How to glue wallpaper after a ceiling plinth. What to glue first - wallpaper or ceiling plinth: the nuances of mounting over pasted walls. The subtleties of arranging different options

Ceiling skirting boards for wallpaper are soft and hard, depending on the material from which they are made. The material can be wood, gypsum, plastic and even stone, it all depends on the flight of designer imagination and financial capabilities.

Only light elements can be glued on top of the wallpaper, since they will not create an extra load. When using heavy ones, you should first attach them to the wall, and then glue the wallpaper.

Due to the different curvature of the wall and the plinth, a gap may occur between them. If the ceiling plinth is soft, it can be pressed against the wallpaper. When using hard, putty is first carried out. It is impossible to perform this operation well on top of the wallpaper, since the putty will spoil the appearance, will not hold securely on the wall and will create an additional load on the wallpaper.

Types of ceiling plinths

Usually finishing ends with wallpapering and installing a ceiling plinth. After that, the premises are considered fully habitable.

Ceiling plinths are divided according to the materials used for their manufacture, and there are:

Before starting installation, you need to carefully mark the corner elements and cut. Corner elements are best cut with a miter box, which will ensure a perfect fit. At the same time, it is worth leaving a small margin of length of 2-3 cm, which will allow the most accurate fitting of the joints during installation. After installation in place, you can carefully trim the excess. Depending on the material, you can cut the parts with a clerical knife, a hacksaw with fine teeth or a hacksaw for metal. In this way, heavy elements are first attached, and then the wallpaper will be glued.

The method of attaching the skirting board also depends on the material.

  • fastening of a wooden plinth is carried out with glue and nails, in some cases they are glued without the use of nails;
  • gypsum is glued to a gypsum mortar containing from 1 to 3% PVC glue. For the most durable fastening, dowel nails are additionally used. The holes for them are pre-drilled in detail, and at the end of the work, with the help of gypsum putty, the mounting holes are hidden.
  • plastic and foam skirting boards are planted on glue. This method of fastening is sufficient for reliable fixation, since the weight of the elements is relatively small.

In some cases, ceiling plinths are sold with corner elements, which greatly simplify the fastening and fitting of elements, hide the edges.

You can glue the wallpaper first or after installing the baguette. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. With any method, installation should begin from the most visible angle.

Installation before wallpapering

When installing a ceiling plinth on a wall before wallpapering, you must first level the surface. If it was not possible to perfectly align the wall, and the plinth is already being mounted, you just need to carefully putty all the gaps between the wall and the plinth.

This method is most often used when installing heavy fillets with low plasticity, made of gypsum, stone or wood.

It is more difficult to glue the wallpaper after installing the skirting board, since it requires careful marking of the sheets, but at the same time, the skirting board fits snugly against the wall, which eliminates gaps that spoil the appearance.

It is advisable to prepare sheets of wallpaper in advance and leave a margin of length of 2-3 cm in order to better fit the pattern. Excess length that falls on the baguette can be carefully trimmed with a spatula and a clerical knife. To do this, press the sheet with a spatula close to the ceiling plinth and cut along it. This method allows you to cut the edges of the wallpaper very evenly close to the baseboard.

Another advantage of this method is that if it is necessary to replace the wallpaper, the baguette can be left in its place.

Installation over wallpaper

The use of light and flexible ceiling plinths, after gluing, allows you to hide the uneven cutting of wallpaper sheets. The main disadvantage of this method is the need to remove the baguette when replacing wallpaper, which most often leads to damage and replacement. In addition, you should very carefully apply glue to two planes at once, glued to the ceiling and wall. When installing, hold each element pressed until the glue sets.

If the adhesive has squeezed out onto the wall or ceiling, it must be removed immediately with a dry cloth.

When painting, mounting tape is first glued next to the ceiling plinth, and only after that painting is performed. Masking tape avoids the loss of decorative qualities of wallpaper.

Installation with stretch ceilings

If there are stretch ceilings in the room, the technology for gluing wallpaper and skirting boards changes slightly. The latter should be used only special ones designed for such ceilings. They have a wider shelf so that they can be securely glued to the wall. In no case should they be glued to the ceiling, as this may cause damage to the canvas.

Below is a video that will tell you how to mount the ceiling plinth - first or after wallpapering:

What to glue first: ceiling plinth or wallpaper? This question is asked by both the novice specialist and the owner of the living space. Decorative finishing in the room gives the interior comfort and creates a certain style, and the right frame for the ceiling can both narrow and expand the room, make it emphatically official or homely. The article will tell you how to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper and on the wall.

Types and features of baguettes

(frieze, fillets, baguette) is used for interior decoration of houses and apartments. At the same time, it goes well with various types of wallpaper, ceiling tiles and ordinary painting.

Tip: When decorating a room in a high-tech style, you should not use a frieze.

When purchasing a baguette, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceiling and the size of the room. The larger they are, the larger the plinth should be.

By installing a baguette, you can:

  • Hide defects that occur when puttying or wallpapering between the ceiling and the wall;
  • Hide uneven cutting wallpaper;
  • Decorate the room;
  • Emphasize its outline;

  • Give the finish a finished look.

A fairly diverse range of these products, when the owner decides to use them in decor, allows you to choose the best option for the interior. Fillets differ in size, shape and material of manufacture.

Baguettes can be made from different materials, but we will only touch on the most popular options:

  • Foam, decorative. Such skirting boards for ceilings are used most often, which is explained by:
  1. low cost;
  2. beautiful appearance;
  3. small weight;
  4. ease of installation of elements;
  5. they do not absorb moisture;
  6. do not rot;
  7. easy to cut with a regular sharp knife;

The disadvantages include:

  1. low fire resistance;
  2. great fragility;
  3. sloppy joints due to the graininess of the material.

  • . Such fillets can only be worked with even walls and ceilings, since the material is not flexible. They allow you to turn a modest room into a real palace. Products are fireproof, but, like all gypsum products, they are quite hygroscopic.

Material disadvantages:

  1. big weight;
  2. installation complexity.

  • . It has all the advantages of foam plastic and more accurate joints, which is associated with an increased density of the material. But the price is slightly higher.

  • . These products are used for rooms made in a classic style. Due to the rich appearance, as seen in the photo below, and the high cost, they belong to the elite baguettes. They are made from expensive hardwoods:
  1. oak;
  2. ash;
  3. mahogany.

Lack of material - absorbs moisture, which may cause deformation and even mold over time.

The most popular are baguettes made of polystyrene foam and modern polystyrene foam.

The procedure for the repair of the premises

So, what to glue first, ceiling plinth or wallpaper? The quality of doing the work with your own hands depends on this.

However, in any case, the instructions for the preparatory work are as follows:

  • All dismantling works are carried out in the premises;
  • Garbage is taken out;
  • Windows, radiators, all joinery are being replaced;
  • If necessary, change the electrical wiring;
  • Slopes are made;
  • The walls are leveled.

And then the finishing begins. Let's say right away that you can glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper. Moreover, many people do this to save time on trimming the wallpaper, which must be done when pasting exactly on the baseboard. However, this solution has several disadvantages:

  • It's no secret that the walls in our apartments are often far from smooth. When gluing a skirting board on such a wall without wallpaper, it is always possible to seal all the cracks that form with gypsum putty or sealant. The result is neat connections, and the skirting board holds much better. When sticking on wallpaper, such a focus cannot be turned.
  • Further. If you glued the plinth to the wallpaper, then when finishing it, you run a great risk of staining the walls - you can smear glue with an awkward movement or drip paint when whitewashing.
  • Well, and the last nuance - if you want to replace the wallpaper with new ones, you will have to cut through the old ones with a knife so as not to tear off the baguettes.

How is the ceiling plinth glued

Now let's take a closer look at the work itself.

To complete the work you will need:

  • A carpenter's miter box and a hacksaw with a small tooth;

  • Stationery knife;

  • Roulette and pencil;

  • For wooden and other hard skirting boards (except gypsum), it is better to purchase a miter saw.

Tip: Before gluing the ceiling plinth to the wallpaper, you should accurately calculate its quantity and purchase one extra piece in case of marriage when cutting.

Preparatory work - we determine the installation scheme

First you need to make a simple drawing. To do this, take a piece of paper and a pencil. The scale can be taken as 1 m = 1 cm. Thus, one plank of the ceiling plinth in the drawing will take 2 cm. Draw the perimeter of the room on the sheet. After that, place the plinth on the diagram so that you get the minimum amount of waste, that is, so that you have to cut the elements to a minimum.

Since the profile is not symmetrical, it is necessary to decide which side to glue it. It is often recommended to fasten the wide side of the fillet so as to cover surface flaws as much as possible. That is, if you glue the plinth over the wallpaper, then it is better to glue the wide side on the wall. If the ceiling surface is uneven and has some flaws in the corners, then the wide side is mounted to the ceiling.

How to fix a baguette over wallpaper

The order of operations is as follows:

  • Marking is made on the ceiling and walls. In this case, a chopping thread or a long rule is used to align the baguette.
  • For trimming the plinth, when joining the material in the corners, a miter box is used.

  • A baguette is glued: first into the corners, then around the entire perimeter, but if there is a markup, the sequence of work does not matter. Liquid nails are used as glue. This glue is applied in a thin strip to the edge of the fillet on the reverse side, after which it is pressed against the wall. Excess glue squeezed out quickly, before it has time to dry, is wiped off with a damp sponge or rag.
  • The gaps formed between the wall and the plinth, the joints, especially at the corners, are very carefully smeared with silicone. It is necessary to ensure that the excess does not fall on the wallpaper and floor.

Even precisely fitted parts do not interfere with smearing at the joints first of all

Advice! There is a way to do this as cleanly as possible, with virtually no risk of staining the wallpaper. Before sticking the plinth along the intended line from below, masking tape is glued, which will need to be removed after all work is completed.

  • The frieze is painted with two brushes - one larger for the main part, the other small for neat whitening of the edges.

The sequence of work on sticking the frieze to sticking the wallpaper is practically the same, except that the baguettes can be processed much more carefully, with grinding joints and other delights.

There are other benefits too:

It is very convenient to glue on putty, pay attention to this first of all

  1. As an adhesive, you can use finishing putty - this solution is more justified, since the plinth becomes almost monolithic with the wall.
  2. Walls do not need to be covered with masking tape before painting.

The density and properties of the materials from which the ceiling plinths are made affect the sequence of gluing them and wallpaper. Therefore, we can conclude: flexible and light friezes are glued to the wallpaper, heavy and hard ones are attached only to the wall.

What comes first, wallpaper or ceiling plinth? This question, we think, has been answered. The video attached to the article will reveal the topic in more detail.

Mounting the skirting board before wallpapering

In this case, the fillet is installed before finishing the walls with wallpaper. This method is used by professionals, as it allows you to seal all the cracks and joints even in the process of applying putty. The wallpaper is aligned under the already installed plinth. But in its complexity, this method is not much different from the previous one. It is enough to practice a little and even an amateur will do it no worse than a professional.

Ceiling plinths allow you to smooth the transition from walls to ceiling, in addition, they hide irregularities. But for this you need to correctly install these elements. Taking into account the information on how to install the skirting board - before pasting the wallpaper and after, you can decide which option is more suitable for you.

In our practice, there are many cases when customers want to avoid installing skirting boards in the room. Basically, such wishes arise from the owners. Indeed, such interiors look more concise and modern and, often, the plinth spoils their appearance.

Of course, any builder will tell you that the plinth is required. This is due both to the peculiarity of flooring and in terms of practicality in operation. For example, when laying laminate or parquet in a locking (floating) way, a compensation gap of 5-7 mm from the walls is required, which needs to be covered with something. In addition, after repairs during operation and cleaning of the premises, in order to avoid wear and contamination of the lower part of the walls, it is still recommended to install a skirting board.

However, if you are a perfectionist and still want to do interior without a skirting board, ready to sacrifice practicality for the sake of appearance, there are a few secrets that will help you realize this idea without negative consequences for flooring.

Adhesive flooring installation

In order to avoid a gap between the wall and the floor, it is necessary to install floor coverings with glue. In this case, the technological gap is not needed, since the floor will not "float", it does not need to expand. Just as a way to solve this problem, you can use other types of flooring, such as porcelain stoneware (porcelain parquet) or quartz-vinyl. It should be noted that the cutting of materials must be perfect and carried out on special equipment, otherwise the wall-floor joint will look messy. The same can be said about the quality of the finishing of the lower part of the walls. The approach to the joint with the floor should be of the highest quality. This requires special care of the work of master finishers, which in turn affects the cost. repair work.

In this case, only painting or various decorative plasters and coatings using materials with a high abrasion resistance status are suitable for wall decoration. Coloring is desirable to carry out on fiberglass, and not on interlining. Since fiberglass can withstand a greater number of repeated stains, and the half-wall joint can be done as accurately as possible thanks to the top layer of putty. After painting, in this case, we recommend additionally treating the walls with a special water-repellent impregnation, which will protect them from moisture penetration during cleaning, and also make them more pliable for wet cleaning using special products. If, nevertheless, after finishing, small gaps have formed in the corners, they are filled around the entire perimeter with a sealant in the color of the floor coverings.

Installation of finishing (edge) profiles for floor coverings

If you have already purchased a laminate or parquet, the installation of which provides for floating laying, you can use the finishing profiles. Such profiles are also available from flooring manufacturers (you can choose a color from the same collection), as well as from other manufacturers. However, keep in mind the nuance that after installation there will be a visible strip of the profile along the perimeter of the entire floor covering. Finishing and processing of walls, in this case, is similar to the first paragraph.

The use of wall panels in the interior

As an option to do without skirting boards in the interior, this is the use of various kinds of decorative wall panels after finishing. It can be both gypsum options, and MDF, natural wood and others. Thus, Wall panels perform the role of the same plinth, but are installed on the entire wall. However, one should be prepared for the fact that such ideas are not cheap to implement and are suitable for interiors with a high budget.

Wall panels in the interior

Hidden plinth

To solve the problems of the aesthetic component of the interior, a hidden plinth. In this case, the plinth is visible, however, is in the same plane with the wall. This makes it unobtrusive and neat. This method is implemented at the stage of rough work before plastering and painting. Hidden plinth can be either without lining (made of anodized aluminum in the color of silver, bronze and other shades, as well as stainless steel), and with lining made of duropolymer, MDF, wood. This kind of skirting boards can also be played with space using wall panels, creating overhanging wall effect, including backlit. It is not cheap in implementation, but it is worth it to kill two birds with one stone - to create not only visually perfect, but also practical interior. Our choice is just such a method.

Hidden plinth with MDF lining
Wall panels with LED lighting

And finally, I would like to give a couple of tips for those who nevertheless decided to use the first two options. In order to implement this idea as correctly as possible, choose experienced and good contractors. After all, in order to interior without skirting boards looked aesthetically correct, it is necessary to make every effort both at the stage of erecting partitions (angle deviations should not be at all), and at the stage of plastering. Otherwise, after all the finishing work and laying the flooring, all the errors in the rough work will be clearly visible. If you are not sure about your builders, it is better to use the last two methods.

We wish you an easy repair!

*The photographs of this article are taken from free access on the Internet and are not the property of the author.

Skirting boards when decorating walls with wallpaper in apartments today are often mounted not only at the bottom, near the floor, but also at the top - along the ceiling line. Making out the premises in this way, of course, you need to follow certain technologies. For example, many apartment owners who decide to make repairs with their own hands are interested in what to glue first - wallpaper or a ceiling plinth.

Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question. The procedure for decorating walls with wallpaper using ceiling plinths depends on the variety of the latter. Also, when performing such work, the type of material from which the wallpaper itself is made is also taken into account.

Types of ceiling plinths

Baguettes can be glued along the wall line:


    flexible polyurethane;




When decorating walls with wallpaper, only plastic ceiling plinths cannot be installed. Such decorative elements are mounted exclusively when used for decorating a room with PVC panels. All the rest, when used for wall decoration, wallpaper can be glued.

What to glue first - wallpaper or ceiling plinth?

All types of baguettes available today can be divided into two large groups: light and heavy. It is believed that the first type can also be glued on top of the wallpaper. Heavy wooden or stone baguettes are mounted with such a wall finish exclusively end-to-end.

It is believed that foam can be glued to wallpaper. The weight of such elements is small. Accordingly, even not very strong wallpapers, when a foam plastic decorative element is glued on top of them, will not subsequently move away from the wall.

Polyurethane ceiling plinths can only be glued on top of sufficiently dense wallpaper, for example, vinyl. Paper decorative trim of this type on the walls is fixed with such baguettes exclusively end-to-end.

Wooden and stone skirting boards, since such elements are expensive, apartment owners usually entrust the installation to professionals. In this case, the question of what to glue first - wallpaper or ceiling plinth before the masters is not worth it at all. Such baguettes are always fixed on the wall at the initial stage of its design. Skirting boards of this type are mounted using not only glue, but also various kinds of steel fasteners. After installing such baguettes, the walls are pasted over with wallpaper with an exact fit to their lower edge.

The choice of glue for foam plinth

So, we found out what to glue first - a ceiling plinth or wallpaper. The sequence of the procedure in this case will depend on the material of manufacture of the finish and baguette. But of course, in order for the walls in the room to look neat in the future, skirting boards of any kind must also be properly mounted.

As already mentioned, with their own hands, property owners usually install only foam or polyurethane flexible lightweight baguettes on the walls. The first kind of skirting boards is attached to the wall using a very simple technique. To install baguettes of this type, the same glue is usually used that was used when installing wallpaper. You can also use liquid nails for attaching such decorative elements.

Technology of installation of foam baguettes

After gluing the wallpaper on the top of the wall, if the ceiling is not too even, make a horizontal marking under the plinth using a simple pencil. Next, two strips of glue are applied to the foam baguette along the edges and pressed tightly against the wall. The skirting boards at the end of the row, if necessary, are cut to the desired length. When installing a baguette, excess glue is immediately removed with a dry, clean cloth.

At the end of the installation, wait for the glue to dry and seal the joints between the elements with acrylic-based putty. If necessary, such a tool is tinted to match the color of the plinth before use.

How to properly mount a flexible polyurethane baguette

As we found out, the answer to the question of whether to glue such a ceiling plinth before or after the wallpaper depends on the material of manufacture of the latter. Polyurethane baguettes are mounted using approximately the same technology as foam ones. The only thing, in this case, you should take a closer look at the choice of glue. Solvent-based compounds are not suitable for mounting polyurethane skirting boards. When installing such a baguette, it is necessary to lubricate with glue, including at the joints between the elements.

Since the polyurethane plinth weighs more than the foam one, it will take longer to hold it with your hands until it is glued to the wall or thick wallpaper. In those places where such a baguette does not stick to the surface due to the unevenness of the wall, it can be temporarily fixed with carnations. Also, experienced craftsmen are advised to nail the planks and their upper corners at the joints during installation. After the baguette is securely glued to the wall surface, the carnations will need to be pulled out of it.

Excess glue protruding from under the planks during installation of the polyurethane plinth is removed with a wet sponge. In some cases, after installing a flexible baguette in place, gaps may remain between its elements. It will not be difficult to close up such gaps, for example, with silicone sealant or acrylic putty.

Finishing at the final stage

No matter how the owner of the apartment decides to glue the ceiling plinth - before or after the wallpaper - at the final stage, he will most likely also have to paint this decorative element.

Wooden baguettes of the master after installation are usually covered with special oils, wax or varnish. Stone plinths are beautiful in themselves, and after installation they are not additionally finished. Foam and polyurethane baguettes at the final stage, in most cases, are painted using water-dispersion agents.

Coloring technology

The owners of apartments choose water-dispersion paints for the final decoration of skirting boards, since they, in comparison with many other similar products, have the following advantages:

  • ease of application;
  • aesthetics;
  • low cost.

It is allowed to use for the final finishing of foam and polyurethane elements, including inexpensive water-dispersion dyes intended for decorating ceilings. Such paints are cheaper than wall paints and do not adhere so firmly to surfaces. But baguettes during operation, for obvious reasons, are usually not subjected to any serious mechanical stress. Accordingly, even not too wear-resistant paint can hold out on them for a long time.

How to glue corners with skirting boards

We have the answer to the question of what to do first - wallpaper or ceiling plinth to glue on the walls. The technology for mounting decorative elements of this type, made of plastic or polyurethane, can in any case be considered extremely simple. With a sufficient degree of accuracy, even a person who does not have much experience in finishing work can stick such decorative elements. The only difficulty that a home master may face when installing light baguettes is pasting the corners.

In such places, plinths have to be cut. And to do this, of course, should be correct. Manually trimming their 45-degree corners is relatively difficult. Due to the slightest inaccuracy, the baguette in the corners will look extremely sloppy. Therefore, even foam or polyurethane skirting boards are cut when glued to walls, usually using a carpentry tool of a special design - a miter box.

So, we hope that we have answered in sufficient detail the question of what to glue first - a ceiling plinth or wallpaper. Below you will find some useful tips from experienced craftsmen, following which you can mount the baguette as quickly and accurately as possible:

  • Experts advise buying a plinth with a small margin. This is especially true in cases where there is no miter box at hand. Trimming baguettes in the corners is actually a very complicated procedure. And if it is not possible to carefully cut it out the first time, its ends are simply cut off. Then the procedure starts over. As a result, of course, the skirting board consumption increases.
  • Experienced craftsmen recommend painting the baguette only after it is installed in place. In advance, before gluing, this procedure should not be performed. Otherwise, spots of glue will remain visible on the baseboard in the future.

Mounting the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper and painting it after that, the walls, unfortunately, can be very easy to get dirty. To prevent this from happening, experienced craftsmen recommend using a clean rag and a long spatula when installing baguettes. Experienced craftsmen advise setting this tool along the bottom edge of the baseboards when painting them. This will prevent paint stains from appearing on the wallpaper.

Of course, you should not apply too much glue to the planks when fixing them. It should not protrude from under the plinth when pressed. Drops of glue, if they appear on the wallpaper, should be removed with a rag immediately - until they are frozen.

Many are interested in: “What first - a ceiling plinth or wallpaper?”, Although, at first glance, the answer is obvious. But not everything is so simple and unambiguous, and we want to consider this issue in detail, but at the same time we will tell you how to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper and on the wall.

Ceiling skirting boards


Upper fillets are used to hide the visible border of the roll and the junction between the finish and whitewash. In addition, these elements themselves carry a certain decorative value and are able to decorate the interior and complete the finish.

There are various types of fillets for finishing the top of the wall. Their main difference is the materials used for the manufacture of panels and the physical properties associated with it.

For the manufacture of baguettes, the following materials are used:

  • Wood. Wooden fillets look great in any interior, from folk and classical styles to modern interior solutions. For the manufacture of good models, valuable wood is used: oak, mahogany, walnut, larch and others;
  • Gypsum. This material makes it easy to create products of the most complex shapes and profiles, which are much lighter than natural stone, and also cheaper. However, it should be understood that gypsum is a solid material, and it is mounted on the most even walls;
  • Stone. Sometimes you can find fillets made of natural and artificial stone, which fit perfectly into the classic interior styles, and can also be well combined with modern finishes. The price of products is high due to the complexity of mining, processing and delivery of stone blanks;
  • Plastic. Modern production is increasingly moving to the use of polymers for the manufacture of a wide variety of products and products. Baguettes are no exception: models made of polyethylene, polyurethane, expanded polystyrene, foamed polyvinyl chloride and other types of plastic are widely represented on the market. (See also the article.)

Soft or flexible varieties of baguettes include only plastic products and, with some reservations, wooden ones. Here we can partially answer the question: "Is it possible to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper?". If this product is flexible, inexpensive and light enough, then you can.

The fact is that the walls are not perfectly even, but the baguette panels are, or rather, they are curved differently, and after installation, there will be gaps between the part and the wall. It is customary to putty these gaps, and paper is a poor basis for puttying. If the products are flexible or soft, they will not need to be repeated.

Only a light part can be glued to the paper, otherwise it will fall off along with the glue, tearing off.
If you don't know when to glue the skirting board - before or after the wallpaper - check its flexibility and estimate the weight.

Since the flexibility and softness of wood remains a big question, there is only one 100% skirting board for wallpaper - plastic.


Solid varieties include stone, gypsum, wood products and products made from other materials that do not bend and manifest themselves as fairly rigid parts. In this case, the question: "What comes first - a ceiling plinth or wallpaper?" receives the opposite answer, that is, first we glue the baguette.

This is due to the fact that a solid part will not be able to repeat the curvature of the walls, and gaps and gaps will remain between it and the surface. After fixing the part, these gaps are puttied, then the product is painted or whitened. It should also be remembered that stone and gypsum baguettes are quite heavy and, most likely, they simply will not hold on paper.

Before gluing the ceiling plinth to the wallpaper, make sure that it is not made of stone or plaster and has sufficient flexibility.
Otherwise, fillets must be installed first.


For those who do not mind working with their own hands, we have compiled instructions:

  1. After the glue on which the wallpaper is glued has completely dried, you can proceed with the installation of ceiling moldings. To do this, we clean the upper part of the wall and the ceiling adjacent to it from dust with a dry cloth or brush. We cut the excess pieces of rolls;

  1. We take measurements and cut the required number of panels according to them. We cut the corner parts at an angle of 45 degrees using a miter box;

  1. Now for those who do not know how to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper: you can use silicone sealant or glue for the type of plastic from which the fillet is made. We apply glue on the back of the panel and press the part tightly against the wall, wait a while and release;

  1. We coat the joints between the parts, especially at the corners, with acrylic-silicone sealant. You can also mix a little gypsum putty with PVC glue and putty large gaps with the resulting solution.

In order not to stain the walls, you can stick masking tape under the mounting level.


The sequence of gluing wallpaper and upper fillets depends on the properties and density of the material of the fillets themselves. Flexible and light parts can be glued to the wallpaper, while heavy and hard parts can only be glued to the wall. The video in this article complements the instructions and demonstrates the process of installing skirting boards under the ceiling.

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