Summary of the drawing lesson “Fairytale house. How to draw a fabulous house Fabulously beautiful houses

These houses seem to have been created by real dreamers and fantasy lovers. All these buildings are real, made of real building materials. But it is simply impossible to pass by such a building without taking out a camera and capturing it in a photo or video. In today's selection, I offer you 50 photos of country house ideas like from a fairy tale.

Having picked up the scale of the building, you can build such a fairy-tale castle on your site.

A country house can be like this - a monastery in a medieval style.

The house, with all its appearance reminiscent of the Vikings and stern men living behind strong walls.

Another closer angle. Houses like in fairy tales really exist!

German half-timbered country house in a fabulous style - irregular geometry makes the building cute and elegant.

Conceptual country house made of cement. Clay can also be used as a building material, but cement is better, as it is more durable.

A small house made of cement, suitable for a warehouse for storing household equipment.

The idea of ​​​​a cottage for a summer residence is, of course, on one floor, with a residential attic. I was attracted by the shape of the building and the overall concept.

It may be an ordinary house, but there is something in it! Probably the feeling of a fairy tale!

Houses with sloping walls and thatched roofs have always evoked in me sincere joy and the feeling of a fairy tale movie.

A typical English cottage made of red bricks and a strict neatness of the garden. Why not a fairy tale!

A pleasant house with a fireplace made of flagstone. the idea is very good, I think!

Fairy roof idea. Everything is sharp, high, and comfortable in winter - the snow will roll down without stopping.

Another original idea of ​​​​a fabulous house is a cottage. Thatched roof like a layered skirt.

The concept of this house is extremely close to me - floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking my garden. Sitting in an armchair in the morning and contemplating your possessions is a sweet thing!

A siding house with its own neat garden overlooking the water.

Fairy tale house idea by Antoni Gaudí from Parc Güell in Barcelona.

A cute shoe house can be made for children's games.

Delicious, some even marshmallow house!

Ideas for the execution of the roof and attic elements.

By creating such structures, you give scope to your own creativity, imagination and open the door from a fairy tale to our world.

Each such country house will be unique, authorial, will be distributed on social networks, and will cause a lot of positive emotions.

In the country, you can challenge the stereotypes and uniformity of buildings.

If not the main one, then at least a guest or children's playhouse can be made unusual.

I want everything right! Each house is beautiful and unusual in its own way. And how to build everything?

It remains only to lick and dream!

So many ideas, so much beauty and inspiration!

The walls are covered with ivy and wild grapes.

Another house from Park Güell.

The hobbit house is on the hill. I saw a film about how such a house was created, it is a very complex system, which takes into account many factors, such as groundwater level, drainage, antifungal treatment of walls and materials.

Even a simple painting of the walls of the house in bright colors will make it special and somewhat fabulous.

Well, if you decide to build a real fairy-tale mansion, then call me with a camera - I will not miss the opportunity to take bright pictures!

Originality always attracts attention! Before you is an ordinary residential building, the owners of which decided in this way to stand out among the same type of buildings.

In the silence of the forest, the ice cream man's house lurks! from here every morning a man leaves in his van, who delivers ice cream through the streets and treats the kids.

The house is a fairy tale, a roof in the form of mushrooms.

The ideal roof made of straw - in the heat it keeps cool inside, in the rain it reliably protects from precipitation.

Of course, the turrets are not as relevant now as they were in the early 90s, but they look very romantic!

The idea of ​​a fabulous house of gnomes. Why not take note when building a playhouse?

Very stylish "fabulous" residential building.

When building a fairy tale on your site, be prepared for the fact that there are those who want to take a closer look at your building. Give them the opportunity - make a small entrance fee and your hobby will bring some income. This is often done in the West.

Each owner of an unusual house earns on his building. And this is either an entrance ticket, or an opportunity to live a day or more in such a house. The idea, I think, is very good, especially if your site is located in a picturesque place.

Sagdeeva Guzalia
Abstract of the drawing lesson "Fairytale House"


To form the ability to convey images in a drawing fairy house, build a plot composition.



Teaching kids how to create fairy house

Improve the ability to mix paints to obtain shades of color

Learn to identify components Houses: walls, roof, windows, chimney


Develop the skill of conveying mood and artistic image with the help of color

Develop independence, aesthetic feelings and emotions, a sense of composition.

Develop creative imagination, fine motor skills of fingers.


To cultivate creative activity, the ability to show one's attitude to the characters through drawing

Cultivate the ability to sympathize, empathize.

preliminary work:

Reading Russian folk fairy tales,

Acquaintance with the work of illustrators Yu. A. Vasnetsov, E. M. Rachev, V. I. Losin.

Lesson progress:

"Once upon a time in a big fairy forest different fairy tale characters. One day a strong hurricane broke out in the forest. Made a lot of trouble Hurricane: knocked down trees, destroyed all houses fairytale heroes. Nowhere to live now fairy tale characters. And it's winter outside."

Guys we can help fairy tale characters? (children's answers). Let's draw them new houses, better than the old ones.

In many fairy tales that we have read are often spoken of houses.

And let's remember what fairy-tale houses we read with you? Name them.

Children's answers. ( "Teremok", "Mitten", "Zayushkina's hut", "Gingerbread house» hut of Baba-Yaga).

Let's look at each of them. Looking at the illustrations fairy huts; clarify the shape, structure of houses, parts, their location.

What are the main parts houses? (Wall, roof, doors, windows, chimney.)

What geometric shapes do the parts of the house look like? (Rectangle, triangle.)

What means does the artist use to convey the appearance fairy house? (Pattern, color, shape of the structure.)

Guys at drawing At home, proportions must be observed. What do you think? (If children find it difficult to answer, ask leading questions.)

Now think about what fairy tale houses you would like to draw?

2. The main part.

(In the process of independent activity of children, the teacher helps, prompts children, directs the attention of children to the transfer of form, decorations fairy house).

While our drawings are drying up, we will take a walk through the forest where our house.


The children were walking in the forest

Watching nature.

There are three shelves in the forest: (We clap our hands.)

Spruces - Christmas trees - Christmas trees. (Hands up - to the sides - down.)

Heaven lies on the firs. (Hands up.)

Below on the Christmas trees - dew. (Hands down, sat down.) Well we walked

And a little tired. (Sit down).

And now let's remember what the old, dense forest looks like.

Artists use only dark shades to show how dark and dense the forest is. We take a simple brush, dip first in dark blue paint, and then in green. And now we draw a forest thicket on the horizon line, using the method of sticking.

And we also need draw a few Christmas trees next to our house.

3. Final part.


How beautiful they turned out fairy houses! Do you think ours will like them? fairy tale characters? (Children's answers.)

What kind of work did you like and why?

(Children analyze.)

Whose drawing do you like the most? Why?

What was easy and what was difficult?

Workplace cleaning.

Exhibition of children's works.

Related publications:

Our old friend teddy bear wrote us a letter! What does he write? "Hello, dear guys! I had a big trouble.

Theme: "Walking in a fabulous winter forest." Tasks: 1. Continue to teach children to draw straight lines from top to bottom; to consolidate the ability of children to stamp.

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A fairy garden or cottage is the perfect craft if you want to spruce up your home or garden without making major changes to the décor. The most attractive thing about such works is that they are small in size, but at the same time they have many details and small details. In order to make them, it is not necessary to be a jeweler or "Lefty".

Due to the handwork, unusual materials and a large number of small details, each house is unique. You won't find two alike. The mysterious appeal of these cute objects may lie in childhood., because in everyone there is hidden that little boy or girl who believed in fairy tales and loved them. It's like a garden for little creatures.

We invite you to a fabulous journey. Several video tutorials are waiting for you.

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Before you start creating your own magical garden, you should have a general idea of ​​​​how it will look like in the end, the shape and size that you would like. Then you can make a list of materials that you will need. You can use everything! Twigs, artificial flowers, moss, flower pots, cones, pebbles, etc.

For example, in this example, a cone was used to create a roof.

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And here, ice cream sticks made excellent doors.

The bark acts as a small bridge.

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As we said, a fairy garden can be very small. It can fit in a cup. For example, as in the photo below. The little staircase is adorable, easy to make yourself out of sushi sticks or ordinary branches. Creating such a garden does not take much time, you could populate it with tiny cacti or succulents.

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Not all fairy gardens are tiny... at least not small enough to fit in a cup. Many are quite large compared to this. Instead of a cup, you can use a plant pot or bucket. Coming up with ideas for these kinds of projects is a lot of fun.

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Where for one is just a broken pot, the other sees the perfect foundation for a fairy garden. The shards can be used to create a miniature staircase or to form a garden.

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Even children's toys, figurines, souvenirs, pebbles are suitable as decorations.

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Don't be too quick to overcomplicate your project. It is better to start with simple projects. Gather the materials you would like to use, involve the children. They will be very interested in thinking about how to use this or that item.

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If you've got the idea of ​​creating your own fairy garden, but there's no room in the house for new interior items, you can use one of the already existing potted plants. It is desirable that he had a lot of space in the pot. You can add the same succulents or other miniature plants, as well as stones or pebbles, and at the end add the final touch: a tiny bench like the one shown here.

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You can set a specific theme for your garden. For example, "The circus has arrived." There is a miniature ferris wheel, a clown and colored garlands. It turned out fun and colorful.

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It is not necessary to put the entire magical garden in a pot. In the example below, we added a door, some moss and stones, and it already feels like a door to a fairy-tale world.

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There is something cute and mysterious about tiny doors. Look: you go out into the yard, look at the roots of the trees and are surprised to find under one of them there is a small door that looks like an entrance into the trunk. This is such a charming idea.

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