Nursery design in scandinavian style. Scandinavian-style nursery: the warm charm of the cold north Scandinavian-style children's bedroom

One of the names of the notorious Swedish style is Scandinavian. The harmonious simplicity and refined elegance of the direction have been recognized all over the world. An important point of the fashion trend in interior design is comfort and practicality, suitable for the style of the interior: from minimalism to hi-tech.


Each apartment owner, not even being a professional designer, chooses curtains, taking into account the characteristics of the room, taste preferences and style. Consider some guidelines when choosing Scandinavian style curtains.

  • Artificial light and natural light. As you know, there are few sunny days on the northern side of the planet. The creators of the Swedish curtains took this fact into account, and gave the world light light curtains. With their help, the room is illuminated in the best way. The soft color and unobtrusive ornament give a harmonious and sincere atmosphere.
  • Lack of massive accessories. Curtains in the Scandinavian style do not need heavy decorating details that will only upset the appearance and overall style.
  • natural textiles. Closeness to nature in color design is a priority.
  • Only light colors and shades. Small drawings can be dark.


Fabrics for curtains in the style of a Scandinavian apartment should not be made of synthetics. They are made from natural fabrics - for example, cotton, muslin, linen, satin. The advantage of natural fabrics is the ability to let in natural light, creating a soft and warm lighting of the room.

The material is taken loose, light, often translucent. In the design of such curtains there are no intrusive drawings and massive decor. Shiny and flashy elements are unacceptable.

Emphasis on color

Curtains in the Scandinavian style are distinguished by a special color scheme.

  • White tone and its derivative shades. This color can rightfully be considered the basic color of the Scandinavian style. The color is characterized as an indicator of purity and serenity. It indicates the presence of confidence and love of freedom. The room with such curtains becomes lighter and more spacious.
  • Cream. Designed to highlight the special lightness and tenderness of the situation. It allows experiments with the color design of most interior elements.
  • Grey. Strict but mysterious. A well-chosen shade of gray will fill any living room with calm and elegance. Color allows you to choose a different decor for the overall interior.

  • Blue. Symbolizes weightlessness and dreaminess. Curtains with blue will create a feeling of coolness and flight. Many designers use this trick, given the well-chosen tone of blue. With the help of this trick, it is possible to create the illusion of unlimited space above the horizon line, which will help you psychologically relax and immerse yourself in relaxation.
  • Green and its shades in a light version are the colors of virgin nature. Products for curtaining windows tones of the natural palette are able to recreate in the room a sense of serenity, walking through a green forest. The advantage is that you can combine different shades of green with each other.


When designing a room with the inclusion of Scandinavian curtains, the designer adheres to the main task - to endow the room with a light and bright atmosphere, creating a feeling of cleanliness and the presence of additional space. It has been noted that Scandinavian curtains are mostly plain or sheer.

In some interior designs, a small pattern is acceptable, for example, a Scottish cage, small flowers or stripes. This is the best option for prints, which will look very good. It is important to take into account the features of textured fabric. It is not worth using colors with volumetric drawings.

Character in the interior

In the interior of a single room, the nature of the room and its purpose should be taken into account.

  • In the child's bedroom Curtains of a straight cut and light colors, preferably a soft cream color, will look good. A growing organism needs more space and maximum daylight. Curtains in the nursery are often translucent, allowing the sun's rays to pass through without any problems.
  • To the kitchen it is better to hang a light translucent cotton product in white or beige. For your information: in northern countries, they prefer to install light roller blinds or Roman blinds on the kitchen window. With such curtains, the eating place is endowed with a special spirit of hospitality.

  • In the living room It is very important to create a cozy and friendly atmosphere for receiving guests, talking and having a good time. For a characteristic Scandinavian style, it is recommended to keep the living room window open so that there is more daylight in the room, which means that the use of thick curtains is excluded. However, many cannot help but shade the room while watching TV or sitting at the computer. Then the living room windows can be supplemented with light curtains of a simple cut. It should be borne in mind that folds, draperies and bulky decorations are inappropriate here. Curtains can be decorated with ribbons of a similar color.

  • Bedroom- the place where a person rests, and with the help of a good sleep, he gains strength for a new day. Therefore, it is very important that nothing in it distracts from the main process. However, the Swedish style does not allow the use of weighted canvases. Therefore, when choosing curtains for a Scandinavian-style bedroom, designers recommend following the same rules as when decorating a living room. Functional blinds will help protect you from light and prying eyes from the street.
  • Working the office is recommended to create an atmosphere of a strict business style. For window decoration, it will be correct to use blinds, Roman and roller blinds.

Scandinavian style - a style that carries the harsh beauty of the expanses of the distant northern lands, which does not accept luxury - is unlikely to be left without attention. Combining simplicity, ease and naturalness with natural, natural materials, windows in full wall and many additional light sources, will create a cozy and warm atmosphere - that's how it is - children's performed in scandinavian style.

What is this style his peculiarities:

  • predominant colors are white and milky;
  • Are used, predominantly, natural materials;
  • Ethnic, folk motifs and prints are used;
  • Lots of windows and sunlight through them;
  • The use of bright elements in the decor (books, drawings, posters);
  • Practicality and design versatility that can "grow" with the baby;
  • No major investment required simplicity execution.

Nursery in Scandinavian style

The room for the child, in the Scandinavian style, is practical and, due to minimalism, absolutely safe even for a baby. It gives a flight of fancy and develops creative thinking.


For the floor, natural wood of light colors is used here: a floorboard or a parquet board. A budget option - quality linoleum or laminate, which are not are natural materials, but similar in appearance. Color options, like the whole room interior, must endure in light colors. The color of delicate mint is suitable - children love shades of green.

Designer's recommendation:When choosing a laminate or parquet board, pay attention to single-strip types with chamfered edges. When properly processed and presented, it will look like an expensive floorboard.


The main part of the interior - the ceiling - May be only perfect smooth and white, painted with paint or covered with whitewash. This visually expands the room, increases her height and dimensions, makes her more spacious. Scandinavian style adheres to minimalism and does not tolerate excesses, so we immediately exclude decorations, stucco and any decorative elements.

The main part of the interior - the ceiling - can only be perfectly even and white, painted with paint or whitewashed.

If, when performing a light and austere Scandinavian interior floor and ceiling, you can think of nothing, then the walls - opportunity show my individuality and fantasy.

Light colors visually expand the children's room, make her lighter as well serve good backdrop for bright decor elements. Most appropriate will Just paint the walls with white or milky paint, cover with light plain wallpaper or sheathe with wood paneling. This is a classic style, but childish, not a place for boring tones. Show your imagination, experiment, add shades and textures.

Waterproof paint is not afraid of dirt - it is washed with warm water and powder.

Wooden panels and wallpaper create a certain comfort.

These decisions are explained by the harsh climate and typical dwellings with cramped apartments in which people have to huddle.

Designer's recommendation:Non-woven children's wallpapers, so popular in the world, come from Sweden. They are made for children.allages: girls, boys. Masters combinesomecolors and interior spots are obtained: plain, neutral colors of the wallpaper are diluted with bright pictures or geometric shapes.Chalk wallpaper, which is just coming into fashion, will allow you to showyourthe child and you artistic ability. Materialallowswithout prejudice to the interior, draw with chalk and then erase boring old drawings.

Trendy Scandinavian style for kids

Attaches interior made in Scandinavian style, lightness - furniture - functional and laconic with elegant carvings, calligraphic inscriptions or forged elements.

Since the furniture must be functional, do not clutter up the space (remember that there is not enough space in the room), then it contains modular or folding elements with huge number of drawers and decorative boxes.

Instead of bulky structures, more familiar for us, this style uses dressers with open shelves. Books, toys and souvenirs are placed on them. Little things are stored in baskets woven from natural straw, chests or colorful wall panels with many pockets.

furniture - functional and laconic with elegant carvings, calligraphic inscriptions or forged elements

In the Scandinavian countries, children's furniture, shaped like a house, is popular. This May be bed, closet or toy rack.

Designer's recommendation:Pay special attention to the furniture in the nursery - it must be multifunctional and, of course, durable. As the children grow fast, Thatit is necessary that the furniture “grows” with them and does not require frequent replacement. To do this, select practical natural wood furniture: pine, beech, spruce.

Ethnos in scandinavian style highlighted special place. He will emphasize unusual the interior of the room, helps to embody bold and unusual ideas.

Whatever the nursery becomes boring - to decorate the walls, bright pictures are used and stickers of clouds, raindrops, fish are placed. Wherein ordinary room much transforms and looks light and cheerful. Let your child fill and color my room.

Designer's recommendation:Work on the interior will complete when filled with linens, unusual pillows, a plaid with ethnic patterns or a bright carpet with geometric shapes.Color game. Scattered bright toys Fine complement the interior of the room. Arrange their everywhere: on the shelf, floor and window sill - and will be real holiday colors background about the main neutral. Zest rooms. Children build houses from Total what comes to hand: blankets, pillows and chairs. Build a wigwam from sticks, matter - let it will owner's pride. Show resourcefulness and imagination, come up with his design and decoration themselves.

Whatever the nursery becomes boring - to decorate the walls, bright pictures are used and stickers of clouds, raindrops, fish are placed

Main the value for the child's room is given to lighting. As planned: the windows are made of wood, combined with the floor in tone, must have huge sashes and not obstruct the passage of light and heat. Curtains are not hung on the windows.

Vases, mirrors look advantageous in the interior different shapes and sizes placed under such only right angle to reflect the rays of the rare in those parts of the sun and illuminate the room different flowers.

room, usually, equipped with several types of lighting, in addition to main. In each zone: above the bed, above the work desk, in the play corner and in the reading corner, a separate light source is placed. Available And some portable lamps - to illuminate individual unlit areas. To comply general style of the room, lamps and chandeliers, as well as All, which is associated with the Scandinavians, are concise and inconspicuous.

The main importance for the child's room is given to lighting.

Scandinavian rugs

Because the any the child loves to play on the floor - a good solution - bright rugs and a bunch of pillows scattered on the floor different forms with bright ornaments or images of fairy-tale characters and animals. Carpet, according to the established rules of style, can merge with a common interior, or stand out as a bright spot. But here Need to know measure. You can not overdo it, otherwise a cozy children's room, from riot of colors will cease to be such. Use soft shades of green, blue and red.

Carpet May be and long haired. This more practical and suitable for long finding and playing the child on the floor.

As noted earlier, there may not be curtains in the nursery. But if without them you cannot imagine comfort, then the fabric must be natural, neutral color or vice versa - a bright spot.

As noted earlier - there may not be curtains in the nursery

Make a bed in Scandinavian style - choose simple, monochromatic textiles, but different textures, or bright, contrasting, with fabulous stories. A good solution of the northern style, for example, will quilted bedspread or blanket major mating. And pillows will favorably complement the interior of the room and create additional flavor.

Besides Fine suitable fabric canopy, wigwam and, Certainly, toys. Where without them in the nursery? That's where can show all fantasy and sort through the colors. Brightly colored toys that are properly arranged will draw attention and hide some blemishes and clutter.

Wonderful colorful decorations complete the composition - flags, pictures and posters, family photos in special frames, decorative houses, deer heads and other animals. And don't be afraid, it's hard to go overboard here. This will unusual that fit into general scandinavian style, little things that will delight you and your his child.

Colorful decorations complete the composition perfectly - flags, pictures and posters, family photos in special frames, decorative houses, deer heads and other animals.

Now let's talk about how not to repeat ourselves

To avoid the similarity of the baby's children's room with the rooms of other children and, most importantly, with the store's exposition, mothers use the following tricks:

elegant simplicity Always in high esteem, so the harsh Viking style is gaining popularity among parents. This style is suitable for a child's room - in it There is All for the development of the child, a lot of space for outdoor games, and light colors favorably affect his state and give conviction V security, peace and tranquility. Furniture made from natural material, Not may look boring and faceless. The interior breathes kindness, lightness and into it Amazing the laughter of a child will fit in.

Children's room in Scandinavian style

Nursery in the Scandinavian style 39 photo ideas:

The design of any of the rooms of the house requires a careful approach. The nursery needs to be especially carefully designed. There are many nuances that are important to consider when developing a design. For example, it is better to place a rest and sleep area away from the door and windows, and a play area in the warmest place in the room. It is especially difficult to decide on the style of the room. If the children are small, then there are practically no questions, in this case the choice is up to the parents. If the children are older, then their visions of their room can only be surprised.

You can argue for hours about the design styles of children's rooms. Someone sees them only as bright, colorful and spacious, while someone claims that it is best for a child to be in a room with a bright interior. It is impossible to say exactly which of the opponents is right. Dark colors, like light ones, affect the formation of a new personality in different ways.

Scandinavian nursery is one of the options for decorating rooms for children over 6 years old. This design is recognized as one of the best in the world of interior design for children's rooms.

Not inferior to the Scandinavian and other modern styles. Scientists have proven that in the case when a certain atmosphere reigns in the children's room, a sense of beauty is developed in the child, and values ​​are formed correctly. In total, in the design space, you can count about fifty design styles that are suitable for a children's room.

Existing styles for the design of the children's room:

  • Classic style;
  • Provence;
  • Style Pirate;
  • Jungle;
  • Sport style;
  • astronautics;
  • Barbie style;
  • Harry Potter style;
  • Fairytale theme.

If it is not possible to keep the whole room in a certain style, then you can simply fill the space with a theme, and you will have an interesting design direction.

Original Scandinavian-style nursery: special design differences

In order to understand in which direction it is worth moving when decorating a room in the Scandinavian style, it is necessary to turn to geographical and historical knowledge. The harsh climate of the Scandinavian Peninsula leaves its mark on furniture and interior items.

A Scandinavian-style nursery is, as a rule, a large, spacious, bright room filled with accessories in the style of the northern regions of Norway, where it is rarely warm and sleighs with reindeer cut through the snow.

But not only the hard life of remote regions can be brought into the interior of a Scandinavian-style children's room. The traditions of the peoples of the peninsula are original and unique.

Distinctive features of the nursery in the Scandinavian style:

  • Modesty and minimalism in the interior;
  • Light furniture, cabinets are mostly low and wide;
  • Light walls and white ceiling;
  • The floor should only be wooden, in extreme cases lining is allowed;
  • The presence of decor elements in the form of imitated yurts and snowballs must be present in the room;
  • Blinds or a calm, without much frills canvas - a curtain are welcome on the windows;
  • Furniture should not be flashy, with a minimum of decor and maximum openness;
  • A rough wooden chair or armchair will give the room an affiliation to the heavy harsh Scandinavian life;
  • The same effect will be from a rough self-woven carpet on the floor;
  • Not a large modest bed is perfect for this style.

It should be noted that the Swedish company IKEA successfully sells children's beds of the Kyura model, designed specifically in the Scandinavian style.

Scandinavian-style nursery for a boy: design features

If you have only one boy from the heirs, or even two tomboys, it will not be difficult to arrange a nursery. For little guys aged 4-5 years old, this style would be appropriate in the same way as for a teenage boy.

The Scandinavian style nursery has a great stylish design. Filling the room with elements that convey through the distance and years the life and traditions of the northern peoples will help temper your child's strong character and logical way of thinking.

A room for a boy differs from a room for a girl in the coloring of the walls and decor elements.

The main elements of decor for a boy's room in the Scandinavian style:

  • Muted, close to blue or blue, tones;
  • Decor elements and posters depicting the symbolism of the Vikings and victories;
  • Model of hunting accessories;
  • Rougher furniture;
  • Rough canvas toy bags;
  • Wicker baskets for shoes;
  • Ethnic drawings on furniture and walls.

The presence of the colors of the national flag is very carefully introduced into the interior of the most expensive rooms of the house, and therefore the true Scandinavians always have the symbolism of the national two-color or tricolor in the nursery.

Making a Scandinavian-style nursery for a girl: the right approach

A room for a girl in Scandinavian style will be different from a room for a boy. More tender and reverent creatures need the same romantic and pleasant environment. If you really want your little daughter to get used to asceticism and minimalism from childhood, then try not to overdo it, and be sure to fill the room with warm and cozy tones.

A Scandinavian-style nursery for a girl is a fine line between the militant Vikings and the cozy northern life, the difficult fate of a hunter wandering among the ice, and a warm home waiting for him with prey.

Bringing bright colors into the white interior, you can achieve the appropriate effect. Filling a cold room with cozy mural on the walls will create a light, laid-back Nordic design.

How can you equip a Scandinavian-style nursery for a girl:

  • Any girl's nursery is distinguished by the presence of a kitchen. The minimum amount of kitchen utensils and a stove will be very appropriate.
  • Pink and yellow toys will make the atmosphere in the room warm and cozy.
  • Wicker cribs and prams for dolls will appeal to a little northerner;
  • Books and paintings on the walls in bright colors will make the room habitable and lively;
  • With the help of curtains with bright colors, you can bring warm feminine energy into the interior.

And yet, such a room is more suitable for a teenage girl than for a small fragile forget-me-not.

Ideas for a Scandinavian-style nursery (video)

Scandinavian style is not very diverse. Due to the modest life of the northern peoples, there are not many decorative elements that can be used to decorate a room to give it a Scandinavian style. But still there is room for variation - the Scandinavian Peninsula is inhabited by four nationalities, each of which has its own traditions, customs and preferences. If you want to give the room brighter colors and contrast, then choose the Finnish style. If you are more prone to romanticism and softness, then you should give preference to the Danish direction. Swedish interiors are distinguished by austerity, coldness and a more Spartan lifestyle.

This Wednesday, June 1, the whole world celebrated Children's Day - this is a good reason for Kvartblog to talk about children's rooms, their design and decor once again. We learned that the designers have recently completed their first children's furniture collection. On this occasion, we asked designer Ruslan Maksutov what style is best for decorating a nursery and what techniques to use so that the room meets the needs of the child as much as possible.

Ruslan Maksutov Graduated from MHPI with a degree in Environmental Design. In the profession since 2009. Lead furniture designer at Arthunter. Participant of the exhibition I Saloni WorldWide Moscow 2014 and 2015. In 2016, he participated in the Country Answer program on NTV.

Childhood does not need to be complicated. Everything complicated will come along with adulthood, so for a children's room I recommend a simple and understandable Scandinavian style.

3 arguments in favor of choosing a Scandinavian style for a nursery:

1. Style Palette

Scandinavian motifs in the children's room are not only stylish, but also very correct from the point of view of the child's psyche: the baby should be surrounded only by fresh and light colors - they do not cause feelings of anxiety. Apricot, white, apple green, pale cornflower blue, delicate shades of pink - these are the shades that the Scandinavian children's classic suggests.

2. Materials

The child's room should contain as many natural materials as possible. Instead of plastic tables and stools, we recommend professionally finished wood. Products from it are interior "vitamins". In the Scandinavian style, a table can even be built from a stump, and it will look very cool. At the same time, natural natural forms in combination with muted colors have a beneficial effect on babies.

The decor that this style suggests (posters with prints of animals or fruits, flags, etc.) is very unobtrusive, so it will not bother or bother; even if this happens, it is easy and, most importantly, it is not at all expensive to change it.

Scandinavian style seems to be created especially for kids, each element is very natural. Any parent instinctively understands that it is better to choose light, fresh colors for a child. Everyone instinctively feels that only natural materials should surround a small treasure: wood, cardboard, paper, cotton.

5 designer tips for decorating a Scandinavian-style children's room

Mink elements

Use "mink elements" to make the child feel protected. Have you noticed that dogs like to hide or sit under chairs or under tables? They have well-developed instincts, and they know what they are doing: it is in such places that pets feel the least vulnerable and there they sleep soundly. The same approach applies to children. For example, in our collection we used houses at the head of the bed - this is not only a decoration, but also a guarantee of sleep without worries.

Mom's peace of mind for the coming dream

The baby falls asleep, but the mother knows that his sleep is light, so do not rush to go to the kitchen. In this case, you need to think about where the mother will sit and guard the dream of her treasure. Be sure to choose and purchase yourself a comfortable chair for such occasions. By the way, if you take a rocking chair, it can become your assistant in motion sickness in your arms.

Toys - a place

A Scandinavian-style nursery is a room where parents can afford to digress from the stereotypes of adult life a little, putting toys together with their children not in a wooden chest of drawers with carved decor, but in a simple wooden box, or woolen sacks, or a paper eco-bag. Don't be afraid to use these bags: they are specially treated and not easily torn.

Educational furniture

Furniture for a nursery should be functional: you can combine different functions, the most entertaining thing is to combine furniture with creativity - a Scandinavian nursery will definitely not be harmed by a locker with a slate effect.

Budget solution

When everything around has simple shapes, it is very easy to complement the interior with homemade decor. Ruslan's advice: take the simplest IKEA chest of drawers (the main thing is that it should not be varnished) and try to decorate it yourself. For example, as in the picture. All you need is masking tape and a few acrylic paints. And this, by the way, is the idea for creating a new master class on the Quartblog!


If you can’t decide which curtains to hang in your home so that they fit the interior, we advise you to opt for products in the Scandinavian style. It represents the dominance of white and all light shades.

This direction originates in the northern hemisphere of our planet, whose inhabitants are characterized by a certain rigor, rationality and respect for nature and the world around them. All this is reflected in Scandinavian fashion and design.

Curtains in the Scandinavian style will become an elegant element of decor, which, due to its simplicity and elegance, will easily fit into absolutely any interior.

Features and Benefits

Curtains in the Scandinavian style have a simple and concise cut, they are also characterized by the predominance of light colors. The main trend is simplicity and comfort, so the main tasks of curtains in this style are functionality and practicality.

Natural light is very important when planning the interior of any room., and this is especially true for residents of the northern hemisphere, since there are not so many bright sunny days there, and trying to catch every ray of natural light, they never choose thick heavy curtains. Curtains in the Scandinavian style should, on the contrary, enhance the lighting of the room.

Linen and cotton are most often chosen as the material for such curtains. These materials make the curtains light and able to let in some of the sunlight, creating the effect of a warm, soft, diffused daylight glow.

Additional decorative elements in curtains of this type are usually not used. The absence of lambrequins, ruffles, lace, fringes makes curtains simple, delicate, but at the same time very stylish and modern.

Even the tiebacks are made from the same fabric as the curtains themselves.

Design Options

As already mentioned, the most popular materials for making Scandinavian-style curtains are linen and cotton, but there are also silk, muslin and muslin products.

The main principle when choosing a material is that it should be light and translucent. Heavy and shiny fabrics are not typical for the Scandinavian style. It is best to opt for natural materials.

As for the color palette, of course, the main and most popular color is white. However, Scandinavian curtains in other colors also look great - milky, beige, light yellow, sand, light green and other light warm pastel shades.

Features of using popular curtain colors:

  • White- the basic classic color, emphasizing simplicity and naturalness. It is able to give a feeling of freedom, visually increases the volume of the room, makes it brighter. All kinds of shades of white can also be used - light gray, light beige, snowy, mother-of-pearl and others;

  • Cream- a very pleasant, warm and delicate shade that blends perfectly with any other colors, makes the atmosphere of the room warmer and more comfortable;

  • Grey makes the room more refined, gives a feeling of tranquility, gives the interior restraint and rigor;

  • Light blue visually increases the space, makes the sunlight softer, creates a feeling of pleasant chill;

  • light green associated with nature, forest and herbs, gives the room an atmosphere of freshness, space and light. Looks good in combination with other shades of the green spectrum.

Application in the interior

Scandinavian curtains in the interior of the kitchen will be appropriate, since it must certainly be cozy and very light, and light translucent curtains will be the best solution for this.

In a beautiful and cozy living room, the curtains should also be light, they will create a feeling of volume and weightlessness. Therefore, do not weight the curtains with massive draperies, folds and other decorative elements.

Patterns with ethnic motifs, Scottish plaid, floral patterns and images of nature will look very interesting and stylish on curtains.

For the bedroom, you can choose the same curtains as for the living room. However, it is additionally worth installing blinds or roller blinds on the windows in the bedroom so that, if necessary, you can tightly close the view from the outside for strangers.

In the children's room, too, should be as light and comfortable as possible, that is why Scandinavian curtains will be an excellent choice for a children's bedroom.

If you want to equip your office in the Scandinavian style, then the ideal solution would be to use translucent blue curtains in muted tones. This will give some rigor and create a pleasant business environment.

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