My future profession is English. my future profession. Translation of the text My future profession. My future profession

Level B. My world.

my future profession

Future profession is a very important choice in every human life. Sooner or later everybody thinks about the profession. There are a lot of interesting professions in the world and I "d love to learn a few of them. It is very difficult to make a choice once and not to make a mistake. But desires don't always coincide with possibilities.
Sometimes we do not choose what we need: some of us go to learn, where our friends learn, others study profession chosen by their parents. And only later a person realizes: “It’s not my cup of tea”: soul does not lie to her. The person making the choice must think not about how this or that profession will be paid or if there is a demand for it, and not about the tips of others. You should certainly listen to the opinions of adults, they never wish you bad, but it is the choice of your own and it must be done independently.

On the verge of leaving school we are often asked what we want to be, where we proceed, what we are going to do in the future. Some answer confidently what they want to link their lives with, others respond less confident, still doubting their choice. Not to suffer the wrong choice of profession in the future, you need to treat it with full responsibility and seriousness. But I still believe that it is not necessary to doubt in your choice, you need to act, to follow your heart's calling.

For a long time I had doubts about my career choice, but at the last moment I centered college to study for a degree in travel and tourism. Now I "m on the third course and I do not regret my choice at all. I'd never thought before about the profession I chose. And now I" m glad I took the risk. I faced a great variety of opportunities. I have enough time to study and work, and I am not a burden. Besides, I can travel around the world not only as a tourist but as a specialist as well.

Youth is a period of one's life that is more likely to commit errors. And even if after 15 years of training, you have not managed to find yourself - don't give up. The main thing is to do what you like. Your job should not be just a job, should be fun, should not be a burden and should not be used for making money only. I would like people not to feel sorry for their choice of future profession. So I wish all of you to find the occupation you like.

The future profession is a very important choice in the life of every person. Sooner or later, everyone thinks about the profession. There are many interesting professions in the world, and I would like to learn some of them. It is very difficult to make a choice right away and not make a mistake. But desires do not always coincide with opportunities.

Sometimes we choose not what we need: some of us go to study where our friends study, others study in the profession that their parents chose for them. And only later does a person realize that this is not his profession: his soul does not lie with her. A person making a choice should not think about how this or that profession will be paid, whether there is a demand for it, and not about what others will advise you. Of course, you should listen to the opinions of adults, they will never wish anything bad, but this is everyone's choice and you need to do it yourself.

On the threshold of leaving school, we are often asked what we want to be, where we will go, what we are going to do in the future. Some answer confidently with what they want to connect their lives with, others answer less confidently, still doubting their choice. In order not to suffer about the wrong choice of profession in the future, you need to take this with all responsibility and seriousness. But I still think that there is no need to doubt your choice, you need to act, go where you want.

For a long time I doubted my choice of profession, but at the last moment I entered college with a degree in Tourism. Now I'm on the 3rd course and I don't regret my choice at all. I never thought before about the profession that I chose and now I am glad that I took the risk. Many possibilities opened up before me. I have time to study and work, and it is not a burden to me. In addition, I will be able to travel around the world not only as a tourist, but also as a specialist.

Youth is a period of life in which you make the most mistakes. And even if after 15 years of study you still haven’t found yourself, don’t give up. The main thing is to do what you like. Your work should not be just work, it should be fun, it should not be a burden, it should not be just for making money. I really want people not to regret their choice in the future. Therefore, I wish everyone to find something to their liking.

We talk all the time about how important English is for finding a good job, building a career and/or owning a business. Recently we discussed the features of learning English for lawyers (), before that they told ... But what about other professions?

Professions in English with translation

Let's start with the lexicon. You have to find out how some Russian professions are translated into English. For better understanding and memorization, all words are given not only with translation, but also with transcription.

In Russian

In English



driving instructor

["draiviŋ in" strʌktə]

Auto Mechanic

["məutə mi" kænik]

[əg "rɔnəmist]

Lawyer or attorney

["lɔ:jə] or [ə"tз:ni]


administrator, manager

[əd "ministreitə], ["mænidʒə]

Obstetrician, accoucheur

[ɔbste"triʃn], [æku:"ʃz:]





Art Director






Barman, bartender

["ba:mən], ["ba:tendə]




flight attendant

flight attendant


bookkeeper, accountant

["bukki:pər], [ə"kauntənt]

Web Designer



Veterinarian, vet


Visagiste, makeup artist

["vizidʒist], ["meikʌp "a:tist]




serviceman, military

["sz:vismæn], ["militəri]


Teacher, educator

["ti: tʃə], [" edju: keitə]

doctor, physician


Wardrobe attendant

Cloakroom attendant



Janitor, street sweeper, yardman

["dʒænitə], ,






diplomat, diplomatist





railway worker


Livestock breeder, cattle breeder






["teiləz" kʌtə]


sound engineer

Sound producer, sound engineer

, ["saundendʒi"niə]

image maker

["imidʒ "meikə]





Mason, bricklayer

, ["brikleiə]


Cynologist, dog handler





Composer, songwriter

, ["sɔŋgraitər]



Designer, constructor

Content manager

["kɔntent "mænidʒə]




Astronaut, spaceman, cosmonaut

["æstrənɔ:t], ["speismæn], ["kɔzmənɔ:t]

crane operator

messenger, courier

["mesindʒə], ["kuriə]

laboratory assistant

laboratory assistant










["mz: tʃəndaizər]


Metallurgist, steelmaker

, ["sti:meikər]




Policeman, police officer




Tax inspector

Tax officer, tax inspector






["nəutəri" pʌblik]

Nanny, baby-sitter

["næni], ["beibi "sitə]

[ɔŋ "kɔlədʒist]




Security guard


hairdresser, barber

["hɛədresə], ["ba:bə]




["raitə], ["ɔ:θə]


Fireman, firefighter

["faiəmən], ["faiəfaitər]

Police officer

Policeman, police officer



Postman, mailman, mail carrier

["pəustmən], ["meilmæn],


Entrepreneur; business owner

[ɔntrəprə "nз:], ["biznis" əunə]





Shop assistant (UK); salesman (amer.)

[ʃɔp ə "sistənt], ["seilzmən]



prosecutor, public prosecutor

["prɔsikju:tə], ["pʌblik "prɔsikju:tə]


A prostitute




unskilled laborer; odd job man

["ʌn" skild "leibərə], [ɔd dʒɔb mæn]


Inspector, Supervisor

, ["sju:pəvaizə]




Realtor, real estate agent


fisherman, fisher

["fiʃəmən], ["fiʃə]




Shoemaker, cobbler

["ʃu: meikə], ["kɔblə]



System Administrator

system administrator

["sistim əd" ministerreitə]



Investigator, inspector


Rescuer, lifeguard

["reskjuə], ["laifga: d]


specialist, expert

["speʃəlist], ["ekspз: t]



["spɔ:tsmən], ["æθli:t]



Dentist, stomatologist


watchman, caretaker

["wɔtʃmən], ["kɛəteikə]

Insurance agent



flight attendant; stewardess

, ["stjuədis]



taxi driver; cab driver

["tæksi "draivə],

tattoo artist


Bodyguard, personal guard



Therapeutist, therapist, physician

[θerə"pju:tist], ["θerəpist],



Sales Representative

sales representative



Cleaning woman

Cleaner, cleaning lady

["kli:nə]; ["kli:niŋ "leidi]


Pharmacist, pharmacist

, ["fa:məsist]


Medical assistant, paramedic

["medikəl ə" sistənt],

physicist, physicist

["fizisist], ["fiziks]

Nuclear physicist

nuclear physicist

["nju: kliə" fizisist]


Financier, financial expert


milling machine

milling machine operator

["miliŋ mə"ʃi:n "ɔpəreitə]




["a:tist], ["peintə]






Electrician, electrical engineer


["lɔ:jə], ["dʒuərist]


Linguist, philologist


Please note that for convenience, the words in the table are given without the article. But in practice, the article a/an is always put in the singular in the name of the profession and/or position.

Essay about the profession in English

Perhaps some professions with a translation in the table surprised you: they say, who will write in the essay “My future profession” that he dreams of becoming a janitor or a laborer. In addition, some of these activities are generally out of circulation, while others have become popular quite recently (make-up artist, barista, copywriter, etc.). Indeed, very different professions are collected here in order to expand your vocabulary. Knowing these words, you will easily or compose a story in English about the profession of your parents.

So, how to write a story about a profession in English? First, re-read our article on. Pay attention to the first variety - essay-opinion (Opinion essays). The description of the profession in English is built on the same principle. And if you want to add drama to your story, use the elements of a problem-solving essay (Suggesting solutions to problem essays).

When thinking about an essay about a profession, do not forget about its structure. Be sure to think through all the parts:

  1. header, or the title of the essay. You can call it the same as the theme sounds: “My future profession”, or add something from yourself.
  2. Introduction. The introductory part of the essay, in which you can talk about your interests, professions in your family, etc. For example: I don't know exactly what I want. I like a lot of things, and I do well in most subjects. And many professions appear interesting to me. But my sister has always known that she will be a doctor. She attends special courses for enhanced studying of biology and chemistry.
  3. Main part. The most voluminous and meaningful part of the essay. In it, share your thoughts about the profession of your dreams, plans for study, career growth, achievements. For example: Most of all I like traveling, and some time ago I started thinking of a travel manager’s career. You help people in organizing their vacations; consult them on special aspects of traveling to different countries, book hotels for them and give recommendations for choosing tours, restaurants, places to visit, etc. However, my mom says that a travel agent is not a profession. She wants me to enter the Foreign Languages ​​Faculty. Of course, foreign language skills are necessary for a travel manager, and I realize it. But instead, I can attend special courses or just travel around the world and study languages ​​in practice.
  4. Conclusion. Say that you have made the final choice, or vice versa, continue to choose your profession. For example: So, by now I haven't made a final decision regarding my future profession yet. I am not very consistent person, I have a lot of hobbies, and may be in a while I will have new ideas. All I know is that my occupation must involve communication with people, because I am very sociable.

When in a lesson at a language school, essays about a profession in English are read aloud, a kind of presentation of professions is obtained. And this is great, because it allows you not only to get to know your classmates better, but also to rethink your own plans. We wish you interesting ideas and the right choice!

The choice of a profession in our time is a very important direction. For some it's a calling, for others it's just a job. One of the popular topics for essays in English is “My profession is an engineer”. In this article, we will consider an English topic about a future profession with an emphasis on technical specialties.

If you need to write an essay on the topic “My future Profession”, then the following topic options in English with translation can help you with this.

From the article you will learn:

Glossary for the topic "My future profession is an engineer"

  • accurate - accurate
  • concentrated - concentrated
  • prestigious - prestigious
  • well-paid - well paid
  • equipment - equipment
  • machinery - mechanics
  • civil engineering - civil engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • mechanical engineering

A small essay for schoolchildren - My future job

I am going to be an engineer. I think engineer is a very interesting job. He talks with new people every day. A good engineer should be accurate, careful, concentrated and serious. He should work with computers, have creative ideas. An engineer should speak a foreign language.

I think this profession is for me.

Translation from English "My future profession"

I'm going to be an engineer. I think being an engineer is a very interesting job. He talks to new people every day. A good engineer must be precise, careful, concentrated and serious. He must work with computers, have creative ideas. The engineer must speak a foreign language.

I think this profession is for me.

Essay example My future profession is an engineer

My name is Victor and I'm 14 years old. I study at the 9th form of the state school in a small town.

I know that there are many interesting professions in the world, including banker, teacher, arhitect but I want to be an engineer.

People say that it's a difficult profession and it requires good knowledge of physics and mathematics. I'm ready to give it a try. My teachers also say that I'm rather good at this field.

The school subjects that I'm good at are algebra and geometry. My mother says that engineers need excellent technical knowledge, so she helps me with that. Moreover, strong computer skills are required, as most of the equipment today is computerized.

If I become a mechanical engineer, I will definitely have to deal with machinery and software programs for problem solving.

I will have to move to a larger city after I graduate from school. The entrance exams usually include mathematics and physics. I think I will pass my exams. If I manage to enter the Technological University, I will have to study for 5 years to become a professional engineer.

In my opinion, engineering is a great profession. There are so many interesting fields that I can choose from, such as civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.

I think I will succeed.

Translation into Russian:My future profession is an engineer

My name is Victor. I am 14 years old. I am a 9th grade public school student in a small town.

I know that there are many interesting professions, including bankers, teachers, architects, but I want to become an engineer.

People say that this is a difficult profession and requires good knowledge in physics and mathematics. I'm ready to try. My teachers also say that I am pretty good in this area.

The school subjects I'm good at are algebra and geometry. My mom says that engineers need great technical knowledge, so she helps me with that. Moreover, good computer skills are required, since most of the equipment today is computerized.

If I want to become a mechanical engineer, I definitely need to make friends with mechanics and problem solving programs.

I have to move to a big city after I finish school. The entrance exams usually include mathematics and physics. I think I will pass my exams. If I enter the Technological University, I will study for 5 years to become a professional engineer.

In my opinion, engineering is a wonderful profession. So many interesting fields that I can choose from, such as civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.

I think I can do it.

Topic "My future profession is an engineer"

There are many professions in the world, but in my opinion men’s life should be related to technical specialties, my father and mother worked in design bureau in machine factory, cause that I understand what have to continue the family business.

At this moment the profession of engineer is once again becoming a prestigious and well-paid. Factories, Railways, workshops, small private firms need of people engineering professions. Wherever there is any equipment needed, engineers are able to maintain it at a high level, and the technique now in all areas of production, without it can not exist even the simplest industrial enterprise.

Today the profession of engineer is not very fashionable, but it’s not bad, that is only more appreciated by qualified professionals. A good engineer must constantly improve his skills not only through education but also by attending various events, foreign exhibitions, which improve the quality of knowledge. Industry of Russia, at the moment, unfortunately, lags behind other countries, most of the goods we buy from abroad, but could produce it themselves. Our country has huge potential, we can become first in all production sectors, so that in the future I want to work as an engineer and invent new machines and devices, thereby contributing to the development of our state.

Translation into Russian

There are many professions in the world, but in my opinion, the life of a man should be connected with technical specialties, my father and mother worked in a design office at a machine-building plant, so I realized that I should continue the family business.

At the moment, the profession of an engineer is once again becoming a prestigious and highly paid one. Plants, factories, railways, workshops, small private firms need people of engineering professions. Wherever there is any kind of equipment, engineers are needed who are able to maintain it at a high level, and technology is now in all areas of production, even the simplest enterprise cannot exist without it.

Today, the profession of an engineer is not very fashionable, but this is not bad, in connection with this, qualified specialists are only more valued. A good engineer must constantly improve his skills, not only through self-education, but also by attending various events, foreign exhibitions that improve the quality of knowledge. The industry of Russia, at the moment, unfortunately, lags behind other countries, we buy most of the goods from abroad, although we could produce them ourselves. Our country has a huge potential, we can become the first in all industries, therefore, in the future I want to work as an engineer and invent new machines and devices, thereby contributing to the development of our state.

The ability to describe in English your current or future profession will come in handy in many situations. You can’t do without it during a job interview or an entrance test to an English-speaking university. Also, a story on the topic of my future profession in English is one of the most common tasks in schools and in English language exams. We have made a detailed plan for this assignment so that you learn how to describe your profession verbally and in the form of an essay.

The plan of the story about the profession - what should be

  1. Introduction.

    At the beginning of the topic, indicate what will be discussed, tell us what reasons prompted you to write this essay. After that, tell us what you are doing now: are you already working in a profession or are you just choosing it.

  2. Choice preconditions.

    Tell us what influenced the choice of your profession, who you wanted to be as a child, who was your hero, what professions seemed interesting to you, which ones were boring.

  3. Rationale for the choice.

    Explain what factors influenced your conscious choice of profession: career prospects, prestige, the ability to help others, high salary, family tradition, persuasion of relatives and friends.

  4. Pros and cons of the profession.

    List the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen profession and tell which of them outweighs. Choose the main plus and the main minus of the profession and focus on them.

  5. Expectations for the future.

    Tell us what your career plans are, whether you want to work in this specialty all your life or plan to change it. If change, then to which one and why. How long do you plan to work and what do you want to achieve in your chosen profession?

  6. Conclusion.

    In conclusion, tell us if you are satisfied with your choice, are you satisfied with your profession, are you proud of it, would you recommend it to your children and friends.

What you need to add text if you want to talk about your future profession:

If you are not yet working in the chosen specialty, but only plan to master it, the topic needs to be slightly adjusted:

  1. Experience of other people.

    Tell us what your friends and family think about this profession. What is her image in the public mind.

  2. Studies.

    Tell us what you need to learn and what skills to master in order to start working in this specialty. Where and how do you plan to study: at the university or on your own?

  3. Place of work.

    Describe where and how you would like to work after graduation: a manager in a large international firm, a designer in a small quiet office, or maybe even a programmer remotely from home.

Useful words and expressions

English words/phrase Translation
Agency agency
Art and creative work art and creative work
Banking and financial activities banking and financial activities
company company
Construction, repair, maintenance construction, repair, maintenance
digital head techie
Earn your living make money for living
employee employee
Employer employer
Humanity scholar humanitarian
Intern trainee, young specialist, intern
Jobless unemployed
Knowledge based skills knowledge-based skills
law and order law and order
Look for a job Looking for a job
management management
manager manager
Medicine medicine
Occupation profession, occupation
Office worker office worker
permanent job Full time job
art profession creative profession
Promotion promotion
realistic expectations realistic outlook for the future
Salary wage
Sales sales
Science the science
stable job stable work
To fire somebody fire someone
To get a raise get a raise
to quit quit
To resign lay down one's duties
To sack somebody lure someone
Opportunities possibilities
Knowledge knowledge
respect respect
prestigious job prestigious job

An example of a story about a profession (for adults)

Let me tell you about my profession. The job that I have is also the same as the job that I would hope to have if I didn't already have it. I'm an English teacher.

I chose the profession of English teacher after several years working as a researcher and journalist, as English is my first love and my passion. I love English literature, poetry, newspapers, films.

When I was a child, I used to like games such as organizing words into categories, and I think perhaps the kick I get from explaining grammar well is an extension of that. I like to bring order out of chaos.

Different aspects of my job involve different skills. When it comes to teaching, the job involves, of course, teaching students for general and business English, exams, legal English and so on. This requires a detailed knowledge of grammar, syntax, business skills such as presentations and meetings and more.

I'm interested in this job for so many reasons. As I mentioned, I love the English language. I am also fascinated to learn about people and their life stories, and in this job I meet a huge variety of people from all over the world. I'm keen to help bridge the divides between cultures.

Translation of the story (for adults)

Let me tell you about my profession. The job I have is one that I would like to work even if I didn't have one. I am an English teacher.

I chose the profession of an English teacher after several years of work as a scientist and journalist, because English is my first love and passion. I love English literature, poetry, newspapers, films.

As a child, I loved vocabulary games and I think that the pleasure I get from teaching grammar is an extension of that love. I like to bring order to chaos.

Different aspects of my job require different skills. When it comes to teaching, this job means, of course, teaching general and business English to students, preparing for exams, teaching legal English, and so on. This requires detailed knowledge of grammar and syntax, as well as business skills: preparing a presentation, holding meetings, etc.

I love this job for many reasons. As I said, I love English. I am also interested in getting to know people and their life stories, and in this job I meet a lot of people from all over the world. I strive to build bridges between different cultures.

An example of a story about a future profession (for children and teenagers)

I am going to describe my career plans. As for me in the future, I would like to become an interpreter. I know that interpreters have opportunities to visit different countries and continents. It attracts me because I'll get acquainted with various people and I'll learn their customs, rituals and traditions.

I'm sure that this creative profession enriches our mind and we become more educated. I think that an interpreter is a very useful profession because it helps people to communicate. But of course, if you want to be an interpreter, you will need a definite qualification. At first, you must know one foreign language at least. It's good if you know English (the language of the planet) and any other language. Also, you should know colloquial expressions and slang. You should know the history of the country the language of which you are studying, ways of life that are typical for this country, etc. And of course, you must be a sociable, communicative and patient person.

I think that this kind of career will suit me because I have almost all qualifications that are needed. But I must continue to work with English grammar and vocabulary as well as the German language. I try to read English books in the original, learn 10 words at a time and listen to English songs every day because I want to fulfill my ambitions. I like this profession and I hope that I'll become an interpreter. I hope that my dream will be realized.

Translation of the story (for children and teenagers)

I am going to describe my career plans. As for me, in the future I want to become a translator. I know that translators have the opportunity to visit different countries and different continents. This profession attracts me, because I will meet different people and learn their customs and traditions.

I am sure that this creative profession enriches our minds and we become more enlightened. I believe that a translator is a very necessary profession because it helps people to communicate. Of course, if you want to be a translator, then you will need certain qualifications. To begin with, you must know at least one foreign language. Well, if you know English (the language of world communication) and some other language. You should also be familiar with colloquial expressions and slang. You must know the history of the country whose language you are learning, the way of life characteristic of its inhabitants, etc. And of course, you must be an open, sociable and patient person.

I think that this profession will suit me, because I have almost everything necessary for it. But I still have to keep working on English grammar and vocabulary, as well as on learning German. I try to read English books in the original, learn 10 new words at a time and listen to English songs every day because I want to realize my ambitions. I like this profession and I hope to become a translator. I hope my dream will come true.

Video on how to write a story about a profession:

My Future Profession

Finishing school can be compared with starting a new life, an independent life for millions of pupils. They have a lot of opportunities to continue their education, to get higher education and to become professionally trained specialists. Many roads are provided for the prospective student: colleges, institutes and universities.
But it is certainly a difficult task to choose a profession for yourself, to find your path from out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. Some pupils listen to their parent's advice; others cannot make a decision even after leaving school.
As for me, I have found my way in the professional world long ago. I want to become a teacher of the English language and literature. My choice of this occupation was not a sudden flash.
During all school studies, literature was one of my favorite subjects. I have especially read plenty of literary works, novels and science fiction by Russian and foreign writers and poets. I am absolutely sure that reading books is an essential part of self-education and self-improvement.
I would like to teach my students enjoy the process of reading, to encourage them to learn our national language and literature, in order to be able to speak eloquently and to fascinate everyone with their speech. Teaching is a really specific and difficult job. It should be treated with respect. The educator is a person who is learning and teaching through all his life.
Most jobs have limited working hours, for instance from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m., but teacher "s work continues during all evenings, which they usually spend in, marking exercise books and preparing for the next classes.
Teachers do not only teach their subjects, a real teacher develops genuine interest in the subject, so that students will plunge with their heads in their study. They try to develop all kinds of intelligence, such as logical, visual, musical, interpersonal and body intelligence. Teachers play an important role in shaping the views and characters of students, their attitudes to life and to other people. It is a great responsibility and a teacher must be a model of competence himself.
Not every work is as easy as it can seem at first. But I think that love for children plus the knowledge I "ll get at the University would give me enough information and skills to be quite successful in my work and to go up the career ladder.
I am applying to the philological department and I am sure my dream will come true as soon as possible.

My future profession

Graduation from school can be compared to the beginning of a new life, an independent life for millions of schoolchildren. They have many opportunities to continue their education, receive higher education, they can become professionally trained specialists. Many roads are open to future students: colleges, institutes and universities.
But, of course, this is a difficult task - to find your path, to choose a profession for yourself from more than 2000 existing in the world. Some students listen to the advice of their parents, others cannot make a decision even after graduation.
As for me, I have long found my way in the professional world. I want to become an English language and literature teacher. My choice of profession was not accidental.
Literature was one of my favorite subjects in school. I have read many literary works, especially novels and science fiction by Russian and foreign writers and poets. I am absolutely sure that reading books is an integral part of self-education and self-improvement.
I would like to teach my students to enjoy the process of reading, encourage them to learn our national language and our literature, in order to be able to speak eloquently and charm everyone with my speech. Teaching is actually a specific and difficult job. It should be treated with some respect. A teacher is a person who learns and teaches throughout life.
Most of the work is limited to working hours, for example, from 9 am to 5 pm, but the work of teachers continues in the evenings, which they usually spend putting grades in students' notebooks and preparing for the next lessons.
Teachers not only teach their subjects, a real teacher strives to generate genuine interest in the topic so that students immerse themselves in learning. They try to develop all kinds of perception (intelligence), such as logical, visual, musical, interpersonal and bodily. Teachers play an important role in shaping the worldview of students and their characters, their attitude to life and to other people. This is a huge responsibility, and the teacher himself must be a model of competence. Each job is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. But I believe that the love for children, combined with the knowledge that I will receive at the university, will give me enough information and skills to be quite successful in my work and move up the career ladder.
I am applying to study at the Faculty of Philology and I am sure that my dream will come true as soon as possible.


1. Why is it so difficult to choose a profession for yourself?
2. Is it important to make your decision in advance?
3. What are your favorite activities?
4. Have you made the decision of your future profession?
5. What kind of working hours are suitable for you?


prospective future
to find your path
to encourage
to fascinate
to treat
educator teacher (teacher)
to mark
to develop
genuine genuine
to plunge
career ladder
to apply

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Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
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The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.