What's in the head of a loved one fortune-telling. "What's on the heart": fortune telling on a deck of playing cards. My vision of love

What is in the heart of a loved one is fortune-telling, which determines the feelings and intentions of a person, helps to gently and delicately correct your behavior, on the condition that it develops, and does not destroy your personality. You can start reading the alignment by determining what is in your heart.

Have a nice session!

Features of the interpretation of the layout

Pay attention to 1 personal card. Often we ignore its meaning, in a hurry to find out the feelings and plans of the Partner. We are sure that we understand ourselves, our desires and we know exactly what we feel for a person. Together with 3 and 4, the first card is the key that opens the door beyond the limiting situation.

Arcana Tarot with swords or restless wands, reversed cards in 1st position ask you to listen to yourself, express your feelings, if they are suppressed, recognize your needs. The Major Arcana in this position also deserves special attention (usually it is signed with an English name).

Such a card encourages you to live, to trust a certain experience (the one that symbolizes), not to reject (if it is reversed), but to use the power that you receive with this experience. By looking at yourself, it is easier to understand what your partner is experiencing, how your partner copes with feelings.

How does his feelings for you in card 2 fit in with his close plans for you in position 5, does he have long-term plans for you and a relationship with card 6? What is unpredictable to expect from a person in paragraph 7? Where will feelings take you with card 8? Are you satisfied with this level?

Inverted or conflict arcana in positions 5 and 6 means the absence of clear plans, the uncertainty in which the Partner is. Curly cards (Kings, Queens, Knights, less often Pages) indicate the influence of other people, that the development of the issue depends on the expression of the specific qualities of yours or the Partner.

Wands personify temperament, passions, the desire to achieve, the need for recognition, respect. Swords are associated with independence, insight, rationality. Cups need tenderness, understanding, complicity. Pentacles - reliability and stability.

Turn your interpretation of your spread into an engaging reading of the Relationship story. Where, instead of fictional characters, you and your Partner are real people with their own oddities and virtues, alive, real. Please treat your Tarot reading as the art of seeing the invisible, making connections, getting to the heart of what matters.

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Many would like to have the ability to read other people's minds. Unfortunately, we cannot do this, but if you want to know how your partner feels, what he thinks about, you can use divination. Anyone can guess what is in the heart of the person I am thinking about on gypsy cards today, only 36 cards are used online. To do this, you only need an Internet connection.

Fortunately, progress has stepped far forward, now there is no need to look for a real fortune teller who could tell about the future. It's easy to do it online for free. The layout uses a deck of 36 cards. It is necessary to choose any 3. Each of them is "responsible" for its prediction.

  • The first will tell what is in the heart of a loved one. The interpretation will describe in detail his feelings and emotions towards you.
  • The second one will tell you what your soul mate is thinking about now. Moreover, you will learn not only about his condition, but also about your feelings, about what caused the situation in which you are now.
  • The third card is the attitude of a loved one towards you, what lies ahead.

Fortune telling on gypsy cards "What's on the Heart" can give useful tips and recommendations that will help you build relationships with your partner, better understand his feelings and thoughts. Who is this ritual for? We can safely say that it is universal. Perhaps some disagreements have appeared in your couple, and you want to understand their reason, or maybe you are taking a serious step - getting married, but doubting the correctness of the choice.

This alignment is great for everyday life. Perhaps you have begun to devote little time to each other and it's time to pay attention to it. Gypsy methods of divination have always been distinguished by truthfulness and accuracy. It was not for nothing that fortunetellers were feared and respected, because they could not only tell about the past, but also discover the future.

Before the ritual, you should relax, concentrate. You can mentally imagine the image of a loved one. Better even use his photo.

This method will appeal to both amateur beginners and professionals. But it is better not to use it too often, because as the cards may stop telling the truth, the predictions will become vague and incorrect. Another very important point is to try to correctly understand the interpretation and use the information received to develop relationships.

Listen to the advice that the higher powers give. Don't forget to always work on yourself. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to trust fortune-telling 100%, to be upset if it didn’t turn out what you expected. Just try to understand what the virtual Oracle wants to convey to you.

Choose 1st card

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about what or who you are talking about. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Divination What's on the heart. This is a prediction for a loved one. After conducting this fortune-telling, you will know what your beloved (beloved) is thinking about, what will happen to him (her), what his (her) desires are overwhelmed. An old layout that our grandmothers adopted from nomadic gypsies and successfully used for their own needs. A sufficiently large number of cards allows you to get answers to many questions, but at the same time it forces you to spend very serious time on their interpretation and understanding.

Online divination technique:

For this prediction, a deck of 36 cards is used, which is first thoroughly mixed and the first card is pulled out. Next, you need to shuffle the deck before laying out the next card. Lay out the cards in one row in the following order: 1st card - "in the head", 2nd - "on the heart", 3rd - "what will happen", 4th - "what you want", 5th - " what he does not expect", 6th - "what is his life like". After that, it remains to look at the dropped cards and get acquainted with their meanings.

Often, girls who want to have an idea about the true feelings of their chosen one resort to fortune telling. What is in the heart of a loved one, everyone wants to find out. This can be found with the help of an ordinary playing deck, which is sold in almost every store.

Taming the deck

Before proceeding with the process itself, you need to tame the cards. To date, there are a huge number of methods used by practitioners. The simplest ones are to shuffle the deck or leave it all night under the pillow. Any of these methods works, but there is a main requirement for a fortuneteller - a respectful attitude towards the oracles that stand behind each of the cards. Respect for the deck is manifested as follows:

  • must be stored in a specially designated place;
  • you can not take the cards with dirty hands;
  • it is forbidden to use for games;
  • you can not guess in a state of intoxication;
  • It is forbidden to transfer to the use of other people.

Fortune telling "What's in the heart" will be accurate only if you manage to strictly comply with all the requirements listed above. Try to keep track of the state of the deck, set aside its own place for it, for example, in a desk drawer or in a box in which you store valuables.

Rendering the image

Fortune telling on the cards "What's on the heart" can be resorted to if you need to find out about the true feelings of your lover, beloved, or in order to understand yourself. Before spreading the deck, imagine the image of a person, and then mentally transfer it to the corresponding card - a king or a lady. The suit is chosen taking into account marital status and age (for men), as well as hair color (for women):

  • tambourines - single;
  • worms - married;
  • clubs - aged;
  • blondes - tambourines;
  • brunettes - clubs;
  • red - worms.


First of all, we shuffle the deck. If fortune-telling "What's on the heart" is directed at someone, then the cards are removed with the left hand away from you. If the alignment is done on one's own person, then with the same hand, but already on oneself. We begin to lay out the cards face down (opening the pictures). Each row should have three cards. We put them on the table until the hidden one falls out. After that, we move on to the analysis of the environment of the map, which will carry accurate information indicating what is happening with this person in the present.

We leave the main card in the center of the table. We evenly distribute a quarter of the deck by moving the cards to the header, legs and sides of the main one. Shuffle the images in each stack. We leave a couple of the top cards face down, and collect the others in a deck and shuffle. Then we fill in the gaps in the cross between the main card and the secondary ones. As soon as the gaps disappear, we draw any card from the deck, put it under the main one. It is she who will tell about the feelings and thoughts of a person of interest to the fortuneteller.

Then from the remaining deck we take the first card, which falls on the main one. Next, count three pieces and set them aside. Repeat this until the deck runs out.

Fortune-telling "What's in the heart" has come to the final stage. The main information is contained in the cards located on the main one. They are able to tell about what is happening in the soul of a person. Now you can turn all the cards face down. The images mean this:

  • in the head indicate real thoughts;
  • in the legs - on the outgoing-coming;
  • on the right - important events in the future;
  • on the left - important events in the past.

The following combinations of cards carry important information:

  • four sixes - a long journey;
  • sevens - a long-awaited meeting;
  • eights - to material well-being;
  • nines - illness;
  • tens - wedding;
  • jacks - chores;
  • ladies - gossip;
  • kings - influential connections;
  • aces - a secret desire will come true.

The process should be stopped if during fortune-telling all the cards of spades fell out. In no case do not decipher the alignment.

Each of us represents love in our own way. For some, this is beautiful courtship, romantic gatherings under the moon. And for someone home comfort, reliability and stability. This unique runic spread will help you understand how you and your significant other understand love. In this way, you will check your compatibility, as well as learn to understand each other better. This rune reading will help you improve your own relationships, better understand yourself and what you are subconsciously looking for in a partner.

Make a layout

My vision of love

The first position “My vision of love” will tell you what is most important for you in a relationship. Pay attention to the general description of the rune and the separate line "Feelings". She will describe how you subconsciously see a love union. Negative values ​​indicate various psychological complexes and problems.

Vision of love from a partner

The second position "Vision of love from a partner" will give information about his perception of a love relationship. The rune that has fallen out will answer the question of what is most important for him in love and how he subconsciously sees it for himself.

Key to my heart

The third position "Key to my heart" will tell you how your loved one needs to behave in order to win your love. This rune describes the ideal partner for you.

Key to his heart

The fourth position "Key to his heart" will explain how he wants to see his partner. By behaving in the way this rune describes, you will get his heart forever.

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