Why is my right hand itching? Why is my right palm itching? — Signs, medicine, psychology

Our higher mind itself chooses the body for incarnation. It is the main tool for realizing the goals and objectives of a specific incarnation and allows us to exist in physical world. The body is a perfect mechanism, which, nevertheless, is subject to certain negative impact. Diseases often affect him, and only the left or right side of the body may suffer; esotericism gives the answer to the question of why this happens.

Masculine energy on the right side of the body

Every person has two types of energies: male and female. Their harmony and balance are the key to longevity and good health. An imbalance in energy balance leads to the development of diseases. According to esotericism, the right side of the body represents male energy and is characterized by the following features:

  • personifies the ability to achieve success, assert oneself and dominate;
  • corresponds to strength and intellectual characteristics;
  • reflects the attitude towards the outside world.

A strong masculine principle ensures career success, high social position, status, and power. It can be developed in both men and women. In men, an imbalance of energy flows on the right side of the body can be caused by the following problems:

  • lack of self-confidence;
  • failures in professional activity;
  • conflicts in the family that suppress a man;
  • lack of opportunity to express masculine qualities.

All this affects the circulation of male energy, causing psychological problems and various diseases on the right side of the body.

For women the situation is slightly different. Internal conflict arises if a woman is in a difficult life situation and is forced to develop masculine qualities in order to cope with it. The same situation arises if a woman is actively pursuing a career and displays assertiveness and other qualities, characteristic of men. Masculine energy, taken out of balance in women, leads to diseases that affect the right side of the body, says esotericism.

Feminine energy on the left side of the body

The left side reflects the feminine principle. Feminine creative energy represents wisdom, intuition and calm. It gives a person the following opportunities:

  • show creativity and realize yourself in art;
  • take care of loved ones, show compassion, help those in need;
  • experience a wide range of emotions and feelings.

Feminine energy allows a person to look deep into himself, explore his inner world and develop intuition.

Men who have feminine energy is in a depressed state, unable to show sensitivity, be caring and gentle. They have difficulty expressing feelings and do not have access to creative possibilities and intuition. The energy balance is disrupted, which causes various pathologies on the left side of the body.

For women, internal conflict is caused by the inability to express their femininity and maternal feelings. For a woman to take care of someone, to show vulnerability and sensuality.

If you want to know if there is an imbalance of male and female energy in your body, you need to study interactions with the opposite sex. Unresolved conflicts, negative attitudes and negative emotions to men or women they say that the balance is disturbed. In order to keep the left and right sides of the body in balance, esotericism recommends getting rid of negative emotions and feelings associated with the opposite sex.

Left/right side of the body.

In right-handed people - the right masculine - activity, action, determination, will. Left - female - passive - relaxation, rest, ability to feel.

Left side of the body.
Symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, women, mother.
I have a wonderful balance of feminine energy.

Right side of the body.
Concession, refusal, male energy, men, father.
I easily and effortlessly balance my masculine energy.

The left side of the body symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, woman, mother.

The right side of the body symbolizes masculine energy, a man, a father.

Do not forget that man is a holistic being. Both male and female energy circulate in it. In Eastern philosophy, a lot of attention was paid to the correct circulation and harmony of the energies of the masculine principle - yang and the feminine principle - yin. The exchange of these two types of energies must be balanced. That is, there must be harmony between the masculine and feminine.

How do you know if there is a balance between masculine and feminine energy in your body? This is very easy to do. Your relationships with the women/men in your life reflect interactions internal energies. Analyze your relationships with the opposite sex. Start with your parents. If you have even the slightest negative thoughts towards your parents and the opposite sex, this means that the balance is disturbed, and this, in turn, leads to all kinds of suffering: scoliosis, diseases of the genital area and others. Reconsider your attitude towards parents, since the father in the life of a child symbolizes the masculine principle of the Universe, and the mother symbolizes the feminine. Get rid of negative thoughts about yourself and the opposite sex. In this way, you will balance the masculine and feminine in your life, in your body, left and right.

Everything that hurts on the right is associated with feminine energy. If the right nostril is blocked, take off the offense against the woman. If something aches on the left, it is connected with the attitude towards men. Release negativity with the stronger sex, and the pain will disappear.

The right side of the body corresponds to light, objectivity, knowledge, the left side corresponds to darkness, subjectivity, intuition. Darkness is primary, it is spiritual (the heart is on the left side), light is secondary, vital, material.

During battles, a person fought with his right hand, and defended himself (carried a shield) with his left. The right half is used for attack and is considered masculine, and the left half is for defense, feminine.

The right side of the body in both men and women reflects the masculine principle. She is responsible for the ability to give, dominate and assert oneself. This is the authoritarian and intellectual part of our being, related to the outside world: work, business, competition, social status, politics and power. In both men and women, the right side of the body represents the connection with the inner masculine principle.

Problems with right side for men, may mean conflict related to the expression of masculine qualities, responsibility for the family, difficulties of competition at work, lack of self-esteem or uncertainty with sexual orientation. For women, the right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, difficulties in demonstrating confidence and assertiveness in a position that is usually occupied by men. Some mothers have to intensively develop the masculine side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict.

In addition, the right side reflects relationships with men: with father, brother, loved one, son - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

An example of this is the fate of Ellie, who came to me with complaints of slight numbness on the right side of her body, which had haunted her since adolescence. As a child, she was a real tomboy. During the conversation, it became clear that the numbness appeared shortly after her father expressed an urgent desire for her to become a true lady and study to be a secretary, while the only thing Ellie wanted was to become a military pilot. As a result, she had to cut off her assertiveness or, more precisely, break the connection with this part of her, which caused the malaise, namely, numbness on the right side. To heal, Ellie needed to forgive her father for imposing his will on her, to fully believe in herself to follow own desires, and again revive that suppressed, unrecognized part of yourself. The last time I saw her, she was studying to be a pilot, although not a military one.

Left and right side of the body. The left side of the body in both men and women reflects the feminine principle. It means the ability to ask for help, accept, obey, feed and care for others, be creative, artistic, listen and trust one's own wisdom. This side is connected to the house and inner world reflection and intuition.

In men, problems with the left side reflect difficulties with showing care and sensitivity, the ability to cry and show one's own feelings, and accessing one's own creativity, intuition and inner wisdom. Boys are told from childhood that brave men don't cry, which is why so many grown men never get in touch with their sensitive, empathetic side.

In women, the left side reflects problems with expressing vulnerability, femininity, showing care and maternal feelings, the conflict between sensitivity and responsibility.

In addition, the left side reflects relationships with women: mother, sister, lover, wife, daughter - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

Here's what a specialist writes: therapeutic massage Jenny Britton: “David came in for a massage complaining of lower back pain on the left side. As I began to massage his back, he began to tell me that he had recently canceled a wedding that was supposed to take place in two months. The wedding day had already been set, the dress was sewn, and he and the bride even bought a house. David said he would be happy to continue living with her, but she insisted on getting married or breaking up completely. David decided to break up, and it was not at all easy. His back - lower left, in the area of ​​emotional support/standing up for one's rights/connection with women - was tight and tense. He said that he immediately moved from living with his mother to living with his fiancée, and only now realized how much he needed to stand on his own feet.”

For women, the right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, difficulties in demonstrating confidence and assertiveness in a position that is usually occupied by men. Some mothers have to intensively develop the masculine side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict.

I’ll add on my own behalf in this paragraph - that’s all I have. Now I have to work hard to provide my son and myself with everything they need. I am very worried that I have to leave my child for a long time. Nevertheless, he needs to be shown what can be achieved in life when there is no support, to show assertiveness in his aspirations. Here I have it internal conflict it is obvious, that is, on the legs - the right leg periodically aches... This is an example.

Human physiology is such that not one special sense organ is responsible for its spatial orientation and perception of space, but the interaction of several at once (vision, hearing and touch). Poor or inaccurate spatial understanding can have a negative impact on intellectual development child.

The topic “right and left” is studied quite fluently at school. However, quite a lot of adults confuse right and left. Ability to distinguish between right and left side is an important prerequisite for many types of learning. Children entering 1st grade are often still poorly oriented in space and on a plane. Most of them are confused about the right and left sides of the body, especially in relation to other people. The greatest difficulties in developing this skill occur in left-handed children.

Therefore, it is necessary to devote a sufficient amount of time to practicing this skill, conducting classes with the child in the form various games and exercises.

Your child needs to start introducing the concepts of “right” and “left” as early as possible! A child does not confuse his leg and his hand, so why does he confuse his right hand with his left? These are different parts of the body! A child learns to understand the words “leg” and “hand” in early infancy, and the question of right and left arises before him much later, when learning new words no longer occurs with the same ease.

How to look for the right hand?

The right hand is often searched for using a habitual action (trying to pick up a spoon, for example). Dahl’s dictionary defines the right hand as “crossed” (compare with Pushkin: “he still could not get them all to know which side was right and which was left, although many of them, in order not to be mistaken, put sign of the cross"). Here is another way - for those who can read. Imagine any word (for example, “shop”). The first letter of this word is on the left, the last is on the right. People usually read from left to right without thinking.

Right is not left and left is not right

How strange everything is! What is right for me turns out to be left for the one who is facing me. In order to understand him, I must (mentally or physically) put myself in his place, stand next to him, look at the world through his eyes.

Thinking about something from another person's perspective is not easy. But the importance of this skill cannot be overestimated. At the very least, it goes far beyond the scope of education itself.

COMMENT: Ask the child to fold his hands as in the picture. Read the captions under the pictures. Discuss how it happened that right hand ended up on the left. Ask your child to put left hand on your right knee, slap your right hand on your left foot, and reach your right ear with your right foot. You can stomp your right foot and wave your left hand at the same time. In motion, many things are remembered easier.

In European countries, people greet each other by shaking each other's right hand.

Task No. 1.

Determine where the beetle's body parts are on the right and where the left are. Write the words in the rectangles:

What beetle antennae do we see to the left of its head?

Task No. 2.

A man entered a labyrinth. First, he put his right hand on the wall and walks forward without lifting his hand from the wall. Through which exit will he exit the maze? Answer: exit No.___. Then he put his left hand on the wall and walks forward, also without taking his hand off the wall. Which exit will he come to? Answer: exit number ___.

Now complete the task!

Task No. 3.

Here's a tree. How many leaves are on this tree?

Try to choose a leaf of a tree with any number and write your own path on how to get there.

Task No. 4.

Comment: This task gives the child the main tool: it teaches him to take the point of view of another person.

Task No. 5.

Four fishermen will have dinner at the table.

Imagine yourself sitting on one of the stools.

Where is your right hand?

Draw a fork and a knife next to each plate so that each fisherman sees the knife to the right of the plate and the fork to the left.

Comment: Try to solve this task not only in theory, but also in practice, changing from chair to chair around the dining table.

Task No. 6.

Carrots, pears and apples are drawn in a row.

Show me the rightmost carrot.

Show me the leftmost pear.

Name the fruits that are drawn to the left of the leftmost carrot?

Now do a similar task yourself: Draw four triangles and three circles in a row so that the rightmost circle is to the left of the leftmost triangle.

Circle the rightmost circle.

Circle the leftmost triangle.

Which of these figures is located to the left?

Task No. 7.

Here is a series of letters.

What is the rightmost letter in this series? Name it?

What is the leftmost letter in this row? Name it?

List all the letters that are located to the left of the letter P?

How many letters in this row are located to the right of the letter P?

Task No. 8.

Draw a fish swimming from right to left. Draw a snake crawling from left to right.

Task No. 9.

There are four animals in the picture.

Let's list them. In the picture from right to left are drawn: PIG, CAT, GIRAFFE, HARE.

List the animals from left to right (as is usually done).
Show the right ear of each animal.
Who can the cat see to its left?
List the animals that a giraffe can see to his left?
COMMENT: in this task there are two characters: the child looking at the picture, and the animals in the picture. The child first answers questions from his own point of view, and then from the point of view of animals.
Now let's take a little rest and read poems about RIGHT and LEFT:
Where is right, where is left
A student stood at a fork in the road.
Where is right and where is left, he could not understand.

But suddenly the student scratched his head
With the same hand with which I wrote.
And he threw the ball and flipped through the pages.
And he held a spoon and swept the floors.
"Victory!" - there was a jubilant cry.
Where is right and where is left, the student found out.
Stork, long-legged stork,
Then - with your left foot.
Then you'll come home!

3. You can remember the funny boogie-woogie dance and dance it:

Handle right forward
And then her back
And again forward
And let's shake it up a little.
We boogie-woogie
Let's go!

Let's talk about mirroring!

Many parents face this problem. Even if the baby knows perfectly well where his right is and where his left is, he will definitely get confused with the mirror image. You can explain to him for a very long time what is what, but, as you know, it’s better to see once... Place the doll or teddy bear with its back to the child and ask where the toy’s right paw is. After the baby answers, tie ribbons on this paw and on the baby’s right hand. Now turn the toy “facing” the child. What happens? The ribbons turned out to be different sides! Turn the toy back again. The ribbons matched. Let the child twirl the toy himself several times to understand what is happening. You can tie ribbons on the paws of several toys and experiment with them. You can put a bracelet on a child’s hand and play with the reflection in the mirror. It is important that the baby understands that the right hand remains right. And magic occurs due to changes in the position of objects relative to each other.

The article used materials from the manual: "Left and right. Orientation on a plane and in space. Point of view."

In the diagram below, you can find, if you think about it, the approximate cause of your body’s illness:

Left side of the body- male energy, or everything connected with father, husband, son, male gender.

Right side of the body- feminine energy, or everything connected with mother, wife, daughter, female gender.

NB! Eastern philosophy teaches the opposite, I know that. So I tested my knowledge. Of course, I turned to my highest spiritual mentors. Only in cases of extreme necessity am I given a brief verbal answer. Usually they tell me: “You know it yourself, That’s it!” The answer to this question was: "This highest level. Why don't you look yourself? All!"

Medium Hilja asked why I see the placement of energies differently than others. Here's what they told her:

“In a copy of the physical body, male energy is located on the right, female energy on the left. This is a form of cumulative energy, whose level is already surmountable for a person. Moreover, humanity needs such overcoming.

For Luule, the discovered form of energy is the highest level of man, without which physical person does not exist. This is a projection of a person as a single whole at the level of subtle matter, a whole that never disappears, but is embodied again and again, if there is an order from the Cosmic Register.

Magnetism is a form of spirituality of every living and non-living unity. It determines the strength of the inescapability of physical unity. And it is already expanding to the level of gravitational fields.

The essence of magnetic energy becomes visible through forgiveness. Using magnetism for healing purposes will enable humanity to survive."

Lower body- energy associated with the past; the lower, the more distant the past. The closer to the ground, the more material the problem.

Upper body- energy associated with the future.

Front of the body- the energy of feelings accumulating in the chakras or energy centers:

- I chakra- energy vitality, or vitality; located on the inner surface of the coccyx;

- II chakra- sexuality, located at the level of the pubic bone;

- III chakra- power and dominance, the so-called solar plexus; located at the level of the navel;

- IV chakra- love is located at the level of the heart;

- V chakra- communication, located at the level of the larynx;

- VI chakra- hope or balance of the world of feelings, the so-called third eye; located at forehead level;

- VII chakra- faith, located on the crown.

NB! If a person has faith, hope and love, then he has a future. Back of the body- will energy, or willpower.

The spine is located at the back of the body. The spinal canal contains the main energy channel, from which energy moves into the lateral channels and from there to organs, tissues and other parts of the body. The spine plays a critical role in the functioning and performance of the physical body. By carefully examining the spine alone with the third eye, all diseases of the body can be identified.

From each vertebra, energy moves through an energy channel and enters a specific organ. If a vertebra is damaged, the corresponding organ becomes ill.

No one! a vertebra is not damaged without reason. The cause of any illness is blockage of energy caused by stress. If the flow of love energy slows down, then everything in life begins to go awry. If the flow of love energy stops, then the person dies. Then even the most powerful resuscitator will no longer help. The best doctor in the world cannot save you.

Here I would like to dispel the fears of many people suffering from sclerosis regarding the use of eggshells in medicinal purposes. Calcium does not increase, but reduces sclerosis. When the backbone is strengthened, the inner masculine side of a person is strengthened. Sclerosis is an ossified

unyielding attitude. Absorbing eggshells, You reduce your anger towards the male sex as the culprit of the economic collapse of the world. This happens even when you do not want to forgive men and do not know how to free yourself from ingrained ideas. The body will help you with this.

The movement of love energy is blocked by fear.

When fear attracts bad things, anger begins to destroy the body.

Modern civilization has accumulated stress over many lives and generations.

Popular literature considers stress as a tense state of the body, a kind of defensive reaction to negative factors. In fact, stress is an invisible energetic connection with the bad.

Everything that's bad for specific person, is stress for him, while for another it is not necessarily stress.

The medical understanding of stress covers it physical layer- the emerging disease and its probable cause. Both medicine and people usually understand stress as mental tension, followed by illness. In fact, the accumulation of invisible negative energy occurs long before physical illness occurs.

Everyone has seen drawings depicting the human biofield; it is like a wreath of rays. Rays connect a person with his events present life, as well as previous lives. Each positive ray - white - is connected to a good event, each negative - black - goes back to a bad event that remained uncorrected. Everything can be corrected, regardless of the time of the event, and forgiveness corrects it. Only forgiveness contains the magical power that releases the bad.

Everything that is good for a person is bad learned in previous lives. Whatever is bad should be learned in this life. If we do not do this, then we will still have a debt of karma, and next life it will be more difficult to redeem him - negativity is constantly doing its job.

The place to which the black ray is directed continuously loses its positivity and gradually becomes ill.

Every wrong thought attracts black to itself. If we want life and health to be good, we must break the black connection, or stress.

A feeling of numbness in the limbs may occur due to impaired blood supply and innervation of certain areas skin and deep muscles. Patients who should be examined for vascular patency, the integrity of nerve endings, and the presence of structural changes in large joints. It would be a good idea to consult a neurologist about the condition of the central nervous system.

The feeling of numbness may occur separately in the legs and arms. It can be symmetrical, permanent, transient. When diagnosing, a combination of anamnesis and external examination data is taken into account. If the doctor notices a change in the color and structure of the external skin, then he may suspect trophic disorders due to insufficient blood supply. This usually indicates damage to large and small blood vessels.

It is important to pay attention to the presence of tissue swelling. In the case of massive edema, we can say that mainly the venous vessels are affected. With thinning of the skin, a bluish tint, and stabbing sensations, suspicions fall on damage to the arterial blood vessels.

What can cause numbness?

If the right arm and leg go numb at the same time, then the cause of this phenomenon should be sought in the central nervous system. In this case, functional diagnostics should be carried out not only on the structures of the brain, but also on the spinal column. Very often, such symptoms are caused by unilateral damage to the radicular nerve endings. The reason for this may be widespread unilateral osteochondrosis. It is formed under the influence of such negative factors as:

  • long stay of the body in one position or another;
  • physical activity with uneven distribution of effort on symmetrical parts of the body;
  • violation of occupational and rest hygiene;
  • inflammatory processes and damage to the spinal cartilage by viruses and bacteria.

Very often the reasons for this phenomenon lie in school age in the form of primary curvature of the spinal column. Subsequently, throughout a person’s life, a degenerative process of formation of additional cartilage tissue on the opposite affected side. This further aggravates the compression of the nerve endings. After minor physical activity this condition can lead to temporary numbness of the right extremities.

It can also be caused by a disturbance in the conduction of nerve impulses in the central nervous system, in the brain. In this case, persistent functional disorders are observed when a person cannot independently make full movements of the limbs. This condition is called paresis. It can be a consequence of alcohol and toxic damage to certain areas of the brain.

A separate group of reasons are disturbances in protein, mineral and vitamin metabolic processes. With a deficiency of B vitamins and nicotinic acid, a decrease in the sensitivity of certain parts of the human body can occur. As a rule, the peripheral nerve pathways that are responsible for the innervation of the limbs are primarily affected.

What to do, which doctor to see

If you periodically feel numbness in the limbs on the right side, then you should first consult a neurologist. After checking the sensitivity of the nerve endings, you may be sent for a consultation with a vascular surgeon. Laboratory diagnostics include duplex scanning of blood vessels, a study of the rheological properties of blood, magnetic resonance imaging of all parts of the spinal column, and radiographic examination of large joints.

In case of neuropathies and brain lesions, treatment is carried out in a specialized hospital. In all other cases, successful treatment at home is possible. In case of lesions of large vessels, surgical intervention is indicated to bypass and restore their patency.


For preventive purposes, you should pay attention to factors such as:

  • proper organization of work and rest schedules;
  • arrangement sleeping place according to hygiene standards;
  • balanced nutrition with the inclusion of additional minerals and vitamin complexes if necessary;
  • regular physical exercise;
  • refusal bad habits, alcohol abuse.

Visit your doctor periodically to check for various diseases at an early stage.

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