Moorish lawn (44 photos): an easy way to decorate the garden. Lawn grasses photo, varieties, names and description Lawn chamomile

Background element of landscape design - .

Everything looks different with him - both flower beds and sculptures in the form of gnomes.

If you plant just something, the lawn will not work - you need a special one. Let's talk about these plants in detail.

The term "lawn grass" means both a single plant and a mixture of herbs, which, with proper care, form that very dense green lawn that is pleasant to the touch, which any owner of a suburban area dreams of.

The development of a mixture consists of two steps:

  1. breeding through breeding of special varieties with appropriate characteristics;
  2. selection of the optimal composition of the mixture and the proportions of the components, so that the "neighbors" form a grass cover that is resistant to various negative factors and at the same time coexist peacefully.

The herbs included in the mixture are characterized as follows:

  1. are resistant to extreme weather conditions, primarily frost and heat, typical for the region of destination;
  2. form a powerful sod layer (an interweaving of roots in the ground), making the lawn resistant to loads and;
  3. shoots and leaves, in comparison with ordinary herbs, are thinner and more elegant. Because of this, the lawn is soft to the touch, like velvet, and quickly returns to its previous appearance after people move on it or.

A rather narrow list of herbs can be used to form lawns, therefore, when buying, especially from a little-known supplier, the composition must be carefully studied and checked.

The vast majority of lawn grasses are cereals. In some varieties of lawns, for example, meadow, legumes are planted.

Lawn types

Lawns differ in purpose. Depending on this, different requirements are imposed on them, respectively, different grass mixtures are used for their cultivation.


It has unsurpassed aesthetic qualities, of all varieties, this lawn is considered the most beautiful.


  • designed for well-lit areas with moderate humidity (drainage is desirable);
  • frequent haircut is required - every 10 days;
  • the appearance of weeds is unacceptable;
  • sensitive to mechanical stress: avoid walking on the lawn and sitting on it;
  • in summer it needs protection from burning out, in winter - from freezing.

Parterre lawn can be called elite. Its base is meadow bluegrass, which prefers humus and alkaline soils. Acidic soil is turned into slightly acidic by means of ground chalk and lime is added to it - such soil is also suitable for this grass.

Another ingredient is red fescue. Because of it, the lawn does not like clay soil and needs constant: in the summer - twice a day (morning and evening), the rest of the time - daily. A kind of parterre - English lawn. It is distinguished by softness and special moisture requirements.


The most common lawn. In attractiveness, it is inferior to the ground floor, but only slightly. At the same time, it is much less demanding to care for. The main grass is ryegrass, the addition is fescue or bent grass.


  • grows quickly, therefore it needs frequent haircuts;
  • designed for well-lit areas;
  • durable: you can walk and ride a bike.


Another lawn for walking. Often planted in parks, complemented by flowers. In order to strengthen the lawn, additional grasses can be sown. The lawn is cut to a height of 8 cm. Weeds are removed with a shovel, herbicides can only be applied after a year has passed after planting the seeds.

The first haircut is carried out after flowering (if bulbs are present in the composition) or in late June - early July. In the future, the lawn is cut when the grass reaches a height of more than 10 cm (about once a month).


Withstands heavy loads.


  • the mixture is recruited from mechanically resistant herbs: perennial ryegrass, white bent and;
  • very difficult to grow, with the slightest mistake, the lawn will have to be completely changed;
  • due to increased loads, it is especially demanding on timely fertilizing and watering.

Football fields are planted with the following mixture:

  • bluegrass meadow;
  • ryegrass;
  • bent;
  • meadow fescue or red fescue.

The area at the gate is sown with increased density, since here the lawn is subjected to particularly high loads. Red fescue or bluegrass are planted on tennis courts. Shear twice a month, short.

For children's playgrounds, ryegrass, meadow timothy grass and clover are suitable. Grow sports lawn mainly in the period from mid-May to the end of September. Damaged areas are sown.


It is a mixture of cereals and wildflowers, taken in a ratio of 4:1. The second name is beautifully flowering. A pattern of flowers forms on the lawn, and since plants with different flowering periods are selected, the pattern is constantly changing.

The composition of the Mauritanian lawn is quite diverse, in most cases the following flowers are present in the mixture:

  • oriental poppy;
  • field cornflower;
  • echinacea;
  • meadow chamomile;
  • large-flowered flax;
  • bells;
  • nemesia.

A good effect is achieved by mixing bulbous plants that bloom in spring: daffodils, crocuses, tulips.

Grains are used such:

  • the bent is thin;
  • meadow timothy;
  • ryegrass.

There are two landing methods:

  1. seeds are mixed. The lawn is multi-colored;
  2. the mixture is planted in stages: cereals, then flowers. The latter form colored inclusions, which have a rather spectacular appearance against the background of green grass.


  • dense planting: at least 50 g of seeds per sq. m;
  • annual plants are used (in others - only perennials), instead of which, after their death, large bulbous crops are planted;
  • after sowing, the site is covered with non-woven material in order to ensure an equal germination rate of all seeds;
  • Abundant watering and regular removal of weeds are required.

"Lawn for the lazy"

Undemanding to care, reminiscent of a wild field in flowers. At the same time, it looks well-groomed, for which it is required to spend quite a bit of time and effort.


May have a variety of ingredients. Feature - the grass cover is grown on the fields of the manufacturing company, and delivered to the customer in the form of rolls (special machines cut the turf). it is required to produce immediately - this is a condition for a good survival of plants.

Rolled lawn

By purchasing a rolled lawn, the owner of the site saves his time and energy, but this pleasure is quite expensive: 160-200 rubles. per roll with an area of ​​0.8 sq. m.

What is lawn grass?

Used for classifying according to several criteria.

By type of root system

The root system determines the type of tillering - an important characteristic for lawn grasses, there are such types:

By growth height

There are three types of herbs:

  1. riding. They need a lot of sunlight, therefore they reach a height of more than 100 cm. The stems and leaves are rough, the ability to tiller is poorly expressed. Examples: narrow-eared wheatgrass, team urchin, meadow foxtail, etc.;
  2. semi-mounted. They form fruit-bearing shoots 70-100 cm high, and in addition to them - a bush of medium density from short vegetative shoots. As a rule, they actively bush after cutting and grow back quickly. Examples: hop and yellow alfalfa, multi-flowered and perennial ryegrass, rootless couch grass, meadow timothy grass, meadow fescue, etc.;
  3. grassroots e. They grow to a height of 50-70 cm. A characteristic feature: shoots are thin, leaves are narrow. After shearing, they bush very intensively, as a result of which the shoots and leaves grow quite densely. Examples: common and white bent grass, red fescue, meadow bluegrass, common comb.

Lawn mixes are mainly formed from grass grasses and semi-tops.

According to the duration of the life cycle

There are three types of herbs:

  1. annual. During the season, they undergo the entire development cycle and, having given seeds, completely die off. Examples: annual bluegrass, annual ryegrass;
  2. biennial. They develop in stages: roots and stems with leaves appear in the first year, and fruit-bearing shoots appear in the second. After the seeds ripen, the plant dies off completely. Examples: alfalfa hop-like, ryegrass many-flowered;
  3. perennial. In these herbs, after the seeds ripen, only fruit-bearing shoots die off. At the same time, a bud is formed at the base of the dead part, giving a new shoot the next or the second year. So the plant develops and bears fruit for many years.

Almost all lawn grasses are of the perennial type.

Classification of grass mixtures

Grass mixtures for lawns are divided into several varieties:

  • fast. Representatives of this group are rootless couch grass, wheatgrass, perennial and multi-flowered ryegrass, common comb grass. Plants develop quickly and with sufficient soil moisture, a green lawn is formed within a year after sowing. But fast grasses are also not long-term at the same time, while slowly developing ones (meadow grass meadow, red fescue, common bent grass), on the contrary, longevity is inherent;
  • shady. They are adapted to the lack of light, therefore they feel good in shaded areas. An example is perennial ryegrass, red fescue. Also, these plants are characterized by resistance to mechanical stress (you can walk on the lawn);
  • solar. These herbs are capable of being under the direct rays of the sun for at least a whole day without prejudice to themselves. They also have high drought tolerance. Representatives of this group - meadow bluegrass, hop alfalfa, sheep fescue, etc.;
  • universal. Some herbs, such as bent grass, tolerate a wide range of negative factors - heat, frost, drought. That is why they are called universal: such a lawn can be planted in almost any region. These plants also have negative sides. In the same bent, for example, growth slows down after a haircut.

The best grasses and grass mixtures for growing lawns

The priority of this or that mixture depends on the type of lawn. For the parterre, grassroots grasses of rhizome, rhizome-loose bush and loose bush types, which are long-term, have the most suitable properties. Rhizome-loose shrub plants, for example, meadow bluegrass, common bent grass, red fescue, are preferred.

Bluegrass meadow

There are few requirements for an ordinary lawn for a garden or park, therefore, in addition to grassroots, semi-top grasses of loose bush and rhizome types are suitable, for example: perennial ryegrass, meadow fescue, common comb grass, wheatgrass, meadow foxtail, rootless wheatgrass.

The most common mixture consists of the following components:

  • bluegrass meadow;
  • sheep fescue, red or cane;
  • bent grass thin or shoot-bearing;
  • perennial ryegrass.

For a general purpose lawn that cannot be maintained as an elite lawn, these grasses are very convenient:

  • grow slowly and therefore do not require frequent haircuts;
  • drought-resistant;
  • tolerate frost well;
  • have good immunity against diseases and pests;
  • suppress weeds.
  1. for amateur lawns, grass mixtures are chosen (they tolerate negative factors better), if professional maintenance is possible, monocultures (one type of grass);
  2. when choosing, the conditions on the site are taken into account: soil type, illumination, groundwater level.

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It is impossible to grow a lawn from ordinary grass: it will be tough and unattractive. But if specially bred varieties are planted and proper care is taken, a soft, delicate, uniform green carpet will appear on the site. By studying the above material, you can achieve excellent results.

blooming lawn, known today as Moorish, appeared more than a thousand years ago in North Africa, which Europeans just called Mauritania. The rulers of Medieval Europe liked it so much that they adopted this fashion. And now, more than a millennium later, in Moscow still full of people buy Moorish lawn.

What is Moorish lawn?

blooming lawn one of the most unusual elements in the garden. Lawn flower seeds turn the site into a real meadow with lush green grass and many flowers of various colors. Such a lawn is often called Moorish.

Many gardeners do not dare to sow an ordinary lawn on their site. The reason for this is the need for constant care. Flowering lawn, which includes both meadow grasses and wild flowers, does not require special care as its classic counterparts.

seeds flowering lawn produced in Europe, which ensures the high quality of the final product. Therefore, having decided buy moorish lawn in the online store "Moscow lawns", you make the right choice - in favor of quality and varietal plants.

Peculiarities flowering lawns

The basis of any kind of flowering lawn is a mixture of meadow grass seeds, annual and perennial flowers - about 20 species in total. Lawn flower seeds are selected in such a way as to ensure abundant flowering throughout the season. Annual flowers bloom in early summer and bloom until late autumn. They, for the most part, are located at the level of cereal grasses.

Perennial - occupy the lower tier, bloom not so long, but periodically replace each other, allow the lawn to change colors. Of the cereals in the composition of the flowering lawn, there will certainly be varieties of grasses of non-lawn selection, which will make it possible to give the flowering meadow a natural look.

How to care for Mauritanian lawn?

Simple enough buy Mauritanian lawn seeds, sow and forget about them. Such a lawn is quite easy to care for and is ideal for those gardeners who do not have much free time. However, it is necessary to use plant protection products in flowering glades with caution, since wild flowers are quite sensitive to drugs. Mowing of flowering lawns is carried out, as a rule, once a season, in the fall, after self-seeding of flowers and before preparing plants for winter.

There will be a little more worries if you decide buy moorish lawn with daisies and white clover. This species requires regular cutting to a height not lower than the height of the flowers.

Why is it better buy moorish lawn?

Growing a flowering lawn on your site is not difficult. Worth it once buy moorish lawn and he will delight you for several years even on the most unfertile soil. Such a lawn does not require constant attention, and the special aroma of flowers will attract pollinating insects to your garden.

Why is it worth buy flowering lawn seeds in our online store?

We work only with trusted seed suppliers. All seeds sold in our online store have certificates of conformity. In our online store convenient service. With us you can buy moorish lawn Not only in Moscow, but also to order its delivery to the regions of Russia.

Every year the flowering or Moorish lawn is gaining more and more popularity. What is it connected with? Everything is simple. The Mauritanian lawn is both a beautiful juicy greenery of low grasses, and a bright meadow blooming all summer from a wide variety of flowers in a “one bottle”.

In addition, such a lawn requires a minimum of care. To create it, the most unpretentious flowers are used. There are practically no weeds on it, and if they come out, the rapidly growing flowers clog them. It is also not necessary to constantly mow it (only 1 time - in the fall after flowering). Flowers attract beneficial insects to the garden. The pros are many!

What are flowering lawns?

One or more types of flowers.

Moorish lawn often consists of only one type of flower. For example, a lawn of flowering clover is very popular.

Variegated and monochromatic.

Even lawns consisting of several types of flowers can be monochromatic. For this, flowers of different types are specially selected, with different flowering periods, but in the same color scheme.

From perennial or annual flowers, or from a mixture thereof.

Everyone knows the advantages and disadvantages of flyers: they bloom all summer, but only one year. Although many of them reproduce by self-sowing, and very high quality. Therefore, do not be afraid of lawns with flyers.

Perennial flowers must be carefully selected according to the timing of flowering.

Choosing flowers for the lawn.

Every year more and more different mixtures for flowering lawns appear in stores. But you can choose flowers and herbs yourself. In this case, you will get only your unique masterpiece.

Most often, Moorish lawns sold in stores consist of a mixture of seeds of cereal grasses and wild flowers, in a ratio of 80-95% to 5-20%. If the lawn will consist of different types of flowers, then they must be selected so that they bloom at different times, from early spring to early autumn.

Flowers for Mauritanian lawns are used in a variety of ways. However, there are two rules to keep in mind:

    they must be unpretentious, drought-resistant;

    it is desirable to use undersized flowers of the same height.

Here are some flowers that are often used for Moorish lawns: marigolds, cornflowers, various varieties of flax, delphinium, nemesia, chrysanthemum, nigella, Chinese carnation, escholzia, columbine, gaillardia, doronicum, bathing suit, erigeron, veronica, primrose, gypsophila, carnation, poppy, evening primrose, zeferanthus, primroses, daisies, toadflax, poppy, dwarf zinnias, tarry, meadow clover, forget-me-nots, toadflax, oriental poppy, etc.

Of the cereals for this type of lawn, perennial ryegrass, red fescue and thin bent grass, meadow timothy, meadow bluegrass are most suitable.

The best place for a flowering lawn

Since almost all flowers love sunlight, it is best to choose open sunny areas. Mauritanian lawns use plants that can grow and bloom even in poor soils, making site selection easier.

But do not plant the whole garden with them, otherwise you will get "parsley". Also, do not plant Moorish lawn next to flower beds and flower beds. The flower bed needs a green background that makes the flowers growing on it even brighter.

Moorish lawn planting.

1. Preparation:

Choosing a place

Digging up the soil

We remove all plants and roots from the soil,

Leveling the area

We tamp the platform


2. Fit:

The best time for sowing is the second half of May.

- we scatter the seeds first along, then across the selected territory,

We deepen the seeds with a rake by 1-1.5 cm,



Blooming lawn care.

Shoots should appear 10-15 days after planting. It is necessary to water the Mauritanian lawn as it dries, in hot weather 1-2 times a week.

They mow the lawn in the fall, after flowering and seed ripening (the second is very important if the flowers are annuals). After mowing, the grass is left right on the lawn for several days so that the seed pods dry out and the seeds fall to the ground.

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the lawn - it can be a backyard or, conversely, an area in front of the entrance to the house. In addition, you need to clearly understand what you will use it for, because the use of different types of cereals results in completely different lawns, the photos of which are published in the article.

Lawn grasses photos and names. grass seeds

Regardless of which lawn you have chosen for your site, when choosing seeds, you should pay attention to a few points:

  1. They should not be expired, and also have obvious signs of damage by fungus or mold.
  2. Their quality must be confirmed by international certificates.

In addition, lawn grass seeds should have the following characteristics:

You can choose to sow a monoculture or a mixture of seeds.

Monoculture is the seeds of one type of grass, it is used infrequently because of the high cost, fastidiousness in care and growing conditions. However, these shortcomings are fully compensated by the quality of coverage they provide. Monoculture is most often used to make sports fields or an English lawn, the photo of which you see.

A mixture of herbs is a combination of seeds most suitable for a particular region. Due to the combination of the best qualities of individual species, the grass mixture lawn is decorative and not so whimsical to care for.

When buying, it is also important to look at the seeding rate for a monoculture or mixture. Most often it depends on the individual characteristics of the cereal or mixture. If there are no clear instructions on the package with seeds, then the norm is considered to be 50 grams per 1 sq.m. when sowing with a Hamilton automatic seeder, drum type. If you do it manually, then you need to add 10% to the figure.

Types of lawn grass with a photo

Lawn grass, the species of which are numerous, is classified according to several criteria:

  • development of the root system;
  • shoot height;
  • lifetime.

By type of root system

There are four types of lawn grasses:


The root is not very deep, but grows rapidly, forming many nodes that give above-ground shoots. Thanks to this, the herbage is preserved for many years. These herbs include:

  • bluegrass;
  • white bent;
  • meadow foxtail.

Loose bush

Unlike the first type, the root forms only one underground node. The splendor of the plant is created by shoots from the above-ground bush. These include:

  • timothy;
  • perennial ryegrass.

Dense bush

You need to be very careful with this type of grass, as they can form dense bumps, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing on the lawn. This feature is explained by the fact that new shoots released by the above-ground bush quickly grow together with the old ones. This type includes:

  • red oatmeal;
  • Belous.

tap root plants

Very unpretentious view with a lush, beautiful bush. The main tap root goes deep into the ground, young shoots form on it. The core ones include:

  • sainfoin;
  • horned loon.

According to the height of the shoots

This criterion determines in which tier of the vegetation cover the lawn grass photo of which you see will be located. It is customary to distinguish the following tiers:


It is formed by more light-loving plants, the stems of which can reach more than 1 meter in height. Representatives:

  • vicoleaf sainfoin;
  • awnless fire.


It is formed from semi-top herbs with a stem length from 50 cm to a meter. They bush well after shearing, forming a beautiful cover. Among them:

  • hybrid clover;
  • yellow alfalfa;
  • timothy.


Usually these are grasses that tolerate a slight darkening well, with thin stems up to 70 cm tall. These include:

  • bent grass;
  • white clover;
  • red fescue.

According to plant life

  • annuals;
  • biennial;
  • perennial.

Grass for lawn photos and names

The varieties of herbs below have long established themselves as excellent ingredients for a beautiful lawn. Photos of lawns with characteristics will help you choose varieties for your site.

Bluegrass meadow

Bluegrass meadow and its varieties are the most popular types of lawn grass. It is a wonderful perennial plant valued for its rich color, excellent tolerance to temperature fluctuations and resistance to damage. After mowing, it forms an even, elastic cover.

Bluegrass oak

It has a weak root system, which is why it is completely unsuitable for trampling. Valued for resistance to lack of light. Perfect for decorating areas under trees or shrubs.

white clover

Perfectly complements herbal mixtures for lawns. This is a special, hybrid species that is ideal for low mowing. Valued for the bright color of the sprouts.

red fescue

A plant with a very useful quality: due to the peculiarities of the root system, fescue is able to displace weeds from the herbage. It tolerates a slight darkening well, is resistant to frost, and grows even on soils with a poor composition. Long retains green sprouts, even with a lack of moisture.

Timothy grass small-leaved

Ornamental grass, which is famous for its endurance and ability to grow in almost any conditions and on any soil. Cold, darkening, high humidity are not terrible for this variety.

Sheep fescue

Bush plant, tolerates drought, grows slowly, but forms a good cover only a year after sowing. It is best used in a mixture with red fescue.

perennial ryegrass

Forms a decorative carpet, leaves differ in juicy color and gloss. The largest growth occurs during the first year after planting, so it is best used for temporary plantings.

bent grass

Perennial with long shoots of fresh light green color. It grows and bushes very intensively, and already in the first year it will please you with a bright cover, which is perfectly visible in the photo of the lawn with this cereal.

bent dog

It can be used provided that the lawn will be purely decorative. He will not tolerate trampling. Despite the shortcomings, this lawn grass, the photo of which is presented below, is in demand due to its high decorative characteristics. Even from afar, a carpet made from this cereal looks great.


It is usually used in mixtures, since by itself it forms a not very even cover with bald spots and bumps. It has the ability to displace weeds, develops in almost any conditions. It grows well on the slopes, strengthening them due to the developed root system.

common comb

It has very dense, short shoots, which is important for the lawn. Even during frosts, it is able to preserve the greenness of the leaves, perfectly tolerates both drought and an excess of moisture. Excellent for low mowing.


The right choice of grass variety is half the success in arranging the lawn. Considering the advice and recommendations of experts when choosing seeds, you can enjoy the beautiful view of the green lawn on your site. And the lawn grass species of which are described above will help you with your choice.

In an effort to create landscape design in the country with their own hands, many gardeners make a gross mistake by planting only shrubs, trees and flower beds, while completely forgetting about the “floor covering” of the garden - the lawn.

But what if, after hearing about the difficulties of growing lawn grass, you are worried that you simply do not have enough strength to prepare the site, fight difficult weeds, painstakingly growing seeds, fertilizing, regular watering and mowing? There is a way out - sow the plot not with grass, but with a flowering mixture for the lawn and create a motley, easy-to-care Moorish lawn in the country.

Such a decorative variegated or one-color lawn is formed by including thirty or even forty meadow flowers and grasses in the traditional mixture for lawn grass.

What is Moorish lawn

The village lawn owes its appearance to the Moors (hence the name), who once, many centuries ago, owned part of Spain. Travelers who first set foot on the land of the city of Cordoba - the focus of Moorish art, culture and science, were amazed by the richness of the ennobled oasis. Everything in this cozy city was extraordinarily beautiful. But the garden around the palace was especially beautiful. Well-groomed and large, with fountains and, it was all sown with wild flowers, emerald lawn grass and ornamental cereals.

The new solution to the usual lawn was to the liking of the nomadic Europeans. They have adopted the custom of planting wild flowering herbs and cereals in desert areas, partly replacing their neatly cut lawns with naturally beautiful, low-maintenance flowering meadows - Moorish-style lawns.

The advantage of lawns of this type lies mainly in the fact that they can be placed even in those areas of the garden where the soil is depleted and dried up (or waterlogged). You do not need to spend a lot of money on them, and it is very easy to pick up seeds for a perennial flowering lawn. In order for the ornamental meadow to be covered with flowering throughout the season, it is enough to know the timing of flowering of each plant in the composition.

Cereals, flowers and herbs for the Moorish lawn

So, you have made the final decision to break the Moorish lawn in the country. Plant seeds for a multi-colored meadow should be chosen unpretentious, easy to care for. The plot is sown with the help of special mixtures of perennial grasses with the inclusion of perennial and decorative flowering flowers. (The higher the sowing rate, the denser the flowers will grow to each other).

Important! All flowers should bloom continuously. And then, when flowering, shed the seeds so that next year they will germinate again.

The Best Plants for a Mauritanian Lawn

Ornamental perennial grasses

  • The bent is thin;
  • Timothy grass;
  • fragrant bison;
  • Fescue red;
  • Bluegrass meadow;
  • Zhitnyak;
  • Lagurus;
  • Perennial ryegrass.

early flowering bulbs

  • Scilla;
  • Snowmen;
  • Tulips;
  • Bow-anzur;
  • grouse;
  • daffodils;
  • Crocuses;
  • Cyclamens.

Meadow (wild) perennial flowers

  • California and Oriental poppy;
  • Nemesia;
  • meadow chamomile;
  • Echinacea;
  • Quaking grass;
  • Arnica;
  • Gaillardia spinous;
  • Gentian;
  • Loosestrife;
  • Tansy.

annual plants

  • forget-me-nots;
  • Nemesia;
  • Mattiola bicorne;
  • Delphinium;
  • Nigella;
  • Cornflowers;
  • Dimorfoteka notched;
  • catchment;
  • Marigold;
  • Bells;
  • Gypsophila;
  • Phlox Drummond;
  • Lobularia marine;
  • daisies;
  • Clover;
  • Phacelia bell-shaped;
  • Primrose;
  • carnations;
  • Nasturtiums;
  • goldenrod;
  • Agrostemma sowing;
  • Snapdragon;
  • Lnyanka and others.

When decorating a low Moorish lawn, anise, thyme, mint and lemon balm are often used. High - fragrant herbs and flowers that emit a lot of pollen and thus attract colorful butterflies and honey bees to the garden.

The bulbous ones in the Moorish lawn are the first to color the garden in spring, while other meadow plants barely peck out of the soil. In summer, when the primroses turn yellow, their fading leaves will hide the grass and meadow flowers in lush color.

Advice. If you are a beginner, then it is better to start sowing a Moorish lawn with a one-component mixture - without proper, albeit easy care, a multi-component lawn of several plants over time will resemble not a charming lawn, but a front garden with weeds. (The lawn of low-grade carnations and thyme turns out to be unusually fabulous - it is a pleasure to grow it yourself).

In the photo below, the following flowers are sown for the Mauritanian lawn: blue cornflower, sowing chrysanthemum, self-seed poppy, common agrostemma and field navel.

The material was prepared for the site

Such a wonderful variegated lawn was obtained from only 5 types of field plants (on average, 20-40 unpretentious cereals and flowers can be included in the device of a Mauritanian meadow). It all depends on the landscape design of your garden.

Moorish lawn - buy or sow with your own hands?

It is easy to buy a mixture for a Mauritanian lawn for little money in a store for gardeners and summer residents (it is recommended to give preference to domestic seeds) or make the mixture yourself. If we talk about the approximate ratio of plants, then it should be as follows: 80% of cereal grasses and 20% of flowers. The mixture is sown at the rate of 10 g per 1 sq. m.

If you really want a strongly blooming lawn, then do exactly the opposite than on purchased mixtures. Make up your lawn with 70% annuals and 20% short grass. It will turn out very nice.

Moorish lawn is sown in the same way as ornamental lawn grass - from early spring. In order for the plants to fully develop and bloom, it is recommended to plant them in unshaded places. If you are planning to organize a meadow among trees, then give preference to such plants as ifeyon, kandyk, lily, white flower, arizema, anemone, aronnik, trillium, snowdrop, etc.

When arranging a magnificent living carpet, do not set aside too large, well-lit area for it.

Planting a Moorish lawn - step by step instructions

  • Step 1

We free the soil from weeds (we treat heavily infected areas with glyphosate several times) and, after about a month, we remove the top layer of soil to a depth of 8-10 cm.

  • Step 2

We carefully dig the soil with a shovel 25 cm deep and apply low-fat organic fertilizers, sand and peat. This should be done 8-10 days before the start of sowing.

  • Step 3

We provide a slope of 3 degrees to drain rainwater from the lawn. (By making good drainage, you will prevent your flowering lawn from turning into a swamp due to prolonged summer showers).

  • Step 4

Immediately before planting, we level and compact the ground with a bayonet shovel and rake, and then with a garden roller. It is recommended to do this in dry weather.

  • Step 5

After leveling, we once again walk along the surface of the site with a special lawn rake. This is necessary in order to remove the newly formed tubercles after compaction.

  • Step 6

On a flat, soft and moderately moistened surface, manually sow the mixture for the Mauritanian lawn mixed with sand in proportions of 1: 3 (approximately 0.0001 g of seeds per 100 g of dry sand). You can sow the plot evenly or make islands of flowers, first sowing grasses, and meadow flowers between them.

  • Step 7

We immerse the seeds with a rake to a depth of 5 mm, roll them up and make drip irrigation (strong water pressure can blur the crop).

  • Step 8

We cover the area with non-woven material - in this case, the seedlings will be uniform and friendly. But even if the seedlings seem too rare for you, in no case do not rush to sow - the herbs sprout at different times, sometimes the interval can reach 4 weeks.

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