Wallpaper for children. Wallpaper for the children's bedroom: selection rules and original solutions Wallpaper partners for the nursery


In the design of the nursery, wallpaper plays one of the main roles. They set the mood for the whole room, create the right atmosphere. But the task of choosing the right option is not as easy as it seems at first glance. And not only because the store has such a large selection of quality and price that it is easy to get lost among the huge number of offers, but also because you want to please children too. After all, a nursery for every child is a small world. Here he spends most of his time, arranging gatherings with friends.

A selection of photos below shows that not only children's wallpaper with cartoon prints, but also more adult color options can transform a room, make it boring and original.

What should be considered when choosing?

When buying finishing materials in advance, you need to take into account several nuances. Knowing them, it will be much easier to make a choice.

1. The area of ​​the room. Children in a modern new building have an average size of about 15 square meters. meters. But in most houses of old construction until the 90s. of the last century, very small rooms can also be found. Therefore, the choice of wallpaper depending on the area is due to the optimization of space.

2. Degree also plays a role illumination room, which in turn depends on the size and number of windows, location on the north or south side.

3. Gender and age of the child. When choosing a room decoration for boys and girls, of course, the color scheme will be different; has its own characteristics and the choice of pattern.

A certain color can influence mood, can help calm restless and even aggressive children, and on the contrary, encourage too passive ones to activity.

For children of different age groups, the overall design and color of the finish will differ.

4. Hobbies can be embodied in design. For example, the idea of ​​photo wallpaper with the characters of your favorite cartoons is now very popular.

1. Stylish options for a boy

It is traditionally believed that cool tones of blue, light blue, and gray are most suitable for a boy's room. In fact, any other range will also harmoniously fit into the interior without harming the upbringing of masculine qualities. Given that such a palette can play a cruel joke on the north side, owners of “northern” apartments will have to get rid of stereotypes.

After reviewing the selection below, you can make sure that the color of the wallpaper can be almost any: of course, with the exception of some girlish options - pink, lilac, etc. You will find more ideas.

Neutral light colors - beige, cream, white, light blue - are universal and suitable for a boy's bedroom of any age. If you want to use a bright decor, this is another reason to choose these colors. The richer the decor, the more restrained the background should be.

For wall decoration in some modern styles (Scandinavian, minimalism, loft), white is the most suitable color.

With the help of bright and rich wallpapers, you can make the interior special. The combination of different colors and textures helps to place accents and zone the space.

Such tones have a positive effect on mood, are associated with femininity and tenderness, but do not develop the best qualities - frivolity, infantilism. In the room of a growing girl, it is recommended to combine and create different compositions from different options.

For a teenager, it is preferable to choose adult options without cute drawings with princesses, fairies and butterflies. You can leave a neutral background (light or plain) and decorate the walls with photographs, paintings. Wall mural with film stars will also be very useful for a young lady - at this age they tend to imitate idols. The theme of fashion also remains relevant and can also be embodied in the decoration.

What wallpaper to choose for a teenage girl's room, you will find out.

3. If there is both a boy and a girl in the room

Often children in the family have to share one room for two. There will be no problems with the choice of wallpaper if the room is intended for children of the same sex. But what if the son and daughter live in the room? There may be several solutions:

  • …choose light plain wallpaper. All pastel shades of brown are suitable for decoration - beige, cream, milky. White, if the room is sufficiently lit, will please both. In a room with a discreet background, bright decor will look good.

  • ... to combine colors by pasting opposite walls with wallpaper of different colors. This technique can be used to zone a room.

  • …use a universal bright gamut. Orange, turquoise, brown will suit all residents of the nursery.

However, you should avoid using wallpapers with different thematic patterns in the same room. Butterflies will not go well with robots on the other wall, and cute flowers do not harmonize with cars and drawings of military equipment at all. It will be even more difficult to combine the image on the walls if the children have a big age difference.

A universal and win-win solution will be the choice of wallpaper with geometric shapes, a simple pattern, a cage or an imitation of brickwork. If children have a common favorite cartoon, then its characters can become the theme of a print on photo wallpapers.

4. We take into account age and temperament

Children perceive colors differently than adults. Their psyche is more susceptible to the effects of bright colors. Therefore, it is important to consider not only the color, but also the degree of its saturation.

For babies under 3 years old, daytime sleep is very important. In a bright room, it will be difficult for him to fall asleep. Therefore, a calm, pastel color scheme is best suited for this age group.

Children from the age of three become fidgets. They are actively exploring the world around them. Often it is very difficult for them to concentrate on any serious occupation, and in fact, in the period from 3 to 10 years, children have to study a lot. Parents can help here by designing a nursery in accordance with the recommendations of psychologists.

Too active and aggressive guys will be calmed by light, soft and cold tones - for example, beige, light green, blue.

For children who cannot bring themselves to do their homework due to laziness and passivity, orange, yellow and other warm and bright colors will have the desired effect.

Teenagers have their own color scheme. During this period, children more than ever want to be like adults. You can find a common language with them in this difficult time by allowing them to choose the wallpaper themselves. In no case do not insist on your own and do not try to do everything according to your own taste: for a teenager, the opinion of peers is more important and valuable. The best way out is to reach a compromise.

If the child has chosen a colorful wallpaper, then combine it with wallpaper in neutral colors or beat it with decor.

Late adolescence (16-19 years) is characterized by the desire for independence and independence. This is reflected in the design as well. Adult children usually already have a developed sense of beauty, their taste is formed, and they are well versed in the latest in interior design. Therefore, the choice of finishing materials can be completely entrusted to them. By embodying their ideas, they improve their creative skills. Now among boys and girls, ideas with black and white drawings on the wall or black and white photography are very popular.

5. Selection of wallpaper for a small room

Since a small nursery is not such a rarity, designers have developed relevant techniques to help make the space visually more spacious and free. Here are some basic principles for choosing wallpaper for such a room:

1. Light plain wallpaper is a universal option for a cramped nursery. According to the delusion of many, such a scale will be boring. But it is worth diluting the walls with interesting and colorful pictures, photographs, posters, and the room will become original and interesting.

You can see living examples of organizing space for children in a small room of 10 square meters.

2. If you want to make the nursery bright and unusual, then you should be careful in choosing accents. The main rule of successful design is not to use more than three colors.

3. The pattern on the wallpaper can be small or with a pronounced perspective. For example, a city road going into the distance, a path, a paved street with buildings in the distance will allow you to “extend” the room.

However, large patterns and 3D wall murals are a bad idea for a small nursery.

6. How is lighting affected?

A north-facing bedroom needs warm hues. So the room will not seem cold and gloomy. Dark tones are also undesirable in a naturally poorly lit room.

If the nursery has a small area, then light warm colors (for example, peach, light yellow and light orange) will be the best solution. For a room of medium and large squares, light plain wallpaper can be diluted with other bright colors. Saturated deep tones also compensate for the lack of warmth.

Now white is very popular in decoration, but it is not recommended to use it in decorating rooms on the north side. Otherwise, you risk getting the effect of "sterility", and the situation will resemble a hospital ward. But for the south side, this is the most successful option.

Other pale tones - blue, cold blue, gray, ash brown - will harmoniously fit into a too sunny and brightly lit bedroom.

Wallpaper remains the most popular type of finishing materials. This category has no equal in terms of the breadth of the range and is very practical. They are easy, quick and simple to glue. They serve for a long time and have all the necessary properties:

  • moisture resistance(washable options for the nursery are most appropriate);
  • burnout resistance.

In some cases, high-quality dense materials can even hide wall irregularities and other imperfections on their surface.

On the wallpaper in the children's room you do not need to save. Although small children can ruin them by drawing or tearing them, quality and specifications are much more important.

Paper wallpapers are the cheapest, but also the most short-lived. They cannot be washed, and this is another drawback: it is better and easier to remove stains from the walls with a damp cloth than glue and a new roll of wallpaper. Therefore, today in the store this type of coating is being replaced by more advanced non-woven or vinyl ones.

Vinyl wallpapers are considered the most environmentally friendly and most expensive. They do not emit toxic substances, are breathable and therefore reduce the risk of mold formation. Non-woven wallpaper is less "breathable", but also safe for health.

Photo wallpapers that are relevant today are no different from ordinary ones, except for the design. The print is applied on a self-adhesive film. The only thing worth paying attention to is the print. It must be made on the basis of latex ink.

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Choosing wallpaper for a child's room is not as easy as it might seem. In the design of a children's room, every detail of the interior and decoration is important. After all, here the child not only rests and sleeps, but also engages in creativity, plays, studies, spends time with friends. Therefore, his personal space should be cozy, comfortable, functional and, of course, aesthetically attractive.

When choosing wallpaper for a children's room, you should take into account the gender and age of the child, his taste preferences and ideas for decorating his little universe. It is also important to pay attention to the environmental friendliness and practicality of this finishing material. Wallpaper, like the rest of the decoration, furniture and decor, should not have a harmful effect on the health of the child.

The color scheme and texture of the wallpaper depends on the age and gender of the owner of the room. It is better to decorate a nursery for kids in neutral warm shades that will create a calm, peaceful atmosphere.

For middle-aged girls and boys, children's wallpaper for the walls should be selected according to their preferences. Girls like delicate pastel colors, while boys prefer colder shades.

In the children's room, it is better to choose wallpaper made from natural materials. They will not harm the health of the child and allow the walls to "breathe". Their practicality and ease of care should also be taken into account, because children often leave traces of their creativity on the walls.

Types of wallpaper, their advantages and disadvantages

Paper Cheap;
easy to glue;
big choice;
hide small flaws in the wall.
Erased quickly;
do not wash;
burn out in the sun.
non-woven Acceptable price;
environmentally friendly;
easy to wash;
can be painted;
hide cracks in the wall.
Small assortment; transparent;
average sound and heat insulation.
Vinyl durable;
moisture resistant;
have very interesting decorative qualities.
heavy in sticking;
have a specific smell, which is felt for several days after gluing.
Textile natural;
good sound and heat insulation;
antiseptics; very beautiful; lack of joints.
Very expensive;
require professional gluing;
dust collectors;
strongly absorb odors;
Dry clean only.
Wall mural A wide range of images, including unique ones (you can print your family photo);
acceptable price.
Require professional gluing;
do not hide the flaws of the wall.
Liquid Environmentally friendly;
high sound insulation;
do not burn out;
lack of seams and joints.
small selection;
cannot be washed.
Glass fiber Environmentally friendly;
fire resistant;
increased strength;
pass air;
can be repainted;
applied to any surface;
can be washed.
Difficult to remove later;
very expensive;
small selection of patterns.

To decide which wallpaper to choose in the children's room, you should familiarize yourself with their properties, advantages and disadvantages.

paper wallpaper

Paper wallpaper is a natural, environmentally friendly, cheap and beautiful type of finish. A huge range of textures, colors and patterns will allow you to choose the best option for a child of any age. But it is best to use children's paper wallpapers in light and warm colors in the decoration of the kids' room. They will allow the walls to breathe, and in case of damage they can be easily updated. In addition, children grow up very quickly, and after 3-4 years, changes will have to be made to the design. It will be necessary to pick up paper wallpapers in the children's room that will fit into the updated interior and will appeal to its grown-up owner.

Non-woven wallpaper

Perfect for wall decoration children's non-woven wallpaper, which are made from natural materials, are sold in a large assortment of textures, colors and patterns. They are very strong and durable, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of such a finish during outdoor children’s games. Any dirt from the wallpaper can be easily removed with a damp cloth. Selected non-woven wallpaper for the children's room can be repainted several times if the child gets bored with their color.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpaper in the decoration of the children's room is better not to use. Foamed vinyl is very easy to separate from the paper backing. Therefore, children's vinyl wallpaper will quickly become unusable due to children's pranks. And for young children, such a finish is dangerous, especially for those who like to taste everything. Vinyl is a synthetic material that can cause allergic reactions. In addition, such wallpapers, although they have a paper base, do not let air through, and this can lead to the formation of fungus and mold on the walls.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of the children's room

Beautiful wall murals for the children's room will be its main focus. With their help, you can divide the space into functional zones or decorate one of the walls. In the room of small children, images on the wallpaper will create a fabulous and magical atmosphere, and for teenagers - a stylish and fashionable design.

It is better to choose wallpaper in the children's room on a paper basis with an anti-vandal coating. They are absolutely safe for the health of the child, and the protective layer will allow you to keep their original appearance for a long time.

Liquid wallpaper

A great option for wall decoration in a children's room -. In their structure, they resemble decorative plaster, but unlike it, they have a soft and pleasant to the touch surface, which can be given any texture.

Little fidgets, having flown into such walls, will not get hurt or scratched. This finish is environmentally friendly, practical and durable. Any liquid wallpaper in the children's room can be painted in the color you like, apply ornaments and patterns using stencils, and combine with other types of finishes.

They also have the advantage that soiled areas can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth, and damaged areas are repaired by applying a small amount of the mixture.

3d wallpaper in the nursery

The highlight of the design of the children's room will be children's 3D wallpaper. Each child, regardless of age, will be happy to see in his personal space three-dimensional images of his favorite fairy-tale heroes, cars, sea depths, outer spaces, cities.

3D wall murals for a child's bedroom will help make the interior cozy and unusual without wasting useful space.

But how do you choose the right image? First of all, you should focus on the age of the child. If this is a baby, it is better to give preference to wallpaper for walls in soothing colors, not overloaded with contrasts and small details.

A middle-aged boy will surely like images of his favorite cartoon or video game characters.

For a girl - fabulous, romantic stories or compositions with flowers.

And for a school-age child who is interested in a particular field of knowledge, canvases depicting the starry sky or world maps, space landscapes with neon illumination, photographs of the underwater world, as well as fantasy-style drawings may be of interest.

Numerous image options will allow the child to decorate one of the walls of his room in accordance with his preferences and wishes. 3d wallpapers will not harm the health of the owner of the room, they are quite strong and durable. They are very easy to glue, so a boring picture can be easily replaced.

What wallpaper to stick in a girl's room

When choosing wallpaper for a girl's room, you need to take into account her age, temperament, hobbies and favorite colors.

For babies under the age of three, it is better to choose wall decoration in neutral and warm shades, for example, beige, pale pink or milky. You can take plain wallpaper or wallpaper with a small, blurry pattern. This color scheme will be perfectly combined with any furniture, textiles and decor elements, and will create a soothing and cozy atmosphere in the room.

For little princesses aged 3 to 6 years, wallpapers of brighter and richer colors are suitable. Romantic and dreamy natures will love the finishes of pink, turquoise, cream or olive. For active and creative girls, it is better to use orange, yellow, green, emerald and gold shades in the design of the walls. On the wall in the play area, you can stick photo wallpapers for girls with images of your favorite cartoon characters, landscapes, flowers, fairy-tale castles.

In a room for girls from 6 to 12 years old, plain wallpapers, wallpapers with drawings and ornaments of various themes, both light and more saturated colors, are perfect. It all depends on what color the girl likes more, what she is fond of, what she wants to see in her room.

To highlight the functional areas, you can use wallpapers of different colors. For the recreation and sleep area, it is better to use light pastel colors, for the play area - brighter wallpapers with cheerful drawings.

Wall murals in the interior of a nursery for girls of this age will look great. Let them choose the images themselves that will be the highlight of the design of their personal space.

We select wallpaper for the boy's room

When choosing wallpaper for boys, you should consider the same criteria as when choosing a finish for a girl's children's room. Of great importance are the age, character, taste preferences and hobbies of the child.

The room of the newborn should be with a light, non-irritating finish. To create a calm and peaceful atmosphere, it is better to stick wallpaper in pale blue, beige, cream shades.

Boys are much more active than girls, so the main background of their rooms should not be very bright so as not to excite the child's nervous system. An excellent choice for decorating the walls of children's rooms for boys of any age will be wallpaper in blue, blue, green and gray tones. Of course, so that the interior is not boring and dull, you need to add bright accents. The main wallpaper for the boy's room can be combined with wallpaper in orange, yellow, dark blue, burgundy, bright green. These can be abstract combinations, highlighting the game and sports area, horizontal stripes or panel design.

An excellent choice for a room for boys from 3 to 6 years old will be wallpaper with various patterns of cars, planes, boats. They will make the interior cheerful and perky.

You can decorate one of the walls in the room with three-dimensional images corresponding to the age of the child. Little fidgets will be delighted to see fashionable photo wallpapers with cars or Spiderman in their room.

For a boy aged 3 to 9 years, photos of your favorite characters from cartoons and comics, sea or space ships, cars, rockets, planes are more suitable. The choice will depend on the hobbies of the child.

Stylish wallpaper for a boy over 9 years old can be with images of cities, sea spaces, unexplored depths of space, graffiti, racing sports cars. It will be very good if the child himself chooses the wallpaper that will decorate his room.

What wallpaper to choose in the nursery for children of different sexes

Choosing wallpaper for a children's bedroom in which a girl and a boy live is not an easy task. The interior of such a room should be convenient and comfortable for both children.

The best option is to stick wallpaper in a neutral color in the recreation area, for example, beige, olive, milky. And for the play area, use wallpaper with interesting patterns, or apply ornaments and figures to plain wallpaper using stencils. Here you can stick children's photo wallpapers, the image on which should be liked by both the girl and the boy.

Another option for decorating the space of a children's room is the division into a girl's and a boy's zone using the color and textures of the finish. For a girl, you can take wallpaper in delicate pastel colors, and for a boy - light, but colder.

To decorate such an interior, ordinary photo wallpapers and 3d wallpapers are perfect, which also visually expand the space.

Wallpaper for a teenager

The interior of the teenage room should not be overloaded with very bright, saturated colors. The color of the walls should promote relaxation and rest, and not excite the fragile nervous system.

Light plain wallpaper for a teenage room is best suited. If the child insists on decorating the walls with bright finishes, then horizontal combination can be applied. Glue wallpapers in saturated colors on the bottom of the wall, and light ones on the top.

In addition, photo wallpapers for a teenager will help to add colors to a bright interior, the choice of images on which is best left to him. As a rule, girls prefer photographs of flowers, landscapes, the sea, city streets, idols. And boys prefer racing cars, famous athletes, airplanes, views of cities.

You can decorate the accent wall with wallpaper with various fashionable prints and patterns. They will make a teenager's room stylish and ultra-modern.

Fashion trends in the design of the walls of the children's room in 2019

In 2019, monochrome wallpapers of cold and warm shades with a pronounced texture will be in fashion. They are perfect for decorating children's rooms for boys and girls of all ages. You can add some brightness to such a laconic interior using stickers for children's wallpapers with images of flowers, cars, airplanes, dolls, animals and any other characters that the child likes.

You can choose trendy wallpaper with stars in the children's room for boys who dream of conquering space. They will also appeal to children who are fond of astronomy.

You can create a cheerful and playful interior by choosing wallpaper with polka dots for a children's girl's room. Wallpaper with small peas is perfect for the main background, and a large pattern will be appropriate on an accent wall, for example, in a play area.

Photo wallpapers with all kinds of images that can be matched to the style of any children's room remain in the trend.

Modern 3d wallpapers are becoming very popular. Volumetric images with the effect of presence will please children of any age, will become a stylish and original decoration of a children's room.

Well-chosen children's wallpaper will make the room cozy, comfortable and attractive. Participation in this process of the child will allow him to show design skills, embody his wishes and fantasies in the interior.

We hope that this article will help you choose the best wallpaper for the children's room. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments below. Our experts will definitely answer them.

For interior design, it is customary to use different models of vinyl photo wallpapers. You can choose a pattern among inexpensive children's photo wallpapers in our catalog or order a print of your photo on paper wallpaper. Gluing must be done on a smooth surface. It is better to buy non-woven wallpaper in the children's room - they are much easier to clean. In the production of vinyl models, the highest quality materials are used, so it is better to finish the walls for decorating the room with them - they will transform the interior and make the coating perfectly even.

What to choose: paper or vinyl base?

Wallpapering specialists advise buying children's photo wallpapers on non-woven or vinyl. The manufacturing process of such a canvas is simple - you need to choose a picture, we - apply it to one of the decorative coatings. They can be used to decorate rooms of any type, it is much easier to glue fragments on a dense base - there are no typical problems of paper models. If we consider the designs of ready-made photo wallpapers for the nursery, which look good with any interior, then the choice of plot for decorating the nursery should be given special attention.

Choosing a material for children's wallpaper to create a modern interior is easy:

  • only 3 manufacturing materials: paper, vinyl and interlining;
  • you can buy ready-made wallpapers with a base of any modern materials;
  • when choosing a texture, you should refer to the size of the canvas, since it may look different on ordinary wallpaper;
  • on paper wallpaper, wall defects will be visible, so it is better to glue vinyl or non-woven wallpaper that suits your interior design;
  • wall coverings are made of any size, which means that they can be glued in any room.

Selection of high-quality children's photo wallpapers

Among paper and vinyl, it is not difficult to choose the appropriate photo wallpaper for a children's room by design. Many colors are also used in bedrooms and living rooms. They decorate rooms with different types of decorative coatings, which differ in the convenience of gluing and maintenance. The choice of original pictures on the Internet is quite large, so they use different types of frescoes, photos of their choice, varieties of the brightest drawings and exclusive landscapes. It all depends on the size of the apartment or house. For small apartments, you can choose a room for printing, different options for light photo wallpapers according to the tone of the children's room - in large houses. Wall murals for boys are most often dominated by traditional shades of blue and blue. In the children's bedroom for lethargic girls, according to psychologists, warm shades along with contrasting details are most suitable, and for active girls - soothing pastels (green, powdery, with a barely noticeable pattern or without it at all).

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 7 minutes


All parents want their children's room to have a cozy, comfortable atmosphere that pleases the baby. Harmony is desirable in the combination of furniture design, wallpaper pattern and even. An important factor in the design of a children's room is wallpaper. Their quality, color, pattern affect the health of the child and the aesthetic perception of the room as a whole. What wallpaper is better to choose in the children's room - read below.

Best children's wallpaper: what kind of wallpaper to choose for a child's room - vinyl, paper, non-woven, glass, photo, liquid wallpaper?

When making a choice in the diverse range of wallpaper offered, one should take into account the main thing: the wallpaper in the children's room should be made from natural materials. Ask the seller quality certificate, which will confirm that the main components of the wallpaper: coloring and binder, paper and other components comply with established standards.

Choose the color of the wallpaper in the children's room - what color of wallpaper for the nursery will be better?

Choose the color of the wallpaper in the nursery and the drawings on them, taking into account the nature of the baby: calm – choose warm colors, active child - cold tones. The best option when choosing wallpaper for the nursery is to take the child with you so that he also takes part in shaping the image of his room.

The color scheme on the wallpaper in the children's room affects the psychological state of the child, scientists and psychologists have come to this conclusion. So, for example, the yellow, peach color of the walls encourages the child to knowledge, study, and new discoveries. If, then you can think about zoning the space, including using different colors of wallpaper. When choosing wallpaper for the nursery according to the color scheme, do not forget about the age of the child:

Wallpaper for children - how to choose a pattern for children's wallpaper?

Drawings on the wallpaper should correspond to the age development of the child.

  • Toddlers up to four years old suitable images on the wallpaper in the form of stars, flowers and other pictures without storylines. When choosing a pattern, remember that too frequent wallpaper can be tiring and annoying. It is better to focus on a single drawing or plot that will be in demand when playing with a child.
  • From the age of four drawings on the wallpaper may contain a storyline: characters from your favorite cartoons. Usually, boys prefer pictures with cars, airplanes and other equipment. Girls, as a rule, like drawings with bears, dolls, for example, Barbie. Wallpapers depicting cartoon characters are the most popular and liked by children of any age.

  • Wallpaper for the children's room

    You do not know where to buy wallpaper for a children's room? LLC "O-DESIGN" offers you the best samples of coatings, in which aesthetics are successfully combined with practicality. Designer children's wallpapers of English and Swedish brands are the best choice for creating a non-trivial interior and a comfortable atmosphere in a child's room.

    On our site you can buy materials from leading manufacturers that have all the properties that are necessary for coatings in this room. Durable, easy to care for, resistant to moisture and sunlight, wallpaper for the children's room will delight the baby for a long time, inspiring him to new achievements. All materials are made from environmentally friendly components that are absolutely safe for children of all ages.

    Wallpaper catalog for children's room:

    You can buy children's wallpapers in our online store or by visiting one of our wallpaper salons in Moscow!
    Be sure to come to us - we will help with the choice!

    We have all kinds of wallpaper for the nursery:

    • Wall murals for a children's room - we answer the question "Where to buy and where is the big choice?" available in our online store and in our showrooms.
    • Non-woven and paper wallpapers - only eco-friendly English and Swedish products that meet the highest requirements.
    • Children's wallpapers for boys - drawings with cars and world maps. Everything is available in our catalog.

    In our catalog only stylish and modern wallpaper collections! We work not only in Moscow, but all over Russia - you will find information about our subdivisions in the "Shops" section. Wallpapers for children are safe on eco-friendly non-woven fabric at the low prices of the 2019 catalog of the year!

    The choice of wallpaper for a child's room is perhaps the most important task of all the wall decoration work in your home. After all, it is here that high demands are made both on the appearance of wallpaper, safety, and on their strength, practicality and ability to withstand the most sophisticated tests. Here are a few basic rules that will allow you to choose the right wallpaper for your child's room:

    • The wallpaper material must be environmentally friendly. Paper or non-woven wallpaper is very well suited for the role of wallpaper for a child's room - they are absolutely safe and able to pass air. In the case of using paper wallpaper, replacing them after “processing with felt-tip pens” will be a completely budgetary undertaking.
    • It is highly desirable to choose practical wallpaper for a nursery - if necessary, it will be easy to wash them from dirt, returning them to their original form.
    • Color and pattern. Light and calm shades are best suited as a background, but you can already “play” with a pattern. Wallpapers on natural and marine themes, decorated with stylized images, have proven themselves perfectly. They stimulate the imagination of the child and do not let him get bored.
    • If you find it difficult to choose wallpaper for the nursery - ask your child! In many cases, the child will tell you what he is interested in and how he would like to see his favorite room. Remember, the more comfortable the child will be in his own room, the more comfortable and pleasant it will be for you.
    • When choosing wallpaper, try not to use too often repeated image in the design of the children's room - such a "picture" will quickly get bored. It is better to choose a composition from various elements, complementing them with accessories and additional attributes.

    Choosing wallpaper for a nursery is not an easy task and a lot of work. You can consult with the child, choose yourself or entrust this issue to our consultants. With proper selection, the result will exceed all expectations and your miracle will feel comfortable in your room, bringing you joy. The ODesign online store offers a wide selection of environmentally friendly wallpapers for a children's room from the best European manufacturers. In our catalog you will find a large number of interesting solutions for decorating a child's room, the quality of which you can be sure of.

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