High quality steel doors. Overview and rating of steel door manufacturers. Rating of entrance metal apartment doors

Buying an entrance door is a responsible step not only because it gives the first impression of the apartment, but also because it is about the safety of its residents. So that you do not make a mistake in choosing, we have compiled a rating of the best manufacturers of entrance doors.


The Forpost brand combines products from different manufacturers, including Door Continent, Citadel, Fort, Bastion, Frontier, Pandoor. Some are embarrassed that some of the doors are made in China, but this allows us to offer good quality at low prices. Due to the huge popularity of the brand, they began to fake it, so it would not be superfluous to check the certificates when concluding a contract.

10 800 rubles

11 510 rubles
In general, the thickness of the canvas must be at least 1.5 mm, otherwise the door can be opened with an ordinary can opener. But 2 - 2.2 mm can be called the ideal thickness. After all, if you make the canvas wider, the door will become too heavy, and additional hinges will need to be installed. In an ordinary apartment, such doors are useless.


The company "Neman" offers doors in a different price category. But they are made of high-alloy steel. Its advantages are strength and resistance to deformation. By the way, the company has repeatedly received patents for its own production technologies.

55 100 rubles

One of the most important parameters, in addition to reliability, is sound insulation. It is provided by MDF panels, which are installed inside the door leaf. Ideally, on both sides, while their thickness should be at least 10 mm.


A manufacturer that can be classified as elite. This is expressed both in a stylish thoughtful design, high quality, and in a rather high cost of doors. But for exterior and interior decoration, you can choose not only laminated or veneered MDF, but also solid wood.

Great attention should be paid to the choice of locks. Truly reliable ones start from the third class of burglary resistance, but if there is no need to save money, then it is better to choose the fourth one. As for manufacturers, Turkish and Italian companies have proven themselves well in this market.


A fairly large difference in prices for models from this manufacturer. But it is known primarily for its high-end front doors, which are distinguished by fire safety. Another plus is that the buyer can choose all the components for any model.

Factor K MP

On such a factor as thermal insulation when choosing a door to an apartment, you can save. After all, it will lead to a heated entrance. This is worth emphasizing if you are looking for a door to a private house.


The company has repeatedly received awards in the field of quality, so you can safely trust this manufacturer. The same applies to design: experts from Italy often help to come up with new models.

By the way, we recommend paying attention to the doors with a geometric pattern. The trend for futuristic motifs is only coming into fashion, which means that it will be relevant for more than one year. Just do not forget that dust can accumulate in any decorative elements, but fingerprints and stains are more visible on a smooth canvas.


You will not find budget options from this manufacturer for sure, but you can find a classic style and reliable mechanisms. At the same time, you will have to choose from more than 500 models. Fun fact: Bastion doors use 12,000 tons of metal a year.

Optima OPT059

Optima OPT018

Returning to the theme of castles. It is important not only the burglary resistance class, but also that the two locks are of different types: suval and cylinder. Experts emphasize that this item should be one of the first when choosing. After all, most often, criminals do not try to force the door to drop, but act precisely through breaking the lock.


A good brand that has stood the test of time. During the installation of the door, heavy-duty fastening is used - concreting. The model range is also pleasing: in addition to classic and modern models, it presents design developments that are somewhat reminiscent of details from fairy-tale palaces.

45 with Modern panels 35R with Crete finish and Sibu panel

$54,936 55 760 rubles

In addition to the basic functions, the door can also be equipped with additional ones. For example, by closing the door without a lock, but simply by lifting the handle up. Or locking the lock from the inside, when even with a key from the outside it will be impossible to open the door. You can even add a backlight to the handle itself - so that when the light bulb in the entrance burns out, the keyhole is highlighted.

  • Elbor . This company operates under a funny slogan: "Get out the thief - I have Elbor." And it has been on the market since 1976, so the experience looks very convincing.
  • The door blocks of this manufacturer are reminiscent of the Lego constructor: the model that suits you can be assembled point by point: from the degree of secrecy to the method of decoration.
  • The company produces not only entrance doors, but also interior doors. By the way, you can read about which manufacturers you should pay attention to. The company also has a line of premium entrance doors under the brand Groff .
  • Italian doors for true connoisseurs. They can be attributed to the next generation, because the company has developed models with a remote control system that uses a chip instead of a key.

Sections of the article:

Starting repairs in an apartment or buying a new home, the owner tries to think through everything to the smallest detail and protect himself and his property as much as possible. A secure door is one of the most important elements of home security. And the best entrance doors are those that have not only impeccable performance, but also aesthetic appeal.

Criterias of choice

Of course, everyone chooses exactly the model of the front door that meets all the requirements. However, the evaluation criteria are different for each person. Let's try to figure out what you need to pay attention to first of all when making such an important event as purchasing a front door.


The penetration of intruders into the apartment can be prevented by putting reliable doors. Many prefer wood products, while others accept only metal door structures.

You should choose a canvas of optimal thickness and with protected fastening loops. It will be problematic to open an entrance door that is too thick, and over time, the fasteners may not withstand the weight of the structure and simply break. But a thin door leaf will be "easy prey" for intruders.


The best front door is the one that can provide excellent heat and sound insulation. No cold and sounds from the outside are terrible if the door fits snugly against the opening. The metal structure may contain an additional layer of insulation, thereby improving the performance of the blade.


The design of the door plays an important role in the process of choosing the right model. After all, the front door is actually the visiting card of the owners of the home and speaks of the respectability and taste preferences of the owner. Particular attention should be paid to the style of the canvas, its color, material of manufacture.


An important point when choosing a door model is the availability of access control. Well, what entrance doors will do without a peephole or latches. It is best to secure your home with additional latches and a peephole that can provide an extended viewing angle.

Not so long ago, the door chain was widely used. However, today this element of protection is used quite rarely, because, for example, for a metal door that has a decent weight, the chain will be only a decorative element that does not provide adequate protection.


The front door must necessarily be equipped with a reliable lock, which will prevent intruders from entering the territory of the apartment or house. Even the slightest jamming of the lock mechanism should be a signal of the need for urgent repair work or replacement of the old lock with a new one.

Ease of use

Even if the front door is made of heavy metal, its use should be as comfortable as possible and not cause difficulties for the owners. You should also not allow the opening process to be too easy, so as not to turn housing into “easy prey” for those who want to profit from other people's property.


Choosing the best front door for your home, everyone focuses primarily on their financial capabilities. However, it is worth understanding a simple truth: a reliable door cannot have a low cost.

Compliance with all technological processes for the production of entrance doors indicates the high quality of the product, which, accordingly, implies its high cost. Metal doors are considered the best option, since they usually consist of several layers of material, namely:

  • Inner decorative panel;
  • Inner metal sheet;
  • door leaf;
  • insulation;
  • Outer metal sheet;
  • External panel.

All of the above allows you to create a reliable "frontier" at the entrance to your home. Modern models of entrance doors are able to provide even bulletproofing, as well as prevent the spread of fire. Although in most cases it is more important to have additional protection against mechanical damage.

Now about the main

Choosing a door for housing begins with the fact that you need to choose what material your future door will be made of. Traditionally, manufacturers offer the buyer metal or wooden door models. However, it is worth remembering that not all types of wood are suitable for the manufacture of entrance doors. The better the quality of the raw material used, the higher the cost of the finished product.

Wooden doors usually have a high price because they are made from natural wood. In this regard, models made of wood are considered luxury items. In this case, you should pay attention to metal products, which are the best way to provide reliable protection for your home.

However, even when choosing a metal front door, you should be extremely careful. Unscrupulous manufacturers can lure buyers with the fact that the door leaf allegedly consists of several layers of metal, but in reality such structures will be completely weak, because the thickness of the metal sheet used will be less than one millimeter. Such a door is very easy to damage without much effort. Such a barrier will not be able to stop intruders, and even a very expensive lock will not save the situation.

Selecting the front door should be not only in terms of reliability, but also aesthetic appeal. Both the color scheme and the overall design should be in harmony with the design of the apartment. It must also be remembered that the front door can have a different look on both sides.

A good decor option is the surface finish of the canvas with veneer. This will give a luxurious look to the structure, creating a kind of imitation of a solid wood. In addition, it is possible to create a special relief ornament on the surface of the dense, complementing the overall decor of the door.

Many are "bought" for Chinese front doors, but it is better to refuse such an acquisition. In such models, the cost of construction is too low, which certainly affects the quality and reliability of protection. It is important to remember the main rule: do not save on your own safety.

To decide for yourself which doors are better, you need to familiarize yourself with the offers from different manufacturers. Having determined the undisputed leader in this matter, it is possible with full confidence to invest in the design of entrance doors.

The modern building goods market offers entrance doors from both foreign and domestic manufacturers, whose reputation testifies to the high quality of the manufactured goods. In order to understand which company the entrance doors are worth taking, it is necessary to conduct an adequate appraisal examination and identify the only leader in this niche. For this purpose, it is better to familiarize yourself with the rating list of the best manufacturers of door leaf models.

The best of the best

To choose the best entrance doors use the following criteria:

  • The thickness of the metal sheet;
  • fire safety;
  • Noise and heat insulation;
  • Availability of additional accessories;
  • Offered range.

Door called the beast

It is one of the leading leaders in the door manufacturing industry. It has the most modern equipment, thanks to which it is possible to apply the latest developments in the production of door structures.

The enterprise has a developed management structure, which gives the right to optimally organize not only the production process, but also the process of selling finished structures. At all stages of manufacturing, products are checked for quality and, accordingly, reliability of the goods offered.


Stal is a company founded over a quarter of a century and has maintained an excellent reputation to this day. It specializes in the manufacture of not only metal entrance doors, but also other steel products (lattices, barbecues, etc.).

Thanks to well-coordinated work, the company entered the world market. Gradually expanding its capabilities and improving the technological process, the company currently has a full production cycle. Products are presented at well-known exhibition venues, which indicates the competitiveness and high quality of manufactured products.


The company has been manufacturing metal products (steel doors and gates) since 1995. The gradual increase in capacity allowed expanding the circle of customers, reaching the all-Russian level.

The loyalty of the pricing policy and the competitiveness of products enabled the company to establish itself as one of the leaders in this industry. You can place an order for the manufacture of products according to individual sizes. Also on sale are bulletproof and armored doors of the highest quality.


Gerda is a domestic company whose partners are such European brands as Open Gallery (Israel), MaMe Turendesing GmbH (Germany), etc. By adopting the experience and knowledge of foreign partners, the company was able to reliably strengthen its leading position among competitors and expand production capacity.

In addition to manufacturing entrance doors from metal, the company also produces locks of its own production.

In addition, a distinctive feature of door structures is the fastener system, which is particularly durable and reliable.


The company's activity is the production of numerous types of entrance doors. In addition to standard models, you can also choose exclusive options, which undoubtedly brings the company to a leading position in the Russian market. Despite the high cost of its products, the company has a fairly wide range of sales. This is due to a conscientious approach to the fulfillment of the tasks set, as evidenced by the excellent quality of the door panels.


"Guardian" is a fairly well-known manufacturer of entrance doors. In addition to door structures, you can also purchase accessories, locks, panels, etc. Unlike its competitors, the company produces both elite and economy class doors, which allows all segments of the population to purchase quality products, regardless of financial condition.


"Bastion" is one of the flagships of the domestic production of steel entrance doors. A feature of the company's door panels is not only high quality, but also original design solutions. In addition, the kit includes anti-removable hinges and reliable locks, which guarantees 100% protection for the house from unauthorized entry by intruders.

Choosing the front door to the apartment is not an easy task and raises many questions. You need to know what qualities the design should have, what to look for when choosing. The front door is the keeper of the hearth, preventing noise, cold and uninvited guests from entering the housing. It should also look presentable, as it acts as the hallmark of the apartment.

Requirements for the entrance door to the apartment

Any premises, residential or industrial, meet the visitor with the front door. It is not difficult to choose the front door of internal opening to the apartment now. Nevertheless, manufacturers offer a wide range of products, the difference between which is in materials, dimensions, colors and styles.

Many people are not able to make a competent choice due to the large variety. This is especially true for those who buy entrance doors to the apartment for the first time. To avoid errors, you should take into account the requirements for any input structures:

  1. General reliability parameter. Entrance doors perform many functions, but the main one is to ensure the protection of housing. For this reason, the design chosen must be durable and of high quality, able to protect against intruders.
  2. It should be possible to inspect the outer territory. It is better if the front door to the apartment is equipped with at least a small peephole. This will allow you to see the situation outside the housing or on the flight of stairs.
  3. Noise and heat insulation. The product prevents the penetration of noise and cold into the house, increasing the comfort of living.
  4. Appearance. It is better to choose a beautiful front door to the apartment so that it fits into the interior of the home with its style design.

Before you go to the store for a purchase, you need to consider other points:

  1. Canvas price. It all depends on the quality of the design. If you choose a door for a summer cottage or an old abandoned apartment, then it is not necessary that it be high-strength. Cheaper alternatives will work as well. But if the product is installed in a new building apartment or a residential country house, then more expensive variations can be considered.
  2. Opening dimensions. The canvas should easily "enter" the doorway. Therefore, before buying, you should take all measurements in advance.
  3. Choice of accessories. We are talking about locks, hinges, eyes, handles and so on. It takes into account the type of construction and your own preferences. Of course, it is better to choose the appropriate fittings for a good entrance door to the apartment, suitable in quality and style.
  4. Availability of certificates and guarantees. This is an important point at the time of purchase, ensuring that all installation and operation issues are resolved.

Types of entrance doors

A wide range of input structures is presented on the construction market; designer canvases and technical models are also produced. They are classified according to the material used in the manufacture.

metal front door

This is the most requested type. They are made using special technology from durable materials. There are models that are additionally coated with an anti-corrosion compound, which allows the blades to be used under different climatic conditions, extending their service life.

The thickness of metal sheets also matters: for European entrance doors it is 1 mm, Chinese - from 0.5 to 1 mm, domestic - from 1.5 to 3 mm. The strength characteristics of the input structure depend on the thickness of the metal. European models have standardized sizes, while our manufacturers also produce non-classical options.

The customer can choose the design and format of insulation.

Before choosing a metal door to an apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification according to the level of complexity:

  1. Economy class. These are simple and affordable products made of single-sheet steel with a thickness of 1 mm. As a design, only painting is used, without insulation and soundproofing. A separate variety is metal sheets in an apartment, assembled from two sheets (each 1 mm thick). For such products, finishing, heat and sound insulating filler is provided.
  2. Middle class. These are products made from two sheets, where the thickness of each is 1.5 mm. Finishing can be any and depends on the preferences of the customer.
  3. Elite class. Entrance doors with a reinforced structure, with a thickness of sheets up to 2 mm. They are finished with natural or artificial materials, sheathed with wood, veneer.

As a finish, they use: thermal film, polymer or powder paint, plastic or wooden lining, vinyl leather, car enamel, varnish, MDF lining and other materials.

Important! In order for the selected metal front door to successfully fulfill its functions, it is important to install it correctly.

wooden front door

Not so long ago, wood was used as the main material for the production of entrance structures. Now the user has a choice where each product differs in its operational properties. Nevertheless, wooden canvases are classified as luxurious and practical classics. Thanks to innovative technologies, their functions and properties have been improved by an order of magnitude compared to the first models, as a result they last longer.

Wooden products are no longer as popular as they used to be, this is due to the fact that a large selection of artificial materials is offered on the market. But some customers prefer the natural solid wood. Considering the design features, three types of wooden entrance doors can be distinguished:

  1. Shield. To assemble these products, shields up to 4 cm thick are used. The frame is assembled from solid wood elements glued together. Some manufacturers supplement such entrance doors with an aluminum frame, which not only retains heat, but also extends the life of the product.

  2. Paneled. In terms of design, they are similar to shield ones. They weigh an order of magnitude less, which facilitates transportation and installation.

  3. Whole. This option is now the most common. For manufacturing take a solid array of wood.

What materials are wooden doors made from?

  1. Oak. This is a high-strength and durable breed that can last for several decades. An interesting feature is that oak hardens over time, which makes the canvas even more stable. The result is the most expensive entrance doors to the apartment.

  2. Ash. By analogy with oak, a durable and practical material. A popular option due to the variety of colors.
  3. Beech. It is better to install such a door to an apartment in a multi-storey building. Beech does not tolerate moisture, so it is not used for country houses.
  4. Pine. The key advantage is the affordable price. Pine is a soft material, so canvases from it are made purely for apartments.

Wooden doors to the apartment are preferred by those customers who prefer environmental friendliness and natural appearance.

Entrance door to the apartment with a mirror

This species is gradually gaining popularity. Many customers prefer just such entrance doors to the apartment, explaining the choice by the small size of the hallway. Now the mirror can be mounted in both wooden and metal products.

The front door with a mirror looks organically in any interior, often acting as a key element of decor. The design is interesting for its decorative effect, but it can also perform other functions:

  1. Practicality. Leaving the apartment, you can always look in the mirror, evaluating your appearance. Of course, for this you need to correctly place the light sources so that the light falls on the person.
  2. Visually enlarges the space. Light, reflected, creates the illusion of a large corridor.

Important! To ensure the desired effect, it is necessary to carefully choose the shape and size of the mirror to be installed. This will emphasize the style of the apartment and decorate the interior.

The mirrors themselves are practical products. Indeed, in a small hallway, it is sometimes difficult to place a separate large mirror. But the door panels are just the right size.

The width of the entrance door to the apartment

Standard dimensions are defined by GOST standards, regardless of the material of construction. The main parameters are as follows:

  1. Height. The standard parameter is in the range from 2070 mm to 2370 mm. To determine a specific value, the total height of the ceiling and the width of the door leaf are taken into account.
  2. Width. The minimum parameter is 910 mm. For single leaf - 1010 mm, one and a half - 1310, 1510 and 1550 mm, double - 1910 and 1950 mm.
  3. Thickness. There are no strict regulations regarding this value, since it all depends on the material of the canvas for the apartment. The thickness should be enough for the front door to perform its main functions.

Important! For entrance structures, the standard size is larger than for interior ones. They do this so that a person carrying a load can freely pass through the opening.

How to choose entrance metal doors for an apartment

The most common metal structures. Most often, a steel door to an apartment is chosen, which provides adequate protection for housing. There are both global and domestic manufacturers on the market, producing products of different styles and sizes.

Metal has long been used to make entrance doors to an apartment. This is the most durable material that provides protection against burglary. For this reason, it is popular for both residential and industrial premises. When choosing an iron door to an apartment, you should pay attention to the base material. For the manufacture of products using the following metals:

  1. Aluminum. Such products are different in texture and shades. Aluminum is a metal that is easy to process, so making entrance doors from it is somewhat easier.
  2. Steel. This metal is more reliable and durable. In addition to the main function, such entrance canvases are equipped with noise and heat insulation. At a price they are more expensive than aluminum counterparts, but the quality is better.

When choosing a product for an apartment, pay attention to the thickness of the base layer - the more, the better the design will protect the home. Only two materials are used as the basis, but the products differ from each other due to the decorative layer. As a decor used:

  1. PVC panels. Caring for such a coating is quite simple.
  2. MDF. In addition to environmental friendliness, this material provides good sound insulation. The most preferred option for office space.
  3. Powder coated. Budget exterior.
  4. Panels made from natural wood. Expensive, but environmentally friendly and visually appealing option.

To increase the mechanical characteristics of the entrance door to the apartment, manufacturers equip products with stiffeners. These elements provide protection against deformation and increase burglary resistance. The more stiffeners, the more stable the structure will be. It should be understood that due to the increase in the number of these elements, the weight increases, which means that the hinges will experience increased loads and will fail faster.

What color to choose the front door to the apartment

When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the general style of housing design, the color of the floor material, walls, and basic furniture. The right tips to help you choose the color of the front door to the apartment:

  1. The best solution is to choose a neutral shade that will go with nothing. White, black, gray or beige options look good.
  2. It is optimal if the color of the canvas matches the shade of the window frames.
  3. Doors decorated with drawings, stained-glass windows or stickers look good. The bias is made on design, so compatibility is relegated to the background.

Important! These tips are suitable for choosing the entrance canvas to the apartment, as well as for interior partitions.

Rating of entrance metal apartment doors

The most popular designs of the following brands:

  1. Outpost. This manufacturer produces products at a reasonable price. The company is originally from Russia, but production is organized in China, which made it possible to optimize costs. The manufacturing process is controlled, so the products are of good quality, unchanged technical parameters and appearance.
  2. Torex. The company has been producing entrance doors to apartments for over 25 years. Thanks to solid practical experience, the fabrics produced have good consumer properties, without overpayment. The range includes fire protection options.
  3. Elbor. The year the enterprise began its activity is 1976. Not so long ago, a comprehensive modernization of the company was carried out, which made it possible to increase production capacities.
  4. Guardian. A distinctive feature of the products of this company is the high price, but consumer properties correspond to the premium class. For the manufacture of entrance doors to the apartment, strict international and domestic standards are taken into account.
  5. Became. This is a group of companies that produces entrance canvases for individual orders. A feature of the products is additional concreting, thanks to which the box is attached many times more reliably, while maintaining tightness.

This is not a complete list of companies manufacturing entrance doors for apartments.

Where should the front door to the apartment open?

In this matter, there is a main requirement - in the event of an emergency, the structure should not create obstacles for the evacuation of people. If we consider the practical side, then take into account several points:

  • when opening inward, you will have to stop in front of the door and step back to open it;
  • the canvas that opens outwards is characterized by burglary resistance, since it is much more difficult to knock it out;
  • if the product opens inward, it will not be possible to put an additional door, which will not only keep the heat in the apartment, but also reduce the noise level;
  • if the room has a small entrance hall, it is better to choose the option of opening to the outside.

In the case of apartment buildings, the following points are also taken into account:

  • when plowing outside, the canvas should not interfere with the opening of the neighbor's doors;
  • if the apartments open to a common vestibule, then the vestibule door is opened outward, and the entrance door is opened inward;
  • if during the opening the door touches something, for example, a counter, then it is supplemented with an opening limiter.

For the most part, where the canvas will open is the decision of the owner of the apartment.


Choosing an entrance door to an apartment is not a problem, as there are many proposals: these are metal, wooden products or structures with mirrors. The main thing is that the door provides adequate protection for the apartment and at the same time matches the interior of the room. You can take into account the rating of the entrance metal doors to the apartment, but it is equally important to properly install the canvas.

How to choose entrance doors to an apartment or? Each of us has our own idea of ​​products. But everyone considers reliability, quality and design to be the main qualities. You can also secure the apartment from intruders with additional actions: hold, put the apartment on guard and install. These are additional costs that can be avoided. However, there are nuances that affect reliability. It is warm and burglar resistant. To select the best product, we conducted a market analysis and compiled a rating of entrance doors to the apartment and consumer reviews to help you make the right decision.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the door material. Most often used in the production of wood or metal. Let's take a look at the features of each. High-quality entrance wooden doors to the apartment are expensive. They are quite reliable, it is such products that create prestige for their owners. Not every wood is suitable for making a quality structure. Better to use:

  • ash;
  • red and black tree.

Products made from other types of wood are significantly inferior in strength and performance. In this case, it is better to purchase doors made of metal. The price range is different. How not to get confused and know what to look for when choosing, we will tell further.

Main technical parameters of entrance doors

The front door must meet two criteria - reliability and security. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to consider the thickness of the base and the outer sheet. It is important that the structure has stiffeners. It would seem that the higher these parameters, the better. Excess weight will wear the hinges due to rapid inertia when opening.

Consider the main characteristics of metal entrance doors to an apartment in more detail.

Sheet thickness

Not every metal is suitable for front doors. Medium-carbon and medium-alloyed alloys are considered optimal. You can check the thickness of the sheet in the technical passport, while you should know the main classification:

The optimal weight of the product should be within 70 kg. Structures weighing about 100 kg are installed in banks.

Web design

The canvas consists of a rectangular frame with two steel sheets. Manufacturers sometimes replace the inner panel with MDF or veneer. If, you should choose a completely metal structure, since temperature changes and humidity will quickly render the wooden panel unusable.

It is obligatory to install cashing from steel and vestibules, which will hide all areas and protect the premises from unauthorized entry.

Stiffeners are installed between the sheets. The minimum set is 2 vertical and 1 horizontal. With an increase in their number, the reliability and weight of the structure increase.


When choosing a product, it must meet the following criteria:

  • The quality of the lock must match the door. A model assembled from cheap materials will not protect even the most expensive structure from hacking. And, conversely, it is useless to put a premium-class lock on Chinese products;
  • a mortise lock is needed for the front door, overhead models will not work. A latch is required;
  • manufacturers install 2 locks. This is necessary in order to protect against burglary, because it is much more difficult and longer to open two locks for a robber. There is another reason - it is reinsurance. In the event of a breakdown of one for the duration of the repair, you can use the second lock;
  • locks need to be chosen with different designs. It is recommended to install a lever and cylinder lock.

You should choose a lock only from reliable manufacturers. They guarantee high quality and reliability of models.

Hinges and platbands

For urban conditions or private houses, it is enough to install 2-3 loops. They must be supplemented with ball bearings. This increases their service life. Elements can be hidden and external, which are attached to the rack and canvas by welding. External loops spoil the appearance of the product, besides, they can be easily cut off. Hidden ones are much safer. However, they have their drawbacks:

  1. the price of the door increases;
  2. hinges are hidden in special grooves, this reduces the opening of the structure;
  3. smaller opening angle.

The hinges are closed with a casing, it makes it difficult to break the door.


The main choice is the design of the canvas. Finishing should be practical, resistant to mechanical damage and weather conditions. This is especially important for private houses and cottages. Anti-vandal powder coating meets these requirements.

The inner canvas should harmoniously fit into. Manufacturers offer designs with removable inner panels that can be changed if necessary.

How to choose the right front door to the apartment

Many manufacturers are engaged in the manufacture of structures. How not to get confused and choose the best steel entrance doors to an apartment in the price-quality ratio? We have compiled several rules with which it will be easy to navigate in this market segment:

  1. The base must be made of high-strength steel, sheet thickness - 2-3 mm. In addition to reliability and durability, it has additional noise and heat insulation.
  2. Finishing can be done in MDF, powder coating, wood.
  3. When choosing, you should know in which direction the canvas will open and the location of the handle.
  4. Criteria for moisture and.
  5. You should pay attention to what materials the heat and sound insulation is made of.
  6. Complementing the design with locks, the degree of burglary resistance.
  7. Door fittings:, hinges, chains must be of good quality, otherwise they will quickly fail.
  8. When choosing a product, it is important to choose a model of well-known manufacturers. They will provide a long warranty period not only for the canvas, but also for accessories.
  9. Installation should be entrusted only to professionals.

Additional functions of entrance doors

A high-quality door must not only meet the requirements of reliability and safety, but also perform additional functions. For city apartments, it is important that third-party sounds and smells from the entrance do not penetrate into the room. Therefore, you should pay attention to these parameters.

Metal entrance doors to the apartment with sound insulation

Noise and heat insulation of the front door is carried out with mineral wool, polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene. In addition, they will protect the room from external sounds. According to professionals, the construction filled with polyurethane foam is considered the best. In addition, to ensure sound insulation, it is necessary to maintain a hermetic fit of the canvas to the frame. To do this, you need to install 2 contours of sealing gum around the perimeter of the frame. You can, if necessary, check with the seller as an additional metal front door in the apartment.

Another important parameter is the thickness of the door. It must be at least 60 ml, then the product will meet all the required characteristics.

Entrance metal doors to the apartment with a mirror

Entrance door designers have developed a completely new model with a mirrored canvas. In addition to the fact that it is convenient to have a full-length mirror, it does not take up space and visually increases the space. Such products can be divided into several types:

  • with mirror panel, which is attached with a special adhesive composition;
  • with built-in mirror– the mirror surface partially covers the panel.

This should be known! The only drawback of the designs is the inability to install a peephole. If necessary, a video peephole can serve as an alternative.

Rating of entrance steel doors to the apartment and customer reviews

You can't skimp on the safety of your home. The front door must fully meet all the requirements of modern life. To better navigate the models, we have compiled a rating of the best manufacturers in 2017-2018. in different price ranges.

Producer "Forpost"

The products first entered the market over 17 years ago. In addition to manufacturing steel entrance doors to the apartment, they are engaged in the production of locks. The products are in great demand due to their high quality and reasonable price.

The manufacturer offers 3 types of designs:

  • standard− designed for installation in apartment buildings;
  • reinforced− recommended for private houses;
  • construction- for installation at the time of construction of houses or.

All models are equipped with hidden hinges, which increases their safety.

Advice! If you need to make a note of the elements, you should contact the manufacturer or the service center directly.

As proof of the above, we give consumer feedback on Forpost products.

xumuk032 Russia, Bryansk, Outpost door 228: Advantages: resistant coating, good insulation, looks decent.

Disadvantages: the keys to different locks are almost the same in shape and color.

This is a steel door with a metal thickness of 1.5 mm on the outside. Inside is also metal, but a little thinner. Filling - polyurethane foam. Also a lot of castles.

The outer side is made of steel with a thickness of 1.5 mm with a weather-resistant coating. That is, this one is suitable for installation directly on the street. The inner part of the leaf and the box is coated with polymer. Which is also very successful, because. when installed between the street and the heated room, there will be condensate, and it is not afraid of polymer coating, unlike MDF ...

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_2983317.html.



Producer "Toreks"

The company has been producing metal structures for over 25 years. The product range can be divided into 3 categories:

  • for private houses. Expanded polystyrene is used as a heater. You can also choose doors with a thermal break, this will help save heat;
  • for apartments in high-rise buildings;
  • fire fighting. They are able to hold an open fire for up to 6 hours. In addition, they are equipped with an anti-panic mechanism, with which the doors can be opened from the inside.

Here is one of the many reviews about the models:

Hela, Russia, metal entrance door "Torex": Advantages: no noise and smell.

Cons: none.

We bought the entrance door to the apartment with soundproofing by Torex. These products are not very cheap, but quite high quality. The door cost us 24,000 rubles. It has 2 locks, 1 latch. There is a peephole. True, we ordered a metal curtain for it. Love the door hardware. Everything works well and looks good...

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_1405347.html.

Producer "Elbor"

The history of the Elbor manufacturer begins in the 70s of the last century. The following series of doors are currently being produced:

  • luxury;
  • premium class;
  • Standard products;
  • optium with a minimum set of functions;
  • economy class.

High quality distinguishes products in the market of similar products.

Producer "Guardian"

The manufacturer first began production in 1994. Products are expensive, which is not surprising. It has been awarded the highest quality and durability awards. Products have a fire safety certificate. Currently, the market offers products of various designs in a wide price range, but if funds allow, you should opt for the premium class. On the manufacturer's website you can see photos of entrance doors of different price ranges.

Producer "Condor"

This manufacturer produces doors in a good price-quality ratio. Mineral wool is used for thermal insulation. The design is resistant to external influences, the canvas is painted with a special varnish composition. Doors can be installed. No obvious shortcomings have been identified, and therefore it is worth paying attention to the products when choosing.

Producer "Stal"

Metal doors from the manufacturer "Stal" are similar to those produced by the Elbor plant. The only difference is in the lineup. The manufacturer does not produce premium models, the main production is designed for the average consumer. Products are made of a sheet with a sheet thickness of 2 mm, a profile of a complex design is used, which increases the strength of the doors.

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