How much weight should you gain during pregnancy. Weight gain during pregnancy. What is the weight of the expectant mother

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You are pregnant, which means that you must gain weight. The good news is that for once in your life, those few extra pounds are nothing to worry about. In fact, this is a healthy and necessary part of the process. But what kind of weight gain is considered normal during pregnancy? How much is too much weight gain or too little? What determines how much you add? We will try to answer all your questions that may arise on this topic.

How much weight can you gain during pregnancy, how much is considered the norm?

This question worries every woman. Obviously, during pregnancy, weight should increase significantly. However, this does not mean that you should "eat for two". Some, on the contrary, restrict themselves in food, because they are afraid of a big weight gain. These two extremes are unacceptable. The lack of necessary elements and lack of body weight can lead to numerous problems during pregnancy, difficult childbirth or the birth of small and weak children. Overeating and being overweight are also very unhealthy. Keep your weight within normal limits, then pregnancy and childbirth will be easy.

What weight gain during pregnancy is considered normal?

Normal weight gain during pregnancy is 7-16 kg. If a woman is fragile, her weight gain can be up to 12 kg, if large - about 17 kg. Women who are pregnant with twins add 14 to 22 kg, which is the norm.

Weight gain during pregnancy depends on several factors. One of them is your pre-pregnancy weight. Underweight women often gain more during pregnancy, overweight women less.

What causes weight gain during pregnancy?

In the first months of pregnancy, a woman must accumulate a layer of adipose tissue in order to prepare for milk production and breastfeeding. This fat reserve remains after childbirth. It usually disappears within a few months if the woman is breastfeeding and exercising. Weight goes not only to adipose tissue. More than half of the weight goes to the placenta, amniotic fluid and the baby. Let's calculate how the 11-13 kg gained during pregnancy are distributed on average:

  1. fruit - 3400 g;
  2. placenta - 650 g;
  3. amniotic fluid - 800 g;
  4. uterus (increases in size during pregnancy) - 970 g;
  5. mammary glands (increase in size during pregnancy) - 405 g;
  6. increase in blood volume by 1450 g;
  7. increase in extracellular fluid - 1480 g;
  8. body fat - 2345 g.

Total: = 11.5 kg

Weight gain in relation to Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to determine if your pre-pregnancy weight was overweight, low, or normal for your height.

Body Mass Index = weight in kg / height in meters^2

Example: your height is 1.70 m, your weight is 60 kg, your BMI= 60/(1.7*1.7)=20.7

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy:

If your pre-pregnancy BMI was less than 20, it means you were underweight before pregnancy. The recommended weight gain for you is 13-16 kg.

If the BMI before pregnancy is between 20-27, then this corresponds to normal weight. In this case, it is recommended to gain 10-14 kg during pregnancy.

If your pre-pregnancy BMI is greater than 27, you are overweight. If more than 29 - you are obese, but this does not mean that you should starve during pregnancy, trying to lose weight. Attempting to lose weight during pregnancy can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the baby. Therefore, even if a woman is overweight, she still needs to gain weight during pregnancy, usually around 7 kg.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy by week

week of pregnancy BMI<20 (итоговое значение в кг) BMI = 20-26 (final value in kg) BMI >26 (final value in kg)
2 500 500 500
4 900 680 500
6 1350 1000 590
8 1590 1180 680
10 1810 1270 770
12 1990 1500 900
14 2700 1860 1000
16 3170 2265 1360
18 4530 3620 2256
20 5440 4760 2850
22 6795 5660 3400
24 7700 6400 3900
26 8600 7700 4983
28 9740 8154 5440
30 10200 9000 5900
32 11330 9970 6390
34 12460 10870 7250
36 13600 11780 7880
38 14500 12680 8600
40 15200 13600 9060

Weight gain in each trimester of pregnancy

The average weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy is 1.5-2 kg. It is worth noting that at this stage, weight loss is also possible. (Most often, toxemia is the culprit. If you notice weight loss in yourself, consult your gynecologist.)

In the second trimester, you will gain up to 6-7 kg.

During the 7th and 8th months of pregnancy - 0.5 kg per week.

In the 9th month of pregnancy, you will lose 0.5 kg per week - so the total gain in the third trimester is 4-5 kg.

When you needto consult a doctor about weight gain during pregnancy?

If your weight is within the normal range and there are no sharp jumps up and down - everything is OK! You should consult your doctor if:

  • your weight is significantly different from the norm;
  • you do not gain or lose weight in the first trimester of pregnancy. Especially if you have lost weight suddenly and in a short period of time and all this is accompanied by poor health;
  • you gain more than 1.5 kg per week in the second trimester;
  • you gain more than 1 kg per week in the third trimester;
  • You do not gain weight for two weeks in the second or third trimester.

Important! These figures are not absolute indicators and strict rules to evaluate the increase in body weight during pregnancy. Only a doctor can determine what is normal for you.

Weight gain during pregnancy questions and answers

  1. Nutrition during pregnancy. How much more should I eat?

During pregnancy, the number of calories consumed should be increased. In the first three months of pregnancy, you need an additional 100 calories per day. In the next six months of pregnancy, your energy requirement rises to 300 calories per day in addition to your usual daily calorie intake.

  1. How to lose weight after childbirth? Will it be easier to get back to my normal weight if I put on fewer pounds during my pregnancy?

No. Recent studies have shown that the percentage of women who manage to regain their original weight does not depend on the weight they gained. Obviously, women who breastfeed their babies lose the weight they gained during pregnancy more easily and quickly.

  1. What determines the size of the abdomen during pregnancy?

The size of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus (the length between the pubic bone and the top of the uterus) depends on the gestational age. The size of the abdomen also depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. Sometimes anatomical structure matters: petite women with a narrow pelvis are more likely to stick out their stomachs compared to tall women with curvy hips. The size of your belly also depends on your total weight during pregnancy.

  1. Weight gain during pregnancy. Why am I gaining weight too fast?

Sometimes rapid weight gain means you are eating too much. However, moderation in food does not guarantee normal weight gain during pregnancy. In some women, too much fluid accumulates in the body - for example, due to poorly functioning kidneys. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is gaining weight too quickly, she should compare the amount of fluid she drinks and the amount of urination per day. In healthy women, more fluid will pass out than is consumed. Fluid retention in the body leads to weight gain. Not only external, but also internal organs swell.

Weight gain during pregnancy worries every woman. After all, you don’t want to get in shape for a long time after giving birth and get rid of extra pounds. In addition, there is a norm of weight gain during pregnancy. If this indicator is exceeded, there is a danger to the development of the baby and an excessive load on the woman's body. If we analyze pregnancy, weight gain per week is approximately 300-400 g.

What factors influence weight gain?

A girl belonging to the middle weight category normally gains from 10 to 14 kg for the entire period of pregnancy. However, this process is very individual and depends on many factors:

  • Growth - the higher the woman, the more weight she will gain over the entire pregnancy. Weight gain per week can vary significantly in each trimester.
  • Age - young mothers gain less during pregnancy and return to shape faster, this is due to a good metabolism of the body.
  • The presence of early toxicosis - severe toxicosis in the first trimester will provoke more weight gain for the rest of the pregnancy, as the body seeks to replenish the reserves of vitamins and trace elements lost due to early toxicosis.
  • Fetal size - the main weight gain is provided by the weight of the developing fetus, so the larger the fetus, the more weight the mother will have. The beginning of the rapid growth of the fetus is considered to be the 23rd week of pregnancy. Weight gain during this period may be maximum.
  • Increased appetite - many pregnant women have a significant increase in appetite, this requires a careful approach to the diet of their daily diet, otherwise the doctor may prescribe a diet if the pregnant woman is rapidly gaining weight.
  • Predisposition to puffiness - fluid retention in the body contributes to weight gain; if severe swelling is often observed, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet.
  • High or low water - the amount of amniotic fluid also affects weight gain.

While waiting for the baby, it is very important not to go to extremes and not starve, but at the same time, you should not overeat much, it is better to eat healthy foods in moderation.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy by week

In the first trimester, the increase is the smallest and, as a rule, is only about 2-3 kg. During the second trimester, it is 300-350 grams per week. As a result, throughout the entire period of waiting for the baby, the woman's weight increases by 12-15 kg.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy by week is a purely individual indicator. Normally, every week a woman should gain approximately the same weight. This will indicate the correct and planned development of the fetus and the good work of the body of the expectant mother.

Features of the distribution of weight gain throughout pregnancy

Weekly weight gain affects final weight when a woman enters the maternity ward. a pregnant woman does not indicate the accumulation of body fat, it consists of many components:

  • fruit weight - from 3 to 3.5 kg;
  • the weight of the enlarged uterus is about 1 kg;
  • placenta weight - 400-500 g;
  • amniotic fluid weight - up to 1 kg;
  • weight of the mammary glands - up to 500-600 g;
  • the weight of circulating blood, the volume of which increases significantly during pregnancy, is about 1.2 kg;
  • the weight of tissue fluid can reach 3 kg;
  • weight of adipose tissue - up to 2.5 kg.

As a rule, in the first days after childbirth, the bulk of the gained mass leaves. To fully restore your prenatal weight, it is enough to include a small daily physical activity and adhere to proper nutrition. It is quite difficult to accurately calculate weight gain during pregnancy, since it is almost impossible to determine where the weight is concentrated at home.

Increase calculation

How to calculate weight gain during pregnancy? Rapid weight gain occurs at the end of the second and third trimester. Most often, the weight begins to grow after Weighing is carried out at each visit to the gynecologist, in addition, the doctor measures the volume of the abdomen and determines the position of the fundus of the uterus.

All these indicators characterize pregnancy well. It is very difficult to know how much weight gain will last after childbirth. It depends solely on the rate of metabolic processes in the mother's body.

If a woman has excessive weight gain, the doctor may prescribe a specific diet and fasting days. In no case should you make such decisions on your own, because women during pregnancy are very sensitive and can unreasonably worry about the state of their figure and their own weight.

Calculation formula

You can calculate on your own. To do this, you need to know that for every 10 cm of growth of a pregnant woman, an increase of 22 grams is allowed. That is, if the mother's height is 160 cm, then the formula will look like this 22 x 16 \u003d 352 g per week - the rate of increase for a particular girl.

Even despite the presence of such a formula, one should not forget about the individual characteristics of the body, the age of the mother and the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy. When you should not go to extremes and get hung up on this issue. It is necessary to monitor the diet and try to lead an active lifestyle.

The weight gain table during pregnancy allows you to clearly monitor and track weight fluctuations and pay attention to the presence of any deviations in time.

How to properly track weight gain?

In order to be able to draw adequate conclusions about the increase in body weight, the following rules must be observed:

  • you need to weigh yourself once a week, on a certain day;
  • weighing should be done in the morning and always on an empty stomach;
  • it is better to stand on the scales in the same clothes so that the testimony is as truthful as possible and does not depend on the mass of clothes;
  • before the procedure, it is necessary to visit the toilet.

Compliance with all prescriptions will ensure proper weight control and relieve unnecessary worries.

weight gain table

The weight gain table during pregnancy shows normal indicators and allows you to track possible deviations from the norm. Having such a table with you, it is easy to monitor the fluctuations in your weight.

Weight before pregnancy Gain during pregnancy, kg
Exceeding the norm8-12

The table allows you to regularly monitor changes in weight throughout pregnancy. A woman's weight gain per week can vary with different pregnancies. With age, weekly weight gain increases, which indicates a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body.

Many women are concerned about the question: “How much weight can you gain during pregnancy so that, after giving birth to a child, you can quickly lose weight and recover in your previous forms?”

It is obvious to everyone that a woman must put on weight during pregnancy. However, until recently, some doctors argued that the expectant mother should not "eat for two" - and many women ate clearly not enough, fearing excessive weight gain during pregnancy.

The lack of necessary elements and lack of body weight led to numerous problems during pregnancy, difficult childbirth and the birth of small and weak children.

Women who gain weight within reason tend to have better pregnancy and childbirth, fewer miscarriages and stillbirths.

Children who weigh more are usually healthier; they also resist common diseases and infections better. But in everything you need to observe the measure - pregnant women who gain too much weight can develop diabetes, so it is important to check the urine for sugar.

Overeating and excessive fullness are very harmful, which make it difficult to determine the size of the child, cause pain in the sacrum, in the legs, fatigue may increase and varicose veins may appear. In this case, the child may grow to such a size that his natural birth will be difficult or even impossible. After a caesarean section, complications often occur, and it is difficult to lose weight after childbirth.

Sometimes the mother's weight gain does not match the baby's birth weight.

You can recover by 20 kg, and give birth to a child weighing 3 kg.

What is dangerous pathological weight gain during pregnancy?

Too much weight gain during pregnancy can cause problems for both the pregnant woman and the fetus:

  • Immoderate weight gain is one of the symptoms of late toxicosis, an unhealthy state of a pregnant woman.
  • Late toxicosis can lead to the development of a threat of miscarriage.
  • At the same time, the woman has pain in the lower back and in the lower abdomen.
  • In especially severe cases, premature birth or premature detachment of the placenta is possible.
  • Excess weight makes it difficult for the muscles to work.
  • Leads to the appearance of edema on the legs, anterior abdominal wall, on the hands.
  • The back and calf muscles begin to hurt, blood circulation in the veins of the legs is disturbed, and varicose veins become aggravated.
  • A pregnant woman gets tired more often and more, becomes irritable.
  • For the fetus, late toxicosis is dangerous for chronic oxygen starvation and even intrauterine death. Very obese women have a higher risk of all these complications.

What is normal weight gain during pregnancy?

The normal weight gain during pregnancy ranges between 7-16 kg. If a woman has a fragile structure, weight gain can be up to 12 kg, and for large women 17 kg. Women expecting more than one child should gain 14 to 22 kg, which is the norm.

The number of pounds you gain during your pregnancy is determined by several factors, but one of them is your body weight just before pregnancy.

It is noticed that women with low weight before pregnancy gain more weight during pregnancy, and, conversely, with overweight - less. If your pre-pregnancy weight is within normal limits, then most likely your gain will be in the middle between 7 and 16 kg, i.e. 11 and a half kg.

Where are the added kilograms distributed?

In the first months of pregnancy, a woman must accumulate a layer of adipose tissue in order to prepare for milk production and breastfeeding. These fat stores are retained after childbirth and usually disappear gradually if the woman is breastfeeding and exercising. But weight gain during pregnancy is not only due to fat. More than half of this "excess weight" comes from the placenta, amniotic fluid and the baby itself.

  • fruit - 3400 g
  • placenta - 650 g
  • amniotic (amniotic) fluid - 800 ml
  • uterus (increases in size during pregnancy) - 970 g
  • mammary glands (increase in size during pregnancy) - 405 g
  • increase in blood volume by 1450 ml
  • increase in extracellular fluid volume by 1480 g
  • body fat - 2345 g

Body mass index

In order to determine whether the weight of the expectant mother is overweight, low or normal for his growth in medicine, a special index is used - body mass index (BMI).

Body mass index = body weight in kg / height in meters squared

Example: Height 1.70 m, weight 60 kg BMI= 60/1.7*1.7=20.7

If your pre-pregnancy BMI was less than 20, it means you were underweight before pregnancy. Most likely you will gain more weight in 9 months than the average woman. The recommended increase for pregnancy with a BMI less than 20 is 13-16 kg.

A pre-pregnancy BMI of more than 27 indicates overweight (from 27-29 - overweight, more than 29 - obesity). This does not mean that you should try to lose weight during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not the time to diet

Trying to lose weight during pregnancy can have a negative impact on the intrauterine development of the baby. Therefore, even if you are initially overweight, you will need to gain some weight during pregnancy, usually between 7 and 9 kg.

What is the weight gain in each trimester of pregnancy?

  • The average weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy should be 1.5-2 kg and about 0.5 kg per week;
  • in the second trimester, it will already generally increase to 6-7 kg;
  • during the 7th and 8th months of pregnancy - 0.5 kg per week;
  • at the 9th month of pregnancy by 0.5 kg per week will decrease compared to the 8th month, so that the total increase in the third trimester is 4-5 kg.

Rate of likely weight gain during pregnancy as a percentage:

0 – 12 weeks 10%

13 - 20 weeks 25%

21 - 28 weeks 45%

29 - 36 weeks 20%

37 – 40 weeks 0

Weight gain table by week of pregnancy:

week of pregnancy 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Weight gain
BMI 0,5 0,9 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,7 3,2 4,5 5,4 6,8 7,7 8,6 9,8 10,2 11,3 12,5 13,6 14,5 15,2
BMI=19.8–26.0 0,5 0,7 1,0 1,2 1,3 1,5 1,9 2,3 3,6 4,8 5,7 6,4 7,7 8,2 9,1 10,0 10,9 11,8 12,7 13,6
BMI > 26 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,4 2,3 2,9 3,4 3,9 5,0 5,4 5,9 6,4 7,3 7,9 8,6 9,1

When is it necessary to consult a doctor about weight gain during pregnancy?

It is best if your weight is within the normal range and there are no sharp jumps up and down. You should consult your doctor if:

  • you have not recovered within two weeks of pregnancy or within 4-8 weeks of pregnancy, have gained more than 1.5 kg in the second trimester or more than 1 kg per week in the third trimester;
  • you do not gain weight within two weeks;
  • your actual weight gain is significantly different from what you planned.


The numbers given here are not absolute numbers and do not represent a strict rule that you should follow when estimating weight gain during your pregnancy. Only the doctor you see will help control your weight, determine what is normal for you, understand how quickly or slowly you are gaining weight.

Should a pregnant woman eat for two?

During pregnancy, the number of calories you consume should be increased, but this does not mean that you should eat "for two". In the first three months of pregnancy, you need an additional 100 calories per day. In the next six months of pregnancy, the energy requirement increases to 300 calories per day in addition to the usual diet.

Will it be easier to return to your original weight if you gain less weight during pregnancy?

No. Recent studies have shown that after childbirth, and in women with the recommended increase and those who gained less than necessary, there is no difference in the amount of extra weight remaining compared to the initial body weight before pregnancy. Women who breastfeed their babies are known to lose the weight gained during pregnancy more easily.

What determines the size of the abdomen during pregnancy?

The height of the abdomen, or the height of the fundus of the uterus, normally corresponds to the gestational age. For example, at the 32nd week of pregnancy, it should be equal to 32-33 cm. But the "fullness" of the abdomen depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. Sometimes it is influenced by the anatomical structure: in petite women with a narrow pelvis, the stomach is much more noticeable than in tall women with lush hips. But most of all, the growth of the abdomen is associated with the overall weight gain of the pregnant woman. And this is what a woman should constantly pay attention to. What can cause too rapid weight gain during pregnancy?

Sometimes people who like to eat a lot quickly gain weight. However, moderation in food does not guarantee normal weight. In some women, too much fluid accumulates in the body - for example, when the kidneys do not work well. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is gaining weight too quickly, she should check the amount of fluid she drinks and excretes per day. A healthy woman excretes more fluid than she consumes. And fluid retention in the body leads to weight gain. Then not only external, but also internal organs swell. Placental edema is especially dangerous: they disrupt the normal development of the fetus.

How can a pregnant woman get rid of edema?

The expectant mother should carefully consider the recommendations on the diet that the doctor will give her. As a rule, experts advise all pregnant women to limit their intake of salt, as well as spicy, fried, fatty foods. The fact is that they contribute to fluid retention in the body and lead to the appearance of edema. It is recommended to spend fasting days every 10 days. Of course, this does not mean that a pregnant woman should starve.

Hunger is categorically contraindicated for the expectant mother

On fasting days, a pregnant woman should limit herself to certain products, for example, apples, cottage cheese, kefir, meat in strictly defined quantities. In addition, observe bed rest - this improves the excretion of fluid from the body. Diuretic herbs also help. But it is not necessary to sharply limit the amount of fluid you drink. It should be at least 1.2-1.5 liters per day.

Weight gain during pregnancy is largely dependent on kidney function

So, for example, weight quickly increases with urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis. Sometimes pyelonephritis occurs already during pregnancy. After all, at this time, the hormonal background changes. The body begins to produce more of a hormone that promotes the expansion of the urinary tract. And through these open gates, various infections easily penetrate the kidneys. That is why all pregnant women need to conduct a bacteriological study of vaginal discharge, constantly monitor urine tests.

What to do if a pregnant woman has a too large fetus and this explains her overweight?

This may indicate another problem. Very often, a large fetus occurs in women with diabetes. If the woman herself was born large, then she needs to check the level of sugar in the blood and urine, since diabetes can also occur in a latent form.

Sometimes diabetes appears during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Such pregnant women are at risk - even if the elevated sugar level manifested itself in only one of several tests. They are monitored at the Endocrinology Center at the Moscow Clinical Hospital No. 1. These patients receive a glucometer, test strips and independently monitor the sugar content in their urine and blood. They give birth in the maternity hospital at the same hospital, and their babies are immediately registered as "diabetic". By the way, excessive weight gain during pregnancy often forces obstetricians to perform a caesarean section.

At what time is a sharp weight gain particularly undesirable?

Excessive weight gain is especially dangerous in the second half of pregnancy, namely from the twentieth week. It leads to late toxicosis. And the earlier such complications begin, the more difficult the outcome of pregnancy.

That is why women are advised to regularly monitor their body weight, measure blood pressure on both hands, and do a urine test. With late toxicosis, the pressure, as a rule, rises, and protein appears in the urine. If all three symptoms are found at once - edema, high blood pressure and protein in the urine - the woman is urgently hospitalized.

Is it possible to somehow "regulate" the size of the fetus?

This requires a balanced diet, including foods rich in animal and vegetable proteins, vitamins, minerals. Be sure to take vitamin preparations: "Materna", "For pregnant and lactating", "Prenatal", "Pregnavit".

Does fluid intake affect the amount of amniotic fluid?

No. The causes of excess amniotic fluid, or polyhydramnios, are completely different: diabetes mellitus, abnormalities in the development of the fetus, Rhesus conflict, infectious complications. Oligohydramnios is often found in post-pregnancy.

Which is better small belly or big belly?

Insufficient weight gain often leads to impaired fetal development, the birth of a baby that is too small, premature birth, and sometimes even death of the newborn. Pregnant women need to strive for the "golden mean". By the way, American scientists have noticed that women with an optimistic outlook on life are less likely to give birth to children with low weight.

Experts explain this by the fact that optimists take better care of their health: they regularly do gymnastics and eat well.

Is there a direct relationship between the emotional state of a pregnant woman and extra pounds?

Some women in a stressful situation begin to empty the refrigerator intensively. That's overweight for you. And about others, on the contrary, we can say: "sadness-longing eats her." Therefore, it is so important for both the expectant mother and her relatives to take care of her even, calm emotional mood.

Expectant mothers need to know: everything you eat during pregnancy should be good for you and your baby.

Your diet should include: fresh, natural foods like fish, moderate amounts of lean meats, and a wide variety of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. If you haven't eaten properly so far, now is the time to change your habits.

Listen to your own body: if you eat right, you will feel good. Improper nutrition - an excess of chips, hamburgers and sweets - will manifest itself as a feeling of fatigue, exhaustion, lethargy and dependence on changes in the weather. If possible, buy organic products, or at least wash your fruits and vegetables properly. Some even cut off the peel to remove as many harmful chemicals as possible, but valuable nutrients are thrown away with the peel. In any case, chemicals that cannot be washed off are probably contained in the pulp of the fruit.

How long will it take to return to the previous forms?

It depends on many factors:

  1. how many kilograms did you gain before giving birth;
  2. how your metabolism works;
  3. whether you are predisposed to fullness;
  4. How active is your lifestyle as a mom.

If, on average, a woman's weight increases by 12-16 kg during pregnancy, 6-7 kg is lost during childbirth and 6-10 kg is spent within 6-8 months, taking into account that in the first 3 months your weight should not change greatly. If the weight has increased by more than 16 kg, then it takes 1 month to remove every extra 3 kg.

But do not take these numbers too close to heart, they only show that weight loss should occur gradually.

But we are all individuals - and each of us goes along our own path to our weight. The main thing is not to forget about the calorie content of your menu, a balanced diet.

The rapid accumulation of nutrients and fluids, as well as the growth of the fetus itself, of course, leads to a set weight during pregnancy.

How are the gained kilograms distributed?

For 9 months of pregnancy, a woman gains on average from 6 to 18 kg. The weight of a newborn baby is approximately from 2 to 4 kg.

The remaining kilograms go to increase the amount of blood and amniotic fluid, the growth of the placenta, the enlargement of the uterus, breasts and the accumulation of substances useful for the baby.

Of the kilograms gained during pregnancy 3.5 is the weight of the fetus, up to 1 kg - the mass of amniotic fluid, about 0.7 kg - weight of the placenta And 1.3 kg is the mass of additional blood, part of which is consumed during childbirth.

Therefore, in the process of the appearance of the baby a woman loses about 6.5 kg, other kilograms are already lost during breastfeeding.

During pregnancy the mass of the mammary glands increases by approximately 0.4 kg, weight of the uterus - per 1 kg, weight of extracellular fluid - from 1.5 to 4.5 kg, weight or nutrients in the form body fat women with normal body weight increases only slightly 3.5 kg.

Thus, body weight gain occurs mainly due to the growth of tissues that contribute to the bearing of a healthy baby and a successful outcome of childbirth.

That is why a healthy woman, during pregnancy, keeping her true weight within the normal range, just a few weeks after birth, easily returns to her shape and returns to her previous weight.

Do I need to control weight?

From how many extra kilograms the expectant mother gains during the period of intrauterine development of her baby, her health and the health of the baby, as well as a successful outcome, directly depend.

That's why weight control must be carried out from the very first weeks of pregnancy until the very birth.

Normal weight gain for a pregnant woman with normal body weight in the first trimester should be around 300 g per month, at 4-5 months pregnancy - 400 g, at 6-8 months- near 500 g monthly and only last month pregnancy, an increase is allowed within 600 g due to the accelerated growth of the fluid level in preparation for childbirth.

Women with low body weight during pregnancy, they may slightly “get fat”, which occurs due to the replenishment of nutrient reserves in the form of deposits of adipose tissue. Therefore, for slender women, the rate of monthly weight gain may be slightly overestimated.

Complete women, on the contrary, during pregnancy they should gain less additional ones, spending their own reserves of nutrients on the baby's nutrition.

Favorable birth outcome more likely in women with normal weight, therefore, reducing the true weight of her body during pregnancy, a full woman gets additional chances to give birth to a healthy baby on her own and without complications.

If weight is added quickly

The body weight of a pregnant woman begins to increase almost from the very fertilization of the egg.

A sharply rising level of progesterone stimulates the growth of the uterus, enlargement of the mammary glands, the development of adipose tissue, in general, stimulates the development of tissues involved in the growth and development of the fetus, and also begins active preparation for childbirth.

If there is little weight gain during pregnancy- this indicates the normal development of pregnancy.

Fast and big weight gain during pregnancy, it can indicate many different disorders in the work of the mother's body, which may well lead to unpleasant consequences for the child.

Therefore, it is so important to try not to exceed the normal growth rates, which will greatly simplify the process of diagnosing possible disorders.

Each organism is unique, and therefore Every pregnant woman gains weight differently.. Some observe not an increase, but, on the contrary, a decrease in weight, and with a completely normal diet. Others, on the contrary, gain weight rapidly, starting from the very first weeks of pregnancy.

Individual indicators of weight gain may vary, but with good analyzes and normal health, this is not so important.

Pregnancy diet should be varied, therefore, it is not worth completely excluding from the menu any individual products that supposedly contribute to weight gain, even if they exceed normal values.

The main rule is not to overeat, eat a variety of healthy foods and only limit the consumption of certain foods, and not exclude them from the diet.

With excess weight and rapid recruitment, it is recommended to limit oneself in the amount of food eaten, and not in its quality, and restrictions should be introduced gradually.

Expectant mother in any case do not do it"eat for two", go on diets or starve.

Frequent consumption of a variety of foods in small portions, a sufficient amount of liquid drunk and moderate physical activity during pregnancy are the main components of a normal lifestyle, the health of the expectant mother and her child.

If the weight is reduced

Normally, the body weight of a pregnant woman is constantly growing, and the gains are within acceptable limits. However, this is only ideal.

Most often, weight is gained unevenly, jumps, and in some pregnant women it may even decrease. Is it normal?

A woman should strive for an “ideal” weight specifically for her, however, it is impossible to follow a strict diet, eat clearly according to the regimen, and eat a portion determined up to a gram in practice.

In addition, there are holidays, vacations and many other events that disrupt the measured course of pregnancy. Therefore, it is almost impossible to keep weight throughout pregnancy, to avoid spasmodic weight gain or weight loss.

Stable weight loss in any period of pregnancy can occur due to the burning of one's own fat deposits, that is, involuntary weight loss. For many women, this is also the norm, since the body itself prepares for childbirth and gets rid of everything unnecessary.

May lose weight by summer with the transition to fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, since from them the body receives only healthy carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which are perfectly absorbed and not deposited in the body in the form of body fat.

Last month of pregnancy Also, many people experience weight loss instead of gain. This also cannot be called abnormal, since the body tunes in to the upcoming work, stores energy and tries to reduce its consumption for the functioning of organs and tissues that are not involved in childbirth.

In some cases, weight loss during pregnancy may be an indicator of any abnormalities. That's why weight control must be carried out in agreement with the attending physician.

And I read how your baby develops every week, then you are probably interested in another question - how do you grow at the same time.

Our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator calculates the rate of weight gain for each week.

Weight gain during pregnancy is a very individual process. All women gain weight differently during pregnancy. It also depends on the complexion of the expectant mother and her tendency to be overweight, on the size of the fetus and also on a number of physiological features. However, the process must have certain limits. And they are! Russian obstetrician-gynecologists adhere to the following reference values: the total weight gain during pregnancy should be 10-12 kg, the increase in the first half of pregnancy - 300-400 grams per week, the increase in the second half of pregnancy - 250-300 grams per week. Moreover, such an increase is typical only for women with normal body weight.

Not everyone grows the same

For women who are overweight or underweight, the numbers are very different. With insufficient body weight, weight during pregnancy should increase by 12-15 kg (and again, it is important to know how underweight a woman was before pregnancy). With overweight - up to 8-10 kg for the entire pregnancy. All these figures, as practice shows, are completely approximate and, as already mentioned, individual, but you need to focus on them. Otherwise, you can gain too much, and then it will be difficult for you not only to give birth, but also to get rid of extra pounds after pregnancy, or gain too little, and then the child can slow down his intrauterine development from lack of nutrition.

Compare with the “correct” values, it is better to control the weight during pregnancy by weeks, so you can notice a dangerous trend in body weight changes earlier. Our Pregnancy Weight Calculator will help you with this. If your gynecologist gives recommendations that are very different from the results of the calculation, write to us.

Questions for the article

Pregnancy did not gain weight, the tests are all good, is it worth it ...

And now my weight is 66.7 kg. This is fine?...

My weight is 60.800. Is this too much? I eat a little. If the weight is overweight, then how is it ...

At 9 weeks, the weight was 59.100, yesterday the doctor had a weight of 59.700, is this normal? ...

weeks? Pre-pregnancy weight 59-60 kg (depending on the season), in...

Although there are no edemas and I have always been a water jet, and the tests are normal, and ...

This is fine? The doctor said it was nothing to worry about. But I'm worried...

Weeks, weight was 59,300 with a height of 153. Now the weight is 67,800. Before pregnancy...

Height 150cm. I am now at 21 weeks. I seem to have gained weight. But interesting...

Week of pregnancy my weight is 79,600. Initially, when I got on...

Only 8.9 kg. I was horrified to find that instead of the prescribed 68.9kg....

Pregnancy and weight 75 kg. Is that a significant increase?

They want to be admitted to the hospital for weight loss, while the stomach is in clothes ...

Week weigh approximately 56 kg. Is this normal or do I want...

At week 11, when I got up on the count, I weighed 55.3, and now the 22nd has gone ...

Pregnancy weight 68.3 kg. This is fine?...

Pregnancy. At the moment when I got registered (9 weeks) I...

Pregnancy weight was 56 kg, height 168, was engaged in power ...

I weigh 62.3 kg and gained 4.5 kg in 4 weeks. Tell me how not to type like this ...

70.6 kg with a height of 168 cm. Tell me, did I gain a lot? And what should I do ...

Weight 92 kg. I got registered with a weight of 83 kg. My height is 165 cm. I don’t know what and ...

I lost almost 5 kg (severe toxicosis) is it not dangerous for the child? ...

According to your program, week 25 and I should weigh 60-60.3 kg maximum. And I...

Now it's 16 weeks, I got on the scales and the weight is already 68.3. Say it...

57.8...Is that too much? The doctor is silent....I eat 4 times a day, before pregnancy...

Pregnancy was 54 kg, now the gestational age is 12 weeks, for this ...

Now 28 weeks and I weigh 74.4 kg. The doctor says it's a lot. I...

I weigh 63 kg for a week. Work is not sedentary, I eat no more than 2000 calories and weight ...

I'm gaining weight even though I don't eat everything I want. At 21 weeks I weigh 67, although ...

140. Now pregnant for 14 weeks I weigh 62.10. you never know I gained kg for 14 ...

Registered, weighed 53.5 kg, today was at the reception, weight 63.5 kg. Doctor...

Obstetrics. Before pregnancy, she weighed 70 kg (+ -300 - 500 grams). During...

Today 64.1 kg, but I weigh 65.9 - how bad is that and how do I ...

I went to the doctor, they weighed me in clothes, I had recently eaten and the weight was ...

61.5 kg. Doctors scold for excessive weight gain. "Fat" I see ...

Weight 66 kg 800 gr. Over the past two weeks, I gained 1 kg 600 gr. The doctor is very...

Severe toxicosis began .. I couldn’t eat anything at all .. and ...

I gained 2 kg, now I am 23-24 weeks old, I weigh 54.2 is this a lot for me? ...

The term is 17 days, the approximate total should now be 55.6 kg, but...

I feel great. In the first trimester, I lost 2 kg. Weight was about 53.9 ....

(I roar) weight 57 kg, tell me is that all fat? Please say what...

Thin. I am now 16 weeks pregnant and my weight is...

Sports, now 19 full weeks, my weight is 63.500 ...

And on the ultrasound. They prescribed treatment. I'm really worried if this will hurt...

Ferrum lek to drink and folic, but so far the effect is not significant. Injections ...

Showed such numbers 11.3 tell me it's very low and is it worth it ...

It's a lot. During pregnancy, I specifically began to limit ...

The moment I added 8.7 kg, now the weight is 52.9, the doctor said ...

I was supposed to gain 9 kg, but the problem is that I have already gained 12 kg, which ...

174. Should I lose weight? It increased evenly, and for ...

Due to toxicosis at 13 weeks, I became the news of 66.5. Now 18 weeks and my...

Calculator weight should be 60.9 kg. I have it. but the gynecologist...

Proizoshel kakoy to sboy i v 22 nedeli bilo uje 68 kg (dumau chto organizm prosto kompensiroval poteryannie kg)))....

This is fine?...

83,200. This is fine? all tests are good, no edema, blood pressure...

Now 24 weeks. and weight 56kg. The doctor thinks it's overweight. forms are not...

Approximately 64-65 kg, now I weigh 66,200. Height 162. According to your calculator, I ...

Was 50-52 kg. tell me if I can lose weight or restrict ...

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