How cats are connected with mysticism. Mysterious and mystical creatures - cats (7 photos). How a cat shows the presence of negativity in the house

The cat has such a strong aura that it extends not only to her, but also to her family, home and territory to which she is attached. When a cat rubs against your leg, she not only wants to get food, but in doing so she shares her energy with you. When you push her away at this moment, you are depriving yourself of the positive energy that she is trying to give you.

Cats not only protect the house from evil spirits, but also protect it from the negative energy that remained there before the cat settled in the house. This is especially important when you move into a house where other people have lived, or strange or bad things have happened in the house before.

1. The cat feels the presence of evil spirits and ghosts

When a cat senses the presence of some entities in the house, the first thing it does is follow them. She tries by all means to drive them out of the house. Pay attention to your pet and watch as the cat returns to the same spot in the house, maintaining a tense posture and staring at something we can't see.

Such behavior may indicate the presence of evil spirits..

To help the animal get rid of evil spirits, say a prayer over this place or light sage to cleanse the place of stagnant energy. The energy of the cat is so strong that it can quickly disperse any negative entity. For this reason, people who communicate with spirits do not allow cats into the room.

2. The cat protects from the evil eye

The presence of a cat can protect you from the evil eye and damage. If you are talking to someone you suspect of bad intentions, keep your hands on the cat, stroking its neck with your left hand and its tail with your right. This way you will be in full contact with the animal and protect yourself from bad energy.

3. The cat guards your house

Cats bring positive energy into the home, which contributes to the wealth and well-being of the entire family. They like to be in places with strong energy, for example, in geopathic zones, they feel stagnant negative energy or undercurrents. Not in vain when a person moves to another house according to a sign, a cat is let into the house firstOuch.

If the house is old, the cat will take care of the unwanted negative energy left by the old owners. If the house is new, the cat becomes a kind of ransom and takes on possible difficulties.

4. Cats heal

Cats of any breed and color can unwittingly heal their owners when they lie down on a sore spot.

One of The best way to heal with a cat is to pet it.e. Thus, you can get rid of mental tension and stress, improve vision and overall well-being. What kind of magical power do cats have, depending on their color?

Black cat

Despite superstition, black cats have the most powerful protection against negative energy in the house. They are endowed with wisdom and intuition.

Ginger cat

Regardless of the sex of the cat, representatives of this color have the power to bring prosperity and have the ability to focus.

Blue or smoky cat

Cats of this color bring love, happiness, good luck, as well as emotional stability and calmness.

White cat

These cats have powerful healing powers. They relieve stress, heal and restore energy, and also instill in people a sense of beauty.

Siamese cat

Cats of this color bring fame and success to their owner, as well as longevity.

tricolor cat

They combine the positive qualities of black, white and red cats, providing a strong protection for the home from all evil. These cats bring good luck, happiness and prosperity.

bicolor cat

Bicolor cats are believed to be the best mousers and are very friendly. They bring the energy of wisdom, understanding and common sense.

tortoiseshell cat

These cats are healing specialists and have the gift of foresight. Most often, this color is present only in females, which gives them pure energy.

golden cat

These cats have ancient wisdom, as they were revered in temples. They also represent solar energy and are gifted with grace.

tabby cats

These cats, like a smiling Cheshire cat, are playful, create a light and cheerful atmosphere and help to look optimistically at any situation.

Black cats are reliable energy protectors with amazing magical abilities and are eternal companions of the mysterious. Even in the Tarot deck, a black cat was honored to be depicted as a symbol... You can learn about the mystical properties of black cats on our website.

When we say "witch", our imagination helpfully gives out a complete witch's set: a cauldron with a potion, cards, candles, a pomelo and, of course, a black cat. And what does the word "mage" associate with? Well, of course, old books, manuscripts, spicy aromas, amulets, talismans and, again, an indispensable attribute of witchcraft - a black cat.

Why is this animal so attractive, why exactly a black, and not a red cat, became a symbol of mysticism, the unknown, incomprehensible and mysterious?

It turns out there are explanations for this. Only black color has the ability to perfectly protect against directed negative influences, completely absorbing all negative energies and nullifying, for example, the efforts of energy vampires to get into your biofield.

And the magicians and clients come across different, and competition again. ... It's not even an hour, you will fall victim to the envy of colleagues. Yes, and communication with spirits, ghosts and other undead is not in vain. The black cat copes with the functions of a defender better than other colors, it will warn of danger in time and remove the negative if necessary (and this is required quite often!)

The cat is a portable biogenerator that creates electromagnetic radiation. The combination of black and the cat's bio-power gives simply amazing results. The frequency and amplitude of the waves emitted by a black cat have a strong effect on a person, both protecting him and curing many diseases. That is why cats are actively used in animation therapy - a special area of ​​medicine that has existed since the mid-50s of the last century and is gaining more and more popularity these days. In favor of the fact that cats can not only relieve nervous stress, but also cure, for example, cardiovascular diseases, is the fact that almost 49% of American doctors recommend that their patients get a cat, which helps reduce the risk of a heart attack.

In past centuries, magicians and sorcerers were part-time healers and, knowing about extraordinary abilities of cats, used them in medical practice in the same way as physicians involved in animal therapy use them today.

Signs associated with blackcats

Signs associated with black cats have survived to our days. Situations are known when police patrols stopped because of animals crossing the road. In the UK, on ​​the contrary, such cases portend good luck. The origins of this superstition go back to the history of ancient Egypt, in the temples of which black cats were deified.

Another explanation is that friendship with a black cat promised the patronage of Satan, who did not dare to violate the well-being of the house in which such a cat lives.
Charles I had a black cat, and he sincerely believed that she influenced his fate. So, in the end, it did. Shortly after the royal cat died, the monarch was arrested and put to death.

Cats served as an excellent comfort for sailors during their long voyages. They say that on the ship of Columbus, bound for America, there lived a black cat, who had the gift of foreshadowing a storm and helping sailors in difficult situations. Nowadays, some sailors claim that a cat on a ship always goes to bed on the side where its native shore is located.

Bioenergetics are advised to get black cats for people suffering from hypertension, as animals remove negative energy and stabilize blood pressure.

In ancient Egypt, black cats were kept as temple animals. From there they were brought by Phoenician sailors to Europe. Over the years, the popularity of black cats grew, they perfectly caught rodents, remaining invisible in the dark. During the Middle Ages, black cats were considered an invariable attribute of witches' covens and servants of the devil, the Catholic Church even staged public acts of burning poor cats suspected of being connected with evil spirits.

The presence of at least a few white hairs was a saving sign. So religion made its own adjustments to the process of natural selection. In the 17th century, it was suddenly believed that organs taken from black cats had the ability to heal diseases. To protect yourself from ailments, you just had to bury a black cat's tail at the threshold of your house.

English naturalist Eduard Topsel advised how to prepare a potion from the head of a black cat to get rid of blindness. Medical quackery flourished and did not spare the poor animals. After such barbarism, it is not at all surprising that most black cats living today have snow-white marks on their bodies, which were once a symbol of their right to exist.


The cat is one of the most mystical animals on the planet, which people have worshiped since ancient times. Some believed that cats serve the forces of light, others - that the dark. When a cat rubs against your legs, it not only caresses you, but also marks you in a peculiar way, shares its energy with you. It is impossible in such cases to repel the animal, this can lead to the destruction of the astral connection between you.

The cat has a very strong aura that senses and repels all negative energy vibrations. It is necessary to create conditions for her so that she considers the place of your residence as her territory and guards it. They say cats can

chase away even ghosts. Magicians never keep a cat around during séances.

The presence of a cat in the house protects from the evil eye and damage, removes the magical effects of sorcerers. If the animal sits in one place for a long time, then not everything is safe there, and the cat is trying to cleanse it of evil forces. Sometimes she has to bring evil spirits out of the house, as they say, on herself. From this arose the saying that evil spirits ride on koshes. In this case, the animal acts as a magical vacuum cleaner to remove astral impurities. No wonder in the old days the cat was the first to be allowed into a new house.

The amazing magical abilities of the cat are widely used in healing. To relieve nervous tension from stress, just stroke your furry friend. Healers advise people suffering from poor eyesight to stroke the tail of a white cat. Sometimes a domestic cat itself finds the owner's sore spots and lays down on them.

Black cat protects the house from lightning and thieves. It is very useful to have a black animal for people,
successful in business, this will add to their even greater success. Losers should not get a black cat, it will only worsen their situation. In love magic, red-colored cats are successfully used. They help get rid of impotence and harmonize sexual relationships.

If there is a black and red kitten in the litter, then the redhead should be presented to friends, this will strengthen your ties and bring prosperity to the house. It is believed that white cats are the conductors of the purest cosmic energy. They do not live long, as they quickly fulfill their karmic tasks and move to the highest level. The tricolor color is considered the most favorable; it was these cats that were honored in ancient Egypt.

And any person, probably, feels that there is some mysterious energy in cats. When choosing a kitten, you need to take into account its astrological and energy compatibility with a person.

How the black cat saved Brezhnev

In early January 1969, Leonid Brezhnev made his first official visit to India. At one of the receptions, Mikhail Pegov, the ambassador of the Soviet Union in Delhi, introduced the high priest of the Lamaist Church in Tibet, the Dalai Lama, to Leonid Ilyich. The high priest was legendary throughout Southeast Asia. He had a unique gift - in a few sessions he could cure a seriously ill person, read books blindfolded. After shaking hands with the General Secretary, the Dalai Lama, through an interpreter, said that the distinguished guest had suffered a heart attack thirteen years ago (indeed, it was in 1956!). A little later, the high priest warned Brezhnev about the mortal dangers that he would encounter on his life path, and offered to take as a gift black cat, endowed with the gift of providence, which can save Leonid Ilyich from trouble.

When the Dalai Lama held out a cage with an animal, he sternly warned: only Leonid Ilyich should feed the animal and only raw meat. And further: as soon as the cat dies, then the owner will not live long. At the dacha in Zarechye, where Leonid Ilyich and his family lived most of the year, the cat was given a whole room. They named him Lama after the Dalai Lama. Lama did not let anyone, except Brezhnev, approach him. Food - and it was, as a rule, a huge piece of veal with blood - he accepted only from the hands of the owner.

January 21, 1969 Leonid Ilyich personally encountered the prophetic gift of his cat. On this day, all of Moscow rejoiced at the return to Earth of cosmonauts Eliseev, Shatalov, Volynov and Khrunov. Tens of thousands of Muscovites met the heroes traveling from the Vnukovo-2 airport to the Kremlin. From the radio transmitters installed on the streets, the announcers commented on the passage of the government motorcade, more than once mentioning which particular car the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev was in (it was a car that immediately followed the lead one). But as soon as the cortege of government vehicles drove up to the gates of the Kremlin, a young man in a police uniform with pistols in both hands rushed from the cordon line towards the second car and opened fire to kill. The attacker did not know that shortly before the entrance to the Kremlin, a change had occurred in the cortege and cosmonaut Georgy Beregovoi was now looking out of the window of the second car, who, together with cosmonauts Leonov, Tereshkova and Nikolaev, had been invited to a festive dinner in the Kremlin. Junior Lieutenant Viktor Ilyin fired 14 shots at the honorary escort car with two Makarov pistols. As a result, the driver of the car, Zharkov, was mortally wounded, and cosmonauts Beregovoy and Nikolayev were lightly wounded.

On the day of the assassination attempt, Lama got up earlier than usual and began scratching at the master's bedroom door. When they let him in, he jumped up on Leonid Ilyich's chest and, gazing fixedly at his master, began meowing plaintively. All morning the Lama never left the General Secretary, rubbing against his legs and from time to time making mournful sounds. It was a wake up call. Leonid Ilyich remembered the instructions of the Tibetan High Priest. That is why, following in the column, Brezhnev told those accompanying him that they were still meeting the astronauts and it would not hurt to let them go ahead, and stand at the end of the column themselves.

The second time Lama saved his master's life was February 20, 1970. The General Secretary's working day at his dacha in Zarechye began at 8.30, when he left for the Kremlin. On the morning of that day, the cat burst into the master’s bedroom and began meowing plaintively, and every time Brezhnev tried to leave the house, he grabbed his trousers cuffs with his teeth. Leonid Ilyich became alert and decided to release the guards, who were in a hurry to hand over the shift to another brigade, while he himself remained to work with documents. There's been an accident. A military truck flew onto the highway along which the General Secretary's ZIL was driving. The driver of the government ZIL, which Brezhnev was supposed to drive, got away from the collision, but crashed into a trailer standing on the side of the road. As a result of the accident, employees sitting in a government car received injuries of varying severity: broken ribs, concussion, bruises ... The man who was sitting in Brezhnev's place had half his skull blown off.

When the incident was reported to Brezhnev, he demanded from the kitchen a piece of veal with blood for Lama. After this incident, Brezhnev finally believed in the visionary gift of Lama.

Unfortunately, the story with the General Secretary's cat has a sad ending. In the spring of 1982, Lama died after falling under the wheels of a car. After the death of the fluffy talisman, the General Secretary's health deteriorated. Leonid Ilyich was very upset by the loss of Lama. Even after his death, a large piece of raw veal was kept in the refrigerator. In November of the same year, Brezhnev died.

Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda

How a black cat helped Winston Churchill

…There are different attitudes towards black cats in different countries. In our country and in America this is not a very good omen, but in England a black cat is a harbinger of good luck.

And therefore, not a single self-respecting English politician could do without the help of a cat. There are several reasons. First, the high intelligence of cats. Secondly, their energy properties. Thirdly, the independence and diplomatic tact of these wonderful animals, which, by the way, many politicians adopt from them.

Sir Winston Churchill was a wise politician, which means he understood all this very well. He has always had cats. How often he made fateful decisions, sitting by the fire, smoking a cigar and talking with his cat!

... In 1953, the annual conference of the Conservative Party was to be held, which was to play a significant role both in the life of England and in the personal fate of Sir Winston. It was rumored that Churchill was getting old and it was time for him to retire.

Indeed, the years took their toll. I needed a drink. Energy and intellectual. Churchill thought about where to get it. As always, he consulted with his old friend Chester, big and fluffy.

Chester was honest. He hinted that he was no longer able to cope with the problem. But he sent a mental message and five minutes later a small black kitten came to the door of the apartments in Downing Street.

Churchill understood that this was help. He took the kitten in his arms and felt the strength increase, and the mind, as before, sharp and fast.
Sir Winston did not take risks and took the kitten with him to the conference. And I was not mistaken! The speech was a huge success! Enemies were ashamed, friends triumphed. Churchill was well aware of the help the kitten had given him. And he named it MARGATE in honor of the place where he won a landslide victory.

You probably thought this was an exaggeration. Like, the author writes in order to somehow adjust the plot to the topic.

But no! All these circumstances are described by Winston Churchill in his memoirs. We just noticed one pattern - great people were different observation, excellent analytical skills and some kind of sixth sense, which allowed them to see many things sharper and brighter. That is why they became great.

And they had no idea about the role of cats in our lives. They were well aware of it. Sir Churchill brilliantly confirmed this.

Cats have long been considered by many peoples as not quite ordinary creatures. They were credited with the ability to see what is hidden from the human eye, to feel energy, to notice and communicate with entities from another world. These mysterious twilight animals were considered liaison between the worlds.

No wonder cats were revered in ancient Egypt, in whose mythology many deities took on the guise of this small predator.

Cats had a hard time in the dark Middle Ages. People have long revered and feared them for the magical properties inherent in cats, accused them of being associated with evil spirits. Although in fact, cats, to the best of their ability, are only trying to warn a person about possible dangers and protect him. However, in the Middle Ages, fear took over the mind, and cats began to be caught and destroyed by the thousands.

In Slavic legends and tales, cats were often depicted next to witches, brownies or small spirits. Most often, black cats were feared. These furs with this color have a very powerful magical power, which was clearly visible and reflected in folklore. In fact, black cats can protect the house and its owner from evil magic more effectively than others.

cat and man

The little fearless hunter not only rids the house of harmful rodents and other pests, but also drives away unkind otherworldly entities from a person’s home. Between cats and their owners there is always a close emotional relationship, which each of them demonstrates with the means available to him. The cat guards and takes care of “its” person, shares its energy with him and takes away the negative not only at the level of accessible perception, but also in the field of energy channels.

If an animal rubs against your legs, it not only draws attention to itself in order to get food, affection, or just express sympathy. So cats leave a barely noticeable mark on a person with their smell, making it clear to other representatives of their kind that the person is “busy” and belongs to her. This animal is not intrusive and will not demand attention too often or for no reason.

Cat owners are well aware of the following feature: if a person feels a slight malaise, or he has a sore spot in his body, the cat will definitely come and be there. Often she herself finds a place in the body with which there is a problem, and lays down on it. They talk about cases when cats lay near a sore spot for several days, and the pain receded. These animals are wonderful healers of mental trauma or depressed mood, which is also felt on an energy level.

Assuming that during an important conversation you will have to deal with an energy vampire or a person with bad energy, take a cat on your knees. It will protect you from negative influences. Stroke the animal with your left hand on the head, with your right hand on the back. However, the cat itself will settle down as it will be more convenient for her to protect you. Don't try to fix it.

No wonder it is considered a bad omen when a black cat crosses the path of a person. Many confuse cause and effect, believing that an animal can thus bring bad luck. In fact, the cat only warns in an accessible way about possible troubles and recommends changing plans or routes.

A fluffy, charming creature evokes good feelings in many, because people subconsciously and at the energy level feel that this animal is a friend and protector of a person from otherworldly entities. But there are people who do not like cats, and animals always reciprocate. Perhaps there are strong problems with the energy of these people that the cat feels.

cat and house

The old custom of being the first to let a cat into a new home, so that people live well there, is strictly followed to this day. It is believed that this animal can "make friends", find a common language with the local brownie, which will more easily accept the appearance of new guests on its territory if they are accompanied by a small graceful creature. And from harmful energies and entities, this animal is able to clear the room.

If a cat sits for a long time in the house in one place and watches something, it is possible that she sees something that is hidden from human eyes. Protecting its space and its person, the animal lets you know about the problem, and it is better to consecrate the corner in the house to which it points, or to perform a purification ceremony. If you do not own any of these skills, you can fumigate a suspicious place in the house with wormwood, which expels evil spirits perfectly.

Help with magic

The ability of cats to communicate with spirits has long been noticed, and during séances, experienced magicians do not let the cat into the room where the séance is held, so that it does not frighten away subtle entities. Other rituals, on the contrary, require the presence of an animal for additional insurance against undesirable consequences. Skillful soothsayers often take a cat if they are going to tell fortunes, as she is an indispensable assistant in this mystical occupation.

The dependence of magical abilities on the color of a cat

Cats have the strongest magical properties black color. First of all, they are chosen as assistants by magicians and sorcerers. Possessing strong magical energy, this cat is better than others to protect the room and its inhabitants from negative influences, can enrich its owner with increased intuition and bestow wisdom.

They are famous for their strong magical potential and tricolor cats, which are also often kept by magicians and healers.

tortoise color cats speaks of her ability to bestow the owner with the gift of healing and foresight. They get along well with children, protecting them from evil influences, and bring good luck to the house.

White the cat gives the owner health, has the potential of healing. These cats also give peace of mind, drive away the blues, give a person beauty and good mood.

redheads cats are the personification of the sun's rays and male power. They are able to bring good luck with money to the house, give women beauty and grace.

gray cats bring devotion, love and fidelity to the house. They are recommended for young couples.

It cannot be said that bicolor(the most common and popular) cats have less magical potential than others. It is quite enough to give the owner wisdom and the ability to always look at things soberly. They will perfectly protect ordinary people who do not practice magic from any energy encroachments, and the house from various pests. Affectionate and kind, they always bring a comfortable and warm atmosphere to their home.

Cats have long been considered mysterious and magical animals. Knowing about their abilities, you will take a fresh look at your pet.

Earlier we wrote for you about how to choose a cat for your character. This article will help you get a pet so that you get a new family friend. Cats are amazing creatures that give us positive energy, are the main characters of video clips on the Internet, and also just come to us to warm us with their warmth.

Magical secrets of cats

Cats have been pets since ancient times. Even then, people began to notice that their pets are not so simple creatures. For some peoples, representatives of the cat family are truly sacred. The first references to cats as pets are found in ancient Egypt. Then the presence of a cat in the house indicated that the person was an important person. Cats at that time were the sacred animals of Egypt and lived in temples.

Secret one: cats are the sacred patrons of the home. The strength of their action on everything that happens in the house depends on the color. The darker the coat, the more negative the cat absorbs. If she's acting weird, aggressive, or just depressed, there's a good chance she saved you the trouble. The whiter and lighter the cat, the more often it attracts goodness into the house. If you have a sudden wave of good mood, then know that your cat or cat gave it to you. There are many signs and superstitions about cats that will tell you even more about the energy of these animals.

Mystery two: black cats and cats do not bring trouble, but warn of it. Traditionally, it is customary to beware of black cats that cross the road. However, hurting the cat will not solve the problem. The best way - when you see a black cat, carefully go around him and not interfere with him, and simply take note of his warning. To avert the alleged trouble, grab any knot or fastener on your clothes.

Mystery three: cats process negative energy, turning it into light. They absorb all the negativity that you bring with you, for example, from work. They are like a vacuum cleaner, a magnet for bad energy. Purifying your aura, they give you good luck in business and love, and also improve your mood.

Mystery four: cats can communicate with demons and other incorporeal beings. One of the clearest examples is the brownie. Very often, the behavior of a cat or a cat can be explained by the influence of a brownie. He simply communicates with the pet and directs his mind where he needs it. Outbursts of anger may indicate the presence of an evil brownie. In this case, it is important not to transfer anger to your cat, but to appease and negotiate with the brownie himself.

Mystery five: cats predict the future. If suddenly your pet began to behave strangely, this is not good. Attempts to run out into the street or leave the house in any way portend trouble. Thus, the cat can anticipate seismic disturbances of the Earth, gas leaks, future fires and much more. And if the cat is just aggressive, expect problems with mutual understanding in the near future.

Mystery six: cats and cats can cause prophetic dreams. If you had a dream, after which you immediately woke up and saw your pet nearby and not sleeping, this means that the dream shows you the future or tells you what to do. In this way, the pet answers important questions for you.

Mystery seven: cats save the home from the negative effects of the ghosts of dead people. Many people have often heard that some of their friends turn on the water by themselves, or someone walks around the apartment at night. It is none other than spirit. The cats kick them out, forcing them to leave the house alone. In this way, they protect what they rightfully consider their own: you and your home. But you can forgive your brave pet such self-confidence.

Mystery eight: these pets are able to absorb corruption or a strong curse and die, giving their lives to save their owners. When a cat dies for no apparent reason, it is often an indication that someone has tried to annoy you.

Mystery nine: cats heal wounds, illnesses and ailments. Those who suffer from joint pain often notice cats sitting next to them and just sitting. They feel your pain. Purring cats inexplicably cures any ailment.

Mystery tenth: cats and cats perfectly recognize bad people. If a pet behaves calmly at the sight of a stranger or even walks in his arms, the guest can be trusted. If not, this person is a source of negative energy caused by negative thoughts and emotions. However, this advice is only good if your pet is healthy and always calm.

These ten secrets will help you get to know your cat better. And also about what kind of people cross the threshold of your house, what is its energy and whether it is worth strengthening it with candles and rituals.

Astrology also knows a lot about our furry friends. Our article, which contains the advice of specialist astrologers, will help you choose a cat-talisman according to the sign of the Zodiac. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Why are cats considered so mysterious? The Egyptians worshiped them, the Europeans were afraid of them, and the Japanese were completely afraid that cats could walk on their hind legs and talk. Yet literally every culture around the world believes that cats have a unique ability to sense the supernatural.

1. Kite shi

Kait shi means "fairy cat". This black cat with a white patch on his chest grew to the size of a young calf. The Irish believed that the kite shi was a fabulous and mystical animal, while the Scots believed that it was a reincarnated witch.

Legend has it that Kait shi is a witch who can transform herself into a cat nine times, and after the ninth transformation, she will remain a cat forever. If a black cat approached the deceased, the Scots believed that this was a kite shi who came to steal the soul of the deceased (before it went to another world). As a result, people were often on duty 24 hours a day near the body, right up to its burial.

There was another way to distract kite shi. When meeting with this cat, they asked him a difficult riddle, and he stopped and considered the answer for a while. Also, no fire was lit in the room where the body was, as the heat could attract the kite shi. Today, scholars believe that the legend of the kite shi originated from the Scottish Kellas cats, which are a hybrid of a wild cat and a domestic cat. Large and black Kellas cannot be tamed.

2. Cactus cats

About 100 years ago, there were stories of mischievous creatures known as cactus cats that lived in the deserts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Although they were the same size and shape as domestic cats, these creatures were covered in quills, and their tails and ears ended in cactus-like growths.

Cactus cats ate cactus juice, but not in the usual way. They bit through the cacti at the base and returned to them only after a day, so that the juice fermented. After that, the cats drank it and, getting tipsy, went to roam the desert, purring loudly and stabbing everyone on the way with their thorns. This habit led to the extinction of cactus cats, because when drunk they became easy prey for cowboys who hunted them.

3. Club-tailed cats

Club-tailed cats, according to legend, lived in the northern United States. As with the prehistoric ankylosaurus, the club-tailed cat used a giant bone ball at the end of its tail to stun its prey. This cat climbed on the branches of trees and could wait on them all day until an unsuspecting victim passed under the tree. After that, the cat jumped down on its prey and beat it to death with a mace on its tail. During the mating season, males attracted females by drumming their tails on hollow logs. A similar cat lives allegedly in the southern part of the United States. Like the club-tailed relative, the splinter cat sits in a tree waiting for prey. However, the splinter cat has a ball at the end of its tail that is smooth on one side and spiky on the other. The cat stuns the victim passing under the tree by hitting the head with the smooth side of the ball, and then hooks it with thorns and drags it up the tree.

4. Troll cats

The Scandinavians believed that the troll cat was an assistant to witches, who made it from various objects, such as sticks with burnt ends, spindles wrapped in wool, and stockings. After creating the "preparation" of the troll, the witch dripped three drops of blood on it and cast a special spell to breathe life into her creation. Trollcats took the form of either a cat or a movable ball that looked like a ball of threads. The witches mostly instructed their cat trolls to infiltrate neighboring farms, where they stole milk by sucking it straight from the cows. When the troll-cat, bloated with milk, returned home to his mistress, he regurgitated milk into the trough.

The Scandinavians believed that if you shoot a troll cat, then milk will flow from the wound. The witch took the same damage as her troll familiar. This belief was used by cunning tsagans. They poured poison on the cattle, and then came to the owners, offering to cure the cattle and catch the troll cat for money.

5. Cat rabbits

Cat rabbits or cabbits were a hybrid of a cat and a rabbit. This animal was first mentioned by Joseph Train after his trip to the Isle of Man, located between England and Ireland. However, scientists have said that such a hybrid is genetically impossible, and Train actually saw a Manx cat with a clipped tail. This breed of cat is also distinguished by the fact that its hind legs are longer than the front ones (due to this, they bounce when walking).

In 1977, a man named Val Chapman found an animal in New Mexico that he thought was a white "cat rabbit" with pink eyes. He displayed the animal at a mall in Los Angeles and brought it to the Tonight Show twice. Scientists later determined that Chapman's cabbit was an ordinary cat with genetic abnormalities.

6. Bakeneko

Bakeneko are supernatural cats from Japanese folklore. In the first years of its life, the bakeneko does not differ from a typical domestic cat. But as he grows older, supernatural powers begin to develop. After reaching a certain age (usually 12 or 13 years old), the bakeneko begins to walk on its hind legs like a human. He can also speak and understand human languages. Adult bakeneko can transform into a human, and evil bakeneko can absorb their owner and take his place.

Not all of these cats are evil, some of them are quite carefree and love to dance with headscarves. However, even funny cats can also cause a lot of problems. Their tails contain fire magic capable of setting fire to any flammable material that the magical cat touches with its tail.

The old bakeneko also had the ability to raise zombie slaves, so cat owners could wake up in the middle of the night to see dead neighbors pouring milk for their cat in their kitchen. The superstitious Japanese sometimes cut off the tails of their pets to prevent them from becoming bakeneko.

7. Nekomata

As the bakeneko ages, it becomes even more monstrous. After reaching old age, his tail splits into two, and the bakeneko evolves into a creature called a nekomata. While bakeneko are sometimes good, all nekomata are evil and love to feast on humans. They are excellent speakers and know how to bend people to their will.

The worst of the Nekomata skills is that they have the ability to haunt people in the form of their dead relatives and friends. The most powerful of these creatures supposedly live in the mountains and have the eyes of a cat and the body of a dog, although they can transform into anyone or anything. There are people who have actually claimed to have seen a nekomata.

8 Cleaving Cats

The splitting cat (or splinter) supposedly lives in the forests of North America. This is the exact opposite of typical secretive cats. Splinters are noisy, clumsy, dumb, and literally oakheaded. They use their strong skulls to smash trees. Cleaving cats have sharp claws with which they climb trees, powerful hind legs to jump between neighboring trees, and wedge-shaped snouts to smash trees.

Splitters are nocturnal and prefer to hunt during downpours when their loud activities are drowned out by the noise of rain and thunderstorms. These cats feed on raccoons and bees, "chopping" trees to get to the bees.

9. Guardians of the underworld

The belief of the Egyptians in the mystical properties of cats spread to the Roman conquerors. From Rome, this belief was adopted by the Celts, who began to consider cats as guardians of the other world, and not only in a spiritual sense. Cave of the Cats is the gateway to hell in Ireland. It is believed that this is the gate that leads through the bowels of the Earth to the other world. On Samhain (Halloween), monsters come out of the Cave of Cats to terrorize people at night.

Myths tell how the legendary hero Cuchulainn somehow tamed wild demon cats that emerged from the cave. But the cave itself is not a myth at all. This is a real place that can be seen in Ireland today (however, tourists are not allowed inside the cave, because part of the cave collapsed, leaving some tunnels blocked.

10 Big Ears

In Scottish folklore, there is a demonic cat known as Big Ears. Said to be a descendant of Irusan, the mythical king of cats. The Scots believed that Big Ears was an oracle that could grant wishes. Therefore, pagan sorcerers performed a barbaric ritual to summon this creature. For days they roasted live cats on a spit until an army of devil cats showed up to put an end to it. At the head of this army was just Big Ears, who fulfilled any wishes or predicted the future. This ritual was performed in the 17th century, although it was condemned by the church. The last cat was burned in March 1824.

Fans of the feline family will hopefully be pleased to see .

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