People who love gray psychology. Psychology of color Symbolism of color. Color and character. Color and functionality. Black color in psychology

Even in the ancient world, people attached great importance to color, describing various natural phenomena and their own experiences. The display of this color symbolism can be found in myths, traditions, fairy tales, legends, as well as in esoteric, religious teachings of different times and cultures.

For example, the sun's rays in the spectrum give seven colors, the meaning of which people connected with the planets of the solar system. Colors determined the social status of a person, his inner state. Since ancient times, each nation has its own symbolism of flowers, reflected in folk ornaments. Ancient Mexicans painted their hands black during mourning ceremonies, which to this day symbolizes the dark side of life. Black eyes are considered mysterious and even dangerous in all cultures.

The psychology of color

Ancient people considered yellow as frozen sunlight and gave it a polar meaning: a symbol of harvest, wealth, but at the same time a symbol of illness and death. Among the Slavs, yellow until our time means parting.

White has always been a symbol of purity and innocence, the color of life and justice. Ancient Roman priestesses wore only white dresses. The color and character of a person have always been associated, and in our time, with the help of special techniques, a psychologist can compile a complete psychological portrait of a person based on one parameter - the choice of color.

You can find out how to determine the character by your favorite color by passing a special color test yourself.

The ideas of different peoples about color are reflected and confirmed in modern psychology. To date, the psychological component of color selection is widely used by professionals, not only to determine the character by color, but also to manipulate consciousness.

For example, in the advertising business, “rich” colors are conditionally distinguished: red, white, gold, blue, black. These colors are preferred in the design of goods of the elite segment. Some colors should not be combined in one product: purple and orange are considered colors that evoke a sense of hopelessness.

Each of us has a preference for a certain color. It can be either one color or a combination of several colors. A person determines his favorite color based on individual associations and perceptions.

Thus, it is possible to determine the character of a person by his favorite color. For example, the British psychologist B. Schwartz believed that it was possible to determine some of the features of a person by the color of his car. Studies by Russian psychologists V. Petrenko, V. Kucherenko showed the relationship between the emotional state of a person and the choice of a preferred color.

Feeling joy, people choose red and yellow, and in a state of calm, harmony, people prefer blue and brown.

In a situation of danger, the choice falls on the green color associated with the tension of internal resources to solve the problem.

A simple but informative color test

Psychologists say that the color and character of a person are closely interconnected. Characterization of a person by his favorite color can be carried out using a fairly simple test that you can pass on your own.

Your attention is invited to a list consisting of twelve colors. The test involves answering one simple question: "What is your favorite color?". You can choose two colors or a color that you absolutely do not like. The test will show a true result, if you make a choice very quickly, you should not associate your favorite color with things and rely on your aesthetic tastes. Each of them means a certain aspect of the character of the person. To pass the test, you need to choose your favorite color from this list:

  • blue;
  • brown;
  • black;
  • grey;
  • green;
  • purple;
  • black;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • turquoise;
  • white;
  • pink.

The test is interpreted quite simply: carefully read the presented personality characteristics based on her favorite color, and then correlate your own results with these data.


The favorite color of a self-confident person who strives for a high social status, professional success. This color is often associated with achievements and victories. A person is always ready for serious actions, but at the same time he often does not think about the possible consequences of his decisions. Rejects authority, guided solely by his own opinion.


Favorite color of a rational, conservative person with developed logical thinking. Such people value comfort and harmony in everything. They are distinguished by high punctuality, prefer a clear schedule of life, such a person can be trusted. But sometimes it can talk about the presence of internal anxiety, anxiety.

The psychology of color - the opinion of a famous psychologist in the video:


So, like black, this color is a symbol of success and determination. But people who prefer this color seek solitude, they feel most comfortable alone or in the company of close people. They love work that is not associated with high activity, constant interaction with other people. They can. Sometimes the choice of brown color may indicate an unfulfilled personality, a desire for qualitative changes.


This color is often chosen by demonstrative individuals who love and appreciate attention and care. This trait makes them dependent on the opinions of others, which can have a negative impact on their self-esteem. These people are stubborn and domineering, they like to teach and give advice. At the same time, these are introverts, it is difficult to see their negative traits right away.


The color of friendliness, which is preferred by active impulsive people. Optimists in life, accept all manifestations of life as a necessity. They do not tend to worry over trifles and quickly fall into negative psychological states. Very sociable, their presence is able to cheer up other people.


This color is loved by reliable people who respect their personal space. Pretty closed people, but sometimes this closeness is sham, but in fact, a person wants to become noticeable, and they choose a professional field related to social activities.


The color of bright creative intellectual people. The choice of this color speaks of the strength of the individual, who always strives for new achievements. Such a person is in search of meaning and purpose.


This color is chosen by passionate, but sensitive natures. They strive to always be in the spotlight, while often forgetting about the existence of other people and focusing all attention on themselves. They like to impose their point of view, showing excessive concern.


This color has a deep meaning, symbolizing renewal and strong energy. A person who prefers this color is balanced and restrained, self-confident. They know their worth and know how to use their abilities and capabilities in the right direction.


It is the color of strong inner energy and self-confidence. The choice of red color speaks of the desire for victory, where rivalry does not reduce enthusiasm, but causes an even greater desire for superiority. It has high sexual needs and has a strong sexual energy. Has and is able to lead. They strive to live a rich life filled with bright events and new experiences.

Test. Favorite color tells about the character

People have always attached particular importance to reading the "language of colors", which is reflected in ancient myths, legends, fairy tales. And in astrology, the rays of the Sun, decomposed into a spectrum and giving 7 colors, corresponded to 7 main planets: red - the color of Mars, blue - Venus, yellow - Mercury, green - the color of Saturn, purple - Jupiter, orange - the Sun, purple - the color of the Moon. At the same time, the colors symbolized not only the planets and their influence, but also various psychological states of people. Each person has color preferences: in clothes, interior, car. Of course, the gamma can change throughout life, but there are periods when at some point you start buying things of the same color and are sure that this happens by itself. Let's try to figure out what is behind this?

Psychologists say that the favorite color can tell a lot about your character, needs and emotional mood. Try to check if this is the case. You only need to determine your favorite color and look at the transcript.

White is the synthesis of all colors, so it is the "ideal" dream color. Anyone can prefer it - it does not repel anyone. White means the beginning of a new one, because it is not for nothing that, having decided to start living “from scratch”, we intuitively try to buy something white. There is an opinion that if at a certain stage in your life you stop choosing white and prefer dark shades, it means that you are pessimistic.

Black - from a psychological point of view - is the color of denial, uncertainty and a gloomy vision of life. Lovers of black, as it were, perceive reality in dark colors, they can be in a “minor”. However, there is another opinion - this color is preferred by purposeful people, hidden passions, who do not want to let strangers into their inner world.

Gray - is considered the favorite color of reasonable and distrustful natures. It can convey two states of a person: calmness, balance - this is the positive aspect of gray. And the second - negative - joylessness. Gray is chosen by those who are afraid to declare themselves loudly, who want to remain in the shadows. Although behind the "gray mice" is often hidden a volcano of passions.

Red is the color of vitality, passion and strength. Red has been associated with aggressiveness and sexual desire since ancient times. Those who prefer it have a strong-willed character, courage and passion. People of this type of nature are bright, eccentric. If red is annoying, it may mean that you are afraid to stand out in some way and tend to be passive.

Orange - as a rule, optimistic, cheerful natures, dreamers and people with intuition choose. This color embodies joy and pleasure, including sexual pleasure. Psychologists believe that when a person feels the need for such a color, he lacks a sense of satisfaction.

Brown and its shades are the colors of the earth. They are preferred by those who value traditions, the keepers of the family hearth, as well as those who confidently “stand on their feet”. The other side of color is secrecy and selfishness.

Yellow - symbolizes calmness. You are ready to make contacts with people, solve problems, express yourself in a creative way. When yellow is a favorite, it means you want to be liked, show curiosity, courage, and sociability. It is believed that dreamers and adventurers adore this color. If yellow is unpleasant for you, you may be trying to hide from everyone, close yourself.

Light green - like those who are afraid to act, but want to receive the benefits of life at the expense of others.

Pink - the color of all living things, as well as a symbol of the body, conveys the need for tenderness, sensitivity, vulnerability. Women who choose this color want care and guardianship. And for overly pragmatic people, it is pink that causes irritation.

Purple - is considered the color of spiritually developed people. Can convey a penchant for mysticism. When there is a lot of purple in life, it can mean that a person needs support, someone's support.

Raspberry is the color of individuality, it is chosen by women who tend to behave independently. It symbolizes the beginning of a new creative stage, professional activity, career take-off.

Blue - this color is loved by people who are calm, respectable, set up to do business honestly and fairly. The choice of blue reflects the need for change and spiritual insight.

Blue is the color of heavenly perfection. Choosing it, you seem to become an airy, light nature. Blue is relaxing and soothing. If you prefer this color, then you are able to smooth out conflicts, set others up for peacefulness and friendly feelings.

Green is the color of rebirth, hope, love. The one who chooses it is looking for a way to prove himself. Bright green- you are able and willing to take care of others, dark green conveys the desire to control everyone.

Turquoise is a fusion of the colors of sky, earth and water. It is the color of self-healing. He speaks of the need to find support in oneself, to learn to love oneself.

Few of us are ready to wear only one color from day to day. In our wardrobe there is a whole range of various shades that we dress according to our mood. Of course, the character is difficult to change, but our emotions can change with the speed of the wind. And consequently, color preferences.

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London-based stylist and author of The Color of Your Style, David Zyla, says: “Even if your closet is filled with clothes of a wide variety of colors and shades, there is always one color that you prefer, in which you feel comfortable and confident. It is this color that reflects your character.

After reviewing the opinions of various experts, website I found out how our favorite color characterizes us in the eyes of others and reflects our character.

1. Black

“Black is a color that is taken seriously,” says fashion and style expert Karen Haller.

Indeed, according to research in psychology, black is perceived by others as an indicator of prestige, power, seriousness, and intelligence. Therefore, in many European universities, the graduation gown is black.

Those who prefer black in clothes are ambitious, purposeful, but also sensitive people. Which, as a rule, are emotional and easily excitable, although they often try to hide it. Black color helps them switch the attention of others from appearance to personality, because it is the inner qualities of a person that are most important to them.

2. Brown

Brown is the color of the earth. The color of something reliable, strong and stable. This is what people who often wear brown and its shades seem to be.

These are slightly conservative people who respect elders, always looking for calm, stability and strength in everything. A girl in a brown dress or a man in a brown jacket will give the impression of a reliable, intelligent and rational person. In fact, it is.

3. Blue

Journalist and psychologist Lisa Johnson Mandell writes, “Blue is the best color to wear to interviews because it exudes confidence and dependability. Therefore, many work uniforms or business suits are blue.”

Scientists from the University of British Columbia conducted a study and found that dark shades of blue tend to calm down. For others, blue is associated with intelligence, trust, efficiency, and tranquility.

Often shades of blue in clothes are chosen by a kind, empathetic, courteous and even a little shy person. As psychologists say, a person in blue will become an ideal parent or exemplary worker. Calmness and balance are the main qualities of such people.

4. Green

Scientists from the University of Amsterdam say that green and its shades keep you and those around you in a good mood. “The pleasingness of green comes from its affinity with nature, which evokes feelings of peace and contentment,” said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute and author of Living With Color.

Those who prefer green color are active in social activities, live in a good area, they have a stable financial situation. Often they are caring and kind people with a soft heart.

5. Purple

In the past, the purple color spoke of belonging to the high society. It meant sophistication, wealth and luxury. It is known that Cleopatra was simply crazy about this color. Only the rich could afford to wear such shades in those days.

Today, purple in clothing indicates creativity, insight, and a love of art.

According to experts, people in purple are emotional and sensitive natures. They are dreamy, passionate and love mysticism. We can say that a person in purple is an unpredictable person, with whom it is easy and difficult at the same time.

6. Red

Red is the color of passion and strength. It's the color to go for if you're trying to convince or impress someone, says Kenny Frimpong, brand manager for Italian menswear Eredi Pisano.

Any bright shades of red pull all the attention. For others, it is associated with energy, movement and excitement. Psychologists from the University of Rochester found that men are more attracted to women who wear ruby ​​hues. "Red is a stimulant for men," says Abby Calisch, professor of psychology at the Eastern Virginia School of Medicine in Norfolk, Virginia.

Someone who often wears red is a bright, excitable, slightly egocentric and addictive person.

7. Yellow

8. White

White is a symbol of freedom, purity, innocence and simplicity. That is why, having decided to start life from scratch, we often buy ourselves something white.

White color attracts reliable people, they love freedom and are optimistic about life. These are individuals who are neat in everything, who love fresh beginnings and strive for excellence. In general, people with any character can wear white. It is a neutral color that is rarely off-putting.

When buying this or that thing, for example, clothes or furniture for an apartment, we are constantly faced with the problem of choice. And we are talking not only about the quality of the thing, but also about its color. Have you ever wondered why one shade seems more attractive to us, while the other is not? Most will answer that they just like the color or that it is beautiful. But some time will pass, and this shade may “dislike”, preferences will change, and a relatively new thing ceases to please the eye.

This strangeness of ours is one of many manifestations of singularity, and it has much more significance than it seems at first glance. The choice of a certain color can say a lot about:

  • human personality,
  • his character,
  • interests,
  • emotional state
  • behavioral features.

Color preference phenomenon

The fact that the color environment affects our psyche and even our physical state has long been known, even representatives of the most ancient religious cults used color to create a certain mood. But a person’s preference for one color or another has long been explained by fashion, cultural traditions, or simply taste. No wonder there is a saying that "there are no comrades for the taste and color."

It was only in the middle of the 20th century that the phenomenon of color preference began to be seriously studied by psychologists and physiologists. The interest in this problem was purely practical and related to the needs of large consumer goods firms. They were concerned about both the color scheme of advertising that would be most attractive to buyers, and the color of the bright selling packaging. It was then that it turned out that the same color can both attract and repel different people, and this does not depend much on their age, profession and social status.

The connection between color preference and individual personality traits of a person was one of the first to be identified and studied by Swiss psychologist Max Luscher. The result of his research was a color personality test that allows you to determine the psychological characteristics of a person based on his choice of the most and least attractive colors for him.

This technique has been actively used by both foreign and domestic psychologists for more than half a century, and there is nothing mystical about it. The connection between character and favorite color has been confirmed not only by scientists, but also by thousands of people who have passed the test.

Personality Colors

We are able to distinguish more than 120 colors and thousands of their shades, and, of course, it is unrealistic to establish a connection between individual personality traits and each of them. For example, yellow has both warm and cold shades, and the difference in the perception of yellow-green and gray-yellow is even greater than in relation to pure yellow and orange.

Therefore, when creating his personality test, M. Luscher took only spectral or pure colors of saturated shades. And there are not 120, but only 8:

  • grey,

But if your favorite color was not among them, then you can choose the most attractive of these eight, all the same, the rest of the colors are somehow combinations of the three basic ones: red, blue and yellow.

Choose your favorite color

Luscher's research was continued by psychologists and psychophysiologists from different countries. Now a lot of factual material has been accumulated, and it can be said with confidence that the choice of the most attractive color allows you to say a lot about a person.


Prefer mobile, cheerful, sociable and slightly frivolous people. They strive for freedom and aim for the future. We can say that they live in anticipation of a joyful event and think little about pressing problems - everything will somehow settle down by itself. But lonely people who are disappointed in life, in friendship and love reject yellow. It makes them angry and disgusted.

Red and orange colors

Like active, active, purposeful individuals with the potential of a leader. Red is often chosen by women who are focused on their sexual role and are actively looking for a life partner. Those who prefer red have a strong will and stubborn character, they are demanding of themselves and others, and often cruel. Red and orange colors are unpleasant for tired and sick people with low vitality.


The color of stubborn and even stubborn workaholics, enthusiastic people who are in love with their work. A person who prefers green is confident in his strengths and abilities and strives to prove it to everyone in the world. He not only "burns at work", but also wants society to recognize his merits. And those who dislike green reject society as an overwhelming force. These people are characterized by both a sense of resentment and a sense of guilt.


Choose those who want to enjoy serene peace and idleness. They are focused on a circle of close people, for them family, loved one and friends are the highest value. For those who rely only on themselves and do not trust anyone, the blue color is unpleasant.


The color of people overflowing with internal contradictions, and he himself is a mixture of two opposite energies: active red and passive blue. This color is chosen by teenagers who are acutely experiencing a crisis of their age, people who are prone to mysticism, and homosexuals. Purple is also positively assessed by those who have a penchant for introspection and philosophizing.


Warm and cozy, and it attracts people who value convenience and comfort most of all, calm quiet evenings on a comfortable sofa, delicious food, unhurried interesting work and communication with loved ones. But for too active individuals, prone to demonstrativeness, striving for popularity and fame, brown is unpleasant.


Always associated with negation. The person who prefers it is a negativist or, as they would say in the 19th century, a nihilist. He does not accept the world in which he lives, the business he is forced to do, and often himself. “Black is the absolute boundary where life ends. Therefore, the black color expresses the idea of ​​“nothing,” wrote M. Luscher. Most people who choose bright colors reject black.


They are chosen by people who seek to isolate themselves from experiences, or simply indifferent, not interested in the vivid manifestations of life, passive or very tired.

The choice of a particular color indicates certain qualities of a person, but what is the color preference itself connected with? Why do we often strive to surround ourselves with things of a certain color, diligently choosing shades that best suit our taste? Is it just a matter of taste?

four color man

In ancient India, there was a belief that the human soul is woven from musical sounds and light streams of four colors, therefore a harmonious person was called "tejasi" - luminous. The streams of light that make up the soul are colored in different colors, the combination of which creates a unique, inimitable personality.

Studies of the relationship between color and the psyche, which were conducted throughout the 20th century, confirmed the validity of the guesses of the ancient sages. A person really strives for that color, the energy of which he lacks for complete harmony. M. Luscher speaks about this in his theory of the "four-color man" or four color types of people.

What is a color type

A color type is not at all the color scheme of a person’s appearance, but the features of the manifestation of his character, depending on color preferences.

Creating the color of our surroundings, for example, buying furniture for an apartment or clothes, we unconsciously choose those colors whose energy we lack to feel inner harmony.

It is difficult to achieve complete harmony, since the choice of color is associated not only with the mood and physiological state of the body, but also with the character, goals of activity, needs, attitudes and the cultural color code learned from childhood.

Personality colors: characteristics of color types

There are 4 main color types, corresponding to red, yellow, green and blue. And each of these colors is associated with a certain personal quality that dominates the character of a person, depending on which type he belongs to.

  • Red - confidence in yourself and your abilities.
  • Blue - a sense of satisfaction with oneself and the world.
  • Yellow is a feeling of inner freedom.
  • Green - a sense of self-sufficiency and self-respect.

Choosing one of these colors, we seek to make up for the lack of one quality or another. It is this color that we lack for a sense of inner harmony.

A person who harmoniously manifests himself in all four areas is "a person who feels happy, who perceives everything much more intensely and who finds life unusually interesting." (M. Luscher)

These four colors correspond to the four main types of temperament.

  • Melancholic - green.
  • Choleric is red.
  • Phlegmatic - blue.
  • Sanguine is yellow.

Psychologists say that there are no types of temperament in its pure form, each individual combines the characteristics of melancholic, phlegmatic, and sanguine, only they are presented to varying degrees. There are also no single-colored people, we have particles of all color types, although most often the properties of one of the colors predominate. Based on this, people can be attributed to the red, blue, yellow or green type.

The color type is not rigidly set, it can change, just as the person himself changes, his needs, interests, goals of life. In addition, M. Luscher believed that in different areas of life a person can demonstrate different color types. For example, showing himself as a red color type in business, in communicating with friends, a person behaves in accordance with the yellow type.

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The way we react to a particular color, the analysis of these reactions and associations help us to know ourselves and determine our attitude to the world around us. A favorite color can also tell a lot about a person. That is why leading psychologists and scientists are actively involved in the topic of color, including experts from the Pantone Color Institute, the world authority in this field.

website I decided to figure out exactly how the basic colors and their shades affect us from the point of view of psychology and physiology.


Red is never timid, no matter what its shade. Warm red shade - passionate and romantic. Cold is associated with maturity, power and authority. Red stimulates the appetite, improves the sense of smell, sharpens the taste, it is able to increase sexual and hormonal activity. Studies show that the color red has a stimulating effect on the brain.

Personality and red. Red is preferred by self-confident, imperious, active people with strong energy, courage, lust for life. Lovers of red, as a rule, are extroverts, they constantly need to solve new and new problems, tasks.

People, rejection of red, experience a lack of vital energy, and this annoys them. All this can be the result of fatigue, physical weakness, in some cases even heart failure.


Pink combines passion with purity, it is touching, love and innocence are associated with it. Light pink tones are perceived as soft and gentle, romantic. The exception is bright shades: fuchsia, phlox. They can be classified as defiant, they are persistent and more aggressive, perceived as energetic, attracting attention.

The observations of Alexander Schauss, a doctor at the American Institute for Biological Research, showed that pink can significantly reduce the level of human aggression, lower blood pressure, pulse rate and heart rate. His research was adopted in one of Seattle's jails, where new inmates were kept in a pink cell for 15 minutes before being sent to the main block. During this time and at least for the next half hour, the prisoners did not show aggression.

Personality and pink. People who prefer pink are not as energetic as those who prefer red, but this does not mean that they are slow. They combine both passion and purity, they are gentle, romantic, soft, talented, but devoid of ambition. Pink lovers are extremely fickle.

Of people, who don't like pink, annoying naivety and sweetness, which he broadcasts. They consider such qualities a manifestation of weakness, they lack the assertiveness, passion that is in red.


Despite the fact that yellow is associated with fun, joy and energy, it can also carry the opposite meaning. This applies to greenish and dirty-sulfur shades of yellow, in many cultures they are associated with deceit, betrayal, and guilt.

Personality and yellow. Lovers of yellow have original thinking, a rich imagination and excellent intuition. They have a highly developed creativity. Connoisseurs of yellow are charged with optimism and activity, they are attracted by everything new and unusual, they are impulsive and strive for joy. These are people who know how to keep other people's secrets. They are reliable friends.

Usually, don't like yellow realists, practical people who are skeptical of new ideas and prefer a bird in their hands. The denial of yellow may indicate that a person feels alienated, his hopes and dreams have collapsed.


Orange combines red and yellow, so this color carries the characteristics of both of them. Orange is the only color that does not have cold undertones. This color is associated with the most delicious juices and fruits.

Bright shades of orange are associated with energy, sociability, fun. Many consider this color flashy and vulgar. But deep brownish-orange tones look more acceptable.

Blue color is perceived as comfortable, safe, reliable, soothing. It evokes a sense of harmony in people, gives a sense of control and responsibility. At the same time, an excess of blue can cause melancholy and mild depression.

Blue has a calming effect: blood pressure decreases, pulse rate decreases and sweating decreases. Of the entire blue range, only its brightest shades do not have a calming effect.

Personality and blue. Love for the color blue is often fanatical and lifelong. Blue lovers are trustworthy, you can rely on them. Vulnerability often hides behind external confidence and coldness. People who love blue value trust, sincerity, loyalty. They have a heightened sense of responsibility, strive for excellence, and are overly demanding.

Those, who doesn't like blue, usually energetic and restless, cannot stand routine and monotony. They are looking for variety and hate when the burden of responsibility falls on them. For such people, blue symbolizes longing and depression.


Green color has a wide range, so it can cause a wide variety of associations - positive and negative. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the human eye perceives the most green tones.

Most people associate green with nature, green leaves, it is the color of the forest, fresh mint and lime. The least popular of the green family is a dirty, yellowish-green, sulphurous hue that most often causes a negative reaction, as it is associated with nausea and feeling unwell.

Green color calms eyesight, especially after prolonged contact with red. Therefore, the uniform of surgeons is often green. Green has a calming effect on the psyche of people. This is well known to casino owners - the tables are usually covered with green cloth, which helps to reduce the level of players' excitability.

Personality and green. Most often, green lovers are stable, balanced people, kind, generous, reliable, scrupulous. He appreciates the respect and admiration of others. They prefer proven ways of doing things, have a high level of intelligence and the ability to grasp new concepts quickly.

The same, who doesn't like green, not very sociable, unfriendly, they do not like to look and act like most do. Such people are rarely seen at a party, this is not for them.


Purple is the most complex and mysterious of all colors. It combines the passion of red and the cold calmness of blue. The mood that it will broadcast depends on which of these colors prevails in the composition of the purple hue. It is not surprising that purple is preferred by artists, designers, artists - creative, eccentric people.

Brown has a profound psychological effect on the human mind. Even those people who claim not to like this color can easily surround themselves with brown furniture, make a wooden floor and feel quite comfortable surrounded by this color. And all because brown symbolizes refuge and allows a person to feel calm and safe.

And he also has an irresistible associative connection with chocolate and other luxurious confectionery products: cakes, cakes, sweets.

Personality and brown. Brown lovers have a sense of duty and responsibility. They are stable and reliable, loyal friends, understanding, at the same time decisive and ready to defend their point of view. These people love and appreciate comfort, simplicity, harmony, they are attached to the house, security is important for them. Carelessness and spontaneity are not characteristic of brown lovers, but at the same time they often rebel against dullness and routine. Losing control over the situation, such people are very nervous and stressed.

The same, who doesn't love brown, love to fantasize and get involved in risky situations, they are generous, witty and impulsive. Routine, like homebodies, drives such people crazy.

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