away, you need to add boiling water (but not cold water!). And it is better to salt at the end of cooking, since salt slows down the boiling.

For those who love treats from green peas, we remind you that when frozen, it completely retains its vitamin composition, taste and aroma and does not need long cooking.

For 4 persons: green peas - 100 g, kefir - 100 ml, eggs - 2 pcs., sugar - 1 tsp, white cabbage - 200 g, cheese - 100 g, wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l., garlic - 1 clove, butter - 40 g, baking soda - on the tip of a knife, salt, ground black pepper

Mix kefir, salt, sugar, soda, eggs. Add pepper and flour. Whisk with a fork. Shred the cabbage, mash with salt. Grate cheese and garlic. Add cabbage to kefir mixture. Pour into an oiled mold. Sprinkle with peas, top with cheese. Bake for 30-40 minutes at 180°C.

Calorie per serving 284 kcal

Cooking time from 60 minutes

4 points

For 4 persons: green peas - 150 g, wheat flour - 1 cup, eggs - 1 pc., milk - 150 ml, baking powder - 1 tsp, turmeric - 0.5 tsp, greens (any), vegetable oil, salt

Frozen or fresh green peas in a frying pan in hot water for a few minutes, then mash. Let cool. Whisk the egg with milk. Sift flour with baking powder, turmeric and salt. Slowly pour in the egg and milk mixture, stirring to prevent lumps from forming. Add mashed peas and greens. Leave the dough to stand for 20-30 minutes. Cook pancakes in hot vegetable oil for 2 minutes on each side until golden brown.

Calorie per serving 155 kcal

Cooking time from 50 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 8 persons: dry peas - 500 g, smoked pork ribs - 500 g, potatoes - 5 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., garlic - 3 cloves, raw smoked brisket - 100 g, dill - a bunch, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

Rinse the peas, cover with cold water and leave for 4-5 hours. Cut the ribs into pieces, pour water (3 l) and cook for 1-1.5 hours until the meat begins to easily fall behind the bones. Remove the ribs from the pan, cut the meat into pieces. Pour the peas into the pan and cook for 30 minutes. Then put the diced potatoes and cook for another 20 minutes. Fry chopped onions and carrots in vegetable oil. Send them to the pot with the soup, return the meat to the soup, salt, pepper, cook for 10 minutes. Finely chop the dill and garlic, cut the brisket into thin strips. Put everything in the soup and keep on fire for 1-2 minutes. Let stand 30 minutes before serving.

Calorie per serving 532 kcal

Cooking time from 120 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 8 points

For 3 persons: frozen green peas - 100 g, basmati rice - 200 g, chicken fillet - 250 g, carrots - 2 pcs., onion - 1 pc., vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

Cut the chicken fillet, put in a pan and fry in oil until golden brown. Grind carrots and onions, put to the meat, salt and pepper. Sort rice, rinse with cold water, pour into a pan, mix, add a little hot water, cover and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Defrost green peas at room temperature, drain the resulting liquid. Then add it to the pilaf, mix and simmer the dish over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated. To make the pilaf acquire a richer and brighter color, you can add a little turmeric during cooking.

Calorie per serving 217 kcal

Cooking time from 50 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

For 3 persons: green peas - 200 g, baguette or ciabatta - 6 slices, avocado - 0.5 pcs., garlic - 1 clove, lemon - 0.5 pcs., greens (any) - bunch, olive oil, salt, ground black pepper

Squeeze juice from lemon. Slice the baguette or ciabatta. Toast until golden brown in a dry and hot frying pan. Peel avocado, pour over lemon juice. Mash the pulp with a fork. Put green peas in a colander and blanch in hot water for 5 minutes. Finely chop the garlic clove and greens, add along with the peas to the pulp of the avocado. Spray with oil. Salt and pepper. To stir thoroughly. Spread bread with prepared mixture.

Calorie per serving 202 kcal

Cooking time from 15 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 3 points

Photo: Fotolia/All Over Press/Legion Media

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Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
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The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.