Interesting and functional ideas for the kitchen. Wall design in the kitchen: what wall finishes to choose, design styles, photo examples Creative furniture for the kitchen

The kitchen is quite a popular place in the apartment, especially for a woman. It is here that the hostess spends a lot of time, cooking, cleaning, feeding the household, etc. And, accordingly, it should be not only functional, but also cozy and beautiful. Decoration, design play a huge role in preparing the kitchen for its immediate comfortable use.


Initially, it is important to decide how exactly it will be designed. To do this, you need to evaluate the size of the kitchen room, the entire apartment, as well as the design of the room as a whole. The material used for decoration must be of high quality and durable. The right design of the walls in the kitchen is, first of all, the right shades of wallpaper in accordance with the overall design of the apartment.

Right choice

Wallpaper should be chosen very carefully. And the point here is not even so much in the coloring of the wallpaper as in quality. Of course, waterproof wallpapers are best suited here. In addition, the choice can also fall on fiberglass wallpapers and wallpapers intended for painting. A very important tip that you should definitely pay attention to is that the wallpaper should be glued far from the sink area (for example, above the dining table). In the sink area, it is better to make a design with stone, tile or fresco. It will look great and fit well into the overall design of the kitchen room.

Modern Ideas

Metallic wallpaper is one of the trendy and modern ideas for decorating the walls in the kitchen. They are made from aluminum foil. These wallpapers are perfect for small kitchens, as they visually expand and increase the space. They can be both smooth and textured. Look very modern.

Wall mural

Wall murals have been relevant at all times. And now quite often the owners choose this type of finish for their kitchens. Wall murals can give a very romantic look to the kitchen room. But you should choose them especially carefully, paying attention to the overall design of the room, colors, the nature of the household and other nuances. The picture can look very out of place in a particular shade, or, conversely, become a bright addition that harmoniously fits into the overall picture and atmosphere of the room.

When choosing wallpaper, you should consider the size of the kitchen itself, especially if the kitchen is small. In this case, not everything will fit. Wallpaper must be chosen carefully. And, in this case, mostly wallpaper with a small pattern. Large details will only make it visually even smaller.

In the kitchen, pasted over with wallpaper, various kinds of interior decorations will look very harmonious, such as vases with and without flowers, paintings, family photos in beautiful frames, especially those made by hand under the overall design of the room, thus creating a special cosiness and emotional atmosphere in home. With a TV of this style, kitchens will also look good.

Ceramic tile

One of the relevant decisions when decorating a kitchen, especially if a kitchen with a gas boiler, is, of course, tiles. Because it's beautiful and comfortable at the same time. It is easy to clean, not afraid of grease and other contaminants, very practical, which is very important for this type of room.

In the case when the kitchen is completely tiled, designers recommend using additional details as decoration. These can be beautiful vases, decorative jars, beautifully laid out fruits, etc.

plastered walls

Decorative plaster makes it possible to make the design unique and individual, reflecting the taste and preferences of the owner of the apartment. This type of cladding is very in demand and popular, because it makes it possible to create something unique and unlike anything else, to express your own flight of fancy. In addition, painting can be done on the plaster coating. To do this, it is better to invite an artist or do the painting yourself. Also, with protrusions on the walls with beautiful plaster, a panel made by oneself or purchased in a store will look great.


A big plus of such a material as drywall is that when using it, absolutely straight and smooth walls are preserved. This design is suitable for creative people. Drywall allows you to bring almost any creative idea to life, using fabric or draping openings where necessary, if necessary.

This type of decoration also provides various design ideas that you can refer to when choosing this option.


Panels are also used in the design quite often. And this is no coincidence, since the panels have many advantages. Firstly, it is reliability and durability, as well as the possibility of combining different types (glass, polymer) panels. And secondly, it is a beautiful and modern design solution that will look appropriate in any kitchen.

painted walls

An excellent solution for those who want to save money and at the same time create a beautiful design with their own hands is, of course, painting the walls. Painted kitchen walls look very stylish, bright and will look harmonious in any design. But you need to understand that only decorative paint is suitable for these purposes. By combining and mixing paint with elements such as sand, starch, sawdust, etc., you can end up with a very interesting and unusual surface.

In this case, any additional design ideas are appropriate. You can decorate such a kitchen with decorative elements (vases, frames). Wall shelves will also look very harmonious, especially if they perfectly match the color scheme of the walls.


Often the choice falls on a brick when it comes to choosing a material for decorating a kitchen room. Brick walls in the kitchen give a special charm to the room. If you choose the right color and shade of this material, then such a kitchen will look especially harmonious, at the same time cozy and homely sincerely.

White brick will look very noble and is more suitable for sophisticated and romantic natures. With gray bricks, you can also achieve a similar effect. The unusual color of the brick, for example, yellow or orange, will give the room some playfulness and brightness. Such colors in the interior should be chosen by those households who have children.

Apron design

To finish the working area (the so-called "apron"), it is recommended to use materials such as stone (natural or artificial), metal panels, tiles and other materials. They are expensive, but they can and should be used selectively, on a separate area, and not on the entire wall.

In fact, there are two types of this kitchen area:

  1. Style "casual", or otherwise neutral style. It does not require any additional details. The key here is functionality.
  2. If the goal is to pay attention to any detail of the kitchen interior, or directly to the work area, then in this case it is made bright and contrasting. It is quite possible to add additional elements there.

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DIY kitchen design: photos, non-standard ideas, design solutions

It takes ~6 minutes to read

The kitchen is the place where the whole family comes together. Therefore, it should be warm and cozy for each member of the family and comfortable for the hostess. It is these factors that should be considered when planning repairs. Today, a do-it-yourself kitchen is far from an innovation. Often the template interior design ideas of experienced craftsmen do not suit creative and demanding customers, then they try to bring individual ideas into an already finished project or create their own style and interior from scratch.

Beautiful layout of the premises in a private house from scratch

If the scale of the kitchen or the layout of the entire apartment allows, then you can visually create it unique and non-standard. This can be done using drywall, podium, multi-level ceilings and spotlights. Such repairs, of course, are easily soiled and long, but in the end you get a cozy kitchenette that you don’t want to leave. It is also a great option to create a kitchen-studio or combine it with a balcony, loggia. If this is a private house (they wrote more about the design in the article), and there is access to the terrace from the dining room, by making a beautiful massive glass door, several problems can be solved at once:

  1. Increase the amount of light in a natural, economical way.
  2. Move the dining area to the terrace (more details), which is possible in the warm season.
  3. Place cabinets and the work area itself on the terrace.


Small corner dining room


Layout option


Option with yellow tones


Option with a terrace

The idea of ​​​​custom wall decor at home

Partitions are also an important element of the kitchen space. Many psychologists claim that the right shades, color and pattern in the interior design of the kitchen can influence a person both positively and negatively. So, bright and catchy tones of flowers awaken an appetite in a person, but at the same time, with a long stay in such a room, a person quickly gets tired and experiences excessive nervousness. But gentle pastel colors, on the contrary, soothe. Therefore, for the harmony of the inner world, these colors are best combined. There are many options for creating a kitchen design and a headset, among the most successful are:

  • stickers, they can be pasted on walls or ceramic tiles (read also), you can pick up a series of drawings and create a whole story;
  • ornaments drawn through stencils (this is the most inexpensive way, because you can make stencils yourself by downloading a picture from the Internet);
  • paintings, panels, plaques and photographs;
  • painting.

You can buy ready-made wallpapers for the kitchen with a pattern (considered in the article) that you like, or you can paint the walls in a monotonous shade (they considered color advice) and make inserts with a pattern, as in the photo:


A photo of the whole family or even a whole collage will add home warmth. You can decorate such a portrait as you like. The internet is full of ideas.

If there are small children in the house, and repairs are simply inevitable, you can use the IdeaPaint wall. You simply glue special wallpaper on the wall and draw on it with a special marker that can be easily erased. Such an idea will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults who will be able to write down the information they need, a reminder or an interesting recipe directly on the kitchen wall. This is not only a useful thing, but also an interesting design.


Decorating furniture with your own hands, or how to create an inexpensive design (photo)

After finishing the renovation in the dining room, putting in a new set, it often seems boring and simple. To give standard furniture exclusivity, use the following techniques:

  • decoupage;
  • painting;
  • plastic, foam pads that look similar to carvings (a great option for giving a classic style to an ordinary kitchen set);
  • special film: it can look like any natural material, made in any shade you need, or with any pattern;
  • non-standard fittings.


Walls in orange


cartoon kitchen set


Mosaic tile apron


Apron option above the stove


Classic style


Italian décor

The kitchen interior and its design will help to dilute handmade textile decorations. On the Internet you can find many such master classes from experienced handmade masters. To give the old technique a new look, you can simply paint it or paste over it with a film. In the case of painting, it is better to use paint in spray cans, it lays down in an even and thin layer.

There is a special film for decorating countertops and facades, it is easily glued, you can choose any pattern or “material”: leather, metal, marble, granite and wood.
If bright colors and massive decorations are chosen as decor, then it is better to give preference to either walls, or furniture, or appliances. Decorating everything at once will make the room overloaded, and it will become difficult to be in it.

Make furniture for the kitchen with your own hands

There is nothing better than conveniently furnishing a space in the kitchen that can save space in the room and accommodate as many utensils as possible. Often, finished furniture in the interior of the kitchen is rather impractical. Therefore, experienced craftsmen assemble their own or remake already finished ones. An important criterion is functionality, practicality, space saving and, of course, external characteristics.


Table with drawers


Drawers for dishes


Do-it-yourself washing


Country style


A good solution can be called secret cabinets for large dishes, spices and cereals, cans with preservation and other things.


Hidden dish drawer


Spacious closet


Spacious cupboard for dishes


Corner kitchen cabinet

DIY interior textiles

A cozy interior in the kitchen can be created using individually decorated textile items. So, curtains, potholders, towels and even pillows will become not just helpers in the kitchen, but also decor. Elements made from the same fabric will look harmonious. It is better to use natural linen and thick cotton for such purposes. These fabrics are not very easily soiled, absorb moisture well and are heat resistant.


Various grip options


Aprons and tablecloths


Table in gray tones

Cozy little things

In any home, you can see a cute little thing, completely useless, but it is she who creates a special homely atmosphere. Among these little things you can use:

  • magnets. Today, probably, there is not a single apartment on the refrigerator of which there are no magnets. They can be bought on vacation or made by hand. The materials for such magnets are varied: salt dough, cereals, coffee, tea, textiles, cold porcelain, flowers and other improvised means;
  • vases and dishes. An original vase for every little thing can be created from twine, or threads of different colors, glue and a ball. It can also be dishes made of clay or gypsum;
  • souvenirs and boxes. Any materials are suitable for their manufacture: paper, plaster, cold porcelain, clay, wood. Needlework masters make boxes even from what an ordinary housewife simply throws out after use: a scotch tape reel, a toilet paper base;
  • hooks. Non-standard hooks can be made from cutlery, tree branches;
  • non-standard organizers;
  • pots of various shapes, in which there can be both flowers and healthy greens.


Spices in a frame


Cereal decoration in a bottle


Can decor


flower plants

To make the kitchen attractive, cozy and lively, wall decor is indispensable. Using different design methods, you can also zone the room, emphasize its most advantageous sides and mask existing shortcomings.

To decorate the walls in the kitchen correctly and create a favorable atmosphere in it, you should use some tips from designers.

What wall finishes to choose for your own kitchen

Wallpaper for wall decoration- do not be afraid to use this material, because special washable wallpapers are made especially for the kitchen, which are not afraid of steam and water splashes, and which, if necessary, can be washed.

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, you should pay attention to their packaging, which indicates all the characteristics of this product.

Durable vinyl wallpapers are ideal for decorating walls in the kitchen, but you can also use traditional paper ones with a special water-repellent impregnation.

The choice of wallpapers for the kitchen is currently huge - there are products with geometric prints, floral patterns, exotic ornaments, as well as images of fruits, vegetables, dishes and so on.

Finding the right ones for your kitchen is easy. With the help of wallpaper, you can create a fashionable and up-to-date kitchen interior, without even resorting to the help of specialists - you can stick them on the wall yourself, after reading the instructions in advance.

However, this method of decoration also has disadvantages: any, even the most original ornament, can get bored very quickly. In addition, under the influence of hot steam, the wallpaper can peel off the wall over time.

Wall murals for wall decoration- this way of decor has not lost its popularity for many years. With the help of photo wallpapers of a certain style, you can make your kitchen original and unique, give it a twist and create the right atmosphere.

It is very important that this type of finish is in harmony with all other elements of the interior, and fits the chosen kitchen design. For example, in a kitchen made in the style or, photo wallpapers with images of megacities, large bridges and other industrial structures will look very appropriate.

For a room whose interior is decorated in shabby chic or styles, you should choose romantic wallpapers - with images of flowers, butterflies, weaving grapes, and so on.

This type of design of the kitchen space looks very stylish, in addition, it can be used to reliably mask a flaw on the wall. However, such a wall must remain completely free so that nothing interferes with admiring the image on it, and this is not always appropriate.

It is the work area that requires maximum protection in a room such as an apron, and the tile will perfectly cope with this task.

The use of decorative stone- this material looks very noble and expensive, it is able to decorate any kitchen, make it more stylish and respectable. However, decorative stone is not cheap, so not all homeowners can afford to use it in decorating kitchen walls.

The undeniable advantages of this material are its durability, attractive appearance, resistance to numerous adverse external influences (elevated temperatures, dirt, grease splashes, etc.).

The only drawback is the high cost. To decorate walls with such material, you should contact professional craftsmen, since stone installation requires special skills.

Decorative plaster in wall decoration is a great way to create a unique and inimitable kitchen design. To perform such work, a special type of plaster is used, which is applied to the main layer. The type of patterns obtained will depend on the choice of tools and methods of applying the solution.

Decorating kitchen walls with plaster is a rather complicated process that requires care and accuracy. The advantage of using this method is that there is no need to level the walls before performing it - on the contrary, the presence of some irregularities is only welcome.

Decorative plaster perfectly masks small wall defects; with its help, you can even make an original drawing that will become a real decoration of the interior. One of the advantages of plaster is that it is quite difficult to scratch or spoil it, since a coating is formed on the surface of the wall, which is highly durable.

Two types of this material can be used in wall decoration: acrylic composition and dry mix. The first of them is much more expensive, but dries pretty quickly - only 1 week.

Brick wall decoration- very often the choice falls on this decorative material, when there is a desire to decorate the kitchen in an original and stylish way. With the help of brick walls in the room, you can create a special atmosphere, give it charm.

It is only necessary to choose the right shade of this material, and then the kitchen will look respectable and harmonious, and at the same time cozy and sincere. White brick looks very noble, this finish is ideal for sophisticated and romantic natures. The brick of gray shades will also look elegant in the interior of the kitchen.

To give the room some playfulness and brightness, designers advise choosing orange or terracotta bricks. Such rich colors in the interior are ideal for households with children.

The main advantages of this type of finish: durability, strength, reliable protection of the walls. If the brickwork gets tired over time, you can simply apply a layer of plaster on it, then glue the wallpaper or paint it.

Cork is a natural material, for the manufacture of which the bark of the Mediterranean oak is used. Due to the highly porous structure, which resembles a honeycomb, and also due to the presence of cell sap insoluble in alcohol and water, cork has high performance.

It provides excellent sound and heat insulation, does not attract dust, prevents the formation of mold, condensation and corrosion. Cork does not emit toxic substances, it is an excellent insulator from electric current. This material is also water repellent.

Cork flooring is available in modular tiles, rolls, paper-based cork wallpaper, and even in liquid form. This decorative coating does not require special care - to keep the cork walls clean, it is enough to wipe them periodically with a damp cloth using traditional detergents that do not contain abrasives and solvents.

However, cork, like many other natural materials, is susceptible to sunlight. Such a coating is able to change its natural color and fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, in addition, it can dry out, which will cause changes in the size of the plates.

To avoid this, it is necessary to maintain the same humidity regime in the kitchen, as well as install curtains or blinds on the windows.

Wooden lining in wall decoration- an interesting solution, but it can not be used in every interior. This material is perfect for creating rustic, Mediterranean and Scandinavian styles, as well as shabby chic, Provence and country styles.

There are several types of wooden lining: spire, standard, American, euro, etc.

You can also find decorative trim in the form of corrugation or waves in specialized stores. You can give such material a more expensive and exclusive look with the help of colors and paints - the main thing is to choose the right shade that is in harmony with the interior. The wooden lining looks very attractive, but it is not cheap.

Painting- this is probably the easiest and most affordable way to tidy up the walls in the kitchen. Experts advise using water-based paint for this purpose.

This type of coating is odorless, does not cause allergies, dries quickly and looks attractive. The main thing is that it is highly resistant to the adverse effects of a humid environment.

So that the walls in the kitchen can be washed periodically, glossy paints can be used for finishing. Matte coatings also have their own advantages - they mask well and hide small irregularities on the walls.

Choice of wall colors for the kitchen

As for the color of the walls, its choice should depend on several factors: the size of the room, the chosen interior style, the location of the windows (south or north side), the preferences of the owners of the home.

Currently, there are no strict restrictions on color, any shades can be used in wall decoration - the main thing is to take into account all available factors. For example, if the kitchen is small, then it is better to make the walls as light as possible, then the room will look more spacious.

In the kitchen, the windows of which overlook the cold server side, you can paint the walls in warm, soft colors - beige, light yellow, pale pink.

In addition, the color of the walls should be in harmony with the style of the interior - for example, white tones are perfect for creating a Provence, Mediterranean, Scandinavian, Shabby chic kitchen. Bright shades are combined with modern styles, while soft and muted shades are combined with classic ones.

What styles of interiors are combined with different ways of decorating walls

When choosing one or another material for wall decoration in the kitchen, it is very important to consider the style in which its interior is made. Designers advise using stone, decorative plaster, wallpaper and painting when creating classic interiors.

Brick will look great in the kitchen, the interior of which is made in the loft style. When creating a rustic style, as well as country styles, shabby chic and Provence, you can choose a wooden lining.

When arranging a kitchen in modern minimalist or hi-tech styles, preference should be given to plastic panels, photo wallpapers or ceramic tiles. Cork flooring will perfectly decorate a room furnished in a Scandinavian or Mediterranean style.

Many designers agree that the most effective way to change the surrounding space, to give it exclusivity, are decorative elements.



The same hot dishes are rearranged from time to time on surfaces that you really don’t want to damage. Textile, wooden, bamboo or plastic coasters will save furniture from characteristic traces and serve as a decoration for the kitchen.


Tablecloths, napkins, pelmets, curtains, chair pads - this textile ensemble defines the mood of the kitchen and fulfills practical purposes.

Small floral prints on a delicate background are suitable for rustic styles, fabrics with shiny monograms and fringes are classic. But checkered textiles are universal and will find application in absolutely opposite directions.


Curtains tend to change the situation much more significantly than you think. They occupy most of the wall and definitely affect the mood and atmosphere. You have 3 options:

  • improve old curtains with accessories;
  • purchase new curtains from a different fabric;
  • get curtains of a different model.

Tiebacks, clips, fringes, ruffles or piping all give familiar curtains a whole new look.

Curtains with photo printing are another element that refreshes the environment, designed to become the main highlight of the interior. Moreover, the image is applied to any model of curtains.

Roller blinds, Roman curtains, cafe curtains, stained glass curtains - they are all compact and free up the window sill for flowers, kitchen utensils or a beloved cat. Roman and roll models are versatile and fit modern and classic trends. The other two varieties will be more appropriate in soft romantic or rustic styles.

A miniature curtain-skirt will replace the cabinet doors and play the role of a cozy decoration.


If for one reason or another you decide to refuse curtains, but have not yet decided what to do with the cornice, decorate it with a lambrequin. This old palace disguise of cornices will add charm to both the window opening and the kitchen as a whole.

The color of the lambrequin will complement the furniture upholstery, kitchen apron, and other interior elements in creating color harmony.

digital photo frame

The implementation of this kitchen decor idea involves the presence of two objects - a free outlet and the device itself. With the role of the latter, the old iPad, which works only from the outlet, is quite correct.

Thanks to the slideshow with photos, you will remember the pleasant moments of life more often. And if instead of a photo in the slideshow there are words with translation and voice acting, you will quickly master a foreign language.


Patchwork technique is becoming more and more popular and confidently expanding its positions. Today, patchwork is not only fabric sewn from scraps of different fabrics, but also a style of wall or floor ceramic tiles.

This kitchen idea gives you the opportunity to win three times because you:

  • choose the tiles yourself, creating unique combinations;
  • get a decor that does not take up extra space;
  • You can save on materials by purchasing the rest of the collection.

Patchwork textiles are a less drastic change, as they can make your kitchen colorful and avant-garde from time to time. Curtains, tablecloth, carpet, chair pads or towels - each of these details will make the interior brighter and more unusual.

The main thing in patchwork is not to overdo it, otherwise the room will be too colorful. This technique looks best against the background of monochrome interiors.

artificial fruit

If the season for fresh fruits and vegetables is still far away, create a pleasant illusion for yourself with imitations of wax, plastic or fabric with foam rubber.
But when the season is in full swing, they will be a good reminder to restock.


Even a small thing brings its own energy into the room, and connoisseurs of figurines will agree with this. Each of them carries its own set of emotions and symbols.

Joy, abundance, grace, love - all this is combined in a ceramic, iron or glass little thing.

If a lyrical attitude is alien to you, pay attention to a variety of piggy banks.


Wall masks do not have to look intimidating and repulsive, although they are in demand.

They can carry refinement, femininity and quirkiness of forms.

Do you want to change your image every day or become your favorite movie character? Surround yourself with magical masks that promote this transformation!

Vinyl stickers

Vinyl decals are one of the most affordable ways to transform a room and add personality to it today. Unusual silhouettes, recognizable drawings, various inscriptions can diversify any interior solutions.

Stickers are durable, affordable and easy to maintain.

Decorative film

An even more compact “analogue” of curtains is window film, which is glued directly to the glass. Films are sunscreen, mirror, with photo printing, drawings or stained glass.

Compared to curtains, they do not take up any space at all, do not fade from the sun, maintain the microclimate of the room and protect the glass from damage.

A film with a three-dimensional image will replace a nondescript city landscape with an endless field or sea.

If desired, the film can also be pasted over glazed furniture facades.

Original lighting items

A designer chandelier, extraordinary lampshades, pendants or wall sconces will bring a completely new lighting, glare and, accordingly, mood to your kitchen.

Vase or jug

A stylish designer vase, like a jug, is a beautiful and necessary item in every kitchen. How is it - a vase is not needed? Is that a reason not to give flowers? Where to put them then?

Wreath or garland

The sharpest peppers, garlic, spices and dried fruits are the ideal material for a useful, and even edible decor.

There is only one minus - not everyone will like to spoil the composition, tearing off details to add to dishes.

LED Strip Light

A modern solution that serves both as a decor and as an opportunity to save energy.

You can place the LED strip anywhere - under the upper tier of the kitchen set to illuminate the work surface, along the perimeter of the floor, ceiling, mirror or sofa. Thanks to the color RGB lighting, you will choose the color of the evening kitchen lighting depending on your mood.


The fact that carpets make the room more comfortable, and also able to surprise with colors and shapes is undeniable. But will he be in the kitchen by the way? Of course, if:

  • you have a cold tile floor;
  • you dropped something fragile;
  • you need to mask the floor covering that has lost its appearance;
  • you want to separate the dining area from the work area;
  • There is a sense in additional soundproofing.

Art pin frame

What is also called an express sculptor or 3-d-memory is, in fact, nails glazed into a frame, which once again confirms the direct relationship between simplicity and genius. Why is it useful? In addition to imprints of absolutely any objects, you will test your knowledge of the language of generally accepted signs by exchanging messages with other family members.

Are you not going to get creative? Start small, because you have an ever-renewing canvas in front of you.

Plus, the art pin is a great educational, and most importantly, a distracting object for the child, which will come in handy while you warm up his meal.

The music of wind

Windmill Wooden or iron tubes, bells, feathers and other ringing and rustling objects that create one composition are also called a windmill. This is one of the symbols of Feng Shui, designed to protect the house and bring good luck. However, someone is inclined to believe that wind music has nothing to do with ancient Chinese teachings.

If you are a lover of oriental style or just melodic ringing and drafts that create it, this decor will be perfect for you. And for connoisseurs of the practical side of things, wind music, hung at the front door, will be a signal of the arrival of guests.

original fittings

Even such a trifle as locker handles can decorate and radically transform the interior! Large beads or baby hairpins with flowers instead of boring, ordinary cabinet handles are a lovely decor that changes the look of the headset as a whole.

Do it yourself

If you want to decorate your kitchen with a unique décor that you definitely won't see anywhere else, make it yourself. Here are a few kitchen ideas that are quite feasible at home:

  • Self-made or painted wall plates.
  • Threaded bottles, vases, jars for tea and cereals.
  • Cross-stitch, cutwork, macrame, crocheted or knitted napkins and chair covers.
  • Coasters for hot pots made from vines, paper, matches, or dried cyperus stems.
  • A mosaic of fragments of plates, cups and saucers will decorate a kitchen apron, table or window.
  • Dough decor or.
  • Wooden round stand or lid for infusing tea.
  • Panel of acorns, cones and others, which can be done with your child.
  • Pockets of old bags or jeans for scoops, crayons and other utensils. If they don't fit, rip open the bottom seam of the pocket.
  • Painting or painting the facades of the kitchen, refrigerator, window frames and door jambs.
  • Beautiful branches covered with copper, silver varnish, gold, bright paint or artificial foam snow. In eco-interiors, a simple, unprocessed branch can become both a decor and a towel rack.
  • Bottles with cereals, spices, berries and condiments stacked in layers. Corn, chili peppers, small beans, colorful leaves, peas, lentils and others can participate.
  • Paper lanterns - make every day a holiday.
  • Origami - paper figurines of animals, birds, fish, insects and flowers - interesting decor and wonderful family leisure.
  • Old CDs are an excellent material for decorating a kitchen backsplash, window framing, paintings, mirrors, and almost any object.

Among the variety of ideas for decor, it will be easy to choose the option that will appeal to you. Everyone can find a solution with which your room can become brighter, more cheerful, extraordinary.

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