Read the invisible scolding of Nicodemus the Athonite. Saint Nicodemus the Holy Mountaineer


Nicodemus the Holy Mountaineer


In the original of this book, in its title, it appears that the book was compiled by another person, some wise man, but Elder Nicodemus only revised it, corrected it, supplemented it, and enriched it with notes and extracts from the holy fathers, ascetics. Therefore, it belongs to Elder Nicodemus more in spirit than in letter. When translating this book, it was considered more suitable to include notes and testimonies of the fathers in the text, and because of this, it was sometimes necessary to change the words of the book to improve its style, which was sometimes allowed without it. Therefore, the proposed book should be read not so much as a translation, but as a free transcription.


*Compiled by Elder Nicodemus to the manuscript he used

A real soulful little book rightly bears the name given to it: "Invisible Scolding." How many of the sacred and inspired books of the Old and New Testaments got their name from the very objects they teach about (the book of Genesis, for example, is so named because it announces the creation and well-being of all that exists from non-existent; Exodus - because it describes the exodus of the sons of Israel from Egypt; Leviticus - because it contains a charter of sacred rites for the Levitical tribe; the books of Kings - because they tell about the life and deeds of kings; the Gospels - because they proclaim great joy, as if Christ the Lord was born, the Savior of the world(Luke 2:10-11), and show all the faithful the way to salvation and the inheritance of eternally blessed life); so who will not agree that the present book, judging by its content and the subjects it deals with, is worthy of the title: "Invisible Warfare"?

For she teaches not about any sensual and visible warfare and not about obvious and bodily enemies, but about mental and invisible warfare, which every Christian will accept from the hour he is baptized and makes a vow before God - to fight for Him in the glory of the divine name. Him even to death (why is written in the book of Numbers: for this sake it is said in the book: War of the Lord, - it is allegorically written about this invisible war (Num. 21, 14), and about the incorporeal and implicit enemies, which are various passions and lusts of the flesh, and evil and misanthropic demons, day and night that do not stop fighting against us, as blessed Paul said : Carry our war against blood and flesh, but against the beginning, and to the authorities, and to the ruler of the darkness of this world, to spiritual malice in high places(Eph. 6:12).

The warriors who fight in this invisible battle, she teaches, are all Christians; our Lord Jesus Christ is depicted as their commander, surrounded and accompanied by commanders of thousands and hundred commanders, that is, by all the ranks of angels and saints; the field of battle, the field of battle, the place where the struggle itself takes place, is our own heart and the whole inner man; the time of battle is our whole life.

What are the essence of the weapons in which this invisible battle equips its warriors? Listen. Their helmet is complete unbelief and complete distrust of themselves; shield and chain mail - bold faith in God and firm hope in Him; armor and breastplate - teaching in the sufferings of the Lord; belt - cutting off carnal passions; shoes - humility and weakness of one's constant recognition and feeling; spurs - patience in temptations and driving away negligence; with a sword that they constantly hold in one hand - prayer, both verbal and mental, heartfelt; with a three-pointed spear, which they hold in their other hand, a firm determination not to agree to a struggling passion, to tear it away from themselves with anger and hate with all their hearts; the means and food with which they are reinforced to resist enemies - frequent communion with God, both mysterious from a mysterious sacrifice, and mental; a bright and cloudless atmosphere, giving them the opportunity to see enemies from afar - the constant exercise of the mind in knowing that there is a right before the Lord, the constant exercise of the will in desiring only that which is pleasing to God, peace and tranquility of the heart.

Here, - here, in this Invisible battle (that is, in a book), or, better to say, in this War of the Lord, the soldiers of Christ learn the knowledge of various charms, diverse intrigues, inconceivable cunning and military cunning, which are used against them by mental adversaries, through feelings, through imagination, through deprivation of the fear of God, especially through the four pretexts that they bring into the heart at the time of death, - I mean the attachments of unbelief, despair, vanity and their transformation into Angels of Light. Learning to recognize all this, they themselves also manage to destroy such intrigues of enemies and oppose them, and they will know what tactics and what law of warfare they should adhere to in what case and with what courage to enter the struggle. And I will briefly say that with this book, every person who desires salvation learns how to defeat his invisible enemies, in order to acquire treasures of true and divine virtues, and for that receive an incorruptible crown and an eternal pledge, which is union with God both in this century and in the future.

Accept, Christ-loving readers, this book joyfully and favorably, and, learning from it the art of invisible warfare, try not only to fight, but also to fight legally, fight as you should, so that you can be crowned, because, according to the apostle, it happens that another, though he struggles, is not married, if he struggled unlawfully (2 Tim. 2:5). Put on the weapons that she points out to you in order to strike them to death with your mental and invisible enemies, which are soul-destroying passions and their organizers and exciters are demons. Put on all the weapons of God, as if you were able to stand against the wiles of the devil(Eph. 6:11). Remember how at Holy Baptism you promised to remain in renunciation of Satan and all his deeds, and all his ministry, and all his pride, that is, voluptuousness, love of glory, love of money and other passions. Strive, then, as much as you can, to turn him back, to shame and conquer in all perfection.

And what rewards and rewards do you have to receive for such a victory of yours?! Very many and great. And hear about them from the mouth of the Lord Himself, Who promises them to you in the Holy Revelation word for word like this: To the overcomer I will give to eat from the tree of the animal, which is in the midst of the paradise of God(Rev. 2, 7). Conquer not to be harmed by death the second(ibid., art. 11), to the victorious ladies eat from the hidden manna(ibid., Art. 17). He who overcomes and keeps My works to the end, I will give him power on the tongue ... and I will give him the morning star(ibid., vv. 26-28). He who overcomes, he will put on white robes ... and we will confess his name before My Father and before His angels(ibid., vv. 3, 5). To him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the church of my God(ibid., vv. 3, 12). To the overcomer I will give to sit with me on my throne(ibid., vv. 3, 21). He who overcomes will inherit everything, and God will be his, and he will be my son(ibid., art. 21, 7).

© Blagovest Publishing House - text, design, original layout, 2014

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The book "Invisible Warfare" reveals to us the stages of the inner, spiritual life, the path to salvation, which, starting with Holy Baptism here on earth, ends in the Kingdom of Heaven. At Baptism, every Orthodox Christian renounces the devil and all his deeds. But then, due to his own weakness and because of the constant attack on us by the enemies of our salvation, he again falls into various sins. This battle against "the rulers of the darkness of this world, the spirits of wickedness in high places" should be waged by every person from the moment of Baptism.

The book "Invisible Warfare" speaks in detail about the manifold wiles of demons, their various cunning and ways of attacking us. The book will teach you to recognize these intrigues and determine how and with what to resist various types of attacks. In the words of the Monk Nikodim the Holy Mountaineer himself, “with this book, every person who desires salvation learns how to defeat his invisible enemies in order to acquire treasures of true and divine virtues, and for that receive an incorruptible crown and an eternal pledge, which is unity with God even in the present. century and in the future. The book "Invisible Warfare" can become an assistant and guide in the spiritual life for all Orthodox Christians, regardless of the measure of their spiritual age. In the original of this book, in its title, it appears that the book was compiled by another person, a certain wise man, while Elder Nicodemus only revised it, corrected it, supplemented it, and enriched it with notes and extracts from the holy fathers, ascetics. Therefore, it belongs to Elder Nicodemus more in spirit than in letter. When translating this book, it was considered more suitable to include notes and testimonies from the fathers in the text, and because of this, it was sometimes necessary to change the words of the book to settle the flow of speech, which was allowed even without this. Therefore, the proposed book should be read not so much as a translation, but as a free transcription.

Andrey Plyusnin

(compiled by Elder Nikodim in the manuscript he used)

A real soulful little book rightly bears the name given to it: "Invisible Scolding." How many of the sacred and inspired books of the Old and New Testaments got their name from the very objects they teach about (the book of Genesis, for example, is so named because it announces the creation and well-being of all that exists from non-existent; Exodus - because it describes the exodus of the sons of Israel from Egypt; Leviticus - because it contains a charter of sacred rites for the Levitical tribe; the books of Kings - because they tell about the life and deeds of kings; the Gospels - because they proclaim great joy, as if Christ the Lord was born, the Savior of the world(cf. Luke 2:10-11), and show all the faithful the way to salvation and the inheritance of eternally blessed life); so who will not agree that the present book, judging by its content and the subjects it deals with, is worthy of the title: "Invisible Warfare"?

For she teaches not about any sensual and visible warfare and not about obvious and bodily enemies, but about mental and invisible warfare, which every Christian will accept from the hour he is baptized and makes a vow before God - to fight for Him, for the glory of the divine. His name, even unto death (why is it written in the book of Numbers: for this reason it is said in the book: War of the Lord, - it is allegorically written about this invisible battle (Num.

21:14), and about incorporeal and implicit enemies, which are various passions and lusts of the flesh, and evil and misanthropic demons, who do not stop fighting against us day and night, as blessed Paul said: ... our battle is against flesh and blood, but against the beginning, and against the authorities, and towards the ruler of the darkness of this world, towards spirit vom malice in heaven(Eph. 6:12).

The warriors who fight in this invisible battle, she teaches, are all Christians; our Lord Jesus Christ is depicted as their commander, surrounded and accompanied by commanders of thousands and hundred commanders, that is, by all the ranks of angels and saints; the field of battle, the field of battle, the place where the struggle itself takes place, is our own heart and the whole inner man; the time of battle is our whole life.

What are the essence of the weapons in which this invisible battle equips its warriors? Listen. Their helmet is complete unbelief and complete distrust of themselves; shield and chain mail - bold faith in God and firm hope in Him; armor and breastplate - teaching in the sufferings of the Lord; belt - cutting off carnal passions; shoes - humility and weakness of one's constant recognition and feeling; spurs - patience in temptations and driving away negligence; with a sword that they constantly hold in one hand - prayer, both verbal and mental, heartfelt; with a three-pointed spear that they hold in their other hand - a firm determination not to agree to a struggling passion, to tear it away from themselves with anger and hate with all their hearts; kosht and food, with which they are reinforced to resist enemies - frequent communion with God, both mysterious from a mysterious sacrifice, and mental; a bright and cloudless atmosphere, giving them the opportunity to see enemies from afar - the constant exercise of the mind in knowing that there is a right before the Lord, the constant exercise of the will in desiring only that which is pleasing to God, peace and tranquility of the heart.

Here, - here, in this "Invisible Warfare" (that is, in a book), or, better to say, in this War of the Lord, The warriors of Christ learn the knowledge of various delusions, manifold intrigues, inconceivable cunning and military cunning, which are used against them by mental adversaries, through feelings, through imagination, through deprivation of the fear of God, especially through the four pretexts that they bring into the heart at the time of death - I mean the attachments of unbelief, despair, vanity and their transformation into angels of light. Learning to recognize all this, they themselves also manage to destroy such intrigues of enemies and oppose them, and they will know what tactics and what law of warfare they should adhere to in what case and with what courage to enter the struggle. And I will briefly say that with this book, every person who desires salvation learns how to defeat his invisible enemies, in order to acquire treasures of true and divine virtues, and for that receive an incorruptible crown and an eternal pledge, which is union with God both in this century and in the future.

Accept, Christ-loving readers, this book joyfully and favorably, and, learning from it the art of invisible warfare, try not only to fight, but also fight legally, fight as you should, so that you can be crowned; because, according to the apostle, it happens that even though someone struggles, he is not married if he struggled unlawfully (see 2 Tim. 2:5). Put on the weapons that she points out to you in order to strike them to death with your mental and invisible enemies, which are soul-destroying passions and their organizers and exciters are demons. Put on all the weapons of God, as if you were able to stand against the wiles of the devil(Eph. 6:11). Remember how at Holy Baptism you promised to remain in renunciation of Satan and all his deeds, and all his ministry, and all his pride, that is, voluptuousness, love of glory, love of money and other passions. Strive, then, as much as you can, to turn him back, to shame and conquer in all perfection.

And what rewards and rewards do you have to receive for such a victory of yours?! Very many and great. And hear about them from the mouth of the Lord Himself, Who promises them to you in the Holy Revelation word for word like this: ... to the victorious ladies eat from the tree of the animal, the hedgehog is in the midst of the paradise of God ... Conquering not to be harmed by the second death. To the overcomer I will give food from the hidden manna. And to him who overcomes and keeps My works to the end, I will give him authority on the tongue... and I will give him the morning star. He who overcomes, he will be clothed in white robes ... and we will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. One who overcomes I will make a pillar in the church of my God. To him who overcomes I will give to sit with Me on My throne ... He who overcomes will inherit everything, and God will be to him, and he will be My son(Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3:5,12, 21; 21:7).

See what honors! See what rewards! See this octagonal and many-colored imperishable crown, or, better, these crowns that are woven together for you, brethren, if you overcome the devil! Now worry about this, because of this strive and refrain from everything, yes no one will send a crown yours (Rev. 3:11). For verily, it is a great shame that those who labor in the stadiums in bodily and outward labors abstain five times more from everything, in order to receive some corruptible crown from a wild olive tree, or from a palm branch, or from a date, or from a laurel. , or from myrtle, or from some other plant; but you, who have to receive such an incorruptible crown, spend your life in carelessness and heedlessness. Will not the word of St. Paul awaken you from this sleep, who says: don’t you know, as if flowing into disgrace, they all flow, but only one accepts honor? taco tetsyte, but comprehend. Everyone who strives from everyone will refrain: and they will receive a crown if corrupted, but we are incorruptible(1 Corinthians 9:24-25).

If, inspired by zeal, you are worthy of such a victory and such bright crowns, then do not forget, my brethren, to pray to the Lord for the forgiveness of sins and the one who was your helper in obtaining such a blessing through this book. First of all, do not forget to lift your eyes to heaven and give thanks and glory to the first Source and Accomplisher of such your victory - God and the Leader of your Jesus Christ, saying each one to Him this Zerubbabel word: From Thee, O Lord, is victory... and Thy glory is; I am your servant(cf. 2 Ezra 4:59), and another, spoken by the prophet David: ... You, Lord, majesty, and strength, and glory, and overcoming, and confession, and strength ...(1 Chr. 29:11), now and forever and ever. Amen.

Part I

Chapter 1
What is Christian perfection? To acquire it, scolding is necessary. Four things essential to success in this battle

We all naturally desire and are commanded to be perfect. The Lord commands: ... therefore, you are perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect(Matthew 5:48); Saint Paul says:... be a child in malice, but be perfect minds(1 Cor. 14:20); elsewhere we read: …you will perfect and fulfill...(Col. 4:12), and again: ... let's go to commit ...(Heb. 6:1). This commandment was foreseen in the Old Testament as well. So God says to Israel in Deuteronomy: You are perfect before the Lord your God(Deut. 18:13). And Saint David also commands his son Solomon: ... and Now, Solomon, my son, that you know God your fathers, and serve Him with a perfect heart and spiritual will ...(1 Chr. 28:9). After this, we cannot fail to see that God requires from Christians the fullness of perfection, that is, he requires us to be perfect in all the virtues.

But if you, my beloved reader in Christ, wish to reach such a height, you must know in advance what Christian perfection consists in. For, not knowing this, you can deviate from the real path and, thinking that you are flowing towards perfection, head in a completely different direction.

I will say frankly: the most perfect and great thing that a person can desire and achieve is drawing closer to God and being in union with Him.

But there are many who say that the perfection of the Christian life consists in fasting, vigils, kneeling, sleeping on bare ground, and in other similar bodily austerities. Others say that it consists in doing many prayers at home and standing up for long church services. And there are those who believe that our perfection consists entirely in mental prayer, in solitude, hermitage and silence. The largest part limits this perfection to the exact fulfillment of all the ascetic deeds prescribed by the charter, not deviating either to excess or to a lack of anything, but holding on to the golden mean. However, all these virtues alone do not constitute the desired Christian perfection, but are only means and ways to achieve it.

That they are the means and the effective means to the attainment of perfection in the Christian life, of this there is no doubt. For we see very many virtuous men who go through these virtues as they should, with the aim of obtaining through this strength and power against their sinfulness and badness, in order to draw from them the courage to resist the temptations and seductions of our three main enemies: the flesh, the world and the devil in order to stock up in them and through them spiritual aids, so necessary for all servants of God, especially for beginners. They fast to subdue their violent flesh; they make vigils in order to sharpen their intelligent eye; they sleep on the bare ground, so as not to soften up with sleep; they bind their tongues with silence and seclude themselves in order to avoid even the slightest reason to do something that offends the All-Holy God; they make prayers, hold church services, and others perform deeds of piety so that their attention does not depart from heavenly things; they read about the life and sufferings of our Lord for no other reason than to better know their own badness and the merciful goodness of God, to learn and settle down to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, with self-denial and the cross on their shoulders, and to more and more warm in self-love for God and self-loathing.

But, on the other hand, these same virtues can do more harm to those who place the whole foundation of their life and their hope in them than their obvious omissions, not in themselves, because they are pious and holy, but through the fault of those who do not use them as they should, namely, when, paying attention only to these outwardly performed virtues, they leave the heart of their mother-in-law in their own decrees and in the wills of the devil, who, seeing that they have strayed from the right path, does not interfere with them, not only with to labor with joy in these bodily exploits, but also to expand and multiply them according to their vain thought. Experiencing at the same time some spiritual movements and consolations, these workers begin to think of themselves that they have already risen to the state of angelic ranks and feel the presence of God Himself in themselves; sometimes, deepening into the contemplation of some abstract, unearthly things, they dream of themselves, as if they had completely stepped out of the realm of this world and were raptured up to the third heaven.

But how erroneously they act and how far they stray from true perfection, everyone can understand this, judging by their life and their temper. They usually wish to be preferred to others in any case; they love to live according to their will and are always stubborn in their decisions; they are blind in everything that concerns themselves, but very vigilant and diligent in examining the deeds and words of others; if someone begins to enjoy the honor of others, which they think they have, they cannot endure this and clearly become unpeaceful towards him; if anyone hinders them in their pious pursuits and ascetic deeds, especially in the presence of others, God save! - they immediately become indignant, immediately boil with anger and become completely different, unlike themselves.

If God, wanting to lead them to the knowledge of themselves and direct them on the true path to perfection, sends them sorrows and illnesses or allows them to be subjected to persecution, which He usually experiences, who are His true and real servants, then it will be revealed what was hidden in their hearts and how deeply they are corrupted by pride. For, no matter what sorrow befalls them, they do not want to bend their necks under the yoke of the will of God, resting on His righteous and hidden judgments, and do not want, following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who humbled Himself for us and suffered, to humble himself more than all creatures, counting his persecutors as dear friends, as instruments of divine favor to them and hasters of their salvation.

Why it is obvious that they are in great danger. Having their inner eye, that is, their mind, darkened, they look at themselves with it, and look wrong. Thinking about their external deeds of piety, that they are good with them, they think that they have already reached perfection, and, being proud of this, they begin to condemn others. After this, there is no longer any possibility that any of the people would convert such people, except for the special influence of God. It is more convenient to turn to good for an obvious sinner than a secret one hiding under the cover of visible virtues.

Now, knowing so clearly and definitely that spiritual life and perfection do not consist only in those visible virtues about which we have spoken, learn also that it does not consist in anything else, except in drawing closer to God and in union with Him. , as it was said at the beginning, - in connection with which there is a heartfelt confession of the goodness and greatness of God and the consciousness of our own insignificance and inclination to all evil; love for God and dislike for ourselves; submission of oneself not only to God, but also to all creatures out of love for God; the rejection of all our own will and perfect obedience to the will of God; and moreover, the desire for all this and the accomplishment from a pure heart, to the glory of God (see 1 Cor. 10: 31), only for the sole pleasing of God, only because He Himself wants it and that it is so necessary for us to love Him and work for Him.

This is the law of love, inscribed by the finger of God Himself in the hearts of His faithful servants! This is the self-denial that God requires of us! Behold the good yoke (Jesus) of Christ and His light burden! This is obedience to the will of God, which our Redeemer and Teacher requires of us, and by His own example and His word! For did not our Head and Finisher of our salvation, the Lord Jesus, command to say in his prayer to the Heavenly Father: ... Our Father ... Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth(Matthew 6:10)? And He Himself, entering into the feat of suffering, did not proclaim: not mine, Father, but your will be done(cf. Luke 22:42)! And about all his work did he not say: ... descended from heaven, let me not do My will, but the will of the Father who sent Me(John 6:38)?

You see now, brother, what's the matter. I assume that you are ready and eager to reach the height of such perfection. Bless your zeal! But get ready for labors, sweats and struggles from the very first steps of your course. You must sacrifice everything to God and do only His will. But you will meet within yourself as many desires as you have strength and needs, which all require satisfaction, regardless of whether it is in accordance with the will of God. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal you desire, you must first suppress your own wills, and finally completely extinguish and kill them; and in order to be successful in this, you must constantly resist yourself in bad things and force yourself to do good things; otherwise, you must constantly struggle with yourself and with everything that favors your wills, excites and supports them. Get ready for such a struggle and such a battle, and know that the crown - the achievement of your desired goal - is not given to anyone except valiant warriors and fighters.

But how much more difficult this battle is than any other, since, entering into war with ourselves, we also meet opponents in ourselves, just as much victory in it is more glorious than any other, and, most importantly, most pleasing to God. For if, inspired by zeal, you overcome and put to death your disorderly passions, your lusts and desires, then you will please God more and work for Him more beautifully than by beating yourself to the point of blood and exhausting yourself with fasting more than all the ancient hermits. Even if, having redeemed hundreds of Christian slaves from slavery to the ungodly, you give them freedom, it will not save you, if at the same time you yourself are in slavery to the passions. And no matter what deed, be it the greatest, you do not undertake, and with what difficulty and with what sacrifices you do it, it will not bring it to the goal that you desired to achieve, if, moreover, you leave your passions unattended, giving them freedom. live and act in you.

Finally, after you have learned what Christian perfection consists of and that in order to achieve it you must wage an unceasing and cruel war with yourself, you must, if you truly want to become a winner in this invisible battle and be worthy of a worthy crown for that, set up in in your heart the following four dispositions and spiritual deeds, as if clothed in invisible weapons, the most trustworthy and all-conquering, namely: a) never rely on yourself in anything; b) to carry in the heart always full and all-daring hope in the one God; c) strive unceasingly; and d) always be in prayer.

Invisible abuse

The book is based on the materials of the library of the Internet portal "ABC of Faith"

Invisible abuse

Saint Nicodemus the Holy Mountaineer

By edition:

Invisible curse. Blessed memory of Elder Nikodim the Holy Mountaineer.

The fourth edition of the Athos Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery.

Moscow. 1904

Translation from the Greek St. Theophan the Recluse

From publishers


Part one

1. What is Christian perfection?

2. You should never believe in yourself and rely on yourself in anything.

3. About the hope in the one God and confidence in Him

4. How do you know if someone is acting with no hope in himself and hope in God?

5. Of the Fallacy of the Opinion of Those Who Consider Excessive Sorrow to be a Virtue

6. The limit and space of unbelief in oneself and complete trust in God

7. About how we should exercise our mind so that it does not become ill with ignorance

8. About why we judge things wrong

9. About keeping the mind from useless knowledge

10. Training your will in all matters to seek one pleasing to God

11. Reminders that can move our will to the desire to please God with deeds

12. About the many desires and aspirations that exist in a person, and about their struggle among themselves

13. About how to fight against the dumb will of the sensual

14. When the higher rational will seems to be conquered by the lower will and enemies

15. That battle must be waged incessantly and courageously

16. How a soldier of Christ should get ready for battle in the morning

17. In what order should we fight our passions

18. How to overcome the sudden rising movements of passions

19. How to overcome carnal passions?

20. How to overcome negligence?

21. About the management and good use of external senses

22. How objects are means and instruments for the good management of our senses

23. How to move from sensory impressions to moral and instructive lessons

24. General Lessons on the Use of Feelings

25. About how to control the language

26. How to correct imagination and memory

27. A soldier of Christ must avoid anxieties and turmoil of the heart in every possible way.

28. What to do when we are wounded in battle

29. What order does the devil keep in waging spiritual warfare

30. How the devil affirms sinners in bondage to sin

31. How the enemy keeps in his nets those who are aware of their plight and do not begin the work of correction

32. About the intrigues of the enemy against those who have embarked on a good path

33. How the enemy diverts from good deeds and spoils them

34. How the enemy turns the very virtues to the detriment of the doers

35. Instructions useful in the matter of conquering passions and acquiring virtue

36. About the order of acquisition of virtues

37. What dispositions are required for success in the acquisition of virtues in general

38. Virtues must be practiced with all diligence and without ceasing

39. One should not run away from occurring cases to doing good.

40. Must love occasions for virtues, especially difficult ones

Saint Nicodemus the Holy Mountaineer

Invisible abuse

Translation from the Greek by St. Theophan the Recluse

in two parts

Ed. Dar, Moscow, 2005

Approved by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church

Typed for Network Rev. golden-ship, 2009. A Smirnov

Published according to the edition: “Invisible abuse. Blessed memory of Elder Nikodim the Holy Mountain. Translation from the Greek Bishop Theophan. In two parts. The fourth edition of the Athos Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery. Moscow. Typo-Lithography by I. Efimov. Bolshaya Yakimanka, own house. 1904

All of us, from infancy until death, sometimes without realizing it ourselves, participate in a spiritual battle with the evil that reigns around us and in ourselves. How to win this battle, how to prevent the spirits of malice from mortally injuring the heart, how to support nearby comrades-in-arms. This is told by one of the most revered and read works of the Athonite elders - "Invisible Warfare". This book was discovered and prepared for publication by the great Athonite writer and translator, the Monk Nikodim the Holy Mountaineer (1748-1089) [misprint in the book ed. golden-ship], and translated into Russian by the great saint of the Russian Land, Theophan the Recluse (1815 - 1894). Being well-educated people, living a holy, ascetic life, they knew this topic firsthand. Each of them, when translating, brought grains of knowledge from their own experience.

In the original of this book, in its title, it appears that the book was compiled by another person, a certain wise man. Elder Nicodemus only revised it, corrected it, supplemented it, and enriched it with notes and extracts from St. ascetic fathers. Therefore, it belongs to Elder Nicodemus more in spirit than in letter. When translating this book, it was considered more suitable to include notes and testimonies from the fathers in the text, and because of this, it was sometimes necessary to change the words of the book to settle the flow of speech, which was sometimes allowed without it. Therefore, the proposed book should be read not so much as a translation, but as a free transcription.


This soulful little book rightly bears the name given to it "Invisible Scolding". How many of the sacred and inspired books of the Old and New Testaments got their name from the very objects they teach about (the Book of Genesis, for example, is so named because it announces the creation and well-being of all that exists from non-existent; Exodus - because it describes the outcome the sons of Israel from Egypt; Leviticus - because it contains the charter of sacred rites for the Levitical tribe; the books of Kings - because they tell about the life and deeds of kings; the Gospels - because proclaim great joy, for a Savior has been born, who is Christ the Lord(Luke 2: 10-11) and shows everyone the right path to salvation and the inheritance of an eternally blessed life); so who will not agree that the present book, judging by its content and the subjects in which it deals, is worthily called Invisible Warfare?

For she teaches not about any sensual and visible warfare and not about enemies, obvious and bodily, but about mental and invisible warfare, which every Christian will accept from the hour he is baptized and makes a vow before God - to fight for Him, for the glory of His divine name, even unto death (why is it written in the book of Numbers (21:14): That's why it says in the book of the wars of the Lord - it is allegorically written about this invisible battle), and about incorporeal and implicit enemies, which are various passions and lusts of the flesh, and evil and misanthropic demons, who do not stop fighting against us day and night, as blessed Paul said: our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against authorities, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spirits of wickedness in high places(Eph. 6:12).

The warriors who fight in this invisible battle, she teaches, are all Christians; Our Lord Jesus Christ is depicted as their commander, surrounded and accompanied by commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, i.e. all orders of angels and saints; the field of battle, the field of battle, the place where the struggle itself takes place, is our own heart and the whole inner man; the time of battle is our whole life.

What are the essence of the weapons in which this invisible battle equips its warriors? Listen. The helmet for them is complete unbelief and complete lack of confidence in themselves, a shield and chain mail - bold faith in God and firm hope in Him; armor and breastplate - teaching in the sufferings of the Lord; belt - cutting off carnal passions, shoes - humility and weakness of one's constant recognition and feeling; spurs - patience in temptations and driving away negligence; with a sword that they constantly hold in one hand - prayer, both verbal and mental - heartfelt; with a three-pointed spear, which they hold in their other hand, a firm determination not to agree to a struggling passion, to tear it away from themselves with anger and hate with all their hearts; Kosht ​​and food, with which they are reinforced to resist enemies - frequent communion with God, both mysterious from a mysterious sacrifice, and mental; a bright and cloudless atmosphere, giving them the opportunity to see enemies from afar - the constant exercise of the mind in knowing that there is a right before the Lord, the constant exercise of the will in desiring only that which is pleasing to God, peace and tranquility of the heart.

Here, here, in this Invisible Battle (i.e. in the book), or, better to say, in this War of the Lord, The warriors of Christ learn the knowledge of various delusions, manifold intrigues, inconceivable cunning and military cunning, which are used against them by mental adversaries, through feelings, through imagination, through deprivation of the fear of God, especially through the four pretexts that they bring into the heart at the time of death - I mean the attachments of unbelief, despair, vanity and their transformation into Angels of death. Learning to recognize all this, they themselves also manage to destroy such intrigues of enemies and oppose them, and they will know what tactics and what law of warfare they should adhere to in what case and with what courage to enter the struggle. And I will briefly say that with this book every person who desires salvation learns how to defeat his invisible enemies, in order to acquire treasures of true and divine virtues, and for that receive an incorruptible crown and an eternal pledge, which is union with God both in the present century and in the future. .

Accept, Christ-loving readers, this book joyfully and favorably, and, learning in it the art of invisible warfare, try not only to fight, but also to fight legally, to fight as you should, so that you can be crowned, because, according to the apostle, it happens that another although he struggles, he is not married, if he struggled unlawfully (2 Tim. 2:5). Put on the weapons that she points out to you in order to strike them to death with mental and invisible enemies, which are soul-destructive passions and their organizers and exciters are demons. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil(Eph. 6:11). Remember how at holy baptism you promised to remain in renunciation of Satan and all his works, i.e. voluptuousness, love of glory, love of money and other passions. Strive as much as you can to turn him back, to shame him, and to conquer him in all perfection.

And what rewards and rewards do you have to receive for such a victory of yours?! Very many and great. And hear about them from the mouth of the Lord Himself, Who promises them to you in the Holy Revelation word for word like this: to the one who overcomes to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God(Rev. 2:7). He who overcomes will not be harmed by the second death(Rev. 2:11), to the victorious ladies to eat the hidden manna(Rev. 2:17). Whoever overcomes and keeps My works to the end, to him I will give power over the Gentiles ... and I will give him the morning star(Rev. 2:26-28). He who overcomes will put on white robes... and I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels(Rev. 3:5). He who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God(Rev. 3:12). To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne(Rev. 3:21). He who overcomes inherits everything, and I will be his God, and he will be my son.(Rev. 21:7).

See what honors! See what rewards! See this octagonal and many-colored imperishable crown, or, better, these crowns that are woven together for you, brethren, if you overcome the devil! Now worry about this, because of this strive and refrain from everything, lest anyone steal the crown yours (Rev. 3:11). For verily, it is a great shame that those who struggle in the stadiums in bodily and outward labors abstain five times more from everything in order to receive some corruptible crown from a wild olive tree, or from a palm branch, or from a date, or from a laurel. , or from myrtle, or from some other plant; but you, who have to receive such an incorruptible crown, spend your life in carelessness and heedlessness. Will not even the words of St. Paul who says: Do you not know that all who run in the race run, but one is rewarded? So run to get. All ascetics abstain from everything: those in order to receive a crown of perishability, but we - incorruptible(1 Corinthians 9:24-25).

If, inspired by zeal, you are worthy of such a victory and such bright crowns, then do not forget, my brethren, to pray to the Lord for the forgiveness of sins and the one who helped you to receive such a blessing through this book. First of all, do not forget to lift your eyes to Heaven and give thanks and glory to the first Source and Accomplisher of such your victory, God and the Leader of your Jesus Christ, saying each one to Him this Zerubbabel word: “From Thee, O Lord, victory ... and Yours is the glory ; but I, just your servant ”(2 Ezra 4: 59) and another, spoken by the prophet David: Yours, O Lord, is majesty, and might, and glory, and victory, and splendor(1 Chr. 29:11), now and forever and ever. Amen.

Preface to the 1904 edition of the Athos Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery

In the original of this book, in its title, it appears that the book was compiled by another person, some wise man, but Elder Nicodemus only revised it, corrected it, supplemented it, and enriched it with notes and extracts from the holy fathers, ascetics. Therefore, it belongs to Elder Nicodemus more in spirit than in letter. When translating this book, it was considered more suitable to include notes and testimonies from the fathers in the text, and because of this, it was sometimes necessary to change the words of the book to improve its style, which was sometimes allowed without this. Therefore, the proposed book should be considered not so much a translation as a free transcription.

Preface (Compiled by Elder Nicodemus to the manuscript he used)

This soulful little book rightly bears the name given to it "Invisible Scolding". How many of the sacred and inspired books of the Old and New Testaments got their name from the very objects they teach about (the Book of Genesis, for example, is so named because it announces the creation and well-being of all that exists from non-existent; Exodus - because it describes the exodus of the sons of Israel from Egypt; Leviticus - because it contains a charter of sacred rites for the Levitical tribe; Books of Kings - because they tell about the life and deeds of kings; Gospels - because they preach the gospel great joy, as if born Christ the Lord Savior to the world(cf. Luke 2:10-11), and show all the faithful the way to salvation and the inheritance of eternally blessed life); so who will not agree that the present book, judging by its content and the subjects it deals with, is worthy of the title "Warning Invisible"?

For it teaches not about any sensual and visible warfare and not about obvious and bodily enemies, but about mental and invisible warfare, which every Christian will accept from the hour he is baptized and vows before God to fight for Him in the glory of His divine name. even to death (why is it written in the book of Numbers: for this reason the war of the Lord is said in the book, it is allegorically written about this invisible battle (Num. 21:14) and about incorporeal and implicit enemies, which are various passions and lusts of the flesh and demons, evil and misanthropic, day and night do not stop fighting against us, as blessed Paul said: bear our battle to blood and flesh, but to the beginning, and to the authorities, and to the ruler of the darkness of this world, to the spiritual malice in high places(Eph. 6:12).

The warriors who fight in this invisible battle, she teaches, are all Christians; our Lord Jesus Christ is depicted as their commander, surrounded and accompanied by commanders of thousands and hundred commanders, that is, by all the ranks of angels and saints; the field of battle, the field of battle, the place where the struggle itself takes place, is our own heart and the whole inner man; the time of battle is our whole life.

What are the essence of the weapons in which this invisible battle equips its warriors? Listen. Their helmet is complete unbelief and complete distrust of themselves; shield and chain mail - bold faith in God and firm hope in Him; armor and breastplate - teaching in the sufferings of the Lord; belt - cutting off carnal passions; shoes - humility and weakness of one's constant recognition and feeling; spurs - patience in temptations and driving away negligence; with a sword that they constantly hold in one hand - prayer, both verbal and mental, heartfelt; with a three-pointed spear that they hold in their other hand - a firm determination not to agree to a struggling passion, to tear it away from themselves with anger and hate with all their hearts; Kosht ​​and food, with which they are reinforced to resist enemies - frequent communion with God, both mysterious, from a mysterious sacrifice, and mental; a bright and cloudless atmosphere, giving them the opportunity to see enemies from afar - the constant exercise of the mind in knowing that there is a right before the Lord, the constant exercise of the will in desiring only that which is pleasing to God, peace and tranquility of the heart.

Here - here, in this "Invisible Warfare" (that is, in a book) or, better to say, in this War of the Lord- The soldiers of Christ learn to know various charms, various wiles, inconceivable cunning and military cunning, which mental adversaries use against them through feelings, through fantasy, through deprivation of the fear of God, especially through the four pretexts that they bring into the heart at the time of death, - I mean the attachments of unbelief, despair, vanity and their transformation into angels of light. Learning to recognize all this, they themselves also manage to destroy such intrigues of enemies and oppose them, and they will know what tactics and what law of warfare they should adhere to in what case and with what courage to enter the struggle. And, I will say briefly, with this book, every person who desires salvation learns how to defeat his invisible enemies, in order to acquire treasures of true and divine virtues and for that receive an incorruptible crown and an eternal pledge, which is union with God both in this century and in the future.

Accept, Christ-loving readers, this book joyfully and favorably, and, learning from it the art of invisible warfare, try not only to fight, but also fight legally, fight as you should, so that you can be crowned; because, according to the Apostle, it happens that even though someone struggles, he is not married if he struggled unlawfully (see: 2 Tim. 2, 5). Put on the weapons that she points out to you in order to strike them to death with your mental and invisible enemies, which are soul-destroying passions and their organizers and exciters are demons. Put on all the weapons of God, as if you could help me to become the wiles of the devil(Eph. 6:11). Remember how at Holy Baptism you promised to remain in renunciation of Satan, and all his deeds, and all his ministry, and all his pride, that is, voluptuousness, love of glory, love of money and other passions. Strive, then, as much as you can, to turn him back, to shame and conquer in all perfection.

And what rewards and rewards do you have to receive for such a victory of yours?! Very many and great. And hear about them from the lips of the Lord Himself, Who promises them to you in the Holy Revelation word for word like this: ... to him who overcomes I will give food from the tree of the animal, which is in the middle of God ... Conquering, do not be harmed by the second death. To the overcomer I will give food from the hidden manna. And to him who overcomes and keeps My works to the end, I will give him authority on the tongue... and I will give him the morning star. He who overcomes, he will be clothed in white robes ... and we will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. One who overcomes I will make a pillar in the church of my God. To him who overcomes I will give to sit with Me on My throne ... He who overcomes will inherit everything, and God will be to him, and he will be My son (Rev. 2, 7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3, 5, 12, 21; 21, 7 ).

See what honors! See what rewards! See this octagonal and many-colored imperishable crown, or, better, these crowns that are woven together for you, brethren, if you overcome the devil! Now worry about this, because of this strive and refrain from everything, yes no one will send a crown yours (Rev. 3:11). For verily, it is a great shame that those who labor in the stadiums in bodily and outward labors abstain five times more from everything, in order to receive some corruptible crown from a wild olive tree, or from a palm branch, or from a date tree, or from laurel, or from myrtle, or from some other plant; but you, who have to receive such an incorruptible crown, spend your life in carelessness and heedlessness. Will not the word of St. Paul awaken you from this sleep, who says: do not know, as if flowing into disgrace, all are flowing, only one accepts honor; so tezit, that you comprehend, everyone who strives from all will refrain: and they, even if corrupted, will receive a crown, but we are incorruptible (1 Cor. 9, 24-25).

If, inspired by zeal, you are worthy of such a victory and such bright crowns, then do not forget, my brethren, to pray to the Lord for the forgiveness of sins and the one who was your helper in obtaining such a blessing through this book. First of all, do not forget to lift your eyes to heaven and give thanks and glory to the first Source and Accomplisher of such your victory, God and the Leader of your Jesus Christ, saying each one to Him this Zerubbabel word: From Thee, O Lord, is victory... and Thy glory is; I am your servant(cf .: 2 Ezra. 4, 59), and another, spoken by the prophet David: ... You, Lord, majesty, and strength, and glory, and overcoming, and confession, and strength ...(1 Chr. 29:11) now and forever and ever. Amen.


Chapter first

We all naturally desire and are commanded to be perfect. The Lord commands: ... therefore, you are perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect(Matt. 5:48), St. Paul convinces: ... be a child in malice, but be perfect minds(1 Cor. 14, 20), in another place we read from him: …you will committed and fulfill...(Col. 4:12), and again: ... let's go to commit ...(Heb. 6:1). This commandment was foreseen in the Old Testament as well. So God says to Israel in Deuteronomy: You are perfect before the Lord your God(Deut. 18, 13). And Saint David commands the same to his son Solomon: ... and Now, Solomon, my son, that you know God your fathers, and serve Him with a perfect heart and spiritual will ...(1 Chron. 28, 9). After this, we cannot fail to see that God requires from Christians the fullness of perfection, that is, he requires us to be perfect in all the virtues.

But if you, my beloved reader in Christ, wish to reach such a height, you must know in advance what Christian perfection consists in. For, not knowing this, you can deviate from the real path and, thinking that you are flowing towards perfection, head in a completely different direction.

I will say frankly: the most perfect and great thing that a person can desire and achieve is drawing closer to God and being in union with Him.

But there are not a few who say that the perfection of the Christian life consists in fasting, vigils, kneeling, sleeping on bare ground, and in other similar bodily austerities. Others say that it consists in doing many prayers at home and standing up for long church services. And there are those who believe that our perfection consists entirely in mental prayer, in solitude, hermitage and silence. The largest part limits this perfection to the exact fulfillment of all the ascetic deeds prescribed by the Rule, not deviating either to excess or to a lack of anything, but holding on to the golden mean. However, all these virtues alone do not constitute the desired Christian perfection, but are only means and ways to achieve it.

That they are the means and the effective means to the attainment of perfection in the Christian life, of this there is no doubt. For we see very many virtuous men who go through these virtues as they should with the goal of gaining strength and power against their sinfulness and badness through this, in order to draw from them the courage to resist the temptations and seductions of our three main enemies: the flesh, the world and the devil, in order to stock up in them and through them spiritual aids, so necessary for all servants of God, especially for beginners. They fast to subdue their violent flesh; they make vigils in order to sharpen their intelligent eye; they sleep on the bare ground, so as not to soften up with sleep; they bind their tongues with silence and seclude themselves in order to avoid even the slightest reason to do something that offends the All-Holy God; they make prayers, hold church services, and others perform deeds of piety so that their attention does not depart from heavenly things; they read about the life and sufferings of our Lord for no other reason than to better know their own badness and the merciful goodness of God, in order to learn and settle down to follow the Lord Jesus Christ with self-denial and the cross on their shoulders, and in order to warm up in themselves more and more love for God and hatred for oneself.

But, on the other hand, these same virtues can do more harm to those who place the whole foundation of their life and their hope in them than their obvious omissions, not in themselves, because they are pious and holy, but through the fault of those who do not use them as they should, precisely when, paying attention only to these outwardly performed virtues, they leave the heart of their mother-in-law in their own decrees and in the wills of the devil, who, seeing that they have strayed from the right path, does not interfere with them, not only with to labor with joy in these bodily exploits, but also to expand and multiply them according to their vain thought. Experiencing at the same time some spiritual movements and consolations, these workers begin to think of themselves that they have already risen to the state of angelic ranks and feel the presence of God Himself in themselves; sometimes, deepening into the contemplation of some abstract, unearthly things, they dream of themselves, as if they had completely stepped out of the realm of this world and were raptured up to the third heaven.

But how erroneously they act and how far they stray from true perfection, everyone can understand this, judging by their life and their temper. They usually wish to be preferred to others in any case; they love to live according to their will and are always stubborn in their decisions; they are blind in everything that concerns themselves, but very vigilant and diligent in examining the deeds and words of others; if someone begins to enjoy the honor of others, which they think they have, they cannot endure this and clearly become unpeaceful towards him; if anyone hinders them in their pious pursuits and ascetic deeds, especially in the presence of others, God save! - they immediately become indignant, immediately boil with anger and become completely different, unlike themselves.

If God, wanting to lead them to the knowledge of themselves and direct them on the true path to perfection, sends them sorrows and illnesses or allows them to be subjected to persecution, which He usually experiences, who are His true and real servants, then it will be revealed what was hidden in their hearts and how deeply they are corrupted by pride. For, no matter what sorrow befalls them, they do not want to bow their necks under the yoke of the will of God, resting on His righteous and hidden judgments, and do not want, following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who humbled Himself for us and suffered, to humble himself more than all creatures, counting his persecutors as kind friends as instruments of divine beneficence towards them and hasters of their salvation.

Why it is obvious that they are in great danger. Having their inner eye, that is, their mind, darkened, they look at themselves with it, and look wrong. Thinking about their external deeds of piety, that they are good with them, they think that they have already reached perfection, and, being proud of this, they begin to condemn others. After this, there is no longer any possibility that any of the people would convert such people, except for the special influence of God. It is more convenient to turn to good for an obvious sinner than a secret one hiding under the cover of visible virtues.

Now, knowing so clearly and definitely that spiritual life and perfection do not consist only in those visible virtues about which we have spoken, learn also that it does not consist in anything else, except in drawing closer to God and in union with Him. , as it was said at the beginning, - in connection with which there is a heartfelt confession of the goodness and greatness of God and the consciousness of our own insignificance and inclination to all evil; love for God and dislike for ourselves; submission of oneself not only to God, but also to all creatures out of love for God; the rejection of all our own will and perfect obedience to the will of God; and moreover, the desire for all this and the accomplishment from a pure heart, to the glory of God (see: 1 Cor. 10, 31), only for the sole pleasing of God, only because He Himself wants it and that it is so necessary for us to love Him and work for Him .

This is the law of love, inscribed by the finger of God Himself in the hearts of His faithful servants! This is the self-denial that God requires of us! Behold the good yoke of Jesus Christ and His light burden! This is obedience to the will of God, which our Redeemer and Teacher requires of us, both by His own example and by His word! For did not our Head and Finisher of our salvation, the Lord Jesus, command to say in his prayer to the Heavenly Father: ... Our Father ... Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth(Matthew 6:10)? And He Himself, entering into the feat of suffering, did not proclaim: not mine, Father, but your will be done(cf. Luke 22:42)? And about all his work did he not say: ... descended from heaven, let me not do My will, but the will of the Father who sent Me(John 6:38)?

You see now, brother, what's the matter. I assume that you are ready and eager to reach the height of such perfection. Bless your zeal! But get ready for labors, sweats and struggles from the very first steps of your course. You must sacrifice everything to God and do only His will. But you will meet within yourself as many desires as you have strength and needs, which all require satisfaction, regardless of whether it is in accordance with the will of God. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal you desire, you must first suppress your own wills, and finally completely extinguish and kill them; and in order to be successful in this, you must constantly resist yourself in the worst and force yourself to do good, otherwise you must constantly struggle with yourself and with everything that favors your wills, excites and supports them. Get ready for such a struggle and such a battle, and know that the crown - the achievement of your desired goal - is not given to anyone except valiant warriors and fighters.

But how much more difficult this battle is than any other, since, entering into war with ourselves, we also meet opponents in ourselves, just as much victory in it is more glorious than any other and, most importantly, most pleasing to God. For if, inspired by zeal, you overcome and put to death your disorderly passions, your lusts and desires, then you will please God more and work for Him more beautifully than by beating yourself to the point of blood and exhausting yourself with fasting more than all the ancient hermits. Even if, having redeemed hundreds of Christian slaves from slavery to the ungodly, you give them freedom, it will not save you, if at the same time you yourself are in slavery to the passions. And no matter what deed, be it the greatest, you undertake and with what difficulty and with what sacrifices you do it, it will not bring it to the goal that you desired to achieve, if, moreover, you leave your passions unattended, giving them freedom. live and act in you.

Finally, after you have learned what Christian perfection consists of and that in order to achieve it you must wage an unceasing and cruel war with yourself, you must, if you truly want to become a winner in this invisible battle and be worthy of a worthy crown for that, set up in in your heart the following four dispositions and spiritual deeds, as if clothed in invisible weapons, the most trustworthy and all-conquering, namely:

a) never rely on yourself for anything;

b) to carry in the heart always full and all-daring hope in the one God; c) strive unceasingly; and d) always be in prayer.

Chapter Two

Not relying on ourselves, my beloved brother, is so necessary in our battle that without this, be sure of this, not only will you not be able to win the desired victory, you will not be able to resist even the slightest attack on you by the enemy. Print it deep in your mind and heart.

Since the time of the crime of our progenitor, we, despite the relaxation of our spiritual and moral forces, usually think very highly of ourselves. Although everyday experience very impressively convinces us of the falsity of such an opinion about ourselves, we, in incomprehensible self-deception, do not cease to believe that we are something, and something important. This, however, our spiritual infirmity, which is very difficult to notice and recognize, is most of all contrary to God in us as the first offspring of our selfishness and self-love and the source, root and cause of all passions and all our falls and lewdness. It closes that door in the mind or spirit, through which alone the grace of God usually enters us, not allowing this grace to enter inward and abound in a person. She steps back from him. For how can grace for enlightenment and help enter into that person who thinks of himself that he is something great, that he himself knows everything and does not need anyone's outside help? May the Lord deliver us from such Luciferian sickness and passion! Those who have this passion for self-conceit and self-price, God severely rebukes through the prophet, saying:

Woe, even be wise in yourselves and be wise before yourselves (Isaiah 5:21). That is why the apostle inspires us: ... do not be wise about yourself (Rom. 12:16).

Hating this evil conceit in us, God, on the contrary, loves nothing so much and is so unwilling to see in us as a sincere consciousness of his insignificance and a complete conviction and feeling that every good thing in us, in our nature and our life, comes from Him alone as the source of all good, and that nothing truly good can come from us: neither a good thought, nor a good deed. Why does He Himself provide providentially plant this heavenly sprout in the hearts of His beloved friends, arousing in them disapproval of himself and asserting non-reliance on himself, sometimes through a beneficial influence and inner illumination, sometimes by external blows and sorrows, sometimes by unexpected and almost irresistible temptations, and sometimes in other ways, not always clear to us.

For all that, however, that is, although this not expecting anything good from ourselves and not relying on ourselves is God's work in us, we, on our part, must make every effort to acquire such a disposition, do everything that we can and what is in our authorities. And I, my brother, here outline for you four deeds, by virtue of which you, with God's help, can finally improve disbelief in yourself or never rely on yourself in anything:

a) Know your insignificance and constantly keep in mind that you yourself cannot do any good for which you would be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Listen to what the godly fathers say. Peter of Damascus assures that “there is nothing better than to know one’s weakness and ignorance, and nothing is worse than not being aware of this” (Greek Philokalia, p. 611). Saint Maximus the Confessor teaches that “the foundation of all virtue is the knowledge of human weakness” (Ibid., p. 403). Saint Chrysostom asserts that "he alone knows himself best who thinks of himself that he is nothing."

b) Seek help in this from God in warm and humble prayers, for this is His gift. And if you want to receive it, then you must first establish in yourself the conviction that not only do you not have such a consciousness about yourself, but that you cannot acquire it at all by yourself; then, boldly standing before the majesty of God and firmly believing that, in His immeasurable goodness, He will always grant you such knowledge of himself, when and how He knows, do not allow the slightest doubt that you will really receive it.

c) Get used to always fear for yourself and be afraid of your countless enemies, whom you cannot resist even for a short time; be afraid of their long skill to fight with us, their all-slyness and ambushes, their transformation into angels of light, their countless machinations and networks that they secretly place on the path of your virtuous life.

d) If you fall into any sin, turn to the contemplation of your weakness and the consciousness of it as vividly as possible. God allowed you to fall to that end, so that you would better know your weakness and thus not only learn to despise yourself, but also desire to be despised by others because of your own weakness. Know that without such a desire it is impossible to be reborn in you and take root in a beneficent disbelief in yourself, in which is the basis and beginning of true humility and which itself has its basis in the said experimental knowledge of one’s own impotence and unreliability.

From this, everyone sees how necessary it is for those who want to become a partaker of the light of heaven to know themselves, and how the goodness of God usually leads the proud and presumptuous to such knowledge by means of their falls, righteously allowing them to fall into the very sin from which they consider themselves enough to protect themselves. strong, let them know their weakness and no longer dare to rely on themselves, both in this and in everything else.

However, this means, although very real, but not safe, God does not always use, but when already all other means, easier and freer, which we mentioned, do not lead a person to self-knowledge. Then, finally, He allows a person to fall into sins, large or small, judging by the greatness or smallness of his pride, conceit and arrogance, so that where there is no such conceit and arrogance, there are no intelligible falls. Why, when you happen to fall, hastily run with your thoughts to humble self-knowledge and a humble opinion and feeling about yourself, and with tedious prayer seek from God to grant you true light for the knowledge of your insignificance and the confirmation of your heart in not relying on yourself, so as not to fall into the same or even more serious and ruinous sin.

I will add to this that not only when someone falls into some kind of sin, but also when he falls into some kind of misfortune, disaster and sorrow, especially bodily illness, not easy and long-term, he must understand that he suffers this, so that he comes to self-knowledge, namely into the consciousness of his weakness, and humbled himself. God allows us to this end and for this purpose, so that all kinds of temptations from the devil, from people, and from our damaged nature will come upon us. And Saint Paul, seeing this goal in the temptations he was subjected to in Asia, said: ... in themselves the condemnation of death is imech, let us not rely on ourselves, but on God who raises the dead ...(2 Cor. 1:9).

And I’ll add one more thing: whoever wants to know his weakness from his very real life, let him, I don’t say for many days, but at least for one day observe his thoughts, words and deeds: what he thought, what he said and did. Undoubtedly, he will find that most of his thoughts, words and deeds were sinful, wrong, unreasonable and bad. Such an experience will impressively make him realize how unbalanced and weak he is in himself, and from such a concept, if he sincerely wishes himself well, it will lead him to feel how absurd it is to expect any good from himself alone and rely on himself.

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Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
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The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.