Who loves marina. Marina: what does the name mean and how does it affect the character and future of a person. Nickname options for social networks

The secret of the name Marina is not hidden behind seven seals. One has only to put together the data of historians, psychologists and astrologers - and then the characteristics of the name Marina will become obvious. Women who are lucky enough to bear this name have a subtle and sensual character. But at the same time, they are not deprived of willpower, determination and the ability to stand up for themselves.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the origin of the name Marina and how the name Marina is translated. According to historians, this is the female version of the male ancient Roman name Marinus. In Latin, the word "marina" means "sea". It must be said that the beautiful Roman goddess Venus was often also called Marina, as she protected the sailors. As you can see, almost any name, including Marina, has an ancient origin.

It must also be said that this name is related to Christianity, it is included in the Orthodox calendar. And it got there thanks to the Great Martyr Marina, who fought for the Christian faith and endured suffering for it. But as the legends and the history of this name say, Marina endured all the hardships with ease, and the wounds on her body healed with incredible speed.

Name Day, or Angel Day, Marina can celebrate July 30 and March 13. In our country, and not only, there were and are famous people named Marina, who in many ways influenced various spheres of culture and art:

  • Marina Vlady is an actress.
  • Marina Ignatova is an actress.
  • Marina Tsvetaeva is a poetess.
  • Marina Alekseeva is a writer.

Marina is a name that has different variants: Mara, Marisha, Rina. A diminutive and affectionate version - Marisha, Marinushka, Marusya. Which option to choose is up to you, but such girls love it when they use their full name in relation to them.

Character and personality

Thus, knowing the history of the name and understanding the meaning of the name Marina for a girl, we can assume what character qualities this baby will be endowed with. From childhood, this girl will be bright, active, cheerful and talented.

But parents should pay attention and time to raising their daughter, in particular, to teach her the rules accepted in society, and how and with whom to communicate. Because of her sociable and kind disposition, she can easily trust strangers, but if the consequences of such behavior are explained to her, she will become more circumspect, and nothing terrible can happen.

From a young age, leadership inclinations are manifested in her, she likes to be in charge, especially among younger children. Here it is also important to pay attention to the fact that in the girl’s communication environment there are children of different ages - in this way she will develop the skills of interaction both with peers and with elders.

At school, this girl can be one of the best students due to her natural perseverance and determination. She likes to achieve high scores and compete with her classmates, this is what increases her motivation in her studies.

The older this girl becomes, the more obstinacy and stubbornness appear in her character. She loves to spend time with interesting young people, in the circle of intellectuals and lovers of contemporary art. She will be attracted by a mysterious person, not deciphered, not understood, it is next to this that she will be able to spend a lot of time.

Her tastes can change dramatically compared to childhood, and this can affect her circle of friends, hobbies, and even the choice of an educational institution. She will tend to make rash, emotional decisions, so it is important for parents to teach the girl to give herself enough time to make decisions and not rush to conclusions.

Of course, in her youth she is a prominent representative of the opposition, a person who does not recognize the rules and promotes freedom. But as soon as the hormones subside and their chemistry does not affect her life so much, Marina will calm down and become more balanced.

Adult Marina becomes calmer, more sensitive, more mysterious. It opens up like a beautiful flower and attracts more and more people to it.

She has a strong, powerful character, which, with all her outward softness and vulnerability, allows her to achieve what she wants. But she should be careful with promises and give them only when she has an inner confidence that she will be able to fulfill the promise.

She is distinguished by diplomacy and restraint, manifests herself as an excellent negotiator, able to find an approach to any person.

Each name, including Marina, has its own characteristics, the characteristics and descriptions of which are also worthy of attention. When the name is deciphered, it is necessary to pay attention to the features of human behavior:

  • This girl should be sensitive to her health, namely not to be zealous in the gym, as this can greatly deplete not only her physical strength, but also the nervous system. It is important for her to eat right and engage in light sports, preferably team sports.
  • Excellent memory and the ability to think systematically are the main advantages of this woman's thinking. Of particular importance in the life of the owner of this name is mental activity, therefore Marina prefers to develop intellectually.

  • This woman will find herself in almost any profession, but she will like those where she can realize her perseverance and ability to achieve what she wants. To some extent, her masculine character is able to reveal itself primarily in the field of business. Marina is an employee whose importance is difficult to overestimate, she is a person of her word, committed to the ideas and rules of the company.
  • This lady is endowed with natural magnetism, as well as psychic abilities. She is able to feel the mood and state of the people who surround her. The color of the name Marina is red, it is a color that means strength and courage. He will help her in both professional and personal life.

Love for all ages

The interpretation of the name Marina, its description cannot be imagined without understanding the peculiarities of the relationship of its owner with men. This woman is charming, she captivates and conquers the stronger sex with her charm, her mystery.

But this girl is looking for a special person, she is attracted to balanced, strong, resistant to whims and smart men. She will enter into a relationship, and then marriage, only with someone whom she can really trust completely. For her, passion or falling in love will not be a reason to start a serious relationship.

Family relationships should be serious and full of respect. She knows how to clearly feel both her own and others' boundaries. In relations with children, she also tries to respect their interests and desires, and not impose what seems right to her.

And, of course, in order to understand what the name Marina means, you should separately pay attention to compatibility:

  • Name compatibility Marina and will give a good result. These partners are able to understand and feel each other, and are also ready to overcome difficulties together.
  • Marina's name compatibility suggests that this couple is good, but not perfect. Sasha will strive for a leadership position in the house, but he will not always be able to get it, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • The compatibility of the names Marina and is above average. Their relationship can start with a deep feeling, which will gradually develop into something more.
  • and Mara are a peculiar couple. Not each of the partners is ready to hear his "half", they are more interested in their own well-being than in the well-being of the family.

  • Dmitry and Marina are excellent partners. But I must say that they will be good more as business partners, but not as a married couple.
  • Mara and - will have a deep spiritual connection with each other. They will be able to grow significantly as individuals in these relationships.
  • Marina and - will not always be able to understand each other. But this man will be able to significantly influence this girl, especially on her development and personal growth.
  • Vasily is not the best partner for Mary. He will stand aside when his active participation is needed, which means that the girl will have to take full responsibility for herself.
  • and Marina - will be able to be first of all friends, and only secondarily partners.
  • and Marina - a couple who will immediately feel love and affection, and their relationship will develop into marriage.

Any name, as well as the name, Marina has its own meaning, so much depends on the name in a person's life. Character and destiny, personality, and where the name might have come from, all matter in the analysis. Be interested in names because it's a fascinating world.

Of course, you need to look for the meaning of the name Marina in his history. The name Mirina is a name that came to us from the era of antiquity. It is believed that the name Marina comes from the Latin "marīnus". Translated from the language of ancient Hellas and Rome, marīnus means "marine". That is, we can assume that the meaning of the name Marina is "sea". This is not just a name, but one of the epithets of the goddess Venus. The goddess Venus is the goddess of fruitful forces, sometimes called Venus Marina.

The meaning of the name Marina for a girl

Marina is a wonderful girl. She grows up as an active and joyful baby. The girl is very mobile and even a little excessive. From a young age, the girl becomes independent. She shows character, parents need to make efforts for adequate education. The girl grows self-confident, but under adverse conditions, such confidence can develop into narcissism.

In school, Marina does not show herself very much. She studies quite well, but it's more like maintaining the image of a good girl. She is quite impulsive and this interferes with a really good education. But she has excellent acting skills. She perfectly manifests herself in dances, theatrical performances, she recites poetry with great expression.

Marina is in good health. However, self-admiration problems begin to affect health during adolescence. She often dresses not for the weather, but beautifully. And combinations of character and complexity of age make attempts to remedy the situation almost hopeless.

Abbreviated name Marina

Diminutive names

Marinusha, Mariska, Marinushka, Marisha, Marinochka.

Name Marina in English

Marina in English is Marina. This spelling is typical for most languages ​​of the Romano-Germanic group.

Name Marina for passport- MARINA.

Translation of the name Marina into other languages

in Arabic - مارينا‎‎
in Belarusian - Maryna
in Bulgarian - Marina
in Hungarian - Marina
in Greek - Μαρίνα
in Hebrew - מרינה‎
Spanish - Marina
in Italian - Marina
in Chinese - 玛丽娜
in Korean - 마리나
in Latin - Marina
in German - Marina
in Polish - Marina
in Ukrainian - Marina
French - Marine
in Czech - Marina
in Japanese - マリーナ or マリナ

Church name Marina(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Of course, when baptizing Marina, you can choose another church name.

Characteristics of the name Marina

The characteristic of Marina, characteristic of her in childhood, does not change much. She is also active and independent. Purposefulness is added to these characteristics of a little girl. If her confidence hasn't turned into narcissism, then all is well, otherwise she becomes too narcissistic. She is still impulsive, easily ignited and just as easily cools to hobbies, although this almost does not apply to work.

Marina's character is as if specially made for work. Her determination and ability to please make the perfect combination for a career. She works well both in a team and as a leader. At the same time, she is a workaholic, which makes her an indispensable worker. He knows how to build relationships, which he successfully uses for work purposes.

Marina devotes a lot of time to her family. She is usually the head of the family, but she tries not to show it much. She loves her husband and loves children. If Marina starts to get involved in something, then the whole family is forced to do it. Zavodnaya Marina wonderfully organizes holidays for both the family and the extended company.

Marina's secret

Marina's secret can be called her manipulation of people. She often makes friends to her advantage. Many people who consider her a friend are actually just tools in her capable hands. The circle of her friends is quite narrow and it is extremely difficult to get into Marina's real friends.

Another secret can be called independence in the family. Even with her husband, Marina needs independence. For her there is no word We. We are for her coexisting two I, preferably for mutual benefit. So the future spouse needs to be prepared for this.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

totem animal- Sea Horse.

Name color- Sea waves.

Tree- Talnik.

Plant- Lily.

Stone- Mother of pearl.

The name Marina is not in vain considered marine. There is in it something from the attractive and changeable sea. Its energy resembles at the same time the enchanting depths of the waters and the playful waves of the surf, ready at the first opportunity to drag a careless vacationer to the bottom. The character of such a girl is not easy, but in many respects it depends on the upbringing and date of birth of the owner of this name.

Name origin

The origin of the name Marina is associated with the ancient word Marin. So in ancient Rome they called boys. The name is translated from Latin as "relating to the sea", "marine".

In Roman mythology, there is the goddess Venus - the patroness of lovers and sailors. She was born from sea foam. They called her in ancient Rome Venus Marina (Virgin of the Sea).

The name Marina comes from the word "sea" and is associated with the ancient Roman goddess Venus.

Forms of the name Marina

Friends and relatives often use short forms of the name when referring to Marina:

  • Marusya;
  • Marisha;
  • Marisya;
  • Mara;
  • Masha;
  • Mary;
  • Musya;
  • Rina;
  • Mary.

The short form Masha makes this name related to Mary. An abbreviated version of Rin's address is also used as an independent name.

Diminutive forms:

  • Marinochka;
  • Mariska;
  • Marinka;
  • Marinushka;
  • Marichka.

When writing poems about a girl named Marina, you can use the following rhymes: ballerina, picture, raspberry, ice floe, abyss.

Photo gallery: name forms

Marina - the full form of the name Rina - one of the short forms of the name Marina Marusya - one of the options for an affectionate appeal to Marina

The church form of the name is Marina. The name can not be changed during Orthodox baptism.

The transliteration of the name for the international passport is MARINA.

Table: name variations in different languages

LanguageIs writtenread
Chinese码头 Mathow
Korean바다의 Badae
Japaneseマリタイ美 Maritaimi
German, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Czech, SwedishMarinaMarina
DutchMarina, MarijnMarina, Marin
Danish, NorwegianMarenMaren
Arabبحري Behorhaya
GreekΜαρίνα Marina
PolishMaryna, MarinaMaryna, Marina

Patronymics that are combined with the name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Marina:

  • Alekseevna;
  • Andreevna;
  • Vasilevna;
  • Ivanovna;
  • Mikhailovna;
  • Sergeevna.

The most difficult thing is to contact Marina Matveevna, Andriyanovna and Vladimirovna.

Table: dependence of Marina's character on patronymic

patronymicsCharacter features
AnatolievnaVery energetic. Strives to constantly be in the center of attention, to win the trust of others. Usually has an unstable psyche. He lives based more on his own interests.
AlexandrovnaDiffers in kindness and complaisant disposition. It is easy to compromise if necessary. The exception is questions that are fundamental to her, or controversial situations at work. Due to incontinence in relationships, it can be difficult for her to build a strong and harmonious family.
AlekseevnaThe main advantages of such a girl are responsiveness and attentiveness. Caring for loved ones, sympathetic to the people around. Responsible, takes promises seriously. He knows how to establish contacts and convince, which he often uses in relations with friends, colleagues and partners.
AntonovnaA woman with an unstable character. It can start conflicts and scandals several times a day, finds a reason for a quarrel “out of the blue”. Due to his own stubbornness and complex nature, he gets married quite late.
BogdanovnaExtremely vulnerable, she is easily offended. Extremely cautious in everything, suspicious. She tries her best to hide her own emotions, but she does not always succeed. Such a girl has little interest in reality, she often stays in an imaginary world.

Nickname options for social networks

  • marinika;
  • maruchka;
  • myshka;
  • malina;
  • marishka.

Saint patrons of Marina, name day dates

The patron saints of girls with this name are the Great Martyr Marina (Margaret) of Antioch and the reverend recluse Marina of Macedonia.

Marina lived in Antioch, the daughter of a pagan priest. Her mother died when the girl was still an infant. The baby was raised by a nurse who adhered to the Christian religion. She had a great influence on her pupil, and she was baptized at the age of 12. Upon learning of his daughter's deed, the father disowned her.

At the age of 15, Marina met Olymbri, the ruler of the eastern regions of the Roman Empire. He was fascinated by the beauty of the girl, and the governor immediately asked her to marry him. But the problem was that the chosen one of the eparch was a Christian, and he himself was a pagan.

Marina of Antioch - the patron saint of girls with this name

Olymbri decided to re-educate the girl. He gave Marina to the care of an aristocrat who professed paganism, but the Christian did not change her beliefs. Then they decided to brutally torture her in order to convince her to change her religion by force. But this did not help either: all the wounds on the girl's body healed. They wanted to drown her in a huge barrel in the square, but the earth trembled, the shackles fell from Marina's hands, and a snow-white glow appeared above her head. Many of the crowd began to praise God when they saw this. Then the ruler ordered the execution of the beauty and all the observers who turned their backs on paganism. It is said that about 15,000 people were killed that day.

On Marin's Day, March 13, a spruce or pine branch was brought into the house. It was believed that this would ensure good health for all family members. They also brewed tea from pine buds to attract prosperity and well-being.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive features:

  • charm;
  • sincerity:
  • creativity:
  • courage;
  • straightness.

Marina has a certain charm, with the help of which she is able to win the favor of people. Even without an attractive appearance, she can convince and attract the admiring glances of men.

Negative qualities:

  • vanity;
  • selfishness;
  • constant internal tension;
  • excessive demands.

The owner of this name is prone to frequent changes in mood. Any little thing can upset or piss her off. Therefore, the selfless love of such a girl can very quickly turn into burning hatred. Marina quickly lights up when she has new ideas and hobbies, abandoning her previous activities and hobbies.

Marina in childhood

Marina is a groovy, good-natured and obedient girl who always knows the measure of pranks and is able to stop in time. But over time, the baby begins to show its character. Then parents should pay close attention to raising their daughter, as independence and perseverance can develop into selfishness and stubbornness. She is a real ringleader, takes an active part in all yard games. This girl is a true friend, she will not let her friends offend. She defends her interests until the very end. If words fail to achieve the desired result, fists can be used.

As a child, Marinochka is a groovy and mischievous girl

Marinochka has a fairly significant authority among her peers. She has the gift of persuasion and often uses it for her own personal purposes. It doesn’t cost anything for a baby to impose her own opinion on others or to make a decision on her own without discussing the details with anyone. Parents can also be influenced by the girl, as she is an incomparable manipulator who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. The owner of a strong and strong-willed character, this girl never forgives betrayal and, if possible, takes revenge on the offender. Marina carefully chooses friends, her trust is quite difficult to earn.

This is a very capable student, but her thirst for knowledge depends on many factors. If a girl is not interested in any subject, then she is unlikely to waste time studying it. The schoolgirl's progress is also affected by relationships with teachers, in case of misunderstanding or controversial situations with the teacher, Marina may lose her desire to learn. But with a great desire, she is able to study hard and stand out significantly in academic performance among her classmates.

teen marina

Marina is an eccentric and temperamental girl who likes friendship with guys more than with girls. She is sure that the representatives of the stronger sex are more faithful and not envious. The young owner of this name shows her leadership qualities in the circle of her peers. She is respected for her courage and dedication to the cause. But Marishka also has detractors. They try to counter her popularity and consider her a worthy opponent.

In her youth, Marina is a leader among peers

From childhood, Marina never learned to control her outbursts of emotions. This prevents her from finishing what she started. The restlessness of a girl and her inability to build a clear plan of her actions in adulthood can cause a lot of trouble.

Marinka tends to take risks and break the rules. But often luck favors her, all her adventures end successfully. So the girl once again proves to herself and others her own superiority. The whole life of the bearer of such a name consists of a continuous struggle for primacy. She at all costs wants to get fame and universal recognition.

How the name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Mendeleev, Marina is very responsive and friendly. To many people, she may seem withdrawn and even unsociable. But this is not at all the case, it’s just that the owner of such a name is not so easy to understand. She is sweet and optimistic, enjoying every moment of her life.

Pierre Rouget claims that Marina is diligent and hardworking in her work. She takes her duties seriously and does everything in good faith, because she does not like to take on the same job twice. Also, the owner of this name is a devoted friend, she gets along well with both girls and men. Such a girl is a hospitable hostess, her house is open for guests. Able to skillfully use established relationships for personal purposes.

According to Mendeleev, Marina is friendly and optimistic

According to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, Marinochka is an energetic and friendly woman with an extremely changeable mood. The owner of this name is stubborn and very intractable. In the event of a conflict, she is ready to defend her opinion to the end. At the same time, Marina is not at all touchy. Her lightness and innocence help to quickly and painlessly survive life's hardships and failures.

According to Boris Khigir, such a girl always knows her own worth, she will not allow anyone to insult her. Marina always understands what she wants from life. In business, she is guided by common sense, not allowing emotions and feelings to take over. This is a very attractive lady, few men are able to resist her charm. A strong-willed and purposeful person, capable of achieving everything he wants without outside help.

According to Popov, Marina strives for independence from childhood. She is an absolute workaholic. Success in professional activity is the result of her hard work. This girl is inclined to help people, but she is able to feel the moments when she should refuse so that a person does not cross the line of reason.

Talents and hobbies

Marina is constantly in search of adventure. She can be fond of swimming, rock climbing, she is also well versed in art and enjoys visiting art galleries or museums.

Poems with the name Marina: “Who is made of stone, who is made of clay…” by Marina Tsvetaeva, “Marinka! Listen, dear Marina! Vladimir Vysotsky, "In the raspberry forest" by Valery Voskoboinikov.

Marinas can be excellent needlewomen. My friend with this name is engaged in sewing to order, weaving jewelry from beads and embroidery. Despite the fact that this girl already has three children, she finds time for her favorite pastime, which, moreover, brings her money.

Video: Marina Tsvetaeva's poem "Your Name"

Marina's career and business

Given the strengths of Marina's character, she will be able to realize herself in professions that are traditionally considered male:

  • engineer;
  • doctor;
  • financier;
  • lawyer;
  • politician;
  • diplomat.

Such a girl will be successful in creative activity. She will be able to show her talents by working as a sculptor, artist, designer, actress.

Marina can excel in professions that are traditionally considered masculine

An important component of happiness for Marina is the presence of a favorite profession in which she can realize herself. The girl has an iron grip, which will allow her to occupy a leadership position. In her work, she is able to apply knowledge effectively and show resourcefulness. Year after year, she earns the respect of her colleagues. Smart, prudent, able not only to plan the work process, but also to make it more productive.

Marina is energetic and passionate. Often, for the sake of success, she is able to take risky actions. Some of them are justified, some are failures. But more often than not, she miraculously manages to use any situation to her advantage. The girl devotes a lot of time to her work, she is ready to spend years of hard work on the development of the project.


Marina is vulnerable to diseases of the genital organs and the nervous system. Do not neglect a healthy diet and good rest, as excessive physical and mental activity can lead to exhaustion of the body.

Since childhood, Marinochka should regularly visit a dentist, as her teeth are usually not very good. If delayed with treatment, it can be fraught with a number of dangerous diseases.

It is important for Marina to visit the dentist regularly, because she has had problems with her teeth since childhood.

The state of health of such a girl also depends on the month of her birth:

  • February - weak nerves, extremely restless in childhood, often crying, throwing tantrums;
  • May - mental illnesses are possible, often there are neuroses; such a girl usually has her appendix removed at a young age;
  • June, July - due to a cold, pyelonephritis may develop.

Marina in love and marriage

Marina is a very charming woman. Many want to win her heart, but this woman is looking for a highly moral man with serious intentions, who is capable of passionate, romantic courtship. If the bearer of such a name finds someone who is in her heart, she will not hide her feelings and will reciprocate.

Marinochka is looking for in her chosen one not only a reliable shoulder, but also a person who will give her love and understanding. But because of the cheerfulness and innocence of the girl, men often consider her windy and do not consider her candidacy as a wife and mother of their future children.

Marina's chosen one must be both serious and romantic

During her life, the owner of such a name can be married several times. The first marriage usually occurs at an early age and does not live up to her expectations. Marina approaches her second marriage very responsibly, weighing everything and taking into account the mistakes of previous relationships. The financial situation of the chosen one plays a significant role. Her second husband is usually calm, delicate and courteous, he devotes a significant part of his time to the family.

Happiness in Marinka's family life depends on how close the spouses are to each other. A violent manifestation of feelings is an integral part of family relationships for such a girl. The owner of this name loves luxury, she is used to not denying herself anything. Therefore, the spouse should work hard to provide the family with everything necessary.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityRelationship Features
Alexander90% 70% In this union, harmonious and trusting relationships. Their friendship does not prevent them from being romantic and passionate lovers. The marriage of such people is usually strong and durable.
Dmitriy100% 60% Relations in this couple are unstable, as each of the spouses strives to become a leader. But this does not prevent them from making joint plans and achieving their desired goals. Marina and Dmitry have a busy life. Their union can last a lifetime, but only if the partners learn to give in to each other.
Sergey80% 50% Sergey appreciates Marina for her decency and thriftiness. However, her lust for power leads to frequent conflicts and quarrels, which reduces the chances of creating a strong and happy family.
Andrey90% 70% Both partners strive for a bright and eventful life. This brings Marina and Andrey closer. This couple has many common interests, they are full of desire to build and improve their relationship.
Alexei80% 70% Spouses have leadership qualities, but this does not prevent them from creating harmony in a couple out of love and mutual understanding. Alexey and Marina respect each other and are able to make concessions.
Eugene80% 40% The frivolity of the wife irritates the judicious Eugene, who is accustomed to order and discipline. Partners have completely different views on life, which often leads to a break in relations.
Maksim80% 30% Maxim in marriage wants to find comfort and peace, and Marina longs for new experiences and changes. Because of this discrepancy in views, the partners part.
Vladimir80% 70% Relations between Marina and Vladimir are built on friendship and trust. Partners are full of love and understanding, they almost never quarrel, as they respect each other's opinions. This couple is able to develop, over the years they become closer and closer.
Paul80% 80% Marina gives her partner love and tenderness. She supports her chosen one in everything. Pavel, in turn, protects the girl and takes care of the well-being of the family.
Artyom90% 40% Both partners are quick-tempered and straightforward. Their relationship is unstable, quarrels and scandals do not subside in this pair. Often such relationships tire Marina and Artyom, and they decide to disperse.
Anton50% 70% The relationship between Marina and Anton is full of tenderness and care for each other. They seek to isolate themselves from reality and create their own quiet and cozy abode, in which each of the family members will feel comfortable.
Novel80% 60% Spouses spend all their time on improving the well-being of the family. Marina and Roman perfectly complement each other, their relationship, built on love, care and mutual understanding, helps them create an ideal union in which everyone feels happy.
Vitaly70% 50% Strong-willed and purposeful Vitaly is used to overcoming all obstacles and step by step to realize what he wants. Marina is quick-tempered and impatient, she wants to get everything and immediately find it. Because of this, the union of such people is shaky and unstable.
Anatoly80% 70% Both partners dream of creating a strong family in which no one will need anything. But Marina devotes most of her time to her professional activities, which does not suit Anatoly very much. If they can agree, their union will be quite strong.
Vladislav50% 30% Such freedom-loving individuals very rarely create a happy family. And if Marina is able to sacrifice her interests and habits for the sake of her family, then Vladislav is not ready for this at all.
Yuri80% 60% The relationship of this couple begins very passionately and romantically, but Marina and Yuri have so many disagreements in family life that none of them can guess how much their patience will last. If the spouses can be condescending to each other's shortcomings, they will have every chance to create a happy family.
Victor80% 90% This union has a very stable relationship. Spouses respect and love each other. Marina and Victor do not arrange stormy conflicts, they prefer to solve all problems in a peaceful environment. Their couple is strong and happy.

The meaning of each letter of the name

M - friendliness, the ability to forgive people for their imperfections. Curiosity, the desire to discover something new at any age. Open and communicative.

And - strive to be the first in everything. Prone to spiritual and physical improvement.

P - very sensitive natures, able to sympathize. They have a knack for needlework. In society, they are educated and delicate, ready to give in, but only until such time as their pride is hurt.

And - people with this letter in their name subtly appreciate the beautiful, their life is harmonious and measured. In relation to relatives, they can be rude and sarcastic.

H - show initial criticality to everything. Choose your friends carefully. They lead a healthy lifestyle. Responsible and thoughtful at work.

The name Marina consists of six letters. This means that such a girl is characterized by enthusiasm, which borders on outrageous. She pays great attention to her own image and does everything to stand out from the crowd.

Songs with this name: “Marina” by Philip Kirkorov, “Marina” by the Aquarium group, “Marina will save me” by the Zemfira group.

Video: Zemfira's song about Marina Tsvetaeva

Table: name matches

Stoneblack opalThe stone has a double symbolism. It is believed that black opal brings success to its owner, but at the same time it can inspire unjustified hopes. Helps to cope with fears, increases mental activity, gives peace and tranquility. Able to protect from witchcraft and negative energy. A gold ring with such a mineral is best worn on the index finger of the right hand.
ColorBlackPeople with black names are sincere, open and friendly. But in order to achieve justice, brute force can be used. They do not like it when they are trying to educate or change them in any way. They really need the love, care and support of loved ones.
Number5 Energetic and freedom-loving people, prone to adventurism. Restless, constantly craving adventure. Five people are loyal friends. Very creative and talented, they usually choose creative professions.
PlanetMoonThey have excellent intuition, have a rich imagination, like to take the initiative and translate their ideas into reality. The moon can increase the sensitivity of people to any natural factors. During the full moon, they can become more energetic and impetuous.
ElementWaterBalanced, prone to calm and peace. Sometimes they can be overly irritable and touchy.
AnimalSea HorseA symbol of perseverance, endurance and perseverance. It personifies versatility, initiative, success, endurance, will and striving for a goal. The talisman in the form of this animal helps to find harmony with oneself and the world around.
Zodiac signFishThe main quality of such people is kindness, they are able to sacrifice their own interests for the sake of others. In order for their affairs to improve, they will need to believe in themselves and their strengths. Only in this way can they achieve great success. They have tender and reverent feelings for loved ones, very caring and attentive to loved ones.
PlantbackThe personification of rebirth, purification, prosperity. The smell of this plant contributes to the activation of brain activity, improves mood. The back also has magical properties, it protects from witchcraft, the evil eye, envious people and emotional outbursts. In ancient times, dried flowers were placed in the house to attract love, happiness and prosperity.
MetalBronzeA symbol of power, endurance, good spirits. A bronze talisman is used to protect against dark forces.
auspicious dayThursday
bad daySunday
Important years of life17, 33, 55

When was Marina born?

Winter Marina is an energetic woman who always strives to be independent. She prefers to solve problems herself. This is an absolute workaholic, for the sake of a successful career, such a girl is able to neglect her family and personal life.

Marisha, who was born in the spring, is a very gentle, shy and meek nature. Lives in his own world of dreams, not noticing what is happening in reality. She dreams big, but does not want to make even the slightest effort to make her dreams come true. It is hard to endure betrayal, prone to frequent depression.

In the summer Marinochka is born open, sincere and sociable. She easily gets to know people and quickly gains their trust. It is quite natural that such a girl chooses a professional activity related to communication.

Marina, whose birthday falls on one of the autumn months, is pragmatic, responsible and reasonable. In emergency cases, she is able to think sensibly and not give vent to feelings. This allows her to experience adversity and failure less painfully. Strong-willed and purposeful, such a girl is able to achieve success on her own. In love, she is usually unhappy, as she wants to build an ideal relationship, but units are able to comply with all her principles.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAn impressionable and temperamental woman, prone to frequent mood swings. When Marina-Aries has turning points in her life, she is able to lead a reclusive lifestyle. Routine and monotony drive her into protracted depression. For such a girl, it is very important what others think of her.
TaurusResponsive, optimistic and friendly woman. At first glance, it may seem defenseless and shy, but if necessary, it can show its strong and explosive character. Marina-Taurus does not forgive betrayal and will not allow anyone to humiliate or insult her.
TwinsTemperamental, energetic and wayward Marina Gemini strives for independence. She succeeds at any cost. Possessing an attractive and bright appearance, such a girl captivates men. Representatives of the stronger sex are ready to move mountains for her.
CancerThis woman is characterized by excessive impetuosity. Often in business she is guided only by feelings. Marina-Rak cannot decide on the type of activity in any way and does not complete a single task. She is afraid of difficulties, because of her lack of confidence in her abilities, such a girl often loses ground.
a lionA dreamy, wayward and arrogant woman. Strives always and in everything to be the first. For her, the opinion of others is very important, therefore, in her personal life and in the work sphere, she strives for impeccability. But in order for her dreams to come true, it is important for her to learn how to manage time and direct her forces in the right direction.
VirgoThis woman combines cynicism and goodwill, sociability and distrust of others. She is optimistic, able to find something good in every moment of her life. She prefers not to tell anyone about her plans and personal life. Appreciates home comfort and quiet family life.
ScalesReceptive, good-natured and shy woman. She does not like to argue, rather she prefers to remain silent about her opinion. Despite the desire to restore justice in everything, she can not cope with her own timidity. The inability to defend their interests can harm her in many areas of life.
ScorpionAn open, good-natured and dreamy woman. Her mystery makes Marina Scorpio a mystery to many. Not everyone can understand such a girl. Her mood can change several times a day.
SagittariusTemperamental, energetic and quick-tempered Marina-Sagittarius is prone to risky actions. She is lazy and prefers to put things on the back burner rather than deal with them. Her actions are difficult to predict, because they are impulsive and defy logical explanation.
CapricornEnergetic, arrogant and very demanding woman who idealizes everything. He considers himself an extraordinary person. I am sure that others should take into account her preferences and interests.
AquariusA woman with a rich imagination, good-natured and dreamy. She strives for perfection in everything. She lives in dreams, since the real world does not suit her in any way.
FishPragmatic and reasonable, she trusts her inner instinct in everything, so she manages to avoid difficult and dangerous situations. Marina-Pisces is not so easy to deceive, her intuition tells who to trust and who not to. Judgment and analytical thinking help her achieve her goals.

Notable women

Notable women with this name:

  • Marina Tsvetaeva - Russian poetess, representative of the Silver Age of Russian poetry;
  • Marina Voskanyants - Soviet animator, author of the cartoons "Fly-Tsokotuha", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "Once upon a time there was a dog" and others;
  • Marina Vlady - French actress and singer, widow of Vladimir Vysotsky, author of several books, winner of the Cannes Film Festival prize for Best Actress, nominee for the Golden Globe Award;
  • Marina Levtova - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress;
  • Marina Khlebnikova - Soviet and Russian pop singer, TV presenter;
  • Marina Ladynina - Soviet theater and film actress, winner of five Stalin Prizes;
  • Marina Semyonova - Soviet ballerina, ballet teacher;
  • Marina Abrosimova (MakSim) - Russian singer, author, performer and music producer;
  • Marina Zudina - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress;
  • Marina Paley is a Russian prose writer, screenwriter, publicist and translator.

Photo gallery: famous Marinas

Marina Abrosimova - Russian singer, known under the pseudonym MakSim Marina Vladi - French actress and singer, widow of Vladimir Vysotsky Marina Voskanyants - Soviet animator Marina Zudina - Soviet and Russian actress Marina Ladynina - Soviet theater and film actress Marina Levtova - Soviet and Russian actress Marina Paley - Russian prose writer, screenwriter Marina Semyonova - Soviet ballerina Marina Khlebnikova - Soviet and Russian pop singer Marina Tsvetaeva - Russian poetess

Marina is a charming, mysterious, freedom-loving and somewhat selfish person. This woman knows her worth. Her pragmatism and prudence help the owner of such a name to achieve great success in life.

The female name Marina comes from the Latin word "marinus", meaning "marine". In Roman mythology, this is how (Venus Marina) they called the goddess Venus, who was considered, among other things, the patroness of sailors. It is not found almost anywhere, except for the countries of the former USSR. In Russia, this name is quite common, but has not been very popular in recent years.

Characteristics of the name Marina

Phonosemantically, this name gives the impression of something reliable and emotional. It endows its owner with a whole and soft character, but capable of manifestations of willpower and determination. Marina's inner world brings her as close as possible to harmony. This woman knows exactly what she wants and generally believes that she deserves the very best in life. In childhood, this girl strikes with purity, obedience and self-confidence. She will never offend her parents, but she will not let her peers down, she can fight and start an intrigue. Adult Marina keeps her leadership habits under control, but does not underestimate her conceit. Usually this is a smart, courageous, a little secretive and proud person, who at the same time makes a good impression on people. The owner of this name knows how to be diplomatic, but sometimes it is difficult for her to restrain her emotions, and then she is able to say many unpleasant words to others. In communication, she behaves evenly and calmly with all people, although close friends still manage to get through to the true nature of Marina and see her from an unexpected side.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Taurus, that is, from April 20 to May 20. Other signs (especially Leo, Aries, Scorpio) are able to make Marina's character stricter, which will negatively affect her life, and Taurus will retain her natural decisiveness, practicality and reliability, adding softness, sentimentality, simplicity and peacefulness to these qualities.

Pros and cons of the name Marina

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Marina? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, gentle and familiar name for our country. It is very harmoniously combined with many Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has a large number of diminutive forms, such as Marinka, Marisha, Marinochka, Marishka. Marina's character, although it has several shortcomings, is still more positive than negative, so the parents will not have serious reasons to refuse this name option for the child.


Marina is in good health. Usually this is an active woman who is resistant to physical and moral stress, who may not count on her strength, work too hard, starting herself.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Marina shows unprecedented housekeeping and care for her family. Her house is always in a state of perfect cleanliness, she cooks well, devotes a lot of time to ensuring the comfort of her husband and children. As a wife, she chooses a calm, financially reliable man who knows how to appease her with attention and affection. In the matter of raising children, she is strict and sometimes inept.

Professional area

In the professional field, Marina most often chooses the path of medicine, economics or pedagogy, but she can make an excellent hairdresser, diplomat, translator, lawyer, artist, dancer.

name day

According to the Orthodox calendar, Marina celebrates her name day on March 13 and July 30, and according to the Catholic calendar - July 20.

Marina is a very beautiful and common female name in our countries. And what it means and what it can tell, we will consider in our article.


What is the history of the name Marina? which goes back far into antiquity, refers to the cult of worship of the beautiful Roman goddess named Venus. It is one of many interpretations of Venus. Translated from Latin, Marina means "sea".

In honor of this beautiful name in Orthodoxy, there are several significant days. the church celebrates the day of the angel in honor of St. Marina of Beria, and on July 30, according to the Orthodox calendar, the day of the Great Martyr Marina of Antioch is celebrated, who was brutally murdered as a teenager for her endless faith in God.

So what does "Marina" mean?

The name, the origin of which is very interesting, means sensuality and at the same time seething emotions. This representative of the fair sex loves to be the center of attention and does everything for this. Rivals against her background seem little noticeable. She always stands out from the crowd and catches the numerous glances of men.

Marina is practically not interested in a career, because she spends all her strength on her family. Girls with this name, as a rule, are excellent housewives, excellent cooks and very good mothers.

They are popular with the strong half of humanity. Violent passions always boil around these girls. But, unfortunately, Marin's relationship is short-lived, because in most cases external beauty is not enough, feelings quickly lose their strength, and the former ardent passion instantly reduces to zero.

Girls with this name do not like to live according to the regime and be content with everyday everyday problems. They, like Figaro, take on many things at the same time and often do not bring any to the end, quickly losing all interest.

For Marina, the main thing in a man is appearance, stateliness and intelligence, only such a person is able to adjust this strong woman for himself. A truly happy life awaits her with someone who will regularly deify her, adore and appreciate her only for the fact that she is nearby.

In relations with people, Marina is very arrogant, therefore, communication simply does not work out with many, and therefore she has practically no friends.


As you know, the character by name can be determined quite accurately, the same applies to the name Marina. Who is she? An ardent and passionate nature or a calm and peaceful angel? Let's figure it out.

So, girls with this name are quite smart and erudite. Marinas have endless charm and strong enough magnetism, so no man is able to resist her charms. Girls with this name are quite relaxed and never think about the consequences of their behavior. Marinas are very brave and strong-willed, so no one and nothing can resist their goal.

Loneliness affects girls with this name very much. At certain moments, Marinas simply go crazy and bring themselves to depressive states. They seriously experience a person and often go into themselves. Girls with this name do not accept inattention to their person, so constant glances from men are taken for granted by them.

Considering the character by name, one cannot help but touch on Marin's excellent attitude towards children. Girls with this name are very attached to the "flowers of life", although they prefer to involve their father or grandmother in raising their child to a greater extent.

Marina in communication

What else can the name Marina tell? The secret of the name lies in some impulsiveness in relation to people. In communication, Marina is groovy and attentive, but as soon as interest in a conversation or an interlocutor disappears, she can sharply show her tactlessness, turning around and leaving the room, leaving the person who was once interesting to her in confusion.

A girl with this name does not have to insult or humiliate a person, but if someone allows himself to be harsh towards her, he will immediately, in the truest sense of the word, regret it.

What else can this extraordinary name in all respects mean? Marina, whose character is quite complex, is quite easy-going. She will never accumulate resentment and harbor evil within herself.

Marinas are born comedians who know how to insert an appropriate joke where necessary. From the side of the girl with this name they look quite cheerful and positive, but in fact they are surrounded by a huge number of problems. She's so complicated, Marina.

The secret of the name is that such girls never show their inner pain, never share their pressing problems with anyone, pretending that life suits them in every way.

Fate named Marina

The name, the origin of which is from the Latin word "marine", can also tell about life. Marinas, to one degree or another, are minions of fate. They are very strong and purposeful, lively and contradictory. No one will ever be allowed to defame their pure name.

The fate of the name Marina may be different. A girl can live a very long, calm and happy life, or, on the contrary, leave this world at a fairly early age, leaving behind an unforgettable mark.

Career by name

As mentioned above, Marina is very erudite and intellectually developed. She is like a tank, slowly but rapidly moving towards her goal. Such positive qualities indicate the opportunity to take one of the leadership positions. Marinas also achieve great achievements in the creative field. Since girls with this beautiful name, as mentioned earlier, are very fond of children, therefore, quite often among Marin you can meet pediatricians, child psychologists, educators and teachers.

The negative feature of this name is to overcome obstacles by any means. In other words, Marinas are ready for anything to achieve their goal.

A child named Marina

Can't find a name for a girl? Marina is what you need! Being in childhood, she is proud enough, but quite manageable. He will not let himself be offended by anyone and will always protect the weak. Children with this name should not be humiliated and their shortcomings often pointed out, otherwise the child may grow up with a sense of inferiority.

Girl Marina always takes seriously everything that was said to her. She carefully considers and analyzes every phrase. Therefore, when entering into a conflict with a child, watch your words and actions, otherwise the consequences can be, to put it mildly, unpleasant.

Girls with such names are not lazy, they always agree to carry out this or that assignment. The work is carried out with all responsibility, they can be carried away for a long time by this or that occupation.

marriage by name

Marinas, before getting married, are in a relationship with their future husband for a long time. They take a closer look and evaluate whether her man can provide her with a beautiful and stable life. Most often, girls with this name get married several times. In men, they value devotion, calmness, understanding and a good attitude towards themselves and children. The external qualities of the future chosen one are also very important for them. If Marinas truly love, they will never conflict without a reason and express their displeasure out loud. In this case, such girls prefer to keep everything to themselves, or calmly, not in a raised voice, explain to their husband.

On the part of the beloved, there should be constant attention and an unquenchable passion for his wife, only then these relationships will be ideal, and the marriage will last for many years.

What else can the name Marina tell us? in this case, it will be ideal with Anton, Valentin, Denis, Mikhail, Sergey and Vladimir.

Complete incompatibility with George, Anatoly, Nikolai and Boris.


Marin's health primarily depends on their mental state. In general, it is not strong enough. Most often, Marinas are prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genital organs.

Sexual relationship by name

What else can you tell about the name Marina? The name, the origin of which was described in detail by the famous Marina Tsvetkova, speaks of windiness and frivolity. If Marina liked a man, she can go to bed with him on the very first day. As a rule, it should be a rather attractive and stately man. In this case, Marina is driven not by feelings for the gentleman, but by an irresistible desire for passion.

As can be seen from the above, Marina is a very complex representative of the fair sex. She can be sensual and romantic, passionate and determined. She is rebellious and unshakable, clearly moving towards her goal, leaving her past uninteresting life behind. It will be quite difficult to conquer such a girl, but love is a strange thing, for the sake of which everyone is able to work real miracles.

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