Moroccan national cuisine historical background. Moroccan cuisine recipes. What national dishes are worth trying in Morocco

The main products of Moroccan cuisine are meat or fish (in coastal areas of the country), rice, legumes, couscous, a wide selection of seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spices. Given that Morocco is a Muslim country, pork is banned here. Popular beef, lamb, chicken. In desert areas, camel meat is used.

What is included in the menu of Moroccan cuisine

Traditional Moroccan cuisine offers a variety of recipes. The usual daily menu includes first courses - delicious rich soups on meat (harira) or fish broth with obligatory pieces of boiled meat or fish, vegetables, cereals. Be sure to have a salad of fresh or boiled vegetables for dinner.

Second courses are one of the most popular in Moroccan cuisine. Meat, vegetables, spices are usually stewed for a long time, sometimes pieces of meat are pre-fried. Cereals are used as a side dish, most often they cook couscous, a local variety of porridge.

Symbol of Moroccan cuisine

Moroccan cuisine is considered one of the most diverse. A wide selection of diverse, often unique, dishes makes the national cuisine one of the most attractive for tourists. However, the symbol of Moroccan cuisine is called tagine. The dish is prepared in a special dish of cast iron or clay, which has the same name and is designed specifically for him.

Traditional Moroccan cuisine tagine recommends cooking with large cuts of meat. Usually they use lamb on the bone, less often housewives choose beef. In coastal areas, fish may be chosen for tagine, but this option cannot be called the main one. The cooking method involves long-term stewing. For fish, this technology is not suitable.

For a real tagine, in addition to meat, you will need vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, onions, eggplants. Spices are needed to give the dish a spicy taste. The bouquet will be complemented by dried fruits, berries and honey.

The cooking process takes several hours. Meat and vegetables are put into the tagine (dishes), sprinkled with spices, dried fruits pre-soaked in water, and berries to taste are added. Honey, which is also an essential ingredient, gives the dish a pleasant piquancy.

The tagine is stewed without adding broth, only in its own juice. The special shape of dishes for cooking dishes allows you to stew meat with vegetables for a long time without excess liquid. A tagine is a wide, round frying pan with a domed lid, slightly smaller in diameter than the base. During cooking, steam is formed, which condenses on the lid and flows into the container with food, constantly replenishing the supply of liquid. At the end of cooking, the meat can be lightly fried, but this is usually not done.

Tagine is usually served with couscous, which in Morocco is steamed in special couscousirs. The traditional side dish is very popular in the country and goes well with well-cooked, soaked in juice of vegetables and fruits, the aroma of spices and spices, meat.

If you want to arrange a Moroccan-style dinner for your loved ones, we are ready to help you. Our recipes with detailed comments cannot be called ordinary. We tried to pick up the most interesting dishes and recommend them to you. Take advantage of our offers and surprise your family with unusual cuisine.


Oddly enough, traditional Moroccan food is not always found in restaurants in Morocco - the choice in them is usually limited to dishes of European (primarily French), Chinese and Indian cuisines.

The average bill in an inexpensive cafe is approximately 30-40 Moroccan dirhams (110-140 rubles) per person. A good lunch or dinner for two in a mid-range restaurant will cost about 250 dirhams (about 900 rubles).

A quarter of a chicken with fries and a salad in cheap street eateries costs an average of 20 dirhams (70 rubles). Many cafes also offer dejeuner- a ready-made breakfast consisting of tea or coffee, orange juice and croissants or bread with marmalade. The price of such a breakfast usually starts from 10 dirhams (35 rubles).

For a combined lunch at a local McDonald's, you will have to pay about 55 dirhams (190 rubles); for Big Mac - 35 dirhams.

Information about the cost of food in Moroccan stores can be found in the article Prices in Morocco.

Moroccan cuisine and traditional Moroccan dishes

Among the traditional Moroccan dishes are the following:

Couscous (“couscous”) is the staple food of many Moroccans, which is based on balls made from semolina; usually served with meat and vegetables;

Tagine- stew with vegetables and spices, cooked over low heat in a clay pot. Restaurants offer dozens of Tagine options (price ranges from AED 25-30), including chicken Tagine with lemon and olives; with honey; with sweetened lamb or beef; with fish or shrimp;

kaliya- lamb cooked with tomatoes, sweet peppers and onions and served with couscous or bread;

pastilla- a dish of thin dough filled with meat (lamb, chicken or pigeon meat) and almond paste;

harira- soup of lentils, peas, lamb and vegetables.

Drinks in Morocco

Although Morocco is a Muslim country, the attitude towards alcohol is quite liberal here; And even more so, the bans on it do not apply to tourists. Alcohol is available in restaurants, liquor stores, bars, supermarkets, clubs and discos. Local wines and beers are moderately priced, while imported drinks are expensive. Drinking alcohol is allowed from the age of 18.

Tap water in Morocco is not suitable for drinking. It is better to use bottled water for food.

Tipping in Morocco

In Morocco, it is customary to tip for almost all additional services. In hotels and restaurants, they usually leave 5-10% of the bill; maids are given 1 dirham per day, drivers and guides - 5-10 dirhams per tour. It is customary to give tips in person.

National Moroccan cuisine is an original mix of Arabic, Berber, Jewish and Mediterranean cuisines. To create the national dishes of Morocco, fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood are used. But the main feature of traditional Moroccan cuisine is spices. Moroccans flavor their dishes with a variety of spices and aromatic herbs, achieving a distinctive taste. Trying the local cuisine is definitely worth it, you are guaranteed a firework of taste sensations.

Traditional Moroccan cuisine

Soups in Morocco are the basis of any meal. They are made here very thick and satisfying, so you definitely will not stay hungry. And the choice of soups is extensive enough to satisfy even the most fastidious.

Chorba. Under this name in Morocco hides a spicy chicken broth cooked with herbs.

Harira. This Moroccan soup is made with lamb and beans and generously seasoned with coriander.

Fish soup. It is customary in Morocco to add a variety of herbs and cloves to fish broth. It is the cloves that give the taste of the soup a special piquancy.

Ebaba. Perhaps the most surprising Moroccan soup for a European. This is a bread soup and worth a try if only for the sake of the exotic taste.

In Moroccan restaurants you will find an almost endless abundance of meat dishes. Meat is cooked here in thousands of different ways, and fish dishes are very diverse. Thanks to a huge palette of spices and herbs, Moroccans even prepare ordinary scrambled eggs in a special way.

Shashlik. Different types of meat, spices, vegetables, a variety of combinations of both allow Moroccans to create many variations of this dish. You can't try everything, but it's worth trying.

Pastilla. This dish is very complex in execution, it is prepared from meat and dough. And, of course, many spices are used.

Tajin. Beef, quince and other ingredients of this dish are stewed in a special way in specially designed dishes.

Meshua. So in Morocco is called baked or fried lamb meat. Of course, with spices.

Mutton. Among the most popular options for preparing this meat are lamb with dates, dried apricots and prunes and lamb with pine nuts and raisins.

Mishna. Chicken baked with a variety of spices.

Steamed chicken. In this case, the bird is stuffed with herbs and spices.

Guyin el ghalmi. Under this name, lamb goulash is hidden, of course, cooked with a large number of spices.

Vegetables, fruits and a variety of grains in Morocco are not inferior in prevalence to meat dishes. Salads and vegetable stews are at a premium here and very varied. And oranges are generally used almost everywhere.

Shergi. A salad in which greens and citrus fruits complement the base of boiled rice.

Stuffed eggplant. They put rice, small pieces of other vegetables, meat and, of course, spices.

Salads with oranges. There are a great many of them in Morocco, and many of them are very complex in terms of the method of preparation.

Roasted sweet pepper salad. The name speaks for itself. Pepper slices are lightly fried, and then a salad is prepared on their basis.

Moroccan roast with vegetables. Vegetables come here of several varieties and are richly flavored with spices.

These are just a few of Morocco's huge list of vegetable dishes. No less than vegetables, they love a variety of pastries and desserts. Oriental sweets are in high esteem here, and desserts are prepared with fruits and almonds, and they are definitely worth paying attention to.

Xra. This traditional Moroccan bread is passed around at dinner and dipped in small bowls of salt and cumin.

Bastia. In Morocco, this name is given to pancakes, which, thanks to herbs, have a bright aroma.

Rgaif. Also pancakes, but with filling. Which one - you need to find out directly in the restaurant.

Briouate. Moroccan meat pies.

Briki. These small pancakes are made from unleavened dough, and a boiled egg is used as a filling.

Beshkito. Moroccan crispy biscuits. Nice addition to tea.

Avzet. So in Morocco they call special buns stuffed with meat and spices.

The main drinks of Morocco are mint tea and strong coffee with cardamom. Coffee is drunk here a lot, and it is distributed almost everywhere. But coffee with milk is less common and has its own name, kahu cashier.

Among strong alcoholic drinks, the local Mahia is popular, however, foreigners drink it more. Muslim traditions forbid the locals from drinking alcohol. Morocco produces some of the best wines in all of North Africa.

Moroccan cuisine is referred to as one of the most distinctive and diverse. This happened for several reasons - the country's location at the crossroads of ancient and important trade routes, the antiquity of the states that existed on its territory and the influence of many world cultures. And especially the availability of a variety of products, from meat and fish to fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices.
When the Moors, expelled from the Spanish provinces, appeared on the lands of the Berbers, bringing their traditions. Left traces and stay of the Ottoman Empire in neighboring Algeria. The influence of Arabic cuisine is noticeable.
The fertility of this land and the softness of the climate make it possible to obtain vegetables and fresh herbs all year round, some types of fruits are replaced by others according to the season. Sea fish, meat and poultry, more often chickens and ducks, are added to various cereals, cereals, vegetables. Excellent olives grow in Marrakesh and Meknes, you can try them canned. A significant place in the local menu is occupied by legumes. In addition to beans, soybeans and lentils, various varieties of peas are popular: shish - a large-fruited variety that is almost never found in the Russian Federation, and chickpeas. The list of cereals (millet, barley and wheat) was replenished with rice during the period of colonization.
Near the Atlantic coast, fish is often prepared, and it is in coastal cities that you should try fish dishes - there it is always the freshest. In the foothills and mountainous areas, chickens, turkeys and ducks are raised, goats, sheep and cows are bred for meat and milk.
The Moroccan smithy has an interesting feature - with all the abundance of seasonings and spices, there are few spicy dishes. For lovers of "spicy" we advise you to try pasta "hariss". The list of ingredients includes a lot of garlic with hot pepper, salt and olive oil. Local chefs skillfully combine sweetness with spiciness in one dish.

Features of traditional Moroccan cuisine

The usual time for her is after midday prayer. Before and after eating, it is customary to rinse your hands in a large bowl of water scented with rose oil. It is not customary to serve food in several stages - numerous dishes appear in front of the companions several at a time. The first to eat are "meze" - small cups with hot and cold salads and snacks. They are seasoned with pepper, cumin and olive oil. Pickled and salted olives stand separately.


They become an addition to couscous and tagine, they are an independent dish. When serving a portion, each impose separately. For the most frequent salad in the Moroccan menu, cucumbers, ripe tomatoes, fresh green peppers, boiled potatoes, and some olives are used. There are options for carrot salads with fresh cilantro, cucumber, lots of sweet peppers. They add cinnamon.
"Shergi" may seem unusual - a salad in which boiled rice with added pieces of citrus fruits, radishes, chopped herbs is mixed with oil dressing.
Try "batinjaan" of fried eggplant and slices of orange slices, dressing - tomato sauce. Order Tabbouleh. Those who love mint will appreciate it - it is a must in this salad, along with finely chopped parsley, tomatoes and boiled wheat. The dressing is light - olive oil and some spices.
A meal in a Moroccan home is not complete without chickpea puree - hummus. Boiled and chopped chickpeas are combined with a small amount of lemon sauce and olive oil. It also has garlic.
For falafel, small balls of mashed peas are deep-fried. It is often sold on the streets and cooked in any cafe. Another interesting bean dish is piyah. For him, bean grains (white) are kept in a special marinade.
Along with salads, there is a large puff pastry pie with a complex filling - pastilla (or "pstelya") on the table. Between the thinnest layers of delicate "wark" dough, stewed chicken with spices, chopped almonds with sugar, eggs (fried or boiled), stewed onions with sugar are placed. The pie is very tasty and satisfying, but due to the large amount of butter it may seem heavy for weak stomachs. Local residents with a modest income prepare pastille exclusively for the festive table.


They are not among the most popular dishes on the Moroccan menu, but some are definitely worth a try.
For "harira", which came from the ancient Berbers, you need lamb, tomatoes, lentils and chickpeas with lots of fresh herbs. Often they put a little flour in it, giving the soup thickness, and turmeric for flavor and color. Harira is usually prepared for dinner and as part of the Ramadan meal.
For vegetarians, we can advise "bisara" - soup-puree of grated boiled (dried) beans with black pepper and olive oil. The smell may seem a little unusual, but the taste is very pleasant.
Serve rich chicken broth with herbs and spices, amazingly fragrant - chorba. From fish soups, one can advise "ab gushte fasl" and "imzhadr".

Main dishes

As the main dish, "tagine" is most often served - a dish similar to stew. It owes its name to a deep ceramic frying pan with a high conical lid with a hole - tagine, which has existed in Africa since ancient times. There are many recipes for cooking - with lamb, chicken and even fish. In addition to vegetables, dried apricots, prunes, nuts, etc. are sometimes used in tagines.
To visit Morocco and not try couscous means to deprive yourself of a good portion of culinary delights. It is said that local culinary specialists know more than a hundred ways to cook it with a variety of ingredients, depending on the season. Couscous is served on a large platter, from which the companions must eat it with their fingers or large spoons. Grains for couscous are made from semolina, and steamed, placed over stewed meat, vegetables or fish. Chickpeas, peas, several types of vegetables, raisins, spices, nuts can be added to the finished dish. You can always order vegetarian couscous. The dish is sure to be on the festive table.
There are no less of them on the menu than meat. In port cities, even small restaurants offer visitors dishes from the freshest fish (mackerel, sardines, tuna, stone perch, rays), as well as octopuses, crabs and shrimps. Seafood is present in appetizers, main courses and pastries.
Many people like octopus or crab salad with oranges. It is worth trying tomatoes stuffed with pieces of mackerel and baked. The usual way of preparing fish is stewing and grilling. Be sure to try the fish tagine, which contains green peppers, potatoes and lots of tomatoes. But the most famous creations of local culinary specialists are "samak-ke-bab" (marinated fish fried on small skewers), "samak-bi-tahina" fillet (baked in foil, flavored with a portion of lemon sauce with spices).
More often, the menu includes chicken dishes - fried, grilled, steamed. They are garnished with mixed vegetables. If you want to try traditionally cooked chicken, then order "Jej-emshmel" with lemon and olives, "Mishna" or chicken in cumin sauce with hot pepper. There is a recipe for eggs with chopped parsley.
You can choose from the menu chicken tagine (with almonds, herbs, rice, eggs and raisins). Sometimes the chef adds chickpeas instead of rice.
Such delicious lamb, as in Morocco, can be eaten infrequently. Only lamb meat and very young lambs get into the kitchen, so there is no need to be afraid of a specific smell. The most popular cooking methods are stewing and baking. The meat is flavored with herbs and served with stewed chickpeas, onion sauce, apricot jam and a handful of raisins.
Goat meat is prepared in the same way. Veal and beef are less common. Exotic lovers should try camel meat.
It may seem unusual to combine meat with fruit in one dish, so beloved by the locals. This culinary tradition has its own history dating back to the Middle Ages - many modern recipes are close to the old ones, once collected by Al-Baghdadi.
Most often, restaurants offer "campania", "shish kebab" and "kefta" from minced meat. For the festive table, a whole lamb is baked on the coals - "meshvi". "Gayin el ghalm" of lamb is reminiscent of European goulash.

Bread and other pastries

Wheat has been grown in these places for many centuries. Hard varieties are used to make the best couscous. Until now, many families bake their own bread. In a traditional meal, bread replaces spoons, they are used to “pick up” food from a dish. Therefore, it is shaped into a thick, wide cake. It is not customary to put milk and fat in the dough. Local housewives often bake pancakes similar to flat cakes "begrir" from semolina, serving them with fillings or separately. Other pancakes are called "Meloui". Remember the name of the amazing puff pancakes - "rgaif". For them, the filling is made from finely chopped chicken and spices. They love small fluffy cakes made of unleavened dough - "batbut". They can replace bread, and are convenient for road "dry rations".

Spices and seasonings

Cooks skillfully use spices, often combining seemingly incompatible aromas and tastes. To give a subtle flavor to desserts and some salads, they soak orange blossoms and rose petals in water.
For tagines, dried ginger powder and coriander seeds are used. Cinnamon is often added to couscous. Meat and poultry are seasoned with cumin - the so-called ground cumin. Hot chili peppers are put in the first and second courses. Harir soup cannot be made without turmeric. Greens are added almost everywhere in the cooking process or sprinkled on already prepared dishes. A pinch of natural saffron gives boiled or stewed rice a pleasant color and delicate delicate aroma. Mint is added to meat and green tea.
Sesame seeds are often added to dough before baking, and star anise is often added to breads and unleavened flatbreads. Although each chef uses his favorite spices, the Ras al-Khanout mixture is very popular. Spice merchants have many of her recipes, differing in proportions and individual ingredients.
salted lemons
There is no information about when the tradition of pickling lemons began. In the past, this method made it possible to preserve the fruits after the end of the fruiting season. That's not all - the aroma of salted lemons becomes more saturated bright, the peel is softer, and the pulp resembles jelly.


It is customary to finish the meal with fresh fruit, slices of watermelon, melon and sweet pastries with coffee - tea is often drunk before dinner. Most of the sweets are of Arabic origin, in the old days the Berbers prepared only a few simple desserts from thin puff pastry. In small villages and today they adhere to the old customs.
Moroccans bake their own version of croissants stuffed with almond paste and sprinkled with sugar - "kaab el gzal", amazingly tasty and tender. Baklava, a bit like Turkish, with layers of pre-roasted and chopped pistachios, hazelnuts and other nuts, is generously soaked in honey syrup. Try some date-filled sweet tubes - "macroud", fruits in syrup, halva "chebakia" and orange sherbet.
"Briouates" will appeal to those who do not like sweets - under the thinnest layers of dough, a filling of smoked fish, pieces of meat or chicken is hidden.


Most often in Morocco they drink tea, green with the addition of fresh mint and sugar. Europeans need time to get used to its taste - they do not save on mint here. Tea drinking is not just an opportunity to quench your thirst or complete a hearty meal, it is a ritual. There are certain rules for brewing tea, serving it to the table. They even pour it in a certain way - in a thin stream, holding the kettle high above the cups. This will allow the tea to "saturate" the air and better reveal its aroma and taste. Friendly communication, meetings of relatives, business conversations - everything is accompanied by numerous glasses of freshly brewed tea.
Coffee is no less popular. Moroccans know how to brew a strong, rich and very invigorating drink. Although not all tourists enjoy the taste of cardamom - it is added when brewing coffee. To get coffee with milk, you should order "kahu kasse". This option is less common, it is more often prepared for foreigners.
Viticulture and winemaking flourished in the country until the rise of Islam, which practically ended the production of wine. The arrival of the French in Africa becomes a chance for local winemaking to be revived. They were able to appreciate the potential of these fertile lands, the abundance of sun and heat. Wine began to be produced in considerable quantities for shipment to France. There it was combined with French varieties and sold under their names. With Morocco's independence, the situation has changed for the worse, but wine production still continues, albeit on a much smaller scale. A significant part of the wine is exported.
Among white wines worthy of attention are Valpierre, KSAR, Basro, Riad Jamil Blanc, Schude Sotel, Guerrouane Blanc, Volubilia Gris. Among the red ones, Domaine de Sahari, Ait-Suala, Taleb, Toulal Guerrouane Rouge, Cabernet President, Osta-le Buluan, Halanah Merlot, Maghreb, Chateau Roslane are more famous.
Bonassia Cabernet Sauvignon, El Kheima Rouge belong to a higher price category, but are so delicious that you can forget about the "inhumane" price.
Gray wines of Morocco - "vin gris", continue to be produced according to ancient French technologies, long forgotten in their historical homeland. Today they can only be tasted here. Gray is one of the varieties of rosé wines made with the preservation of a certain amount of natural sediment. And "gray" because these varieties were called so in the local dialect, this is not connected with the real color of the drink. Popular in the past in different countries, these wines have lost their best qualities due to modern changes in production technologies. Moroccan winemakers have not yet given up on more complex vintages, so gray wines are just as tasty as they were a few centuries ago.
Of the stronger alcohol, it is worth trying "machia" - local vodka with a strength of about 40% on fruits, similar to brandy. "Taorirt" has an anise-date flavor, "Tafraught" has an anise-fig flavor. Delicious, they drink easily and pleasantly, but this lightness can be deceiving - the fortress corresponds to the declared one. All whiskeys and gins are imported.
They also produce their own beer with a strength of up to 2.5% with a mild, almost devoid of characteristic astringency taste (Casablanca, Flag Speciale, Flag) and inexpensive.
Despite the tolerance of local residents towards foreigners, you should not drink alcohol in public places during religious holidays. If you plan to travel to different areas, then it is worth buying a small supply of alcohol in liquor stores or supermarkets in large cities - in some places, especially in the provinces, alcohol is not sold.

Where is the best place to eat

Locals are sure that the taste of real Moroccan food can only be experienced by tasting homemade dishes. But you can also have a tasty meal in numerous restaurants on the city streets. For Arabian exotics, it is customary to go to the bazaars, where traditional Moroccan "fast food", meat on coals and kebabs are cooked right on portable braziers with coals. In Marrakesh, there are most of them in Djemaa el Fna square. Dairy products are sold in shops - "mah-laba".
If you prefer French or other European cuisine, then it is better to go to one of the famous chain restaurants, they are in all big cities and resort areas. But the usual dishes will be served in many small restaurants and cafes.

You can talk about the merits of Moroccan cuisine for a long time. But words are unable to convey all the variety of tastes and the charm of aromas. The wonderful creations of local culinary specialists can only be appreciated by trying them where their recipes were created and polished for centuries.

For every tourist in any country, a very urgent question arises: "What will I eat there? What can I eat there? Where is it better to eat? How much does food cost?..." In Morocco, the Atlantic Ocean has a wide range of seafood, especially in all coastal cities, and makes up the bulk of the diet of the local population. Let's see how much, what the locals eat, and what tourists prefer to eat:

Let's start with national dishes. TAJINE - the most common and budget - a symbol of Moroccan cuisine. A tagine is also called the plate itself, in which it is cooked, and what is inside the plate. Moroccan tagine is the most tender meat, fresh vegetables, juicy fruits, saturated with the aromas of spices and herbs, which languish all day on smoldering coals in a thick oily sauce. A kind of culinary feat for every day. A special vessel is a clay vessel of two parts. The lower part is a large earthenware pan without a handle, with a very thick bottom and walls, and the upper part is a tall cone-shaped lid with a few millimeters of hole on the highest part, through which steam escapes, preventing liquids from escaping.
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The basis of a real Moroccan tagine is any meat on the bone: chicken, pork, beef or lamb. Meat can be replaced with poultry, fish or seafood. Mandatory ingredients are various vegetables, raisins, cinnamon, nuts and light honey, as well as herbs and spices. There are an incredible number of tagine recipes. In fact, this is "stewed everything you have" :) Economical and healthy!


Only in a tagine will you be able to simmer meat with vegetables in your own juice all day long. The secret is in the unusual shape of the lid, which provides a constant circulation of moisture inside, steam from vegetables and meat rises, then cools in a cool lid, condenses on its walls and flows back to the vegetables. The result is a very tender and juicy dish, saturated with the aromas of each ingredient. The older the "plate", the tastier, more valuable and more expensive the tajine is in it.


The classic tagine is lamb with dried fruits, chicken with salted lemons and green olives, duck with dates and honey, or fish with fresh tomatoes, lemon and cilantro. The stew is served in a sauce made from the liquid in which it was stewed - this liquid can be water, broth, and even wine. Quite unusual for our receptors is the combination of meat and fruits, including dried fruits. Salted lemons are an essential ingredient in many tagines. But it's all very tasty! And of course, in addition to the tagine, fresh crispy bread for sauce is always served. Useful and budget friendly! The cost of tagines in cafes and restaurants in Morocco is from 30 to 80 dirhams.


Another super-mega-budget national dish is lentil soup. Anything can be mixed there, too, but its main ingredient is lentils, thanks to which the soup turns out to be very thick, very satisfying and slightly spicy in taste. One plate of bread can fill you up. Therefore, it is the most popular dish among male workers. It costs only 10-30 dirhams.

Restaurant-cafe HERGUITA on the waterfront in Agadir, codenamed "At-Two!" offers excellent budget set meals for 45-60 dirhams. On the left side of No. 1 ("At") they make chic freshly squeezed juices from any fruit for 10-20 dirhams. I especially recommend trying the national colorful aphrodisiac - freshly squeezed avocado juice with honey and almonds. Avocado in Morocco is black, very soft variety, it is incredibly tasty and oily. Also in Morocco is very tasty mango, sweet and juicy. I also highly recommend trying it. Often sugar syrup is added to juices, if you prefer natural, just ask for it to be made without sugar.

Part number 2 offers budget and very tasty dishes of local and European cuisine. From the local cuisine - tagines of all kinds, fish, assorted seafood, fruit salads and local desserts. I recommend trying Casablanca beer - I personally liked it more than anyone else in Morocco. From European pizza, hamburgers, french fries and other fast food.

My favorite dish there is an assortment of seafood: small shrimp, squid in batter and two types of fried fish underneath + mango or watermelon juice + fruit salad. All this splendor costs only 80 dirhams.

Locals prefer to eat fish like herring, it is very cheap and is fried right on the streets or in ports. I personally did not like the smell, I did not eat it. It costs a penny - 10 dirhams for a few small pieces. But I ate such a toothy fish for the first time, it has several rows of sharp teeth, it is served on a plate in a "safe" version. Two of these things are always buried under shrimp in the same budget assortment :) It’s delicious, by the way :)

(!) Do not be fooled by the possible and attractive cheapness of eating in ports. At each port in different cities there is something like street canteens with supposedly the cheapest prices, where all the locals eat for 40 dirhams. BUT this is the same smelly herring costs 40 dirhams. Firstly, it is better for girls without men to enter the ports at all. All kinds of drunken rabble gather there during the day and especially in the evening, and there is no police, so no one will be responsible for you there. And there is nothing for men to do either. I had two brave and curious boxers for company, plus a local hotel friend, and we still went to the Agadir Marina for dinner at our own peril and risk. They deceive there shamelessly. Even when a local is haggling, and you have to haggle BEFORE you make an order and the price seems to be reasonable, then keep in mind that in the final bill it will increase by three to four times. For already eaten salads, bread, different size of shrimp, increased portions, adding something you didn't ask for and service. At the same time, you are sitting on dirty benches, with sticky oilcloth instead of a tablecloth, and toilet paper instead of napkins, everything is completely doubtful prepared, a bunch of some fried crap piled on a dirty tray looks not at all appetizing ... Dinner with bargaining to shit and almost not a fight of a local friend with the staff, it ended up costing us 1200-1300 (!) dirhams for 4-5 people. For example, in the most expensive restaurant in Agadir, we dined with incredible chic and comfort in the same composition for the same money. But more on that in the next post.

So, at the end of the topic of budget food, a popular pizza will cost you a little more - the toppings are very different and a lot, the dough is of medium thinness, well fried. Takeaway pizza is cheaper. The most delicious pizzas were in the cafe LES SAVEURS with tuna and seafood. The price is from 40 to 80 dirhams.

They also sell an incredible number of varieties of ice cream, and the most unusual ones are blue smurf ice cream, cola, chewing gum, and a bunch of different traditional flavors ... I recommend mango, melon, dark chocolate and some kind of multi-colored mixture with caramels))) Price for 3 ball - 20 dirhams.

Nearby is the pizzeria RUGANTINO, an Italian restaurant that serves decent pasta and risotto with various toppings and the most delicious seafood soup. Restaurant prices. Lunch / dinner at least 200-300 dirhams per person + free wifi.

As a bonus, an incredibly delicious ice cream was discovered in Morocco - double dark chocolate, ooooooh this is a real ecstasy for dark chocolate lovers! It costs 20 dirhams, it was found and gobbled up in almost all cities. Very, very tasty. Too bad we don't have it

And now let's move on to the best restaurants and the most delicious gastronomic part - seafood. Looking ahead, about the first pictures: Yes, the first lobster is alive. Yes, on the second it’s the same, but already a grill. And yes, I ate it!)))

Moroccan hotels offer their tourists different food systems: BB, HB or All (all inclusive). I won’t say that the food in hotels is bad, but even in fives everything is somehow ... too usual. Therefore, it was decided to eat in cafes and restaurants in order to get enough of the local flavor in full. I will say right away that never in my life have I ate so much delicious and fresh seafood as in Morocco ...

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Pasta with tuna in a creamy sauce is a dish from which anyone will swallow their tongue, of course, not just for fun, but because it is insanely delicious. Tuna and pasta are in perfect harmony with each other. Of course, perhaps someone will not like this dish.
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Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
Protection of flora and fauna in international treaties AND human health
The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.