What is weed grass? Willowweed loosestrife Is it possible for an Orthodox to wear the root of plakun grass

Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), or Plakun-grass, a plant of the Loosestrife family (Lytraceae) has a rather large variation in names. In Dahl's dictionary: water skrypy, wild cornflowers, bloodthirsty, shag, oak tree, boletus, recruitment.
The generic Latin name of the plant comes from Greek and means "spilled clotted blood"; The plant has hemostatic properties.
The specific name is derived from the Latin salix ("willow") and is given for the similarity of willow leaves and loosestrife.

Description of Plakun Grass

Perennial herbaceous plant with straight, angular stems. The leaves are lanceolate, sessile, whorled and opposite. The flowers are small, beautiful, purple, collected in a long dense spike-shaped panicle. The calyx is long, tubular, twelve-toothed. Height up to 90 cm.

Plakun-grass is common in Ukraine, Belarus, in the European part of Russia (all regions), in Western Siberia (all regions, Ob (southwest), in Eastern Siberia (Yenisei, Angara-Sayan (very rare), in the Far East ( Amur, Primorsky regions, Sakhalin, Kuriles), in the Caucasus, in Central Asia.Grows along the banks of shallow rivers, in the coastal strip among aquatic vegetation or willow thickets, in water meadows, sedge marshes, rice fields, sometimes on the sand near the sea shore singly or groups.

Article from the newspaper: AiF at Dacha No. 17 09/10/2015

Derbennik is a surprisingly beautiful and extremely stable decorative perennial. His presence in the garden will not go unnoticed.

Loosestrife. Decorative and healing properties


The loosestrife is propagated by dividing the bush, root cuttings, seeds. The bush is divided in spring or autumn. The rhizome in adult plants becomes woody, so a shovel or ax is used to divide it. Delenki are planted immediately in a permanent place. When planting, organic fertilizers are applied. After planting, the grass is watered.

Sowing seeds is carried out in March for seedlings or in autumn, before winter. The loosestrife reproduces well by self-sowing. Seeds are spread over the surface of a loose substrate and lightly sprinkled with earth. Then the crops are sprayed from a spray gun and covered with a film or glass. Seeds germinate at a temperature of about 15-18 degrees. At the stage of 2-3 true leaves, seedlings dive into separate containers. Seedlings are planted outdoors after the threat of frost has passed. Young plants are planted at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Flowering when propagated by seeds begins at 2-3 years.

For therapeutic purposes, the grass loosestrife (stems, leaves, flowers), rhizomes are used. The grass is harvested during flowering, rhizomes in autumn.

Tannins 3-4%, saponins (traces) were found in the rhizomes of plakun grass. In the aerial part of the plant, glycosides salikarin, lythrin, tannins, vitamin C, essential oil, mucus, resin, glucose, carotene were found. In seeds, alkaloids, glycoside litrerin.

Application and useful properties

The use of plakun-grass has found its own in epilepsy, nervous diseases, depression, schizophrenia. It treats loosestrife the consequences of venous insufficiency, radiation, arachnoiditis (cystic - too). The plant has diaphoretic, astringent, analgesic, anticonvulsant, wound healing, hemostatic, tonic, tonic effects.

An infusion of herbs, loosestrife flowers is used externally for eczema and other diseases. A decoction of loosestrife is used as a diuretic, drunk with uterine bleeding.
Plakun-grass is used for rheumatism, headaches, colds, coughs, diarrhea (dysentery), hemorrhoids. The loosestrife loosestrife is effective in female infertility.
Purulent wounds are washed with infusion of herbs, lotions are made with infusion for eczema, varicose ulcers, panaritiums. For any hernias, take an infusion inside (reduces the growth of hernias).

Hypertensive patients, cores in herbal teas add dry grass and flowers. Such drinks are especially useful for people suffering from insomnia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, they soothe well.
Plakun-grass was a huge success among the Slavs. With a wooden spatula they dug up (necessarily at dawn) the root, which they then carried to the temple, asked for help from the plakun-grass in expelling the evil force that made the children tremble in convulsions.

Plakun willow is quite widely used in folk medicine. The plant has astringent, diaphoretic, anticonvulsant, analgesic, hemostatic, wound-healing effect and tonic, tonic properties. An infusion or decoction of the herb is used for dysentery, diarrhea, chronic intestinal catarrh, as an analgesic for pain in the stomach and as a hemostatic agent for various bleeding. An infusion of herbs is also taken orally for colds, diseases accompanied by a feverish condition, and with general weakness of the body.

In Azerbaijan, a decoction of herbs with flowers is also used for nervous diseases. Outwardly, a decoction of the herb is used for bathing young children with convulsions and washing to stop external bleeding. Crushed leaves are applied to cuts and wounds to stop bleeding for quick healing.


Like every remedy, loosestrife has its contraindications. It can not be used in patients with increased blood clotting, it is contraindicated in atherosclerosis and a tendency to thrombosis. Neither tinctures, nor decoctions, nor fresh herbs are categorically recommended for elderly people with atonic or senile constipation. With great care and only after consulting a doctor, you can use hypertensive patients, since the herb leads to vasoconstriction. As a result, the pressure can rise even more.

The loosestrife is a wild plant, but it can be grown in flowerbeds, near a pond and in a garden. Most often, for decorative purposes, willowy and twig-shaped loosestrife are planted, differing among themselves in the height of the stem and the color of the flowers. Quite often they are used in group plantings, they are valued for long abundant flowering and unpretentiousness.
They go well with such perennials as cuff, elecampane, meadowsweet, volzhanka, loosestrife.

Moist soils rich in humus are best suited for loosestrife. He also loves sunny places, in the shade his flowering will not be so bright and plentiful. Acidic substrates are exactly what is needed for plant growth, therefore, when planting loosestrife in the soil, it would be nice to dilute it with high-moor peat - up to 10 buckets per 1m2. Such a mixture will not only supply the plants with nutrients, but also retain moisture well in the hot season.

PLAKUN - GRASS sings Olga Kuzmicheva
Slideshow on verses by E. Erofeeva-Litvinskaya "PLAKUN-GRASS". Songwriter-singer Olga Kuzmicheva.
Author Maya Argamakova

Useful characteristics of the plakuna

The chemical composition of plakuna grass contains phenolcarboxylic acids, tannins, essential oil, resin, flavonoids, vitamins, and there are traces of alkaloids. The roots contain saponins, and the flowers contain anthocyanins. Leaves, flowers, and roots are harvested to use the herb for medicinal purposes. The collection of the aerial part of the plant is carried out before flowering, it is better to dig up the roots in the fall. Raw materials are collected and dried in a perfectly open room, stored in a black dry place for less than a year.

Plakun-grass is a beautiful honey plant that attracts a huge number of bees and butterflies in July with its colorful beautiful flowers. The honey collected from this herb is very fragrant, it has a slightly tart taste and rich color.

The use of plakuna

The plant is widely used in folk medicine as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and tonic. An infusion of plants is recommended as an astringent for diarrhea and dysentery. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves are excellent for epilepsy. nervous disorders, rheumatism. catarrh of the stomach and intestinal tract, hemorrhoids. The whole dry plant can be used for insomnia. Healing with plakun-grass gives a good result in uterine bleeding, gastritis, enteritis. cold.

Also excellent plant helps with cardiovascular diseases and some skin (eczema, dermatitis). To ensure quick and painless healing of wounds, gruel from the freshest grass should be applied to an unhealthy place. With a painful feverish state and general helplessness of the body, herbal tea will be useful.

One of the important pharmaceutical parameters of the plakuna is that the plant perfectly counteracts cerebral edema when bitten by an encephalitis tick.

Plakuna infusion: to make an infusion, pour 10 g of dry grass into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for at least 4 hours, then strain through a very fine sieve. To improve the general condition of the body, it is recommended to drink the infusion 3 times a day, 25 mg each.

plakuna flower

Plakun-grass is famous for its own beauty. Thickets of plants in natural conditions and in flower beds look very beautiful. The straight tall trunk is densely dotted with purple or pink flowers, collected in decorative pyramidal inflorescences. The plant blooms from June to the end of September.

Plakuna flowers are widely used in folk medicine. They contain tannins, pectin, carotene and other bioactive compounds. Tea from plants helps with migraines, decoctions and infusions with their addition are used for ulcers of the stomach and intestinal tract. Once upon a time, the flowers of the plant were needed in cooking as a food coloring.

Plakun willow

This perennial plant with a straight green stem reaches a height of 100 cm. Its leaves are obstinate, elongated-pointed. Small beautiful flowers are collected in a dense spike-shaped panicle. The fruits are oblong double-leafed boxes. Willow-leaved plakun blooms in June-August. This plant is widely distributed throughout almost the entire area of ​​the European part of Russia, in Belarus and Ukraine. Preparations from it are widely used in folk medicine.

Plakun willowy has a tonic, tonic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic, astringent and hemostatic properties. Decoctions and infusions from it help with acquired colitis and enterocolitis, various bleeding. nervous diseases, epilepsy, typhoid. Externally, they are used for neuroses, varicose veins and venereal diseases. In the old days, it was believed that this herb is an antidote for the bites of snakes and mad animals.

Contraindications to the use of plakuna

Plakun is not poisonous. It is contraindicated to take its preparations only with the highest blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis. You should also be careful in the use of this herb for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, especially with atonic constipation. Preparations from the plant are able to constrict blood vessels, therefore, when using them, hypertensive patients should closely monitor the pressure. Pregnant and lactating women do not need to use decoctions and infusions.

The chemical composition of plakuna grass contains phenolcarboxylic acids, tannins, essential oil, resin, flavonoids, vitamins, and there are traces of alkaloids. The roots contain saponins, and the flowers contain anthocyanins. Leaves, flowers and roots are harvested for medicinal purposes. The collection of the aerial part of the plant is carried out before flowering, it is advisable to dig up the roots in the fall. Raw materials are collected and dried in a well-ventilated area, stored in a dark, dry place for no more than a year.

Plakun-grass is a wonderful honey plant that attracts many bees and butterflies in July with its bright beautiful flowers. The honey collected from this herb is very fragrant, it has a slightly tart taste and rich color.

The use of plakuna

The plant is widely used in folk medicine as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and tonic. An infusion of flowers is recommended as an astringent for diarrhea and dysentery. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves are good for epilepsy, nervous disorders, rheumatism, catarrh of the stomach and intestines, hemorrhoids. The whole dry plant can be used for insomnia. Treatment with plakun-grass gives a positive result in uterine bleeding, gastritis, enteritis, and a cold.

The plant also effectively helps with cardiovascular diseases and some skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis). To ensure quick and painless wound healing, gruel from fresh grass should be applied to the sore spot. With a painful feverish condition and general weakness of the body, herbal tea will be useful.

One of the most important medicinal properties of the plakuna is that the plant effectively counteracts cerebral edema when bitten by an encephalitis tick.

Plakuna infusion: to prepare the infusion, pour 10 g of dry grass into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for at least four hours, then strain through a very fine sieve. To improve the general condition of the body, it is recommended to drink the infusion 3 times a day, 25 mg each.

plakuna flower

Plakun-grass is famous for its beauty. Thickets of plants in natural conditions and in flower beds look extremely beautiful. The straight tall stem is densely dotted with purple or pink flowers, collected in decorative pyramidal inflorescences. The plant blooms from June to the end of September.

Plakuna flowers are widely used in folk medicine. They contain tannins, pectin, carotene and other bioactive compounds. Flower tea helps with headaches, decoctions and infusions with their addition are used for stomach and intestinal ulcers. Once the flowers of the plant were in demand in cooking as a food coloring.

Plakun willow

This perennial plant with a straight dark green stem reaches a height of 100 cm. Its leaves are opposite, elongated-pointed. Small beautiful flowers are collected in a dense spike-shaped panicle. The fruits are oblong double-winged capsules. Willow-leaved plakun blooms in June-August. This plant is widely distributed throughout almost the entire territory of the European part of Russia, in Belarus and Ukraine. Preparations from it are widely used in folk medicine.

Plakun willowy has a tonic, tonic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic, astringent and hemostatic properties. Decoctions and infusions from it help with chronic colitis and enterocolitis, various bleeding, nervous diseases, epilepsy, typhoid. Outwardly they are used for neurosis, varicose veins and venereal diseases. In the old days, it was believed that this herb is an antidote for the bites of snakes and rabid animals.

Contraindications to the use of plakuna

Plakun is not toxic. It is contraindicated to take its preparations only with high blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis. Caution should also be exercised in the use of this herb for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, especially with atonic constipation. Plant preparations can constrict blood vessels, so hypertensive patients should carefully monitor their pressure when using them. It is undesirable to use decoctions and infusions for pregnant and lactating women.

There are flowers that will develop perfectly in any environment - even in a greenhouse, even in the cold. Understanding which group the flower belongs to, it will be possible to reliably provide the required care. Critical growing methods consist of controlling the humidity of the atmosphere, the regularity of moisture in the soil and ensuring the required temperature. Light is one of the main factors. All known bloomers are divided into groups. Some can only be kept outside the home. Some plants can only be grown at home without the street.

What are you crying about, Plakun-flower?

Plakun-Grass for all herbs Mati

Mother's tears and the sadness of the earth Have risen like a weeper-flower from the earth.

"The mother of all herbs is plakun-grass. With this root, all herbs must be collected, and any herb will receive its strength," says an old herbalist. Tear every weed with the verdict: "Weed from the earth, but medicine from God." Speak three times, staying clean. Second: "The sky is the father, the earth is the mother, and you are the grass, let me tear you." In Rus', they have always treated plakun-grass with respect. It is believed that plakun-grass has great magical and healing power. Healers used it in their conspiracies, and ordinary people tried to have it in their home as a talisman against misfortunes and illnesses. It is also called wild cornflower, and oak forest, and coast, and blood, and willow-grass. If you collect medicinal herbs - always have a plakun-grass with you. Put it and when drying among other plants.

A verse in the Pigeon Book to the question: What herb answers to all mother's herbs: "... Plakun-Grass to all Mother's herbs. Why Plakun-Grass to all Mother's herbs? When she grieved for the sorrows of the Russian Land.

This wonderful plant is known from ancient legends. The Pigeon Book says that it grew out of the tears of the Virgin shed during the agony of Jesus Christ:

"Mother, the Most Pure Theotokos, For Jesus Christ wept a lot, For her son, for her beloved; She dropped the most pure tears On mother on the damp earth; From those tears from the most pure, Plakun-Grass was born; Therefore, Plakun-Grass to Mati's herbs."

"The Mother of God cried the Mother of God, And Plakun-Grass wiped herself, Because Plakun-Grass Mati all herbs ..."

Plakun-Grass - "Mati to all herbs." It allows you to command the spirits, to master the treasures. She humbles the satanic forces, makes them obedient to the will of man, destroys the spells of sorcerers and witches, saves from the devil's temptation and disease, a cross made of this grass, put on a demoniac, casts out demons from him. Platonov

The old slander contained detailed instructions for the collection and use of a magical agent: "Collect plakun-grass at the morning dawn on Midsummer Day. As you dig, take off all the iron, otherwise the root will not be given to your hands and will not have strength." And when you start digging, say: "Cryer! Cryer! You cried a lot and a lot, but you cried a little, do not roll your tears across the open field, do not spread your howl across the blue sea! Be afraid of evil demons, half-demons, old Kiev witches! And they will not give you submission, drown them in tears; but they will run away from your disgrace, shut them up in the pits of the underworld. May my word be strong and firm with you. Age of ages!"

And it was also ordered to keep plakun-grass clean, to give livestock with restless behavior, to put beds in the heads of children with insomnia. According to experienced herbalists, in the flowers and root of Plakun-grass is its main power. The root of this "mother of all herbs" conceals a power that protects faint-hearted people from any temptation.

Some refer the name "Plakun" to Ivan-tea (epilobium angustifolium), others to meadow St. : http://www.florets.ru

"Plakun, Plakun! You cried for a long time and a lot, but you cried a little. Do not roll your tears across the open field, do not carry your howl across the blue sea! Be afraid of evil demons, half-demons, old Kiev witches! them in tears, but if they run away from your disgrace, lock them up in the pits of the underworld. May my word be strong and firm with you.

According to experienced herbalists, in the flowers and root of Plakun-grass is its main power. The root of this "mother of all herbs" conceals a power that protects faint-hearted people from any temptation.

Some attribute the name "Plakun" to Ivan-tea (epilobium angustifolium), others to meadow St.

In the first case, "Plakun" is curative as "breaking poultices." This plant, which blooms in June-July, is very often found on forest edges, on mountain slopes and in gardens in wooded areas.

In the second case, the common folk healers attribute to it a multi-healing power, as well as a "dilutive and antihelminthic." They also treat consumption in the rural wilderness. Village healers collect it in flood meadows and forest lowlands, dry it and use it both in the form of powders and in the form of tinctures (in wine or water) for the most diverse diseases. With a favorable outcome of the treatment, they attribute the main force to their slander-whispers, and in case of an unfortunate one, they refer to the fact that the sick person followed the medical instructions without faith in their power. In one old medical book, published at the beginning of the 19th century and compiled according to folk remedies in connection with their scientific evaluation, some advice was given, and in conclusion - with ingenuous frankness - it was said: "If it does not help, bury with honor." Our common healers could say the same thing if they were required to explain the verbal science of healing adopted from their great-grandfathers.

Wild cornflowers ("Plakun") give, according to the assurances of not only healers, but also real doctors, help in the treatment of jaundice. Water infused with their flowers is one of the remedies against eye diseases in general, and lacrimation is a particular one.

In all cases, "grass to all herbs of the mother" (to take it for this or that plant) is a good grass that gives people a lot of help - it's not for nothing that the popular rumor is winged and says that it was born for the first time in God's white world from the most pure tears of the Mother of God shed by the Ever-Virgin according to Her beloved son, who brought the dark world the Light of salvation.

What is the weeping weed yearning for?

Platon Platonovich Pro (714) 6 years ago

Tears of a mother and sadness of the earth

They rose from the earth like a plakun-flower.

Silently tears pour over the arable land

Over dashing misfortune over yesterday.

There is a grass called plakun, grows near rivers and lakes, high in hemp, the color of crimson.

Its flowers are like a torch, and in the morning it cries bright tears.

Plakun mother of all herbs - they say about him wild cornflower, and oak forest, and coast, and bloodweed, and willow-grass.

He opens access to the cursed treasure, overcomes evil spirits, makes evil spirits cry.

Gather plakun-grass at the morning dawn on Midsummer's Day. As you dig, take off everything iron from yourself, otherwise the root will not be given in your hands and will not have strength. And when you start digging, say: “Cryer! Cryer! You cried a lot and a lot, but you cried a little, don’t roll your tears across the open field, don’t spread your howl across the blue sea. Be afraid of evil demons, half-demons, old Kiev witches. And they will not give you submission, drown them in tears, but they will run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of the underworld. May my word be strong and firm with you. Forever and ever!"

Keep the plakunu-grass clean, give it to the cattle that is spinning, and which guys are not sleeping, put it in their heads.

As soon as you go to the swamp, take with you a plakun-grass, it will drive away the unclean and will not let you drag it into the quagmire.

Elm-leaved loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.) or "plakun-grass".

Sem. loosestrife. Rhizome perennial with lilac-pink flowers collected in long spike-shaped inflorescences, up to 2 m high. It blooms from July to September. Moisture-loving, tolerates partial shade. Has several garden forms. Propagated by seeds and division of the bush. It is used for planting in groups on lawns, banks of reservoirs, discounts and in mixborders.

Decorative and can decorate the shore of the reservoir at your summer cottage.

Other answers

Plakun-grass is the mother of all herbs.

DEFINITION: In different areas, plakun-grass has been identified with various plants. Sometimes it was believed that this is a meadow St. John's wort.

LEGEND: A verse in the Pigeon Book to the question:

Which herb answers all mother's herbs:

“... Plakun-Grass to all Mati herbs.

Why Plakun-Grass to all Mati herbs?

Because Plakun-Grass to all Mati herbs,

That Mother Lada herself shed tears on her,

When she grieved for the sorrows of the Russian Land.

SPECIAL PROPERTIES: The plant received this name because it has a special mechanism for getting rid of excess moisture, which flows in the form of drops along the leaves and looks like tears.

APPLICATION: Plakun-grass is mentioned in conspiracies as a means of helping to command spirits and take possession of treasures. According to ancient beliefs, she makes demons cry. Amulets were made from plakun-grass, including cross-vests. You need to collect it at dawn on Midsummer Day .. The root of this grass served for amulets, including for crosses-vests ....

COLLECTING FEATURES: Collect plakun-grass at the morning dawn on Midsummer Day. As you dig, take off everything iron from yourself, otherwise the root will not be given in your hands and will not have strength. And when you start digging, say: “Plakun! Plakun! You cried for a long time and a lot, but you cried a little, do not roll your tears across the open field, do not carry your howl across the blue sea. Be afraid of evil demons, semi-demons, old Kyiv witches. And they will not give you submission, drown them in tears, but they will run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of the underworld. May my word be with you firmly and firmly. Age of age! »

IN LITERATURE: And here is the plakun-grass. This herb is the mother of all herbs. Demons and sorcerers cry from plakun-grass, it humbles the power of the enemy, destroys evil sorcery, drives lessons and influx from a person ... P.I. MELNIKOV-PECHERSKY "In the woods"

Plakun-grass is a plant surrounded by secrets and legends. It is mentioned in the Bible and ancient herbalists. The plant can "cry", heal and protect. A truly magical herb.

What a wonderful plant.

Its real name is loosestrife loosestrife. It occurs quite often, sometimes it even forms thickets that look very picturesque. This is a tall plant (50-150 cm) with a powerful root system and a thick stem, on which narrow willow-like leaves sit in whorls or are arranged oppositely. Small crimson flowers collected in a brush appear in July-August. You can meet this plant on the banks of rivers and in damp forests on the edges. It is very fond of swampy meadows and drained peat bogs. Plakun-grass is similar to twig-shaped loosestrife. But they can be distinguished. Plakun-grass leaves are not pubescent. In addition, the rod-shaped loosestrife at the stem has wedge-shaped leaves, not heart-shaped ones.

The plant is used both in official medicine and in folk medicine. The roots of loosestrife contain tannins, while the stem and leaves contain resin, traces of essential oils, and the glycoside salikarin. The flowers are rich in flavones, while the seeds contain alkaloids and the glycoside lytrarin.

Useful properties of a plant such as loosestrife

Plakun-grass has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. Effective treatment of her dysentery and diarrhea of ​​various etiologies. It helps with chronic enterocolitis and gastritis. Gruel from fresh leaves is applied to bleeding wounds, as the plant also has a strong hemostatic effect.

In folk medicine, the whole plant is used: roots, grass with flowers and seeds. Raw materials are harvested at different times. The ground part of the plant - only during the flowering period, when the grass is most useful, and the roots are dug up in the fall. But, according to legend, there is one day a year when you can harvest the plant completely - early in the morning on Ivan Kupala.

A decoction of the roots is used to treat stomach pains, women's diseases and uterine bleeding, and they are also used as a diuretic. Decoctions from flowers help with diarrhea, and from leaves - with epilepsy, nervous disorders, insomnia, hemorrhoids and rheumatism. A good therapeutic effect is observed in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and some skin diseases, such as eczema. Weakened children are bathed in a decoction of grass. The raw root is believed to help with snake bites and restore the body after physical exertion. To do this, you need to eat it with bread or drink sour milk. With stomach pains, colds, headaches, root tincture on vodka helps. And it is used externally for bruises. Dry grass powder is sprinkled on wounds that do not heal for a long time. The most common recipe: pour one tablespoon of fresh herbs with water in a volume of 200 ml, bring to a boil and turn off. Infuse for 15 minutes, then strain and drink ¼ cup 3 times a day.

Derbennik is an excellent honey plant. Its flowers contain a lot of nectar and pollen, thus attracting a huge number of bees and colorful butterflies. Plakun-grass honey is dark yellow, fragrant and has healing properties. In the old days, loosestrife flowers were used as a food coloring, and due to its tannic properties, the plant is still used to this day to impregnate fishing gear to protect it from decay. This grass is fed even to cattle, if it is restless.

Why was the plant named that way?

Plakun-grass got its name for a reason. In pagan myths, it is said that she herself cried so much when she saw how the Slavic people were suffering. The Bible did not bypass this plant. It is believed that it was from the tears shed by the Mother of God that the plakun-grass grew.

Although everything is explained quite simply. In the integumentary tissues of the plant there are special organs with which it tries to get rid of excess moisture accumulated during the night. Its droplets flow down the edges of the leaves and look like tears. Most often, this phenomenon can be observed early in the morning or before rain.


Plakun-grass in magic has tremendous power. She helps in the fight against evil spirits and spells that are sent by sorcerers and witches. carved from the root, protects its owner from intentional death (murder). It can be used to cast demons out of people. Children who sleep restlessly are placed at the head of a loosestrife. Plakun-grass helps to search for treasures and protects from evil spirits in the swamps. When collecting other medicinal herbs, be sure to have a sprig of loosestrife with you, otherwise the collected plants will not have power.


Plakun-grass, whose medicinal properties are enormous, is not a poisonous plant. But it cannot be used if a person has increased blood clotting or suffers from senile constipation.

It is another contraindication. People with high blood pressure should drink decoctions of loosestrife with caution, as it has the property of constricting blood vessels.


Plakun-grass is a plant not officially recognized by medicine. Therefore, this plant is not found in ordinary pharmacies. In this case, it is better to prepare it yourself or turn to people involved in such fishing.

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