What is the best wallpaper to buy. The right choice of wallpaper. Which wallpaper has a more varied design

- the most popular types of coating used in both residential buildings and commercial buildings. It is between them that repair organizers most often choose, trying to acquire inexpensive, but at the same time satisfactory material. And often on this choice the whole idea of ​​​​repair and stop. In order to make the task of consumers a little easier, as well as to figure out what wallpaper is worth buying for your home, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this material.

Definitions of non-woven and vinyl wallpaper, how they differ

Before proceeding to the choice of coverage, it is worth deciding in terms and finding out what is called non-woven and what is called vinyl wallpaper, and what is the fundamental difference between these categories.

Non-woven wallpaper is made from fibrous cellulose, in essence they are compacted treated paper.

In terms of basic characteristics, they are close to natural fabrics, as well as the densest paper counterparts - they provide free air exchange of walls, have high strength, durability, and meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

Vinyl wallpapers are made from synthetic raw materials - polyvinyl chloride (similar to plastic).

They often have a fabric or paper bottom layer, and are only covered with a synthetic film on top. This type is good for its invulnerability - the samples practically do not burn, are not afraid of water, and it is very difficult to damage them. Vinyl wallpaper as a type combines several types of materials. This group includes:

  • heavy vinyl;
  • structural;
  • compact vinyl;
  • silk-screen printing;
  • hot stamping samples.

According to their texture, as well as the color scheme, vinyl and non-woven. Embossing, imitation of tiles, wood, three-dimensional drawings - all this is found today in each of the above types. And, of course, vinyl and non-woven wallpaper as a type have their pros and cons, which will not be out of place for those who make a choice between them.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-woven

Flizerin wallpapers have a huge number of advantages, which gives reason to refer them to the most successful purchases for repairs. The advantages of wallpaper are:

  1. Long service life of non-woven samples without losing their original properties. Over the years, such a coating does not fade and does not deteriorate. Manufacturers guarantee owners 10 years of carefree operation.
  2. The material has a higher strength when properly applied than paper or fabric counterparts.
    The coating may not be removed during subsequent repairs. It is enough to replace the top layer of non-woven wallpaper with a new one, and the job will be done. The attack move guarantees a quick completion of the repair and low costs for its implementation.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper forgives minor flaws in wall processing. Small cracks, uneven - all this under heavy material will be imperceptible.
  4. This type of wallpaper can be used for painting. The coating allows you to implement not only primitive design ideas, but also full-fledged drawings.

As for the shortcomings of non-woven wallpaper, these include the high cost of high-quality product samples, as well as certain difficulties in. The fact is that according to the technology, non-woven fabrics must be well impregnated with glue before installation, otherwise the heavy fabric will not give a uniform coating and will not hold. It is also worth remembering that non-woven samples are easy to damage. Innocent games of children, scratches from the claws of your pets - all this will very soon turn your coating into tow in accessible places.

Pros and cons of vinyl

It is not for nothing that vinyl wallpapers are famous for being one of the most sought-after types of coating. Their advantages include:

  • Low cost (many buyers are guided by it when choosing this product);
  • Durability;
  • Ease of installation;
  • A wide range of products with different textures and colors;
  • Versatility in use - such samples can be freely mounted not only in the hallway, but also in the kitchen, and even in rooms with low temperatures;
  • Resistant to dirt, easy to clean - many stains can be removed from such a coating using only a damp cloth.

Among them:

  • Non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. Artificial wallpaper is not recommended to be installed in the nursery, as well as in the bedroom - they may not have the best effect on health.
  • Poor air permeability of the coating;
  • The possibility of an allergy.

There is an opinion that everything is unhealthy, but in fact it is not. The vast majority of modern material samples are produced according to eco-standards. They no longer contain toxic substances, and the perforated surface provides normal air exchange to the walls. So we can only speak about the dangers of these models conditionally.

Having dealt with all the features of these types of coverage, you can finally move on to the question - which one is better. The decision to make it is not so easy.

Which is better and which is better for an apartment

Since vinyl and non-woven wallpapers have approximately the same number of pluses (which, moreover, have something in common), it can be very difficult for a buyer to choose a specific type of coating. Here are a few tips to make it easier for you:

  1. When choosing a material, always consider the features of its operation. So in the event that you do not have the opportunity to constantly clean, vacuum non-woven counterparts, it is better to refuse them. Otherwise, an allergy from dust that has accumulated in the coating will very soon make you disappointed in the purchase.
  2. Be sure to consider the type of room in which you are going to do the cladding. It is important at the same time to know which ones are in the hallway and in the bedroom. Vinyl wallpaper will work well in the kitchen and hallway, while non-woven wallpaper is the place in the bedroom. This use is due to their basic characteristics.
  3. Pay attention to the level of humidity in the house. If it is high, you need to stop on non-woven fabric - otherwise moisture will begin to accumulate under the coating.
  4. Check the condition of the walls. If they are already prone to fungus, do not cover them with vinyl - such a solution can only aggravate the situation.
  5. Do you have allergies? Vinyl wallpaper should not be installed in a house where there are people suffering from asthma or other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  6. Can you afford renovations on a big budget. Non-woven wallpaper itself is more expensive than even the most fashionable vinyl samples. Add here the increased consumption of glue and you will understand that the event is planned not to be cheap.

When comparing these two materials, it must be remembered that after finishing work, vinyl and non-woven wallpapers of good quality look almost the same in the interior. Therefore, the buyer in the course of selecting samples should rely on sanitary and hygienic and other operational requirements.

Those buyers who cannot decide in any way in favor of one or another option can choose vinyl-based non-woven wallpaper. They combine the qualities of these two types and, perhaps, their only disadvantage can be considered a greatly reduced color range.

Wallpaper is exactly that part of the interior that sets the general atmosphere in the room, house. This popular material is used for interior walls and ceilings.

Wallpaper for walls is both easy, aesthetically pleasing and durable! But there are so many questions in my head! How to ennoble still bare walls? How to choose the right wallpaper? What wallpaper to choose? How to choose wallpaper for ...

And really, under what they are supposed to be selected? Yes for everything! For furniture, for curtains and other future or existing furnishings, for flooring, for the size and purpose of the room, for the general style of each individual room and the entire dwelling. To understand these and many other issues will help the advice of specialists, as well as people who have already experienced repairs. Our article will tell you how to choose the right wallpaper and how to avoid common mistakes in wallpapering. After all, everyone wants to quickly decide in the first place on what color to choose wallpaper. But it will work out. But where you really should start is with an assessment of the quality and functionality of the wallpaper ...

How to choose a wallpaper: we evaluate the quality and functionality

So, if you have finally decided to decorate the walls with wallpaper, you have to figure out what they are, how they differ, what the price depends on and which of the huge range is suitable for your home. How to choose wallpaper? Be sure to take into account for which particular room in your home you choose them. Quality and functionality are the most important criteria, we do not recommend saving time and resources on them - in the end it will turn out more expensive for yourself. Our review will help you choose wallpaper for any room.

The quality of the wallpaper is determined by many factors, the main ones are:

  • - environmental Safety;
  • - moisture resistance;
  • – density;
  • – light fastness;
  • - fire resistance;
  • - ease of care;
  • – sound absorption;
  • - resistance to abrasion;
  • - level of breathability.

Types of modern wallpaper

- the simplest type of wallpaper, made from one (simplex category) or two or more layers of paper (duplex). Paper wallpapers are smooth, with the effect of volumetric texture and even corrugated. The quality of paper wallpapers is determined by their weight: light (weight less than 110 g/m²), medium weight (from 110 to 140 g/m²), heavy (over 140 g/m²). The heavier the paper wallpaper, the higher their quality.

The main advantages of paper wallpapers are that they are cheap and the most environmentally friendly.

- this is a type of wallpaper, the protective and decorative layer of which is made of a polymeric material, most often vinyl. The basis of vinyl wallpaper is paper or non-woven. The type of base is important to consider when wallpapering. For a paper base, glue will have to be applied to both surfaces, both to the wall and to the wallpaper itself, and for a non-woven base, it is enough only on the wall. It is from the bottom layer that the quality of vinyl wallpaper depends, the non-woven base is many times better and, accordingly, more expensive.

The main advantages of vinyl wallpaper: strength, reliability and durability, as well as a wide range of textures that look like different finishing materials: wood, leather, stone, fabric, brick. The disadvantage, which should not be silent, is the impermeability of air through the top vinyl layer, that is, the lack of air exchange. True, very expensive models of vinyl wallpaper with special pores in the top layer have already been developed. In addition, vinyl wallpaper releases toxic chemicals.

- A relatively recently developed budget version of vinyl wallpaper. They are two-layer: the bottom layer is made of paper, and the material of the upper layer is foamed acrylic.

The alternative has its advantages: this coating allows the walls to "breathe". Lose acrylic wallpaper only strength, and hence the service life.

- the most popular type of wallpaper. And not in vain! They combine the best qualities of both paper and vinyl types. The main material consists of 70% cellulose and 30% connecting materials. In fact, this is a multilayer paper with inherent breathability, while increased density, wear resistance, respectively, more durable and practical. Do not confuse non-woven vinyl wallpaper with fully non-woven. What they have in common is only one lower layer, but in general they are fundamentally different in composition.

The top layer of non-woven wallpaper is almost always embossed. Non-woven wallpaper is very good for painting, and you can repaint them several times. This is very convenient, because in order to refresh and slightly change the interior, you will not need to rip off the wallpaper, just repaint the old ones. Everything will pass quickly, cleanly and for ridiculous money. Another advantage of non-woven wallpaper is easy sticking due to the fact that they initially contain an adhesive layer.

Glass fiber (fiberglass, fiberglass) - Another option for rolled wall covering, which has a lot of advantages. They are environmentally friendly, "breathable", fire-resistant, moisture-resistant and the most durable of all known, except, perhaps, metallized ones. The initial material of glass fiber is sand, from which fiberglass of different density and thickness is made. It is from them that cullet is made by the woven method, intended for subsequent painting with latex paints or water-based paints.

There are also so-called liquid wallpapers, fabric wallpapers, wallpapers made from natural materials, such as cork, papyrus, bamboo. These varieties are very appropriate for decorating individual wall fragments, for example, in the fireplace area, or in a needlework corner.

The most important function of wallpaper is decorative. In addition to the fact that they hide minor wall defects, such as pores, cracks, cracks, they also serve as the background of the room, the fundamental element of decor.

The hygienic function lies in the fact that the walls and ceiling, on which the wallpaper is pasted, are easier to keep clean. Most types of wallpaper can be cleaned and washed, and some can even be vacuumed.

Among other things, wallpapers made from fleecy materials can provide additional sound absorption.

We can also talk about the optical function of wallpaper, since different colors and textures can create the impression of a larger or smaller space than it really is.

What should you pay attention to when choosing wallpaper?

First of all, when choosing wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the correspondence of the characteristics of the material to the room that you are going to decorate with it. Choose wallpaper for each room separately. Decide whether you will purchase wallpaper for painting or ready-made. This will significantly narrow down your options and save you time. Compare similar offers from different manufacturers. And, of course, pay attention to the symbols on the labels.

What do the symbols on the wallpaper mean?

Symbols on wallpaper labels indicate such important characteristics: moisture resistance, light resistance, type of wallpaper, method of gluing and removing, care features. Wallpaper labeling is also needed when calculating the number of rolls.

Remember the symbols and their meanings, this information will be very useful to you.

For marking by type and material of wallpaper, the following letter designations are used:

A: acrylic

B: paper

BB: foamed vinyl

PV: flat vinyl

RV: embossed vinyl

TKS: textile wallpaper

STR: paintable structural wallpaper

STL: cullet

Box-note > div ( clear: both; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; min-height: 60px; padding-top: 10px; ) .box-note > div:last-child ( border-bottom: 0px; min -height: 50px; ) .box-note > div:first-child ( padding-top: 0px; )

Symbols for the resistance of wallpaper to washing and friction

Wear-resistant wallpaper. It is allowed to use detergents and brushes.

Particularly durable wallpaper. Highly resistant to mechanical stress.

Symbols for resistance to fading of wallpaper when exposed to the sun and artificial lighting

Parameters for matching the pattern and the order of gluing the strips

Symbols for the method of applying glue

The best way to update the atmosphere of the apartment is to stick new wallpaper. In 1-2 days, housing can change dramatically: visually become larger or smaller, more secluded or more spacious. It all depends on the choice of wallpaper. You also need to take into account the material of the wallpaper and the purpose of the room (living room, children's room, bathroom, etc.). So what kind of wallpaper to choose in the house in one case or another? Let's consider further.

Types of wallpaper: material and features of gluing

Wallpapers have an extensive classification according to the material of manufacture. If earlier only paper and fabric were used as it, today, with the development of new technologies, the range of wallpapers has also expanded. What types of wallpaper exist depending on the material of manufacture?

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Paper wallpapers: features

This version is a timeless classic. This type of wallpaper came to us from the East, where they are considered a traditional material. In the 18th century, paper wall coverings began to be actively used in Europe.

Today, such wallpapers are the most inexpensive and easiest way to decorate walls, thanks to which they have gained particular popularity. In addition, the paper is environmentally friendly (breathable), so it can be used in almost any room.

The main disadvantage of this material is its fragility. Firstly, such a coating cannot be used in rooms with high humidity. Secondly, it is prone to abrasion. When gluing, they exhibit the following drawback - low strength. They are easy to break. If they are crookedly glued, then they cannot be moved. They must be glued with an overlap, as they “sit down” when dried. But you don’t need to worry too much if air bubbles remain: the coating will even out when it dries. In no case should you leave just pasted paper wallpaper in a room with a draft - the windows should be tightly closed. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain - the wallpaper will peel off.

Paper wallpapers are divided into 2 types: simplex (single layer) and duplex (2 or more layers). The latter are more resistant to external conditions and have a wider decorative range.

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Vinyl wallpaper: features

This type of wallpaper has 2 layers: 1 - paper (fabric), 2 - polyvinyl. A pattern or embossing is applied to the top coating. The appearance of vinyl wallpaper is associated with the beginning of the use of polyvinyl chloride for commercial purposes: in 1947, an American company introduced the world's first vinyl wallpaper.

This option for wall decoration has its pros and cons. Structural wallpaper based on foamed vinyl can hide the unevenness of the walls. Hot stamping wallpaper can imitate various materials: stone, textiles, textured plaster. A special place is occupied by such a technique as silk-screen printing. To create such a decorative effect, silk threads are placed in the top layer of vinyl.

The advantage of vinyl coating is its strength and resistance to external influences. However, when applying glue, the canvas is significantly deformed, stretching. And when it dries, it shrinks again. As a result, the seams may come apart. This material does not allow air to pass through, and when burned, it releases toxic substances. If bubbles with air or glue have formed under the canvas, it is necessary to squeeze this formation to the seam with a roller or hands. Wallpaper can be moved, re-glued within a few minutes after gluing.

Vinyl wallpapers are moisture resistant, so they can be used in rooms with high humidity or requiring regular cleaning of the walls. But they do not tolerate changes in temperature or humidity.

This wallpaper has the most interesting decorative options.

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Non-woven wallpaper: features

In fact, this type refers to vinyl wallpaper, but has interlining as a base. They are very easy to stick on. Glue is applied directly to the wall, then the canvas is pressed. They do not shrink after drying, so they are glued end-to-end.

Non-woven fabric itself is an eco-friendly material. It can be used on its own - without the top vinyl covering. But together with vinyl, environmental friendliness disappears. They are also often used for painting.

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Textile wallpapers: features

Textile wallpapers have an unusual texture, due to which they give the interior coziness, beauty and comfort.

They are a canvas consisting of several layers: the base is paper, interlining, the front side is fabric or fibers. Their cost directly depends on the material of the top coating.

Such wallpapers can be of various widths. It is even possible to paste over the room with a solid canvas (therefore, there will be only one seam).

Such wallpapers are environmentally friendly, have good heat and sound insulation. They are resistant to sunlight, do not burn well. Flax fibers in the top cover endow the canvas with bactericidal properties.

Textile wallpapers have the following varieties: synthetic-based (foam rubber), jute, silk, linen, velor, felt.

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Glass fiber: features

Abroad, this type of finish has been used for more than 50 years. In Russia, such wallpapers are still an innovation. Glass fiber is used mainly for office space.

Glass fiber is resistant to temperature extremes, and also has good water resistance.

The technology of their manufacture is as follows: from environmentally friendly materials (quartz sand, soda, limestone, dolomite), thin fibers are created, from which glass wallpapers are then woven on special machines. To keep the product in shape, it is treated with starch.

Glass fiber has a lot of advantages. They do not provide a fertile environment for fungus and bacteria. They do not electrify, do not emit toxic substances, and are not an allergen.

They burn poorly, are vapor-permeable, waterproof, resistant to alkalis and acids. They can hide small cracks in the wall, gaps between panels.

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Other types of wallpaper material

In addition to the options considered, there are other types of finishes. These are liquid, cork, carpet, metal, leather, based on wood veneer, sickles, photo wallpapers.

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What wallpaper to choose: the purpose of the room and color

Sometimes, despite our choice, the room requires a completely different type of coverage. Let's consider several options.

For children's and bedrooms, eco-friendly materials are definitely needed as part of the wallpaper. Therefore, here it is necessary to use paper, textile, natural (jute, cork) canvases.

The bathroom and kitchen should be covered with moisture-resistant wallpaper. Suitable vinyl, non-woven, glass.

In places of greatest traffic, it is necessary to glue wallpapers that are resistant to abrasion.

The priority is always the naturalness and environmental friendliness of materials, but often such wallpapers are either fragile or expensive.

Today, the most common (along with paper) are vinyl wallpapers.

The choice of wallpaper depends not only on the functions of the room, but also on its shape and size. What wallpaper to choose if you want to visually change the room? Design rules come to the rescue.

If the room needs to be made spacious, then it is preferable to use light shades of wallpaper. If the room is too spacious and uncomfortable, then choose dark colors.

When the room is located on the south side, a cold color can be used in the decoration. In a northern room, cold tones will look gloomy, so warm colors are recommended for harmony.

The presence / absence of a pattern, its size is important. Solid wallpaper emphasize the geometry of the room (beneficial in rooms with a non-standard layout). A large pattern reduces the room, visually “breaks” the outlines of the walls, but also helps to hide their irregularities. In this case, the pattern should be the only accent in the interior, otherwise a feeling of congestion will be created. A small pattern enlarges the room.

As you know, each color creates a certain effect on the human psyche. Choose wallpaper by color.

  1. Red. Excites the nervous system. Too much red in a room can cause aggression, anxiety, and headaches in a person. Such walls begin to "crush". Moderate red will fit perfectly into the interior of the bedroom (excites), kitchen (causes appetite). Muted cold red color will fit into the office interior.
  2. Blue. The opposite of red is soothing. It is necessary to use in rooms where a person is busy with mental work (office, office). Dark blue is able to plunge into a state of apathy, melancholy. Blue fills the room with air.
  3. Green. Ideal for leisure and work areas. Almost universal color for wall decoration. It calms, has to relax and at the same time helps to concentrate.
  4. Yellow. The most positive color. It is best used in children's rooms, in the kitchen. It improves appetite, improves mood, promotes physical activity. But too much yellow (especially bright) is depressing.
  5. Orange. The effect is similar to yellow.
  6. Pink. Despite the apparent lightness, this is a very heavy color. Especially when there are a lot of them. Light muted shades create comfort. Bright acid colors are irritating to the psyche. In moderation, not bad in the bedroom, nursery, living room.
  7. Violet. It has a double effect. For some people, this is a source of inspiration: it helps in creative work, promotes relaxation. Others plunge into depression, causing a feeling of loneliness, hopelessness. Suitable for creative studios.
  8. Brown. The color of the earth, wood. Creates comfort and warmth in the room. A dark shade can give gloominess, as a result of which it often causes a depressive mood.
  9. Grey. Office color. Not exactly comfortable for home use. But great for the office. If it is used sparingly in a pattern, it can look very stylish in any room.
  10. White. The color of purity. Makes the interior airy. Combines with almost all colors. But sometimes there can be a feeling of empty walls.
  11. Black. Suitable for accents. Solid black creates an oppressive atmosphere (this use is justified only for artistic purposes).

But one cannot relentlessly be guided by the general meanings of colors, because perception is individual.

So, in order to, you need to be guided by a considerable list of rules. And in addition to wallpaper, there are other options for wall decoration (for example, painting). Before you go to the store, you need to decide what exactly this room requires, and then be guided by your taste.

In any living room there are many components and interior items, with the help of which you can find out its purpose. For a bedroom, for example, a bed is an obligatory element. But regardless of its purpose, it is difficult to imagine any room without wallpaper. It is the wallpaper that helps to visually enlarge a small room, give the room a certain atmosphere, and mask the flaws. If your immediate plans include making drastic changes to the room, you need to choose the right wallpaper for the renovation. Let's try to find out the main nuances that will help you choose the right not only wallpaper, but also other interior details.

Before proceeding with the selection of wallpaper, carefully inspect the room. Visually evaluate the height of the ceilings, the degree of illumination, the area of ​​​​the room. You can calculate the number of square meters in a room using a tape measure. If there are any flaws in the room, to eliminate them, you need to choose the right wallpaper.

Advice ! To reduce free space, you need to purchase wallpaper with a large pattern. With their help, you can easily eliminate such a defect.

The overall volume of the room can be reduced by choosing wallpaper with vertical stripes. At the same time, they will visually make the ceilings in this room higher. In the photo - a variant of wallpaper of a similar kind.

When purchasing wallpaper with horizontal wallpaper, remember that they visually reduce the size of the room. In the photo - a variant of such wallpaper.

Attention ! From the width of the stripes on the wallpaper, you can increase or decrease the parameters of the room.

To visually enlarge the room, you need to pick up light wallpaper with a small pattern.

So, for a small room you need to buy light wallpapers, with their help you can visually expand the room.

Advice ! Do you want to visually expand the room? Choose wallpapers with rhombuses, then with their help you will get the desired result.

For walls that have defects and significant flaws, you need to choose wallpaper with a spotted base.

Color spectrum

In addition to design and shape, it is important to choose the right wallpaper color. First of all, you need to pay attention to the purpose of the room. For example, wallpapers with characters from children's cartoons will look ridiculous in the office. With the help of such wallpapers, you can decorate a children's room, a sample of such decoration is shown in the photo.

If the windows of the room are directed to the dark, north side, you can solve the problem with the help of warm colors of the wallpaper. Southern rooms can be decorated with cold shades of wallpaper.

The use of different colors is a separate topic for a detailed discussion. For example, with the help of red and orange colors, you can not only visually enlarge the room, but also create a positive mood. Thanks to the right combination of two colors, the owner of the room feels a surge of strength, “charges” with energies. In the form of a fragment, tips on choosing wallpaper for residential premises are presented.

But for the kitchen, the use of red and orange colors is unlikely to be appropriate. In the photo - a combination of two colors of wallpaper.

For the living room, in addition to the two primary colors, you can choose a third, additional shade. Pleasant and light colors will not only help to visually increase the height of the ceilings in it, but also bring additional charm to the living room.

Border application

Can it visually increase the free space in the room? Of course, you can, if you know how many, and what sizes you need curb tapes.

Attention ! Wide curb tape will not be able to increase the height of the ceilings, you will get the opposite result.

A narrow border will not only create a complete image in the room, but will also be able to visually increase the space in the room.

wallpaper material

That range of these finishing materials is presented on the construction market in a wide range. How many rolls do you need to repair? What colors to buy wallpaper? Can more than two colors be used? The questions are quite common, they concern all owners of city apartments and country mansions.

The material used to make them is completely different. Even two wallpapers of the same color often have a completely different base. How many types are there at the moment? The following options are distinguished:

  • Vinyl;
  • textile,
  • Paper;
  • Glass fiber;
  • Non-woven;
  • Liquid

The photo shows examples of two different options. Let's analyze the specifics of all types, find out how many pieces are needed to repair a dwelling.

paper wallpaper

They are considered the most common and familiar. Two pieces will be enough for gluing a small hallway, if you do not paste over the wall behind the furniture set. Paper materials for decorating walls have certain disadvantages. They tear rather quickly, are not resistant to high humidity, and they are difficult to care for. And how much effort does it take to glue them beautifully. In addition, such materials retain their original appearance for no more than two years, then under the influence of direct sunlight they “burn out”. So, paper models have a minimum operational level.

Attention ! Such wallpapers are not suitable for corridors, bathrooms, kitchens.


They are made up of two layers. The top layer is made of cotton, viscose or linen, and paper is used for the bottom layer. The cost of such rolls is quite impressive, but this is offset by excellent technical and operational characteristics. Among the features of such decorative materials, we note excellent soundproofing parameters. They will complement the created interior in the bedroom or office. Among the disadvantages of textile finishes is the difficulty of caring for such a coating.

Advice ! Dust from walls glued with textiles can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.


As a basis for them, fleselin or paper is used, and the top layer is made of vinyl. For this material, water is not terrible, so they can be washed. There are three types of vinyls in hardware stores:

  • Silkscreen;
  • Foamed;
  • washable

Foamed models have a pronounced embossed texture, they are characterized by increased complexity.

For silk-screen printing, durable vinyl is selected, sewn with thin silk threads. They give the surface an extra shine, and when the sun's rays fall, their shade changes. Such models are optimal for kitchen premises.

They produce such wallpapers in several versions, some are designed for painting, while others are ready for gluing.

If you want to stick vinyl on the walls in the bathroom, choose special models that are equipped with increased water resistance. Manufacturers offer a variety of interesting drawings, including those on a marine theme.


They are considered by professional designers as an alternative to vinyl materials. For the manufacture of cellulose, mineral fibers, as well as foamed vinyl. The advantages of such materials are high mechanical resistance and thermal insulation characteristics.


They have a special composition that resembles a classic plaster mixture. Their cost will be higher than that of other types. Is it worth paying more? Professionals say that it is worth it, because such materials have only positive characteristics. They are distinguished by a high level of fire resistance, full-fledged heat-insulating and sound-proofing characteristics. With their help, you can eliminate all the defects and irregularities present on the surface. Basically, these materials are used in corridors and hallways.

Glass fiber

They are made from a special thread obtained by melting glass at elevated temperatures. These materials are quite durable, fire resistant, have a high level of water resistance. They are designed for several painting cycles. In order to remove them from the wall, you just need to apply a layer of plaster mix on the wall. Glass fiber is suitable for the kitchen or bathroom. In addition to walls, many urban property owners are trying to wallpaper the ceiling as well. In addition to the decorative effect, you can get a good additional source of insulation.


What factors are important to consider when choosing roll materials for wall decoration? After all, the comfortable atmosphere and coziness inside the room depend on the correct choice. Attention must be paid to the invoice. Manufacturers offer embossing, vinyl, silk-screen printing, velor, as well as ordinary paper wallpapers. You can not leave without close attention drawing. You can choose models with stripes, with large spots, with exotic flowers. Color is also an important selection factor. Are you not sure that you can handle the choice of finishing materials for the walls on your own? In order for your money not to “fly away into the pipe”, seek professional advice from designers.

It is easy to completely transform a room without the apparent cost and time spent on major repairs if you change the wallpaper. How to choose wallpaper, taking into account all types and features of rooms.

The main area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises in the apartment and house is given to the walls. This is the first thing they pay attention to. After all, wall covering is able to convey the integrity of the coziness and comfort of the room, so the question of choosing it should be approached with all responsibility. Most of the inhabitants are simply lost in the correct choice of wallpaper for a single room.

Helpful information:

Among all the variety in shopping centers, it is wallpaper that serves as the main demanded material for wall decoration.

Any specialized store offering repair materials is ready to offer a huge range of products of different textures and colors. What kind of wallpaper is suitable for each house or apartment, to whom in the room, and why this type? It will not be difficult to make a choice, guided by a convenient memo that gives answers to the most pressing questions when buying wallpaper.

The main advantages of wallpaper

Having weighed all the advantages described above and having gathered all the important information, it will not be difficult to make the right decision in favor of choosing wallpaper.

What you need to know when choosing wallpaper

Wallpaper, like any finishing materials, must fully comply with your wishes and at the same time not violate the main design intent applicable to your room.

It is important to know: not only the mood and comfort of the residents depends on what kind of wallpaper will be in the rooms, but also a general impression is created about the owners of the apartment and their taste.

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and individual characteristics of the wallpaper for each room.

What wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

For a better assessment of the future wall covering, it is best to take and relax, thinking about what color and pattern has a calming effect on you and puts you to sleep:

  • In this case, you need to take into account the texture of the wallpaper;
  • Pay attention to the color that can visually increase or decrease the area of ​​​​the bedroom;
  • The presence of bright colors helps to lift the mood

An important role in the design of the bedroom is played by the ceiling, because the first thing you do is luxuriate in bed, your eyes rush to it. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to him. In stores for this case, there is a huge selection of light, delicate wallpapers and the choice will depend only on personal preferences. Light colors with a small pattern are most suitable for the bedroom ceiling.

What wallpaper to choose for the kitchen

The kitchen area is a room in an apartment with high humidity, so it is better to use washing types of wallpaper here. This will greatly simplify the cleaning of the walls and will provide an opportunity to save in the future on the next redecoration of the kitchen. By following the instructions. One has only to remember about the obligatory fencing of the working area, which can be used as glass, tiles or laminated panels.

What wallpaper to choose in the living room

You should seriously approach the issue of choosing the design of the living room in order to strike on the spot all friends and acquaintances who come to the house. In this case, be sure to take into account the geometry and dimensions of the room. An important role in shaping the style is played by the choice of colors and decor elements that will be applied to the living room. For example, connoisseurs of festive decoration, with subtle hints of mystery, will suit the textile version. It will ennoble the living room and give it a special luxury and a little charm.

What are the wallpapers

To make the right choice, you need to know the types of wallpapers and their purpose, so as a logical explanation, you need to touch on this topic.

Of the two varieties, more familiar to anyone - roll wallpaper - on a fabric and paper basis.

Liquid wallpaper - from a number of modern technologies, are supplied to stores in plastic buckets.

In this case, it is worth talking in more detail about the varieties of rolled wallpaper familiar to everyone since childhood.

Paper wallpapers - their pros and cons

They became popular many decades ago. When choosing paper wallpaper, you need to know their positive and negative properties:

  • Affordable price;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • A light weight;
  • Ease of sticking

2. Cons:

  • Lose their color over the years;
  • Prone to deformation under the influence of a humid environment

But, despite such indicators, these wallpapers are still considered in demand.

Pros of vinyl wallpaper

A very common modern type of wallpaper, which is versatile:

  • Increased moisture resistance;
  • The unique clarity of the picture;
  • Perfectly imitate other materials - brick, stone, paving stones, etc.;
  • Easy to wash;
  • High strength;
  • No tendency to deformation and fading;
  • High wear resistance

Due to their resistance to moisture, they are perfect for the kitchen.

Advantages of non-woven wallpaper

This type of wallpaper consists of natural fiber mixed with cellulose or polyester. In most cases, interlining is the main part of the vinyl coating, but is often used as a separate coating and has a number of positive properties.

  • Volumetric texture;
  • Softness;
  • Smoothness;
  • Can be painted several times;
  • It is convenient to stick these wallpapers: it is enough to smear the wall with glue and you can immediately glue it;
  • After drying, they do not shrink and the seams will not disperse.

A special kind of texture makes it possible to choose a wallpaper with any image, and then repaint it when you want to update the room. .

Textile wallpapers - their features

These wallpapers are considered a privileged class due to their high cost and novelty. This variety has its own characteristics that must be considered when choosing them:

1. Positive:

  • Nice texture;
  • High decorative effect;
  • Durability;
  • Strength;
  • Excellent for cleaning;
  • They lie flat;
  • Have no seams;
  • Easy to lay down on the wall;
  • Ease of customization

2. Negative:

  • More expensive than other types of wallpaper;
  • Easy to get dirty;
  • They absorb moisture and therefore are not suitable for wet rooms;
  • Like any fabric, it easily absorbs odors;
  • Dust accumulates in the space of the fabric base

Most often, for pasting textile wallpapers, a paper base is required, after which they are subject to lamination. Silk or cotton is used as a decorative layer. They are especially in demand among true connoisseurs of beauty and are designed to ennoble the interior of the bedroom, giving it a special charm.

Choosing wallpaper for painting

This type of wall covering needs more attention, due to its division into three subspecies. Which one to choose, it will be easier to decide, knowing the features of each of them:

  • Vinyl having a non-woven base - a relief pattern is attached to the non-woven canvas by applying a layer of vinyl to its surface, which adversely affects their air exchange;
  • Non-woven - have competitive wear resistance, but at the same time significantly exceed the price of the above-described wallpapers;
  • Glass fiber - have a high air throughput, durable, absolutely safe. The only exception is one drawback - a limited range of decoration, among which are more in demand - "cobweb" and "gunny"

To make it easier to decide, read:.

What you need to know about the manufacturer's stamp

After the final choice of wallpaper, the first thing to check right in the store is the manufacturer's stamp. It must contain six main indicators:

  1. Information about the plant - manufacturer - address, contact details, etc.;
  2. The presence of a serial number;
  3. A fragment of the image (rapport), which must have the correct shape with respect to height and joints;
  4. Percentage of water repellency;
  5. Image direction;
  6. Do you need, for this type of wallpaper, additional processing
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