How to make a person feel bad who offended. How can you ruin the life of a bad person. What you need to know about all conspiracies against your offender

How to punish the offender in a sinless way, without resorting to black magic? Are there occult ways to punish the offender so that the negative energy does not return back to the sender?
If you decide to punish the offender by resorting to the forces of the occult, then this method will eventually return the negative to you in the form of a serious illness. The thing is that any negative energy obeys the principle of reflection. And it does not matter that you are avenging yourself, a friend or a brother. This law is hidden by those who promise you to punish the offender in a sinless way. Any purposeful punishment is a delusion.
What to do in this case? It is impossible to leave the offender unpunished.
Here is a way that, with the appropriate development, will help restore the disturbed energy balance from the unreturned energy to the offender.

1). To “punish” the offender in a sinless way, you need to go to church and order a magpie about his health. This is the most difficult step, but he will be able to connect, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the light energy, which, in contact with his negative, will remind him of the perfect deed. This is equivalent to the fact that you will begin to melt the ice with the rays of the bright sun. Now you understand the meaning of the bright message? It will work when the time comes. After the magpie is reprimanded, you will feel some relief, and the offender - sorrow.
2). Order a magpie about health to yourself. I will now explain why this is necessary. You have been hurt. This is a negative energy message of resentment. He will try to break out and return to the desired destination. Thus, according to occult laws, after a while you will receive an energy blow of double strength. Sorokoust will allow you to neutralize your own energy of revenge. By resorting to the proposed method, you will save yourself from an erroneous action, and the offender will lose the opportunity to observe how bad you feel.
3). To "punish" the offender with an additional bright energy message, try to pronounce these words.

I forgive you, I drive you offended,
I do not reproach you for your evil deed.
Let the forces of light help you understand
What is a sin of a person to try to appease.
He himself will receive everything when God decides
At the appointed hour, he will execute his judgment.
When a strong wind staggers a bush,
I am sending you a magpie.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Read these lines for forty days. If you have patience and do everything as it should be, then after this time you will feel how you got rid of the desire to take revenge, and let the Lord God choose the punishment for the offender.
The article was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky

Every person at least once in his life faced with ill-wishers. Bullies on public transport, competitors at work, rivals in love affairs, or even old enemies - they can all send us negative energy or do bad things. You can punish them using magical conspiracies and spells.

Conspiracies for the offender: the most powerful and effective

Rituals designed to punish the ill-wisher are mainly black magic. That is why they must be used with great care. The stronger the impact of the conspiracy on the offender, the greater the likelihood that it will return to the one who uses magic.

If you are determined to punish the offender, choose the safest rituals for yourself.

There are also conspiracies that allow you to direct the negative energy of the enemy to himself. The consequences will be directly proportional to the strength of the energy directed against you. In this case, nothing can harm you, but your enemy will pay for his actions.

There are conspiracies that can repel the negative energy of the enemy on himself

Before you turn to magic, you should think carefully about whether it is really necessary. After all, negative energy can turn on you, and you will again be the injured party. Often, in order to forgive a person and let go of the situation, much more courage and courage is required, but the consequences will only be positive.

How to identify an ill-wisher

Before using the magical effect, you need to make sure that you have an ill-wisher. After all, it happens that we make mistakes in people, and the real enemy is not at all the one we think about.

But if there is no way to talk and find out the situation, you can use a special prayer. You need to read it late at night, before going to bed. And most importantly - before the church holiday.

Read these words:

I, the servant of God (my name), will walk in rows, look at everyone with my own eyes.
I will see Saint Samson there, through the Lord I will ask him.
May Saint Samson give me a prophetic dream, may he indicate my true enemy, name him and show his face.
The name of my enemy will not be hidden. Amen.

After that, go to bed. In a dream, a sign will be shown to you, pointing to a certain person. Often people see the offender or hear someone say their name.

Prayer for the wind

This conspiracy requires special conditions: clear sunny weather and wind. It is read at an open window. The text of the spell must be memorized in advance.

Lord my God, everything is in your hands. You are all-great, all-good and all-powerful.
There is nothing in the world that does not obey you. You created everything and you control everything with your righteous right hand.
The sun does not rise without you, the wind does not blow, the rain does not pour. Neither man nor beast is born or dies.
So I am your creation. I trust and rely on you. I turn to you alone. May the wind help bring you my prayer.
Restore justice, Lord, pacify my offender, return to him the troubles that he caused me. Let it be so. Amen.

In a Christian way, without harm to yourself

With the help of this method, you do not take sin into your soul and learn forgiveness. Go to the evening service, put a candle, pray.

Before leaving, say:

God will judge you for your evil deeds.
You can list how the person offended you.
After that, let go of the situation and rely on the will of the Lord.

By photo

Such a rite can be performed at a distance. For him, you will need a photograph of the offender, a church candle and a pinch of red ground pepper.

At midnight, light a candle, put a photo in front of you. Start rubbing the enemy's cheeks with pepper, saying:

Let your cheeks burn with fire. Let the candles burn like fire.
Remember your evil deeds, evil intentions against me.
You are guilty, and you repent. I do not wish you evil, I call for justice.
May all troubles and insults return to you, come off me. Let it be so.

This rite is designed to make the enemy feel guilty and apologize to you.

If a child has been hurt

Whisper to the top of your child:

Guardian angel of my child, I trust in you. Stay close to my child, do not step aside. Keep it, protect it from enemies, from heavy fists, from evil laughter, from bad friends. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Repeat this conspiracy once a month on the waning moon.

Revenge on colleagues at work

If colleagues or bosses at work plot against you and try to harm you, wait for another injustice on their part. Immediately retire to the toilet and cast the spell:

As good people in a latrine do not look at others, so let my colleagues do not look at me. As good people visit a latrine, so I will visit work, no one will dare to kick me out. Just as people cannot live without a latrine, so my superiors cannot live or work well without me. My word is strong. Amen.

Conspiracies of Vanga and Natalia Stepanova

The clairvoyant Vanga said that if you were harmed, you should not take revenge on the offender. You just need to pray to the Guardian Angel for yourself and for your enemy.

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova also calls for the use of prayer, which will not cause physical harm to the enemy, but only awaken his conscience and make him repent of his deed. For it, you need to buy the heart of any animal in the store on the day of the ritual. Boil it at home with salt and pepper. Eat a bite and say a prayer:

I tasted the heart, so that your misfortune will not touch me.
Your evil will remain yours. Forever you will get it.
Lord God, do not let evil on my doorstep, look at the servant of God (name),
Let the offense bestowed on me touch him.
But let her return not with black evil, not with blood and not with fire, but with pure peaceful goodness.
As good touches him, so shame will wake up the offender.
He will suffer until he comes, he will not obey, he will not touch my hand, he will not bow at my feet.
Live in happiness and wealth, my offender, enemy. May it be so forever!

Ritual for water

This conspiracy is designed to protect you from directed negative energy and return it to the offender.

For it you will need a jar of clean water, a Bible, a candle, a mirror.

Put the Bible in front of the mirror, put a jar of water on it. Between them there should be a burning candle. Looking in the mirror, say:

Who lives with good, he will remain with good,
Who is with evil, he will receive this evil back,
Anyone with a vile word will choke on the same word.

After that, pour water on the threshold of your enemy's house.

Revenge with white magic

Such a rite is completely safe for the one who uses it. At the same time, it is strong enough and can cause serious harm to your enemy.

It is necessary to carry out the ritual on the full moon at 2 o'clock in the morning. For it, you should prepare in advance 6 dry willow branches, 4 dried fern leaves, half a teaspoon of ground red pepper, a tablespoon of any vegetable oil and a church candle. Mix all the ingredients (except oil) in a bowl, set fire to it with a candle. Repeat three times:

I will make your heart burn with a hot fire, I will smear my lips with pepper, I will curse with a fern.
Let willow cry about your suffering. I will unite all my strength with fire and direct it against you.
You will not get tired, you will wash yourself with bitter tears for forty days and forty nights. As I say, so be it. Amen.

Pour the ashes with oil and stain the door of the offender or his personal item with this mixture.

Punish the husband's mistress, rival

Such a ceremony is performed early in the morning and, importantly, outside the home. At dawn, go to the reservoir, collect sand there in a glass vessel. When pouring, say:

As sand pours, so let your happiness (name) crumble.
As the sand slips from under your fingers, so your beauty disappears.
Like the sun and moon will never meet
So (names of lovers) will forever quarrel and disperse. As I said, so be it!

Pour sand on the threshold of the rival's house. As soon as she steps on him, the conspiracy will begin to operate.

Punish the debtor

Find an aspen, cut off the third branch from the bottom, make 40 notches on it, saying:

Jesus Christ arose in the morning, bowed at his Father's feet, crossed himself three times.
He washed himself with clean water, but there was nothing for Him to wipe himself with. Saint Mary came faster, brought a towel to her son.
So my debtor (name), let him bring me, the servant of God (name), a debt, every penny.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After that, tie the aspen with this branch and leave without looking back.

Whisper in the back of the offender

If you often meet with an enemy, in one of these meetings you can whisper in his back:

Fly, sharp chiseled arrow, through fields and forests, and mountain paths, and dark gorges.
Filled with tears and sorrows. Hit my offender in the very heart.
Pain, if, yes beat. So that he does not have peace, so that he knows grief. Let it be so!

Revenge on Tuesday

For the ritual, you will need a full salt shaker and a candle. The text of the spell must be learned in advance. After dark, make your way to the enemy's house, sit on his doorstep and speak salt in the salt shaker. Conspiracy words:

It is I who do not sprinkle your house with salt, but reward with misfortunes.
So that you suffer as much as you beat and offended me.
May you not offend me or anyone else without punishment.
With the Moon and the Sun, on a clear and rainy day, you will suffer, you will not know peace.
Who did you wrong, you will never know. Amen.

After that, salt the door and threshold.

Revenge on the needle

This is an ancient and very dangerous rite of black magic. It is read from exactly three in the morning on a full moon. For this, you will need a needle, a piece of paper, a red ink pen, a church candle, and holy water.

At the right time, turn off the light in the room, light a candle and write down on paper the punishment that should befall your enemy. Describe it in as much detail and as clearly as possible. Then pass the needle several times over the flame of the candle and prick your ring finger. Cross out everything written on paper with blood crosswise. In doing so, say:

Written in scarlet, sealed with my blood.
I will take away your happiness. I will bring to life your bitterness and tears.
You can't hide from my punishment. Let it be so!

Burn the paper, sprinkle the ashes with holy soda and scatter in the wind. Throw a needle on the threshold of the offender's house.

How to make an offender ask for forgiveness

Early in the morning, without breakfast or washing, take a blank sheet of paper and write the name of the offender on it. Start spitting at him, visualizing the enemy. Then say three times:

You, (name of the enemy), drown in my saliva, like ships sinking in a storm, until you repent and pray for forgiveness on your knees.

Burn the paper and scatter the ashes in the wind.

When you can not read conspiracies?

Conspiracies designed to take revenge on a person can only be used if you know for sure that he is guilty. Magic does not tolerate injustice. In this case, witchcraft can turn against you. If you only suspect a person, but you do not have direct evidence of his guilt, first perform a ritual that will help you recognize the offender.

There are a huge number of conspiracies that help take revenge on the offender. They belong to black and white magic and have different consequences. But before using them, try to solve the problem peacefully or forgive the offender.

Betrayal, resentment, quarrels - all this is an integral part of human life. But it is always unpleasant when the offender is left without punishment, and there is a natural and fair desire to punish him. There are dozens of ways to ruin a person's life, they range from the most harmless to the extremely dangerous.

Ways to ruin life

It is worth being guided by the principle of justice before you start taking revenge on a person. After all, if you really decide to harm someone, you need to be aware of the extent of the harm, the damage that will be done. No need to poison a person if he took your place in the parking lot. You can arrange a kind of court session, where the guilt of the criminal has already been proven, and you only need to pass a verdict, which should be fair.

There are several options for how to harm the person you hate. It is worth immediately discarding everything related to magic and rituals- it doesn't make any sense. We need real actions that cause real damage.

This damage is often done through:

  • Use of social networks or the Internet.
  • Active actions to damage property (smear the front door with paint, break windows).
  • Moral humiliation of a person.
  • Using a phone number.

These are not even ways, but categories. Each of them is unique and includes dozens of options. Using the principle of justice, one can choose the type of revenge that suitable for specific occasions. For example, if someone insults you at work or school, you can humiliate the person in return. This will not create a reputation for you as a vindictive and unscrupulous dirty trick, unlike methods that involve damage to property.

However, the majority will still choose property damage option although it is as pleasant to watch the shame of a morally humiliated enemy as to hear his cries that someone broke the window of his car.

And also an extremely unpleasant (for the offender, of course) way would be using his phone number. You can really get on the nerves of the enemy by constantly calling him at night. You can even download a special program and go to bed peacefully - it will do everything by itself.

Do not forget about such methods that can really scare. For example, intimidation, which includes not only anonymous threatening calls, but also good old notes under the door. Collectors use similar methods, you can adopt a couple of options from them.

Damage to property

Damage to property is the most common option. But you need to remember that it can become a crime if you cross the line. You don't need to set fire to anything, you don't need to blow it up either.

The following options are commonly used:

The main thing, as in principle with other methods, is not to get caught.

For such methods of revenge, criminal punishment will not be threatened, but administrative punishment is possible.

There will also be rumors, and all this together will put you in a bad light, despite the fact that the initiator of the conflict was another person.

Harm over the Internet

Everything that happens in the modern world immediately gets into the global network and is actively discussed. Even if the information is false. You can use it for your revenge. And there are a huge number of options for what disgusting things a person can do.

But you should pay attention to the following:

The Internet provides quite creative and unusual ways to harm a person. Knowing the phone number, you can use it for revenge. But there are also other ways that can be much more unpleasant for the offender.

We use a phone number

In addition to posting ads on dating sites, trading platforms, you can use a phone number in other cases. You can intimidate a person, or you can draw the attention of law enforcement agencies to him.

To intimidate means to express a direct threat to the health or life of a person. This may lead to undesirable consequences if the perpetrator wants to contact the police. So it's worth knowing how to intimidate a person anonymously. For this you can use Skype program. It is often used by the famous Ukrainian prankster Volnov, who not only caustically mocked the victims of the pranks, but also threatened some. This program allowed him to remain anonymous. It is designed for calls via the Internet, but also has a function for calls to the phone. The main thing is not to indicate your number anywhere.

In addition, it will also be necessary voice changer software. All calls will be made through the computer, so a microphone is also required. When you speak into the microphone, this program will transform your speech. Thus, the girl will be able to speak in the voice of a weak old man.

Having these utilities, it remains only to think over the pressure line.

It is not necessary to directly threaten to kill or injure a person, then he will definitely go to the police.

You can simply express your demand, for example, that the offender quit, and then back up the demand with calls at night, leaving messages on the door, and you can also break his windows with stones with a note attached.

The second option is to attract the attention of law enforcement agencies. It is necessary, wherever possible, to leave the number of an enemy indicating that drugs are sold here. You can write on fences, houses, using a can of paint. A bold move would be to do it in front of the police station. Main - spread over a large area. And then this number will either be called by drug addicts who want to get a dose, or the police will pay attention to the owner of the number.

The nuances of revenge

Problems can come from anywhere: a loved one left, the boss is a tyrant who ruined his career, noisy neighbors. When an ordinary person who has not caused any inconvenience is subjected to vile blows, his desire for revenge will be completely justified.

But it is worth remembering that you need to act fairly - no matter how mean the enemy does. No need to be like him, it is better to act on the principle "an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth". It is important to imagine the consequences that revenge can lead to - don't go beyond the law.

In addition, revenge must be individual unless the harm was caused to more than one person. There is no need to involve other people in the implementation of their plans, because they can tell someone about it, and this information will reach the enemy.

If it seems that you can’t cope on your own, and a retaliatory strike will not be a sufficient punishment for the offender, you can turn to detective agencies.

Some provide special services - spoil the reputation. And often it is the damage to reputation that causes the greatest harm to self-esteem and the general condition of a person. Specialists can help, but for a lot of money. But if you still decide to carry out revenge on your own, you need to remember the main rule - do not get caught.

I've been offended. Cruel and unreasonable. A black wave covers hatred. It hurts so much that I want the offender to feel the same pain. I want him to learn his lesson, and feel in his own skin what it feels like when you are not appreciated.

I am a good person and yet I want to take cruel revenge on my enemy! Questions involuntarily arise in my head: how to take revenge? How to do disgust to the enemy? How to qualitatively and thoroughly harm the person you hate? What method of revenge is the most effective and will surely defeat the hated enemy, and will put me on the pedestal of the winner?

The desire to take revenge is great, and irresistibly drives in search of ways to take revenge. The search for answers to these questions now occupies a large part of my life. Pleasant fantasies of my triumph are constantly changing in my head, forcing the offender to fall to his knees in disgrace. How do you want to play a dirty trick on a person unworthy of respect! I will take revenge and justice will be done!

Most often, it does not matter to the offended person in what form the revenge will be realized: whether it is causing property damage or humiliating the person of the offender, inflicting physical injury or mental pain on him. Use the help of black and white magic with the whispering of conspiracies - or spoil a person using the latest technology. It is important, in principle, to take revenge on the person who offended you. And, probably, then satisfaction will appear in the soul, peace and joy of life will return.

But is it? Is revenge really the only sure way to achieve happiness and enjoyment in life? Where does the desire to avenge unjustified expectations and unfulfilled hopes come from? And why thoughts about how to harm a person come as if by themselves.

The answers to all these questions are in the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth!

Each person is naturally endowed with special individual properties of the psyche, which regulate the behavior of each of us. Each person has their own characteristics of the manifestation of internal discomfort.

For example, a person with an anal vector is naturally endowed with unique opportunities that allow him to take place as a qualified specialist, a professional in his field, a faithful and caring husband and father. Truth, loyalty, justice, honor and respect are the values ​​of a person with an anal vector.

A comfortable state of the human psyche with an anal vector is a state of internal balance that can be described by the word “equally”.

If a person with an anal vector believes that they are being treated fairly, that they adequately evaluate his work, recognize his merits, thank him for a job well done, for the attention and care shown in the family, he will be filled with joy from such an attitude. Receiving a positive response from other people, the owner of the anal vector will strive to give the same and in the same amount as he received. He will strive to be the best at work and the best in couples.

But if a person with an anal vector does not receive the necessary respect, timely gratitude, recognition of well-deserved success, or experiences the betrayal of a loved one, he experiences a bitter and heavy sense of resentment. He seeks to compensate for his pain through the restoration of justice on the same principle: to give the same that he received.

Wanting to return to a balanced state, a person with an anal vector will feel the intention to repay what they deserve. Internal discomfort triggers the alignment mechanism.

At any opportunity, the offended owner of the anal vector will use the opportunity to take revenge on the offender - to annoy the offender with a word or even inflict physical violence in case of a heavy experience of resentment. Only people with an anal vector in a state of resentment wonder how to take revenge on the offender. As scrupulously and in detail they study information, learning their profession, they will also study in detail all the ways how to take revenge on the person who offended.

Memory reliably stores the smallest details of resentment, plunging the offended person into a state of anger. It is difficult for a person with an anal vector who feels resentment to switch his attention and get distracted from thoughts about how to take revenge on the enemy. This is due to the peculiarities of the psyche of the anal person, who is naturally endowed with a huge memory resource necessary for the accumulation of information and its transmission to the younger generation. The memory of a person with an anal vector is capable of storing huge volumes of the smallest details, which are meticulously compared, systematized and arranged into high-quality, detailed information.

A person with an anal vector is an excellent teacher, mentor and master of his craft. Realizing his natural feature in the transfer of experience and knowledge, he experiences a feeling of comfort and satisfaction. Because he does the work that ensures the fulfillment of his natural desires - to pass on the experience of past generations to the future. To teach and teach young people to use the knowledge accumulated over many years for the benefit of tomorrow.

The lack of realization of natural properties in the transfer of experience, the lack of manifestation of well-deserved respect at work, in the family - fills with resentment the huge amount of memory of a person with an anal vector. The smallest details of offensive situations, words and intonations are accumulated and firmly held in memory. The burden of difficult experiences increases, intensifying the suffering of a person, closing the trap of resentment on the desire to get out of it, taking revenge on the offender.

Anyone who once experienced the pain of resentment knows what a heavy burden they accumulate on the heart. And how sweet is the expectation and the choice of sophisticated methods of revenge. The owner of the anal vector can spend half his life on this. Or rather, life will pass by while he is looking for how to punish a person. However, having avenged another for the unjustification of one's own expectations, happiness does not increase. Resentment and the desire for revenge reappear.

And so I want to throw off the burden of resentment and experience satisfaction from life! I want to live life in joy among other people. To be a recognized, respected specialist in his field, a loved one, a faithful husband, a caring wife and mother. And everyone can get such an opportunity at the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

Understand and forgive systematically

Realizing the distinctive features of the psyche of oneself and another person, understanding natural desires and aspirations with the help of Systemic Vector Psychology, we become able to interact with other people as comfortably as possible. An accurate understanding of the reasons for one's own behavior and the behavior of other people forever frees one from the exorbitant burden of resentment and misunderstanding, a heavy anchor lying in the soul of many.

When there is an awareness of the psychic nature, answers come to questions about what desires drive us, why we behave this way and not otherwise. In this case, resentment leaves, making room for positive emotions and joy. Where there is such an understanding, the question of how to take revenge on a person cannot be - it simply does not arise.

A huge number of sincere reviews posted on the System Vector Psychology portal testify to

From childhood, we were taught that anger should be answered with kindness, but when another deliberately violates your plans, you want to respond to a cruel person. It is useful to know how to punish the offender without harming yourself with the help of magic. This will protect you from betrayal.

You can punish the offender with magic without harming yourself


This is a strong ritual that does not promise negative consequences for conducting. On Friday morning, you need to go to the temple and light a candle for the health of your offender. After that, go to the icon of the Holy Mother of God and read the words

“I, the servant of God (name), want to ask for help from higher powers. Having become a kind person, I cannot afford to respond with evil to unpleasant deeds. I want heaven to help me make my enemy suffer. I want to punish him severely so that he never harms anyone again. I want magic to help me take revenge, without harm to my life and destiny. I hope that the heavens will make it so that he was crippled, and he stopped behaving like the last egoist. I wish my enemy to suffer and suffer, but no longer remember me. Reading a plot to punish my enemy. His villainy will not go unpunished. Amen".

The words of this conspiracy should be read 3 times in a whisper. After that, you need to go home and read the magic text again before going to bed. In just a few days, you will find out that your enemy's life began to deteriorate, and he suffered from his own anger.

Ritual Vanga

If you are thinking about how to punish the offender with a conspiracy, then the rite will help to do this without harm to you. You can do it yourself at home. You don't have to go anywhere or prepare magical attributes. A strong conspiracy will help, which should be read 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. On your knees, you need to pray to higher powers for help:

“I, the servant of God (name), want my offender to never hurt anyone again. I am reading this strong slander against the offender so that his meanness turns into problems for him in life. I have a grudge against him and I can't deal with it alone. I want the evil that the enemy inflicted on me to return to him twice as much. Today white magic comes to my aid, but if it does not allow me to punish a bad person, then I will turn to black magic. I wish to take revenge on the enemy for the evil and insult that he inflicted on my heart. The consequences won't affect me. Amen".

Safe conspiracy against the offender

Kara without harm to yourself at a distance

Some people turn to white magic to punish a person with a conspiracy from a distance. This rite is effective even if the bad person is at a great distance from you. You must take and put one on the table. After there are 4 runes on the table, they need to be collected and thrown into the air. The following words are spoken:

“May this powerful magical rite help me to respond to the wrong done. The resentment that gnaws at me from the inside, no one can extinguish. I want to ask the higher powers for forgiveness. I hope that they will forgive me for all sins and help to punish the person without harm to themselves. With the help of this slander, I try to achieve a positive result. Let the abuser begin to experience problems in life so that he can understand that it is impossible to behave the way he does. Amen".

This runic slander is read 3 days in a row. In a week, the result will be noticeable.

Execution for a thief

If you know who committed the theft, you will need his photo, if not, then proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • take a sheet of paper and draw the outlines of a person on it;
  • put 2 black candles on the table and light them;
  • pierce the eyes of the image with a silver needle and say the following words of prayer:

“Black magic will help me perform the ritual to the death. May the one who robbed me get what he deserves. Stolen things are of great value to me, but someone decided to save me from this. For 3 days I've been trying to find the culprit, but I can't. I hope that higher powers will help me conduct the ritual at a distance. Let the guilty come and surrender. I want my things back. This is the man all the angels will seek to bring me peace of mind. Amen".

After finishing reading, you need to collect all the attributes and wrap them in silk cloth. This bundle is taken to a wasteland and buried. Literally in a week your things will be found, and the culprit will get what he deserves.

Conspiracy against theft

Recovery for the debtor

If you can’t for a long time, then the following slander will help. This is an effective, fairly effective rite, so you can see the result in a few days. Follow these steps:

  • take the receipt that was written by the debtor; if there is none, type the text on the computer on his behalf - so he will not have energy power;
  • put a large denomination bill on top;
  • light a white church candle and read the following plot to punish offenders:

“I have a subsidiary responsibility. Recently, I, a servant of God (name), lent money to a loved one, but he does not give it back. I acted as a creditor in this transaction, so I have a receipt. I want to take revenge on a deceitful person and force the debtor to return the money to me. The guarantor of the loan agreement will forever be devoted to me and will help to force the debtor to return what he received. The power of controlling people will help me quickly regain mine. I will never lend money again. It's too long to return them. Amen".

Magic paraphernalia is collected and placed under the debtor's house. The very next day he will bring your money and ask for forgiveness.

A scourge for her husband's mistress

If your husband has a mistress, then the following strong ritual will help. To do this, you need edible salt. Pour a full salt shaker and read the following words of prayer on it:

“I am trying to protect my husband from other women with the help of white magic. Only to me he should be devoted. I want to quickly return my husband home so that he never goes to his mistress again. We were married in the church, and relatives gave us gifts. I will never be able to share my husband with other women who want to take him away from me. I read this prayer against the lovebird so that she leaves our house forever. If my husband wants to go to her, then dark forces will help him take revenge, to which I am ready to give my soul. His punishment will be that he will never realize that he has lost her."

Salt should be added to the husband's food for 3 days. The remaining spice is taken to the home of the homeowner and left at the doorstep.

The slander is read on a full salt shaker

Compensation to the rival

If you want to teach a lesson to your husband's new mistress, then this is easy to do with the help of the following powerful rite. You need to go to the cemetery and pick grass near the first grave, weave a small braid out of it. She is hung on a tree, after which the words of the slander are read:

“I want to take revenge on my rival for taking my man away from me. I don’t know how she did it, but my husband decided to go to her. I am not afraid of the consequences, because in my soul now there is a complete emptiness. The punishment for her must be strong. I hope that the dark forces will help me punish this woman so that she never comes to my house again. Very quickly she took my husband away from me, for which I will make her suffer. Amen".

At the end of the ceremony, go home and do not turn around. Try not to talk to anyone along the way. In a few days, your husband will return home, and the rival will be left alone with life's problems.

Ostrostavka enemies at work

How to punish the offender with a conspiracy: seek help from the next rite. It's perfect for angry colleagues. You need to come to the workplace and sit in a chair. After that, look around and read the words of the following prayer:

“I, the servant of God (name), thought for a long time about how to punish my offender, who works with me in one place. And then the thought came to mind that one should turn to magic and read a conspiracy from offenders and enemies at work. Let all those who tried so hard to kick me out of work suffer their own desires. I will no longer be afraid of my leader and the persons subordinate to him. This conspiracy from offenders and enemies is so strong that no one can cancel it. Tomorrow I will become the most popular and sought-after worker in the office, and no one can take it from me. Amen".

With these words, you can quickly punish the offender who works with you in the same room. After that, start the workflow. Literally in a week, you will begin to notice that colleagues and managers will change their attitude towards you for the better.

Prayer to Archangel Michael from enemies


Conspiracies from offenders are considered the most powerful, because you read them at the peak of emotion. The stronger the resentment in your soul, the faster it will be possible to punish the enemy, but be careful if

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