Curtain ideas for a girl's nursery. Curtains for a children's room for girls: photos, what are there, how to choose, design ideas. Bright and light colors

Decorating a home interior is not an easy task for any homeowner. After all, it is necessary to take into account many details and their combination in the overall style. And the creation of a children's room is also a very responsible process. Since for any child his room is his own world, his second “I”, where he plays, relaxes, studies, communicates with friends, that is, spends a lot of time.

And here one of the most important elements that creates comfort and safety in the children's room is the choice of curtains:

  • Curtains in the interior of a children's room become not only its decoration, but also perform a number of functions:
  • They protect from the bright rays of the sun during the day and create comfort and tranquility at night.
  • Protect from prying eyes of passers-by.
  • They create a harmonious atmosphere, combined with the interior.

Each adult, decorating the interior in the children's space, must take into account the gender and age of the child, his character and personality. As well as his wishes regarding the color and style of the curtains.

Today, a huge variety of curtains and tulle is presented on the market and in online stores. For clarity, we present some photos of curtains for a children's room to provide an opportunity to navigate when choosing models.

Decorating a girl's room

According to psychologists, girls are more graceful and sophisticated natures than boys. They are characterized by a craving for the sublime and beautiful. As a rule, girls prefer bright and delicate colors. And a room decorated with bright pink, turquoise, yellow curtains will certainly please her.

Curtains decorated with heroes of your favorite fairy tales or cartoons will look interesting. For example, magical fairies, multi-colored butterflies, various little animals will bring their own zest to the interior of the curtains. Curtains in a nursery for a girl can also be decorated with a pattern of large or small polka dots, as well as supplemented with all sorts of bows and ruffles.

Lush tulle curtains will look elegant. They can be made brighter in color than the curtains themselves, or vice versa, in a calmer theme. Girls often like to participate in the creation of decorations for their room.

What is the best material for curtains? The best materials for children certainly remain natural - cotton, linen, chintz, satin. They are not electrified, not allergic, easy to care for, but quickly wrinkle. It is best to combine materials when decorating the window of a room.

Tulle for a nursery in organza or voile will give a feeling of airiness, since these materials are light and transparent. Tulle is easy to decorate with embroidery or a pattern. It matches perfectly with curtains.

Above the bed where the little princess will sleep, you can hang a canopy. It will look chic and will create more comfort during sleep. Here you can use all kinds of materials and their combinations. Heavy fabrics such as velvet or corduroy are not recommended.

Choosing the pattern and color of the curtains in the child's room, you need to consider the interior of the room itself. If there are a lot of bright colors in the bedroom, for example, colored wallpapers, then it would be better if you buy plain, calm pastel colors for the curtains, since the abundance of bright colors in the room tires the eyesight and causes excessive excitation of the nervous system. But, if the color scheme of the room is calm enough, then just hang bright colored curtains that will bring revival to the overall atmosphere.

Decorating a boy's room

Boys tend to prefer cooler colors and shades. For example, blue, light blue, purple, bright green, orange, green - this is what most boys like. When choosing curtains for a boy - color, shape, pattern, you must also take into account the kid's hobbies, his desire to see certain heroes of his games or cartoons that he loves in the interior of his room.

If your kid loves books and games about pirates, sea voyages, then the room can be decorated in a marine style using blue, blue, white and turquoise colors, including curtains can be made in the form of clouds, sea waves with various picturesque prints of this theme. A classic option that will please any boy - photo curtains with cars, planes and favorite animals.

The space theme is interesting, where stars and planets are depicted on the curtains. Options for decorating a room with curtains are different, the main thing is to like it.

If two children of different sexes live in a room, then it is better to divide the space into two zones. Decorate one part of the room in delicate colors, and the other in colors with a cold tint, while the window should also be decorated with curtains of different colors.

Important points when choosing curtains for the nursery

It is very important to take care of the safety of the child. Children are very mobile and inventive creatures, any household item can become a toy for them, or an object participating in the game. It is not uncommon for children to use curtains in their games, hiding behind them or crawling between them. Therefore, a very strong fastening of the cornice and curtains is necessary.

You also need to make sure that the curtains that you hang are made from fabrics that do not cause allergies, while being durable and easy to wash. Also important is the convenient ability to transform so that the child can open and close the curtains himself.

Types of curtains in the children's room

Currently, as you noticed, there is a large selection of materials and types of curtains and curtains. A lot of new children's curtains in 2017 are presented on our website. To begin with, the classic style of curtains and tulle is most often used in homes - these are long curtains tucked into a vertical fold, sometimes decorated with lambrequins or without them.

To give a special shape, the curtains can be picked up with magnets in the form of flowers or cars, lifted with a sleeve or a pickup in the form of funny animals, fairy-tale heroes, etc. Here your imagination is limitless.

Short curtains for the nursery are a great option for small rooms, as they save space, in addition, they do not allow kids who love everything that is at hand to pull and wind it on themselves, and ensure the safety of children's space. They are easy to operate, they are easy to open and close even for a small child. They are easy to care for.

Many parents find Roman blinds to be a convenient, practical option for decorating a nursery window. They are made of dense fabric, often linen, cotton, polyester, with or without a pattern, completely covering the window openings. Their design is somewhat reminiscent of blinds. The child can control them independently, folding up or lowering.

Also, in a small children's room, roller blinds will look interesting on the windows. Their design is transformed upwards, winding onto the roller. At the bottom of the curtain there is a weighting agent that prevents deformation of the material. Being good light filters, they protect the room from the sun's rays in hot weather, because. made from thick fabrics. Mounted on the window frame, as well as above or inside the opening.

Austrian curtains are also well suited for children's windows. They are luxurious and elegant. They consist of not large sections, and along the bottom edge they are decorated with frills or lush assemblies, they are also decorated with lace, ruffles, laces. Made from fabric that drapes well. Adjustable with cords. And they are attached to the cornice.

Another option for curtains in the nursery is French curtains. They look elegant and luxurious in a room with high windows and ceilings. Multi-level lush draperies cascade along the entire fabric, forming semicircular folds - scallops. Contribute to the creation of a festive atmosphere in the child's room. They also apply to roller blinds that do not move apart on the sides of the window.

Successfully created interior design, where all its elements are well combined with each other, will help to instill in the child a sense of style and harmony. And also create an atmosphere of celebration and comfort in his favorite room.

Photo of curtains in the nursery

Many parameters are taken into account: color, furniture, style and textiles. What children's curtains to choose to create a cozy atmosphere? Properly selected elements contribute to the harmonious development of the child and the correct formation of taste.

When choosing curtains for girls, you should consider the following parameters:

  1. Practicality and ease of maintenance. Complex structures with canopies are more difficult to care for. To make it easier to take care of the curtains: products of a simple style are selected from a dense and non-shedding material.
  2. Safety of eaves and fastenings. The curtain is made of non-combustible fabrics.
  3. The color palette and texture of the curtains should be combined with the rest of the interior. made from the same material as the furniture or bedspread. As an option, combine the color of textiles with the surface of the wallpaper. In this case, the tones should differ from each other, be lighter or darker.
  4. The material is selected natural and pleasant to the touch. Linen or cotton is a good option. When choosing synthetic fabrics, you should choose high-quality ones.
  • available in the following colors:
  1. plain curtains contrasting with colorful ornaments;
  2. a pattern of green, blue or red against a background of lighter shades of a given color: light green, pink;
  3. small figures of numbers, letters and toys on a cream or beige background;
  4. decoration is carried out with products in polka dots, stripes or checks, vertical stripes will visually increase the ceiling;
  • windows on the sunny side are decorated with cold shades, curtains on the north side are decorated with warm colors.
  1. A simple ornament or pattern. The choice of pictures depends on the hobbies of the child. It should be borne in mind that too bright patterns quickly get bored. You can buy curtains with abstract figures.
  2. The girl's room is decorated with products of simple styles, without multilayer structures. This makes it easier to take care of the material. As a decor, lambrequins and pickups are used.

The kids room should not contain small fittings and sharp holders.

When designing a room for a girl, you should take care of a reasonable combination of two components:

  • creating a spacious and open space, without unnecessary trash;
  • arrangement of a magical atmosphere with many accessories: ottomans, soft toys and a variety of pillows.

1-2 years

A nursery for a newborn girl is decorated with natural and light fabrics. Fabrics with delicate patterns are recommended: angels, bunnies and bears. Coloring is better to use pastel shades: peach, vanilla or milky. Depending on the nature of the child, a color scheme is chosen. For a calm baby, you can choose bright colors, and for a restless child, you should use shades of green, yellow and gray.

As soon as the girl begins to crawl and walk, it is worth considering security measures. Curtains are firmly attached.

3-6 years old

The age from 3 to 6 years is a great time to acquire dolls, houses, wands and crowns. Childhood passes quickly, so it is important to create a magical atmosphere in the room. Curtains with Barbie are suitable for a fabulous interior.

Character is laid up to five years. The color scheme can be adjusted makings. The room of an active girl will be decorated with textiles of green, purple and yellow shades. Drawings should not be bright.

A balanced child will suit bright pictures and colorful shades.

For decoration, you can use draperies, large prints and ties on the curtains. In her room, a girl should feel like a princess.

With an abundance of paintings, wallpapers and bedspreads with patterns - the curtains are made in a laconic style.

6-10 years old

At this age, the girl grows up, and Barbie dolls become irrelevant. This is the period when not only the playing area is being designed, but also the workplace for lessons. When choosing curtains for a girl of 8 years old, you need to consider the location of the desk and lighting.

Transparent tulle and sliding curtains are suitable for interior decoration. If the table is located by the window, then shortened models are selected.

When choosing a color scheme, preference is given to a combination of several colors.

Colors that promote concentration and perseverance are green, lilac, yellow and blue.

  • curtains with lambrequins;
  • shortened curtains;
  • sliding curtains in several layers;
  • roll curtains;
  • thematic models, for example, Monster High curtains.

10-12 years old

When decorating the interior of a girl's room at this age, you can move away from simplicity and simplicity in design. It is worth using interesting designs with rich ornaments and printed curtains. Rhombuses, zigzags and polka dots are suitable as patterns.

In this case, you should carefully consider the requests and wishes of your child.

With the help of color, you can perform effective. It can be a dressing room, study, bed and a zone for relaxing with friends.

Shades of green may prevail in the working area, and pastel colors in the recreation area.

The design of the room uses unusual decorative elements. For example, .

With the help of curtains, you can create a unique interior in the Art Nouveau style or in the style of Paris.

  1. Juicy pink and black colors should prevail in the interior of the Paris style.
  2. Art Nouveau style involves the use of sand, pearl, brown and gray tones.

Fabric quality for children

When choosing curtains for the nursery, you should pay attention to the quality of the fabric. It is recommended to purchase natural materials: viscose, taffeta, linen or cotton.

The fabric must be environmentally friendly and fireproof.

It is worth knowing that some fabrics are difficult to wash, such as linen.

Natural fabrics practically do not collect dust and do not provoke allergic diseases. Curtains should be easy to wash and iron.


A child somewhere up to 3-4 years old spends almost all the time next to his mother, after which he moves to his own “apartment”. His room is a place for his favorite games, relaxation, and later for study. Everything is important here: the arrangement of furniture, the color scheme of the room, the original design, in which an important role should be given to textiles on the windows.

What should be the curtains for the children's room for girls? Photo examples

Not only do the curtains in the interior of the nursery have to fit harmoniously into it - they must also be practical, safe and like the little housewife. There are several rules for choosing curtains in a girl's bedroom:

  • naturalness, environmental friendliness and strength of the fabric (cotton, linen, silk);
  • colors that do not irritate the psyche of the child;
  • simplicity of cut and the absence of complex draperies so that dust does not collect on the stump;
  • the presence of fringe, additional decorations is not acceptable for young children;
  • light and air permeability of curtain fabric.

What materials are preferred?

For a child's room, you should not choose curtains made of expensive fabric with incredible decorations. At a young age, children can draw on curtains, wipe their hands on them, cut with scissors, so it’s better to pay attention to the quality of the fabric than external luxury. Beauty and aesthetics in this decor of the children's room should be present, because the comfort of the bedroom largely depends on it.

The fabric of curtains for a children's room for girls should be natural without synthetic impurities and low-quality dyes that can provoke an allergy in a child. Linen curtains will look good - they successfully keep their shape, lined cotton curtains will give lightness and airiness, while the sun's rays will not let the baby through during the daytime sleep, and the air will freely enter the room through them. Resistant to washing, exposure to light will be products made of mixed fabrics.

The strength of the curtains is also important. A small child can use them as a swing, so the material must withstand such a test.

Curtains in the children's room should retain their appearance after frequent washing. They must be carried out in order to get rid of dust, which is very detrimental to the children's body. Easy-care fabric, treated with special anti-static compounds, is very comfortable in everyday life.

What color to choose?

According to psychologists, the brighter the children's room, the more sociable and friendly the child grows up. The decor of the girl's bedroom, its color scheme is important for the formation of the child's worldview, looseness and sociability. Therefore, it is worth giving importance to the choice of the color of the curtains in the children's room for the girl in the general context of the entire design of the room:

  • in the presence of bright furniture or wallpaper, you need to choose curtains of a muted color;
  • in the case of a monochrome design of a children's room, it should be decorated with curtains of bright colors, which will become the highlight of the interior;
  • the color scheme of the curtains can overlap with the colors of some details of the bedroom: pillows, pastel linen, a lampshade on a lamp, a small rug on the floor by the table or bed.

It is also not necessary to decorate the girl's children's bedroom in boring, plain colors. If you are unable to choose the curtains of the appropriate color for the nursery, then you should choose products with the presence of bright accents, which will give the general mood to the room.

For a children's room, girls will be the best choice: pale pink, muted yellow, snow-white, beige, lilac, peach, terracotta, light green, light green, turquoise, blue curtains. The undesirable colors for curtains in the girl's bedroom are the following: red with all its tones, bright orange, dark brown, purple, black, dark green, gray, blue. It is better not to choose curtains of acid colors. It is worth giving preference to light colors, as they improve mood, do not put pressure on the child's psyche. Ideal curtains for a girl's nursery - photo:

Solid color or patterned? What combinations are good?

In the case of plain wallpaper or a specific idea for the interior of a children's room for a girl, you can choose curtains with a print. Products in a small flower, polka dots, with butterflies, chamomile, in a hatless cage or other prints that girls like so much will give a positive effect to the room. It will look especially good if the curtain print is repeated or in the same style as the print on the bedspread, on the picture, on the pillow, on the headboard. Large patterns on the fabric of curtains should be avoided: large stains, incomprehensible ornaments, wide stripes, aggressive geometric prints.

The presence of two colors on the curtains enlivens the interior of the children's room quite well. Green curtains are successfully combined with a pink frill or green roller blinds are well combined with pink translucent curtains on the eaves. Ivory curtains with a soft pink frill will fit beautifully into the girl's children's bedroom, especially if everything in the room is designed in these colors. The following colors successfully contrast with each other: delicate pink and blue; grey, pink and ivory; cream and green; light green, turquoise and orange. Combining thick curtains and sheer tulle in the same color tone in a girl's bedroom is also a good idea.

Types of curtains for a girl's children's room

Much depends on the degree of illumination of the room: if its windows face north, then you should choose the design of the curtains for the girl's children's room in warm colors, and if the south - in cold ones. Nowadays, for rooms flooded with sunlight, you can choose blackout curtains. This window textile is made of 3 layers that reflect light. It is presented in the form of roller blinds or those that are held on the eaves in various colors. Hypoallergenicity, simple care for them, sound and heat insulation, fire safety, inability to deform and wrinkle after washing - this is what is characteristic of blackout curtains.

An excellent choice for a younger girl's children's room can be a photo of a curtain depicting a fragment from a fairy tale, a cute little animal, a starry sky, a flower field. The use of such curtains in the interior of a child's bedroom implies restrained tones in all its other elements.

Roller blinds in the nursery for the girl will be very convenient. They can always save from the bright sun and at night from the moonlight. Such products most often become the highlight of the interior of a little girl's room. They are combined with delicate tulle and curtains - you just need to choose the right layout.

A novelty of modern fashion for textiles for windows are two-tone Roman and roller blinds, formed from 2 types of matter. The inner and outer sides of the curtains differ in color, which looks unusual and self-sufficient on the bedroom window. A girl's room of any age will sparkle with colors thanks to such curtains, and these will be the perfect curtains for a teenage girl's nursery.

Striped curtains are now at the peak of popularity. They consist of 3 stripes, differing in color and texture. For a girl's bedroom, this is very sophisticated and original.

It is convenient and practical to hang long curtains in the children's room, the upper part of which is transparent, and the rest of the fabric is denser and more colorful. Such an amazing cut of curtains does not prevent light from entering the room, and also protects it from unwanted glances of others.

What accessories and details to choose for curtains?

If desired, any curtains can be decorated with all sorts of additional elements. These can be clips, Velcro applications that help the girl develop her imagination. Fairy tale characters, animals, stars glowing at night and acting as a night lamp - this can diversify the curtains in the children's room.

Unusual and very original for the baby's bedroom will be the choice of pickups in the form of animals, flowers, stars. A bear hugging a curtain looks very cute in a little girl's nursery. The use of fasteners, applications, brushes, flowers, fasteners, brooches on curtains should be postponed for the older age of the hostess of the room.

Long or short? Thick or thin?

Long curtains in the children's room are not safe for a small child. He can pull them, use them as a swing. Therefore, the best option would be curtains for a children's room for girls (photo) up to the windowsill, or not reaching the floor by 10-15 cm, as well as a curtain to the radiator, Roman or roller blinds. Long curtains with curtains will decorate the room of a teenage girl well.

The fabric of the curtains in the children's room is preferably light, soft and dense. Thin tulle will be appropriate in the case of the additional presence of blinds, roller blinds, Roman blinds or curtains.

Choosing curtains according to the age of the child

In the room of a girl who is not yet 6 years old, it is best to choose curtains of soft colors, but warm, soft, pastel ones. They can be with a soft pattern, so as not to disturb the psyche of the baby. It should be natural textiles with a simple cut and a simple design. In this regard, Roman curtains for a girl's nursery are practical - unpretentiousness in use, simplicity of design, durability, safety in this case are guaranteed. The same can be said about roller blinds.

For girls of primary school age

With age, the girl has certain interests, favorite cartoon characters, animals. This means it's time to change the interior of the room and the curtains, including. In the period of 7-12 years, curtains for a child's room for a girl can be with a photograph of those characters that she is passionate about. However, this is not for long, its taste can change quickly. You need to choose not long, practical curtains, in style corresponding to the girl's temperament.

Curtains for a teenager

The interior of a girl's room in adolescence should correspond to the character and hobbies of her mistress. Here she can already show her creative abilities and select curtains for the room on her own. Contrasting colors and non-standard design solutions appear in her “abode”. This means that the child is growing, looking for himself and showing his individuality.

The nursery is the warmest, lightest, most comfortable room in the house. Parents allocate the best room for their son or daughter, which must be liked by the child, who must feel comfortable and secure in “his” territory. Curtains in the nursery for the girl should be chosen in such a way that they harmoniously fit into the interior and suit the little hostess. Naturally, when decorating a nursery, you need to listen to her wishes, you can also use photo examples, which perfectly demonstrate various types of design.

The room should have a place for classes, games, relaxation. The girl will really like it if she is trusted to choose the design for her cozy corner herself, which will help to educate her taste and sense of style. You can pick up several photos of design solutions in a magazine or on Internet sites, showing them to your child. Having discussed all the pros and cons, you can proceed to the design of the room.

Most of the young beauties present themselves as princesses, they love bright beautiful decorations. Pink, green, orange shades give a good mood, which is important to remember when decorating.

Curtains are usually the last thing to think about, but they give the room a complete look and feel. Textiles on the windows have a functional meaning, namely:

  • curtains should hide the interior from prying eyes day and night;
  • curtains regulate the amount of light passing through the window. In bright light, they extinguish the intensity of the sun's rays, shade the room;
  • curtains muffle the sounds that are very loud in the nursery;
  • thick night curtains protect from cold air in winter. If the area of ​​​​the room is small, the bed sometimes stands close to the window, and even if the windows are plastic, they also blow cold, so blackout curtains are necessary.

Criteria for choosing curtains

Curtains should be combined with the overall decoration of the room. Curtains are purchased after repair, decoration of the room, installation of furniture, they are selected in the same style with the furnishings and design.

Usually, when you come to the store for ready-made curtains or fabric for them, you can get lost in the variety of colors and textures. To prevent this from happening, it’s a good idea to take a photo of the interior of the nursery with you to the store. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • color of future curtains;
  • the presence of a pattern on the fabric;
  • style - the presence of tulle or silk day curtains, as well as thick night curtains;
  • cornice;
  • curtain decoration - sequins, eyelets, butterflies, loops.

Color palette

The tone of the curtains should be combined with the colors present in the interior. This can be the tone of the walls or the color of the bedspread on the bed, the covers of the sofa or chair, the lampshade of the lamp. It is not necessary that the color be repeated exactly, it can be 2-3 tones lighter or darker than the base one. Often choose curtains with a pattern or color print. The background of the picture is chosen in the color of the main tone of the room, so the curtains will be in harmony with the general view of the situation.

Multicolor in a small room is undesirable. It has an irritating effect on the child's psyche, the child does not rest well, looks irritated. Red, orange color excites, and blue, on the contrary, calms the child. It is good to choose warm colors - green, sand, pink and decorate them with bright decor. All children love fairy tales, and girls especially. If fairies, butterflies and gnomes look at them from the curtains, they will feel like princesses.

With the help of window textiles, you can “make friends” with poorly compatible colors in the interior. For example, if the decor of the room includes a green pouf and a pink sofa, choose curtain colors where these colors will be combined in the pattern. If different colors are combined, then they should be the same in brightness. One color should not drown out another. If one color is used for multilayer curtains, then colors of different saturation (bright, pale) are used.

The presence of a pattern on the fabric

If the room is spacious and there is little furniture in it, patterned curtains will look good, which will add coziness to the room. If the area is small or the decor is replete with pieces of furniture, then it is better to choose plain curtains, which can be multi-layered, but not long, but up to the windowsill. Each row of curtains can carry a different shade of the same color.

What curtain pattern can I choose for a girl's room? These are flowers, favorite cartoon characters, Barbie dolls. When choosing the color of window curtains, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • white, gray and black colors go well with other colors;
  • horizontal stripes of curtains visually increase the height of the room, and horizontal stripes make the room more spacious;
  • a small picture adds a spatial perspective, and a large picture “zooms in” the window;
  • kids love the clear "talking" fabric patterns and bright colors.

Decorative elements in the form of soft toys, applications, plastic luminous bugs and butterflies and much more that you can do with your own hands together with your child will give originality and originality to the textiles of the children's room.

Curtain styles

New design solutions in the design of curtains are on special websites and in magazines dedicated to home interiors. There are many ways to attach curtains and curtains. These are rings, magnets, eyelets made in the form of rings, flowers, stars and so on:

  • for the nursery where the girl will live, fastenings on cloth loops or ties are suitable. They are made from the same fabric as the curtains themselves. Ties can also be made from organza or nylon to match the curtains in the form of large lush bows. Such textile loops and ties give a romantic touch to the interior. If a teenage girl is fond of needlework, she can decorate the curtains with beads or appliqué, make jewelry in the form of pendants from different materials. Loops on the reverse side can be fastened with Velcro;
  • curtains with scalloped - semicircular folds. Such curtains made of light silk, organza, nylon look airy, give the room spaciousness and sophistication. Such curtains, reminiscent of French type, can be assembled as horizontal blinds;
  • double curtains are made from two strips of fabric connected at the top. They are picked up in such a way that the colors and texture of each material are visible. The anterior stripe is often translucent. This is a muslin, or tape curtain. It sets off the rich color of the main fabric. Variations of double curtains are varied. You can combine stripes and a small floral print in the same colors, or a plain fabric with a floral curtain. Photos of different combinations will help you choose the right option;
  • with lambrequins. Lambrequins in a girl's room are different from the usual hanging tails. You can use a gang - a hard light base. A woven base is glued onto it, which can be decorated with applications of flowers, butterflies, any images;
  • such novelties of design as curtains with photo printing look completely original. This technique allows you to apply your own photo portraits of a child, relatives, friends, landscapes and the like on the curtain fabric.

You can combine sun-protection fabric roman blinds and light pleated curtains. It is necessary to take into account the age of the girl, because along with her interests, preferences and tastes will change.

Curtains should not be given secondary importance, because the wrong choice of curtains can make the room look too dark or the color combination in it looks ridiculous.

Textiles and curtains in the children's room are necessary for the final stage of interior design. With their help, you can easily change the look of the room without re-gluing the wallpaper or replacing the furniture.

  1. Curtains should be of a simple style, durable material and easy to wash. It is best to choose even curtains on the grommets and decorate them with tiebacks.
  2. Curtains should not be easily flammable (organza, veil).
  3. The main color of the curtains in the nursery depends on the location of the windows relative to the cardinal points (warm shades warm the northern room, and cold ones add freshness).
  4. The pattern or drawing should be simple (chosen based on the age and gender of the child. To prevent the child from getting bored with the cartoon characters, it is better to choose a wallpaper with a large abstraction that will contribute to the development of thinking).
  5. The mount and cornice must be strong, without sharp objects and small decor (so that the child does not bring down the structure during games and does not swallow decorative beads).
  6. Modern children's curtains should match the style of the interior.
  7. Curtains in the interior of a nursery can be of different types, and their combination can become practical (for example, simple curtains and rolls let in light and hide the room from prying eyes).

The photo shows a modern design of a teenager's children's room, where roller blinds with ornaments harmoniously fit in.

What types of curtains are suitable for a nursery?

Straight standard curtains- This is a pair of curtains with tulle. Classic curtains are easy to care for and wash, it is easy to adjust the degree of illumination of the room with them.

The photo shows a children's room with straight classic curtains with many folds and additional niche lighting.

Short curtains in the nursery will open the radiator for more heat transfer, or open the wall, for example, for a desk. Curtains up to the window sill provide easy care, safe for a crawling child who will not catch the curtains.

WITH long curtains in the children's room, you can show your imagination, make them asymmetrical, add a lining, sew on decorative patches. Dense curtains will provide the baby with a sound daytime sleep, and light tulle - diffused sunlight.

The photo shows an interesting solution for a small children's room, where a thick curtain, together with roller blinds in a contrasting color, protects from light and divides the space into a work area and a recreation area.

Roman blinds for the nursery are suitable for a small space and create a minimalist look, where the emphasis is not on window decoration. Due to the secure fastening, the child will not catch the eaves.

Roller blinds in the nursery have the same mechanism as the Roman ones, but are rolled up. Due to different patterns and patterns, they can decorate the room of both a teenager and a baby. Goes well with straight curtains.

Vertical or horizontal blinds suitable for a small children's room. They will protect from the sun and make it possible to use the window sill for additional free space. Looks good with translucent tulle.

Combined- this is a combination of two different colors on different sides of the curtain or a combination of two curtains of different colors and textures. A common combination in a nursery is colored drapes and light organza, but you can also combine neutral drapes with bright roman or roller blinds.

The photo shows an unusual way of attaching classic curtains, which is hidden under the ceiling niche.

White color will be appropriate on translucent fabrics or on curtains (as a background) for patterns and patterns.

The photo shows a delicate design of the bay window with translucent short white curtains, which are combined with bright accents of the children's room.

Yellow color combined with white or beige will create a modern and stylish interior in the children's room.

Green color in any shades (from pistachio to the color of lush grass) will go well with neutral walls and bright decor items.

The turquoise color is suitable for both a girl's and a boy's children's room. Pairs well with light wood floors, brown and white accessories or ornaments.

Pink curtains will always look bright and juicy in a girl's room.

Blue or sky color will add airiness to a small nursery, well suited for a sun-filled room.

The photo shows classic straight curtains in blue and translucent white, which complement the interior of a children's room for a boy of school age.

Blue in deep shades is suitable for a teenager's nursery, but not for a baby. When choosing this color for curtains, you need to choose light-colored furniture and decor items.

Selection of curtains for the style of the nursery

Curtain design for children's room modern style implies ease of care and a combination of minimalism with high-tech. The color should be neutral and light, the method of fastening - grommets or loops. Lightweight fabrics, filament, straight curtains and Roman blinds are welcome.

The photo shows a teenage children's room in a modern style, in which Roman shades are combined in color with furniture.

Scandinavian style in the nursery for curtains it is distinguished by its simplicity of cut, natural material (linen, muslin, silk) and the absence of additional window decoration with lambrequin, fringe or lace, and the tieback is made from the same material as the curtains. The fabric should be light and translucent in white, pale yellow or beige. Can be combined with blinds for sun protection.

Classic style should look simple enough. It can be curtains with tulle, or curtains with Roman blinds. When choosing a lambrequin, you need to remember that it will collect dust and washing will need to be done more often. It is best to choose curtains for the nursery in pure neutral colors or delicate natural ones (beige, brown, green, blue).

Provence style will be appropriate in a girl's children's room. Curtains with a beveled edge should be made of natural material with a floral or polka dot print in a bright color, which can be practically combined with white roller blinds or blinds. Curtains can additionally be decorated with fringe and garters.

Draperies in a marine style should combine white and blue with translucent organza and twine tiebacks. A white lambrequin and other interior items will help create the effect of a ship in a room.

What fabric to choose?

Material for the manufacture of curtains must:

  • be environmentally friendly and harmless to the health of the child;
  • do not accumulate static electricity and do not attract dust;
  • do not spread combustion;
  • easy to wash and keep fresh.

From natural materials, linen or cotton fabric is suitable, from non-natural - viscose, organza. If the curtains in the children's room are additionally treated with an antistatic agent, then this will be a plus in the fight against dust and they can be washed less often.

In the photo, thick curtains made of cotton with an ornament protect the baby's room from daylight.

For a baby under 3 years old, the best solution would be to choose curtains in cream, blue, pistachio, light yellow shades. From 5-6 years old, you can designate the nursery as a boy's room with the help of drawing and color. It can be photocurtains with printing machines, space, ships. Draperies can imitate sails or a net for catching fish.

In the nursery of a mobile boy, it is better to abandon the lush and heavy curtains with complex drapery, which will complicate care. A practical option would be short curtains, blinds, roller blinds, Roman. Due to the mechanism, you can adjust the height of the lift.

From the picture, a large ornament, a cage or a strip is suitable. Colors to choose pastel and natural shades of green, blue, gray.

When choosing curtains in the nursery for a teenage boy, you need to rely on his hobbies and preferences. These can be laconic roller blinds without patterns or with emoticons, musical instruments, graffiti or soccer balls.

Curtains in the nursery for a girl

For newborns, the best solution would be to choose curtains in pastel shades of pink, turquoise, lilac, beige and cream. To diversify the curtains, you can sheathe the contour with a contrasting tape.

In the nursery for a girl under 8 years old, curtains with strings and light drapery are suitable, which will remind you of princesses and their kingdoms.

The color of furniture and wall decoration should be taken into account, if the children's room is bright, then the curtains should be neutral and not attract attention with bright colors, it is recommended to use pastel translucent curtains.

In the nursery of a child from 9 to 12 years old, curtains with prints, patterns and ornaments (diamonds, peas, stripes) are suitable. The shape should not be complicated by ruffles; it is better to choose simple canvases or roller blinds.

Of the fastening options for the nursery, durable eyelets, clips and ties on bows are suitable. In terms of color, you should pay attention not only to pink and beige, but also to turquoise, purple and blue.

In the photo, the classic curtains in the nursery are combined in color with a hanging shelf. When using saturated colors, it is important to maintain a balance of shades.

Photo of curtains in the interior of the nursery

The photos below show examples of the use of various curtain options in the interior of a children's room.

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