Lay new tiles on top of the old. Is it possible to lay tiles on tiles: the nuances of the work and recommendations. Laying ceramic tiles over floor tiles

Hello! We are renovating our bathroom and have a problem. The old tiled floor is very durable, even, smooth. But the decor and color are absolutely not like the purchased wall tiles. Before that, the walls were just painted, but we easily scraped off the paint. But in order to knock down the floor covering, you will have to work hard with a puncher, then re-level the base, and so on. This is long and costly. We want to put a new tile on top of the old one.

Tried searching the forums for answers. Some participants argue that this is quite acceptable. Others recommend not saving and solving the problem with a major overhaul. What do you say?


Good afternoon As practice shows, most homeowners prefer not to carry out dismantling work. In the case of tiles, this can really be avoided, and here's why.

Tiles as a floor material are thin plates of fired clay mass of high density and strength. The coating is produced in a huge variety of sizes, but at the same time with two types of surface:

Laying tiles, according to the recommendations of the manufacturers, should be carried out using a cement-based contact adhesive, less often a polymer-based one. Cement-containing dry mixes are produced by absolutely all manufacturers of building mixes (from Kreps to Knauf), since the composition is quite simple, but the quality factor of the material largely depends on the quality of the raw materials. Polymer products belong to a highly specialized series and are produced only by the largest chemical industry concerns (Eurocol, Uzin, Kiilto, etc.)

Tiles are most often laid on cement dry mixes. With their help, you can not only partially level the rough base, but also fix the floor covering well on almost any base of sufficient strength (at least 150 MPa) and rigidity.

The old ceramic floor can be safely attributed to such floors. With one essential condition - a smooth glazed or varnished (enamelled) surface has an almost zero coefficient of adhesion. But first you need to create a so-called adhesion bridge. Or, more simply, to make the top of the tile rough. This is achieved in several ways:

Any other primers labeled "for non-absorbent surfaces" may be used. They even allow you to lay tiles outdoors and are suitable for a variety of difficult substrates, including ceramics, stone, bitumen, asphalt, old glue and more.

  • Removing the surface enamel or glazed layer with a grinder with a special nozzle for granite and stone. This method is used infrequently due to the formation of a huge amount of dust during operation. However, it allows you to put a new tile on the old one with the guarantee that not a single element will “fly off” in the future.
  • By cutting notches on the surface of the coating with any tool - an ax, a grinder with a diamond cup, etc. This method, in combination with priming, is considered quite reliable, and is also time-tested.

Thus, it is allowed to glue new floor tiles on the old one, provided that there is a rough surface. If the finish is not smooth, you can simply use reinforced tile adhesive.

Before work, be sure to check the floor for:

Next, you need to clean the surface, degrease, primer Betonkontakt or make notches, followed by removing the floor from debris and dust. After that, tile adhesive is applied in accordance with the instructions and ceramics are laid.

If you want to remove the glazed or enameled surface completely, do not forget to carefully dedust and clean the base, degrease and prime after removing the smooth coating. Only after that it is possible to lay the tiles on the adhesive.

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Bathroom remodeling often involves the removal of old tiles. A large amount of dust and dirt, the difficulty in carrying out work to remove the old lining - these factors hinder the start of the process. The solution in such a situation is to lay ceramics on top of the previous finish.

1. When it is not allowed to lay a new tile on an existing one?

Experts advise to refrain from this method of cladding if:

  • The old tile is in poor condition, there are chips and cracks on the surface. Such external signs will cause the destruction of the new cladding. With such installation, the service life of the finish is small;
  • The bathroom is small and the walls are uneven. The second level, as well as leveling plaster, will significantly reduce the space of a small room. Under such conditions, it is better to dismantle the old surface tiles;
  • Ceramics closes communications, while there is no possibility to carry out an audit - there are no special hatches. In case of necessary repair of pipes, or replacement of communications, it will be necessary to dismantle two layers of tiles;
  • Air voids under the lining are detected when tapping (heterogeneous sound). In this case, laying on the old cladding is not allowed, since the base may fall off when organizing a new tiling. It is better to replace old pipes and finishing material;
  • The floor is an uneven surface with a slope. For alignment, it is desirable to make a complete dismantling of the coating elements, as well as remove the screed, on the eve of the repair.

2. Disadvantages of laying new tiles on the old

For those who do not want to spend a lot of effort and money on bathroom renovations, the question often arises: “Can I lay tiles on tiles?”. Before starting repairs, you should study the disadvantages characteristic of this approach:

  • Due to the second level of cladding on the floor, the height of the room is reduced. In the bathroom, the floor should be lower relative to the corridor; a threshold of 15-20 mm is also required;

  • If the old coating is in poor condition, the cost of a new layer will be inappropriate - the tile will not last long;
  • Often in those buildings where the cladding was originally made, the level of the floor and walls of the bathroom is not ideal.

3. Actions before facing

In order for the tile to last for a long time, it is necessary to prepare the existing tile for installation. Recommended sequence:
1) Assess the strength of the existing finish by tapping it and looking for voids. Apply pressure to individual elements to understand how the material behaves, whether chips appear. In the event that the old ceramic layer is in poor condition, elements with cracks and potholes should be replaced.
2) Check how evenly the first layer is laid using a special level. Styling depends on this characteristic. If there is a gap between the tool and the wall surface, much more glue will be required in this place. The protruding parts contribute to the bulging of the tiles.

3) An important step before laying is to clean the existing base with special products, the seams should be brushed with a hard bristle. After complete drying, the surface is degreased and a layer of high adhesion primer is applied. This action will ensure good adhesion of the first and second layers.

Carefully read the instructions for use of the primer and follow the recommendations for application.

After complete drying, the primer layer must remain intact, even after mechanical impact. If deformation occurs, the composition must be reapplied. Next, you should restore the base, eliminating flaws in the form of potholes and chips on the tile.
4) The device of a new tile on top of the old one.

The laying process takes place using a special spatula with teeth. In order for it to hold well, it is necessary to use glue with high elastic properties. Thus, cracks will not appear on the surface of the finishing material.

Position the finishing material with a shift relative to the old ceramics, the seams should not match. If cracks appear on the first layer, the new one will remain intact.

If you use elastic adhesive for installation, the grouting must also be carried out using means that are resistant to deformation of the elements.


Grouting is carried out using a spatula made of metal (or rubber), as well as rags. For floor tiles, it's best to avoid light-colored grouts as they turn dark very quickly. Remove auxiliary crosses from the seams and mortar residues, treat the surface with a rag. Prepare grout following instructions. The correct direction when distributing the product with a rubber spatula is across the seam, then along. Having carefully filled all the seams, you must wait the recommended time. We complete the process by wiping the surface with a rag.

How to lay tiles: 3 ways to replace the material

You can lay tiles in the house yourself, without the help of specialists In order to improve the walls in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen, you need to take the work carefully and read some tips from experienced professionals. An occupation of this kind can be useful, especially for those who live in a private house that needs constant improvement. Tiles are able to solve not only the practical issue of hygiene, ease of use, but also create an original home decoration. Any room can take on a beautiful look if you approach the choice of tiles correctly.

Laying options or is it possible to lay tiles on old tiles

Sometimes during the repair the question arises whether it is possible to put a new tile on the old tile. Removing old tiles is hard and time consuming, as the work consists not only in dismantling, but also in cleaning up a large amount of heavy construction debris. That is why the question "is it possible to lay tiles on the old coating" arises very often. Experts say that this is possible, but subject to certain rules.

In order to understand whether the old coating will withstand the new tile, you need to check it for strength. To do this, the tile is inspected for damage or falling parts. If the tile visually holds tightly, you need to take a wooden mallet and tap on each individual tile. If you hear a bounce, then this unit must be removed.

If you notice that most of the tiles need to be dismantled, then the entire surface must be cleaned, and the wall will need to be leveled.

If the condition of the old tile can be attributed to satisfactory, then you can lay the tile on the tile. Before work, the old material must be roughened, this will help create good adhesion.

Tiles can be laid on old tiles, but subject to certain rules

Roughness can be achieved in several ways:

  • Erase the glossy finish of the tile;
  • Create notches on the surface;
  • Treat the wall with a primer.

The first two methods are time-consuming and involve a large amount of building dust. In order to implement them, you need a grinder. The third includes additional financial costs for the purchase of a primer.

Understanding how to lay tiles

In order for the tile to hold firmly, you need to carefully prepare the surface. To do this, you must first remove the plumbing so that it is not damaged during operation. Only after that the old tile is removed. Experienced craftsmen recommend using protective gloves and goggles during the process to protect yourself from construction dust.

After the old coating is removed and construction debris removed, you can begin to level the horizontal plane. This type of work refers to individual construction work, so we will assume that our surface is already perfectly flat and we just have to degrease and prime it.

In order for the tile to hold for a long time and firmly, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface.

An excellent substitute for a primer can be pure cement, which remains after any construction work.

If you use cement, then it must be brought to the consistency that will look like thick sour cream. Next, the mixture is spread with flip flops over the area with flip flops.

As for laying tiles on old tiles, this is not recommended. However, the work is quite feasible if the result must be shown in a short time. In order to proceed with this type of finish, you may need a special adhesive that will be able to fix the new cladding over the old tile.

Can wall tiles be laid on the floor?

Very often, buyers, when purchasing flooring, ask the question, is it possible to lay wall tiles on the floor? In order to answer this question, you need to familiarize yourself with all the characteristics of the wall plate, which experts can tell you about.

The features of wall tiles include:

  • Excessive fragility, which cannot be said about analogues;
  • The percentage of wear resistance is reduced;
  • Less resistant to damage of a different nature;
  • Very slippery.

Most often, when creating wall tiles, manufacturers prefer a decorative role, but not wear resistance.

Wall tiles are very slippery, so laying them on the floor is not recommended.

Answering the question, is it possible to glue such wall tiles for the floor, of course, you can. But there is another, but is it necessary?

You will spend effort and money on laying this tile, but at one point all efforts will be in vain. The biggest disadvantage is not damage to the tiles, but what injuries your household can get. Such a tile is absolutely not intended for movement on it, and if water gets on it, it will become a direct source of injury.

Based precisely on these indicators, experts categorically say “no” to laying wall tiles on the floor. However, the choice is still yours.

Laying tiles on old tiles on the floor

If you decide to lay decorative floor tiles on the old coating, then the most important thing in this matter is to properly prepare the base.

To begin with, you need to literally examine the entire old floor on your knees and carefully examine each tile. If there are those plates that are unstable, have chips or cracks, or creak when pressed, they must be dismantled.

If you decide to lay a tile on an old tile, then you must first check the base for cracks and chips.

Evaluating the old tiled coating visually will not be enough. In order to finally verify the strength, you need to use a wooden mallet, which taps each element of the coating.

If you hear a ringing sound - this indicates that the plate has peeled off, which means that it cannot become a reliable foundation. Such fragments must be removed, and the free space must be raised with a solution of sand and cement to the required level.

Please note that such work is carried out if only some units of the tile need to be replaced. If such a shortcoming affected most areas, without a doubt the entire surface should be subject to dismantling.

Based on the material presented above, we can conclude that it is possible to lay tiles not only on a prepared floor, but also on an old tile. All decisions depend solely on your wishes and possibilities. The main thing at the same time is to clearly observe all the rules for installation, since neglect can result in failure in the upcoming work, and, accordingly, in subsequent additional waste.


Very often, when making repairs in an apartment, especially in the kitchen or bathroom, the owners are wondering about the old tiling. Can you tile on tile? What to do: dismantle or lay tiles on a layer of old tiles? If you remove the old coating, then the time period for the repair can be significantly delayed, and more finance will be required. This is due to the need to level the surfaces after dismantling.

Laying tiles on tiles is done after determining the condition of the old tile.

And separate time will need to be spent on the process of removing tiles from the walls or floor of the bathroom (kitchen) and on the subsequent removal of construction waste. It is in connection with these factors that the logical question arises about the possibility of laying new tiles on top of the old one. This is quite an acceptable situation, of course, subject to certain requirements.

Criteria for assessing the condition of the old tile layer

To ensure that your decision to lay new tiles on top of old ones is balanced and correct, carefully examine and evaluate the quality of the old bathroom or kitchen wall tiling.

The most important thing is to find out how firmly it holds on the wall (floor).

If the old tile is cracked or has chips, then it is better to remove it.

  1. At the very beginning, the old tile is inspected for various damages, such as cracks, chips, or parts of the tile lagging behind the wall. Don't trust only your eyes. Even if visually it seems that the tile is located on the bathroom wall quite securely, this is not always the case.
  2. It is necessary to arm yourself with a wooden hammer and tap all suspicious areas. If you hear a characteristic rattling sound or after this procedure cracks appear on the surface of the tile, then the tile fastening does not meet the reliability requirements.
  3. Remove such old tiles from the surface of the wall (floor) of the bathroom (kitchen). If there are a large number of these sites and they make up a significant percentage of the entire surface area, then you still have to be patient, time, financial and proceed with the procedures for the complete dismantling of the tile. Next, you will have an operation to level the surface, and only after completing it, you can lay the tiles.

When it comes to ceramic flooring in the bathroom, one more thing is important: the level of the floor. It is necessary to check whether it will exceed the height of the threshold in the room, and only then lay the tiles on the existing tile layer.

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Preparing the surface of the old tile for laying the new coating

Scheme of laying tiles on the old tiles.

So, you have carefully examined all areas of the tiled surface and have come to the conclusion that the old ceramic coating of the bathroom can be left. So, we will lay tiles on top of it. And this requires the use of a special technology, slightly different from conventional styling.

In order for the adhesion between two tile layers to be strong, you need to make the old tile layer rough. This is necessary for good adhesion. How to do it? There are several easy ways.

  1. You can simply remove the top tile layer, as it is usually glossy. In this case, it will no longer interfere with the good adhesion of the two coatings.
  2. Another option involves applying notches to the tiled surface.
  3. The third method proposes to treat the old tiled surface with a special kind of primer.

All three of these options are quite feasible with your own hands. But keep in mind that the first two methods will be more time consuming. In the process of their implementation, a lot of dirt and dust is generated. If that doesn't stop you, you can use one of them. The third method is simpler, but requires certain financial costs aimed at acquiring a special primer composition.

To implement the first option, you will need a tool such as a grinder. With its help, it is much easier to remove the glossy layer of tiles, and make notches faster and easier.

In order for the laying of tiles to be possible, it is necessary to prepare the old layer, for example, to apply notches.

By carrying out this procedure, you will improve the quality of contact of the adhesive with the layer of old tiles. Please note that you can not remove the entire top layer of the old tile, it is enough if the percentage of the area processed in this way is 60%. If you settled on a method that involves notching, then usually the distance between them is from 1 to 2 cm.

Now - as for the treatment with a primer. This is the most modern way to make a smooth surface suitable for finishing it with any material. This method gives any surface roughness properties. Such a primer composition is called concrete-contact. Coating with this type of primer will provide you with high-quality adhesion to the glossy surface of the old tile; adhesive designed for ceramic tiles is very well applied to such a layer.

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How to properly lay tiles on old tiles: the technological order of work

If you have never finished with tiles, it is best to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and requirements for this process in advance. So you can avoid many mistakes that beginners make.

When laying floor tiles on top of old tiles, keep in mind that this will significantly increase the level of the floor.

  1. First you need to carry out surface treatment in places of chips and other damage. For these purposes, a solution of cement and sand is used. You can also replace the solution with a special tile adhesive. Irregularities are sealed flush with the main surface, after which you should wait for it to dry completely.
  2. At the next stage, it is necessary to carry out the final cleaning of the treated surface from the remaining contaminants. These may be the remains of a solution, glue, etc. All of them are peeled off, and the surface is wiped dry with a piece of cloth or sponge.
  3. Now, as noted above, it is the turn of applying the concrete-contact primer. This is done with a roller (brush). For its setting, 2 to 4 hours is enough. The exact time is indicated in the instructions that come with the primer.

If you have chosen another way to prepare the old tile for the subsequent laying of a new coating, then the glossy surface must be removed using a grinder. This method is described in more detail above. Just do not forget when performing this procedure to provide yourself with reliable protection. Hands must be in gloves, the use of goggles is also a prerequisite. Working with a grinder implies the possibility of getting parts of the tile into the eyes, to prevent this, never neglect personal protective equipment.

After these procedures, you can lay the tiles.

1. Application of glue.
2. Laying tiles.

The tile adhesive is applied using a spatula (smooth). But the alignment and giving it a relief shape is already done with the help of a jagged tool. Tiling is done in the usual way.

Another important point: if you put the tile on the old tile, the adhesive will dry a little longer than usual. This is due to the low absorbent properties of the base. All this does not allow for subsequent grouting work immediately after installation. It is better to wait about 3 or 4 days and only then do the finishing of the seams. A rubber spatula is best for applying the grout.

Sometimes old tiles are firmly glued to the floor or walls, so that their dismantling is very difficult. Is it worth gluing tiles on tiles, when is it possible to do so, and when not? The article contains all the necessary information on this issue.

Why tile on tile

This method of installing tiles is not a popular solution, and opinions differ about this method. There are several reasons why installing a new tile on an old one is preferable:

  1. Removing old tiles is hard work. Sometimes the coating is attached to the base so firmly that it cannot be removed without special tools. Sometimes you have to call special services, which costs a pretty penny. In addition, a large amount of construction debris and dust is formed, which means a waste of energy on cleaning the premises. We will have to free all the nearest premises from furniture, since dusting will be significant, and polyethylene coatings will not save.
  2. Going from the opposite, the installation of tiles on tiles will be much easier, and a lot of time will be saved.
  3. When demolishing the old coating, fragments of the cement-sand screed may break off. You will have to refill it and wait for the solution to harden.
  4. With this method, the consumption of materials is noticeably reduced: it is not necessary to level the surface. The preparation time is also reduced.

Is it worth installing a tile based on these reasons? Do not hurry. Other factors must also be taken into account.

Cons of the method

With some convenience of such installation, negative consequences are inevitable. What to expect from tile-to-tile fixing:

  1. Hiding precious centimeters, which will be especially noticeable in small rooms such as a bathroom. Old tiles and an additional layer of glue reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room if the installation is done on the wall. If the tile is placed on the floor, then its level will rise noticeably - you will probably have to increase the height of the threshold, respectively, reshape the door leaf.
  2. Too thick coating looks unaesthetic.
  3. If there were defects on the old masonry, then there is a risk of damage to the new coating in the same places. The cladding will collapse due to the increased load if there were cracks and voids on the old tile.
  4. In order for the adhesion of the surface to the adhesive to be strong, porous and rough materials are selected. Ceramic tiles do not meet these requirements, respectively, the new coating is not attached very securely.
  5. Additional processing of the old tile will be required. It differs from standard works. Sometimes such preparation takes no less time and effort than dismantling the old tile.

When such an installation is categorically inappropriate

There are unequivocal contraindications for attaching a new tile to an old one. These include the following cases:

  1. The old tile keeps badly and has defects.
  2. A new layer of tile on the floor will exceed the threshold level. In the bathroom, it is recommended to make the floor 2-3 cm lower than in the rest of the house, or install a high threshold. This reduces the risk of water entering the room in the event of a leak.
  3. The base is composed of separate and not large enough elements, and the entire load will fall on the bonding coating between the old tile and the base. This is fraught with rapid damage to the new tile. The bearing function can only be performed by a monolithic tile coating.
  4. The surface has a large slope and needs to be leveled.

Advice! If you are concerned about at least one point that warns against installing an old tile on a new one, then it is better to abandon this idea. Indeed, in case of failure, you will have to remove two layers of tiles and spend money on the third option.

How to stick

The preparation of the base in the form of an old tile is carried out in a special way. The quality of the cladding directly depends on the choice of adhesive composition. Ordinary cement mixtures are also suitable for the floor. For walls, dense and elastic compositions are selected.

Quick-drying mixes are a good choice, as they will prevent the coating from slipping. The adhesive must have high adhesion and provide a strong base. On sale there are special adhesive compositions for mounting tiles on difficult surfaces, for example, Ceresit, Ivsil Profit.

Important! If you put a tile on a too thick layer of glue, the polymerization will take much longer, respectively, the risk of delamination of the masonry and slipping of the top coating will increase.

Tile installation: instructions

How to stick ceramic tiles so that the cladding lasts for many years? First you need to do the preparatory steps:

  1. Inspect the old coating to see how firmly it is connected to the wall or floor.
  2. Carefully examine the tile for chips, cracks and other defects. Even 10-15% of the damaged coating is already a reason for dismantling. If the main part of the tile is strong, and there are damages in 2-3 places, then you can take a chance and install a new tile on top of the old one.
  3. If the old coating looks good, you need to test it: tap it with a wooden mallet. If cracks and rattling appear, the old lining must be removed.
  4. The seams between the tiles should also not stagger and fall out.

The adhesive adheres well to the porous surface, penetrating into its structure. The tile, especially glossy, has a minimal ability to absorb moisture, that is, it has few pores. To facilitate adhesion, you need to clean the surface: use a grinder to make notches on the tile or remove the glossy layer completely. The bottom of the tile is water-absorbing. It needs to be at least 60% open. But this method is time consuming and dirty.

There is another way to make the surface rough: concrete-contact primer. It adheres well to the top layer of tiles and serves as a reliable base for tile adhesive.

  1. The surface must be cleaned of dirt and grease and wiped dry, otherwise the glue simply will not work.
  2. Cover fallen or unstable tiles with cement mortar so that the surface is on the same level. Wait for drying.
  3. Apply the primer with a roller or brush. Setting time - 2-4 hours.
  4. If the method is chosen with the removal of the upper part of the tile, then when working with the grinder, it is necessary to wear safety glasses.
  5. Apply the tile adhesive to the dry primer with a notched trowel.
  6. Lay the tiles in the usual way.
  7. Due to the low absorbency, the drying time of the glue will be longer.
  8. Grout with special compounds with a rubber spatula.
  9. Let the glue dry completely. Time of final polymerization - 3-4 days after installation.

Can you glue tiles on tiles? In conclusion, it is worth noting that this method of installation is sometimes preferable. But you should carefully inspect the old tile for defects, as well as carry out all the preparatory and basic work strictly according to the instructions.

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