How to enable the grammatical correction feature. Check spelling in a Word document with a screen reader

Using such a powerful word processor, it is foolish to use a dictionary to correctly spell controversial words and phrases. Let Word do this thankless job! But the editor does not react to frank provocations in any way and pretends that our writings are a model of literacy of the Russian language. Realizing that this is impossible, we wonder: how to enable spell checking in Microsoft Word? The answer is below.

Automatic spell check

To enable this function, you must click "File" - "Options" - "Spelling". In the window that appears, check the required fields and click the "Save" button.

Attention! If a different Cyrillic keyboard layout (Ukrainian or Belarusian) is used to type Russian words, all typed text may be underlined with an error. Be careful!

Adding unknown words

To add such words to the program dictionary and exclude its underlining in the future, you need to select it (or a phrase), right-click and select "Add to dictionary" in the context menu. When you click on the "Skip" option, this lexical construct will no longer be highlighted in this document.

Attention! All of the considered methods of including spelling work in versions starting with Microsoft Word 2007 and newer.

Enabling Spell Checkers

If, for some reason, when checking spelling, a notification appears with the text “Spell check completed” or “Spell checking tools for the language are not installed”, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to "This PC" - "Uninstall or change a program".

  2. In the list of applications, find Microsoft Office, click on it and click the "Change" button.

  3. In the window that appears, select "Add or remove components" and click "Continue".

  4. Go to the path "General Office Tools" - "Spelling Tools" - "Spelling Tools for the Russian Language" - "Spelling and Grammar Checker". By clicking on the button (as shown in the screenshot) and calling the context menu, select "Run from my computer".

    Enable spell checking for the selected language

    When typing in other languages, spell checking may not work. To enable it you need:

    Now you can be 90% sure that your text is correct. But after learning how to enable spell checking in Word, do not forget to watch for neologisms and those words that are not in the editor's database or have several meanings.

When writing texts in Microsoft Word, you can set up automatic spell checking. This feature helps to identify and immediately correct spelling errors. Even without knowing Russian perfectly, you will write correctly.

How to enable spell checking in Word

Very often, it is absolutely not necessary to perform any additional actions to enable the spell check function, since the function is enabled by default. And yet, if for any reason, the Word editor does not check spelling, let's see how the system is configured.

Spell check settings are located in the "File" → "Options" tab.

In the "Word Options" window that appears, the "Spelling" item is of interest. Here you can find a huge number of settings, which we will deal with gradually.

AutoCorrect options

The first section contains the ability to automatically replace misspelled words and characters. Clicking the "AutoCorrect Options..." button opens an additional dialog box.


The main mistakes that are allowed are listed. In this window, you can activate the required function.

By default there are items:

  • Correct TWO uppercase letters at the beginning of a word;
  • Capitalize first letters of sentences
  • Make the first letters of table cells capitalized;
  • Write the names of the days with a capital letter;
  • Eliminate the consequences of accidentally pressing cAPS LOCK;
  • Fix keyboard layout.

In the event that you need to make your own autocorrect, you need to write the initial version in the “replace:” window, and the option you want to replace in the “to:” window.

After making the necessary settings, do not forget to check the box next to the line "Automatically correct spelling errors" to activate the function.

AutoCorrect with math symbols

When entering mathematically sharpened text, in which there are a huge number of characters, it is best to set up the input of characters by pressing certain commands.

In the "replace:" window, we write the initial variant that is entered, and in the "to:" window, the variant to be replaced.

Now, it is enough to enter the \aoint command, for example, to get a treble clef.

Autoformat as you type

sign good manners, it is considered to separate the prima of speech with the help of a long dash, and not a short one, and even more so a minus, as many do. Also, very often, users use straight quotes when they need to use paired ones.

There is no catastrophic error in this, but still one should try not only to write without errors, but also to add the appropriate signs, in the appropriate place.

In the "AutoFormat As You Type" tab, some of these inaccuracies can be replaced automatically.

Familiarize yourself with all the proposed autocorrect.

Auto Format

In the "Autoformat" tab, it is proposed to independently specify exceptions to the rules.


The fifth tab contains possible options autocorrect for any action. There is an option to add your own.

When correcting spelling in Microsoft Office

During automatic checking of spelling errors in the text, you can specify which words should not be checked. To activate the function, check the box of interest:

  • Ignore words in CAPITAL LETTERS;
  • Skip words with numbers;
  • Ignore Internet addresses and file names;
  • Mark repeated words;
  • Use uppercase with accents (French).

In order to offer spelling options only from the main dictionaries, put a tick in the sixth box.

To use other dictionaries as well, click the "Auxiliary Dictionaries" button. In the window that appears, there are dictionaries from which you can use words.

You can add your own dictionary: click on the "create" button and select the place to save the dictionary and its name. After that, put a checkmark next to the created dictionary and click the "change word list" button.

In a new window, add and remove words. You can add an existing dictionary: click the "add" button and select the desired file on your computer.

The last item you can configure is to replace the letter “e” with the letter “e”.

When correcting spelling in Word

You can check spelling and grammar directly while typing. Activate the commands of interest by checking the box and the editor will indicate errors immediately after an incorrectly entered phrase or word.

This section contains the following items for activation:

  • Check spelling while typing;
  • Mark grammar mistakes in the process of typing;
  • Difficult words;
  • While checking spelling, also check grammar;
  • Show readability statistics.

You can also choose a set of rules that Word will focus on.

How to enable spelling in Word 2003

You can enable automatic error checking in Word 2003 by selecting the "Tools" → "Options" tab.

The window contains the "Spelling" tab, where you need to check the box in front of the "Automatically check spelling" item.

How to enable spelling in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

In Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, to automatically check spelling, go to the "File" tab, in the list we find "Options".

The window contains "Spelling", select the desired items, click "Save".

Automatic mode for checking text for errors

When you turn on the automatic mode of checking the text, if errors are made, they will be highlighted with an underlined wavy line. To correct an error, point to the word with an error and press the right mouse button. A list opens, starting with replacement options. If there is no error, the word can be skipped and the underlining removed.

How to check spelling

Error correction is an extremely important point when compiling a professional, text document. IN modern world, grammatical errors indicate a person's lack of education.

On the Internet, there are many ways to check the text for grammatical errors, you just need to upload your document and that's it. But why turn to the Internet, if in Word editor, there is also a very powerful dictionary that can check the spelling of absolutely any complexity of the text.

In the course of the article, options for automatic checking have already been considered, but in the case when this function is disabled, checking the text for errors can be launched from the “Review” tab → “Spelling” commands.

After activating the command, on the right side of the document, the "Spelling" window will appear in which errors in the text will be noted.

The window is very easy to work with. In the example below, you can see that the editor identified the word "Word" as an error. There are several options to choose from:

  • Skip - skip this particular error;
  • Skip all - skip all errors in the document;
  • Add - if you are sure about the spelling of the word, it is best to add it to the dictionary, and this error will not pop up again.

In my case, it is better to add the word to the dictionary, as there is confidence in the correct spelling of the word.

And here is another example in which a typo was made and the Word highlighted the misspelled word.

Word found the word "opened" and underlined it with a red squiggly line, indicating a spelling error. In the "Spelling" window, options are offered to correct the error, with a description of the proposed words.

It remains to choose right word and click the "Change" button. Everything, the error is fixed.

How to Check Punctuation in Word Text

If the commas in the text are incorrect, the sentence is underlined with a wavy blue line. To fix it, you need to right-click on it and select the proposed option, or make changes manually.

In the example below, the Word editor underlined the word “For example” with a blue wavy line, which means not a spelling error, but a punctuation error.

In this case, the window changes its name to "Grammar" and highlights the correction options, adding a description of why it needs to be done.

As you can see, we are prompted that a comma is missing after introductory word or in front of him. We allocate desired option corrections and click the Change button.

How to turn off spell checking in Word

There is an opinion that before checking for errors, you need to type the text completely, not paying attention to typos and formatting. Thus, it will be possible to significantly reduce the time for typing and there will be more time to check the text for spelling and grammatical errors.

Word - perhaps The best decision for typing and editing text documents. Among the many features of this program, one of the most useful is spelling and grammar checking.

But, with this feature, many users have problems. In this article, we will talk about how to enable spell checking in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Turn on automatic spell checking in Word

By default, Word text editor always automatically checks spelling. If this does not happen to you, then most likely this function is simply turned off in the settings. In order to turn back on spell checking in Word, you need to click on the button " File»In the upper left corner of the program and select the item" Options» in the menu that opens.

In the screenshots below, we will demonstrate what the File menu looks like in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

File menu in Word 2007

File menu in Word 2010

File menu in Word 2013, 2016

After you have opened " Word Options", You need to go to the " Spelling" section and enable the functions there that are related to spell checking in Word.

  • Check spelling while typing;
  • Use contextual spell check;
  • Mark grammar mistakes in the process of typing;
  • While checking spelling, also check grammar;

It should be noted that these functions may be called slightly differently in your version of Word. Also, do not forget that changes to the settings must be saved using the " Ok".

Manually run a spell checker in Word

You can also manually enable spell checking in Word. To do this, you need to select the text for which you want to run a check, go to the tab " Review"And click on the button" Spelling».

As a result, the Spelling window should open, where you can check the spelling of the text word by word. Words in which the Word text editor detects errors will be highlighted in red. In this case, several spelling options for this word will be offered under the text. In order to fix given word, you need to select one of the options for replacement and click on the " Replace".

If you think the word is spelled correctly, then you can skip it. To do this, there is a button " Skip".

Also, using the button " Add»You can add a correctly spelled word to the dictionary.

Words that have been added to the dictionary by the user will no longer be marked as errors by Word.

How to change the language for spell checking in Word

If the spell check is performed according to the rules of another language, then you need to change the language of the text. To do this, select the text that is not correctly checked, and click on the name of the language at the bottom of the Word window.

After that, a small window " Language". Here you need to select the language, according to the rules of which spell checking should be performed, and click on the button " Ok".

Also, using the "Language" window, you can completely turn off spell checking for a selected part of the text. To do this, you need to select the text, click on the name of the language, and in the "Language" window, turn on the function " Do not check spelling».

The Word editor has a separate tool for checking punctuation, grammar and spelling rules. Correct setting this function will turn it into an indispensable assistant that will be able to control and eliminate errors made by the user, suggest synonyms for words for certain styles, and much more.

How to check spelling in Word? To do this, go to the "Review" tab and select the "ABC" icon. After that, Word will independently demonstrate existing typos or errors, underlining them.

If, when writing text, some words are highlighted with red or green wavy lines, then this option is active. Right-click above a word to access functions Spelling Word. The menu that appears will show you options for fixing, as well as commands to ignore and explain the error in more detail.

How to enable spell checking in Word?

Depending on the version of the program you are using, perform the necessary steps:

Enabling AutoCheck in Word 2013, 2010, 2007:

Press the "Office" button and select "Word Options", and then the item responsible for correct spelling:

  1. In the "Exclusions for" section, click the "Current file name" field.
  2. Uncheck the box next to Hide errors in this document.

These actions will allow you to enable auto-check for the current file, in order to apply it always in the first step, select "All new documents".

Check spelling in Word 2003:

This option is also available in earlier versions of the program, to enable it, go along the path: “Tools / Options / Spelling” and check the box next to “Automatically check spelling”.

Spell checker in Word. Writing competently, especially on websites or blogs, is the main condition for people to come to you. It's very frustrating when you see a bunch of gross mistakes. You can understand when a person just made a mistake with a key, but when you see an obvious “loser”, it repels. I, too, often hurry with my thoughts and can miss a letter or even a whole word, or a comma. When writing articles, Microsoft Word helps me a lot. If configured correctly, it will indispensable assistant in your creative endeavors. This program has great potential. As you write the text, it can check spelling, grammar, correct your mistake on your own, suggest which word is better to use in this style of writing, pick up synonyms and much more. Again, I repeat - the main thing is to set it up correctly.

It is much faster and more comfortable to work in a text editor when it is pre-created or ready-made with thoughtful .

A window will open Options. Select tab Spelling .

And today we will set up Word to check spelling and grammar.

In order for the program to automatically check spelling and grammar in your text, open the menu Service. Choose a team Options .

  • In field Spelling check the box Automatically check spelling ;

  • In field Grammar check the box Automatically check grammar And Also check spelling .

  • On property Do not highlight misspelled words You do not need to check the box, otherwise, if you make a mistake, the program will not show it to you, and you may not notice it.

  • You can leave all other settings as they are.

Next, press the button Setting under the window Rule set and go to the window Setting up a grammar check . in the window Rule set in use select the set you need. Personally I use For business correspondence .

Set the switch to Grammar and check the box below for all functions. Leave everything else as it is, and click the button OK .

Spell checker in word 2007

To set up automatic spell checking in Word 2007, click at the very top left on the beautiful icon with the program logo, and go to the very bottom of the list that opens. Click on the button OptionsWord .

In the next window, go to the tab Spelling and check the boxes where necessary.

After all the changes, do not forget to click the button at the very bottom OK, to save the settings.

Spell checker in word 2010

In Word 2010, the spell check setting is slightly different from the setting in Word 2007.

You must first enter the menu File. Then go down to the record Options .

And already in the window OptionsWord make the settings described above.

After setting up spell checking in Word, the program will check and indicate errors by underlining with a wavy line. A red line means a spelling error, and a green line means a syntax error.

With regard to commas, the program does not always correctly indicate their location, so sometimes think for yourself. As for the spelling, it's not wrong.

If the program does not know some word, i.e. this word is not in her dictionary, then you can add this word to the dictionary yourself, just before that check, at least on the Internet, its correct spelling.

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