Horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces for October

October 2017 Pisces will spend in a great mood, although there will be plenty of things to do. But everything that Pisces will do will be a pleasure. They will rejoice at their every achievement, even if not very significant. Various events will occur around you, for which you will need to adapt, so you should not plan anything in advance. Fate itself will write the script of your life for this month, by the way, very good. Your patience and work will have excellent results by the end of October, which will greatly please you. Due to the unpredictability of circumstances, you will not be bored this month. Just try not to make any promises to anyone, everything can turn out quite differently and you will not be able to fulfill the promise. However, it is not worth refusing to help and requests. Just make it clear that as soon as the right moment falls and you have free time or a window in the schedule, you will immediately do what you are asked to do. You have to participate in various events and teamwork, during this period, you need to soberly assess your capabilities so as not to be disappointed in yourself and not to disappoint other people.

In the first decade of October 2017, try to rest more and go to bed on time, otherwise you will constantly be late for important meetings and work. At the beginning of October there will be many opportunities and meetings that will change the life of Pisces for the better, improve its quality, fill it with bright and unforgettable impressions. Focus on one specific goal and direct all your energy towards achieving it. After all, most of the things that take you a lot of time are not needed at all. First, you should assess the situation, extract the most important and important from it, and only then make a decision whether you need it, or you can do without it. In the first ten days of October, you should analyze your life over the past months and work on the mistakes and mistakes you have found in order to avoid them in the future. If you want something, then you need to have the courage and confidence to stand up for your opinion and prove that you are right. Some of you will have patrons who will help resolve all important, long-standing issues.

The second decade of October 2017 is a great time for Pisces to engage in spiritual and personal growth. This period will be especially successful for those who work in the field of education and medicine. Your desire for a better life will surely be rewarded, and do not be afraid to try your hand at different directions. You have many hidden talents that are just asking to be released. The sooner you find what you like, the easier it will be to succeed and find happiness. At work, under the influence of Uranus and Jupiter, Pisces will be easy and simple. You will be respected by the authorities, which will favorably affect your career. Move all important and serious business events to the third decade of the month. Perhaps in the middle of the month you will need to go on a business trip for a few days. This will be associated with the search and expansion of the client base or refresher courses. Don't give up. This trip can change your attitude to life and the direction in which you are moving, and you will also meet influential and promising people. Perhaps one of them will give you good advice or a start for a secure future.

In the third decade of October 2017, Pisces will have many brilliant ideas that will need to be introduced to everyone who could help in their implementation. Try not to put off decisions and doing things, so that later you don’t catch yourself at the last moment and miss the deadlines. You should not delegate your own powers to any of your colleagues. They won't do it the way you do. Avoid credit relations with banks, they will not be on very favorable terms for you. If it concerns investments or opening a deposit account, then it is better to consider this issue at the end of October. The situation will not develop the way you want, but it is in your hands to do everything so that the circumstances work for you. Pisces in the third decade will need to deal with all the accumulated cases so as not to spoil the relationship with a loved one with domestic problems. In general, the relationship will develop very positively. You are loved and you are loved. Try to spend more time together and be in public more often. Under the influence of the aspects of Venus, the family representatives of your Zodiac sign are advised to please their partner with a pleasant surprise in the form of a romantic dinner or tickets to a concert of their favorite artist.

Pisces horoscope for October 2017

General horoscope for Pisces for October 2017

In October 2017, representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign will have to resolve a lot. But the challenges that arise will be up to you. If you don’t fuss and waste energy, you’ll probably have time for everything. At the same time, the stars recommend not to be too proud and not to refuse the offered help if it is really needed. In a difficult situation, you can count on the support of your loved ones.

Pisces horoscope for October 2017

The financial income of many people born under the sign of Pisces promises to please the first week of the month. But try not to spend the whole amount at once. You still need money. The October 2017 horoscope for Pisces advises you to invest in the primary needs of you and your family. Also this month, according to the astrological prediction, debts will return (if any, of course, there are).

A non-standard approach to solving trivial problems will help Pisces succeed in their work. Projects involving business partners from other cities and countries will require special attention. If you let them take their course, there is a high probability of major problems.

The horoscope for October 2017 for representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign warns not to relax completely until you finish what you started. In order not to regret later, and not to reproach yourself for the efforts made in vain. In order for the career sphere to be as productive as possible, it is also necessary to stock up on patience and be persistent enough in communicating with management.

Love horoscope and Pisces family for October 2017

For those who are in a romantic relationship, this month will be characterized by stability and harmony in relations with the chosen one. Being nearby, you will feel calm and understand that you are with “your” person. Relationships will give Pisces strength for new achievements in other areas of life. October 2017 gives the green light for meaningful changes in couples' lives: for example, it's a great time to start living together (if you haven't already) and start planning a future together.

If you are still single, whether this situation will change depends on you. There will be plenty of attention from members of the opposite sex. Moreover, the intentions of the majority will be much more serious than just flirting or a couple of dates. But whether to reciprocate someone - the choice is yours. Many Pisces realize that they are still comfortable both on their own and in their personal lives, in general, there is no need. In this case, you should not force yourself, as they say, to be like everyone else. Listen to your heart. It is the best radar.

Pisces health horoscope for October 2017

The body of representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces this period will be quite weak. In this connection, it is not recommended to test it with “wrong” food, strong alcohol. It is very important to have a good rest. If you want to lose weight, do not resort to rigid diets. Such a practice, most likely, not only will not lead to the acquisition of the desired figure, but can also significantly undermine health.

Favorable and unfavorable days October 2017 Pisces

Auspicious days for Pisces October 2017 - October 3, October 8, October 11, October 16, October 21, October 27 and October 30, 2017.

Unfavorable days of Pisces October 2017 - October 5, October 20, October 28, 2017.

Cases in October 2017 to representatives zodiac sign Pisces, will have to resolve a lot. But the challenges that arise will be up to you. If you don’t fuss and waste energy, you’ll probably have time for everything. At the same time, the stars recommend not to be too proud and not to refuse the offered help if it is really needed. In a difficult situation, you can count on the support of your loved ones.

Pisces horoscope for October 2017

The financial income of many people born under the sign of Pisces promises to please the first week of the month. But try not to spend the whole amount at once. You still need money. The October 2017 horoscope for Pisces advises you to invest in the primary needs of you and your family. Also this month, according to the astrological prediction, debts will return (if any, of course, there are).

A non-standard approach to solving trivial problems will help Pisces succeed in their work. Projects involving business partners from other cities and countries will require special attention. If you let them take their course, there is a high probability of major problems.

Horoscope for October 2017 for representatives zodiac sign Pisceswarns don't relax completely until you finish what you started. In order not to regret later, and not to reproach yourself for the efforts made in vain. In order for the career sphere to be as productive as possible, it is also necessary to stock up on patience and be persistent enough in communicating with management.

Pisces love horoscope for October 2017

For those who are in a romantic relationship, this month will be characterized by stability and harmony in relations with the chosen one. Being nearby, you will feel calm and understand that you are with “your” person. Relationships will give Pisces strength for new achievements in other areas of life. October 2017 gives the green light for meaningful changes in couples' lives: for example, it's a great time to start living together (if you haven't already) and start planning a future together.

If you are still single, whether this situation will change depends on you. There will be plenty of attention from members of the opposite sex. Moreover, the intentions of the majority will be much more serious than just flirting or a couple of dates. But whether to reciprocate someone - the choice is yours. Many Pisces realize that they are still comfortable both on their own and in their personal lives, in general, there is no need. In this case, you should not force yourself, as they say, to be like everyone else. Listen to your heart. It is the best radar.

Pisces health horoscope for October 2017

Representative body zodiac sign Pisces this period will be rather weak. In this connection, it is not recommended to test it with “wrong” food, strong alcohol. It is very important to have a good rest. If you want to lose weight, do not resort to rigid diets. Such a practice, most likely, not only will not lead to the acquisition of the desired figure, but can also significantly undermine health.

Favorable and unfavorable days October 2017 Pisces

Auspicious days for Pisces October 2017- October 3, October 8, October 11, October 16, October 21, October 27 and October 30, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Pisces October 2017- October 5, October 20, October 28, 2017.

Natalia Rodionova

The middle of autumn 2017 was marked by a revival in personal life. Celestial lovers Venus and Mars pass through the house of the Pisces partner, bringing harmony to the relationship. In love, you will feel more stability and trust in your loved one.

Seductive Venus is in your partner's house until October 14, 2017. This position of the planet promises the fulfillment of desires in love, tenderness and understanding with your beloved. All kinds of temptations and offers await you, which are difficult to refuse.

In any case, Venus brings favorable circumstances for love affairs to flourish, or for innocent flirting, which will increase your self-confidence. Moreover, the influence of fiery Mars gives an abundance of energy, makes you full of passion and burning desire.

This is a good time to strengthen a love connection, reunite loving couples or, if you are single, to find your soulmate. A romantic relationship may begin, which will differ from the previous ones for the better. It is quite possible that an attractive young man will appear in your life who will make you feel not even passion, but an irresistible sensual attraction to him or her. However, one should be careful because there is a tense aspect of Venus and Mars with Saturn. Also, don't mix business with love.

For family Pisces, a more prosaic picture will emerge. Most likely, the main events will not be connected with the spouse, but with the relationship with one of the relatives.

Pisces career and finance horoscope for October 2017

In October 2017, good prospects for career and professional growth open up. The time is right for setting long-term goals and developing a strategy for action for the future.

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter, which is called the planet of "great happiness", passes into the ninth house of Pisces. Here he will be for the next thirteen months. The influence of this beneficent planet can be expressed in the establishment of productive business contacts with people and organizations from other cities and countries. The time is especially successful for those who work in the field of education, research, in the scientific or legal field.

The period is great for continuing education, advanced training, passing training courses and trainings, publishing articles, books. The professional skills and knowledge you gain will be a powerful incentive for career growth. Your creative ideas will find support and come true.

As for finances, the Sun and Mercury in one of the financial houses speak of the opportunity to increase income through partners. In the second half of October 2017, the negative aspects of Uranus operate in the Pisces house of money, so unexpected situations are possible that entail losses. The stars advise you to be careful and avoid risk with money.


As expected, health will not bring unpleasant surprises to Pisces. At the moment, you have a fairly strong nervous system and good immunity, you are able to withstand seasonal temperature fluctuations. Physical exercise will bring many benefits, they will improve well-being and give a feeling of cheerfulness. However, keep in mind that the body is unlikely to be grateful to you if you constantly test it for strength.

Do not take responsible financial steps on the spur of the moment!

The horoscope for October 2017 promises Pisces not only cloudy weather outside the window, but also wind, slush and coolness will constantly walk in their souls. In order to add sunshine to your life, you need to look at yourself differently. The words and actions of Pisces sometimes do not converge, from that in October 2017 there were frequent disagreements and quarrels with people around. As for the work, then here you need to make an effort and eliminate inertia.

Horoscope for October 2017 Pisces advises women to be confident if you need to make an important and fateful decision. If you are afraid, but want to take a risk, then listen to your inner voice. October 2017 is a wonderful month to move, start school and start a family. Pisces will strive more for spiritual comfort than for enrichment and career growth.

The horoscope for October 2017 for Pisces men predicts unexpected obstacles, both in the work and in the personal sphere. Learn to get along with people, and not foam at the mouth to prove your opinion. Keep in mind that even minor quarrels in October 2017 can lead to a break in relations. But from a financial point of view, you can be happy for Pisces. Shopping and entertainment are all for you in October.

Children's horoscope for October 2017 Pisces

Children predict a lot of problems in communicating with friends. You will be constantly offended and worried about this, but wise decisions will help adults make. Parents need to calm their child, as well as talk. The main thing is that the Pisces child understands that it is not his fault that many do not want to be friends with him. If the child is invited to participate in mass events and competitions, then it is better to refrain from this in order to prevent a cold. Pisces teenagers in October need to become more confident in themselves and their abilities.

Health Horoscope for October 2017 Pisces

The horoscope advises you to become a little more selfish and carefully take care not only of the health of loved ones, but also of your well-being. If Pisces catch a cold, then you can rub yourself with honey, and drink herbal anti-inflammatory tea at night.

If Pisces women are constantly worried and nervous, they will definitely undermine their physical and mental health. Listen to the symptoms of the disease in order to start treatment on time and not get complications. In mid-October, Pisces can get flu or tonsillitis if preventive measures are neglected.

Auspicious days in October - 3, 8, 11, 16, 21, 27, 30
Unfavorable days of October - 5, 20, 28

Love horoscope for Pisces for October 2017
Finance horoscope, career for Pisces for October 2017

October horoscope for other zodiac signs:

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