Is there gluten in semolina. Is it possible for children semolina porridge. Whole wheat porridge

Gluten, or wheat protein, is found in many foods. Its maximum concentration is in cereals, so it was originally considered to be a cereal protein.

Gradually, gluten began to be used in bakeries, because baking made on the basis of grain gluten turns out to be especially lush.

Often gluten can be found in the composition of sauces, sausages, pasta. It acts as a thickener, which even for a healthy intestine is something like glue. Therefore, more and more pediatricians and nutritionists insist on the exclusion of gluten from the diet. What is its harm to the body, and what gluten-free cereals can become the basis of a healthy diet?

Gluten intolerance

Celiac disease, or gluten intolerance, is an official diagnosis that can be made based on:

  • coprological analysis;
  • biochemical blood tests;
  • metalogical analysis of the small intestine mucosa.

The disease is based on the absence of an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of cereal gluten, and damage to the mucosa by toxic products of its metabolism.

Symptoms of the disease include:

The only effective way to treat the disease today is considered to be gluten free diet. It involves not only getting rid of clinical symptoms, but also the gradual restoration of the integrity of the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, gluten-free cereals for people suffering from celiac disease should be the basis of nutrition. This is especially true for young children. Due to unformed fermentation and, in principle, the digestive system, cereal gluten can affect their full development.

Gluten and leaky gut

The term “leaky gut” (or leaky gut syndrome) has been around in Western medicine for more than 10 years. These are holes in the intestinal mucosa that allow all toxins, chemicals, and proteins to enter the bloodstream. Damage to the mucosa leads to a number of symptoms that later develop into full-fledged diseases: from a symptom of chronic fatigue to psoriasis, eczema and rheumatoid arthritis.

The intestinal mucosa is responsible for three main functions:

  • protecting the body from bacteria, viruses and toxins;
  • maintaining optimal immune function;
  • health digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Gluten is like poison to a leaky gut. As a result of indigestion, there is also an incomplete breakdown of the proteins present in gluten in large quantities. Undigested proteins lead to the formation of peptides, which in a healthy intestine are either completely broken down or excreted along with the stool.

When the mucosa is damaged, the peptides penetrate into the blood and are carried throughout the body. Including they penetrate into the brain. The peptides formed after the breakdown of the cereal protein are identical in their chemical structure to opiates (a group of hormones). The result is an effect similar to a narcotic effect.

Since it is impossible to check the intestine for leaks with the help of tests, analyzes or diagnostics, a person can track its integrity after eating pure gluten or cereals that contain it. If after such a meal you feel a foggy mind, similar to alcohol intoxication, then with a high probability we can talk about problems with intestinal tightness. And the first thing to do in this case is to give up gluten and switch to pure cereals.

In the West, there is a huge amount of official research confirming the dependence of intestinal tightness and many diseases that in traditional practice are associated with the brain and nervous system. These are autism, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, lupus and cognitive disorders. The exclusion of gluten from the diet can significantly improve the patient's condition, and with concomitant medication, restore lost functions.

Basic gluten-free cereals

Cereals, in which cereals do not contain gluten, should become the basis of a healthy diet. You can switch to them not only with gluten intolerance, but also simply in order to improve the body. The most affordable gluten-free cereals:


Roasted or unroasted buckwheat is considered storehouse of vegetable protein. It contains many iron, magnesium, potassium and vitamin E. Green buckwheat is especially useful for those who have obvious problems with the intestines, manifested by regular constipation and bloating. Unroasted buckwheat is rich in natural mucus, which coats the intestinal walls and promotes their recovery. It is not even necessary to boil such cereals - it can be poured with boiling water and left to brew. Buckwheat is considered the best option for porridge for the first baby food.


According to nutritionists, the most delicious and healthy gluten-free porridge is rice. Brown or black rice, which is not polished, is especially useful. These varieties rich in natural antioxidants, which are famous for being effective in fighting free radicals.

Wild rice belongs to the category of plants, so it is easy to digest. It contains iodine, copper, iron, folic acid, and amino acids methionine and lysine. Due to the large amount of protein, wild rice-based porridge is useful for muscle weakness. The main disadvantage of this type of rice is its high price. This is due to the fact that it grows mainly in India. Any commercially available whole-grain rice can be a complete substitute for wild rice.

An important point: for the first baby food, it is better to choose cereals based on standard white rice. Despite the fact that it has already lost some of the nutrients during processing, such rice is easier to digest. It does not require any pancreatic enzymes, which are not yet produced in infants.


Another gluten-free grain in its composition. Millet porridge, along with buckwheat, is one of the most affordable for the buyer, while the price for it will not hit the wallet. A portion of such porridge will provide the necessary minimum beta-carotene, lecithin, fiber, iron and B vitamins. There is absolutely no gluten in it, but it is not suitable for very young children (up to a year).


Another safe cereal that has appeared on supermarket shelves relatively recently is amaranth. It saturates well and easily satisfies hunger due to its high calorie content (370 kcal per 100 g of raw cereals). The presence of slow carbohydrates allows you to control blood glucose levels without provoking sudden spikes in sugar.

Amaranth - undisputed fiber leader. Thanks to hard fibers, a gentle sanitation of the intestine occurs, thereby improving the functioning of the entire digestive system. Eating amaranth porridge has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and genitourinary systems, it has a high content manganese, iron, selenium, iodine, zinc and calcium.


Exotic quinoa has been included in the list of the 20 healthiest foods in the world. But more than 90% of domestic consumers have never heard of it. This is a cereal crop that grows on mountain slopes and mainly in temperate climates. Outwardly, it resembles corn and buckwheat, but the taste is rather closer to unpolished rice. Quinoa makes an excellent side dish for meat and fish, and it also pairs well with stewed vegetables.

Quinoa is considered to be one of the healthiest cereals. It has much more complex carbohydrates, fiber, folic acid and riboflavin than rice and wheat. It is perfectly absorbed, so it can be introduced into the diet even for children after a year. One of the benefits of quinoa is that it contains an amino acid. lysine. It is necessary for the full absorption of calcium, especially at the stage of formation of bones and teeth.

With an insufficient amount of protein in the daily diet, nutritionists recommend paying attention to quinoa. There is much more vegetable protein in it than in buckwheat. Therefore, it is indispensable for pregnant women, children and men engaged in heavy physical labor - 100 grams of quinoa will provide optimal nutritional levels.

The benefits of gluten-free cereals for children

  • they are maximally digested and absorbed by the body;
  • do not cause swelling and colic;
  • are characterized by an optimal set of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients needed by the child;
  • improve peristalsis and promote regular stool.

Is it possible to find gluten-free wheat?

Wheat is considered the cereal with the highest amount of gluten in its composition. Its concentration in wheat-based products can reach up to 30%. This means that bread and all its derivatives (baguettes, buns and pastries) should not be eaten by people with food sensitivities. For many, the lack of bread in the diet is a problem, so you can try to buy or bake bread yourself based on any other flour (rice or amaranth).

Pure gluten-free wheat does not exist in nature, but breeders are trying to solve this problem by stopping the process of producing a protein in the plant that causes an allergic reaction. So far, such studies are under development and laboratory tests.

Are there traces of gluten in oatmeal?

Another porridge without which it is difficult to imagine our diet is oatmeal. In addition to a large amount of B vitamins, vitamins A and E, oatmeal contains gluten. Only this is not a classic wheat, but oat gluten. It is he who provides the grits with characteristic viscosity. Ideally, patients with ciliac disease should not eat oatmeal, but on sale you can find the so-called purified oatmeal (for example, from Provena), which is easily tolerated by the intestines. Gluten is extracted from it artificially, so the likelihood of an intestinal reaction is minimal.

Gluten free pasta

Any pasta made from wheat (even durum varieties) contains gluten. When switching to an appropriate diet, they must be abandoned. An alternative to them will be pasta based on spelled, rice, buckwheat or amaranth flour. They will taste fundamentally different from classic pasta, but this does not mean that they are tasteless. Many gluten-free pasta manufacturers develop unique recipes that include vegetables with a distinctive flavor. For example, pasta made from buckwheat and sweet potato flour with ginger or Thai rice spaghetti with wakame seaweed. These are organic products, the only drawback of which is the high cost.

The traditional food for our country is bread and porridge. For a long time, rye, barley and wheat have been grown in the fields of Russia. Modern research is ready to cut down traditions in the bud. Proved that semolina, wheat and rye flour contain substances that can cause harm to the body.

Gluten in semolina can be dangerous

Semolina is a product of grinding, long-term processing of wheat grains, and in its composition it is similar to wheat flour. Semolina contains a large amount of gluten protein. It is a gluten protein and is present in rye, barley and wheat grains. In people with gluten intolerance (celiac disease), eating semolina porridge will cause allergic reactions and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

With age, intolerance to this protein increases, and the risk of inflammatory reactions in the intestine increases dramatically, even in healthy people. After the age of 30, the ability of the body to absorb gluten decreases. The older we get, the less we need to eat gluten-containing foods: flour products and semolina.

Gluten in mature people increases the penetration of harmful substances into the blood through the walls of the intestine, causing inflammation and, as a result, many diseases. Thus, gluten intolerance can lead to atherosclerosis. This inflammation also damages nerve tissue. The gluten protein causes necrosis of the intestinal villi and, as a result, a violation of the microflora, inflammation, and fermentation of food.

Thus, age-related gluten intolerance can be dangerous.

What else is harmful semolina and semolina?

Semolina in the process of processing is cleared of the outer shell, which in cereals contains useful fiber. Some nutritionists believe that semolina is not capable of bringing absolutely any benefit other than excess weight.

The phytin substances contained in semolina bind calcium, preventing it from being absorbed. This is especially important for the growing body of the child. Semolina not directly, but in interaction with other factors, contributes to the development of osteoporosis, disrupts the absorption of iron, increases the risk of developing rickets and iron deficiency anemia.

Semolina porridge is not contraindicated for the elderly. In some therapeutic diets, semolina is even shown as a gentle product for the gastrointestinal tract for people who are harmful to hard foods. But at the same time, semolina greatly increases the glycemic index, and frequent use leads to constipation.

What to do? There are many other, more useful cereals: rice, corn, buckwheat, oatmeal. And if we compare semolina with other crops, the harm of semolina is not so noticeable:

Composition and nutritional value per 100 grams of product:

Cook semolina in water or milk?

Oddly enough, cooking semolina porridge with milk lowers the glycemic index, and glucose absorption occurs in a gentle mode. Semolina is not very rich in nutrients, mainly carbohydrates and some protein, a small amount of vitamins. By adding milk, we diversify the amino acid composition a little, we get a more valuable product.

It is useful to cook porridge on the water for those who do not tolerate milk well. It is better for healthy people to cook with milk. Cooking semolina porridge on water does not contribute to weight loss. Portion size matters.

For cooking porridge, cereals take 4 times less than water or milk. After the water boils, it is necessary to pour in the cereal and, stirring all the time, cook for only 1-2 minutes. Then the porridge is removed from the heat and left to swell under the lid for 10-15 minutes. If you cook porridge for a long time, the cereal is completely converted into starch, useful properties are destroyed, which are already in small quantities. All that's left is carbs.

To eat semolina or not, everyone decides for himself, based on the individual characteristics of the body. Now you know everything about the harmful substances contained in semolina, and you can draw conclusions. Be healthy!

Gluten-free cereals are one of the important components of a diet built without this protein. What is included in their list and what nuances are useful to know when faced with a choice?

The plants from which porridge is made have become the basis of human nutrition since the Neolithic era. Despite the fact that in recent years they have faded into the background at the expense of potatoes, recently their use has been steadily increasing. Porridges are returning their rightful place on our tables, and most importantly, they are no longer just an addition to meat, but become the main ingredient in dishes. Some of the cereals can be eaten by people who cannot tolerate gluten. Here is a list of the most popular gluten-free cereals for kids and adults.

Gluten-free cereals: oats (?)

Usually, the list of gluten-free cereals does without this most popular crop. However, not everything is so clear-cut here. Is there gluten in oatmeal? The debate about the need to eliminate oats from a gluten-free diet is still ongoing. On the one hand, it is believed that the proteins contained in oats (avenins) do not elicit the typical immune response of celiac disease to the same extent as wheat, rye or barley proteins. Based on this approach, most people with gluten intolerance can afford to eat oats. In some countries (for example, in Finland), a small amount of it is allowed.

However, in other regions and states, oats can be heavily contaminated during cultivation with other crops. Therefore, regardless of the "good" results of studies from other countries, its complete exclusion from the diet is recommended. People forced to avoid even trace amounts of this protein should be careful with this grain and buy oatmeal or other gluten-free products, that is, labeled as "gluten-free".

So, with very big reservations, but oats can be included in the list of gluten-free cereals. It remains only to talk about the benefits of cereals - it is her, and not hercules or cereal. It is much less popular, and one can only regret this, because the cereal is richer in nutrients. It is a source of complex carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants, B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc. Also, oatmeal is very rich in valuable soluble fiber in the form of beta-glucan, which slows down the absorption of fats, lowers blood sugar and increases the feeling of satiety. Oats have a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Reduces cholesterol levels and has an antitumor effect.

How to apply

Slightly nutty in taste, cereals justify their presence in cutlets, minced meat, as the basis of a sweet breakfast or addition to lunch.

Gluten Free Cereals: Rice

Is there gluten in rice? Unlike the case with oats, the answer is unequivocal: no. Particularly useful is minimally processed, that is, brown rice (and even better - wild). This is an ideal replacement, but you can not overdo it, because just like other cereals, it has a high glycemic index. However, rice is completely safe for people whose body does not accept gluten.

Gluten-free cereals: buckwheat

We know this cereal obtained from buckwheat grains mainly in the form of fried, which has a rich, strong taste. However, unroasted buckwheat is richer in nutrients (roasting destroys about 50% of vitamins) and more versatile. It has a creamy color with greenish reflections and a delicate, slightly sweet taste. It contains a lot of protein, fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. It provides the body with folic acid and vitamin E.

How to apply

Many people know buckwheat only in its fried form. But unroasted is no worse for salty dishes. After soaking raw grain, you can make pancakes out of it or bake bread. This gluten-free cereal is also good as a sweet cereal, especially with fresh and dried fruits and nuts.

Gluten free cereals: millet

Its origin is associated with millet, a gluten-free grain. Millet porridge is a good source of protein and complex carbohydrates, fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin E and group B, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and lecithin. It is one of the few grains that is alkaline and balances out the adverse effects of acidic foods such as meat, dairy products, sugar and white flour. Millet porridge is rich in silicon, which is necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails, and also prevents atherosclerosis and lowers cholesterol levels, plays an important role in the process of bone mineralization and prevents their decalcification. It is an easily digestible product, it is well suited for recuperation, providing the body with the nutrients it needs.

How to apply

The not very expressive taste of this porridge is actually a virtue! Due to this property, it works well as the basis of meatless burgers and pates, a component of soups, salads (with pesto and other sauces), as well as desserts (for example, millet pudding) and sweet breakfast dishes (with fresh and dried fruits, nuts and cinnamon).

Gluten free cereals: corn

Every person who is on a gluten-free diet sometimes wants to eat pasta or breaded, for example, tofu. Then corn comes to the rescue. If they eat pasta, then most often it is corn. The product is obtained from refined and crushed grains, it is cheap and readily available, but you need to be careful with it: it contains more carbohydrates than other crops.

Gluten-free corn grits are inferior in terms of nutritional content to other "colleagues", but it is still worth diversifying the menu with its help. It supplies complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins A and selenium. Its properties are similar to semolina, but unlike it, it does not contain gluten. In addition, it is easily digestible, gentle and versatile.

How to apply

A full-fledged item on the list of gluten-free cereals - corn grits - suitable for thickening soups and sauces, is the main ingredient in polenta. It is good to use cornmeal as a breading.

Gluten free cereals: amaranth

It is a “relative” of quinoa and ... spinach, since it also belongs to the same family. A few years ago it was still practically unknown, but today it is gaining more and more popularity. Meanwhile, amaranth was the staple food of the Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs. Today it is widely consumed in Asia, Africa and South America.

Groats are easily digestible, very rich in protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Provides the body with antioxidants, as well as mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Lowers high blood pressure, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

How to apply

Amaranth is available in the form of grains or ready-to-eat popping, that is, puffed grains. Can be used as an ingredient in salads, pancakes, casseroles and puddings.

Gluten Free Cereals: Quinoa

Quinoa originating from South America is valued more and more today. The big advantage of this gluten-free cereal is that it supplies proteins in the form of all the essential amino acids. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, calcium (more than milk), phosphorus, manganese, vitamins A, C, E and group B. Quinoa grains contain saponins that protect plants from pests, so when growing this crop there is no need to use chemical means of protection. In addition, they exhibit anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory effects, stimulate the immune system.

Quinoa is highly digestible and has a low glycemic index, making it suitable for diabetics. It is especially recommended for the prevention of not only diabetes, but also cardiovascular and cancerous diseases. Unfortunately, this fashionable today gluten-free cereal is expensive, not always available, and after cooking it does not increase in volume as much as, for example, millet. So it turns out to be quite an expensive pleasure if you cook for a large family.

How to apply

Quinoa comes in a variety of varieties, the most popular being white, there are black and red. The first is cooked faster, softens after cooking, dark varieties remain firmer, so they are great for salads. Slightly crunchy, with a nutty taste, quinoa is a good substitute for other cereals, rice or cereal, it is appropriate in cutlets.

Gluten free cereals: teff

This is still a little-known pseudo-grain among us, which is also called the Abyssinian twig. It is the basis of the diet of Ethiopian marathon runners. The plant is very resistant to adverse weather conditions and diseases, so it grows even where it is not possible to grow other crops.

Teff is rich in protein, fiber, calcium (about 123 mg per cup of cooked porridge), iron, folic acid, B vitamins, and antioxidants. Provides us with essential amino acids lysine, methionine and cysteine. Has a low glycemic index. The grains are small, vary in color from milky white to black, have a not very pronounced taste. Teff can be bought from us in the form of whole grains, flakes and flour.

How to apply

Abyssinian broom is suitable for soups, pates. You can cook porridge from it for lunch instead of pasta or rice, use it as a replacement for cereal. Perfect for quick and healthy baking.

The list of gluten-free cereals for children and adults does not end there. In stores, you can increasingly find other products that are safe for those suffering from intolerance to this protein and deserve attention. These are, in particular, sago, sorghum, tapioca, cassava and others.

It is important to know: there are studies from which such a conclusion arises. Products that are naturally gluten-free can be contaminated with gluten at all stages of cultivation and production, from self-seeding gluten grains in the field to processing on shared production lines. Therefore, people with celiac disease should be vigilant.

Thus, contrary to first impressions, the list of gluten-free cereals is quite extensive. They are not only full of other advantages, in addition to the absence of a squirrel enemy, but also open up wide scope for culinary fantasies and experiments.

The name "gluten" (derived from the English glue - "glue") received a complex vegetable protein, consisting of proteins (glutenin and glanide). First of all, it is worth noting the excellent culinary characteristics of gluten - it is it that improves the taste of soft buns and fluffy breads: the more gluten in the flour, the easier it is for the dough to turn into airy and fragrant pastries. But not everything is so rosy: why this vegetable protein is dangerous for the human body, we will tell in the article "", but for now we will focus exclusively on which products contain gluten.

Where is gluten found?

We propose to consider a list of all products that contain gluten (gluten) - these are completely ordinary foods that an adult or child consumes almost daily, and not so regular on the menu. According to the proportion of gluten should be distinguished:

  • products containing gluten;
  • products containing traces of gluten (they contain very little of this protein protein);
  • gluten-free products (no gluten).

Complete list of foods containing gluten

It is no coincidence that gluten is also called "wheat protein": the rightful first place in terms of the proportion of gluten content in its composition is occupied by cereals. The list of products that contain gluten includes those that somehow use wheat or other flour as a thickener:

  • cereals: wheat, barley, rye and oats;
  • products from these cereals: cereals (including semolina), bran, bread and any pastries, pasta, breaded products;
  • juices, fruit drinks, compotes, lemonades, kvass and other soft drinks with sugar - in fact, the gluten content in them is low, but it is these drinks so beloved by children and adults that can cause a severe allergic reaction;
  • sausages and their derivatives: sausages, meatballs, meatballs, etc.;
  • soy products; instant soups and cereals;
  • ready-made dry breakfasts, sweets, churchkhela;
  • mayonnaise and mustard;
  • fast food: french fries, chips, burgers, etc.;
  • frozen semi-finished products: main courses, snacks, side dishes;
  • crab sticks;
  • dressings: bouillon cubes, spices in factory mixes, confectionery powders;
  • marinades and canned food with tomato sauce or pasta;
  • undistilled vodka.

Gluten is often a component of sports nutrition - especially (and probably naturally) protein

List of foods that contain traces of gluten

Here are gluten products that contain gluten protein in very low doses:

  • lard;
  • butter; vegetable oils from dubious manufacturers that make the product cheaper due to its quality may contain a proportion of gluten - it is added at the production stage to make the product thicker;
  • in fact, natural nuts (walnuts, Brazilian nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, cashews and almonds), as well as sunflower and pumpkin seeds, are completely gluten-free, but here industrially processed nuts and seeds contain traces of it;
  • dairy products can be safely classified both in the list of gluten-containing products and in the category of gluten-free products for one simple reason: homemade milk, cheeses, butter, cream, cottage cheese, etc. do not contain gluten, but obtained industrially contain a small amount of this protein;

  • the list, which contains gluten in small quantities, should be supplemented so beloved by many sauces(for example, tomato, creamy, garlic, etc.), canned vegetable purees(for example, caviar from zucchini or eggplant) and even ice cream- they often use wheat flour, which contains gluten protein, as a natural thickener;
  • When considering where gluten is located, to complete the picture, processed fruits should be mentioned - natural fruits do not contain protein, but dried fruits or candied fruits may contain traces of gluten.
    We looked at what foods contain gluten - the full list can go on and on, if we consider not only foods that are familiar to Russians, but also exotic or national ones.

What products contain gluten - we found out, let's dwell a little on its share in 100 g of the product:

Product Gluten content (g) per 100 g of product
wheat flour3 – 5
Rye flour2 – 2,5
pearl barley2,2 – 2,8
cereals2 – 2,25
wheat bread1,62
Rye bread1,05
bread "8 cereals"0,9
squash Cavier0,3
tomato ketchup0,2 – 0,25
juices (eg apple nectar)0,1 – 0,15
cottage cheese with a fat content of 9-18%0,02
skim cheese0,005
dried fruits (for example, dried apricots)0,001

The average adult consumes 10-40 g of gluten per day: the lion's share of vegetable protein falls on baked goods and pasta

Having considered in general what foods contain gluten, let's move on to the most exciting minds of Russians - potatoes and beer: it is generally difficult to imagine Russian national cuisine without potatoes, and beer lovers, no, no, and also think about the benefits of this drink.

Is there gluten in potatoes?

Often the starch found in potato tubers is mistaken for a source of gluten. This is wrong: due to the fact that the most common potatoes have nothing to do with gluten-rich grains, they are completely free of "wheat protein".

Natural root crops can replace almost all "gluten" cereals in the daily diet

In particular, sweet potatoes (yam) contain as many nutrients as in cereals, but at the same time it is also a source of vitamins, soothes the stomach, perfectly maintains the body's water balance and improves immunity. However, if there are doubts whether there is gluten in potatoes, it should be noted that the potatoes themselves are different: natural tuber potatoes do not contain gluten, but fast food french fries are no longer so harmless. French fries cooked in special oil and according to the correct technology have no gluten, but if he passed through the brazier of a catering establishment after gluten-containing products (for example, donuts or breaded chicken), then he is quite capable of “hooking” gluten into his composition. And in the composition of the finished store-bought french fries, gluten will be 100% likely.

Is there gluten in beer?

Undoubtedly, you can be a passionate fan of a foamy drink and take care of your health. Therefore, the often reasonable question about gluten in beer - what it is, and whether it really makes your favorite drink dangerous for the body - occupies certain minds. The fact that the properties of gluten significantly enhance the palatability of food, and the specific chemical structure makes this protein an excellent preservative, does not at all speak of its benefits.

Beer production is impossible without the use of gluten - in beer, it just plays the role of a preservative, but in fact it cannot seriously harm unless the person suffers from an individual protein intolerance. There is an opinion that the myths about gluten in beer are just a marketing ploy: its main goal is to artificially increase demand for gluten-free beer. Perhaps gluten-free beer is also not so harmless: having lost a natural preservative that also improves the taste of the drink, it becomes necessary to supplement it with artificial flavor enhancers.


Having learned what gluten is and where it is contained, having examined in detail the products containing gluten (gluten), you can begin to form your own menu, and, if necessary, a diet. For some, gluten in small quantities does not pose any danger at all, but for some, there may be a lot of “traces” of this vegetable protein - up to the development of celiac disease (gluten intolerance). In any case, you should be attentive to your health and nutrition and reduce the amount of foods high in this protein in your diet to a minimum.

I gave the child a try semolina after a year. I made it liquid - for 250 ml of milk 1.5 tbsp. semolina (without a slide). We eat it from a bottle at night. Of all the cereals, semolina is in 1st place in terms of eatability, then comes Herculean porridge-slurry. Healthy cereals such as buckwheat, corn, etc. we do not eat in any way. This morning I also cooked semolina, but thicker. My porridge turns out delicious, without lumps. I added a little bit of apricot jam for flavor. Sonny grinded porridge with a bang! But on, many mothers are against the introduction of semolina into the diet even after a year, they explain it in such a way that it is useless, and generally harmful porridge. But after all, several generations of Soviet, and then Russian people grew up on semolina. I have a video where I am 10-month-old shoveling semolina porridge at such a speed that my mother does not have time to fill the spoon))) I decided to search the Internet for information about semolina porridge. Here I found:

“More than one generation has grown up on semolina. She, one might say, is a symbol of our childhood, but now they suddenly began to say that this porridge is almost the most useless. Is it so?

Olga MOLCHANOVA, dietitian at the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine, answers:
- What is the manka accused of? In a large amount of gluten, which is not absorbed by some people. But the fact is that gluten is also found in other cereals (rye, barley, oats). Manke was also charged with an excess of a substance such as phytin. It interferes with the absorption of calcium, magnesium and zinc. The accusation was not confirmed. So semolina is a dietary product needed by children and the elderly. Semolina, for example, absorbs a lot of water - 6 times its volume, which is very important for older people. It contains B vitamins that help fight fatigue. Whole semolina contributes to the prevention of colon cancer. So it is unreasonable to refuse semolina porridge.

“The harm and benefits of semolina.

It can be said that whole generations of children have grown up on classic semolina porridge, and now many doctors say that it is harmful to the child's body. Is it really so? This question was answered by a gastroenterologist Ekaterina Vladimirovna Vasilyeva.
- Many types of cereals, including semolina, are especially harmful to young children. In the same way as children under one year old, eating cookies and sweets is not suitable, because their gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready to digest carbohydrates, says Ekaterina Vladimirovna. - I would also not recommend feeding a child products from such cereals as barley, oatmeal and millet, as they lack trace elements and many other useful substances. In addition, a harmful substance, gliodin, was found in these cereals. It is a mucopolysaccharide, which is found in the shell of some cereals and causes necrosis (death) of the intestinal villi, due to which nutrients are absorbed.
There is one serious offense on the account of semolina porridge: it is rich in phytin. Fitin changes the environment in the intestines of the child in such a way that calcium and vitamin D from food are simply not absorbed. Also, after its use, there is a deterioration in iron absorption. Eating such products can lead the baby's body to some serious consequences, such as disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, rickets, as well as constant runny nose and frequent colds, which can further affect the child's health during school years.
Of course, semolina is far from useless. This is a wonderful dietary product. The only question is, is it possible to give it to small children? At least it is not recommended for children under the first year of life. After a year, it can already be gradually included in the diet, when the normal functioning of the intestines has already been established and its enzymatic system has matured enough. Up to three years, semolina porridge can be given to babies in a strictly limited amount.
Semolina contains 70 percent starch, a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals, and since it cooks quickly, all of them are preserved: It has little fiber, and it is recommended in the postoperative period and when exhausted. In chronic kidney failure, for example, dishes prepared from protein-free cereals are recommended - in this case, semolina is indispensable.
But you can’t start complementary foods with cereal cereals - this is one of the new concepts of baby food. For children at an early age, it used to be advised to use foods such as vegetables, fruits, dishes from them, natural juices. Recent studies have shown that allergic reactions to juices are too frequent and the gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready for such food, and the vitamin deficiency in the child's body is poorly compensated by juices. It’s better to let the nursing mother eat more fruits herself and drink natural juices - the child will receive all the vitamins in them with her milk.

“Semolina is made from wheat. It is quickly boiled soft, well absorbed, contains a minimum amount of fiber (0.2%). Liquid semolina is included in diets prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and after operations on the stomach and intestines. And it is also popular as baby food in the form of porridge, incl. nurseries and kindergartens.
Benefit or harm?
Semolina, like cereals of almost all cereals (except rice, corn, buckwheat), contains a large amount of gluten (gluten).
Gluten in various cereals is mainly formed by the proteins gliadin (in wheat and rye), avenin (in oats) and hordenin (in barley). In addition, gliadin can also be found in beer.
Some people (up to 15%) have hypersensitivity to gluten, manifested in pain in the ligaments, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, eczema, diarrhea, anemia. Symptoms caused by excessive use of gliadin completely disappear within 2-3 weeks if the agliadin diet is observed, that is, semolina and other gliadin-containing products are excluded from the diet.
In rare cases (< ½%) протеины глютена могут вызывать острую аллергическую реакцию у детей (аллергия на пшеницу), или даже провоцировать проявления целиакии (~ 0.03%) - заболевания, имеющего генетическое (наследственное) происхождение. Аллергия на пшеницу, как правило, проходит с возрастом, целиакия же требует соблюдения аглиадиновой диеты на протяжении всей жизни.
In addition to gluten, semolina and oatmeal contain a large amount of phytin. Fitin disrupts the absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, which are extremely important for a rapidly growing child's body.
The same property of phytin explains its positive effect on the health of the elderly: it helps to avoid hypermineralization of blood cells, ligaments and other parts of the body, and may also prevent colon cancer by reducing oxidative stress in the intestinal tract.
Studies show that the negative effect of phytin can be compensated by adding fruits or berries rich in vitamin C to the porridge. Ascorbic acid improves the body's ability to absorb minerals, especially calcium and iron.

Do you give your kids semolina? Do they love her?

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