Doorway without a door: necessity or design decision? How to ennoble the front door from the inside Ennobling the doorway of the front door with your own hands

Before the complete or partial demolition of load-bearing structures, it is imperative to consult with specialists. In an apartment building, you should start with the management company, in a private one - with the BTI. They will tell you whether it is possible to do this at all, whether additional reinforcement is required.

The most common solution is to partially or completely remove the partition between the living room and kitchen, kitchen and dining room, bedroom and loggia, kitchen and balcony, corridor and dressing room, hallway and living room.

Advantages and disadvantages of the solution

Among the advantages, one can note an improvement in ventilation, as well as a functional increase in area - a utility room can be connected to the main room. These pros can easily turn into cons. Too good ventilation causes drafts. The smell from the kitchen spreads throughout the house. Curtains perfectly absorb the fat contained in the air, retain dust and need frequent washing.

The non-standard solution is a definite plus, but it also has its downside. The interior of the apartment should be designed in the same style. This can be difficult to achieve, but disharmony will result otherwise.

The main disadvantages are poor soundproofing and the inability to retire when necessary. It is worth noting that hanging a drapery is much easier than installing a box and adjusting the sashes.

Suitable passage sizes

In many ways, the dimensions are determined by the parameters of the rooms. Properly calculated width and height allow you to visually correct the shortcomings of the premises. For example, wide aisles, especially those with gentle vaults, will make an apartment with a low ceiling more spacious, while narrow ones, on the contrary, will compress an already tiny space.

In any case, the entrance should not be lower than 2 m, and if it is an arch, it is better to place it higher so that the narrow parts of the arch are above the level of the shoulders and head. If the owner of the apartment wants to combine the two zones to the maximum, then the entrance can be done almost to the very ceiling.

The size of the asymmetrical arch depends on the intricacy of the shape. The more complex it is, the wider the passage should be, so that the heap of decorations on a small structure does not give it pretentiousness. Textured decor sometimes works positively for optical narrowing.

There are also trapezoidal - a broken structure created from several straight lines intersecting at obtuse and right angles. Not all designers love her because of the associations with the funeral theme.


As a rule, such arches have one side straight, and the other with a rounded vault. Although there are no rules here - each designer creates as he wishes. The only limitation is the wall material in which it is planned to place a fantasy arch: it can only be made in a plasterboard partition or assembled from separate rails.

How to veneer

To understand how to design a doorway without a door, you need to decide on the decoration of the premises. Since it is turned into two rooms at once, you need to consider how it will look from both sides, not forgetting about style and color nuances.

Wood and MDF

Wood trim is used in most historical styles. For these purposes, oak, ash, hornbeam and pine are most often used. Parts are sold ready-made, fastened with nails or self-tapping screws. A replacement for natural wood can be a material made from pressed fibers. Panels are attached with glue or liquid nails. How to arrange a doorway in this way, look at the photo.

stucco work

Polyurethane is a flexible and dense material from which arch frames are often made. It also allows you to create an imitation of expensive plaster moldings. Installation is carried out using a special adhesive. Polyurethane can also be used to create columns on the sides of a doorway.

Stucco made of polymers does not break, cuts well, and is friendly with any mounting adhesive. Gypsum is nobler, but heavier and does not withstand falls, so you need to work with it very carefully. In addition, special glue or gypsum mortar is required for installation.

The surface can be left white or painted.

stone and tile

Stone cladding is much heavier than wood or polyurethane. Before starting work, the walls are leveled with putty. The choice of glue depends on the weight of the stone: liquid glue is suitable for light slabs, for heavy ones a solution is prepared from cement, glue, lime and sand. The facing starts from the bottom and gradually rises, giving the bonding agent the opportunity to dry. Each element must be held against the wall until it seizes. Excess must be removed immediately if they come to the surface, otherwise they may spoil the final look.

To maintain the same thickness of the seams will help tabs made of wood or plastic, inserted between rows of tiles. They are easy to remove after the composition dries.

The seams are decorated with grout, and the whole composition - with a composition that gives shine. Artificial stone and clinker are highly wear resistant, but their natural counterparts have much higher strength. For interior partitions, they may be too heavy. Most often, the edges of the masonry are made uneven, torn, creating deliberate negligence and the effect of antiquity, which, in contrast, looks advantageous in modern interiors.

Plaster and paint

Plastering is easy to decorate the doorway with your own hands. Its installation does not require special skills. Before applying it, the base of the arch is leveled and treated with a primer. The paint is applied after drying. The relief depends on the shape and surface of the roller used.

Plastic panels

The panels bend well and fit easily even on non-standard shapes. The coating is attached with glue. The finished set consists of six architraves (there are three of them on each side - on top and on the sides) and three extensions. The top elements are not only flat, but also suitable for arches. If necessary, they are easily cut with a hacksaw.

Corners live in a tough operation due to high traffic and need high-quality finishes. Plastic can not boast of strength, but with care it will last a long time. Among its advantages are ease of care, the presence of hollows for wires, a variety of colors and imitation textures.


GCR is durable, easy to install and easy to cut with a knife. It has good adhesion with any adhesives. They are sheathed with a frame made of a metal or wooden profile. The frame is attached to the walls and ceiling. It can have any configuration. Its strength depends on the thickness of the profile and the distance between the prefabricated elements. The profile is easy to bend and cut. Sheets are installed on self-tapping screws. The seams between them are putty.

Stone, clinker, wood, MDF panels, simple painting or wallpapering suit many styles: eco, scandi, loft, minimalism, ethno, country, kitsch and others. True, the last two finishes look neat only with perfectly smooth walls. Most of all, this applies to painting, which emphasizes any irregularities, especially in the presence of decorative lighting.

How to decorate

  • Along the entire contour, you can hang closed or open shelves, put racks. Thus, things, books, trinkets will turn out.
  • If the arch is made of drywall, through windows, niches, shelves for flowers or accessories can be made a few centimeters from the passage.
  • The pomposity of the interiors will be added by facing the openings on the sides with plaster bas-reliefs, and on top - with a sandrik, that is, a slightly protruding cornice.
  • You can add spotlights to the slopes, or ready-made lighting for furniture.
  • Slopes can be decorated with extensions and platbands, which are made of wood, MDF and PVC panels. All together they give a finished look and expressiveness to the whole structure and can serve as one of the accents in the interior. Dobory happen with grooves and without. The first type is preferable, since the joints between the planks will turn out to be little noticeable and will not require careful fitting. Cashiers are very different. Often they are made of wood, having previously treated it with insect, microorganism and fire repellents. This material is unlikely to soon cease to be a favorite of designers and homeowners, it is very practical, aesthetic, environmentally friendly and versatile.

How to decorate a doorway with curtains

Not every room can be left open. A bathroom, for example, or a nursery need intimacy. Someone can add their office to this list if the work process requires silence, but for someone it is important to get rid of unnecessary sounds in the bedroom.

However, even in this case, you can play with different solutions. If the noise level does not matter, but you just want to isolate yourself from your eyes, you can use screens or (both dense and not very). They will divide the room, but they will look lighter than doors and take up less space. In addition, both types of fabrics can be quickly removed and the passage completely freed. At the same time, the appearance will not suffer: there will be no loops and traces of locks on it.

It is advisable to leave the passage free. The fabric can interfere, cling, get dirty. If you fix it with pickups during the day, you get a beautiful frame. It is good when the design curtains match the curtains or curtains on the windows. By the way, a dense fabric can trap odors from the kitchen, but it will often have to be washed or dry cleaned.

Blinds do the job just as well as curtains. And their vertical stripes raise the ceiling (horizontal, respectively, push the walls apart) and perfectly complement the modern interior with their strict geometry.

We told you how to decorate a doorway beautifully. The main thing is that the finish is environmentally friendly, does not cause allergies and looks good.

  • Material prepared by: Natalia Utochkina

If your front door is pretty frayed over time, just out of fashion or does not harmonize with the interior of the hallway, but at the same time remains strong and able to protect your home, you can refinish and give the canvas a new life.

The easiest way is to fix a wooden door leaf, but iron doors can also be put in order. Consider in detail how you can ennoble the doors inside and out.

Front door from the inside: how to ennoble

There are really many options:

  • lining;
  • artificial leather;
  • PVC panels;
  • veneer of various types of wood;
  • firoparallels and many other options.

In fact, the inside of the canvas can be finished with anything, the main thing is that the material is practical, not easily soiled and matches the decoration of the hallway. For example, you should not mix modern economy-class materials with classic or eco-style, and, on the contrary, use an expensive array of elite wood for a hallway finished with plastic. The door can be the main accent of the hallway or, on the contrary, merge with the walls in the “invisible” box, the main thing is the harmony and compatibility of materials.

For more information on how to sheathe a door with the most common material - artificial leather - see the video.

How and how to ennoble an old front door from the outside

For exterior decoration of both wooden and metal doors, suitable

  • artificial leather;
  • wood veneer;
  • putty + paint;
  • decorative film and other options.

It is worth noting that even the most simple and standard materials can sparkle with new colors if you move away from boring solutions and use non-traditional decor.

How to decorate the front door with fittings

The market is filled with a mass of accessories of various types: handles, locks, bells, eyes and much more can be found today in any stylistic variation. Of course, the price of the issue fluctuates depending on the quality of products, their functionality and design according to a simple scheme: the better the product, the more expensive it is.


In fact, this is the main element of housing protection, therefore, first of all, it must be reliable, preferably with the maximum number of degrees of protection. The easiest way is to choose a hidden model, almost invisible on the door leaf. So you can provide a decent view, and sleep peacefully.

If you want to be original, you can install an “antique” lock - a unique look of the front door is provided.

Door knob

The main requirement for this accessory is harmony in the integral image of the portal. You shouldn't choose a dainty doorknob for a loft or minimalist door, although a bent or wrought iron handle works well for most styles.

An excellent option is an illuminated handle, the flashlight of which is directed at the lock hole. Its style can be anything, but the convenience of the device will be appreciated by you many times over.


The peephole can be either modest, barely noticeable, or become the main decoration of the front door, or it may be completely absent. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy expensive accessories in this case. For example, a minimalist modern design would go great with a mural or a fun sticker.

Consider some of the easiest ways to decorate interior doors with your own hands using improvised materials.

As you know, doors are not eternal, and anything can happen. For example, often scratches, chips, cracks appear on the door leaf. In this case, you can repair, replace or decorate carefully, hiding all defects.

Covering the door with wallpaper

To decorate the door, you can use not only paper, vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, but also fabric or liquid.

In this case, the canvas should be prepared by removing a layer of paint in advance, filling irregularities, cracks and sanding the surface.

The applied primer layer will provide additional adhesion of the wallpaper to the door surface.

Wallpaper can be pasted over both the entire canvas and the panels, cutting out pieces of wallpaper of a suitable size. Don't forget to choose the glue that suits the type of wallpaper and dilute it according to the instructions.

Wallpaper classic

Lubricate the cut wallpaper with glue and apply it to the door, making sure that there are no jams and distortions. We smooth the wallpaper with a soft cloth, roller or wide plastic spatula. Carefully cut off the excess with a clerical knife. Additionally, you can decorate by gluing a foam plinth frame over the wallpaper.

For the period of drying of the wallpaper, it is advisable to close the windows in the house and exclude the appearance of drafts, a sharp temperature drop.


The door decorated with fabric looks very unusual and attractive. In addition to the standard surface preparation, attention should be paid to the fabric itself, ascertaining the degree of shrinkage.

We cut off a small piece of fabric, measure its dimensions, moisten it with water and dry it. After drying, we again take measurements, comparing the readings and finding out the degree of shrinkage. If the value is large, then we also wet the entire piece of fabric before decorating and leave it to dry.

Note! You can use not only a single piece of fabric, but also cut fragments of different colors and textures. This technique is called "patchwork" and is often used by designers in the design of premises.

For fabric, casein glue, a composition based on CMC, as well as Bustilat or Gumilaks mastics are best suited. We apply the adhesive to the fabric and apply it to the door, smoothing it with a spatula. When pasting the door with fragments, it is important to monitor their geometry, otherwise the work will look sloppy.

Additionally, you can decorate the door with beautiful furniture carnations, shiny nylon or leather cords, fabric paint, baguette frames.

- are universal. They cover not only walls, but also doors, creating unimaginable patterns and compositions. In this case, you do not have to mess with cutting canvases. However, it will not be possible to expose the door to moisture. Therefore, for decorating a door in a bathroom or kitchen, this method is unacceptable.

To work, you will need a dry wallpaper mix, several spatulas of different sizes, a hopper gun, a roller, a clear varnish, a color scheme.

Decorate the door with a mirror

A very unusual door finish can be made using mirrors. Such decor will not only attract everyone's attention, but also visually expand the space of the room, add light. However, cutting and attaching a classic glass mirror is very inconvenient, since there is an alternative - acrylic panels with amalgam, which has excellent reflectivity.

Acrylic mirrors are available in a wide range of colors. You can choose any shade you like or several to make a mirror panel. Plastic panels do not break, are easily processed and attached to the door, and are light in weight. The cost of mirrored plexiglass is not the lowest, but the quality and aesthetic qualities are fully consistent with the declared prices.

ThicknessColorTrademarkSheet size, mmPrice per sheet, rub
SPD (Italy)1220*2440 5950
Plexiglas Mirror (Germany)2050*3050 11150
PLASKOLITE (USA)2050*3050 14000
PLASKOLITE (USA)2030*3050 15700
Plexiglas Mirror (Germany)2030*3050 16000
3 red, blue, green, orange, yellow, black
(colored opaque)
Extruded acrylic glass ZENOCRYL OPAQUE XT2050*3050 10989
3 color transparent (red, orange, yellow, light blue, blue, green, violet)1220*2440 5453
3 fluorescent transparent (yellow, pink, brown)Cast acrylic glass ZENOCRYL TRANSPARENT1220*2440 5075

Before attaching the mirror plastic to, you should carefully level the surface by deepening the nail heads, sanding and covering all the bumps / recesses with putty.

A deep penetration primer must be applied to the door and the back of the acrylic sheet. After it dries, the cut panels are fixed with double-sided tape and mounting glue. For convenience, use mounting suction cups, with their help it is much easier to carefully glue the panels to the door leaf.

As one of the decoration options, you can consider figured acrylic mirrors. Such a mirror can be attached in the center of the door or you can purchase several elements and arrange them beautifully. Usually small parts are produced with an adhesive layer already applied.

Even from such a simple material as buckwheat husks, excellent work is obtained. The cost of the material is minimal, but the service life of such a coating, unfortunately, cannot be called too long.

Step 1. We remove a layer of old paint from the door, the existing vinyl coating, eliminate all irregularities with putty.

Step 2. Remove the door from the hinges and put it on the floor / stools / table. We paint the door leaf with dark brown paint. If there are glass inserts on the door, we protect them with masking tape.

Step 3. We thickly grease the dried door with PVA glue, lay out the husk, distributing it with our hands. If necessary, add small gold sparkles.

Step 4. We cover the door with a transparent varnish (glossy or matte). It is advisable to apply three layers in order to qualitatively fix the buckwheat on the door leaf.

A beautiful door is ready. So that the door does not stand out from the overall design of the room, decorate the picture frame in the same way and place the creation on one of the walls.

We decorate the door in vintage style

Vintage is sophistication and sophistication, the beauty of artificially aged things, in harmony with the chic of individual decorative elements. The door in vintage style will become a work of art, an exclusive element of the interior.

For decoration you will need:

We will combine door painting with decoupage technique and add decorative elements in addition. We will carry out the work on the already removed from the hinges, puttied and carefully sanded door, laid horizontally.

Step 1. Paint the door white. We apply the paint with a wide brush with stiff bristles in one direction, in a thin layer.

Step 2. When the paint dries, gently sand it with coarse sandpaper, achieving the effect of "old times".

Step 3. We start decorating the panels or the central part of the door. We tear musical notebooks and old newspapers into small pieces with our hands. We draw a field for activity of a rectangular or square shape on the door with a pencil. Lubricate the outlined areas with PVA glue. Immediately lay out the paper randomly, smoothing it with your hands. On top, apply a transparent varnish in two layers.

Step 4. Along the perimeter of the areas pasted over with paper, we fasten a black baguette to the mounting glue.

Additionally, you can decorate with a beautiful wreath, a large lace bow or plastic beads imitating pearls (glue-based).

There are many other ways to decorate doors. Operate with the materials available in your home arsenal, connect your imagination and create your own masterpieces.

Entrance door prices

Entrance doors

Video - A variety of ideas for decorating doors

Video - Applying patina to the door

Video - Self-decorating the door

11 best manufacturers of interior doors

Photo Name Rating Price

EL "PORTA ⭐ 100 / 100

TRIADOORS ⭐ 99 / 100

STATUS ⭐ 98 / 100

SOFIA ⭐ 97 / 100
#5 ART DECO ⭐ 96 / 100 1 - voice

PROFILDOORS ⭐ 95 / 100

ONYX ⭐ 94 / 100


MATADOR ⭐ 92 / 100

VOLHOVETS ⭐ 91 / 100

ALVERO ⭐ 90 / 100

Doors el'PORTA

Doors el'PORTA are doors with Italian architecture, produced in Russia. Models of modern design and trendy shades, materials of the highest quality. el'PORTA interior doors are manufactured using modern Italian and German equipment. Various decorative door coverings allow you to choose the best option in terms of price and performance.



  • 3D-Graf is a high-density structural decorative material. It has a pronounced texture, medium wear resistance;
  • eco-veneer is an anti-vandal decorative material that imitates a cut of a real tree. High wear resistance, resistance to mechanical damage, fading, moderate resistance to moisture;
  • aqua doors - doors that are not afraid of moisture;
  • enamel - a multilayer material that imitates enamel, but has higher.


– each product is an effective combination of the priorities of modern materials, trouble-free fittings, successful construction and design solutions. Such doors are very appropriate in rooms decorated in modern high-tech or minimalist styles.


  • modern innovative coating Renolit (Germany) stands out for its strength, durability and environmental safety;
  • carelessness. It is enough to wash it occasionally with ordinary furniture care products (not containing abrasives);
  • doors can be installed in any room, even with high humidity;
  • easy to use, as well as durable and reliable.

- Stylish minimalist design will appeal to the modern city dweller. A rich choice of textures and finishes allows you to harmoniously fit these doors into a new, as well as into an already finished interior. Telescopic door trim- this is a constructive solution of the door frame, which allows you to fit to the wall of any thickness.


  • due to the telescopic effect, the design is suitable for walls of any thickness. Thanks to a tighter fit to the wall, the box does not warp over time;
  • harmless material based on polypropylene;
  • a jointed massif of Angarsk pine is used in order to ensure the stability of the frame, low weight of the canvas, as well as the environmental safety of consumers.

Sofya doors are an author's design product, impeccable European quality and prompt service. Factory "Sofya" performs a full cycle of product creation from the development of the design of each door collection with Italian designers, the development of manufacturing technologies with German engineers.


  • door painting based on safe acrylic-based components used in the medical industry;
  • absolute precision in the execution of all joints in the most unusual collections;
  • careful selection and research of the materials used;
  • ecological, strong and durable in operation.

— direction Design by ARTDEKO is interior doors for true connoisseurs of beauty and comfort. Warm shades of natural wood, exquisite shapes, luxurious decor of classic doors will become a real decoration of the interior. Manufacturability and laconic forms of doors in a modern style are an example of high design for adherents of minimalism.


  • veneer is used from valuable wood species such as oak or ash;
  • inserts made of transparent, frosted, colored or patterned glass;
  • are made on high-tech equipment by qualified specialists using high-quality raw materials and materials.

- this type of door structure is a collapsible structure of individual elements (tsarg). The main advantages of this design is its high maintainability, due to the ability to replace any part of the door during operation and a huge range of different models, both in modern and classic style.


  • resistance to chemical and physical influences;
  • a feature of the coating is its pronounced deep “brushed” structure with a glossy lacquer monochromatic surface or a matte lacquer monochromatic surface;
  • Complete with German Simonswerk hinges and German KFV lock.

Finishing slopes is a mandatory step in installing or replacing a door. After all, even the most luxurious front door will look unpresentable if the opening around it is left in its original form after the builders. The final decoration of the front door can be done on your own without any problems, but for this you will need to plan your actions correctly, as well as choose the right material and, of course, fix it correctly. Let's consider all these stages in more detail.

Planning. What should be taken into account?

Before starting work, you need to decide on the following factors:

  • the budget for the improvement of the opening;
  • material most suitable for decoration;
  • slope design method.

You will also need to take measurements to correctly calculate the amount of materials and stock up on the necessary tools.

Front door - the face of the owners

Types of materials

Today the market is replete with a variety of finishing materials. Most often used for slopes:

  • Plastic. Such a sheathing will look good only if the door itself is lined with plastic, otherwise the slopes will stand out strongly from the rest of the structure. A wide range of colors of these panels allows you to choose an option for almost any interior. They look especially good in houses decorated in a modern style. But plastic also has a drawback - low strength.
  • Drywall. This well-known material has a number of advantages - it does not require the construction of a frame, reliably insulates all joints, serving as an additional insulation, and is easily decorated by painting or wallpapering. It looks best on wide slopes.
  • Natural wood panels. Wood never goes out of style and goes well with almost any style of decoration, and processing with special compounds can give it any desired shade. However, the downside of this finish is the high price.
  • MDF. This material looks very aesthetically pleasing, in addition, it is durable and has high wear resistance. Can serve as an alternative to wood panels.

MDF panels - practical facing material

Another economical option for ennobling the opening is plastering. This method is easy to implement, durable, and most importantly, affordable. This finish is suitable for simple interiors and can be done both from the inside and from the outside of the opening. After the plaster has dried, it is easy to give it the desired color, simply by painting it in a tone similar to the wall covering.

Ways to finish slopes

In addition to the differences in the materials used, there are also different ways of attaching them and decorating the slopes, namely:

  • fixing the finishing panels with an adhesive solution;
  • leveling with mortar and subsequent plastering;
  • frame sheathing with selected materials.
Attaching the cladding to the profile

The choice of a particular method depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities. As already mentioned, plaster is one of the most acceptable options. It is reliable, because such a slope will not bend, in addition, it provides good sound insulation. True, in terms of decoration, it is inferior to panels, but this problem can be solved by applying textured plaster or attaching other decorative materials on top of the adhesive solution, thus combining the two finishing methods.

In some cases, if significant voids appear after the installation of the door block, it is more expedient to do without filling them with a solution. In this case, the finishing panels are mounted on a frame made of metal or wooden slats. This allows you to save on the solution and gives quite a decent result. An additional plus of this design is the ability to install lights or switches on the slope. Also, inside such a slope, you can put a cable from a telephone, wired Internet or other similar communications.

Plastering the opening

Required Tools

For accurate and high-quality plastering work, you will need the following tools:

  • drill with a nozzle for mixing the solution;
  • wide and medium spatulas;
  • sandpaper;
  • masking tape and film;
  • rule for leveling slopes;
  • beacon profiles;
  • masonry mesh (if the slopes have significant irregularities);
  • level and plumb;
  • bucket or other suitable container for the solution.

Plastering tools

Of the materials you will need: cement mortar, primer and putty, as well as, if desired, paint for finishing. If you plan to decorate the front door with decorative panels, then you should stock up on:

  • fixing dowels;
  • small self-tapping screws for fixing the panels;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • durable clerical knife;
  • hammer;
  • measuring instruments (ruler, tape measure, etc.).

You also need to purchase: the cladding panels themselves; corners for closing joints; adhesive composition; wood slats or metal rails (if the materials will be attached to the frame).

Slope decoration: all methods of decoration and sequence of work

You can proceed to decorating and finishing the door slopes after the front door frame and it itself are installed, and all the cracks formed are insulated. Next, the chipped parts of the old coating and dust are removed, after which it is the turn of preparing the opening for the installation of the finishing material.

Opening preparation

Door surface must be protected

Whatever design method you choose, the preparatory work will be similar. To begin with, the surface of the door leaf must be protected from scratches and dirt by covering it with a film fixed with masking tape. Then protruding fragments (if any) are hemmed off, which can make it difficult to mount the frame, glue panels or plaster. Then the walls are cleaned of dust and covered with a primer. If the surface of the walls is not porous, it is better to use a deep penetration primer mixture.

Also at this stage, with the option of installing a decorative coating on the frame, it is worth laying communications cables or installing lighting, if they are planned. In this case, the wires are laid inside after the installation of the frame.

Finishing slopes with plaster

Ennobling the doorway of the front door with plaster begins with the fastening of beacon profiles. With their help, it will be easier to control the alignment of the surface. The beacons themselves are also attached to a mortar, preferably plaster, or to self-tapping screws, and the correct placement is checked by a level and, if necessary, adjusted so that they are all in the same plane. After the mortar has hardened under them, you can proceed to filling the slopes with a cement-sand mixture.

To prepare the mixture, you will need to combine cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 3, thoroughly mixing with a drill with a special nozzle. The consistency of the resulting solution should resemble a homogeneous curd mass. If the slopes are too uneven, it is worth using masonry mesh for better grip.

The distribution of the solution with a wooden rule

Then, with a special spatula, the solution is applied to the slopes, evenly distributed and leveled by the rule along the beacons. After drying, which usually takes about a day, you can proceed to puttying, and then finishing painting the surface.

Fixing the slopes of the facing material with mortar

In this case, selected materials (MDF, wood, etc.) are attached to the previously prepared slope surface with adhesive or sand-cement mortar. Gypsum-based glue is considered the most suitable for these purposes.

Installation of one of the most popular coatings - plasterboard panels, is carried out in the following sequence:

  • All parts of the door slopes are measured.
  • In accordance with the obtained dimensions, the necessary fragments are cut out from the finishing material.
  • The details are fixed on the surface of the opening with glue, by applying it to the sheets of material in several slides and then pressing them to the slopes. It is better to start installation from the ceiling part.
  • The panels are additionally fixed with dowels, the holes for which are drilled with a drill or puncher.

Fixing the material with mounting foam
  • The corners of the slopes are reinforced with metal perforated corners attached to the putty mixture.
  • All joints are evenly covered with putty and, after drying, are carefully cleaned.
  • Priming, finishing putty and subsequent grinding with fine-grained sandpaper is carried out.

Fixing with self-tapping screws

Further, the resulting surface can be painted or wallpapered. Fastening plastic or other materials with decorative properties without additional finishing is limited to mounting panels on glue and fixing with self-tapping screws. After that, if desired, you can fix the platbands with liquid nails.

Mounting decorative panels on the frame

Before installing the bases for fixing the material, the wall surface must be treated with a primer to prevent it from shedding in the future. Then, bars of the required size or metal guides are sawn off for the frame, similar to those used to create wall and ceiling structures made of drywall. Slopes, if there are significant flaws, must be pre-aligned for a better fit of the foundations.

Installation of frame elements is carried out using dowels and screws of the required length. At the same time, two rails are installed parallel to each other along the perimeter of the door structure and, for additional strength, stiffeners are fixed between them. Without fail, they must be present at the corners of the structure. Next, cables are laid, if necessary, and decorative panels are fastened.

MDF slopes with built-in lighting

It should be noted that the fastening of various materials has its own characteristics. For example, drywall needs mandatory reinforcement with perforated corners and gluing the joints with construction tape, and when installing MDF and similar materials, you should use small self-tapping screws or nails that will not spoil the appearance of the structure.

Photo of doorways with different finishes

All of the above finishing methods have their pros and cons, and if you try, you can choose a decent option for any budget and interior. You can either purchase a ready-made structure and mount it, or do all the work yourself. And for inspiration, we bring to your attention a few ideas showing how to ennoble the doorway of the front door for various types of room design.

Such slopes made of natural wood perfectly complement the interior in a classic style.

An interesting option is the finish of artificial stone.

Due to the variety of colors and the ability to imitate various materials, plastic panels are still relevant.

Plastering is a practical and inexpensive way to decorate slopes not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

There are various options for finishing the doorway. They help to get a harmonious and stylish design of the room. It must be borne in mind that these structures are divided into two types, which depend on the presence or absence of a door leaf. It is this element that determines the sequence of activities carried out in order to obtain the desired effect.

Ways of facing openings without door panels

Finishing a doorway without a door is carried out in two main options:

  1. Standard. This technology provides for lining openings with various materials, without changing the design.
  2. Arched. This method lies in the fact that the configuration of the opening changes - significantly or slightly.

Each of the methods requires compliance with certain rules, as well as accuracy.

Various types of materials for standard finishes

To decorate a doorway without a door, finishing products are used that have different technological features.

PVC panels

This option is one of the most popular. This is facilitated by the fact that such products have excellent characteristics, and are also very affordable. For laying, the method of landing on glue is often used. Panels are mainly faced with slopes. Other parts of the doorway are finished with other materials.

On a note! PVC products require careful selection. To make a coating that will look harmonious in the interior, preference should be given to varieties made as an imitation of natural materials.

Everything is done like this:

Requires to leave the structure for a while to avoid displacement of elements. Now proceed to the elimination of external joints. If they are closed with plastic corners, as is done when facing windows, then a not very attractive effect may turn out. Therefore, it is better to perform putty with putty. Then you can start the subsequent finishing. For this, painting, wallpapering is carried out.

Should know! There are plastic platbands that are successfully combined with PVC panels. But pruning them is a very laborious task. The fact is that it is necessary to adjust the elements at an angle of 90 degrees.

The best replacement for PVC will be MDF panels. Finishing openings with such material goes well with other products. If it is required to perform cladding of structures in this way, in order to exclude the formation of visible joints, lamination is used.

Facing the door slope with MDF

stucco work

It is immediately worth noting that stucco molding is currently used, which is made of polyurethane. Unlike gypsum options, this type of product is characterized by low weight. Its installation can be performed without the involvement of additional assistants. An important feature of this material is that it can be further processed. That is, it is easy to paint in different colors.

Finishing the opening is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • All parts and glue are preliminarily kept in the room where the installation will be carried out for 24 hours. This will ensure that all elements get used to the existing microclimate.
  • The areas to be pasted over are carefully covered with a primer. Only compositions that have a deep penetrating effect are selected.

    Important! It should be remembered that the stucco sticker is done first. Only after that, it is possible to produce a general wall decoration.

  • The surfaces of the products are slightly rubbed with sandpaper. Next, glue is applied. It is evenly distributed on the wrong side of the fragments. Now the stucco is applied to the selected area and pressed well. To prevent the elements from slipping, small self-tapping screws are screwed under them.
  • If excess glue appears, then they are immediately removed. When this cannot be done immediately, then you can use acetone, which is moistened with a sponge.
  • An important point is the docking of elements. It can be carried out at a right angle (perpendicular installation), or trimming is performed, which is done at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • After cladding, joints appear. They are hidden with putty, which, after drying, is rubbed with sandpaper. Particular care should be taken when finishing between rooms, because it is required to provide for the location of parts on both sides.

Ennobling the doorway with stucco provides some nuances. This option is best suited for rooms that have fairly high ceilings. If you use it for small rooms, then it is advisable to carefully consider the location of all elements. The fact is that it is easy enough to overload the room so that the interior becomes simply spoiled.

Fake diamond

The use of artificial stone is a great solution that helps to decorate a doorway without a door in a very stylish and modern way. This option is superior to similar products due to the fact that the material is produced in a large decorative range. For example, clinker tiles are also used for cladding such structures, but their choice is rather limited.

On a note! It should be borne in mind that the concept of "artificial" does not belittle the merits of this product. The simulation is carried out with excellent accuracy. The texture and shades of natural stones are repeated.

Finishing the doorway with artificial stone

Before decorating a doorway without a door with a decorative stone, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages. There are the following advantages of the material:

  • Excellent appearance, which brings presentability to the interior.
  • Possibility of combination with other finishing materials.
  • Excellent mechanical resistance.
  • Durability. Service life is calculated in decades.

For work, small-sized products are used, which have some relief. If you choose a deeper texture, it will look very cumbersome.

Facing is produced using various technologies. Often laying is carried out in a way that allows you to form uneven edges.

On a note! Currently, special elements have been developed that act as corner plates. They help you avoid overcutting.

Making the opening is quite simple:

  1. Marking is carried out on the selected areas. It should repeat the developed scheme. To carry out this process most accurately, the stone is laid out on the floor in a given order.
  2. Wall surfaces are treated with primers that have deep penetration. This will improve adhesion. It is important to allow all areas to dry thoroughly.
  3. Fixation can be carried out on a special adhesive for tiles or "liquid nails". The second option is suitable for those cases where the base has almost perfect evenness.
  4. The composition is applied to the wrong side of the elements. It is important to remove any excess.
  5. The stone is laid in ways that make it possible to form a seam or get by with a monolithic surface (without joints).
  6. Details are seated in place and pressed. It is important to achieve a good grip.
  7. If joints have been formed, then they are overwritten. The color of the mixture is selected contrasting or plain.

If the question arises: what is the best way to finish a doorway that does not have doors, the first thing to consider are options that include artificial stone, decorative brick and clinker.


Recently, this material has noticeably fallen in popularity. But just recently, about ten years ago, this method seemed the most accessible. It's safe to say that many simply underestimate plaster. Indeed, this option has several significant drawbacks - the complexity of application (in the absence of experience) and the presence of a certain amount of "dirt". But if you do all the work correctly, as well as achieve a combination with other products, then the effect will pleasantly surprise you.

How to decorate a doorway without a door by plastering:

  1. The required amount of the mixture is prepared. The solution made should be in such quantity that it is enough for 30-45 minutes of work.
  2. The mixture is applied to the surface by spraying. Leveling occurs using a rule or a wide spatula.
  3. If required, beacons and perforated profile guides are installed.
  4. When the solution layer exceeds 1-1.5 cm, then a reinforcing mesh is laid.

Such a surface can be painted. But it is better if the plaster acts as a starting composition. Then the finishing can be a decorative (textured) putty. It is applied in a certain order, which allows you to get amazing coverage. Such doorways will become an interior decoration.

Decorative plaster - a spectacular option for decorating a doorway without a door

Arch device

The arch can transform the interior. It is important to understand that a device of this design requires a certain amount of experience. Indeed, in order to finish the doorway exclusively with your own hands, you will need to expend a lot of effort.

Should know! There are standard-sized arches that are already completely ready for installation. They just need to be carefully installed.

Arched doorway

The most simple are the arches made of drywall. It looks like this:

  1. Finishing doorways begins with the installation of the frame on both sides. It is fixed on the upper horizontal and vertical racks. On the latter, it has a size that is almost equal to the end of the rounding.
  2. GKL parts are fixed to the frame. An arc is pre-cut on them, for this a stencil is made.
  3. Inside the resulting structure, an additional crate is performed. It serves to fasten the last arc-shaped drywall element.
  4. The final finish is done with putty. Decorative cladding is made in various materials.

The arch can be done with more "noble" products, but will require more skill.

Other ways of registration

The design of doorways can be performed by other methods. They consist in the use of decorative curtains or screens. This method is very affordable and simple. In addition, it requires almost no work to be done.

Various options can be used:

  1. Fabric curtains. They will be a great addition to any interior. The composition should be made in such a way that there is harmony with other elements and a combination with window decoration.
  2. Bamboo curtains. This option is suitable when the room is made in eco style.
  3. Thread curtains. These products are used if they want to fill the room with unusualness.

Of course, how to decorate the opening, everyone is chosen based on their taste and preferences.

Photo gallery: finishing options for doorways without doors (20 photos)

What can be done with an opening equipped with a door

Deciding how to make a doorway that has a door leaf involves using the simplest options. The only difference is where this structure is located.

A simple arrangement of interior space

The most affordable option for finishing interior openings is the installation of a box and adjacent elements. The general technology is:

  • The box is installed. It can be equipped with a threshold or be without it.
  • As materials that will veneer the slopes, dobors are used. They are available in standard sizes (up to 120-150 mm).
  • These elements are attached due to the groove that is on the box. If such a design feature is not provided, then fixing is performed on self-tapping screws. A hole for them is drilled through the end of the part.
  • External decoration is made at the expense of platbands that frame the opening.

This option is great for situations where it is required to complete the cladding of not very wide structures.

Other options

How to ennoble a doorway that has a door in a more original way? In fact, to create a truly interesting option, you need to try. The fact is that it is the hinged canvas that limits the use of different materials. Improper use of finishing products - prevents opening. Although, given this feature, almost everything is suitable for exterior decoration.

On a note! There is a sliding way to open the door. That is, the canvases repeat the arrangement of compartment doors. This is a rather interesting technological solution that requires a more careful choice of facing products.

How to finish a doorway? Such a question has many answers, which depend on the specific situation. But no matter what anyone advises, you still need to listen to your heart and choose the option that will be closest to you.

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