I download the game honest traffic cop on my phone. Honest traffic cop

Honest traffic cop: The main character is a traffic cop, a virtuoso of the striped wand and a master of "negotiations". Hero folklore, the ruler of the motorway and the thunderstorm of drivers! Only he is able to stop the truck on the fly with one wave, check the first-aid kit, the driver's finances and inquire about the health of his mother-in-law.

That's right, this is a virtuoso of a striped wand and a master of "negotiations" - a traffic cop. You would not wish a meeting with him to either a “teapot” or a professional. But not everything is so sad, you can always agree with an “honest” GAI officer. Imagine that you are one of them, and now you dictate the rules on the roads! You need to put on a cap, catch the offender, gather the authorities for a banquet and go for a promotion! Sooner or later, as a reward for your hard and honest work, an ordinary, uncomfortable post will turn into a chic mansion. Of course, you can fine for speeding. But to make life even more miserable for drivers, you can buy a speed limit sign and put it in a place they don't expect. Then a good income is guaranteed to you. But be careful, don't confuse a private trader's car with a special services car!

Features of the game Honest traffic cop:

Unlimited fine;

Various tasks;

Ability to purchase bonuses;

A mini-game that develops reaction speed and finger dexterity.

Attracts work in the traffic police or the traffic police? Feel like a real traffic cop by downloading Russian traffic cop simulator 3D. You will learn how difficult and dangerous this profession is. Try yourself in the role of a traffic cop.

Opportunities and features of the game Simulator of the Russian traffic cop 3D

It should be understood that the chosen profession is not as simple as it seems to an ordinary car driver. At the beginning of the game, you only have a service car and a baton at your disposal. Go out on your first working day in Russian Cop Simulator 3D! Your duties will include stopping cars that violated the rules traffic bringing violators to justice. Not every driver will stop at the gesture of a traffic cop. You will have to catch up with the offender in a company car. Do not forget about the daily routine that the profession of a traffic cop implies. You can choose which path to take. The first way is an honest employee who is slowly moving up the corporate ladder. But there is another way - illegal. For example, you can fine not only violators or take bribes from drivers. The method is dishonest, but you can rise through the ranks much faster.

Pluses of the game Simulator of the Russian traffic cop 3D:

  • chase offenders in a police car at high speed;
  • the ability to choose one of the five traffic police cars;
  • rank ladder: work your way up from private to general.
If you are interested in the profession of a police officer, and you have dreamed of trying on a uniform since childhood, download Russian Traffic Cop Simulator 3D. The game turned out to be bright and rich, despite the simplicity of the graphics and some minor flaws of the developers.


The main character is a traffic cop, a virtuoso of the striped wand and a master of "negotiations". The hero of folklore, the ruler of the highway and a thunderstorm of drivers! Only he is able to stop the truck on the fly with one wave, check the first-aid kit, the driver's finances and inquire about the health of his mother-in-law.

That's right, this is a virtuoso of a striped wand and a master of "negotiations" - a traffic cop. You would not wish a meeting with him to either a “teapot” or a professional. But not everything is so sad, you can always agree with an “honest” GAI officer. Imagine that you are one of them, and now you dictate the rules on the roads! You need to put on a cap, catch the offender, gather the authorities for a banquet and go for a promotion! Sooner or later, as a reward for your hard and honest work, an ordinary, uncomfortable post will turn into a chic mansion. Of course, you can fine for speeding. But to make life even more miserable for drivers, you can buy a speed limit sign and put it in a place they don't expect. Then a good income is guaranteed to you. But be careful, don't confuse a private trader's car with a special services car!

What is interesting in the game Honest traffic cop:

Unlimited fine;
- Various tasks;
- Ability to purchase bonuses;
- A mini-game that develops reaction speed and finger dexterity.

For 176x208 (Russian):
[ jar | jad ]

For 240x320 (Russian):
[ jar | jad ]

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