Pumpkin and millet porridge recipe. Millet porridge with pumpkin in milk, step-by-step recipe with photos. Cooking millet porridge with pumpkin in the oven


Pumpkin porridge with millet- a dish whose taste brings back memories of childhood. Pumpkin (recipes for making baked pumpkin can be read) is very rich in nutrients, and the calorie content of pumpkin porridge is significantly lower than others. Many other sweet cereals, recipes for which fill the Internet, unfortunately lead to the deposition of excess fat. But pumpkin millet porridge can rightfully be considered dietary if you cook it with water and without sugar, and the sweetness of the dish will be provided by the butternut squash itself. Pshonka, porridge made from millet and pumpkin (that’s what we called it in childhood), is very filling, tasty and healthy. Pumpkin porridge, the recipe for which was shared by my beloved mother, turns out equally tasty with milk or water, so at home I usually prepare dietary millet porridge with pumpkin. So... Cooking pumpkin porridge.


  • - nut, butternut - 200 gr
  • - 100 gr
  • - or milk - 250 ml
  • - or butter - 3 tbsp
  • - or sugar

Cooking method

Pumpkin porridge, the benefits of which are undeniable, is prepared from sweet butternut squash. You can start cooking in two ways: bake the pumpkin in advance or boil it while the porridge itself is cooking. I prefer the first method: I cook baked pumpkin with honey for dinner, and in the morning I cook porridge from the already prepared sweetened pumpkin. But, of course, I’ll also tell you how to cook pumpkin porridge without baked pumpkin. I wash the fruit very well. Cut off the required amount of product, remove the pumpkin seeds with a tablespoon or your hand and remove the film underneath them. Now a surprise: you don’t need to peel the butternut squash - it will soften during the cooking process and become suitable for consumption. Cut the peeled pumpkin into sticks, and then into small pieces measuring approximately 2 by 2 cm.
We put water or milk in a saucepan to boil over the highest heat, you can add a little salt to the liquid, but I usually don’t do this (I avoid excess salt in food). Also, if you are using sugar instead of honey, now is the time to add 2 tablespoons of sand to the water. Pumpkin porridge with millet in milk turns out to be more tender and creamy; a child, for example, will really like this pumpkin porridge. However, pumpkin porridge with milk, the recipe for which I am describing, adds a lot of calories to the dish, and may not be suitable for people watching their figure, so I suggest replacing the milk with water. While the liquid is boiling, rinse the millet well. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, add the pumpkin and wait until it boils again. If the pumpkin is raw, then cook after boiling over low heat for 10 minutes, then add 2 tablespoons of vegetable or butter, and then pour the washed millet into it. If it’s already baked, then put the butter and add the cereal immediately, wait until it boils again, then reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and cook for 10-15 minutes.
At this moment, turn on the oven to the lowest temperature and wait until it heats up. After the required time, add the remaining oil to the porridge, mix well and bring to a state of viscosity - there should be no liquid left. Remove the pumpkin porridge from the heat and place it in a warm place for 20 minutes. For this we need a preheated oven or a warm blanket. I never mess around with blankets, it seems a little strange to me, so I use the warmth of the oven. Turn off the oven and put the porridge inside: the remaining heat of the oven is enough to maintain the desired temperature, in which the pumpkin porridge with millet will steam well. After a while, remove the pumpkin dish from the heat and mix well. Now you know how to cook pumpkin porridge according to the most delicious recipe.

Pumpkin porridge. Brief recipe

  1. Boil water or milk in a saucepan, add salt and sugar if necessary.
  2. While the liquid is boiling, wash the pumpkin, cut off the required amount, remove the pumpkin seeds and cut into pieces 2 cm by 2 cm.
  3. Place the pumpkin pieces into the boiling liquid and cook for 10 minutes after boiling.
  4. During this time, rinse the millet under running water.
  5. Put 2 tablespoons of butter or vegetable oil in water or milk with pumpkin, stir, add millet, cover with a lid, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Preheat oven to lowest temperature.
  7. Add the remaining oil to the pumpkin porridge, mix well and bring to a viscosity.
  8. Turn off the preheated oven, place the pan with porridge in it and leave to steam for 20 minutes.
  9. Divide among plates. When serving, if sugar has not been used previously, pour honey over the millet porridge with pumpkin.

Pumpkin porridge with millet is already ready, put it on plates, pour honey to taste and serve. Enjoy your meal!

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Millet porridge is a very healthy dish. It can be prepared in different ways, combined with completely different products: from meat to dried fruits. However, the most popular product that is added to it is pumpkin pulp. It, perhaps, combines most successfully with millet porridge to taste, making it even healthier and richer. We will teach you how to cook porridge with pumpkin as quickly and tasty as possible.

Millet porridge with pumpkin in milk

Many housewives do not know how to cook millet cereals correctly, so they end up with a bitter taste. In order to get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste, the water in which the millet is cooked must be drained immediately after boiling and the grains must be rinsed thoroughly.


  • Millet cereal - three quarters of a glass
  • Pumpkin pulp – 300 g.
  • Milk – 1 glass
  • Sugar - to taste (about 2 tbsp)
  • Salt - to taste
  • Butter - for serving

Cooking method:

The process of preparing millet porridge is quite lengthy. To begin with, all products need to be prepared separately. To do this, rinse the millet cereal thoroughly under running cold water. Place it in a saucepan with a small amount of water and bring to a boil. When the water begins to boil and foam appears, it needs to be drained and the cereal thoroughly rinsed again. Place about 2 cups of water in a saucepan with cereal and return to the heat. Cook for 10 minutes.

At the same time, put a second saucepan on the fire, fill it with 2 glasses of water and cut the pumpkin into cubes. Bring to a boil and also cook for 10 minutes. When time has passed, add pumpkin pieces to the millet. Salt and add sugar. Cook together for another 10 minutes.

After time has passed, pour milk into the already thickened porridge. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 15-20 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid, wrap in a blanket or fur coat and leave to steam for 20 minutes.

Place the finished porridge on plates and garnish with pieces of butter.

Millet porridge with pumpkin in pots

Millet porridge can not only be boiled, but also baked. This porridge turns out especially tasty in ceramic pots. If you find “empty” porridge too boring, you can diversify it with raisins, dried apricots, prunes, add sugar, honey or something else to taste.


  • Millet cereal – 300 g.
  • Pumpkin pulp – 400-500 g.
  • Milk – 1 l.
  • Butter – 200 g.
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

Peel and rinse the pumpkin if necessary. Cut the pulp into small pieces.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and put on fire. When the milk starts to boil, add the pumpkin pieces. Cook over low heat for about 5-7 minutes.

During this time, rinse the millet in warm water. When time has passed, add the washed cereal to the pumpkin. Add salt, stir, cover and leave to cook for 10 minutes.

Place a large piece of butter on the porridge. Cover the pots with lids.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place pots of porridge in it for 35 minutes.

Serve the porridge directly in the pots.

Millet porridge with pumpkin and apples

Boil and then bake in the oven aromatic millet porridge with pumpkin puree and apples. Regular consumption of this dish, thanks to the large amount of vitamin B2, will make your hair and skin healthy and beautiful.


  • Millet cereal – 400 g.
  • Milk – 800 ml.
  • Peeled pumpkin – 300 g.
  • Apples – 250-300 g.
  • Butter – 150 g.
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

Boil about a liter of water, remove it from the heat and pour the millet into it. Stir vigorously with a spoon to rinse the millet. Then drain the boiling water and rinse the millet thoroughly with warm water. Pour a liter of warm water into the millet, put it on fire, add salt, stir.

Bring the millet to a boil, cook, skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon, for about 10 minutes. The water should be almost completely absorbed into the porridge, so try to stir it all the time.

During this time, rinse the pumpkin. Cut it into medium pieces, pour in the remaining milk and put on fire. After boiling, cook for about 15 minutes. Check readiness with a fork or knife - the pumpkin should be soft. If not, cook for another 5-10 minutes. Mash the prepared pumpkin pulp with a masher or grind in a blender until pureed.

Peel the apples and cut into fairly small pieces.

Mix porridge, pumpkin puree, apple pieces and almost all the butter.

Preheat the oven and grease a baking dish with the remaining butter. Place the porridge with pumpkin and apples into the pan and smooth the surface with a spoon. Place the porridge in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. Bake for approximately 15 minutes.

Millet porridge with pumpkin and condensed milk in a slow cooker

If you don't want to stand at the stove, stirring the porridge so that it doesn't burn, use a slow cooker. With its help, you can easily prepare sweet and very tasty millet porridge with pumpkin with condensed milk.


  • Millet cereal – 2 multi-cups
  • Pumpkin – 300 g.
  • Condensed milk - half a can
  • Water – 5 multi-glasses
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

Rinse the millet cereal thoroughly. Then transfer it to the multicooker bowl.

Rinse the pumpkin pulp, cut into small pieces and place in a bowl on top of the cereal.

Pour water into the condensed milk in small portions, stir thoroughly with a spoon or whisk until smooth.

Pour the diluted condensed milk into the slow cooker on top of the millet and pumpkin. At this stage you should add salt and, if desired, a little butter.

Close the multicooker lid, set the “Milk porridge” mode, cook until the beep sounds.

Then open the lid, stir the porridge, close it again, set the “Warming” mode and leave to brew for another 20 minutes.

Place the finished porridge on plates. You can additionally pour condensed milk on top.

Millet porridge is an excellent option for breakfast or lunch, which is recommended even for the youngest children. But in its pure form it is not very tasty, and it seems rough, so it is combined with soft ingredients. For example, pumpkin, which makes the consistency of the finished dish very tender, and the porridge itself incredibly satisfying and healthy.

Are there differences in cooking technology on the stove, in a slow cooker and in the oven? How can you complement the pumpkin-millet tandem?

Recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin and walnuts

This porridge is the most delicious and tender when made with milk - this is how it is prepared for small children. However, if you are cool about it, you can replace it with water. The volume of liquid is adjusted depending on how much millet absorbs and what consistency the output should be. For crumbly cereals, 1 part grain to 2 parts water is enough; for more delicate cereals, use a ratio of 1:3 or even 1:4. But keep in mind that pumpkin will also provide moisture.


  • Millet groats – 200 g
  • Round pumpkin – 400 g
  • Sweet and sour apples - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 10 g
  • Milk 3.2% – 500 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Peeled walnuts - 50 g


  1. Wash the pumpkin, remove the peel so that the white layer between it and the pulp is also eliminated. Remove the seed part and cut the pumpkin into cubes no larger than 2*2 cm. The smaller they are, the better they will boil and the more uniform the structure of the porridge will be. If you are preparing a dish for a child, it is recommended to pass the chopped pulp through a food processor.
  2. Pour fresh milk into the pan, bring it until the first bubbles begin to appear on the surface, throw the pumpkin into it. Reduce the burner power by 2 times, cook without a lid for 7-10 minutes.
  3. At this time, take care of the millet: rinse it in several waters until the liquid draining from it becomes transparent, pour it into a pan with cold water, which will cover the grain by 1-2 cm, cook for 10-12 minutes. After this, transfer the millet to a saucepan with milk and pumpkin, cover with a lid. Cook for 15 minutes, checking and stirring occasionally
  4. Wash the walnut kernels, fry them in a dry frying pan so that they dry from the inside: for this it is recommended to keep medium heat under the burner, otherwise the nuts will burn. Cool them and put them in a tight bag, go over the top with a rolling pin 1-2 times, chopping them.
  5. Peel the apple, remove the core, chop with a knife, and add to the pan.
  6. Check the dish after 5-7 minutes. If the cereal has already swollen, having absorbed all the liquid, add butter and sugar to it, mix and leave on the hot, switched off burner under the lid for another 5-7 minutes.

Before serving, garnish each serving with ground nuts. If the dish does not seem sweet enough, you can increase the amount of sugar or replace it with honey.

How to cook pumpkin porridge with millet in a slow cooker?

The principle of operation with a multicooker is almost no different from that recommended for cooking on the stove. Housewives advise choosing the “milk porridge” mode or setting a timer randomly depending on how the porridge should turn out - very boiled and liquid, or more like a side dish.


  • Long white raisins – 70 g
  • Dried apricots - 8-10 pcs.
  • Pumpkin (pulp) – 170 g
  • Millet – 200 g
  • Honey - 2 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • Natural yogurt - 2 tbsp.


  1. Wash the millet well, peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes. Steam raisins and dried apricots with boiling water.
  2. Transfer the pumpkin to the multicooker bowl, sprinkle with honey, and cover with a lid. Leave for 10 minutes. on the “baking” mode.
  3. Place millet in the multicooker bowl, add water (800 ml for the indicated volume of ingredients), add salt and close the lid. Set the “milk porridge” mode or timer for 30 minutes. for the "cooking" mode.
  4. After the specified time has passed, add raisins and dried apricots cut into pieces into the multicooker, leave for another 10 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle the dish with cinnamon and drizzle with yogurt. If it turns out that the porridge is not soft enough, add water when cooking, but the liquid must be hot.

Tricks for the most delicious porridge from professionals

First of all, pay attention to the millet: it should not be old - i.e. should not have an unpleasant odor. In your hands, fresh, good cereal will literally crumble and roll out on the table. The yellower the grains, the sweeter and tastier the porridge will be; the darker the grains, the less they will stick together. It is recommended to cook very light millet for a short time and stir constantly, monitoring its condition, otherwise there will be puree in the plate.

Also keep in mind that only polished or crushed grain is suitable for porridge, which is well boiled and does not have the bitter shell present in the dranets. Crushed cereal is used in dough or for meatballs, as it quickly turns into a homogeneous soft consistency.

  • Even the freshest grain needs to be well and correctly prepared: soak in cold water for 3-4 hours, then scald with boiling water. You can use an alternative method: pour the washed and dried millet into a hot frying pan and fry over high heat, constantly turning over, for 2-3 minutes.
  • The taste of the finished dish also depends on what kind of pumpkin you use: pear-shaped varieties are sweeter, so even children sometimes do not need honey, sugar, or even dried fruits in this porridge. For this reason, they are more often used in desserts than in hot, hearty dishes.
  • As an addition, you can use almost any fruit, and it is not at all necessary to take them fresh: show your imagination - for example, caramelize apple pieces by frying them in a sugar-butter mixture in a frying pan, or soak raisins in almond liqueur before placing them on the porridge .
  • Do you want a hearty dish rather than a sweet one? Prepare poultry meatballs by simmering them with a small amount of pumpkin: they will be light enough not to conflict with millet, but will give a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

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How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in milk.

Millet porridge with milk is good on its own , but if you add pumpkin to it , it will acquire a unique taste, sunny color and pleasant pumpkin aroma. And most importantly, millet porridge with pumpkin and milk will be very healthy for breakfast.

  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 1 glass of millet;
  • 1 small pumpkin, 400g.
  • butter, for seasoning the finished porridge;
  • salt and sugar to taste.


Wash the millet in 3 waters.

Pour water into a saucepan and put it on the stove; when the water boils, drain the cereal and cook for 3 minutes. Then put the cereal in a colander, rinse and let the water drain. We do this to remove the bitterness from the cereal.

Then pour two glasses of water and two glasses of milk into the pan.

Put it on the stove, when it boils, drain the cereal and start working on the pumpkin. Wash the pumpkin, wipe it and cut it into slices. Peel each slice and remove the seeds. Cut the resulting pieces.

Once the pumpkin is cut, we lower it into the milk and cereal.

We wait until it boils, reduce the heat and let it simmer slowly. Don't forget to stir occasionally. When the cereal begins to boil and has absorbed almost all the milk, turn down the heat to two (this is on an induction stove), close the lid, let it sit and cook. Cook the porridge for 1 hour. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, salt the porridge to taste, you can add sugar. But our pumpkin is sweet, we don’t add sugar. Our delicious millet porridge with pumpkin in milk is ready, the pumpkin is all boiled.

Pumpkin porridge in combination with cereals is a dish that mothers often feed in childhood. It is also popular among lovers of healthy and wholesome food, because in this porridge, even after heat treatment, many useful vitamins and microelements are preserved.

Most often, millet porridge with pumpkin is prepared in the cold season; it is perfect both as a healthy breakfast and a light dinner.

The simplest and most familiar recipe for millet milk porridge was prepared by our mothers in childhood. Millet porridge with pumpkin in milk turns out sweet and aromatic.


  • 1 tbsp millet cereal
  • 3 tbsp milk
  • 500 g pumpkin pulp
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • ½ tsp salt.

Step-by-step preparation of milk porridge:

  1. First you need to prepare the pumpkin: wash it well, trim off the remaining stem and peel the skin. To ensure that the pumpkin cooks well and quickly, cut it into small pieces - the smaller the size, the faster the pulp will cook.
  2. Pour the milk into an enamel container and heat it up. When almost hot, add pumpkin pieces, sugar and salt. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Rinse the millet through a sieve with running water and add to the almost finished pumpkin porridge. Mix well and cook at low temperature for another third of an hour. Readiness is determined by the degree of thickening of the porridge.

To ensure that the dish is infused and thoroughly steamed, the container is wrapped in a blanket for an hour. An alternative is to keep it in a water bath for half an hour.

Advice. A dish prepared with homemade cow's milk will be much more flavorful, satisfying and healthier than with store-bought milk.

Recipe for cooking with water

Porridge boiled in water has a slightly fresher taste than milk porridge. However, it remains just as tasty and healthy. The dish is suitable for those who do not like dairy products or are lactose intolerant.

Ingredients for water porridge for 6 servings:

  • 750 g pumpkin
  • 3 glasses of water
  • 1.5 cups millet cereal
  • ¼ tsp fine salt
  • 1 tbsp butter for dressing.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in water:

  1. First of all, prepare the cereal: rinse through a fine sieve under running water, then pour boiling water over it and leave for a few minutes.
  2. Pour water into an enamel pan and set to heat. Dissolve salt.
  3. While the millet is infused and the water is boiling, prepare the pumpkin: peel, rinse and cut into small cubes, 1*1 cm in size. Place in boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Add millet porridge to the pumpkin cubes, mix well and leave to cook under the lid for another third of an hour, while reducing the heat. The contents must be stirred periodically.
  5. Turn off the heat, add oil, close the lid tightly and cover with a towel. Leave the dish to simmer for half an hour. Then mix thoroughly so that the butter is evenly distributed and can be served.

Important. When cooking, be sure to remove the seeds and peel.

Milk millet with pumpkin in a slow cooker

Many housewives have long appreciated the convenience of preparing dishes in a slow cooker. This amazing device allows you to cook almost anything - from scrambled eggs to borscht. And pumpkin porridge with millet was no exception.

Ingredients for a dish for 3 servings:

  • 1 stack of millet
  • ½ liter of water
  • 2 cups grated pumpkin
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp butter.

Cooking millet porridge with pumpkin in a multicooker is accessible even to a novice cook - you just need to put all the above ingredients together in a multicooker bowl. Cooking lasts 1 hour 10 minutes in the “Milk porridge” mode.

Before serving, mix the porridge thoroughly with a silicone or wooden spoon.

Milk porridge baked with pumpkin in the oven

It is believed that the taste of pumpkin goes best with rice porridge. In this recipe, we suggest mixing millet and rice, adding a little raisins - the porridge will turn out tender and moderately sweet.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 200 grams of fresh pumpkin pulp without peel
  • ¼ cup rice
  • ¼ cup millet
  • 1.5-2 cups of milk (more if you like thin porridge)
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • ½ tbsp sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 cup light raisins.

Cooking millet porridge with pumpkin in the oven:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. For cooking, it is recommended to use a cauldron or a duck roaster.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan. Dilute the salt. When the liquid boils, add the washed rice and millet and cook for 2-3 minutes, then turn off the heat and drain the liquid.
  3. Cut the washed and peeled pumpkin into small cubes. Place cereal, raisins, and butter in a cauldron. Pour the entire contents with milk so that its level does not completely cover the cereal mixture. Place pumpkin on top and sprinkle with sugar.
  4. Cover the casserole with a lid and place in the oven for a third of an hour. Then turn off the oven and leave to brew for another quarter of an hour. Mix layers before serving.

Recipe with honey and dried fruits

A dish with honey and dried fruits turns out incredibly sweet and healthy. This option is recommended to be prepared during the cold season, when a person’s immunity weakens. Porridge will provide a huge amount of vitamins and microelements that energize and strengthen the immune system.

Ingredients for preparing a dish for 2 servings:

  • 4 tbsp rice cereal
  • 2 tbsp millet
  • 4 dried pears
  • 8 dried peaches
  • 200 g dried pumpkin pieces
  • 6 pieces dried apricots
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 4 tbsp honey (preferably liquid)
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract.

How to cook sweet porridge:

  1. Cut dried apricots, pears, pumpkin and peaches into small pieces, pour boiling water to the top, add cinnamon and bring to a boil over low temperature, stirring continuously. When it boils, add vanilla and honey, stir thoroughly and let it brew.
  2. Rinse the millet cereal and pour boiling water over it for 15-20 minutes.
  3. While the fruit mixture is infused, bring the milk to a boil. When it boils, pour it over the cereal and cereal so that the milk covers the porridge. Cover with a saucer or lid for a few minutes. Then stir in the fruit mixture and serve.

Millet porridge with rice

Tender, aromatic and very nutritious milk porridge made from rice and millet will be an excellent dinner for the whole family.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • ½ cup millet porridge
  • ½ cup rice cereal
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp butter.


  1. Rinse both cereals under running water and cook in water. After boiling, boil for 10-12 minutes.
  2. Heat the milk in a separate container and pour it into the almost finished porridge. If the milk is cold or at room temperature during pouring, it will curdle and the dish will not turn out.
  3. Add salt and sugar to the dish. During the cooking process, the porridge needs to be stirred periodically.
  4. Turn off the stove, put a piece of butter on top of the porridge and leave for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the butter will melt and the porridge will infuse. Then mix and serve.

On a note. Before serving, the dish can be supplemented with raisins, candied fruits or grated chocolate. Another option is to add 2-3 teaspoons of jam or preserves.

Recipe for cooking with pumpkin in a pot

Porridge made from pumpkin and millet, cooked in pots, turns out boiled, tender and juicy, imbued with the nutmeg aroma of pumpkin pulp. This option is closest to how the dish was prepared before - in the oven, on the fire.

Products for cooking:

  • 300 g pumpkin pulp
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 300 grams of millet cereal
  • 1.5 tbsp oil
  • 2 tbsp sugar (adjust to taste)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Cooking porridge in pots:

  1. The first step is preparing the pumpkin - peeling and cutting into small pieces.
  2. Millet cereals must be rinsed with water several times. In this way, dust and small debris are removed from the cereal. Sometimes cereal gives a bitter taste to the finished dish, which you can get rid of by pouring boiling water over it for 3-5 minutes. The boiling water with the released bitterness is drained.
  3. Place pumpkin sticks and cereal into pots in layers, sprinkle sugar, vanilla and salt on top. It is better to add oil at the end, when the dish is almost ready. A piece of butter is placed on top and stirred before eating the dish.
  4. Fill the container with milk to ⅔ capacity. Then cover with lids and place in the oven. You need to cook the dish at a low temperature, no more than 180 degrees. Depending on the temperature, it will take from 30 to 45 minutes to be ready.

Porridge cooked in pots will be even tastier if you add dried fruits to it. It is also worth noting that the oven is not preheated - the filled pots are placed in a cold oven, and then heated at a minimum temperature.

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