Why dream of telekinesis in a dream. The magic of numbers. If you had a bad dream

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Why does Telekinesis dream in a dream according to 1 dream book?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Telekinesis symbol from 1 online dream book. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

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Find out what it means if you dream of Telekinesis?

Seeing in a dream a person who has amazing telekinesis abilities- evidence that you will commit a dishonorable act in order to seize information.

If you dreamed that you had the ability to telekinesis- this means that you are waiting for a big loss or serious problems that you cannot solve without outside help. A woman has such a dream- says that she has an amazing intuition, which she can count on even in the most difficult cases.

Video: Why dream of Telekinesis

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I dreamed of Telekinesis, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what Telekinesis is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed of telekinesis for several days in a row, namely, everything happened like this: I left a house, there was a small house opposite, I left the house and headed for the door of this house. As soon as I touched the door handle, the door immediately opened and a terrible spirit appeared in front of me, which, without touching me, took me by the neck and lifted me into the air, while I could not scream and could not wake up, and I also experienced pain in a dream in the chest. What could it mean?

    Hello. I dreamed that I was moving an object, while I was doing it with an effort of will, my hand was directed towards the object with the palm of my hand, and the power, as it were, was from the middle of the palm, my right hand. earlier I had such dreams, and I made more efforts, but the object obeyed worse, today I realized that the less stress, the easier the object obeys, as if only pure desire should remain, so that this could mean?

    At first I saw myself standing in front of my bookshelf. One of the books had a wrapper on it. I looked at him and he started to move. I knew right away that I had telekinesis. Then I managed to lift the handle.
    Next, I move to the classroom. There I tell my friends about my gift. And then the whole class. Then, with the help of telekinesis, in order to prove to everyone my strength, I take chalk and draw on the board “This is my gift.”

    Hello, I don’t exactly remember the vivid details of my dream. I remember that I moved things with the help of force - telekinesis, it scared me a lot, what could it mean? I clearly remember my hand and how I moved some object with it, but in myself hand this object was not.)

    Hello Tatiana. My name is Eugene, I'm 21 years old. In general, in my life, I always believe in miracles. And 100% sure that thoughts materialize. 3 months ago my father was killed, tonight in my dream, I saw him, this is not the first time, he smiled at me but was at a certain distance, as if he was protecting me. I was very glad to see him and suddenly later I found myself with my friends, in a warm atmosphere we were walking. Currently I dream of a very expensive car, just in love with it, I go to think about it, and going around the corner, I see this car, my joy knows no bounds. I feel that something has changed inside me, some kind of strength has appeared, I concentrate on an object (in a dream) and mentally begin to change the projection of this object, and help myself with gestures, it slowly begins to move. I'm starting to practice. And I reach such a level that, concentrating on myself as on an object, I transfer myself from one point to another, to the roof of the house. But I do not always manage to completely control the process. It depends on how focused or distracted I am in my sleep. Before this dream, I also had telekinesis, I remember three such dreams, maybe there were more. I often dream that I can jump far. For large (fantastic distances). I bounce and soar ... I really like it. Nothing bad happens in a dream. I was born on 11/01/1992 at 12:00. Maybe this will help you somehow. My zodiac sign is Scorpio. And I believe in horoscopes, but in my own way. Filtering information.

    I saw a dream today which means that I had telekinesis that I owned telekinesis with my hands there was a school 35 I live in Kemer Novobodaevka and the school was different, not because I showed everyone my telekinesis there the girl who made eyes at me and I said that I master telekinesis eyes

    it was Halloween, I had the ability to fly not on a broomstick, and telekinesis, for a long time I flew above the ground, then higher at the level of 5-6 floors everything was bright, then I had to save the city from something, I went into the dungeon and there was some kind of catastrophe, the door jammed, then I did what I had to do somehow opened the door, and it was light outside, people were waiting for me clapping their hands, I saved them in a shorter way, but I don’t know how I myself, I didn’t know what I was doing, but I knew that I was doing everything right, so I went out, sat on a broomstick and flew away, grabbing the handkerchief with my telekinesis, after which I woke up

    Good afternoon
    Some man locked me up with him, it was a tall, handsome brunette. I thought he was going to kill me or something. But he was just trying to convey to me as if the truth of being. I obeyed him in everything, he said write down after me and I wrote down. And then I met people like me and discovered the ability to telekinesis. I furtively out of curiosity tried to move objects while no one was watching. Then I went down in the elevator, it broke down, its mechanism ended up in the cab and I almost broke my fingers on it, while I was in a hurry to meet my friend, In the elevator, my ability to telekinesis saved me. Then I was in the forest park, then everything is vague. But I really wanted to see the person who gave me this gift. I developed a strong liking for him. Why is it all?

    I was in the country, I just came home, I sit down on the bed, and in front of me was not a large white table and a mug. Suddenly, I ran my hand through the air, and this cup fell, I decided to try to move it, but what am I I don’t remember. After that, a friend came to my house, well, I decided to show it to her, but she was distracted by the fact that my best friend came, in the end, I began to show, but she didn’t see, and then I awoke.

    Every day, stronger and stronger, no matter where I am in different cities, I don’t know people at all. And even a prophetic dream was dreamed like in a groundhog day with an accuracy of a second. I wake up with a feeling of anxiety and not understanding where reality is and where fiction is. Sometimes I remember up to ten scenarios, and I remember the transitions from one to another.

    I am sitting in my room on the couch and I understand that some kind of power is awakening in me. I concentrate on a black object lying on my table and it slowly begins to move, and then even float in the air. I show this ability to my mother and then two people appear: a tall woman in a dark green dress and a man in a black suit. They say that I have received this ability and now I must learn it, while they say that my assistant will arrive tomorrow and issue a task. Then they disappear, and my father appears next to me. He tells me to destroy this power, to which I react negatively and ask him not to interfere. Then my assistant appears and explains that the main thing is concentration on the subject, and that now I must learn to be in harmony with the elements and then my strength will increase. Then I was told a task (which I don't remember) and I woke up.

    Today I dreamed that my parents and I went out to the balcony at night. The town was some kind of fabulous, the apartment too (not the same as in reality). And suddenly the northern lights appear. Beautiful, very bright. Dad told me to take pictures faster, but I started to have some kind of panic, phobia, severe dizziness. I lay face down on the floor of the balcony and covered my head with my hands. There was another phenomenon after the northern lights, but I missed it. After that, we returned to the apartment and sat down with my father on the sofa, there was a glass table in front of the sofa. After the Northern Lights, I got the ability to telekinesis. I began to move the glass table simply by swiping my hand. To which my father replied, “Wow, I can’t do that.” Then I find myself in some school like Hogwarts with some guys, as I understand it, classmates. I also had the ability to identify the names of strangers. They point me to an unfamiliar girl, asking what her name is. I answered Anastasia, Nastya. They came up to ask her name and she really turned out to be Nastya. Then I find myself in some room with bulls and cows, my grandmother was there. She told some people and my mother to cut them so that they bleed a little longer so that it tastes better later. I threw myself at her hysterically, yelling that you can’t do this, that she is a monster. To which she looked at me contemptuously and with a grin, and said something like that I was a fool. Explain, please! I have never had this kind of dream.

    Well, in general, in a dream it was dark to see everything was impossible. Just do not think that this is nonsense! And in general, someone wanted to kill me or kill me, so I tried to stop him with the help of telekinesis, but I couldn’t, as if all my strength was pumped out at once.

    Last night I dreamed that I had the gift of telekinesis and was working with a professional trainer to improve the gift. I stood on my head, and objects were flying around me, and it seemed strange to me that I dressed the Christmas tree by telekinesis.

    At first, I didn't have superpowers. We came to work for the king to cook food in honor of some holiday, perhaps a coronation. While the king was hunting, I met a very handsome and young man (a professional chef). Then we all went to bed, a storm began, a hurricane. We were lifted up and asked to prepare some kind of dish for the highest person. We became very good friends, even moved to the stage of sympathy for each other, which began to develop into something more. We understood each other from half a word and half a look. (You could say it was love at first sight. In real life, I'm married.) Then there was some kind of panic while I was taking dinner to the king. Something flew into the palace (I don’t remember - either an airship, or a dragon, or an airship in the shape of a dragon). And there is an attack and kidnapping of the king. At this moment, I understand that the young man I met was also kidnapped (he saved the king and was kidnapped along with him). I ran into the unknown, for which I did not see, I simply realized that something had been taken from me, torn from my heart. It was night, darkness, snow lay, there was general panic. I ran to the gates of the palace, and saw the nanny, who hastily returned the children from a walk, in despair of the ladies of the court. There were only women and children who did not know what to do, including me. I was brewing coffee on the stove and at one moment I realized that something was wrong with the temperature controller: sometimes it was smaller, sometimes more, then it completely turned off at the end. I realized that the reason is me. I went to the window and was able to raise and lower small objects, snow, and then large ones with my hand. We realized that this is our salvation. With the help of my abilities (I could use them even from a distance, but I needed an open portal, let's say like on the phone). I saved the king, but the dream ended with the young man running away on hot asphalt, and I froze this asphalt so that he would not burn his legs.

    The dream was from Thursday to Friday. I dreamed that I could move an object with willpower. It was a huge force. I moved objects with my hands, directing them towards the object. In a dream, all actions took place first in the forest, and then by a large river on the bridge. The dream was in warm colors (yellow, green, reddish).

    Hello Tatiana. Today I dreamed that I had the power of telekinesis, I also dreamed 2-3 times today that I was losing my sight, but gradually it returned to me. And yet, sleep paralysis was 2 times. And as if in a dream someone told me “You are a clairvoyant.” What does it all mean?

    I dreamed that I could lift objects into the air, but it happens like a magnet, they just stick to my hands. It seems to me that this dream is for something good, because I had fun and I always dreamed of having a superpower.

    Hello. The dream had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, respectively. I often have prophetic dreams, they come true in + - half a year. if people I know appear in a dream, it means that something is wrong with them. I immediately contact them. in this dream I had telekinesis. but somehow special, or something. The cartoon is that in order to move an object with a minimum expenditure of energy, this same object must either be in water or be wet. moreover, I controlled my hand, and when choosing an object, for example, when I pointed at a vase and it was shaking, I could move my hand to the side, as if selecting an object with the cursor, and only then, as if having received approval, the object moved or rose into the air. depended on my desire. Well, I went to a friend in a dream (I contacted him, he says everything is fine with him), and in his little room I threw pencils, pens and some other unimportant objects into a bucket of water, and began to lift them out of the water with my superpower. only after curbing it a little, I began to help get various kinds of objects. and some woman, she was familiar to me in a dream, told me to save my strength, sol, I need more, and I'm too wasteful. I got the same vase for my mother in the kitchen, dry, but spent a lot of energy on it. a little later, I woke up. what do you say to that?

    In my dream, I was in my grandmother's house, where I spent my childhood. Then I learned to move objects with telekinesis. I succeeded. It was hard, of course, but it worked. I often dream of my grandmother's house. We sold it. And sometimes I dream about him. And telekinesis just dreamed about 5 times.

    Hello Tatiana! I felt a strong body tension when I tried to move objects, and I felt some kind of fiery rod inside me, and allegedly because of him that I had it, I began to move objects, I moved them and at the same time did not tell anyone about it except my mother and knew what not to say to anyone

    Hello! I dreamed how I could move objects with the power of thought, as in films, I controlled them by moving my hand. As far as I remember, I was in the form of an evil heroine, something like a witch.

    Hello, it means this: it’s happening in a room, I’m not alone, my sister and a cat are with me, I am seized by feelings of fear that something will come and kill me, I hide my sister in this room, thereby trying to protect her. Under the influence of fear, I inexplicably moved the object with the help of telekenesis and slammed the door.

    this is not the first time I have dreamed that I have telekinesis. first I act on the water with my eyes, ripples go on the surface. then I feel how the power passes into my hands, and I can move objects. there is no discomfort or fear. there is only an awareness of correctness all of this, as if it comes naturally to me. I wake up immediately after this dream, and my hands itch and there is a feeling that even now my hands are full of strength ....

    I remember that the dream began when my friend showed me a trick with spoons, he put 2 teaspoons in his pockets, one in the right and the other in the left, after some kind of hand gesture, he pulls out two teaspoons from each pocket and for the place of two, they becomes four. Then I started to try it, at first the same with spoons and I succeeded, I showed this trick to my mother, I also took out a mountain of spoons from my pocket ... Then I decided to try with money, I put 2 rubles in 1 pocket, 5 rubles in another, after a gesture with my hands (the gesture itself didn’t represent anything, I just held my hands over my pockets with my fingers spread wide) and suddenly I take out mountains of two rubles and five rubles from my pockets (around the hall of my house and my mother is lying on the sofa like she was watching TV, and that’s all in gray, as if not fog, but just everything gray) I still thought that I should try with larger bills, but the dream seemed to have moved to a new level, and now I’m sort of in my city center, but I hadn’t seen the environment before, I was sitting on bench, there was green grass behind me, there was some kind of store in front, with a huge canopy on the right side, and the same canopy went almost to another store with a small protrusion forward, some other thing was moving out of it, if it was pulled out, it would close the entrance of another store from the rain .. And so I stood and tried to push it out without exerting physical force .. I was wearing some kind of sweatpants, and I was not comfortable in them, and I decided to take them off, I took them off and put them on bench, and began to move further everything that came to hand ... some kind of grandmother was sitting under a bright red canopy, but she did not pay attention to me, then I began using telekinesis to get cigarettes from my pack of cigarettes and tried to catch them with my mouth, slowly moving towards a bench, it was noticeable that a woman was moving towards me on the path to the bench on the other side, she looked about 35 years old, I don’t remember who he was with, either with a dog, or with a little girl, but still more inclined to a little girl , just in a dream I didn’t concentrate on the girl, I didn’t see what she was doing. When I sat down on a bench, lowered my head down, realized that something was wrong, I raised my head and that woman stood right in front of me and looked at me without taking her eyes off and not saying a word. She kind of embarrassed me or something .. I didn’t feel comfortable and I put on my pants (before that I was in shorts), after which the woman left, when this woman came up, she had a dialogue with that grandmother sitting opposite me .. after she left like a grandmother was looking at me. . And all I woke up .. I woke up at 14:10 on Sunday.

    in dreams I can control my desires. I can fly, move things, materialize. it is not uncommon for me to withdraw from the dead.
    last dream: I'm on a brown horse, with a girl, as if I run away and make the horse take off with us, but without wings, but just run through the air.

    Hello, from Thursday to Friday my husband had a dream that he was pushing off the Earth and flying and soaring for days. After that, it seemed to him that he was moving objects with his eyes, such as empty cans and empty pots. What does it mean? Clarify please.

    Good afternoon The dream was bright and colorful! I often dream about the end of the world, but today I was scared. Every time I fly, I have superpowers, and then I survive. Either a flood, or an earthquake, or an alien invasion of the earth, and so on. But in today's dream, I didn't just see the end of the world, it was a disaster, like in the movie "The Omen"! Read more. At first there were ordinary different situations, ordinary, I communicate with a friend, I have a strong sympathy for him, I think about him all the time, maybe I love him, but I understand that we are not destined to be together, I show telekinesis in front of him, he is in shock, the meeting takes place in a bright, beautiful forest, then my Gift develops and I see something like ghosts, it’s not scary for me, but it’s very interesting ... The next situation, I’m walking in the city with my little son, then he disappears somewhere , I go into a big tall house, or rather a building .... I walk there, my husband calls and I communicate with him. After a while there is a sharp noise in the street and a roar, later in
    sirens all over the city turn on and I run out into the street, and there are people who go where .... literally in a matter of minutes, he smiles at me, and I hugged him tightly and hold him! The whole wave reached us, but somehow either I or someone closed the roof of this building, I think with my superpower. Then the picture disappeared, but I was sorry that I did not get out with the baby and could save both of us, but this time I did not succeed. And not long before that, when the action was taking place on the street and I ran out into the street, I thought to myself, this is not reality, this is a Dream again……..(“awareness of a dream”) this is not the first time I have had this in the last 7 years! That's the whole dream! For the record, in every dream I constantly fly and show superpowers, but I survive everywhere

    at first I stepped out of the yard, then I sat for a long time, then I just shook my hand and took off in a coma, then he fell, then a branch took off, but only then I shook my hand and showed not a branch, then I showed it to everyone and the dream ended

    I dreamed that I met a girl from the musical group "Open Kids", as if I was talking to her, I treated her with sweets. Then I dream that some friend of mine decided to jump from a great height, we watched her fall when she fell , a lot of blood flew off from her, later I see that I am flying from the same height, but the blood is 2 times less. Further, I dreamed that I was sitting on the bed, and she began to spin on her own, and I understand that I have by telekinesis, and then I run to tell my parents. I don’t remember further.

    In a dream, I extended my hand to an object and it immediately rose into the air. With the help of this ability, I helped my relatives throw out old unnecessary things that were big and heavy. Then my backpack flew to me and for some reason I was scared of it, but then I began to put colored pens into it. After I dressed and left the house, but on the way I remembered that I had forgotten and ran into the house past the man who wanted to attack me. I don’t know how I understood this, but from the realization of this I was not afraid, but only went faster into the house.

    three or four times in different life spans I had a dream as if I sometimes woke up in reality even that in a dream I develop the ability to move objects and the longer I move them, the more massive objects I can move so clearly that when I wake up I want to try to do it

    In a dream, I realized that I have telekinesis and moved objects simply by placing my palm. I really liked to do this in a dream, but I did it when no one was watching, and even in a dream I felt some kind of feeling of power and it pleased me, I don’t know what such a dream means, but I remember it almost to the smallest detail

    in my school, a young man was sitting on a stool, about 10-11 grade. there is a sofa behind, and before that (in a dream) I had a fight with a person, so I sat with mental pain. a girl was sitting next to me, about the age of this guy, I thought it was his sister. Suddenly, objects began to fly before my eyes, and then I look, his friend passes by this guy in a hurry and smiles, and the guy says to his friend: “Do you think the objects themselves fly?” with a little laugh, as after the usual joke. The friend left, and I got up and started to approach this guy, I immediately ran through the thought that this is a medium + a person who owns telekinesis. I tell him: "look into my eyes, please." He saw me and immediately began to cover his face with his hand and turned away a little and said: “Why?” . I say: “I want to see how the look of people like yours affects people without such abilities. He began to raise his head and I said: "First warn me what it will feel like." she said: "It will be unpleasant, like in church." I didn’t understand how it was, moreover, I am a believer and I don’t think that it can be unpleasant in church. He looked into my eyes and I saw how his eyes began to grow sharply, and he seemed to start throwing himself in my soul. I felt terribly uncomfortable and I thought. that I'm in church. why dont know. I turned to the side and said: yes, this is really unpleasant.

    Good afternoon, every night I have dreams where I have telekinesis and other paranormal abilities, events always take place in different places .. now in the present, now in the future and in the past.
    After waking up, I always feel huge forces and a couple of times in a dream there was an atmosphere like in my room, and after waking up, some objects that I moved in a dream were moved in real life.

    The atmosphere was quite calm, homely, but not familiar. I tried to lift the chair with my hands at a distance. I distinctly felt the energy passing through me at that moment. And I did it. Then I decided to tell my sister about it. She didn't really understand me. I had to demonstrate it directly on her. I lifted it off the floor a little. She began to panic and asked me not to do this again.

    I could fly up to 2 meters above the ground (I could completely control the flight, and also felt like a wave or something similar was under my feet) in the same dream, I thought if I could fly (I took off at the behest of my head), then can I move objects (telekinesis) and I began to carefully look at some small object (no larger than a human eye) I tried to move my hand towards the object for about 8-12 seconds (at that time I felt that the hand was not needed enough and just a look but a hand didn’t remove it anyway) and I managed to barely move the object by 2-3 cm, I was delighted (it was my first time at the same time, I felt that I could develop both on the pallet and on telekinesis) besides all this, I saw souls the dead (they were completely similar to living people, they spoke very little and when they spoke also quietly, but I heard them, all the action took place at home telekinesis flight and vision of souls) besides that, there were relatives around me, they didn’t see anything, I talked to them in my opinion they were (souls) in stress, they were worried about when there would be a court and whether it would be just at all (that is, the court of God over them) I also asked the same question and I answer him, I don’t know when there will be a court (in total I saw 2 souls 1 woman 1 man in my opinion some of my ancestors or something like that) and all the same, the dream was not at night (at night I very rarely see dreams, but during the day I have a lot).

    In the circle of family and friends, my uncle put ordinary things wrapped in a blanket in a ball and by the power of thought raised them to the ceiling, and they were suspended for a long time, then I took the same and raised them to the ceiling, but they immediately fall and so several times in a row .

You can find out for free in the dream book what Telekinesis is dreaming of by reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not Telekinesis, but something else, use the search form for online interpretations of dreams.

Why dream of Telekinesis

If you dreamed of a person with the ability to telekinesis, then you will commit a very unworthy act, which aimed to capture some information.

Telekinesis - what is happening on your dreams means that you will attempt to appropriate property for yourself, hiding behind noble goals.

If you dream that you yourself had the ability to telekinesis, this means that you will lose something valuable to you. Also, a dream can portend significant problems that you cannot cope with without outside help.

Telekinesis in a dream may indicate that you have excellent intuition, which you can rely on when solving the most difficult issues.

For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, who will create comfort in the house.

If people are present in a dream where telekinesis is dreaming, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party.

If Telekinesis dreams with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend or girlfriend.

Interpretation of dreams about Telekinesis

Selected interpretations of dreams about Telekinesis by our interpreters from the section Interpretation of Dreams of the House of the Sun. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to the question Why is Telekinesis dreaming.

Dreams about Telekinesis

Selected dreams of our visitors in the section Interpretation of dreams. Perhaps only there you will find what it means to dream of Telekinesis.
Remember, the Big Dream Book contains conflicting meanings of dreams, and only real people can approach the interpretation of your dream individually.


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telekinesis in a dream


Very often I began to have dreams in which I master the technique of telekinesis. Very strange sensations and it is difficult to describe them, but I will try. Firstly, I direct energy under the object, and I feel this object well, as if that energy is an extension of my hands. Secondly, I concentrate my gaze not on the object, but above it, that is, where it will be in the next moment and slightly defocused vision. And... voila, he's in the air. But for some reason, it’s impossible to lift big things at once. It seems that telekinesis is like a muscle - the more you train, the larger objects you can lift. It would be interesting to read how and in what way others move things with the power of thought in a dream.

There are two types. The first one is to give commands to a certain emissary of dreams (conditional name), but for this you need to feel this essence. You can even talk to her. And the second type is when you work purely with your own consciousness. You don't need to train like a muscle. You need to understand the principle, it's like learning to walk. Words cannot explain, it's like moving your own hand - how to explain it? It is the same in dreams, only the inner will goes not along the nerve paths of the body, but into dreaming. Well, it is clear that dreams must be lucid. If there are difficulties even after you understand the principle - it moves, but not completely, or it moves, then it moves back, then these can be all sorts of blocks. As you take them off - everything will work very simply. Flying in a dream at will - the same telekinesis, but with your body.

I have never had a dream about telekinesis :(, do you do this according to the plot or with awareness of yourself in a dream?


Of course, in the OS. At first you feel that you know something, you don’t even know where, and then you guess and just do it. The coolest thing is that at the end of the dream you can move such large objects of your own free will that you feel like the ruler of the world: ) .I tried it in real life - I didn’t even move a match in water in this way :(.

Hi all. I am very happy that I found this site. Telekinesis in a dream has been known to me for a long time, at first it really turned out very hard and only with small objects, but now I can move several at once and some very large ones. It developed gradually, and the feeling when you move it is like a small tension from the solar plexus to the throat, sort of like before inhaling, and still like concentration and emptiness in the mind. Tried in real life very difficult!! It turned out once to move the hair through the water. I entered a state close to a trance, everything around began to shine with soft green, cleared the brain, concentrated on breathing to achieve a feeling of pressure as in a lucid dream, and slowly with each breath began to pull the hair along the water. Moreover, the basis for unlocking "it's impossible to do this" was a clear concentration on the fact that this hair is a part of me, and I control myself as I want. I don’t know how to correctly bring my ability out of sleep into real life, but I listen to intuition, maybe something will work out.

In a dream, you can do anything, you just need:
1) realize that this is a dream. If you are not sure that this is a dream, then your abilities will be like in reality, only with even greater difficulties, for example, you can’t run fast (my eternal problem in such cases, instead of running, I take off like in zero gravity. Sometimes I have to naturally cling to the asphalt with my hands and kicking and running on all fours >_<)
2) be aware of yourself and what you want to do, and keep it under control. That is, if you wave your hands in front of you in the hope that something incomprehensible and unimaginable will happen from this, it will not work. Or it will work because you did not expect it at all. Once I wanted to summon a dragon. I did everything that was necessary for this, in my opinion, I looked into the sky - I see, here it is, golden, healthy, wriggling in the sky in the distance in a figure of eight, flying towards me. Then I was all overjoyed, agitated, they say, really called cheers! He diverted his attention for a second - and no longer a beautiful majestic dragon descended to the ground, but something chimera-like - the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, the head of a vulture, and such decorated feathers. In my dream I called it a sphinx, it disappeared almost immediately - as soon as I got frustrated and lost control again.
3) do it as a matter of course, like moving an arm or leg for example. Do you want to go through the wall? No problem, take it and go into the wall. You can imagine it as a wall of muddy water, smoke, or peppered peach jelly for example, for a thrill: D You can imagine nothing, just take it and enter. The first time I wanted to try it, I just took it and went in. He wasn't even surprised because he knew it was a dream. Healthy stone balls the size of a three-story house calmly moved across the fields. Feelings to describe ... I will not find the right words. Just will. I took it and just moved it. How to move your hand, just a little more tension. It's a little different with flying - I sort of focus the energy in my feet and a little bit in my shins, they become like jet engines.
On the other hand, I can't organize my wings in my sleep. So white and with feathers. It is very difficult to make them at least somehow appear, to feel them, at best they go like phantoms, but I still fly on jet propulsion. You say you can't change shape in your sleep? I can calmly spread a puddle on the floor, for example, and splash somewhere into the sink (By the way, an interesting idea, I haven’t roamed through pipelines in a dream: D). It doesn't bother me anymore and it's natural. This is another confirmation that the strength in a dream directly depends on how easily and naturally everything around is perceived.
Remember, YOU and ONLY YOU are the masters of your dreams, absolutely everything is possible in them, from walks to the neighbors to space adventures with spongebob, who defeated Chuck Norris in a meatball duel. And your strength DIRECTLY depends on how much you realize your control over this dream and the naturalness of everything that happens and should happen according to your will.

By the way, there is a topic about telekinesis in reality.

Read, tried. I can not restore the same feeling that I had when I rolled the balls :) . And when it is possible - very weakly, the connection is not felt. Yeah, I don't even remember the feeling. It is necessary to touch again, to restore impressions ...


Hello everyone! To be honest, I didn’t expect that I would find such a topic, I also have similar dreams, and for 3-4 years already, I have dreams in which I realize that I’m sleeping and at the same time I can move objects in a dream to lift them into the air, this feeling is exactly the same as Arturokhs described, I don’t even know what to add, after such a wonderful dream, only one thing interests me, is it real in life, I found many topics on Telekinesis, many different videos, but so far I don’t see it with my own eyes or I won’t do it myself, I won’t believe anyone’s words and videos .

Hi guys. I usually have dreams about fights. And in the last month I have dreams about telekinesis. As if through the power of thought I fly. At first it turns out and then at repetition it breaks. No tension or discomfort. Like it's my essence. I read about telekinesis and about chasing energy. And I imagined with my thoughts how energy from everywhere enters me and in the solar plexus there is a huge white-blue ball, and at that moment it became difficult for me to breathe. It was possible to move the match on the water once. I don’t know in a dream, just like in reality, at first it turns out and you know that this is the power of thought, but when you repeat it, it doesn’t work. What do you guys think this is?

Ah, it's probably too late to write anything here, but maybe someday someone will read my message and write me an answer to my mail. ". Dream Interpretations can't really say anything.
in general, the essence is always the same, the plot is different (this is not the OS), but I always have this power. Moreover, its scale is not limited. Sometimes it’s difficult to move something, and sometimes I used to squeeze the whole ship like a tin can. If there is some kind of critical situation in a dream, I always have this power. In principle, I never have nightmares dream, because if someone attacks in a dream, then as a rule it splits into atoms. Sometimes I fly in my sleep, i.e. I push myself with force. Well, not sometimes, but quite often. As for the OS, my consciousness does not seek to control them ... I always know that I am in a dream, but I never take control of it. I continue to flow with the flow.
In real life, I have never even experimented with telekinesis, and I don’t believe that this is possible. But I would like to know what all these dreams are for?

Angry Kluka:

"But I would like to know what all these dreams are for?" It seems to me that you do not want to find out what all these dreams are for, but to fit them into the usual explanations. That's why you go crazy. Take them for granted, do not try to fit them into dream books.
For example, every night I have very vivid, detailed dreams, with telekinesis, flights and movements in other worlds, unusual creatures. When I wake up, I have to remember for a long time where I actually am. It's like two parallel lives, one in a dream, the other in reality. Sometimes it turns out to understand something and combine one with the other, sometimes not. But it’s not worth it to bother up to madness. Well, you own telekinesis in a dream, and what ... What's the problem then?

The problem is that this information is not universally accepted, like the traditional sciences, for example. We need a seal from the president and universal recognition of this activity so as not to consider ourselves a black sheep :) After all, this was not taught at school. Purely psychological moment.

Istaura, my guess is:
perhaps in a dream you see some things and abilities that are just beginning to open before you. Of course, not as clear as it is in a dream. These are the desires and impulses of your soul, it tells you about something, this is also your subconscious. Dream Interpretations will not help here, think at your leisure, and that's enough. Flying in a dream - fly. But don't worry too much, like Zlyuka said. ;)

I also had dreams about telekinesis more than once. I often dreamed about the fact that I was flying in a dream, and I fell sharply. I also dreamed that I had a magic wand and I guided it with a thought formula.

If you dreamed of a person with the ability to telekinesis, then you will commit a very unworthy act, which aimed to seize some information.

Telekinesis - what is happening before your eyes is a dream that you will attempt to appropriate someone else's property, hiding behind noble goals.

If you dream that you yourself had the ability to telekinesis, this means that you will lose something valuable to you. Also, a dream can portend significant problems that you cannot cope with without outside help.

Telekinesis in a dream may indicate that you have excellent intuition, which you can rely on when solving the most difficult issues.

Telekinesis is a warning about problems that will be beyond your power. You will face insurmountable obstacles on your way, and this will be a real blow that can destroy your faith in yourself and kill the hope of realizing your plan.

If you have opened the ability to telekinesis, you will be able to overcome the troubles that have arisen solely thanks to your intuition.

A vision in which various objects could be moved with your eyes means that you are planning an evil deed. For the sake of your personal gain, you are ready to commit a dishonorable act.

The ability to move objects with the power of thought testifies to hypocrisy and duplicity. You are consciously going to betray a loved one, justifying your actions with fictitious nobility.

Telekinesis is dreaming - changes in your personal life await you. In a dream, Telekinesis means that soon a person will appear in your life, the connection with which will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which Telekinesis is present means that she will be given unambiguous signs of attention.

For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, able to create comfort in the house.

If people are present in a dream where telekinesis is dreaming, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party.

If Telekinesis dreams with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend or girlfriend.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

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Dream Interpretation - Telekinesis

Your dream tells you that you are striving in real life to show your abilities, which would be noticed by others, so that you would be admired. You probably think that your efforts are not noticed. But in life, everything goes on as usual, and the moment will come when you will be asked to do whiter the necessary things that only you can do. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Telekinesis

Usually this means an open path for any undertakings, a period when any business can be easily given, the first associations with such a period are the luck of a beginner, a wave of luck, self-confidence and a reality that does not resist this. There are no internal obstacles in you, in the world at the moment - too

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dreaming of telekinesis is a warning that unexpected and amazing events await you, dream books assure. True, in order not to be mistaken in the interpretation of what this phenomenon is dreaming of, it is worth remembering who exactly had superpowers in a dream: you or someone else.

Miller's dream book, explaining why telekinesis is dreamed of, which the dreamer himself owns in a dream, claims that such a plot means that a sleeping person has a high potential. Whatever you undertake, the interpreter broadcasts, will lead you to success, the main thing is to think over every little thing.

And if you dreamed that you were at a performance in a circus where a magician moves objects through the air, then such a vision can mean hidden troubles that a competitor or rival is preparing for you.

Master Telekinesis: From Trouble to Job Change

Does not share the opinion of the previous interpreter of dreams Modern dream book. This oracle is sure that telekinesis in a dream speaks of serious losses, the reasons for which will be so ridiculous that they will cause not so much anxiety as surprise. True, such an interpretation of sleep is relevant only for a male dreamer.

But for a woman, dream books, including the Modern one, prophesy good luck, thanks to her intuition, if she dreamed that she had such a superpower as moving objects at a distance.

All those who dreamed that they were trying to learn this phenomenon should think about changing their profession. Most likely, you are busy with the wrong thing.

Telekinesis Watch, or Check Everything You Hear

A dream in which you are a spectator admiring the unique abilities of a telekinetic suggests the need to “get hold of” information. In the near future, your career and future success will depend on how “in the know” you are.

Do you often dream about how someone demonstrates the ability of psychokinesis to you? Such a plot is a hint: someone is trying to either find out secret information from you, or mislead you, passing off lies as truth, Miss Hasse's dream book broadcasts. Moreover, the degree of your interest in the matter depends on how often you see this in a dream: the more often you dream of a demonstration of telekinesis by someone else, the greater the impact subsequent events will have on your life.

If there is no one around - to insincerity

Why dream that you see an object “floating” through the air, but do not observe the one who does it? This vision testifies to the possible duplicity of someone from your environment, upsets the Chinese dream book.

But the Italian interpreter of dreams and dreams prophesies that your friends will be offended by you, because you will not be completely sincere with them, in the event that you dreamed of contemplating the phenomenon of telekinesis without the “mover” itself.

What moved?

If telekinesis is dreaming of you all the time, then dream books recommend remembering what exactly was affected and finding out what each particular case is dreaming of. So, in a dream she moved:

  • dishes - to a quarrel with households;
  • furniture - you will be forced to change your place of residence;
  • animal - someone close needs help;
  • a person - to new acquaintances;
  • money or jewelry - you will lose control over spending.
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