Metlakh tiles. History of creation, production, classification, features. Metlakh tile of Russian production Floor covering metlakh tile

Metlakh tile has gained recognition and spread throughout the world because of its unique beauty, amazing reliability and durability. The first copy of this tile was produced 125 years ago. Nevertheless, even today it is in the forefront of sought-after decorative materials, while the most popular is metlakh floor tiles, although tiles are also produced for wall decoration. The question is open - how can such ancient production methods compete with modern building materials? Let's discuss this.

But before discussing, look at the photo of metlakh tiles, this is exactly its traditional look in the minds of the consumer, shabby and “heavy”, but in fact the tile can be different.

The “pie” of metlakh tiles looks exactly like this, both texture and texture will appear in the production process
The heyday of the popularity of this material came in the middle of the XIX century, when the era of industrialization was gaining momentum. Tiling became one of the hallmarks of Victorian retrospectivism. Due to the strength unprecedented at that time, combined with a picturesque view, metlakh floor tiles adorned large and small palaces, theaters, stations, and factories. Medieval metlakh tile is considered an antique item and is carefully preserved during the dismantling and restoration of buildings. Restoration of tiles, in principle, is not used, primarily because of the high cost of reconstruction. Mostly professionally made replicas are used.

Now these ancient examples surprise visitors to historical sites, such as the Bolshoi Theater, Cologne Cathedral, etc. Metlach tiles have even been found on the infamous Titanic, which was known to be a very luxuriously decorated sea vessel.

This metlakh ceramic tile lay at the bottom of the ocean along with the ship that ruined the iceberg

An interesting fact: this tile got its name from the city of Mettlach in Germany, where its large-scale production was first organized. The origin of Metlakh tiles is clearly connected not with the method of production, but with the name of the place where production began. In the south of France, places have been preserved that have a metlakh spirit, where the material is made in the traditional way. Today, these small businesses are visited by tourists. Such is the history of this material, which is not interrupted even after the lapse of years.

By the way, in Soviet industrial buildings, you can still find such tiles that were supplied from abroad and they also have historical value. Such old material is suitable for sale to customers as a historical piece.

The official website of metlakh tiles is not an original source, in general, these are merchants who have bought domain names and therefore can sell you not only original tiles, but also imitations (tiles for metlakh tiles) and outright fakes. This situation is similar both for our country and for the whole world of domain names. Therefore, we do not recommend making a choice only on the condition that the domain name of the site uses the name of the metlakh tile or has a similar look to the official representative. Metlakh tile manufacturers do not follow this story, and there is no such ban at the legislative level. How many such fakes on the world market of ceramics is unknown. Therefore, buyers must make the right choice themselves using their knowledge and, of course, read reviews about this or that seller.


The main area of ​​​​use of tiles is the decoration of public places and large private property. In terms of quality parameters, Metlakh tiles are similar to modern unglazed porcelain stoneware, but in terms of aesthetics they significantly surpassed it for a long time. The variety of patterns, colors and relief can make a work of art out of an ordinary house.

Metlakh floor tiles change the look of the interior for the better

Most often, this material is used for flooring, as the strength indicator of the tile provides a long period of operation without visible wear. In any setting, metlakh tiles form creative sensations and unique images. Its strength is almost sky-high. The tile is indifferent to moisture and temperature fluctuations, therefore it is successfully used in the bathroom and in the kitchen. In the hallways retains street dirt. When facing the veranda and porch of a private house, it is not afraid of frost, snow, heat and mechanical stress. Thanks to the many colors, the tile has found application even in the decoration of furniture.

Manufacturing methods

Despite the rapid growth of technology and capabilities, manufacturing methods remain the same. The basis for the production of tiles is a special type of high-strength clay. First, the molding process takes place, then a layer of glaze is applied to the blanks, followed by firing in ovens at a temperature of 125–140 degrees. During heat treatment, clay and glaze are firmly sintered. Thus, according to the method of production, it can be called as a metlakh ceramic tile, and GOST is most often assigned 6787 2001.

Photo of metlakh tiles in the interior

The finished tile receives greater wear resistance, long service life, resistance to the influence of caustic chemicals. Such properties make it possible to successfully use metlakh tiles in public places with high traffic. Incredibly, for 150 years, the manufacturing method has not changed in anything, except for an increase in the color range, the number of patterns and patterns. In a word, the former advantages of the material have only intensified.

Many artisans today take a deep interest in the original tile recipes used during the reign of Queen Victoria. Now such material is used in the reconstruction of historical sites.

After production, the tiles are packed in characteristic terracotta boxes, and the average weight is about 12 kg. I would like to note that initially a wooden box was used to pack the tiles, but then cardboard almost completely replaced this method.


It has already been noted that real tiles are comparable to porcelain stoneware. But the difference lies in the variety of shapes and colors. The dimensions of the sides of the material vary from 3 to 14.5 cm. The style of traditional options is a triangle, square, hexagon and even an octagon. According to the manufacturing methods, cast, pressed and extruded tiles are distinguished. According to the structure, rough (with a granular surface) and thin (with a uniform texture) ceramics are distinguished. But the main classification is based on the degree of wear of the tile and allows you to divide it into four groups.

The main dimensions of metlakh tiles: 100x100, 200x200. For example, a modern metlakh floor tile with markings on the manufacturer's box 200x200x8 has a size of 20 cm and a thickness of 0.8. For outdoor use, you need to use such a tile, the thickness of which will withstand temperature changes.

Metlakh tiles, the sizes of which differ from each other, create a module

Strength classes

Floor metlakh tiles are strong enough to be used in corridors and on the entrance stairs
  • The first one is the most fragile. It is used only in private premises, in rooms remote deep into the house. You can’t walk on it in shoes, except for soft, homemade ones. The wall of the building can be primarily decorated with such material.
  • The second class is more resistant to wear. Has found application indoors in places with moderate traffic, but without a direct entrance from the outside. It is used in hospital wards, kindergartens, bathrooms.
  • The third class has high strength. Suitable for indoor areas such as kitchen, hallway. This tile does not wear out, is durable, retains the brightness of the color for many years.
  • The fourth - with the highest threshold of strength. Such tiles are resistant to damage, heavy loads and corrosive environments. It is used in public places with high traffic, such as banks, shops, theaters. It is also used for laying terraces and garages of private houses.


Metlakh tile has properties characteristic only of it:

  • Color constancy. The coloring pigment is evenly distributed over the surface of the tile.
  • Long service life. Resists any destructive factors.
  • Endurance - this type of ceramics is resistant to wind and frost. It is not subject to destruction upon contact with alkalis, acids and other chemical environments.
  • Strength. It has an extraordinary hardness that provides resistance to high pressure.
  • Versatility. The scope of tiles as floor coverings is wide. It is laid both in rooms for various purposes, and on the street. In addition, an extensive range of colors and shades makes it possible to create ornaments of any complexity.
  • The moisture resistance of the tile is high, so even a bath can be lined with it.

Aesthetics of Choice

For aristocratic styles and interiors, we can recommend a floor covering made of metlakh tiles. It allows you to create original patterns that resemble exquisite carpets and decorate the interior of the room. The texture of the metlakh tile makes it possible to assemble infinitely large ceramic carpets, since the pattern on the background tile is repeated. Thus, metlakh tiles in the interior are used where they want to focus on the floor and outdoor items. You can see photos of interiors with metlakh tiles from various projects below.

Laying metlakh tiles

Laying metlakh tiles is no different from laying tiles of different colors. First, take out and lay out all the material from all the boxes on the surface, if it is to be laid on a vertical wall, then mark the place on the floor and lay it out on it. Rearrange the tiles so that they match in thickness, color, pattern, or so that the final solution suits.

Laying metlakh tiles should be done by a professional tiler

Do not try to use tiles when laying from one box that came from the manufacturer's factory. On the contrary, “mix” the tiles from different boxes to get a natural color surface with the laid material.

Then assemble the tiles in rows, which you will lay according to the basic principles of laying tiles:

  • It is necessary to make an even base (a hollow and sagging floor must be strengthened);
  • Apply waterproofing (if the room is with a humid environment) and a primer;
  • Apply glue with a spatula-comb;
  • Lay the tiles with a seam (when the tiles are laid on the floor, they are pressed lightly and moved from side to side, as if slightly sinking, this is the method that is suitable for laying the floor material);
  • Rub the seams with grout;
  • Wash out;
  • Wait for full adhesion and use.

The grout for metlakh tiles is used the same as for any ceramic tile and porcelain stoneware. Many companies recommend additional impregnation for tiles, but in fact, if the material is of high quality, it does not need to be improved.

Every month, more and more new varieties of facing ceramic material appear on the world building materials market. However, often people do not trust new samples of design art and acquire brands that are either well-known or have already proven themselves. Metlakh tile is one of the few giants of the construction industry, which to this day is a really popular product for Russian and foreign buyers.


The history of metlakh ceramic tiles originates in Germany, in the city of Metlakh. In 1894, the production of this high-quality ceramic product began. To date, there are factories in France ("Winkelmans") and in Russia ("EuroCeramics") - these are the largest production facilities for this building product in the world, which maintain the unsurpassed quality of the goods. Also, small factories are scattered throughout Europe, but these factories are the main ones.

This tile is a small-format ceramics, made in a variety of interesting configurations. Thanks to the porcelain component and firing at high temperature, the resulting products have the best qualities, which are similar to those of porcelain stoneware. It is used in almost all areas of cladding: at home, in rooms with a large stay of people, on the street.

Metlakh tiles are unique, because with the help of various molding of this ceramics, a designer highlight is created: a complex graphic picture for the floor and walls. A loyal price approach for this product makes this tile affordable for almost any ordinary buyer.


All technical indicators of this wonderful cladding material are much higher than the norm:

  • Water absorption according to GOST 473.3-81 is 2.5% (the norm for the highest grade is 3.5%, no more).
  • Acid resistance according to GOST 473.1-81 - 97.71% (standard for the highest grade 97%, not less).
  • Strength (compression) according to GOST 473.6-81 - 90.8 MPa for 200x200x20, 92.8 MPa for 200x200x30, 75.2 MPa for 300x300x20 (the norm for the highest grade is 50 MPa, not less).
  • Strength (bending) in accordance with GOST 473.8-81 - 42MPa (the norm for the highest grade is 25MPa, not less).
  • Water permeability according to GOST 13993-78 - 24 hours after testing, there are no drops on the tile.
  • Frost resistance according to GOST 473.5-81 - 300 cycles (norm - 20 cycles, not less).
  • Thermal resistance according to GOST 7025-91 - 2 shifts (standard - 3 shifts).
  • Wear resistance according to GOST 961-89 p.3.13 - 0.11g/cm2.
  • Radiological control - a complete list of applications.

Summing up the qualities of this product, we can characterize metlakh tiles as follows:

  • The unsurpassed hardness of ceramic is a great indicator for those looking for a tile that can withstand the toughest conditions.
  • Extensive applicability - such a product, due to its resistance to temperature extremes, is applicable in all weather conditions.
  • Durability - due to the deep penetration of paint into the structure of the tile and subsequent firing, ceramics receive excellent properties that allow the tile to not fade over time and not lose its original appearance.

Tile types

Like any facing ceramic material, this product is divided into wall and floor tiles. Mostly metlakh ceramics are used for decorating flooring.

The division into types also occurs according to the principle of production.

There are three varieties in total:

  • Cast ceramics. Such tiles have a large number of defects due to the low quality of the goods received. First, clay masses are poured into molds, then they are dried and sent for firing at a kiln temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius. The marriage lies in the fact that such a tile has a different thickness.
  • Tiles formed by pressing. This category of ceramics is obtained by pressing under pressure a mixture made of clay in the form of a powder, water and the additives required by the manufacturing technology. After pressing, geometric shapes of the required dimensions are cut out from the obtained elements. This type of facing material has a non-porous structure. Due to this, its use is reduced mainly to decorating the floor.
  • Products made with an extruder. The raw material passing through the mouthpiece forms a ribbon, which is subsequently cut and fired. To set the required thickness of the product, the mouthpiece is pre-adjusted.

Metlakh tiles are also divided into classes according to strength characteristics:

  • First grade. Characterized by its low strength. Therefore, this category of finishing material is used exclusively in places remote from the entrance from the street. On such tiles you can not walk in street shoes.
  • Second class. It is used in places where the permeability is not too high. For example, such tiles can be placed in patient wards, toilets and other similar rooms.
  • Third category or class differs in application for places with higher traffic. It can be used in corridors, kitchens or hallways.
  • Fourth variety ceramics has found its application in places with a large stay of people: supermarkets, concert halls and many other similar places. The price for such products is much higher than for other classes of this material.


The dimensions of this finishing material are very diverse, as is its shape: the range of building material sizes varies from 6.5 to 15 cm, thickness - 6-8 mm. The geometric structure of the products is made in the form of many different shapes: a rectangle, a square, a triangle, a hexagon, an octagon, and even a cruciform shape is commercially available, often used as a wall decor.

The surface structure of finished products can be patterned or unpatterned, patterned, embossed, granular or simply smooth.

Styling nuances

Laying this tile is no different from laying any other. However, there are some nuances of lining.

Before starting the installation process, it is necessary to prepare the floor surface.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Level the floor surface. Any difference in height promises problems in installation work. To increase the service life of the tiled base, you can first install waterproofing and a concrete screed. A frost-resistant base is installed for outdoor ceramic coating.
  • Measure the surface of the lining. But this must be done in such a way that all possible zigzags and protrusions are taken into account - this also applies to doorways.
  • Next, we find the center of the surface, from which we draw centerlines in different directions.

Soaking this category of ceramics is considered by some experts to be a necessary step for an ideal veneering effect. This procedure must be carried out within 2 hours.

The installation process itself takes place in several stages:

  • It is necessary to first lay out the tiles in one vertical and horizontal row without adhesive, while leaving a gap between the tiles of 1-2 mm. Thus, during the preliminary laying out, it is possible to adjust the position of each element. Such a visual approach will help to lay out a difficult ornament correctly and without flaws and “fit” ceramic products to the desired result.
  • Then you need to dilute the adhesive, which should be fully suitable for this ceramic, and prepare a trowel with 3-6 mm teeth for work.
  • First, the largest elements of the ceramic coating are planted on the glue, then the smaller ones. However, we draw your attention to the fact that some of the goods in one collection may differ from the rest in their dimensions and thickness. This difference is usually 1-2 mm. But this variation is easily eliminated by applying glue: where the tile is thinner, you need to use a thicker layer of glue.
  • After the adhesive has set, the resulting joints are grouted. The choice of grout color is an important point. Its color should not be striking and you need to choose it a few tones less than the main color shade. A neutral solid color is the best option. Usually the choice of buyers stops at white, gray or beige grout. Rubbing should be carried out to the entire depth of the joint gap. Often, cement mortar is also used for such purposes.
  • During the laying process, it is important to maintain the same level of the new floor decor. If the work is carried out on the street, then it is recommended that the laying be carried out with a slight slope so that during precipitation, water does not accumulate on the surface of the ceramics, but flows, for example, into a specially designated gutter.
  • After finishing laying the horizontal coating, you can proceed with the installation of curbs. The process of this event usually starts from the corner to the central part. It is advisable to protect yourself from unnecessary unnecessary work, such as cutting off the remaining material, and purchase edging in several sizes, among which there should be not only long borders, but also short ones. After all, for trimming you will need a special tool: a machine with a disk for porcelain stoneware.
  • To check how well the work was done, water is poured onto the surface of the laid tiles. Uniform drying without puddles - excellent quality of work performed.

Among the huge variety of tiled materials, metlakh tile occupies a special place. If you are looking for a unique floor or wall covering that can enhance almost any interior style, Metah tiles or its imitation is exactly what you are looking for.

History of creation

Mettlach ceramic tiles were so named after the German city of Mettlach, where this finishing material began to be produced in the 19th century. At first, the ceramics manufacturer was called Villeroy & Boch, when the two families, having opened a family business, created a partnership with a board in Mettlach. Metlakh tiles quickly became a household name thanks to their original design and unique durability.

Tile was especially popular in the Victorian era, it was not for nothing that it was then called “Victorian tile” and covered the floors of cathedrals, public buildings and private residences with it. Coatings from Mettlach were also brought during the construction of the famous Titanic, and to this day they are present in the decoration of many architectural monuments.

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, the Villeroy & Boch brand became a supplier of ceramics for the Russian imperial court.

This finishing material was especially actively used in St. Petersburg, where at the beginning of the 20th century there was even a specialized store of this German company on Nevsky Prospekt. A clear confirmation of the technical properties of this tile is the ancient interiors of the historical buildings of the northern capital - in the decoration of St.

In our country, the peak of popularity of Metlakh ceramics came in the second half of the 20th century, when it was used in the construction of multi-storey residential buildings and plinth cladding.

Currently, metlakh tiles are produced in several countries at once (most of the factories are located in France and Portugal), including Russian-made tiles (the EuroCeramics plant).

The French factory "Winckelmans" is one of the oldest, which still functions today. It is here that ancient techniques have been preserved. Adding modern design ideas to them, the company's specialists create a unique "piece" product, which is characterized by such characteristics as reliability, impeccable quality, natural texture, the most natural shades and patterns, as well as a pleasant matte sheen.


The main material for the manufacture of metlakh tiles is refractory clay. Factories are located, as a rule, in places where clay is mined; in Russia, this is the Dmitrovsky quarry. Broom - the hardest tile compared to others. Even after a fall or impact, there will be no scratches or chips on it, because such material is able to withstand pressure from 3200 to 5550 kg.

In fact, Metlakh tiles are endowed with all the properties of natural stone - they withstand heat and frost, and are also absolutely acid-resistant.

The peculiarity of the design of such a tile is the use of a unique decorative technique “brooms”, when the tile is first painted with a natural pigment, and only then it is sent to the oven to be fired at a temperature of about 1100-1200 ° C. The result is a durable tile of natural shade. It is thanks to firing and pressing that the ceramic coating acquires high performance characteristics, in terms of strength, it is not inferior even to porcelain stoneware.

Such a monolithic and durable coating is used not only in apartments, but also for finishing facades, terraces or paths in front of the house.

Sizes and shapes

Metlakh tiles are usually small in size, about 10x10 cm, although there are various shapes and designs. Sizes can vary from 3.5 to 20 cm. At the same time, the shapes of the tiles can be completely different - these are squares, rectangles, crosses, triangles, octagons. There are also additional decorative elements for decorating the floor and walls.

Most often, tiles of different sizes are used within the same composition. First, a pattern is laid out from large tiles, and then from small ones. Since the thickness of the tiles varies, when laying, make sure that the ceramic surface is on the same level.

And be sure to make a drawing on the surface: in order not to make mistakes during installation, you will need special markings.

Advantages of metlakh ceramics

There are plenty of features and advantages of metlakh ceramics over other finishing materials:

  • Versatility(tiles are used both in the interior decoration of the floor and walls in the house, and for terraces and paths in front of the house, as well as public buildings).
  • original design(a variety of shapes and ornaments will help create a unique pattern "not like everyone else").
  • natural composition from high-strength clay, as well as its environmental friendliness.
  • Hardness and strength(it is very difficult to damage brooms, and even if you drive over the tile in a car, it will not crack).

  • Durability(the service life can be not only decades, but also centuries, which is proven in practice), while the color does not fade with time. This is achieved by impregnating the tile with pigments, when after firing the product becomes even more monolithic.
  • wear resistance(resistance to humidity and temperature changes, therefore suitable for outdoor decoration, whether it is hot, snow, wind or rain outside).
  • Chemical Protection detergents, acids and alkalis.

Of the minuses, we note only the complexity of laying, problems with cutting, and the fact that it will be very difficult to create a competent drawing on your own without a professional designer.

Design features. Options for use in the interior

Of course, not everyone will “understand” Metlakh tiles. This should be a person with artistic thinking, because you need to have a mature taste in order to choose an interior with a complex ornament. The use of such ceramics is acceptable in both modern and vintage interiors. Ethnic and oriental themes go well with such tiles.

Metlakh tiles will help create a decorative accent in the room - for example, make a plain floor and decorate it with elegant skirting boards.

Such a coating is suitable for decorating a bathroom, as it does not slip and does not absorb moisture. You can also lay out a luxurious carpet for a living room or a spacious kitchen from a broomstick. A rather unusual, but effective technique will be a decorative broomstick panel on the wall.

Also, a small-sized Metlakh tile will perfectly fit into the interior of a kitchen of any design - with the help of such ceramics, you can decorate a kitchen apron or work surface.

Broomstick is also suitable for decorating terraces in front of the house, because it is not afraid of snow, rain or frost.. And with the help of rounded elements, you can effectively decorate the steps on the stairs. A great idea would be to tile a fireplace with such tiles, as well as a platform in front of it. You can even decorate ordinary doors around the perimeter with broomstick tiles in the form of a mosaic.

Agree, such a finishing material is truly a godsend for the designer. Metlakh tiles can be used literally everywhere.

Choice of color and size of metlakh tiles

In modern collections of metlakh tiles, a huge variety of shades and ornaments is presented. It's not easy to stop at something without the help of a professional designer.

So check out these helpful tips:

  • Larger tiles of non-staining shades are suitable for facing the tracks.
  • To decorate the room from the inside, use medium-sized tiles, beige and pastel shades. This will visually enlarge the room and add space.
  • When choosing a tile, consider the lighting in the room, because artificial light sources can change the shade of the coating. For example, under a yellow lamp, a blue tile will appear greenish.
  • To emphasize the ornament of metlakh tiles on the floor, lay out a uniform tile without a pattern around the perimeter of the floor covering, which will give an interesting accent to the interior.

A dozen new items appear on the building materials market every year. Among the thousands of finishing materials, there are those that do not lose their relevance even hundreds of years after the development of production. These, of course, include metlakh tiles. Surprisingly resistant and original finishing material is used very widely, however, not every owner has full information about it.

Metlakh tile, what is it

The secret of making metlakh tiles was found more than a hundred years ago in Germany, in the city of Mettlach, from where it began to spread to different countries. From Germany, the subtleties of obtaining special material migrated to Italy, Portugal and France, and Russian-made metlakh tiles are becoming more and more popular in our country.

There are only a few factories in the Russian Federation that can produce competitive tiles according to those recipes. One of these enterprises is the EuroKeramika plant, which was built in the city of Pechory back in the USSR. Products comply with all international standards and current state standards, and its price is an order of magnitude lower than Italian and German tiles. The price per square meter of Metlakh tiles (dimensions - 300x300x20 mm) produced in the Russian Federation does not exceed 200 rubles. The technical characteristics of the material are given in the table, and the photo shows samples of ornaments from it.

There are not too many branded tiles made using the old technology on sale. Only a few plants producing such material remain abroad, and the French Winckelmans plant is considered the most famous in the world. The enterprise, despite the complete replacement of equipment, has been operating since 1886 and produces ceramics according to old technological maps. There is another plant in Portugal, but its tiles are not so well known, especially in our country. The price of imported tiles starts from 0.3 to 17 euros per square.

Production technologies

The second name of the metlakh tile is Victorian tile, since it was actively used to decorate the interior surfaces of the palace premises. Then the tile differed from other types of tiles not only in small size, shape and high strength, but also in the ability to realize absolutely fantastic patterns thanks to deep colors. All this made it possible to use it as a tool for work, corresponding to the style of many artists of that time.

Refractory clay remains the main material for the manufacture of such a tile. It is in the places of its production that factories are located. For the Russian Federation, this is mainly the Dmitrovsky quarry. Tiles of various sizes and shapes are formed from clay, glaze is applied, and then baked in an oven at a temperature of about 1100-1300 degrees. Due to the high degree of compaction, the tile becomes very wear-resistant, frost-resistant, which makes it possible to use it not only for arranging residential premises, but also for finishing administrative and public buildings.

Benefits and properties of tiles

Thanks to the characteristics of clay and a special production technology, it is possible to achieve excellent performance properties of the material:

    Physical strength and color fastness. The results of strength tests are shown in the table, but the strength properties of tiles can be indicated by the fact that many historical buildings in Europe are finished with it and look like new for hundreds of years. The tile withstands pressure from an average car and barely loses color saturation over time. In addition, ceramic tiles withstand more than 300 freeze and thaw cycles. Rare material can show such frost resistance.

    Metlakh tile is a versatile material. It is equally successfully used both for interior work and for exterior decoration of facades, platforms, paving paths and finishing entrance groups.

    The high firing temperature provided the tile with extreme moisture resistance, so such tiles can be used to finish not only approaches to the building, but also wet rooms - pools, baths, bathrooms.

    Fire resistance and environmental friendliness. The tile does not lose its properties and does not crack, does not burn out at high temperatures. This makes it possible to use it for finishing fireplaces and stoves, it also does not include synthetics and when heated, the tile does not emit harmful fumes.

Laying metlakh floor tiles

In fact, laying metlakh tiles is not much different from finishing other types of tiles, but has some minor features. Experts recommend laying it only on a prepared and planned surface. Before directly laying on the adhesive, the ceramics are laid out in the form of a conceived ornament, taking into account the tile joints. The tile is soaked in water for about two hours, after which it can be laid on the marked plane.

First, large tiles are laid, and the adhesive is applied to the back of the material. After laying fragments of a smaller size, the seams are rubbed either with a special grout that meets the operating conditions, or with cement mortar to the entire depth of the seam.

Caring for tiles is no different from caring for any other ceramic tile. Choose the finishing material to your liking and good luck to everyone!

Metlakh tiles, or simply brooms, are made according to a technology discovered many years ago. The production of such a flooring material was first started back in the Middle Ages in the German city of Mettlach, from where the name of the tile came from. Because of the beauty of the patterns that this tile allows to form, its popularity continues to this day.

True, now it is not only the Germans who produce it. One of the most famous broom manufacturers in our time is the French company Winckelmans, which has existed for over 120 years, during which it invented its own special firing methods and ceramic recipes. This company produces almost 5 thousand different types of floor and wall tiles.

The broom is a small format ceramic tile (usually 10x10). It has a variety of shapes and colors. Thanks to high-temperature firing and dense pressing, Metlakh tiles acquire decent performance characteristics and similar properties to porcelain stoneware.

Ceramics of this type are highly resistant to moisture, cold, chemical compounds, including strong acids. It is very wear resistant and durable. All this allows the use of Metlakh tiles in a variety of situations: when facing the floor in residential buildings and public buildings, for exterior decoration of facades and courtyard paths. Due to its peculiar aesthetics, brooms are also used in the decoration of elite premises like expensive hotels.

A huge variety of colors and shapes provided this material with a place not only in modern homes. At one time, metlakh tiles were one of the elements of the English Victorian style. In those days, this coating lined the floors of all types of premises: from stations and factories to palaces.

Broomstick coatings could even be found on the notorious Titanic. Compositions from the old broom can still be found in architectural monuments. Over time, significant changes were made to the production process, and modern ceramics of this type differ markedly from the original. However, manufacturers are trying to restore the old colors and shapes of the broomstick.

Related article: How to make a plywood floor in an apartment

Characteristics of metlakh tiles

Ceramic tiles of this type are significantly superior to conventional ceramics and are closer in quality to modern porcelain stoneware. It is distinguished by the following features:

The highest hardness. Broomsticks are quite difficult to damage by mechanical action. Small objects falling on its surface - for example, metal utensils in the kitchen - will definitely not lead to the formation of cracks. It is almost impossible to scratch such material.

Fortitude. Broom is resistant to almost all environmental conditions that can affect it. These are critical temperatures, water, acids and alkalis. Due to this, Metlakh tiles can be used as a floor finish in any operating conditions.

Endurance. Metlakh tiles are famous for their high resistance to mechanical stress. You can even drive a car on the coating of this material, which makes it possible not only to finish the floor with it in the house, but also to lay it out in the yard.

Durability. Service life, as practice shows, can reach more than one century. The color of the coating will not fade over time, as the dye impregnates its entire thickness, reliably baking during firing.

Laying metlakh tiles

Surface preparation

First of all, the surface of the base is carefully leveled. If the tile is not laid indoors, it is imperative to treat the base with a frost protection agent. It is also important to clean the base of all debris, sweep and wash so that the tile lays flat and does not wobble.

After that, the surface is carefully measured, taking into account all the curves of the walls, doorways, pipes, radiators, etc. Based on these measurements, the center point of the room is found, from which guide lines are drawn in all directions. These lines can be either drawn on the floor or formed from stretched threads.

Laying process

The initial laying out of the coating elements is being carried out. It is laid along a row of tiles in three directions: vertically in width and length and diagonally from corner to corner over the entire area of ​​the floor to be covered. Between the individual elements, it is imperative to leave a gap of at least one millimeter wide. The tile is laid out and adjusted until absolute symmetry is achieved.

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