Quotes about the life of a divorced woman. Divorce from husband, wife. Disintegration, the collapse of the family, the end of marriage. Betrayal, leaving the family. Poems about family, family difficulties, problems. Psychology of family, marriage. Statuses about divorce with her husband on social networks - take a look

What is the difference between Sunday tea and Sunday papa? The fact that Sunday tea can be with you also on Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and even on the rest of the week! No one would think to restrict your right to communicate with tea in court. No one will be jealous of you for the fact that you meet with tea alone.

After a divorce, there are no guilty parties, there are victims.

It is not in our family tradition to divorce husbands - we simply bury them.

Vincent and I have too different worlds. I have my friends, he has his, I have my hobbies, he has his. We just sometimes get out of our surroundings and meet to spend time together. It seemed to me that this model of relations was ideal. But in almost every marriage there comes a turning point, when there are two development paths, either divorce or save the marriage. Unfortunately, we took the first easier path.

Divorces, incoming dads, it's all there, but with the exception of Hollywood divorces, it's a drama, not a variant of the norm. And single mothers are just the bottom. Because there the right to children must be earned. It is for those who have a wife forever, betrayal is unthinkable, divorce is incredible.

Getting a divorce is like being hit by a truck; if you manage to survive, you already look around more carefully.

If marriages are made in heaven, then divorces are also made there.

Divorced: A woman who got married to avoid working and now works just to avoid getting married.

I knew two cases when a man married "for money" - and both ended in extraordinary happiness and complete love.<...>Tolstoy was the first to consider this in his life and described in detail in "War and Peace" (the marriage of Nikolai Rostov and Princess Marie Bolkonskaya). But this is often the case. Love and happiness, obviously, can be born simply from "cohabitation", from the sexual rapprochement of a man and a woman, after "the money is counted." Then, after all, while they considered it, obviously, there was still no love and affection. But then “day after day”, “little things today”, “little things tomorrow” went on, - the husband fell ill - and now the wife got scared, bustled, doused everything with bliss and care; trouble at work - she consoled; he “little her” during pregnancy, “protected” her from work, and from his pleasures: and, you see, respect was born, affection was born and, finally, complete love.<...>That is why it is not necessary to “talk” about marriage for a particularly long time, “to theoretically build future happiness”, but “get married as soon as possible”, as soon as the girl (or widow) “attracted”, “fits”, “I am pleased to talk to her”. This is hindered by the “indissolubility” of marriage among Christians, which generally ruined everything, causing fear before “eternal misfortune” (a picture, - a long-term one, - of an unsuccessful marriage for everyone around).<...>But in general, the further - the more tragic, sadder and more terrible the situation of marriage.

And you are a good person, you see. How could your wife leave you?

Was that Linda's car at your house? - Do not rush to open the champagne. She needed to fix the fan. - Did you ask her to come home? - She said only ten words, three of which were: "Fix my fan."

I have never seen a car with such high mileage in such good condition. Who rode it more? - He. - I. - If he cares about you as well as about this car - you are a happy woman. - We're not married anymore. - Okay... Nothing good comes out of these small talk.

We ran away. - What are you... - It just crushed me. I was in such a state that they had to close my first painting. - What's happened? - Horror! I threw myself at everyone. I didn’t have a soul for this material ... And I broke the director’s jaw ...

My husband didn't appreciate it... - Poor thing! But you didn't get divorced because of that, did you? - No. - It's sad... After all, marriage can be such a joy. - Divorce too.

Looking through the divorce notice column again, he noticed an interesting detail. Divorce proceedings: Angela Ford vs. John Ford. Kristen Frahley vs Stanley Frahley. Danna McLaren vs Lee McLaren. And... Ralph Dugan vs. Ann Dugan. There are certain traditions in America, right? They are usually overlooked, but they exist. A man proposes, a woman starts a divorce. This is not always the case, but as a rule. How does it usually happen? Angela says, "Jack, get out!" Kristen says: "Stan, find yourself another!" Danna says, "Lee, give me the keys!" And what did Ralph, the only man on this list, say who initiated the divorce? "Let me out, I want to get out of here!"

- About divorce. About being a single mother. Maybe stray and... in the future I will most likely have many, many cats. “Or something that needs a battery.”

Another unfortunate day has passed. Now this psycho did not limit himself to taking all my savings and securities. This crazy man also stole my passport and made me his wife at the registry office, made a mess, started getting divorced and insists on alimony ... and these are the events of one day!

Only bridges can draw beautifully.

If you divorce correctly, the only thing that the former spouse will own is horns.

An American millionaire bought a bottle of white wine for ninety thousand greens. Now his name flaunts in the Guinness Book of Records, the category "The most famous suckers who were bred for grandmas."

Best Status:
The ex-husband just does not like the soul in me. It's probably better to get divorced than to get married.

As a child, I listened to the divorce of manufacturers, that, they say, Pepsi is the same Baikal, only for Russians!

What feelings do people experience when they get divorced, because often they are united by more than a dozen years?! It seems impossible to survive. Against the backdrop of such a tragedy, my troubles look insignificant.

Real estate agency "Kinem Vas". I swear, “We throw you” is not a divorce at all!

And after two monotonous years, I will meet Him, and in this case, probably, I won’t have to build bridges. He will adore me, but in return he will receive only my hatred due to the fact that you should be in his place.

A Frenchwoman, a German woman and a Russian are washing in the bathhouse. Suddenly, the wall adjacent to the men's section falls. Frenchwoman (covering the top with her hands): Aaaaaay! German (closing the bottom): Oooooh! Russian (spreading her arms wide): Nuuu, fuck your mother)))

Looking for a husband. A little about myself: I don’t like to cook, I sleep until dinner, I swear, I drink, I fight if necessary. In the event of a divorce, I will take the car.

The discrepancy between the smell and taste of children's strawberry shampoos is the toughest scam of my childhood ...

You know, I'm not a bridge to you at all - to be bred all the time.

A Frenchwoman, a German woman and a Russian are washing in the bathhouse. Suddenly, the wall adjacent to the men's section falls. Frenchwoman (covering the top with her hands): Aaaaaay! German (closing the bottom): Oooooh! Russian (spreading her arms wide): Well, fuck it!

Do you even understand that people get divorced because of this?; -well, let's get divorced, just marry me first ... please)

And they say women have no logic. A friend bred a fur coat for a month, it didn’t work out. I took it on credit and now asks for 3000 every month for unforeseen expenses)

If you don't have time to figure it out, don't bother. And do not try carelessly, with one hand to breed someone else's misfortune

For some, a divorce is a holiday))

You divorce me, and I divorce you, everything is simple, only I know that you divorce me, but you don’t

Broken by the shadow more than I am, the stone guest Throws up your heart, laughing!

People swear, reconcile, break up, get together, get divorced, get married .. And we are two cretins, but how proud!

You don't know how to breed rabbits? Just don't bother them, they'll do everything themselves.

I told him, "That's enough, I'm filing for divorce." I leave the house, I hear a shot - did you shoot yourself? I return - I opened the champagne, cattle ...

“You drink a good fellow, feed him, take him to a bathhouse, and then torture him” - in such a simple way, Russian heroes bred innocent girls for grub, vodka and a sauna.

A Frenchwoman, a German and a Russian are washing in the bathhouse. And then the partition falls ... The Frenchwoman, closing the top, : - Oh! German, closing the bottom: - Oh, oh, oh! Russian, widely spreading her arms to the side: - Well, your mother!

After a divorce from his wife, he single-handedly raises a beer belly, and on weekends he even rides him on carousels and takes him to the movies.

Nothing. nothing replaces old friendship. years do not add friends, they take them away, they breed them along different roads, time tests friendship for a break, for fatigue, for fidelity. the circle of friends is thinning, but there is nothing more precious than those that remain.

Gossip... Some say it's bad. Others, without noticing it, breed them. And still others, like me, just plod along, learning a lot about themselves.)))

Our forestry breeds mainly suckers ... fie, that is, moose.

You are a native Petersburger if, at the sight of a drawbridge, you say not “wow!!”, but “fuck-I-yad ...!!

A Frenchwoman, a German woman and a Russian are washing in the bathhouse. Suddenly, the wall between the men's and women's departments collapses. Frenchwoman (covering the bottom with her hands): - Aaah! German (covering the top with her hands): - Oooh! Russian (spreading her arms to the sides): - Your mother!

I hate you! Do you hear the boys?! I hate you for impudence and depravity. there are too many of you! such as you would not even take to hell! Everything is available to you: to fall in love and quit, and even spread gossip. How can the earth endure you like that?! How can you still love like that?!

Along the way in St. Petersburg, not only bridges are bred

quotes. in the VKontakte column, we are looking for ourselves in other people's dreams. we meet on the bridges and absurdly breed them, shouting obscenities, roam like black cats on the roofs between people .. hush ... be silent. and you will. heard..

There are such occasions for drunkenness: commemoration, holiday, meeting, seeing off, christening, wedding and divorce, frost, hunting, New Year, recovery, housewarming, sadness, repentance, fun, success, reward, new rank. And just drinking - for no reason)))

Divorce statistics show that parents run away from home much more often than children.

nothing gives out like a f*ck like the phrase: “this is not a divorce!!!”

It just happens sometimes that life separates two people just to show them how important they are to each other.

An experienced leader will teach you to shrug in any situation.

I wonder why they ask the reason for a divorce, but not when registering a marriage?

the last kiss, and fate builds bridges, memory still draws pictures in which you and I, later what we dreamed about in our hearts will remain ice, (I + you = love) - let's leave it for later ...

when will everything be fine? - you will live your whole life, you will survive divorces, deaths, illnesses, then you will die. They will put you in a coffin and carry you to bury. They will lower them into the pit, and the gravedigger will say: “So, to the left, to the left. Now closer to me. More to the right. Like this. Now, all is well.

The grounds for divorce accepted in our society are ridiculous, because bad temper is a much more valid reason than adultery. Bernard Show

Send SMS with the word "divorce" and get $1,000,000

It has long been known to people that when two hearts are divorced, the one who loves less, who loves more, is stronger, who is weaker ...

Don't get divorced! Be insoluble!

Two men are talking: - Well, I don’t understand. After the rise in price of vodka, they began to drink less, and there were more divorces. Why is this happening? - Yes, what is there to understand. Many husbands looked at their wives with sober eyes for the first time.

Divorced from work for three weeks!

Years fly ... years pass ... years, as if our destinies build bridges ... fly ...

Life separates two people only so that they understand how much they need each other ...

There is such a powder, “dry water” is called. You dilute it in water, water turns out.

you are all nurses here “have pity on me, poor unfortunate, victim of fate, my boyfriend is a goat, left me” don’t understand a damn thing that by doing this you humiliate yourself? Naturally, he won’t need you after all this snot. and show him how cool you are without him, he will crawl himself ..

New mobile game "Antilohotron". Are you tired of these divorces? Send a message "not bad" to number 7745. The more messages - the cooler you are not a sucker! Hurry!!

Men open everything: scientific laws, the door to a woman, bottles and soul to the first comer after the last bottle. And women hide everything: a lover from her husband, divorce from children, age from everyone and weight from herself.

Jealous does not mean love. Jealous means he does not trust and is constantly looking for a reason to express his distrust in all its glory. And God forbid anyone to think that: here he found a reason. At a minimum: brainwashing, as a maximum: divorce and children in half. And the more a person is jealous, the more I want to give this reason. ¦

It stinks of smoking! (sniffing) -Yes, no dads, what are you? - Give me your hand quickly. (I hold out my left one) - So, who did you decide to breed? An adult girl, you keep thinking of fooling your father. Come on right. (I hold out my right one) -Stinks! - Dad, you think. -What?!? Breathe then. (breathed) - Well, I say it stinks from the hand!

When a loved one left ... and parents get divorced, life becomes such a shit that there is no point in it ... and you try to find solace in a pack of cigarettes ...

She shrugged her hands like bridges ... But you didn’t even manage to say “I’m sorry” ...

Marriage is the main reason for divorce.

A financial crisis is worse than a divorce: you lose half of your money, but you keep your wife.

They quarreled so enthusiastically that they could not proceed with a divorce.

Say hello to your uncle, as dad greets friends! The boy grabs a cap from his head, throws it on the ground, spreads his arms and says: - Fuck my bald skull! Who do I see.

Moscow is a city where no bridges are built. And they give cunts.

Yes, you can understand for 3 months you bred me for intimacy and so you didn’t get anything (this can not be put in the status), but how nice it is to realize that this Gavnyuk is furious ...

I know how to drive, start and breed

We parted as friends - it means nothing, and that in your life there is only a momentary trifle, and a lifeless sheet is all divorced ... from tears ... will not change anything ... After all, love is not serious ...

The book of Gennady Malakhov: "How to avoid divorce with the help of zucchini and juniper."

let's kiss and everything will pass, isn't it a leftist divorce?))

We don’t breed srach in the hostel, no, we observe it ...))

it happens sometimes that life separates two people - just to show both how important they are to each other.

I have to ask for a divorce. Before, when I came home from work, the dog greeted me with a bark, and my wife brought me slippers. Now it's the other way around.

Bella pulls Edward closer, he exhales slowly, with feeling: “-Bella, this is very dangerous…”. A cry from the front rows: "-Don't be afraid!".

I am breeding rubber ducks with a bunching machine, do not interfere quietly! Chasing the fruits of my creation around the bathroom ^^

only our man breeds anti-pohmelin in the vodka left over from the evening)

Lived ... my younger brother teaches me how to breed men for sex ...

It's just a scam, chill... Thanks boy, check paid! Everyone, good luck!!!

It is only worth making ends meet, as they are sure to be bred by someone.

The wife says to her husband: - The day before yesterday you came home yesterday, yesterday you came home today, if you come home today tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow I will file for divorce!

I feel like a bridge in St. Petersburg, I'm constantly bred

Divorce and children in the window ... I heard this summer in the village, and they are all so cruel that they give children through the window?)))

Have you gone to make a fire? I broke such firewood!

You cry for stupid guys who are just stupid so they don't notice you! And I’ve been in hysterics for three days now, because my parents are getting divorced, I pray every day that dad would understand that he hurts my mom and me, don’t care put your minuses. I just love them both.

Fate separates us in different directions .. so we can not be together!

I got drunk, for the first time, with vodka. came at 8 am, a lot of problems. Got sick. Well the new year has begun.

My roof has gone today .. (-oo .. Where? .. -She didn’t say ... (she took her brains and left .. she was probably offended, * as always, I yelled at everyone, but she couldn’t stand it very vulnerable and filed for divorce. .

parents are divorced.. my mother’s new husband is always dissatisfied, swears.. and my mother is upset, crying… dad is far away.. in another city, but I still love him very much!.. you can’t imagine what it’s like to see him, your own, close, beloved person only once every half a year .. life is not successful ..

People have been waiting all their lives. Waiting for a new life, waiting for death. Waiting in line for money. And if there is no money, they wait in lines longer. You wait until you fall asleep, and then you wait until you wake up. Waiting for marriage and waiting for a divorce. Waiting for the rain, waiting for it to end. You wait for food, and then you wait for food again. Waiting in the doctor's waiting room with psychos and fearing that you're one of them...

Many people want immortality, but most people live once, get married once, have children and die once. But some want to live longer: they get married, then they get divorced, then they get married again, then they get divorced again ... And what is most offensive - they live and do not die for a long time ..

Upon learning of the increase in divorce fees, Ivan and Marya changed their minds about getting divorced so as not to indulge budgetary corruption.

Am I really never going to see you again??? Why is fate so unfair... it separates our paths from people with whom we are ready to live all our lives (((

Kat, are you happy in your family life? -Oh, yes! We love each other so much that we've put off divorce three times already! (With)

My childhood dream is to see white nights and how bridges are being built… but the intoxicating air of this city is full of pathos and antlers… there is no dream)

The world has gone crazy, before girls were bred for sex, but now it’s the other way around, girls bred guys ...))

He confused you, wrapped you in pathos, only you, girl, forget him, if you set up such a thing, boldly use it according to the program, and then merge ...

Divorce is like an amputation, you seem to be alive, but you have become smaller.

And after a couple of identical years, I will have Him. With which it is unlikely to build bridges. He will love me with all his heart, and I will also sincerely hate Him. Just because he is not you. (With)

Listen, are you a man or not? - enough, like a woman to breed snot (s.)

Would you ask for a divorce if you found out that your husband was cheating on you? - Are you crazy?! For this he should also be rewarded? ...

you pull me apart like St. Petersburg bridges. and bring down. just crazy.

What is the most profitable to breed in the Russian national economy? - Vodka with water.

You marry a girl, and you get divorced for grandmas.

Is there life after divorce? - Depends on how much you were divorced.

life beats with a key ... adjustable ... on the head .. out of the tuck ..

You are in the stains of a flowing carcass, You are indignant: “Well, why is she better?”, You hate Him and yet, you dream of wrapping yourself around his neck, Touching His lips with your lips ... And not letting him go anywhere ...

I am a nervous, hysterical, angry brute with a claim to having a brain and the ability to use it (this is not for me to judge). I know how to gossip on trifles and make a pocket size apocalypse out of them. Intolerant imhasto-scandalous citizens, for the sake of all the gods, go past, so as not to spoil the nerves of anyone !!! (=

thank God that now all this hell is not for me! let the first graders be bred, everyone again from September 1 :))) (c)

It’s good for those who had a wedding on April 1 ... During a divorce, it will be possible to say that it was just an innocent joke ...

Women marry to have sex 5-6 times a week. Men divorce for the same purpose.

- Why you, who lived 15 years together? How so? Why are you getting divorced? Yes, my wife is crazy! - ? - In the morning he goes into the bath and sinks my boats.

Girls, if you were invited to the registry office, and there are no flowers, no gifts, no dressed up cars, it means that you are being stupidly DIFFERENT!

In ancient Greece, a man who cheated on his wife had all his pubic hair shaved off and a large radish inserted into his anus. Now, in case of infidelity, they file for divorce, but in vain ... Radish is a more effective method, isn't it?

Divorce at 30 years old is an unpleasant reality, at 40 years old - an unseemly act, at 50 years old - meanness, at 60 years old - stupidity.

If the work began to give pleasure, then it's time to get divorced.

What, divorce? - Divorce! Do we split everything in half? - Yes please! We split the cars in half! - To your health, I'll have a jeep, you'll have a washing machine.

Durov would be better than spreading all sorts of nonsense in contact, he would add the “my favorite” button to quickly check whether he is online or not)

Live happily, right? When the fuck, the guy quits, the parents get divorced, the girlfriend betrays, the friend got into an accident, the new phone is dead, and your favorite jeans are torn, and all this in 1 day!!! Live happily? Try it, IT'S SO EASY, BITCH!

But wise expressions are designed not only to teach, but also to hurt. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out what statements about with her husband in public can lead to.

Statuses about divorce from her husband on social networks - a side view

In the era of technology, any event, not only important, has its own display on the Internet. This is especially true for women and their habit of expressing what they have accumulated through social networks.

Such a manifestation of emotions these days is no longer a rarity, and behind each line posted in the public domain, there is an individual understanding of the marriage union.

To draw up a complete picture of the client's psychology, sometimes it is enough for specialists to look at the status that the user noted on his page. In the people it is called "the female genre of art." Depending on age and experience, reflections change over time, and by simple analysis it is possible to understand at what stage of development their author is.

Thoughts about the former, put on public display, can be fraught with many different meanings. Starting from the desire of a woman to find and ending with the manifestation of cruelty towards her ex-husband.

Sometimes negative statuses appear even before the dissolution of the marriage, as if a hint of the existence of problems between the spouses.

The Importance of Being Cautious When Speaking About Your Ex-Spouse

The manifestation of tact in relation to people, not only relatives, is the prerogative of educated people.

In today's society, where emotions often take precedence over prudence, after a breakup, a woman can throw very sharp remarks about a man and even post them on her personal blog in the "humor" section.

It must be understood that careless words can not only be read by relatives and friends, but their own. They do not want their mother and father to swear publicly about this.

Such behavior can negatively affect the psychological state of the child. Mutual accusations do not lead to a solution to the problem, only aggravate the situation.

Older people have enough wisdom to control their anger after a divorce.

Some Wise Thoughts and Sayings About Divorce Your Husband

Here is a short list of divorce quotes:

  • Divorce is the same as slamming the door (G. Colette).
  • There is no pain stronger than going through a divorce (D. Lopez).
  • It is important not to blame only your partner for the breakup (R. Witherspoon).
  • My husband and I divorced. I did not share his belief that he is God (W. Foster).

No man - no problem!!


In principle, there is no point in dreaming about a prince ... and it is useless to wait for the weather by the sea! I'm thirty, it's time to choose the one who will ruin my best years!

One evening you realize that you have changed. You can say she turned into an evil bitch, but in reality she just matured. I got out, I got out, I didn’t break, I forgot, I let go ...

Sometimes it becomes so cool, from the fact that it became so do not care, that it was so important ...

You take the ring... I don't need it anymore... there is no love between us... there is just friendship between us...

My husband was taken away!!! Now I'm sitting, shuddering at every rustle, suddenly they will bring me back!!!

And what if you're already a stranger? I am no longer jealous of my past. My world is now filled not with you, I got rid of life ... skewed.

Love is tested by time, different situations and actions. Don't make men unhappy. You just need to give them a pendal in time.

A woman's place is in the kitchen, where she sits in a comfortable armchair with her legs up, drinking wine and watching a man cook her dinner.

Do I remember you? Certainly cute! Every Saturday when I wash the floors with your favorite T-shirt.

A sufficient amount of time will pass ... You will look at my avatar again and realize with horror that I will not be closer than in the monitor ...

Making a woman happy is very easy. Only expensive.

And me, and me!!! So that he would take and lead him and that nothing was scary with him (and not me like a goat for a leash!)

I need a strong man, in every sense, but for him to have one weakness-I!!!

One day I woke up and realized that I was not unhappy at all, but simply free!!!

A woman should be happy! She doesn't owe anyone anything!

They say that in order to maintain a tone, a woman needs to change something in her life from time to time: housing, a man, gloves ... It’s good that at this time of the year gloves are no longer needed, which means that it’s up to the small.

14 thought I was scary. At 17, I still decided that I was beautiful. At 20, I thought I was stupid. And now I understand that I am an adult, terribly beautiful and far from being a fool!

What are the benefits for a Civil War veteran? I was in a civil marriage!

You have to be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie, and part with people who do not value you!

Women are a nightmare, they are the death of every thinking being. They were created from Adam's rib in haste. It is unbearable! And they still need help all the time.

For those who are leaving, open the door wider - ventilate the soul's room!!! Believe that there are others in this world ... and slowly return the traitors !!!

There is such a good earthly verb: WAS.

Don't cling to the past. Don't live offended. remember the good - do not envy anyone. Everything that is sent to you by heaven, take it for granted. Everything that is done is for the best, no matter how difficult it is !!!

Enjoy life always ... enjoy life everywhere ... I don’t remember from which song, but agree cool words?

We must be able to endure what cannot be avoided.

If a woman is free, If a woman is tasteful, If a woman is charming, If a woman is smart - Fuss is useless! She will make the choice!

Do not waste life, it is not endless, Appreciate every breath, moment and hour, After all, in this world, even if it is not perfect, There is one who prays to heaven only for you!

Women are essentially angels. But if their wings are broken, they have to fly on a broomstick!

It's better to be a happy, satisfied bitch than a hurt, kind cutie!

I can do everything today! Striptease, cruise, any whim! Stockings, lipstick, heels! All right, hold on guys!

Always look good just because you might accidentally meet your ex.

The men always come back. Such is their nature: to achieve love, lose interest, quit, and then return. Moreover, they want to return when you are not interested, when life is in full order and a new love has met.

I cannot be the second... And even the first... I can only be the only one...

No one knows how fate will develop, live freely and don't be afraid of changes. When the Lord takes something away, don't miss out on what He gives in return!

The best morning of a woman: she drank the coffee she brought, took a shower, got dressed and went to her home!

I thank fate every day. Every evening I take stock. I do not check the calendar, I value a lot today. Whoever left must leave. Who was found - so be it. The winds blow, and the sun shines. The closest to be next to me ...

It is better to suffer but proudly straightening up than to love on your knees!

You had your chance to be the one, now get in line.

Nothing beautifies a woman like the temporary absence of her husband.

Free as the wind, as a bird in flight...

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