Oil painting of the walls. Decorative wall painting. Patterns and ornaments

Wall painting is one of the traditional methods of interior decoration. Modern paints allow you to make the walls bright, original, give a completely new look. The process of decorative painting of walls is quite time-consuming, requires compliance with the technology. You can involve specialists to perform it, but it is quite possible to do everything on your own.

  • long service life;
  • resistance to mechanical stress, wear, ultraviolet;
  • safety;
  • create a coating without joints;
  • easy to apply and maintain.

The disadvantages of painting include the need to carefully prepare the walls - level, prime, putty. In addition, good paint is not cheap. Although you can find quality material at an affordable price. Decorative wall painting is performed in a certain order: first, preparation, and then directly painting. To create effects, various tools are used (rollers, stencils, sponges).

Preparation for staining

In order for the decorative coating to acquire its best properties - operational and decorative - it should be applied to the prepared surface. First of all, the walls must be leveled. For this you can use . The first option is more durable, but at the same time it is laborious, accompanied by a large amount of dust. The use of drywall is often called "dry" plaster, as the surface becomes perfectly flat. The wall prepared in this way is covered with a finishing putty, then primed. Using a primer provides the following benefits:

  • improve adhesion to the base, strengthen it;
  • reduce consumption;
  • the material is applied more evenly;
  • mold protection is provided.

The choice of primer depends on the material of the walls and the paint that will be used for painting.


The paint must be thoroughly mixed before use. Then, when it is applied to the surface to be treated. To make the decorative painting of the walls with your own hands uniform, you can use different application techniques. The choice of method depends on the tool used. When working with a brush, strokes are first performed in a horizontal direction, and then shaded with vertical movements.

For convenience, it is recommended to take a special tray. A little paint is poured into it, rolled out with a roller, removing excess. Then moving from top to bottom, then back through the wall. The strips are overlapped, leading them by 4-5 cm. To make the coloring uniform, the pressure on the roller is gradually increased. A combination of tools will help to achieve uniformity. First, the paint is applied with a brush, shaded, and then passed with a roller.

Ways to create decorative effects

The use of various application techniques allows you to make the room original, spectacular. To perform, use a regular brush or use special tools.

Due to the ease of implementation, application by the dry brush method is popular. First, apply the main tone, leave it to dry. Then, with a regular brush, individual sections of the wall are covered with paint of a different color. Walls coated with metallic colors of noble metals (gold, bronze) look impressive. Reflective components take on a beautiful sheen. To soften the transitions between different colors, use a rubber sponge, rubbing the surface with it.

Another way will help give the walls a sophisticated look. You will need to take light paint and divide it into two containers. One will remain in its original form, and a pigment of a darker shade is added to the other. Both compositions are applied alternately, shading the coating with a spatula.

Using a modified roller, you can get unusual effects, while masking the defects of the base. First, a base color is applied to the wall. Then they take a small piece of fabric, roll it up with a tourniquet and wind it on a regular roller. Here you can show your imagination: the more embossed the surface, the better. The resulting roller is dipped in paint of a different shade and rolled over the wall. You can simply take a piece of fabric, roll it into a bundle and use it for decoration.

To soften the pattern, to make it structural, the roller is periodically turned at a different angle, changing the direction of its movement.

A simple method will help to give the coating the look of wrinkled leather. Its advantage is the ease of implementation, and the disadvantage is the painstaking work. First, take decorative paper and crumple it. According to the size of the sheet, a section of the wall is covered with vinyl paint. Paper is applied on top, the surface is shaped with hands, left to dry. After about an hour, the paper is painted on top with a lighter layer with a pearly sheen.

Despite the fact that the purpose of the repair is to update the interior, various ways of aging it are popular. One of them is "stippling". It is performed only on perfectly flat and smooth surfaces. First, a base layer is applied, then a contrast layer is applied on top. It is passed along it with a miter brush, applying it perpendicular to the surface.

Often, original drawings are created on painted walls using a roller with a relief pattern or a stencil. You can make them yourself or buy them in a store. Any material with sufficient strength (linoleum, plastic, oilcloth) is suitable for a stencil.

With a simple design technique, you can get the effect of stardust. Dots of a different color are applied to the dried coating with a hard-bristled brush. First, it is dipped in paint, squeezed and sprayed onto the wall, bending the pile to the side and releasing it.

Even monochromatic coloring will make the room original. To do this, use contrasting colors, painting different walls with them or performing large drawings. It is recommended to prepare a stencil so that the figures are neat.

Features of textured coloring

It is textured in its characteristics, but it is more plastic and creates a thin layer. It contains inclusions that provide coverage with volume. Due to this, the walls look elegant and unusually beautiful. Coating Benefits:

  • durability;
  • resistance to sunlight;
  • ease of application;
  • strength;
  • ease of operation.

Under textured paint, it is not necessary to carefully level the wall, but priming is a must. Apply it in one or more layers. The desired decorative effect is achieved using a special relief roller, stencil, spatula. The use of a textured mixture allows you to create an imitation of fabric, wood, stone.

With the help of paint and improvised means that can be found in every apartment, you can change the interior beyond recognition. And there are many ways to paint walls that will not only transform the space, but also bring a lot of pleasure to those who will participate in this process.

get away from boredom

Using paint on the wall, you can create an exclusive pattern that is not found on the wallpaper. This allows you to make the interior special and not like others. You can experiment with colors and shades, shapes, textures. When using several colors, it is worth remembering that in this case it is better to combine:
Different shades of the same color;
Related shades;
Contrasting colors that go well together.

Gradation, blots and mold

Today it is fashionable to experiment not only with colors. Increasingly, designers are trying bold wall design options. For example, they age the wall, make the effect of mold or a damp wall, but at the same time use blue, pink, green shades. Large blots, spots and stains look bold and extraordinary. It is appropriate to use such decor on one of the walls in order to highlight a certain area in the room or make it the compositional center of the interior.

Bold DIY Effects

To create such effects, it is not necessary to be a professional designer, artist or painter. Yes, and special tools in this case are not needed. You can make a wall unusual with the help of an ordinary sponge, a clothes brush and a rag. To create textured reliefs, it is recommended to use glue or glazed paints. You need to work with them only after the base paint has completely dried.

Marker and chalk to help

Increasingly, walls and furniture painted with slate paint are appearing in modern interiors. This allows you to take notes on the surface and draw all kinds of images. So the interior is always updated depending on the mood of its owners.

Marker paint also belongs to innovative types of coatings. After its complete drying, which occurs within seven days, you can draw on such a surface with dry-erase markers.

Using stencils

You can unusually paint the wall using stencils, buying them at a hardware store or doing it yourself. For independent production of a stencil, thick paper or cardboard is useful. Also, an interesting effect will be obtained if you wrap a roller with a piece of twisted rag and paint the wall with it.

An unusual solution in the transformation of the interior of the room is the decorative painting of the walls. There are various subtleties that will allow you to create individual surfaces. It is not necessary to invite specialists to perform such work, it is enough just to know all the nuances of this process.


The material used, applied to the base, will give the room a uniqueness. The peculiarity of decorative wall painting is that it has an amazing aesthetic effect, helps to translate any design ideas into reality.

The essence of this process is to apply a special dye to the surface with further decoration with patterns giving various shapes.

Such paint will last about ten years without the need for renewal. This is a great option for decorating the interior of the kitchen, as it has many advantages, unlike paper wallpaper. In addition to durability, the undoubted advantage is that this textured wall covering does not fade in the sun, it is also easier to remove traces of dirt from such a surface with a regular rag. In addition, the base has a high moisture resistance.

Wall preparation

The texture of the walls to be painted is different.

In modern interiors, the following types of surfaces can be found:

  • plastered;
  • wooden;
  • wallpapered;
  • tile.

The preparatory stage consists in bringing the work surface in order from floor to ceiling by creating a perfectly smooth base.

This is achieved by performing some sequential actions:

  • it is necessary to control the resistance of the coating to vibrations in order to prevent shedding of the applied layer in the future;
  • cleaning the walls from the old coating. It can be previously glued wallpaper, various grease stains, traces of fungus. In such situations, cleaning with acetone or gasoline saves;
  • in the presence of cracks, the base should be primed;
  • carry out further alignment by puttying. This is especially true for concrete walls, which are characterized by multiple roughness;
  • apply the final coat of primer.

As for the decoration of walls for painting from wood, the preparation of such bases will be somewhat different. First, the wood must be sanded, then all uneven places should be covered with putty. Here it is important to preserve the natural structure of the tree. Next, the wall must be impregnated with anti-fungal agents. After complete drying, you can start painting.

After carrying out the preparatory work, it is necessary to protect the furniture in the apartment from the possible ingress of dye. It is best to remove all unnecessary items from the room.

Special attention deserves the preparation of materials and tools for work.

Special painting equipment includes:

  • brushes;
  • convenient capacity;
  • gloves;
  • device for creating invoices;
  • natural sponge;
  • putty knife.

The most important point is the choice of paint.

It is useful to know what types of decorative paints are found:

  • With the help of granite dye, you can create an imitation of granite on the surface.
  • Mother-of-pearl create a feeling of silkiness of the base, make the effect of color change. For those who do not like too glossy bright coatings, it is better to decorate only the floor borders with this method.
  • With the effect of velor, the solutions are distinguished by their softness, as the composition includes solid particles of different colors.
  • With sand particles. Such paints will give relief.
  • Silicone.
  • silicate. The most expensive composition, but differs in sufficient practicality. Does not absorb dust and dirt.
  • Acrylic dye is also convenient and ready to use.

Before direct application, if possible, you should always test the properties of the purchased product. This is required in order to check how quickly the selected dye dries, whether it changes its original color, whether it has a strong odor, and to control paint consumption.

How to paint?

Decorative wall painting can be done using textured solutions. In their composition, they are close to plaster. The relief is obtained through the use of appropriate coloring devices. In this case, a combination of various materials is made to create a pattern.

To preserve the appearance upon completion of work, professionals advise covering the walls with interior varnish.

Textured paints are expensive, but they have quite undeniable advantages:

  • durability without loss of attractiveness;
  • never change color under the influence of sunlight;
  • not afraid of mechanical impact;
  • suitable for any space.

It is important to know that decoration by painting is possible not only with the use of special textured dyes, which were discussed above. With your own hands, you can apply a method that is cost-saving, but no worse. This method consists in the use of ordinary wall paint in combination with fixtures that create texture.

The most interesting coating techniques are:

  • The easiest way to change the texture of the walls is if they are decorated with glass. It is enough to paint them with acrylic paint. Here you do not need to come up with a pattern, since the surface will remain with the same pattern, but will become a different color;
  • With the use of a stencil. It is easy to find in hardware stores, or you can make it at home. Plastic or a piece of linoleum is perfect as a material. On sale there are samples with adhesive bases. It is applied to the desired surface, then the brush impregnated in the solution is carried out along the base;

  • With a rag roller. They process the walls by moving in different directions;
  • An ordinary brush can create an unusual coating. Here, a method is possible in which two shades are applied. The main thing is to make chaotic strokes. Another method allows you to decorate with one color in two layers. The second application of paint is to move the brush from top to bottom;

  • Creating a marble base requires accuracy. First, the main shade is covered, then similar to natural materials are selected. A new layer should be applied without waiting for the complete drying of the previous one. There is a mixture of colors. A fine brush creates small separations. It is possible to achieve the desired result using the usual water-based composition, which is often used to paint the floor;
  • Acrylic mortar is sprayed;
  • To make the walls look like leather, you can use latex paint and a suede brush. To do this, first the walls are painted with the selected shade, then the glaze is mixed with the dye, but of a darker tone. Next comes the application of this mixture to part of the base. Later, the brush is wetted in water and squeezed well. Until the wall is completely dry, you need to draw a wrung out tool along it, making stains;

  • Creating the effect of Versailles plaster. Here it is recommended to purchase latex paint. Using a plastic spatula, the wall is covered with the prepared solution like ordinary plaster. To give balance in color, you need to drive the tool in different directions. It seems that the walls are made of natural stone, among which onyx is considered special;
  • Walls made of OSB slabs have a ready-made decorative texture. It is enough just to choose the desired paint and carefully apply to the base. It is better to do this work in several layers.

These are not all ways of decorative wall painting. There is a huge mass of options that depend only on the owner’s idea and the available tools.

There is nothing difficult in decorating surfaces at home, it is only important to follow the step-by-step rules for applying one or another composition, depending on what effect you want to achieve. An important point is the manifestation of imagination during this work. What could be better than turning an idea into reality.

How to paint the walls with decorative paint, see the following video.

Do-it-yourself decorative wall painting is a great way to make your home original and colorful. Many are sure that this is a difficult event that only professionals can do. To dispel this misconception, we have described some ways to decorate the interior with simple materials and minimal effort.

Wall preparation

If you have to independently apply a decorative coating on a surface that has not been painted before, you will have to take the time to prepare.

First you need to remove the existing coating from the wall. In the case of wallpaper, it should be slightly dampened before removing. Otherwise, there is only one way to eliminate the decorative layer - scraping with a spatula. To protect your eyes from dust, it is better to wear special glasses, and lightly moisten the surface to be treated.

After cleaning, the wall, in the presence of damage and irregularities, is leveled by grinding and cement mortar. After leveling, proceed to the priming of the surface before puttying. A smooth surface is puttied according to the instructions.

After applying and drying the putty, the finished coating must be cleaned and sanded, and the dust carefully removed. Then the surface is primed, choosing a primer in accordance with the paint used for coating. The wall is properly dried and proceed to painting.

Attention! Good surface preparation is the key to the quality of subsequent work.


The easiest way to make walls special is to paint them in a single color with pigmented decorative paint. Now the market offers a lot of different paint additives that create visual effects. An example is pearlescent and metallic pigments. With them, the coating will please with overflows and interesting optical effects. Under different lighting, the coating will look interesting in its own way, and the space with such walls seems visually wider.

Velor color added to the paint creates the effect of velvet walls. Rigid particles are enveloped in paint and, when dried, create a smooth, visually velvety surface. The illusion disappears only when touched.

There are also pigments that mimic natural stone. In combination with a suitable tone of the base, when using such a coating, you can achieve the feeling of walls lined with stone.

In addition to colors, small and light textural elements are added to the paint: sand, the smallest particles of rock, shells, and so on. Such coatings have a rough texture.

Methods for applying decorative coatings

Self-decorative painting of brick, concrete, wood and other walls is a way to create a unique interior with your own hands. Even despite the abundance of fixtures in stores, people continue to come up with new options for the original decoration of their homes. Here are some ways:

  1. The most familiar, but at the same time, the most difficult method of decorating walls is acrylic painting. However, not everyone knows how to draw professionally, and hiring a specialist is expensive.

  1. If you have a desire to apply some kind of pattern or pattern to the walls, you can always use stencils. You can make them yourself or buy them in a specialized store. The stencil is a piece of thick cardboard with a cut pattern. Before using the stencil, make sure that the finished layer of paint has dried well so as not to get stuck cardboard instead of a beautiful picture. A stencil is securely attached to dry paint in the right place and the necessary gaps are carefully painted over. Then it is removed and waiting for the applied pattern to dry. With the help of stencils, both compositions and single drawings, as well as entire borders, are made.

  1. The way to create the effect of "crumpled paper" is the application of thin crumpled paper on the base. After application, the paper is stained so that it adheres better, but without violating its structure.

  1. There is also a more sophisticated technique. The walls are pasted over with thin tissue paper, covered with glue and base paint. The dried coating is opened with a special colored glaze.

Tools for creating a decorative coating

When applying a single color coating, a coating with additives or with certain staining techniques, do not forget to use a variety of brushes, spatulas and figured rollers. These tools can transform even plain walls.

To create a variety of effects, you should use different tools.

Films and sponges are used to create the effect of fabrics or rubbing. "Wipe" is an application method in which the main and additional coats may differ in color or shade. The additional layer is not allowed to dry by rubbing it with sponges in the right directions. Creates a beautiful texture and tone.

Using flat brushes and spatulas, geometric patterns are created. Figured rollers and rollers with inserts serve as an alternative to the stencil. Round paint brushes give textured lines, circles and so on. Masking tape and adhesive tape are also used for various ornaments. In the case of self-decorating walls with paint, fantasy will not be superfluous.

Wall painting techniques with tools

Using tools and imagination, you can easily turn walls into a great backdrop for your interior. Let's take a look at some painting techniques.

Initially, the surface is painted in the base color with a roller and allowed to dry. The base color can be a darker or lighter tone than the decorative layer, or a completely different color. Next, they take two large round brushes with different shades of the same color, and begin to fill the space, touching the surface of the wall. Combinations of contrasting tones look very impressive in this decor, and a decorative layer of mother-of-pearl or metallized paint on a matte surface also looks very interesting.

Rubbing with a rubber spatula

1-2 layers of decorative paint are applied to the main base layer, after which they begin to rub it with a spatula in different directions. Due to the uneven removal and rubbing, the effect of a three-dimensional, like a rubber pattern, is created. Playing with shades and rubbing patterns can achieve amazing results.

Surface decoration with a flat brush

The algorithm of actions is similar to the previous methods, but both shades of the base color and this color itself are used as decor. On a dry base with a flat wide brush, stripes are applied in different directions with decorative paint. After the second layer has dried, they pass through the decorative layer with the same technique, but already in the base tone. Thanks to these actions, beautiful and smooth transitions of tones are obtained as a result. You can experiment with colors, but you need to take into account the color spectrum, as when mixing some tones, unexpected shades are obtained.

Applying acrylic paint with a brush or round brush

Acrylic paint is applied to the base tone with short movements, after which it is rubbed in the direction of movement. When rubbing in a circular motion of each applied fragment, very interesting radial decorative elements are obtained.

Foam sponge application technique

As with other techniques, the first step is to paint the walls in the main color. Next, the surface is stained with paint of a contrasting or similar tone to the base, after which it is rubbed in the right direction. The decorative layer is dried for several hours (depending on the paint). Then the procedure is repeated, but with a different color, or with a base paint. It looks interesting to change the direction of strokes in the second decorative layer. An additional effect can be achieved using sponges of various porosity and textures.

spray method

There is also a very beautiful, but troublesome way to decorate the walls on your own: spray painting. For this method, it is better to use washable acrylic paints, and it is also good to protect all non-painted surfaces. To create an interesting coating, you need to apply paint splashes to the base surface. You can do everything with a spray gun, but this will greatly simplify the look of the finished coating. It is best to apply the paint with a brush, dipping it into the liquid and splashing onto the wall. It should be borne in mind that the more paint on the brush, the larger the splashes will be. Also, the size of the spray depends on the distance from which the spray is made. Using this method, you can achieve an interesting texture. You can also use a variety of tones and colors with a neutral dark or light background. For example, a dark background with a lot of light colored splashes will appeal to lovers of space landscapes.

If you think that painting takes a maximum of half an hour and the walls become like new, we have to disappoint you. Surface painting is a work that is not without nuances: the process can be delayed due to the wrong paint, roller or wrongly applied layer. Also important is the time of day at which you pick up the instrument. Training, of course, is the best way to achieve success, but we recommend avoiding other people's mistakes - we tell you how.

Mistake #1: Painting Unprepared Walls

Minor defects, dust, grains of sand, bristles from the brush during the previous staining may be under the paint and adversely affect the result. Under a layer of paint, all the shortcomings will be visible - it remains either to put up with it, or to clean the wall and repaint it. And possible greasy spots will appear, no matter how many layers you cover the surface. Defects will be especially noticeable if you use glossy paint.

What to do: to avoid double work and unpleasant surprises, prepare the wall in advance. Take sandpaper or a special plaster sanding tool and go over the bumps and defects. After - brush off the dust with a brush or broom. Stains can be removed by wiping the wall with a damp cloth and soap.

Mistake #2: Ignoring the Primer

Do not use a primer before painting the walls? Don't be surprised if you end up with an unevenly painted wall or paint overrun. The fact is that the primer provides a lower hygroscopicity of the surface, which saves the means for painting. And also the base gives the "cohesion" of the surface with the paint, which improves the painting of the walls.

What to do: choose the appropriate primer for the walls. Apply it with a brush vertically in small stripes, and then horizontally - perpendicular to the first layer. After the base has dried, you can cover the surface with the first layer of paint.

Mistake #3: Wrongly thinned paint

The paint is too thick consistency or becomes so in the process of work. Then it must be diluted - this is an intuitive action. But with what to dilute - this is already a question that can ruin both the material and the whole work. For example, if water-dispersion paint is diluted with white spirit, it will cause the polymers to stick together. If you paint a wall with such a composition, the result will be of poor quality - disappointment is inevitable: the paint will lie unevenly, maybe even in lumps. If, on the contrary, oil paint is diluted with water, it simply will not mix with the main mass.

What to do: read the composition on the paint can and select the product according to it with which you will dilute the product. Do not pour in too much water or thinner - it is better to add little by little, mixing the paint thoroughly.

Mistake number 4: painting without a test

Choosing a color is a rather complicated process, especially if the shade has to be combined with another tone or pattern. The unfortunate masterpiece will have to be repainted, and so the process can be repeated indefinitely. The same applies to the shade, which you have to "extract" with your own hands with the help of color.

What to do: add the coloring concentrate to the paint little by little, mixing the contents thoroughly. First, pour a small amount of paint into a small container and add a couple of drops of color - see what color you get. Get the tone you want, and then do the same in a larger bank if you like the result. To make sure the color is compatible with the overall decor of the room, try to paint - apply paint in an inconspicuous corner and wait for it to dry. If the result suits you - for the case.

Mistake #5: Choosing the wrong tool

Using the right brush or roller is just as important as choosing the right paint. And it's not a matter of taste. In order to evenly paint over the wall, you need to purchase a couple of rollers and a brush. First you will “roll up” the surface, and with a brush you will paint corners and hard-to-reach places.

What to do: for the first coat of paint, it is better to choose a roller with a long pile - 1-1.5 cm. It will pick up more paint, which will make it faster and easier to get a uniform color. For re-painting, a roller with a short pile - 6–7 mm is more suitable: it will help you use the paint more economically and definitely will not leave “streaks”. Bet on a brush with natural bristles - it will not leave lint on the surface.

Mistake number 6: applying paint "in different directions"

If you apply paint vertically, then horizontally, and then at random, in the hope that the wall will look decent when it dries, you are making a serious mistake. All strokes can show up, especially if you use a brush.

What to do: choose one painting option - vertical or horizontal - the paint will lie evenly, and the coloring will not look ridiculous due to chaotic strokes. When painting in several layers, you can alternate methods, for example, paint the first layer vertically, the second horizontally.

Mistake number 7: applying paint in one layer

When applying paint in one layer, the coloring may turn out to be uneven, and if you want to change the color of the surface in a drastic way, you definitely won’t be able to finish the job quickly. Even if you change from a light shade to a darker one, the first color will show through.

What to do: For an intense shade, apply two, and preferably three layers. The first will allow you to distribute the paint over the surface; the second and third - it is better to shade it, even out the color and fill in small irregularities.

Mistake number 8: staining on wet paint

Of course, I want to finish painting faster and enjoy the result. Therefore, we often do not think about the consequences of painting on a “raw” wall. As a result, the wet layer begins to come off, stick to the brush or roller. Oil paint, in turn, can go bubbles - all work will have to be started again. True, after waiting for the paint to dry, and sanding the places with defects.

What to do: be patient. While the paint dries, do something else. Pay attention to the instructions on the can, which indicate how long the paint takes to dry completely. If it's a single base emulsion, it won't be long before you can get back to work.

Mistake #9: Not enough paint

This can become a serious problem. Firstly, because during a trip to the store, the already applied layer may dry out (after drying, the joint between fresh and already applied paint will be noticeable). Secondly, it is difficult to choose the right shade if you added color to the paint yourself.

What to do: the easiest option is to take more. In extreme cases, an unopened jar can be returned to the store or left “just in case” - touch up places where the paint will peel off over time. On paint cans they always write what area the volume is designed for - pay attention to the numbers. Keep in mind that if you paint the surface in two layers, the area will double.

Mistake #10: Wrong Timing for Painting

Applying paint in bright sunlight can cause the compound to dry too quickly - before you even distribute it evenly. Also, the paint may start to foam or peel off. And if you paint by the light of an electric light bulb, all the errors will be barely distinguishable.

What to do: the best option for painting the surface is during the daytime, without direct sunlight falling through the window. It is better to paint the south side in the morning or in the evening, when the sun does not shine so brightly.

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