How to combine wallpaper with old ones in the kitchen. Combined wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen. For black and black and white kitchen

The time has passed when the main thing in the kitchen was only its presence and functioning, when the main emphasis in the design of the apartment was placed on living rooms, bedrooms, guest rooms and children's rooms. It became clear that the kitchen is no less important than all other rooms in the house, and not only for cooking, but also for home comfort. Therefore, its condition, equipment and interior should be given attention and imagination to be turned into a corner of comfort.

But the combination, although it makes it possible to show imagination, has certain rules, otherwise, instead of a creative design, you can get a completely spoiled kitchen that only causes irritation. Let's try to decide what you need to pay attention to and how to navigate in an extensive selection of wallpapers. Which design is better to choose for small kitchens, low ceilings, studio rooms.


Our attitude to the kitchen and its design has changed, but many have not changed kitchens, often small, sometimes narrow and long with a lot of details that are difficult to hide and impossible to remove. Another option has appeared when it is necessary to solve a different problem, in studio apartments the kitchen is not spatially separated from the room, but I want to make a visual section. In solving such problems, the use of combined wallpapers can be very useful. For such cases, wallpapers for the kitchen are chosen so as not only to paste over the walls with them, but also to create an interior that will allow you to hide flaws, highlight advantages, divide the space into zones, harmoniously shade furniture and interior items.

First of all, it is worth remembering:

  1. This is a general rule when choosing wallpaper, for small rooms it is better to focus on light colors, so you can visually enlarge the room.
  2. If you decide to combine wallpapers, then follow the principle of equivalence in choosing, that is, it is undesirable to combine expensive ones with cheap ones.
  3. Very carefully combine wallpaper with different patterns, here you need to have a lot of experience and knowledge so as not to fall into bad taste. If you really want to, then start with the simplest combinations of small geometric patterns with larger ones. For example, a combination of small cells with stripes.
  4. Undoubtedly, the design in the kitchen must be in harmony with furniture, household appliances and decor elements.
  5. When using bright details, keep balance by subduing the bright detail with calmer tones.
  6. Especially for novice designers, it is important to draw up a plan in advance, choose the texture of the wallpaper, taking into account the condition of the walls, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, and furniture.
  7. Pay attention to kitchen elements that always seem to get in the way (columns, ledges, niches, ventilation ducts). With skillful combination, they can become an additional decoration of the interior.


What combinations of colors and patterns are the least risky to combine:

  • Unobtrusive, but quite sophisticated can be a combination of solid colors.
  • The classic combination of white, black, gray. It can be used both completely in the interior and on one wall. If it seems boring, then revive it using bright details, objects, textiles.
  • The union of plain wallpaper with wallpaper with a pattern looks good.
  • The use of photo wallpaper is desirable in combination with discreet wallpaper, so as not to overload the interior and not distract attention.

Types of wallpaper

To date, there is a wide variety of wallpapers according to the material of manufacture, in thickness and texture, in terms of coverage and functionality. In order not to get confused in the choice when preparing the repair, we will consider the most famous and their advantages and disadvantages for the kitchen.

  • Paper. The most familiar to us, affordable, representing the economy class. In addition to their pleasant low price, they are environmentally friendly, unpretentious, very diverse in color and pattern. But they are unsuitable for the kitchen. They cannot be washed or even wiped, and it is very difficult to avoid pollution in the kitchen, so all this will remain on the wallpaper until the next repair. Although there are now paper wallpaper options with a thin vinyl finish, making this budget option more palatable for the kitchen.
  • Vinyl. Beautiful, bright, practical. In case of contamination, such wallpaper can be wiped, and if it is washable, then washed. Their disadvantage is their chemical origin. They are non-breathable, in addition, they may emit not very useful substances. But for a kitchen where constant ventilation is simply necessary, sticking such wallpaper is quite acceptable.


  • non-woven wallpapers successfully combine the advantages of vinyl and paper. They are practical to use, like vinyl, but at the same time "breathe", do not emit harmful substances. In addition, they can be painted in a different color, which greatly facilitates and reduces the cost of changing the interior.
  • A very successful option for the kitchen in all respects - glass wall papers. They are resistant to temperatures, humidity, dirt, mold, fireproof. They are easy to glue and wash, they do not fade and do not lose their qualities for a long time. But, having such advantages, they have a high cost. Glass fiber can be dyed in other colors without compromising their texture and strength, so their cost can be recouped in a longer period of use.
  • Liquid wallpaper, consisting of an adhesive composition filled with cellulose fibers, silk, viscose, cotton, etc. The use of such wallpaper very successfully solves the problem of uneven walls, does not leave seams, has a wide choice of colors and is well combined with other types of finishes. Liquid wallpaper is undesirable near sinks, because they are afraid of moisture.


  • Wall mural can play the role of the main focusing detail in the interior of the kitchen. In addition, a well-chosen pattern of such wallpaper will allow you to push the boundaries of even a small kitchen and create the appearance of additional space. Such drawings can be panoramic shots or photos with a deep perspective (paths, streets, various landscapes).
  • The use of a modern variety of photo wallpaper is gaining popularity - 3D wallpaper. That is, photo wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern. They cost significantly more than simple photo wallpapers, but they are produced specifically for the kitchen, taking into account strength and water resistance, and therefore last longer. A three-dimensional pattern gives the kitchen an unusual look and adds space.

That is, a selection of wallpapers, and their combination with each other will depend, first of all, on the possibilities, imagination and goals. And in order to more accurately determine how these goals can be achieved, consider the basic options for combining wallpapers.

Vertical Combination

Vertical combination is a very successful way to smooth out the geometric imperfections of the kitchen. Most successfully, it solves the problem of low ceilings and visual expansion of space in the kitchen-pencil case.

Here you can alternate monochrome contrasting stripes, and patterned stripes with plain stripes. In both cases, vertical stripes will visually lift low ceilings.

Play carefully with contrasting colors to avoid aggressive combinations.

For a narrow and long kitchen, an asymmetric method is more suitable, when one wall has a combination of wide stripes, and the rest have wallpaper with stripes of a wound width. This design visually creates an image of a more square room. Another option to “expand” the kitchen would be to use light-colored wallpapers on long walls and dark ones on short ones.

Vertical combination is also well suited for zoning a room when it is necessary to separate the kitchen from the recreation area in the studio or highlight the dining area. It looks beautiful and has many design options. For example, highlighting the dining area with two lanes, or creating one wide lane for it. The use of contrasting vertical stripes in the presence of columns or vertical ventilation ducts looks spectacular.

But it must be remembered that vertical combination requires careful selection of wallpapers of the same thickness so that the joints do not look messy.


Another basic combination option is horizontal. It is more familiar and familiar to us, because it is always present in any kitchen. This is the dividing line of countertops, plates, window sills. Moreover, most often it is customary to divide the vertical space according to the level of the window sill. But in the case of high ceilings, a division in the ratio of 1 to 2 looks more harmonious, where one part falls on the lower strip, and two on the top.

Horizontal zoning ideas can be very diverse. This combination option is suitable for any kitchen, even in a small-sized "Khrushchev". At the same time, one should not forget that the small size will increase significantly if the entire interior is in dark colors. For a small kitchen, if the choice is made in favor of, for example, a brown set, then it will be balanced by a light top in beige, caramel tones. The bottom stripe can be done in darker colors to match the furniture or have a geometric pattern.

Horizontal combination allows the use of wallpapers that differ in texture. Here, the difference in thickness is not fundamental, and the boundary line can also become an element of decor when using borders, moldings, and wooden slats.

To decorate the interior of the kitchen so that it looks beautiful, stylish and modern is the natural desire of everyone who starts repairing an apartment. As a rule, wallpaper is chosen to decorate the walls in the kitchen. How to combine wallpaper in the kitchen correctly and what textures are best to choose - a few practical recommendations.

There are many types of wallpaper that differ from each other in appearance, material and quality characteristics. These include:

  • paper;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • washable vinyl;
  • cullet;
  • fabric.

Each type of wallpaper has its pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses. Before starting repairs in the kitchen and deciding on a combination of wallpaper, you need to choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen.

Wallpaper types (video)

What wallpaper is suitable


Paper wallpapers are good because they are absolutely safe for health and do not emit harmful substances into the air. However, they cannot be washed, and if they are contaminated, then the wallpaper can be considered hopelessly damaged. Such wallpapers in the kitchen, where there is a constant risk of drops of water or food falling on the walls and where there are frequent changes in humidity and temperature, are of little relevance. Roughly the same can be said about fabric wallpaper.


Vinyl wallpapers are beautiful and practical. They can be safely wiped with a damp cloth, and washable - even washed. The disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper include the fact that they do not "breathe" and can release polyvinyl chloride into the air, which is considered potentially harmful. Such wallpapers are best avoided in the bedroom and in the nursery, but in the kitchen they are more than appropriate. It is easy to remove dirt from them.


Non-woven wallpapers breathe, are resistant to high temperatures and fire, easily tolerate wet cleaning, do not fade in the sun, are hygienic and do not absorb dust. In addition, they are convenient in that they can be repainted in a different color, changing the interior as soon as it gets bored. They can also be successfully used in the kitchen.

Glass fiber

Glass fiber is resistant to any pollution, water, temperature. They can be safely washed with detergents. They are resistant to damage, breathe and do not attract dust. Their most important plus for the kitchen is fire safety. They are also quite appropriate here, especially with the right combinations of materials.

All about glass wallpaper (video)

Why combine wallpapers

Wallpapers are chosen in different textures, patterns and types in order to solve practical and aesthetic problems.

With the help of a combination of materials, you can:

  • make a functional zoning of the room, visually highlighting the recreation area, dining area, work area;
  • visually combine or, on the contrary, separate the premises of the kitchen and living room when they are combined into a studio;
  • hide wall defects;
  • beat the layout and mask its shortcomings - for example, make the kitchen in the form of a pencil case not so narrow and dark;
  • visually make the ceilings higher or lower;
  • give the interior dynamics;
  • place accents and draw attention to certain walls, niches.

Important: So that the room does not look “wild”, you should not use expensive and cheap types of wallpaper in the same room.

How to combine wallpapers

The combination of wallpaper in the kitchen should obey the general rules that apply in design.

The interior looks most organic when it is based on the use of materials of the same quality and approximately the same thickness. If the selected wallpaper will differ significantly from each other in thickness, then an ugly scar will appear between them. You will have to use additional devices and materials in order to hide it from your eyes.

It is important to choose the right color. Wallpapers can complement each other in color, being in the same color scheme or contrasting with each other. The combination of plain and colored wallpaper looks very interesting, while the color of plain wallpaper can be repeated in the motifs of the drawings on the wallpaper.

Important: The combination of wallpaper with different patterns can be used if you have good taste. This is a very complex combination and it is easy to slip into kitsch here. The kitchen will look flashy and tasteless. The only patterns that are easy to combine with each other and with other patterns are a strip, a cage. Geometric and abstract designs also work well together.

Wallpaper motifs and their color scheme are well combined with the motifs and colors of furniture, interior items, and textiles.

Bright colors are best paired with muted ones.

Vertical combination

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen in the form of vertical stripes of different textures and colors solves the problem of a low ceiling. Also, this combination is ideal in order to visually expand the space - this solution is good to use in narrow kitchen cabinets, in small kitchens.

Here you can combine wallpapers with drawings with plain, contrasting colors. The combination of contrasting colors helps to balance the lengths of the sides of the room.

You can apply the principle of asymmetry and alternate stripes of different colors and different widths. This technique helps to visually shorten one of the sides and bring the room closer to the square.

With the help of a vertical solution, you can get rid of the monochrome interior.

Important: Win-win combinations of contrasting colors are black and white, blue and yellow, white in combination with any other color and pattern, yellow and blue, green and yellow. Combinations of black and red, gold and red, black and purple look more dramatic and binding.

Horizontal combination

Wallpaper can be pasted over the kitchen in a different way, making the top of the room one color and the bottom of another. Very often, horizontal division of a room is used when it is decided to combine wallpaper with other material - tiles, cork, wood and bamboo panels, decorative plaster.

As a rule, the lower part of the room occupies 1 part, and the upper part occupies 2 parts of the height of the wall. This is considered the most optimal proportion, pleasing to the eye. It looks quite harmonious when the border between the wallpaper runs along the line of the window sill. If the ceilings in the apartment are high, then the lower part can be made two-thirds of the height of the wall.

It is better to place plain wallpaper on top, and wallpaper with a pattern on the bottom. If monochrome wallpapers of contrasting color are combined, then a lighter tone is more appropriate on top. If wallpaper is combined with a pattern, then a small pattern looks more harmonious from above, and a large one from below. In principle, if a different design is conceived, you can do exactly the opposite, but this will require more taste and exact observance of all proportions.

Only with horizontal division, you can safely use materials of different thicknesses and textures. For example, wallpaper and cork or wallpaper of different textures. The junction in this case can be masked with a molding, a border, a wooden plank, which will play the role of a separate decorative element.

Vertical division using detergents or decorative plaster is logical when you want to protect the lower part of the walls, which most often suffer from scratches, dirt and splashes.

Wall accent

In pencil case kitchens, a color accent on one wall looks very interesting, which is pasted over with wallpaper in a contrasting color or with a pattern. In general, highlighting one of the walls with color immediately makes the interior bold and memorable. But such a step requires a lot. Highlighting one wall without color support in another part of the room will make the interior inharmonious. Therefore, choosing the color of the wallpaper, you need to support it in furniture or textiles.

With the help of an accent on the wall, you can also highlight various parts of the kitchen - niches, columns. Particularly interesting will be the color highlighting of columns, ventilation ducts and other structural protrusions. They often try to hide. Meanwhile, when it is impossible to get rid of them, it is better to focus on them and turn them into a decorative element of the room, into its highlight, and not an unfortunate flaw in the layout.

Art to the masses

Wallpaper with a pattern and photo wallpaper can be used to make the interior of the kitchen original and piece. With the help of such wallpapers, the kitchen turns into an art object.

In this case, you can make some kind of posters on the wall from the wallpaper, framing them.

Quite unusual is the combination of several types of wallpaper on the selected wall, folded into a kind of patchwork, patchwork ornament. However, this work is quite laborious and requires great care. In this style, you can decorate the kitchen in ethnic style.

Options for combining wallpaper in the kitchen (video)


Combining wallpaper in the kitchen is an exciting and rewarding activity. As a result, you can get an interior that you will definitely not find anywhere else.

Examples of combining wallpaper in the kitchen (photo)

It is designed to attract attention, that is, it is better to make it bright and unusual. These can be coatings with large colors, photo wallpapers, geometric patterns, etc. It is important not to overdo it with colors, otherwise the interior will be oversaturated and lose its uniqueness.

For her, bright wallpapers or wallpapers with a pattern are chosen. The rest of the walls serve as a background, so it is better to choose plain wallpaper for them.

Vertical combination

It is optimal for narrow and long rooms. It also allows you to make ceilings visually higher.

Coming up with the design of the combined wallpaper for the kitchen, pay attention to the above photos. On them you will see one of the most common finishing methods - a vertical combination.

vertical stripes. You can create a unique play of light and color by pasting the walls alternately with stripes of different wallpapers. You can combine both contrasting colors and shades of the same color, creating a gradation.

You can choose wallpaper of the same shade, but with a different texture - for example, alternate matte and glossy.

An interesting option: Alternate patterned and plain wallpaper. Stripes imitating real paintings are obtained. This technique is appropriate in a spacious kitchen.

The photo shows a harmonious combination in the English style - at the bottom, vertical stripes create an imitation of wall panels, on top there is a classic floral pattern. The joint between two types of wallpaper is decorated with a decorative border.

The most commonly used striped wallpaper. They may be located:

  • symmetrical. In this case, the walls are pasted over with wide stripes mirrored from the center. Contrasting colors attract the eye, so few people pay attention to the imbalance in the configuration of the room.
  • Asymmetrical. Only one wall is glued with canvases with wide stripes, while canvases with a similar pattern, but of different widths, are applied to other surfaces. This makes the room look wider.

Correctly chosen colors will also help to place accents in the room. Too bright shades should be alternated with pastel 1-1 or 1-2. It all depends on the size of the room and the desired effect.

Companion horizontal wallpaper

used in rooms with high ceilings, fits perfectly into any interior trends. Designers use this move to transform an overly high room.

The photo shows a combined wallpaper with a horizontal stripe and a floral pattern.

Horizontally, you can combine wallpapers of different textures and shades. Choose options that are in harmony with each other and with the overall design of the kitchen.

One of the most popular solutions- use in the lower part of wooden or cork panels. The top can be pasted over with coatings with a geometric pattern, large flowers or simply bright plain canvases.

If the lower part stands out with a bright and large ornament, then it is better to choose a monophonic top.

Striped wallpaper can also be used as panels, separated from the upper part with a border or molding. At the top, it is better to use canvases with a small pattern or one-color ones.

You can vary either colors or textures. It is worth choosing an option that will complement the overall design of your room, presenting it in the most favorable light.

Today there are quite a few varieties of wallpaper, but not all of them are suitable for decorating such a specific room.

Judge for yourself:

Paper. They are inexpensive, environmentally friendly, breathable, but along with this, they are short-lived. If you decide to use them in the interior, then only away from the working area.

Fabric. They are made on the basis of silk, linen, cotton. They can only be pasted over a perfectly even and smooth surface, otherwise all defects will be noticed. They will not withstand high humidity, and pollution from them is removed with great difficulty. Not the best option for the kitchen.

Natural. Made from dried grass, bamboo, wood shavings. All this is fixed on a special fabric base with glue or thin strong threads. They are endowed with environmental friendliness, but they absorb any odors extremely strongly.

Non-woven. Made from viscose, cellulose, polyester and acrylic. Differ in elasticity, resistance to moisture and fire, hide irregularities. There are special modifications for painting, allowing you to change color up to 7 times.

Vinyl. A non-woven base or technical paper is coated with a polymer coating that is resistant to moisture and shrinkage, easy to clean (washable), elastic. Modern canvases have micropores through which air passes. Thanks to this, neither fungus nor mold ever appears on them.

Glass fiber. These are paintable coatings that create an original relief texture on the surface. Water resistance, fire resistance, vapor permeability, wear resistance, stylish appearance - these are the most significant advantages of this option. The only negative is that they are dismantled with great difficulty.

Liquid . They include fibers and threads of acetate silk, cotton, viscose, cellulose, connected by means of an adhesive mixture. They are applied like a regular putty, leaving no seams, smoothing out defects. They are endowed with low heat and sound conductivity, easy to clean, and have a wide range of tones.

All these types of wallpapers have their pros and cons. Starting the choice, you should pay attention to performance, aesthetics and cost.

The combination of wallpaper is a whole science. We hope that our tips will help you decide on the design of the walls, choose the right wallpaper for your kitchen and successfully combine them. Share your thoughts, thoughts and ideas in the comments!

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen is not only an original way of decorating walls, but also a great opportunity to divide a room into functional areas and correct the not-too-successful geometry of the room: “raise” low ceilings, “push apart” walls, add light and space. Sometimes just one bright design solution is enough for the interior of the kitchen to completely change and sparkle with new colors. The combination of wallpapers of different textures and colors is one of the most accessible and simple ways to decorate the interior of the kitchen.

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen is one of the most common design methods.

What is good about combining wallpaper in the kitchen

  • Allows you to hide layout flaws and wall defects: too high or low ceilings, small area, disproportionate ratio of the width and length of the room.
  • With the help of a combination, it is simple and convenient to divide the room into functional zones, which is especially important for studio planning. The visual separation of the working and dining areas will be appropriate even in a small kitchen.
  • By correctly combining wallpaper in adjacent rooms, you can visually combine them, while maintaining the individuality and independence of each individual.
  • It perfectly dilutes the monotony of the situation, giving dynamics to the interior of the kitchen.
  • Allows you to visually highlight one of the walls of the kitchen, making it accent.
  • Combination techniques make it possible to draw attention to the highlights of the kitchen layout: bay windows, niches, columns, etc.

The rules for combining wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen are simple and effective

Basic rules for combining wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

  • You should not combine elite and cheap wallpapers. Wallpapers of the same quality and price category, which differ in color and texture, are best combined: matte and glossy, smooth and rough.
  • For combination, it is desirable to select wallpapers of the same thickness, which will avoid problems with docking and selection of edging.
  • The selected option for combining wallpaper should be in harmony with the style of the kitchen, as well as fully reflect the specifics and purpose of this room.
  • To avoid kitsch and create the most harmonious atmosphere in the kitchen, try to choose wallpapers with overlapping design elements: a single style of ornament, different shades of the same color.
  • Bright large-format panels are recommended to be balanced with plain wallpaper or wallpaper with a small discreet pattern.
  • Floral ornament goes well paired with woody patterns and textures.
  • Geometric motifs are perfectly combined with abstractions.
  • Active saturated colors are recommended to be combined with muted neutrals.

The combination of two close colors in the interior is considered a win-win option for the kitchen.

Design techniques for combining wallpaper in the kitchen

  • Vertical Stripe

Combining wallpaper by alternating vertical stripes will help “raise” an overhanging ceiling or make a kitchen that is too narrow and elongated more proportional. A similar layout is quite common in old panel houses.

Options for vertically dividing the wall with wallpaper:

  • Symmetrical - on both sides in the center of the room we paste over the walls with wide bright stripes of wallpaper. Contrasting colors are perfect for this role. This simple design trick creates an interesting optical illusion: the length of the room will appear to be equal to the width of the stripes, which will help to visually balance the proportions of the length and width of the kitchen.
  • Asymmetric - one of the walls, as in the previous version, is pasted over in the center with a wide bright strip of wallpaper, while bright stripes of different widths are glued in the far corner of the opposite wall. This technique will help not only visually shorten and expand a room that is too long and narrow, but also add dynamics to the interior of the kitchen.

The vertical alternation of plain stripes and stripes with a pattern can visually expand the space and increase the height of the room.

Vertical combination of wallpaper in the kitchen is a great way to avoid monotony in a monochrome interior by alternating stripes of different shades of the same color one after one or one after two. The gradation of shades will visually be perceived as a bizarre play of shadows.

With contrasting combinations, you should be more careful so that they do not turn out to be too aggressive and intrusive. If the combination of green with crimson or red with blue seems too bold to you, it is better to stop at the classic contrasts: black-white, black-red, golden-blue.

In another interior, this insert might seem boring and out of place, but in this one, on the contrary, it brings a frivolous note.

If the design of the kitchen includes two contrasting walls, the vertical alternation of wallpaper on one of the adjacent walls will help to “erase” the sharp edge, creating a smooth transition.

Horizontal wall division

In rooms with high ceilings, professional decorators often resort to the classic method of decorating and visually transforming space - dividing the walls horizontally. Two or three alternating horizontal stripes balance the vertical plane. This technique works great in all styles. A favorite design trick is combining cork or wood panels with regular painting or wallpaper. However, the simplest and most versatile way of horizontally dividing walls is to alternate wallpaper strips that differ in color, texture or ornament, but certainly overlap with each other with one or another design element. It is customary to divide the height of the wall in a ratio of 1: 2, and the width of the lower strip is predominantly inferior to the upper one, and not vice versa, although other options are possible.

The horizontal division of the walls using a border is a very effective decorative technique for creating a luxurious interior.

Classic combinations of horizontal wallpaper combinations:

  • The bottom is in a small pattern or plain, the top is wallpaper with monograms, large flowers, or stripes.
  • Striped bottom with a plain top, or with a small pattern.
  • Bottom with a large floral ornament or monograms, complemented by a plain top or vice versa.

Solid wallpaper on the top and matching wallpaper with a simple pattern on the bottom, separated by a story-themed border, look cute and attractive

Significantly facilitate the work will help bind the "horizon" to the height of the window sill. The lower part of two-thirds of the height of the room will be appropriate for very high ceilings. For combination, you can use both wallpapers of similar shades, and contrasting ones. This technique works great with different wallpaper textures. For example, by finishing the bottom with stucco-like embossed vinyl wallpaper, the top can be made softer and warmer with textile or cork wallpaper. At the joints, a border, molding or dividing strip is placed as a decorative line.

  • accent wall

Recently, in the interior design of kitchens, it has become fashionable to make just one of the walls of the room bright and elegant. An accent wall is a great solution for lovers of bright colors. However, before deciding on such a bold and daring step, one should carefully weigh the pros and cons. By highlighting one of the walls with bright wallpaper, you risk introducing an imbalance into the composition of the room, and it will be perceived skewed. To restore balance and correct proportions, use furniture and decor elements on the opposite wall that match the color of the accent wall.

To revive an achromatic interior, you can use an accent wall with wallpaper of a different color.

As a rule, for decorating an accent wall, wallpapers of bright saturated colors are used, which create a certain mood in the room, having a powerful effect on the emotional and mental state. That is why the selection of a color or its shade for an accent wall should be approached with particular scrupulousness. Do not forget that in the created environment you will have to work and live.

Bright photo wallpapers have become a real "highlight" of this discreet and elegant light interior.

If the kitchen is too elongated in length (a kind of "tram effect"), you can correct this layout flaw by turning the far wall into an accent wall. Contrasting with respect to the background or just a more intense tone will visually "bring" it, thereby visually reducing the length of the room.

A black wall with unusual stylish drawings makes a completely standard interior unique and inimitable.

Creating an accent wall is a great way to dilute the monotony of an achromatic or monochrome kitchen, zone a space, or simply draw attention to an interesting object or interior composition, such as a fireplace or a picture.

  • Emphasis on architectural highlights

Instead of hiding and masking all kinds of niches and ledges, try to go the other way - highlight them with wallpaper that differs in color or texture from the background, thereby turning them into piquant architectural highlights. By pasting niches or ledges with wallpaper in contrasting shades, you can create very original interior accents and make the kitchen sparkle with new colors.

Against the background of colorful walls, a white semi-column or other detail of the layout will successfully perform the function of zoning the room

The creation of a harmonious atmosphere will be facilitated by the decoration of niches and ledges with wallpaper that matches the color of the kitchen set. Against the background of a snow-white-white wall, a black-gray, bright red niche or wallpapered with any other rich color will look great, a peach or yellow ledge will perfectly complement a sky-blue wall, while light green or green will be a spicy addition to a pink room. .

The emphasis on architectural highlights in this interior allows you to achieve an interesting decorative effect.

Even if the room is devoid of any architectural features, by highlighting a separate part of a smooth wall with contrasting wallpaper, you can:

  • Wallpaper inserts: wallpaper as an art object

Interior design of the kitchen with wallpaper inserts involves working on top of the existing finish, i.e. the walls of the room must be pre-pasted with wallpaper or painted. There is absolutely nothing complicated in this combination technique. It is desirable to make inserts from thick massive wallpaper, preferably on a non-woven basis. Inserts are selected in various sizes and shapes, they can either contrast with the general background of the walls, or overlap with it in color, texture or ornament.

Wallpaper inserts: wallpaper as an art object looks appropriate and attractive in this interior, and, covering the walls completely, would look clumsy and annoying

Bright splashes with floral prints, monograms, geometric shapes, abstractions or thematic kitchen and gastronomic motifs look most advantageous on a plain background. Classic interiors are characterized by framing inserts with borders, moldings or planks. The baroque style suggests the presence of frame structures of a square or rectangular shape. Complex geometric shapes will become an organic addition to neoclassical and avant-garde.

  • Wallpaper patchwork: patchwork combination

A very unusual way to decorate the walls of the kitchen is a patchwork combination of wallpaper or the so-called wallpaper patchwork. Remember colorful quilts? Something similar can be embodied on the walls of the kitchen. This option will certainly appeal to those who find it difficult to choose one wallpaper sample from the richest assortment on the market.

Patchwork wallpaper combination in the kitchen is a task that an experienced designer or a person with an innate sense of style and measure can do.

Despite all its colorful playfulness and childish naivety, the patchwork technique of combining is one of the most difficult. Firstly, in the case of patchwork, you will not have to work with large canvases of wallpaper, but with “flaps”, which will take much more time and require a lot of patience. Secondly, you need to be able to choose materials that can be combined into a harmonious holistic composition, and not a kitsch “miracle in feathers and a bow on the side”, although, perhaps, this miracle will become your strong point, who knows. Risk is a noble cause, but if you are not sure of your design genius, it is better to play it safe: choose materials that go well with each other.

A patchwork of wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen can become the main decorative element.

To avoid purely technical problems with gluing and joining, choose wallpaper of the same type, for example, paper-backed vinyl. It's great if the wallpapers are from the same collection with overlapping motifs. "Patches" can be taken multi-colored, the main thing is that they are united by texture, pattern or ornament. Wallpapers of different shades of the same color and texture, for example, purple, lilac, lilac and eggplant, will be perfectly combined.

Photo options for combining kitchen wallpaper

Luxurious embossed wallpaper with an exquisite pattern looks even more respectable on a simple light background.

An accent wall in the interior of the kitchen, located in the dining area, attracts the attention of guests in the calm atmosphere of this kitchen.

Volumetric wallpaper inserts give this spacious kitchen with a simple interior a more inviting look.

The accent wall in the contrasting kitchen serves not only as a backdrop for the dining area, but also as an important decorative element.

In this sweet and cozy country style kitchen, the focus is on the design of the details of the layout.

The combination of wallpaper in a classic interior usually involves the use of a single color scheme.

Using different styles of wallpaper in the same room allows you to get an interesting and spectacular result.

Using photo wallpapers with a non-trivial plot is a great opportunity to create a unique interior in the kitchen

A common way of interior design is the alternation of vertical stripes.

Stylish bright wallpaper in the dining area will create a good mood and give cheerfulness for the whole day.

The rustic-styled interior uses an unusual version of the horizontal division of the walls.

The combination of lighter wallpapers on top and darker ones below usually blends in harmoniously with the interior.

An accent wall with a macro image in the interior of the kitchen always looks unusual and stylish.

Contrasting wallpaper with an interesting pattern can easily cope with the role of a decorative element of the interior.

The contrasting black and white wall in this kitchen brings out the vibrancy and cheerfulness of the yellow kitchen unit.

An interesting option for decorating the kitchen with wallpaper with a different background color and the same pattern

In order to fully appreciate the decorative effect of these wallpapers, you need both space and proper lighting.

A simple pattern on a light background does not require special conditions, going well with any plain wallpaper

Unusual wallpaper with a complex and beautiful pattern will fully reveal its decorative possibilities only in the appropriate setting.

The accent wall, which echoes the color of the kitchen unit, perfectly functions as a backdrop in this kitchen.

A win-win option for the kitchen - the choice of beige or brown colors as the basis of the interior

This kitchen uses the standard horizontal division technique, but a darker color is chosen for the top of the walls.

The same pattern on a different background creates an unusual visual effect.

In a bright and spacious kitchen, contrasting inserts look the best.

3d wallpaper for the kitchen will help visually change the room space, hide wall defects and bring realism to the interior. They are moisture resistant, fireproof, resistant to washing. For decorating the kitchen, the best option is 3D non-woven wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper in the kitchen give the walls an unusual look, a fragment of wallpaper can be easily replaced in a specific area without harm. They hide the unevenness of the walls, they can be washed with a sponge, in addition, they are sound and noise insulating.

Vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen resistant under the influence of the sun, which is a big plus for the kitchen on the sunny side, moisture-resistant, elastic, they can be wiped with a damp sponge and detergent, air circulates in them and because of this, mold from moisture does not appear.

Washable wallpaper for the kitchen Vinyl-coated non-woven backing is the best choice and can be wiped off with a kitchen rag and detergent. They are moisture-resistant and wear-resistant, allow the ability to act with a wet sponge up to 15 times.

Non-woven wallpaper for the kitchen are characterized as moisture resistant, fireproof and elastic. They are comfortable when working with their flexibility and visually hide the unevenness of the wall.

Paper wallpaper for the kitchen are widely available, environmentally friendly and breathable. Their disadvantages - absorption of odors, fragility and fragility, cannot be washed with a damp sponge, therefore, when decorating a kitchen with paper wallpaper, you should additionally protect the working area, for example, with tiles.

Wallpaper for painting in the kitchen give the kitchen a different look. This wallpaper is durable, masks the unevenness of the wall and withstands color changes up to 7 times. They are smooth and imitate the texture of wood, plaster, with bas-relief ornaments.

Brick wallpaper in the kitchen suitable for interior design in a loft style, the market offers a large number of color options and masonry sizes. They are wear-resistant and breathable, great for decorating an apron.

The choice of wallpaper design for the kitchen

When choosing the color of the wallpaper and design, you need to take into account not only your desires, but also the size of the kitchen, its shape, the number of windows and their presence, and the saturation with daylight. Wallpaper for the kitchen with flowers is suitable for any size room, but:

  • large flowers are appropriate in the interior of a large kitchen;
  • small flowers visually increase the area and are suitable for medium and small kitchens.

The wallpaper pattern for the kitchen is also worth choosing, taking into account the possibilities, for example:

  • vertical ornament or stripes make the kitchen look taller;
  • horizontal drawing expand the kitchen and make it visually lower;
  • geometric intersecting fragments create a feeling of infinity of space.

Rules for combining wallpaper in the kitchen

In order for the interior of the kitchen to be individual, it is not necessary to equip it with the latest fashion and technology, it is enough to combine textures and colors, two or more types of wallpaper. The combination of wallpaper in the kitchen is an individual vision of everyone, but it is better to combine wallpaper in the kitchen following the advice of designers:

  • the same thickness of the wallpaper guarantees an even joint;
  • wallpaper with flowers and floral patterns look good with wallpaper under the tree;
  • abstract elements are combined with a geometric pattern;
  • pastel colors are combined with bright ones;
  • wallpapers of different textures look advantageous when combined, for example, smooth and rough wallpapers, matte colors and gloss;
  • combined wallpaper for the kitchen should be in the same price category and be combined with the overall style of the kitchen.

Tip: For those who trust the masters and do not want to make a mistake in choosing, there are companion wallpapers from the same collection and from the same company, by combining them, the manufacturer guarantees the unity of the two types of wallpaper.

Using a combination of wallpapers, you can make a narrow kitchen wider by making an accent wall and wallpaper with a horizontal stripe, create an asymmetric effect, decorate one of the walls with photo wallpapers or 3D photography.

The choice of wallpaper color for the kitchen

When choosing a wallpaper color, you should listen to your feelings that the color causes, decide on a shade, look at samples. The interior of the kitchen with light wallpaper will always look fresh, cozy and visually larger. The interior of the kitchen with dark wallpaper is not suitable for a small area, but it looks no less attractive.

  • White wallpaper in the kitchen is a classic option, it is a universal color and fits any style, but you need to remember that this is a soiled color and choose thick wallpaper, or use it in addition to other wallpapers.

  • Green wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen contributes to calm and relaxation, the opinion of designers and psychologists agrees on this. The most optimal color for a room in which a lot of time is spent.

  • Gray wallpaper in the kitchen makes the room wider, combined with any color. Pasting the room with gray wallpaper, it will not be boring if the facade of the kitchen furniture is bright.

  • Beige wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen will not distract from the furniture, it is a classic calm color that creates comfort.

  • Brown wallpaper in the kitchen creates the effect of rigor and stability, it is rarely used for wall decoration, more often cream.

  • Pink wallpaper in the kitchen makes the interior airy and soft, combined with light furniture.

  • Black wallpaper in the kitchen is appropriate as an addition to contrasting wallpaper and white furniture.

  • Purple wallpaper in the kitchen is highly undesirable in dark shades, a bright and calm tone is suitable for the kitchen in combination with gold patterns.

  • Yellow wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen awakens the appetite and desire to communicate, suitable for accentuating one wall. With an excess of bright yellow, eye fatigue occurs.

  • Blue wallpaper in the kitchen makes the room wider, reduces appetite, looks restrained and stylish;

  • Orange wallpaper awakens appetite and activity. The warm tone of the color is appropriate in the eating area, perfect for decorating the interior of a kitchen in a country house.
  • Blue wallpaper in the kitchen makes the room wider, associated with the sea. Not suitable for dark and poorly lit rooms.

Designers do not advise choosing wallpaper to match the color of the kitchen for those who do not want the furniture to merge with the walls. If the color matches, then it is desirable that the wallpaper has accents in the form of patterns, flowers, ornaments.

Options for decorating the kitchen with wallpaper (photo in the interior)

Here are photos of wallpapers for the kitchen, options for combining them with the design concept and functionality of the room.

Photo 1. A long and narrow room is visually enlarged with beige wallpaper with a pattern, white furniture and a white ceiling. A pastel-colored sofa and a decorated apron add zest to the interior.

Photo 2. Wallpaper in the color of the furniture elements emphasize the unity of style, white color successfully harmonizes with the wallpaper.

Photo 3. Wallpaper with a floral pattern on a muted green background gives a feeling of peace, light furniture and similar wallpapers are appropriate for interior design in country style.

Photo 4. Combination of textures and colors. 3D wallpapers are a bright accent in the interior of a discreet beige kitchen. Wallpaper under the stone complement the image and arouse interest.

Photo 5. Even a small room can be fabulous. The delicate color of the wallpaper and the floral print in the corner of the room divide the kitchen into zones.

Photo 6. Brown animal print wallpaper and purple lower drawer fronts are a great combination in a modern style.

Photo 7. Interior design of the kitchen in beige colors with an emphasis on dark furniture. Companion wallpapers look harmonious and convey the comfort of the room.

Photo 8

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