What awaits the lion monkey in the year

A favorable and positive year is approaching for all representatives of the Monkey. This is the time of activity and the fulfillment of all previously conceived plans. But as assured Eastern horoscope for 2019, Monkeyswill have to carefully work on their negative qualities. Only by eliminating forgetfulness, as well as inconstancy, from one's character, it will be possible to receive all the blessings of life provided by fate.

This is a great time for all representatives of the star constellation to devote to the implementation of such plans, which initially required increased attention. The Pig, which is the leader of the coming time, will definitely help the absurd Monkey in all endeavors. If the latter has any ideas in her soul, then one should realize them in real life and not be afraid of anything.

It is important to note that all the grace will not “fall down” to the representative of the sign from Heaven, in order to feel as happy as possible, he will have to work hard and responsibly. At the same time, such a statement applies not only to the professional sphere. You will almost always have to work and work hard. If the Monkey wants to change something in his personal life, then it will be up to him to take the initial steps.

When implementing previously conceived plans, it is important to remember past mistakes made. The monkey has already accumulated enough experience so as not to repeat exactly the same mistakes in the future. You should prepare for the departure from the fate of the representative of the zodiac of some people. There is no need to regret this, the one who leaves the society of the Monkey can no longer do anything good in the fate of the latter. The stars themselves are in charge now: who should be left surrounded by the representative of the sign, and who should be removed from him.

The coming year can certainly be called a period of unusual changes. Now the Monkey does not need to be afraid of difficulties or sorrows, of course, they will meet on the way, but on their own they will pass quickly and without any negative consequences. In the coming period, a representative of the star constellation can enter into risky operations, as well as make completely unusual changes for him. It is good to dedicate this year to the implementation of activities that are more important in the fate of the star path representative himself.

A great time is coming for the Monkey woman, now she is becoming so popular with the entire opposite sex that closer to the end of the specified period in time, she will get tired of it.Horoscope of the Monkey woman for 2019advises beautiful representatives to use the maximum chances, because such a favorable period can not wait at all soon.

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Lonely representatives of the sign already need to think about finding their ideal life partner, and family Monkeys need to throw all their own efforts into strengthening the family.

To achieve prosperity in their destiny, ladies need to learn how to restrain their own emotions.

Monkey Man

Even if Monkey men in this period wish to be alone, they definitely will not succeed. The stars promise acquaintances, maximum communication and exciting meetings to the entire strongest half of the zodiac representation. The year is good for putting things in order in your personal life.Monkey man horoscope for 2019definitely states that it is important for the representatives of the zodiac to lower their life standards a little. It is important to become more loyal, and not as demanding as the Monkey often is.

Monkey Horoscope for January 2019

The initial month of the coming year will be tense for all representatives of the star constellation. Ahead of them are small financial difficulties that arise due to large spending on New Year's celebrations. To stabilize their own financial condition, the Monkey will have to work very hard and earn well.

The time is not very good for love pleasures. If possible, it is necessary to move a little away from personal problems and come to grips with professional affairs and material problems.

Monkey Horoscope for February 2019

After all financial difficulties are positively resolved, it would be good for the representatives of the zodiac to take care of their own health. It is not a great secret that it is in February that cold epidemics begin. To prevent the attack of such ailments, the Monkey is recommended to take care of preventive measures in advance.

What awaits the Monkey in February 2019 according to the eastern horoscope ? As the stars foretell, the winter period can be devoted to a good rest. At the same time, it is important for a representative of the star constellation to be alone for at least some time and not strive for an increased amount of even positive communication.

Monkey Horoscope for March 2019

The stars strongly advise the representative of the star path to think about the manifestation of their own negative traits. Such characteristic qualities as selfishness and forgetfulness greatly hinder the Monkey from moving forward. It does not hurt now to listen to the opinion or advice of a number of people around, especially if the Monkey is in a very difficult situation.

If everything is in order, then it would be good for the representative of the star constellation to think about getting positive in his own life. The period can be devoted to communicating with relatives or meeting with dear people.

Monkey horoscope for April 2019

But the beautiful spring month is necessary for all Monkeys, without exception, to devote to the love sphere of life.If there are any serious problems in the love tandem of the representative of the zodiac, then it would be nice to deal with them closely. Of course, April is not very favorable for travel or romantic trips, but young lovers can also go on a short trip, for example, through their native expanses. Such a trip will help strengthen the relationship and direct the couple's love life in a new direction.

Lonely Monkeys are recommended to start an active search for a life partner. At the same time, it is important to take a closer look, first of all, in your close circle.

Monkey Horoscope for May 2019

After active work has been done both in personal life and in terms of professional achievements, Monkeys would do well to have a great rest. Throughout the May period, representatives of the zodiac will have to experience either positive or very negative moments in their lives. It is necessary to prepare for changeable times and not be nervous over various trifles.

If the Monkey owns a dacha, then most of the time this month must be spent in nature. In the event that the Monkey does not have a garden or vegetable garden, free time from labor can be spent simply in nature.

Monkey Horoscope for June 2019

Romanticism in the character of the representative of the zodiac goes beyond all acceptable boundaries. Now the Monkey will become so sweet and loving that a large number of fans will gather around her. Throughout June, the representatives of the star path will have to bathe in everyone's attention and partner care, from such circumstances they can become conceited and start treating their own partner too selfishly.

The period in time is also dangerous by the inconstancy of the Monkey, especially if it manifests itself in non-free representatives of the sign.

Monkey Horoscope for July 2019

In the month of July, many representatives of the zodiac should not refuse the opportunity to take a vacation. Such a beautiful month is ideal for traveling to the seaside or for a trip to foreign countries.

If the representatives of the star sign have minor material problems, then they must begin to be resolved immediately. It is important to prevent small problems from turning into real bankruptcy. This month is not very good for various changes in the field of professional relations. You can not change the place of your permanent service.

Monkey Horoscope for August 2019

Having gained strength, representatives of the star constellation can begin to implement previously conceived plans. August gives the Monkey activity and increased stamina, so now you can safely embark on the difficult path of career obligations. It is important to ensure that partners and colleagues do not show themselves in a negative way. Since the Monkey achieves a lot and is different from other workers, colleagues may envy the representative of the zodiac. If possible, you must immediately turn away from negative personalities and not make contact with them.

Monkey Horoscope for September 2019

If professional problems are completely resolved, then the star path representative can finally take care of his own appearance, as well as his health. The period is great for traveling to the Black or Mediterranean Sea. Such a trip will serve as a great pastime, as well as help to perfectly strengthen the immune system and improve the whole body as a whole.

With the appearance of even the slightest ailments, the Monkey should not self-medicate. It is required to contact only qualified specialists in a timely manner.

Monkey Horoscope for October 2019

As the real one points outChinese horoscope for October 2019 for the Monkey, this “golden” period will require maximum endurance and unusual patience from the representatives of the zodiac. Not very favorable life moments are looming ahead, from which the Monkey will need to find only the right way out. It is likely that she will have to face her past, which torments and cannot let go. Right now, the Monkey will have to make the right and correct decision, on which the further well-being of the representative of the star constellation will directly depend.

Monkey Horoscope for November 2019

The closer to the end of this year, the more problems are expected in the fate of the representative of the star constellation. Now troubles can visit the Monkey's personal life. As before, she herself will be the culprit of the troubles that have appeared. To eliminate the negative manifestations of this autumn month, you need to clearly work on your negative qualities. You should show less selfishness, and also remember that a number of people around you have their own personal opinion, which can be radically different from the thoughts of other people.

Monkey Horoscope for December 2019

But it would be good to dedicate the final month of this year to your children or close relatives. Now it is important to pay due attention to your family partner and show all the sincere feelings that the Monkey is only capable of.

On the eve of the New Year celebrations, one should not get carried away with excessive spending, as well as the acquisition of completely unnecessary purchases.

Openness and enterprise will help this sign get the location of the Rooster, and activity and caution will give good results. In addition, a very useful feature is the ability to adapt to various life situations. Horoscope for the Monkey for 2017 gives a chance to get a leadership position, to become the curator of a grandiose project, the only thing is that you need to develop constancy in yourself.

2017 will be a very important period in life, as it will provide a lot of opportunities that active and purposeful Monkeys will catch. Therefore, successful career growth, the implementation of the most ambitious plans, the opening of your own business - it's all real. In addition, representatives of this sign will take care of their education, improving their skills, which will help to achieve even greater results. The experience of previous years and good intuition will allow you to immediately determine where you can achieve the best results.

The astrological forecast for 2017 advises the Monkey to learn how to cope with their ambitions and stop in time. Therefore, despite the tremendous luck, it is necessary to maintain a sober mind and not stop analyzing. You should not gamble, take part in risky projects - there is a risk of losing a lot, or even everything. The most profitable investments will be in your own business or proven projects.

Pleasant changes await in your personal life, but you need to be ready to fight for your happiness.


Interesting meetings and acquaintances await the man of this sign of the eastern calendar throughout 2017. The main thing is to be as sociable as possible so as not to miss the chance to make useful acquaintances. In the professional field, you will have to work hard. As for personal life, then single people can meet a soul mate, although they will not understand this right away.


Charm will help to effortlessly win the attention of any man and completely charm him. Therefore, on the love front, only victory is expected. According to the astrological forecast of 2017, the Monkey woman is waiting for professional ups and excellent relationships with colleagues and superiors. When communicating with friends and family, you need to be more restrained and watch your words.

Monkey love horoscope 2017, career, finance, health

The rooster will not immediately be disposed towards the representatives of this sign, but their activity and determination will change everything. Entrepreneurship and a non-standard approach will help to achieve very good results at work. But in his personal life, the horoscope of love for the Monkey in 2017 promises that you won’t be bored, the main thing is not to make mistakes.


The natural charm of this sign will easily conquer the opposite sex, but for some reason timidity will overcome some, and they will not be able to approach the person they like. Therefore, the love horoscope in 2017 Monkey advises to cast aside doubts and not be afraid to act, everything will work out. But family can pull on adventures, novels on the side. Such behavior will most likely lead to divorce. Therefore, the stars strongly recommend that you think about what is more important: love adventures or happiness? And the love forecast for Monkeys advises you to make a choice before you make mistakes.


Building a successful career for this sign is not at all a problem. But in 2017, not everyone will be concerned about this issue. After all, the majority will be completely satisfied with their financial situation, and therefore they will not even try to break into new heights, and instead just enjoy life. For others, the principles will not coincide with the new work requirements, and they will not be able to step over themselves for a better-paid position. But still there will be lucky ones whose principles will coincide with the new working conditions. They will be able not only to prove themselves, but also to achieve significant professional results.


According to the horoscope of the Fire Rooster in 2017, representatives of the sign will not change their attitude to finances, and will continue to spend thoughtlessly. By making unnecessary purchases, almost the entire budget will be spent, which will complicate the financial situation. And therefore, the stars recommend settling down and being more economical, it’s not even worth lending, as there is a chance that the money will not be returned on time and this will serve as a pretext for conflict. But various real estate transactions will be successful, this applies to both buying and selling.

Horoscope for 2020 Monkey - waiting for the time of risk.

The Year of the White Metal Rat is a year of risk. But this does not apply to those born in the year of the Monkey. Should not apply!


Chinese horoscope for 2020 Monkey

The patroness - the White Metal Rat - promises a hyper-interesting year for the Monkey. More precisely, for those born in the year of the Monkey, the stars advise a cool year. What's there - 2020 will not just be anyhow, but drop dead cool, For the Monkeys. Besides, everything just works out in your favor. And you don't have to do anything. Relax, rinse your banana skins. Let everything flow as it flows. But it's time for the Monkeys to exhale. And relax. Leave everything as it is. And yet - Monkeys are contraindicated in communication with sick people. Even with relatives. with the closest.

Well, don't go to funerals. Negatives Monkeys are practically and theoretically contraindicated. At least in 2020.

But go to weddings. As often as possible. And more regularly. There you can get positive. Like some SARS.

In general, in the year of the Rat (especially in 2020), positive emotions are shown to you. And the more the better. Like this! At any cost, you understand? For any! All possible.

It’s good if weddings are planned in the Monkey’s family. And it doesn’t matter if it’s your wedding, or one of your relatives. Don't miss anything. Don't ignore. Don't miss your chance. It is such celebrations that will add luck and joy to the Monkey. These nishtyakov will be enough for you for a whole year. And it is precisely such emotions that will make the year of the Rat ideal for all Monkeys.

But what about those Monkeys in whose family nothing of the kind is planned? Well, everything is simple here. In 2020, start helping those in need. Get involved in charity. And encourage others to do so. Go to weddings. Make spells for good luck. And that's it. Also, more socialization. Communication. Dating And connections.

Eastern horoscope for 2020 Monkey

For the Fire Monkey, the Metal Rat has prepared a great year. Good luck and all sorts of nishtyaki awaits you on almost all fronts.

The Water Monkey (more precisely, everyone who was born this year) will have an extremely successful 2020. At least from a financial point of view.

First, there will be a significant increase in income. Secondly, all your investments will be extremely successful and profitable.

The Wood Monkey is waiting for the pumping of intelligence and wisdom. And in 2020, you can make new cool acquaintances.

But the metal Monkeys are waiting for a problem period. Be careful with friends. With those who will surely betray you. And/or stab you in the back. Such a blow with a knife. Such a bad blow. must be careful with friends who can betray and stab them in the back.

Monthly horoscope for the year

January 2020 is basically a good month. There will be career changes. And life.

In February, you need to protect your eyes and organs of vision.

In March, Earth Monkeys will be lucky.

In June, you will have reasons to celebrate. That's just without fanaticism. And don't forget about health. Well, take care of your body. This month is great for love. And for romantic affairs. Listen to the advice of elders. And all will be well. Under the elders, the horoscope understands either the bosses or the parents.

The best months of the year of the Rat for the Monkey are January, March, August and December.

They will be able to turn all their ideas into reality with amazing ease and achieve all their goals. The monkey knows how to make decisions quickly and adequately respond to ambiguous circumstances. This year, she will even manage to find a way out of an impasse or a seemingly hopeless situation. She is smart, cunning and capable of deception, and during this period these qualities will really benefit her.

Despite the fact that Fortune will turn to face the Monkey, she should not show arrogance, arrogance or excessive insolence. The Rooster cannot stand inconsistency and unpredictability, therefore, representatives of this sign should develop reliability, responsibility, organization and perseverance - these are the qualities that the Monkey will need to achieve their goals. If the Monkey does not work on their development, he will not be able to complete any of his projects, and he will not be able to realize any of his ideas - no matter how promising and profitable they seem. The Monkey is a dynamic and energetic creature, and therefore the insane pace that the Rooster sets from the very first days of his reign will not be something out of the ordinary for her. Pretty soon, she will find herself in an environment familiar to her, in which she feels like a fish in water. This will help the Monkey save his strength and increase his level of confidence in his own irresistibility.

In the year of the Rooster, the Monkey will have many reasons to feel happy - she will make many new friends, her business will steadily develop, the flow of original thoughts and rational ideas will be quickly and successfully implemented and bring significant benefits to representatives of this sign of the eastern zodiac. The monkey must concentrate on the most important issues that have the highest priority - those issues that will lead him to the desired results and the achievement of his goals. The accumulated experience will definitely prove useful for the implementation of future plans and projects.

Representatives of this sign must show insight and insight, they need to calculate everything several steps ahead, taking into account all possible scenarios for the development of events - and then they will succeed. Caution will allow the Monkey to avoid many mistakes and possible problems, and also soften the fall if it still fails. In other words, the Rooster will even be too generous towards the Monkey, but she should moderate her natural enthusiasm and make every effort to remain calm and balanced - only in this case the Monkey can expect to open great prospects and get stunning results.

In the year of the Rooster, the influence of Venus is unlikely to let the frivolous and windy Monkey get bored. Representatives of this sign will be able to enjoy the attention of many fans and admirers, and the Monkey will try to devote time to each of them so as not to offend anyone. But such “generosity” and “reciprocity” will definitely not appeal to everyone. The monkey runs the risk of being treated frivolously - potential partners will only meet with her for fun or to have a good time.

If the Monkey does not plan to lose his freedom and is not going to let someone into his heart, such an approach would be quite appropriate, but if he is looking for a long-term serious relationship based on mutual respect, love and devotion, he needs to moderate his ambitions and indefatigable enthusiasm and stop flirt with everyone around, wherever she is. Monkeys must set boundaries and learn to keep their distance.

Family representatives of this sign of the eastern zodiac should take great care of what they have now. This year they may be drawn to search for romantic adventures, or they may fall passionately in love with another person, but they need to remember that all these affairs are fleeting and transient, while family is forever. If the Monkey prioritizes correctly from the very beginning, she will be able to resist such temptations and avoid romantic adventures that can have a destructive effect on her family. The monkey is incredibly sociable, and therefore she has a lot of friends and acquaintances with whom she can regularly meet and discuss the latest news or some global problems, or just go shopping. It would be better to move all your admirers from the position of potential lovers to the position of interesting acquaintances and good friends. This will help the Monkey save his family, make new friends, expand his social circle and at the same time not offend someone with a refusal. Those fans who are not happy with their slurred position will do it on their own, so the Monkey has nothing to worry about. Caution, honesty, decency and decency will help the Monkey find real happiness in the circle of relatives, friends and loved ones.

The Year of the Rooster will bring to the Monkey large-scale breakthroughs and achievements in the field of professional activity, however, the Monkey must prove himself at his best, demonstrate his greatest strengths and show his professionalism - this is the only way he can achieve something. Careerists must be constantly in the field of view of management in order to be at hand at the moment when it is most needed. As a result, the Monkey will take first place in the list of candidates for promotion. Representatives of this sign need to demonstrate perseverance and perseverance, quickness, punctuality and creativity. The leadership will appreciate these qualities, and many Monkeys will move to a higher position. Representatives of this sign will be able to achieve the most outstanding success in such areas as acting, business, management and marketing, stock trading and freelancing.

Freelance Monkeys and those representatives of this sign who work for themselves will show the greatest productivity - no one tells them what exactly they should do, how they should act, with whom to work, when to come to work and leave it when no one encroaches on their freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of action. The monkey must say goodbye to his windiness and inconstancy, as well as frivolity and frivolity in financial matters. She knows how to make money, but still she has one weakness - she can squander her entire salary in a matter of hours. The rooster does not like people who throw money away, and he can lead such spenders to bankruptcy. That is why the Monkey should avoid such temptations, or she should hire a reliable manager who will look after her finances.

The dexterity and ingenuity possessed by the representatives of this sign will allow them to easily overcome difficult obstacles. Despite the fact that the Monkey loves to play with fire, the Rooster will be supportive of her.

In 2017, many unpleasant and offensive situations await you - but you will confidently sit in the saddle of life and control your destiny. Even dismissal and parting with a loved one will not extinguish the spark of optimism in the soul of the Monkeys.

March if you believe Monkey horoscope 2017, an event will happen that can radically change the worldview of such people, and for the better. As the saying goes, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." It is in this vein that it is necessary to perceive failures and try not to lose the fighting spirit.

Horoscope for Monkey women

Women born in the year of the Monkey will begin to skillfully use their natural charm. It will not cost them anything to subdue a man and make him “dance to his tune”. In the professional sphere, these ladies will have ups and downs and universal recognition. They will make friends with all the employees, and the authorities will begin to respect them even more.

Excessive temper, which is inherent in Monkeys, can significantly spoil relationships with friends and acquaintances. Try to drown out anger even at the time of its inception.

Horoscope for the Monkey man

Throughout 2017, you will not be alone. Every day promises you new acquaintances and useful meetings. The stars advise you not to close yourself during such meetings, but to try to establish close contact.

Probably, in the period under review, you will meet your soulmate, although at first you will not understand that this is her. The wedding that the Monkeys will play in the near future, according to promises a long family life. In the professional field, you should work hard to achieve money rain.

Love horoscope 2017 for Monkeys

Considering the love sphere in 2017, we can conclude that the Monkeys will not have the courage to approach their loved one and make an appointment with him. Family Monkeys should become a little more serious so that their soulmate can count on them in difficult times. If you do not change, then quarrels and conflicts will become frequent guests in your home.

It will go to those family Monkeys who have been married for more than 5 years. You may want to cheat on your partner or even break up with him. Spree, drunken parties, fleeting connections - all this awaits the Monkeys in 2017.

Only those individuals who, finally, will be able to decide what is more important for them in life - spree or happiness, will be able to cope with this situation.

Career horoscope

It is unlikely that the career is in the main place among the Monkeys. They will not become careerists and will not follow the lead of the authorities. For the sake of a warm and profitable place, you will not want to change your principles, so you are not threatened with special ups in the professional field.

Nevertheless, already in the first half of the year, the Monkeys will begin to show the skill of diplomacy, they will be able to negotiate with anyone, and even make a good deal.

However, there are also individuals who want to leave their homes themselves in order to go in search of something more interesting. This risk may turn out to be quite justified - a change of profession will benefit not only you, but also your family.

Finance Horoscope

People born under this star will not change their attitude towards money in 2017. They will still lend easily, make rash purchases and investments. It is worth noting that even a familiar person who lends a large amount of money may not give it back within the agreed timeframe, thereby provoking you into a conflict. In addition, the Monkeys will want to get "easy" money by going to the nearest gaming club.

It is worth noting that Fortune in 2017 will clearly not be on your side. Big wins do not shine for you, on the contrary, the stars see huge monetary losses. However, already in the middle of the year you will discover the unexpected skill of a realtor, which will help you make a profitable deal with the purchase or sale of real estate.

Health Horoscope

There are no vicissitudes of fate in 2017, so in this respect the Monkeys can be calm. Meanwhile, you yourself will provoke your body to the development of various diseases. Think about the future and try to change your behavior: start eating right and eradicate bad habits.

Remember, even if nothing bothers you at the moment, this does not mean that the body is working at full capacity. The situation will worsen with the onset of spring - chronic diseases may worsen, and there is also a risk of contracting HIV infection.

Horoscope by zodiac signs for Monkeys

Monkey - Aries

If you were born in the Year of the Monkey, know that you are a favorite of luck. But in the coming year of the Rooster, several unpleasant opponents await you - frivolity and carelessness. These qualities will be able to push Aries to commit an ugly act, which will subsequently lead to the fact that close people will stop communicating with them. First think, then speak - that's your main principle in 2017.

Monkey - Taurus

If you are a risk lover, then in 2017 the Rooster will support you in all matters. If you want to move, make up your mind, because a new place will make your life more interesting, add a lot of useful people to it. Slowness in undertakings is not the best tactic that Taurus should adhere to. In your case, it is better to do first, and then think.

Monkey - Gemini

The upcoming 2017 will be ideal for gaining new knowledge, a second education or new skills. The acquired skills will allow Gemini to apply for a highly paid position or even change jobs for a more solid and profitable one. The main thing is not to sit still, grab onto any offer that comes to you.

Monkey - Cancer

From the very beginning, a wave of changes will burst into your life, but despite this, it will bring good luck and prosperity. Even if the situation seems unacceptable for Cancers, they should try to perceive it as a test that will make the spirit stronger and train endurance. On the personal front, replenishment in the family is expected for those who have long wished for this.

Monkey - Lion

In 2017, the Lions will exude incredible charm and charm. People around you will not be able to resist you, and people of the opposite sex will begin to pay excessive signs of attention. However, do not abuse this attitude, because all these people are really on good grounds. Fate will throw you many ways for entertainment in the coming year, which you will certainly use.

Monkey - Virgo

The upcoming year of the Fire Rooster will bring Virgos many pleasant surprises in the field of career - you will have a chance to get a prestigious position or meet profitable people. However, do not get hung up on work, pay attention to the family, in particular children. At the end of the year, it is possible to meet a friendly married couple.

Monkey - Libra

With the advent of 2017, Libra will stop thinking about the material, and switch to spiritual food. You will probably have new goals that you will make every effort to achieve. Each undertaking will be crowned with success and can bring financial benefits. Do not spare time for your development, because in the period under review it is really important for you.

Monkey - Scorpio

will give Scorpios an incredible sense of freedom. Your favorite business will finally start to bring noticeable income and now you can stop disappearing at work from morning to night. You may want to buy a car or buy a larger home. As for personal life, a loved one will always be there and lend a “shoulder” when required.

Monkey - Sagittarius

Stop shutting yourself off from the outside world. Be more sociable, and then the new year will bring a lot of gifts and surprises that you will like. The stars suggest that in 2017 Sagittarians will meet a nice person. It is he who will change their habits, make them love themselves and those around them. Love will hover around Sagittarius every day, giving pleasure and moral satisfaction.

Monkey - Capricorn

Capricorns often suffer from frivolity and carelessness. With the advent of 2017, you will have to reconsider your behavior somewhat so as not to get into unpleasant situations because of it. It is better to build a reliable place now, where you would be welcome and waited with news every day. Married Capricorns will finally pay attention to their soul mate and understand that she is more precious than anyone in the world.

Monkey - Aquarius

Money will stick to Aquarius throughout 2017. Naturally, they will not begin to fall from heaven, but will become the fruit of hard work and sociability. Astrologers recommend not to refuse interesting projects that you are offered. Aquarius will like this job and will make good money. If you want to start your own business, don't give up on this idea. Income will start knocking on the door after a short time after the start.

Monkey - Pisces

Throughout the year, the Rooster will test the patience of Pisces, constantly throwing them options for thought. For example, you will be offered two jobs at once, and you will have to choose between them. Pisces should take into account that the well-being of the family will depend on their choice. Try not to make hasty decisions, consult with friends, carefully consider each proposal, and only then say the final answer.

Video horoscope

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