Hierophant and 4 of wands combination. The Four of Staves (4 staves) is the minor lasso of tarot cards. Value when divining for business and work

The Four of Wands speaks of happiness, interaction and working together.
The dancing couple was in an unknown place surrounded by a wall (in an unlucky or restrictive place), but now people have found a way to get out of there and are happy and free.

Their joint dance shows that there are things that cannot be done alone.
We all have to work together and make compromises when it's necessary for the cause.

Questions to ask yourself if you draw the Four of Wands
  • Do you feel happy?
  • Do you count your blessings?
  • Are you celebrating and having fun?
  • How do you help the world become a better place?
  • What group did you join or left recently?
Key Ideas
Let your encouragement and courage lead you and the people you care about from a difficult situation to a joyful one.

Keep taking on new things, watch your confidence grow with each new success, and success comes easier.

Direct map: Your friends are good for you and you are good for them.

Reversed card: You don't always take your friends into account, at least that's what your behavior looks like.
Let them know how important they are to you - before it's too late.

Direct map: You are celebrating (or will soon be celebrating) a team victory.

Reversed card: Do not underestimate rituals such as common gatherings.
They help create a sense of community, which can be very helpful at times.

Direct map: A very special event is coming up, or an anniversary in a relationship is approaching.

Reversed card: Get rid of such a pessimistic attitude towards the wedding.
This is a wonderful holiday of love, joy and unity!
Yes, many marriages fail, but don't forget that there are many successful marriages too.

Direct map: Happy time for you and your family.
Appreciate these moments, keep them in memory.
They will be a source of inspiration and strength for you for many years to come.
Reversed card: Stay away from family gatherings.

The phrase "behaves like a non-native" is just about you.
It's not good right now.
Get involved and enjoy life.

Direct map: Lots of invitations to holidays and parties are coming up.

Enjoy life!
Reversed card: Do you feel like an outsider?
Do you want to be?
Why don't you join?

Health / Appearance
Direct map: Soon you may take someone's advice and make changes to your personal style.

These changes will be for the better, your new look will be the cause of many pleasant events, and it will simply please you.
Reversed card: Slave service to fashion, blind copying of the "last peep" does not mean that you are a fashionable person, but that you lack imagination.

Direct map: Money will soon come your way and be yours if you intend to raise it.
Perhaps this is already happening.
Reversed card: Stop focusing on what you don't have.
Divination in half a minute
Polly is trying to complete an important literature assignment.
She does not understand the subject very well and does not enjoy what she does.

The Four of Wands says that success will come in teamwork.
The team is Polly's friends, teachers and parents.
If Polly accepts help, her work will move forward considerably.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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The castle is a symbol of success.
The garland indicates joy and triumph.
Celebration of the end of work.
The Four of Wands heralds a period of well-deserved triumph.
This card predicts relaxation and fun, as well as creative achievement.

Sometimes it portends a holiday or rest after exams or a period of hard work.
This holiday should serve as an additional incentive to continue your creative search.
In the Astrological Tarot of Zolar, this card depicts a jubilant couple waving garlands over their heads in a fit of triumph, while the four wands in the foreground are also decorated with ribbons, fruits and flowers.

The bridge over the moat leading to the castle symbolizes the achieved goal.

The Four of Wands symbolizes the well-earned rest that we all need at the end of our hard work.

It means a period of calm during which we can be justly proud of our achievements.
"Four" is a number that portends stability, and its combination with the energy of the suit of Wands makes this card very happy and productive.

Wands and fire represent freedom and progress, but this card offers us a solid foundation on which to build our future life.
"Four" is known as the number of wholeness, so the Four of Wands reflects our sense of complete well-being.

However, we also feel that life has so much more to offer us.
This card indicates the vast scope for the creative manifestation of our inner growth.

The choice of this card means that you are in the thick of the events of your life and are ready to manifest your creative powers and natural talents.

You experience a feeling of joy and confidence and are not averse to taking a break.
You have a reason to celebrate, and you are completely satisfied with the results achieved.
An atmosphere of calm, stability and harmony reigns around you, allowing you to get rid of the burden of stress and tension.

You have successfully completed the task, and despite the fact that there is still a lot of hard work ahead, you feel confident in yourself, knowing that you have accomplished everything planned.
This card announces that when you climbed to the top, you reached a flat area and resting on it will facilitate your further ascent.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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Value for divination
Romantic relationship.
Newly Found Prosperity.
The fruits of labor.
Rest after the conquest of the world.
Reversed value
Complete loss of peace.

Unfulfilled romantic expectations.
Faded beauty.
Incomplete happiness.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Four of Wands indicates that you are not in trouble; relax for a while and enjoy life.

inner meaning
Almost a sense of relief: you were going through hard times, and then suddenly your problems were resolved.

Now you feel that it is time to relax and enjoy life for a while.
In general, this card indicates happiness, harmony in business and personal life, as well as pleasant activities in society.

Value in the layout
Direct, or positive: pleasure and fun ..

Pleasures that money can buy; material outlook on life; spending on yourself and your desires.
Harmony with others; general situation of prosperity and comfort.
Reversed, or negative: Almost the same meaning, but perhaps not as pronounced.

Personal satisfaction with a job well done.
An addition to your property or business.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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Just as Three indicates departure, Four indicates arrival or homecoming.
This card usually means a holiday that marks the completion of one or another phase of the process or season with its chores.

The labors have come to an end, and the harvest has been harvested.
This is the culmination of your efforts, accompanied by a sense of stability and solidity of achievement.
It corresponds to the traditional rituals of passage, such as engagement, marriage, graduation, opening ceremony, reunion, awards reception, solemn assembly, and so on.

You can forge personal connections and alliances, reaffirm agreements, or return to family roots.
Negotiations on agreement between the opposing factions are also possible, the goal of which is universal harmony and balance.

You can encourage or inspire others by helping them achieve their goals.
The Four of Wands can also mean seasonal holidays and weekend workshops.
Perhaps you enjoy being in a certain country or other forms of recreation.

Entertainment and relaxation, pleasure, social harmony and happiness are very likely.
On the other hand, this card may indicate the purchase of real estate or other ways to provide a solid foundation for future growth.

As you prepare to move on to a new experience, you take a breather in order to thank fate for all that you have achieved in the previous stage.
Traditional meanings: society, union, community.
Reunion, meeting, party.

Holiday gatherings.
stay in any country.
Treaty, agreement, convention.
Unexpected possibilities.
Small awards.
Relaxation and rest after the labors of the righteous.
The fruits of labor.

Reversed Four of Wands
Traditionally, the reversed Four of Wands does not differ from the straight one.

In general, people are still happy, and everything works for you, although you may forget that you need to be at least a little grateful for all this.
Family reunions and alumni reunions, as well as official receptions and banquets, now cause most of us to feel ambivalent feelings.

You may want to see everyone, but at the same time you are afraid that you will not have anything to talk to them about, and that you will have to be "nice" and "nice".
Your own shortcomings and weaknesses may come to the surface, or you will be displeased to find out what vices and secrets these people hide under outwardly decent masks.

Also this card tends to break conventions.
Perhaps such events are unpleasant for you for some reason.
You can pour out the most radiant happiness on those present and still be the only one left out of work.

If you are attending a workshop or formal event, you may be bothered by the urge to leave and mind your own business.
This card may indicate that happy - or not so - moment when family members leave home to go their own way in life.

In what seemed whole and complete, gaps and gaps suddenly appear.
Rituals of passage can be unbalanced or contrary to tradition - an example is unauthorized marriage.

It may be time to move out of your parent's house or even sell it.
This card can represent all sorts of blunders and blunders at official events, which, however, will be more fun than humiliating.

At work, you may become too sociable or, conversely, be afraid that you are having too much fun to the detriment of business.
When projecting this card onto other people, you will perceive them as members of a large family or as your personal benefactors.

In terms of health, this is recovery, as well as successful childbirth or other medical procedures.
In shamanic and magical terms, this is the main card, meaning rites of passage that serve their fundamental purpose: to fit the individual into a new civilizational, cultural or spiritual context.

In shamanic journeys, it is the singing, drumming, and prayers of the shaman's helpers that help him return safely from the underworld.
Traditional inverted meanings: prosperity, success, beauty, happiness, pleasure, romance.

Solid base.
Benefits, promotion.
Incomplete happiness.
Lack of pleasure.
Spoiled beauty.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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Key phrase
"Here is your house, here is your eternal home, I know that in the evening those whom you love, who you are interested in and who will not disturb you, will come to you."
(M. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita")
Description of the card and its inner meaning
In the foreground are four staves decorated with garlands of fruit and flowers.

Behind them you can see a reliable castle, around which people walk.
In general, the Four of Staves indicates prosperity, happiness, harmony in business and in personal life.
She says that all the problems of the Questioner were resolved, and in the best possible way.

Now he can relax and enjoy life.
This Arkan predicts victory, successful completion of work, portends a good ending to all undertakings.
Iconic map.
In any position, it carries a positive charge, predicts stable success.

The card softens the meaning of the negative cards of the Minor Arcana, but cannot change the fatality of the negative Major Arcana.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - G, number - 4, Ruled by the planet - Mars, there is no zodiac sign, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 51 hexagrams ("Lightning"), Weather conditions - cloudy, wind, Corresponding color - blue, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to the sephirah Chesed.
Card meaning
Direct position
This card has no negative meaning.
She predicts the pleasures that money can buy, the availability of funds for this, abundance, the satisfaction of all worldly needs.

This Arkan says that the Questioner will solve all issues related to real estate, predicts the purchase of a new house or apartment, favorable times in the life of the Questioner, predicts prosperity and comfort.

Reversed position
The questioner must take the blessings that surround him for granted, appreciate the benevolent attitude towards himself from other people and answer them the same.
In an inverted position, the Four of Wands portends success in the spiritual life: satisfaction from the work done, career growth.

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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The Four of Wands is the card of harmony.
Indicates the successful implementation of ideas and gaining peace and confidence in the future.
All your efforts have been rewarded.
This card, which carries a very powerful positive energy / is never random or "passing" in the layout.

Well, and if you are guessing at yourself or someone repeatedly, and this card constantly falls out, you can say with full responsibility that your complaints about fate are nothing more than pretense or deceit.

You are lucky, a favorite of Fortune!
Inverted - the interpretation is similar to the direct meaning.
This is a card of rest, success, completion of affairs.
The conceived enterprise will be crowned with victory.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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IV. Four - in the foreground a large garland suspended on four sticks stuck in; two female figures raise bouquets of flowers; in their direction you can see a bridge across a moat (with water) leading to an old estate.

Direct position: this time they almost completely correspond to the image on the map: country life, peace, harmony, harmony, prosperity, peace and, therefore, the completion of work.

Reverse position: the meanings remain unchanged: they are prosperity, growth, happiness, beauty, ornaments.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning: Venus in the 5th house as a symbol of joy, play, entertainment, or Moon / Venus as the personification of a sense of security and the joy of communication.
FOUR OF WANDS The Four of Wands corresponds to a period of peace and tranquility during which we open ourselves to life and its joys.

We are confident in our own safety, and therefore we are ready to leave the "fortified walls" and go out into the outside world.
It means communication, entertainment, pleasure and joy of life, as well as the opening of our "I" towards it, a feeling of deep connection with other people.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Completion of the Third decade of Aries from April 10 to 20.
Astrological equivalents: Aquarius, Eleventh House.
The third decade of Aries is traditionally associated with Venus, hence its second name - "Love".

The impulse of energy is introduced into matter, and in search of recognition begins to interact with it.
Personal enthusiasm clashes with the objective laws of life.
The objectivity of external being directs a person to search for his place in society and to creative knowledge of the ways of truth and justice: it makes him think about what a fair social structure should be.

This decade is more material than the previous two, and the impulse of love here can reach passion.
At the same time, it is also oriented towards socially useful labor, as the most natural realization of internal aspirations.

The trap is to rest on our laurels.
Believe that now peace has come forever.
Direct position: In the upright position, the card symbolizes the holiday as the completion of a successfully completed business, inner peace, peace, satisfaction and tranquility.

Something is already so complete internally that it seems to be casting itself into a certain form.
For example, a happy couple lived together for a long time and finally decided to formalize their relationship.
The Four of Scepters symbolizes mental stability, disciplined thought, the desire for order, a sense of structure, finding like-minded people, a sense of belonging to a particular tradition.

This card also symbolizes the situation - when several people in different parts of the globe come to the same idea at the same time.
In the Four of Wands, the theme of Aquarius and Saturn (the planet that rules it) is clearly heard.

At the same time, the card can also mean some stagnation and stupor (characteristic manifestations for Saturn).
These are periods of sudden prosperity - peace, tranquility and harmony.
And also - rest and enjoyment of the results of their work.

Moreover, this calmness is ensured by creating some kind of rigid social scheme, embodied through the Four.
Reversed position: In an inverted position, the card means instability, haste, delay, lagging behind, laxity or confusion of thoughts, inability to mobilize oneself for something.

Mind, intellect needs to be calmed down.
This is consonant with the feeling of a person who is suddenly pulled out of meditation.
This is an unfinished, broken in Aquarius, love relationship.
Feelings of insecurity, tainted beauty, imperfect happiness.

Such a topic at the level of society sounds acute at the present time in the form of a complete lack of guarantees.

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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This card could be called "Garden".
Four wands in the foreground, decorated with garlands of flowers, form the entrance to a beautiful garden, where male and female figures in light dresses are seen greeting us.

In the background is a beautiful palace.
Sometimes, however, the “Garden” is depicted without human figures at all or with a girl waiting for her lover.
The card, as it were, invites us to joy and fun.
Life is Beautiful; a holiday awaits us!

Friendship, love, good human relations overshadow our path.
Friends and loved ones are waiting for us - let's go to them, they need us.
In practical terms, it means that a person already has (or can find, if he is not too lazy to look around) a good home, good friends, in short, a “place of peace” where joy awaits him.

In the upright position, it thus gives a favorable answer to almost any question.
Inverted: Indicates the (temporary) inability of a person to feel the joy of life, trust in friends and loved ones, and thereby, perhaps, the advice to postpone their plans until his peace of mind is restored.

Vitaly Zaichenko. "Tarot Waite and more, wise instructions sent by cards."

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It is necessary to love everything that is created by God

Symbolic image:
The goal has been reached.
The heroes depicted on the map celebrate the achieved success merrily and with gratitude.

Astrological correspondence:
Element: Fire, Planet: Venus

Traditional meaning:
Joy, trust, recognition, reward, success, harmony, optimism, satisfaction, ease.
The number 4 is often associated with reliability, strength and immobility (for example, the four corners of the house or the four cardinal points), the reverse side of which is immobility, the inability to move on.

The Four of Wands represents the positive side of this number, symbolizing security and prosperity, and many refer to it as a happy homecoming.
It often opens up when you are preparing for a reunion, perhaps with a partner or family members.

It can also symbolize a new home or happiness in this home, marriage or a decision to move in with a partner.
Or it may simply portend a vacation and rest time.

What are we talking about?
About openness and readiness to accept the challenges of Fate with confidence and deep conviction.

About the need to establish yourself in life.

What needs to be done?
Live life with gratitude and inspiration.
Despite good profits and rich rewards, avoid stagnation, do not block yourself in further development.

Communicating with others:
Enjoy harmony, behave at ease.
Catch a moment of happiness and good luck.

Seize the opportunity for education and the start of an enterprise or group activity.
Allow yourself and others...

In love, in matters of the heart:
Open your heart to another.
Don't be afraid of anything.

Pay attention to the fact that no domestic squabbles and bad mood overshadow the life together.

In professional activity:
Expects an advantage, support from colleagues.
Be confident.

Look for new forms for creative expression.
Take on new, progressive tasks and goals.

At a difficult moment in life: be calm, you have a solid support on which you can lean.
Be open, get close to people and study projects thoroughly.

What should be avoided?
Unreliability, lethargy, ingratitude, ill-considered actions, unreliable facts, cowardice, disinterest, discontent, waste.

What surprises does the future hold?
There is a period of carelessness, peace and quiet ahead, in which you, along with others, will celebrate and enjoy.

If you don’t know what to do today, how to console yourself, Arkan whispers in a low whisper:
Welcome today, let it be a day of peace, harmony and rest.
Invite neighbors, friends and relatives, and make a feast for them all over the world.

Meditating on this Arcana, ask yourself:
If I meet others with an open mind, what will come of it? Will I be able to fulfill my needs in work and society?

The following statements will inspire you, help you to tune in optimistically and easily walk along the road of life.
I am confident in myself and feel protected from above.

I am open to the world.
I implement my plans in the areas I need.

I am lucky.

Happy card. Its main meanings are benevolence and prosperity, noticeable and well-deserved success and recognition, excellent atmosphere, “the arrival of happiness”. It brings harmony, self-confidence, balance and enjoyment of the results of their work. Peace and relaxation go along it, a situation where no troubles and difficulties threaten. Difficulties behind, you can relax and enjoy life. Often she describes a situation where something has been done, useful experience has been gained, but one does not want to go further.

I just want to enjoy what I have achieved. The card invites us to joy and fun - life is beautiful! Sometimes she says in plain text that a well-deserved holiday awaits us, a fun party, some kind of "going out" or just a vacation. She is in charge of family holidays, banquets, alumni meetings, solemn assemblies, country parties and picnics. But it happens that she just brings peace and tranquility. In this card one feels freedom, release from responsibility, completion of the case. And even when it comes to deeds, these are more pleasant activities for the soul than righteous labors in the sweat of one's brow.

The Four of Wands is never a random or invisible card in a spread. She is his decoration, and will largely determine the overall meaning of divination. It is believed that in the upright position, she gives a favorable answer to almost any question. This card is the keeper of a very positive and powerful energy. It is the Four of Wands that falls in the personal alignment of people about whom it is customary to say that they are lucky. If during divination this Arcana repeatedly falls out, complaints about life are not accepted!

This is a sign, if not of extreme luck, then of the mercy of fate, when it is relatively easy at times to get around or overcome difficult situations. Sometimes it indicates unexpected luck, but more often its meaning leans towards the saying "the end is the crown." She talks about the stable development of the business and promises final success. Often marks some rather fateful milestone in life (graduation, engagement, etc.)

Realization of plans, worthy completion of what has been started. According to this card, there is often a "legalization" of what is happening - it can be the legal registration of a business, and obtaining a diploma, and marriage, and the conclusion of an important contract. It is believed that the Four of Wands describes the highest point of development in which a lot of effort has been invested. But it also opens up opportunities for developing new beginnings.

One of the traditional meanings is a successful arrival somewhere or returning home, reunion with dear people.

This is a period of transition to another level of development, to a more joyful and free level of life, when a person parted with his past without regret. These are all rituals of transition, where a person is welcomed in a new egregor, in a new company. The energy of this card is the embodiment and at the same time the limitation of creative power. Some project materializes it, but at the same time sets the direction and framework. In the introduction of this card, there is a well-balanced dynamics and energy, but this balance is created due to some quite clear social structure.

The Four of Wands symbolizes mental stability, disciplined thought, the desire for order, a sense of structure, finding like-minded people, a sense of belonging to a particular tradition. The theme of Aquarius sounds here, but also some manifestations for Saturn (the second ruler of this sign). As Banzhaf and Akron write, the map energetically expresses the idea of ​​a cosmic structure or the origin of the world: the original creative impulse (one) acquired a fruitful polarity in two, expressed itself in three (a metaphor for conception) and was fixed in the space of four in the form of a material embodiment. To realize "in the beginning it was ..." means to turn to the past, to commit religare ("religion"), to go back.

One of the deep keys of the card is "Love everything that God created." The Four of Wands says that something is already so complete internally that it seems to be casting itself into a certain form, like the appearance (unexpected materialization) of a miraculous icon. Another meaning is invention (the idea passes from the mental plane to the material plane). The card also symbolizes the situation when several people in different parts of the world come to the same idea at the same time.

The third decade of Aries is traditionally associated with Venus, hence its second name - "Love". The impulse of energy is introduced into matter, and in search of recognition begins to interact with it. Personal enthusiasm clashes with the objective laws of life. The objectivity of external being directs a person to search for his place in society and to creative knowledge of the ways of truth and justice: it makes him think about what a fair social structure should be. This decade is more material than the previous two, and the impulse of love here can reach passion. At the same time, it is also oriented towards socially useful labor, as the most natural realization of internal aspirations.

This is a map of settled and orderly harmony, naturalness and joy, contentment and peace, and at the same time stable development - in the family and at work. The ability to resolve conflicts and reconcile contradictions that seemed unthinkable (hence, for example, the importance of success in negotiations). There is also its own “danger” - to allow stagnation, because useful experience has been gained and you want to enjoy what has been achieved, you are reluctant to go further (the trap of the card is resting on your laurels, the belief that peace has come forever). Her mystery is Alexander's rest after the conquest of Babylon.

The general meaning: the primary result has been achieved, there is something to congratulate yourself on. Valuable experience has been gained, which should be analyzed and saved in order to go further. But there is a lack of drive for further projects, a satisfied contemplation of what has been achieved (life has stabilized, well, amen). Here it is necessary to consider the completion of one stage as the release of energy for the next.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

The advice of the card is to arrange a holiday, enjoy the luxury of human communication with friends, loved ones, show hospitality or go out into the world. Somewhere waiting! Sometimes the card indicates that it's time to take a well-deserved break - take a vacation. I also remember Josephine's advice from the unforgettable "Only girls in jazz" - "Drive the charm to the fullest!"

The card warns that too much time is devoted to entertainment, gatherings, parties and pleasant relaxation, and too little work. This is the case when fun is time, and business is an hour. The desire to go with the flow, and not to solve problems and bear responsibility, resting on our laurels. Escapism, as well as "various bad excesses." Also, according to this card, a person overestimates his abilities and his significance. The Four of Wands reminds that a party-goer is not a profession, and non-stop communication only creates the illusion of being in demand and makes it difficult to face the truth.

Successful completion of the case, a holiday on the occasion of the successful completion of the project (or some of its stages), pride in one's achievements. Actually, this is NOT a work card - it is a temporary exemption from liability, as a rule, voluntary and desired. It's like the state after passing an exam, when no one thinks about textbooks anymore for a while. Of course, there will be other exams ahead, but now - sing and dance, drink and walk! Joy and peace in my heart.

At the same time, this is a celebration of the cause - pleasing visible results have appeared. If we talk about the organizational environment, then this card corresponds more or less to pompous events and ceremonies, festive gatherings, than to labor processes as such.

"Vacation like people" - carelessness, peace, tranquility. Prosperous retirement, retirement.

If, nevertheless, we are talking about work - success in a career, achieving stability, successful implementation of projects started. Newly Found Prosperity. Team spirit, effective and fun collaboration that people enjoy. Work is perceived as an art, routine things are done without tension, genuine benevolence and an atmosphere of mutual trust reigns around.

The pathos of the Four of Wands is the harmony of human relations in some formalized and ordered situation. Its essential feature is that no one holds a stone in his bosom and does not cherish ulterior motives. If there are any professional problems, they are solved successfully and by mutual agreement.

If we are talking about a project, this is a smart idea, well-founded and creatively implemented. Conclusion of contracts.
According to the Four of Wands, it is often possible to overcome or simply get around situations that are practically insoluble, and also to achieve the desired results without much effort in any area of ​​interest to you. Sometimes the card describes a situation of patronage, patronage, in which personal connections work strongly.

Successful negotiations, presentations, receptions. Warm welcome, high marks.

The card is considered to be related to design, decoration of homes and workplaces, magazines such as "Home and Garden".

The classic meaning is “newly acquired prosperity”, a card of the nouveau riche (people who recently and suddenly became rich and have not really had time to get comfortable with it, moreover, they succeeded in their own efforts, and not in a “hereditary” order). Material prosperity, stability, financial well-being. Positive resolution of issues related to business, investments, sponsorship and so on. Receiving a fee. Good profit. Decent reward.

A material outlook on life comes. Spending on yourself and your desires, the overall situation of prosperity and comfort. Pleasures that money can buy. Stay in a great environment.

This is one of the best cards in housing layouts. Its meaning is a good home, a great place to live. The numerical value is associated with reliability and strength, the four wands on the map correspond to the four corners of the house. Acquisition of real estate. Site cultivation.

It is believed that the Four of Wands largely reflects the energy law, according to which we attract people who complement us at the level at which we ourselves are.

Happiness, stability, optimal development of relationships. Sexual satisfaction, good compatibility. Prosperous life together, harmony in the family. Living sympathy and warmth of the heart. Joint entertainment, going out, vacation, great pastime. Prosperity at home.

According to this card, a willingness to meet halfway, show affection, take the initiative, open one's feelings, make gifts, bring guests, and the like is manifested. Those who have sat in their own shell, according to this card, may well “crawl into the light”, without fear of trouble and make promising acquaintances. At the same time, this card is associated with a return to family roots (to the greatest extent this meaning works for wanderers and travelers), to the native harbor (IV house in astrology), where you can find peace, restore balance.

Romantic relationship, wedding celebration, marriage or marriage. Happy event. The Four of Wands is a very "marriage" card. Four pillars with a flower garland on the Arcana in Waite's deck symbolically correlate with the marriage canopy and strong bonds. Fours streamline everything - this is how the institution of marriage streamlines people's love relationships. This Arcana always shows that something is already so completed internally that it seems to be casting itself into a certain form. For example, people who sympathize with each other intend to come together for a life together. Or a happy couple lived together and finally decided to formalize their relationship.

It is interesting that sometimes “happy divorcees” pass along this map - people who perceived the dissolution of a marriage as an escape from captivity and liberation from oppressive shackles and obligations.

In a dubious card environment, the Four of Wands can hint that the relationship exists more "for the public" than in reality, and is a kind of "PR effect". This is true both for world stars and for those whose audience is mom, dad and a handful of classmates.

Good health, recovery

In rare cases, the card indicates pregnancy and childbirth.

An inverted card can speak of an unreasonable waste of energy, undermining health with an overly cheerful lifestyle, as well as the inevitable processes of gradual aging, fading, loss of tone, menopause. One of its classic meanings is "faded beauty".

In ancient interpreters, it is indicated that the card, even in an inverted position, retains its positive meaning of happiness, satisfaction, prosperity and beauty. And this, of course, alarms modern interpreters - everything cannot be so simple if the festive tent turned over! It is as if the party, which had high hopes, took place, but the questioner was left out of work. One of the traditional meanings is "unfulfilled romantic expectations", also generally unfulfilled dreams.

One typical modern interpretation is "no party time". There is still some kind of obstacle, something that does not allow you to complete the task and truly free yourself. In addition, it is possible that people with whom you would like to have fun feel completely different. This may also be the case when some kind of banquet is coming, the thought of which rather depresses than pleases, and during which we think only about how to get away as soon as possible (the same can apply, by the way, to the cultivation of summer cottages).

In an inverted position, the card may indicate a person’s temporary inability to feel the joy of life, trust in friends and loved ones, and thus, perhaps, advice to postpone their plans until peace of mind is restored. One of the traditional meanings is "complete loss of calmness".

In a straight card, the motive of external decency, elegance and orderliness is strong. Inverted, it can destroy conventions and pull off masks (family holidays and generally meetings of people who have not seen each other for some time often create favorable ground for this, all sorts of sins of the past, unexpected vices and other “terrible secrets” emerge, as in Priestley’s “Dangerous Turn”).

The event may not correspond to the stereotypical ideas of how it should be (for example, an unconventional wedding).
This card may be a warning that you cannot count on a happy coincidence, the situation is actually very precarious.

A direct card carries the energy of completeness, an inverted one may indicate that the project needs to be finalized. In something that seemed to have already been completed and brought to the end, gaps and shortcomings are suddenly discovered, and it is not possible to put an end to it (this can be a “pleasant” discovery, for example, for a graduate student who discovers that an already bound work must be reprinted from - for sneaking technical bloopers and blunders).

It is believed that in an inverted position, the card means instability, haste, vanity. Slackness, inability to mobilize oneself for something. It may be unwillingness to work, laziness, or maybe a lack of faith in one's abilities.
Such a meaning as "spoiled beauty" suggests an unsuccessful plastic surgery, designed to "improve the sign", but in fact made it worse than it was.

The inverted Four of Wands is also incomplete (broken off in Aquarius) love relationships, incomplete happiness. With confirming cards - the decision to live separately, the division of property, divorce. Also, this is not a situation where you can expect a quick marriage proposal.

It can be either a lack of outside help, guardianship, patronage, or ingratitude.
Feeling of insecurity (a topic at the level of society sounds acute at the present time in the form of a complete lack of guarantees).
It is believed that the card may indicate the need to sell real estate.

With the Wheel of Fortune - a feast, a fun holiday

With Strength - inspiration, inspiration, euphoria

With the Devil - dependence and lack of freedom, which outwardly may look decent

With the Ten of Wands - a heavy burden and being in a painful situation, the card "beats" the Four of Wands

With the Three of Cups - festivity, spirituality, happiness

With the Four of Cups - apathy, indifference

With the Ten of Cups inverted - troubles that caused quarrels in the house.

With the Two of Swords - reconciliation.

With the Six of Swords - the card weakens the meaning of the Four of Wands, while at the same time promising a quiet haven.

With an inverted Ace of Pentacles - a find of money.

With the Two of Pentacles - fun parties, carelessness


Venus in the 5th house as a symbol of joy, play, entertainment, or Moon / Venus as the personification of a sense of security and the joy of communication.

Direct position:

The Four of Staves symbolizes a disciplined thought, a desire for order, a sense of involvement in events. This is unanimity, periods of prosperity, peace, rest.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: instability, confusion of thoughts, haste, laxity, inability to mobilize oneself.

Four of Wands.

Card Name: Lord of the Finished Work.

Correspondences are the land of fire; letter Xe (final); Sephirah Mercy

Explanation (general meaning): getting the first results. Finding peace and confidence in the future. (get result)

Event: remuneration of labor. The 4 corners symbolize all real estate themes. Including it can mean that the event indicated by neighboring cards will happen in the house nearby. (summing up, completion of a period, cycle)

1. Enjoying the results of your work, fouling with fat. Theme of office, stamps, documents. (high-quality expensive elite construction. Finished work, consolidation of the result. Celebration, presentation. First good stable income. Office.)

2. Positive card. Stabilization of processes, conservative methods of treatment. (great, stable, recovery)

3. Solving household issues, nesting. Relations in a stable phase. (the first fruits of living together: the acquisition of housing, the birth of children, joint trips and pleasures)

4. Feeling of belonging to traditions. The ability to feel the social structure. (satisfied with life, able to have fun and live with taste)

5. Advice: gain a foothold in your position, settle down. (relax, go to nature, celebrate achievement)

Warning: attachment to the material, to the usual position, unwillingness to change anything. (do not take on a new business until the old one is finished)

6. The answer is yes. Success. Harvest your harvest.(you will have good results, holiday)

Extras: Materialization, stabilization, even inertia. action within certain limits. Striving for stability and order.

The first cycle is over.


Explanation (general meaning): - (a protracted holiday or holiday is not a joy, the unsuccessful fruits of some business)

Event: protracted rest, period of stagnation. (the final result is not reached, the holiday failed)

1. Stagnation, lack of guarantees. (office change, profit less than expected, unsuccessful presentations)

2. The process is driven deep: taking painkillers instead of treatment. (malaise after holidays; recovery is slower than desired)

3. Postponing the solution of everyday issues or an attempt not to notice everyday problems. (does not bring expected results. Could be better)

4. Inability to pull yourself together and mobilize yourself for something. In some sources: a feeling of incompleteness; a person pulled out of meditation is an uncomfortable state due to incompleteness. (wants more, shows dissatisfaction, grouch)

5. Tip: don't rely on a promise. (be content with a small result; don't celebrate yet)

Warning: hidden destruction of the structure, internal connections. (results will be worse than expected)

6. Implementation is not complete(not exactly what I wanted; it could have been more, better, etc.). (tedious fun; not the best results)

Additionally: In an inverted position, the structure of the square collapses: although outwardly it may not change, it loses its stability and confidence.

General meaning:

The Four of Wands corresponds to a period of peace and tranquility during which we open ourselves to life and its joys. We are confident in our own safety, and therefore we are ready to leave the "fortified walls" and go out into the outside world. It means communication, entertainment, pleasure and joy of life, as well as the opening of our "I" towards it, a feeling of deep connection with other people.


The work is good, promising, we are not threatened with losing it, the working conditions suit us quite well, so we do our job with pleasure. The period of satisfaction from work, the work itself brings joy, and the matter goes well. However, the card can also mean a calm, no problem, transition to another job or to new responsibilities.


The experience and knowledge we acquired earlier were very valuable and useful, but they have already served their purpose, and now it is time for us to move on towards the new, says the Four of Wands. We have a good "foundation", we are ready to perceive new things with an open mind, so the next stage of knowledge will bring us true joy.

Personal relationships:

Cloudless period of peace and tranquility. We experience a sense of security, security, while maintaining an open mind and treating others with kindness and love. We undertake something together with a partner, and this gives us pleasure, new contacts and the joy of life.

Four of Wands combined with other Tarot cards

With the card "Jester" - quit school; can't wait for the holidays.

With the "Mage" card - become a specialist.

With the Empress card - a holiday on the occasion of a birthday, graduation from an educational institution.

With the "Emperor" card - corporate party; holiday in the family.

With the card "Hierophant" - the restoration of unity.

With the card "Lovers" - the enjoyment of relationships.

With the card "Chariot" - wash the purchase of a car.

With the card "Strength" - temptation.

With the card "The Hermit" - the enjoyment of loneliness.

With the "Wheel of Fortune" card - a feast.

With the card "Justice" - mark the deal.

With the Hanged Man card - drop dignity.

With the card "Death" - commemoration.

With the card "Moderation" - go on a diet; limit your gluttony.

With the card "Devil" - revelry; alcohol abuse.

With the Tower card - poisoning.

With the Star card - a holiday on the occasion of the increase.

With the card "Moon" - the illusion that everything is fine.

With the "Sun" card - take solar procedures; relax by the sea.

With the "Court" card - a worthy reward.

With the card "Mir" - anniversary.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - the beginning of studies; holiday to mark the start of a new project.

With the card "Two of Wands" - finding yourself after graduation.

With the card "Three of Wands" - the signing of the contract and the first results.

With the Five of Wands card - property disputes.

With the card "Six of Wands" - the successful passing of the exam.

With the "Seven of Wands" card - disputable property.

With the card "Eight of Wands" - news about a joyful event.

With the Nine of Wands card, an agreement or contract promising a bitter experience.

With the Ten of Wands card - overwhelming obligations.

With the Page of Wands card - a brilliant education.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - a contract in which there is no serious basis.

With the card "Queen of Wands" - a successful project; become the mistress of the house.

With the "King of Wands" card - a major contract.

The card shows four wands. The main meaning of the lasso is success, recognition, prosperity, benevolence. This card is rightfully considered lucky. A person has finished a difficult period in his life, and now he is waiting for rest and peace. The state of the questioner can be described as "enjoying the moment." In practical terms, the card indicates the presence of a "place of peace" where a person is happy. Next to him are friends and a lover. In an inverted position, the lasso indicates an inability to enjoy life, a loss of trust in people.

Map image example

The loss of the lasso of 4 wands (staves) is a good sign. The person described by this card is optimistic and positive. The time of any contradictions is gone, the querent (the person asking the question) got a feeling of happiness. It is inner serenity and security. He parted with the past without regret, frees himself from obligations. Unlike other arcana with the number 4, which are indicators of introversion, the 4 of wands is an exception.. This is the pointer:

  • holidays;
  • parties;
  • guests;
  • openness to new acquaintances.

The questioner is confident in his abilities and therefore is ready to leave the usual walls of the dwelling and go on an adventure. A period of rest and peace has come, which opens a person towards life and joy in it.

This is an indicator of connection with other people, social demand, entertainment, pleasure from communication.

The card strongly focuses on the desire to rest after righteous labor. The querent takes pleasure in the situation of triumph. In an inverted position, the card indicates an excessive passion for relaxation. A person rests too much and works too little. He rests on the laurels of success, forgetting that problems need to be solved and be responsible for their actions. Another likely meaning is an overestimation of one's own significance and one's abilities.

Description of the Tarot card FOUR OF WANDS

As a rule, the Four of Wands tarot card depicts four staffs decorated with garlands of fruits and flowers. Behind them you can see a reliable castle, around which people walk. The card, as it were, invites to joy and fun. Life is beautiful, a holiday awaits us. In general, the Four of Scepters symbolizes prosperity, happiness, harmony. She says that all problems were resolved in the best way.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card FOUR OF WANDS in divination and layouts

Direct position of the card FOUR OF WANDS

The Four of Wands represents joy, openness, unclouded existence, a happy life. The lasso corresponds to a period of peace and tranquility, during which a person opens up to life and its joys. We are confident in our own safety, and therefore we are ready to leave the "fortified walls" and go out into the outside world. It means communication, entertainment, pleasure and joy of life, as well as the opening of our "I" towards it, a feeling of deep connection with other people. These are periods of sudden prosperity, peace, tranquility and harmony. As well as rest and enjoyment of the results of their work. The Four Staffs indicate the stability of the situation, the orderliness of life, the positive dynamics in it.

Reversed card FOUR OF WANDS

Surprisingly, the inverted position of the Four of Wands does not carry negativity. This Arcana has such a powerful potential that the result he predicts is ensured in any case, unless it turns out to be somewhat delayed in time. The reasons for the delay in success may be an excessive willingness to compromise with oneself, a desire to rest on one's laurels.

The meaning and interpretation of the FOUR OF WANDS card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

The Four of Wands indicates a period of satisfaction from work, enjoyment of the results of one's labor; the work itself brings joy, and the case is argued. However, the card can also mean a calm, no problem, transition to another job or to new responsibilities.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Four of Wands can mean the absence of visible results of work, as well as the insufficiency of the efforts already made to achieve the desired result. In addition, Arkan may also indicate that the activity is not effective enough, while it could be much better.

The meaning and interpretation of the FOUR OF WANDS card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Excellent health, stable condition, recovery, stabilization of processes.

Reversed card position

Recovery is slower than expected.

The meaning and interpretation of the FOUR OF WANDS card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Four of Wands is a card of the hearth, family comfort, peace and pleasure from communicating with a partner. In the layouts of relationships, it falls out as a symbol of prosperity, harmony, mutual understanding, calmness and serenity. Sometimes he talks about the visits of guests, pleasant communication with friends, relatives, may indicate pleasant household chores. Relations are in a stable phase. The first fruits of living together appear: the acquisition of housing, the birth of children, joint trips and pleasures.

Reversed card position

The inverted Four of Wands in relationship layouts speaks of postponing some important event for some time. It may also indicate that a person, for some reason - because of modesty, embarrassment, awkwardness - hides his true desires and goals.

The meaning and interpretation of the FOUR OF WANDS card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

A person who is satisfied with life. Sometimes it can indicate people on vacation.

Reversed card position

A slow person. May indicate an unscrupulous employee.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the FOUR OF WANDS as a card of the day

Today you can fully express yourself. Boldly take the first step in relationships with others. You will make sure you are welcome. Welcome today, put aside sad thoughts and give yourself (or another person) a bouquet of flowers. If you have been putting off some unpleasant duty for a long time, for example, a difficult telephone conversation, then today is the most favorable day for such matters.

Card advice FOUR OF WANDS in divination and layouts

Act as your intuition tells you, as you think, you will be safe and calm. If necessary, compromise and, most importantly, do not infringe on your desires and needs. You will succeed, and when any difficulties arise, remember that they are only a temporary phenomenon.

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