Wallpaper for the kitchen (105 photo ideas). Wallpaper for the kitchen - what color to choose, which wallpaper is best for the kitchen, wallpaper selection criteria Kitchen wallpaper with lemon

Lemon color in the interior of the kitchen is a stylish and bold solution that brings a sense of surprise and optimism to the space. It is associated with summer, the sea, holidays and gives a charge of vivacity and fun. It should be considered as a good option with constant exposure to seasonal depression. This color will be especially appropriate in the design of a room located on the north side, since there is a lack of natural light in any season.

Before making a final decision in choosing a color, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. Then get acquainted with the opinions of designers, so that in the future there will be no disappointment.

Among the positive aspects of this color, the following are noted:

  • compensates for the lack of sunlight (especially important for residents of the northern regions);
  • visually expands a small space;
  • looks bright, bold and original, evokes strong emotions;
  • has a stimulating and positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person, which is especially valuable for those who cannot wake up in the morning;
  • stimulates creativity;
  • promotes a good appetite (important for families with small children).

The kitchen, made in this shade, there are also disadvantages inherent in the yellow color as a whole. They include the following:

  1. This color has an irritating effect on the psyche of people with an easily excitable nervous system, as well as those who suffer from mental disorders.
  2. An insufficiently cold shade (the color of an overripe lemon with a canary tint) with a lack of lighting will look dull and uninteresting.
  3. Despite the fact that yellow is easily combined with almost all colors, you need to weigh the pros and cons well, stopping at one or another option, especially choosing an extremely bright one, for example, yellow with red or orange. In everyday life, the vast majority of people prefer calm, discreet colors, so you should not sacrifice a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere and home peace for the sake of a momentary whim.

What style is suitable for lemon cuisine

Stopping on such a color, the owner takes a certain risk, because this shade in itself attracts attention. Therefore, the general view must match, and the details must be harmoniously combined with each other. The design in the following styles will look most advantageous:

  1. High tech. Its main emphasis is cutting-edge technology, in the presence of which there is no need for the usual kitchen utensils and decor. For "consonance" with the smooth metal and plastic of gadgets and devices, the working surfaces are made glossy and shiny. It is the lemon color that suits them the most.
  2. Minimalism. Laconic and strict design with a minimum amount of decor and maximum use of the functionality of the room. Bright citrus color of work surfaces or furniture will give optimism and fill the space with life.
  3. Constructivism. With minimalism, he is related by intolerance to an increased number of details. At the same time, more emphasis is placed on revealing the functionality of each item. These styles are distinguished by their attraction to geometric shapes and the unity of lines, so the appliances in such a kitchen are always built-in. Lemon will allow you to make bright accents and add emotionality to the design.
  4. Loft. Usually bachelors prefer this style. Stone and brick, simple furniture give the effect of antiquity, brutality and comfort at the same time. Citrus tones will bring a sense of novelty and freshness to such an interior.

What colors go well with lemon in kitchen design

There are many possibilities for combinations with other shades. Bright color gives a feeling of enthusiasm, energy, vitality. Despite the fact that it is considered youthful, its unexpected combinations with blue, beige and brown are liked by people of any age.


This color scheme breathes lightness, freshness and purity, but at the same time it is considered concise and restrained. This combination is ideal for a small kitchen as these two colors visually enlarge the space. This combination is great for dark rooms. The simplicity of appearance can be diluted with interesting decor elements that will make the interior more comfortable.


The combination of these two colors, despite their depth, evokes feelings of calmness and focus. Blue softens and sets off the loudness of lemon, revealing sparkling notes in it. This combination promotes concentration and is perfect for people with creative professions and with a fine mental organization, as well as introverts.


A fresh, invigorating combination of colors is suitable for those who are used to always being in good shape and in a good mood. Lemon and blue have a cold undertone, so the temperature in the room will subconsciously feel cooler. The intensity of the color can be adjusted by choosing a less saturated celestial hue.


This is an original and stylish solution, which most favorably reveals the properties of both colors. Gray elegantly sets off the acidity of the lemon, which gives it radiance. This combination is positively perceived by the nervous system of any type and will be appropriate for small kitchens.


A classic that always looks interesting and stylish. This shade will muffle the splashing brightness of the lemon and give the interior rigor and maturity. For such a color solution, the clarity of lines and shapes is extremely important. Suitable for rooms with a large area, since black reduces space. In order not to overload the object with two intense shades, a glass table and shelves are often used in the design.


This color scheme can also be attributed to the classic version. Cool yellow shade combined with warm tones of brown soothes and warms, gives a feeling of comfort and coziness. At the same time, this design is distinguished by clear lines and geometric shapes due to a certain contrast. The combination of lemon and cinnamon is a great solution for northern cuisines.


The soft and restrained tone of ivory or coffee with milk successfully emphasizes the saturation of sunny citrus, ennobling and directing its unrestrained fun into a calm channel. Such an interior has a special chic when the brightest accents are framed by a deep, but matching in tone color: black or brown. This kitchen is cozy and conducive to confidential communication.

How to combine a lemon set with an interior

When buying a citrus-colored headset, it is especially important to consider the basic rules for combining shades. Because such a rich color is a strong dominant, against the background of which any flaw or inconsistency will immediately catch the eye.

In order to emphasize the clarity of the lines, black, brown, anthracite, graphite or wenge are additionally used.


Only one bright color can be present in the interior, while the rest should be neutral, several tones lighter. Wallpaper in beige, light green, light gray and white shades will suit the lemon kitchen set. They will emphasize the brightness and cheerfulness of the main color dominant. The same principle remains with a contrasting two-tone design: to create a stylish and harmonious interior, the tone of the wallpaper should be less saturated. The lemon color is ambiguous for perception, so it is better to slightly muffle it with a calmer background.


If you have a lemon-colored headset, it is recommended to choose plain and dim curtains that let in sunlight well. Yellow shades have an unpleasant property: they fade in low light, acquiring an unhealthy look. Another difficulty lies in finding the golden mean between practicality and attractive appearance. It is known that on fabrics with a pattern, pollution is less noticeable. But in a kitchen with citrus colors, it's better not to overdo it with additional accents. White, cream, beige or gray curtains are perfect. You should not pick them up to match the headset: this will create additional tension in perception, and the interior will look “torn”.

Apron and countertop

In the choice of colors for this part of the kitchen, you can allow a little more freedom and bright colors. But even here it is necessary to strictly observe the measure. It is better to choose monochromatic options for tiles and work surface material. A multi-colored pattern is allowed, but in a minimum amount. The simpler its elements, the more organic the overall appearance of the room will be.


Additional room furnishings should be as discreet as possible, such as neutral colors and non-textured materials. The principle of simplicity in design should be dominant. Before the kitchen gets its final look and starts to be used. Such a decision may seem boring and uninteresting. Awareness of its correctness will come later, when the lemon color will focus maximum attention on itself.

An interesting solution is the purchase of a glass table. Such a design move will add lightness to the overall look and will not distract attention from the headset.

How to care for a lemon-colored kitchen

Caring for a room made in a citrus shade is no more difficult than for any other. It must be remembered that against such a bright background, dirt and stains will be more noticeable, so cleanliness will have to be maintained at the proper level.

To make operation less troublesome, it is worth choosing the places most prone to contamination (namely, the apron over the stove and the hood) from non-staining materials in patterned colors, on which stains will be visually less noticeable.

If you have a glossy finish, it is important to prevent scratches and chips, so you should not use hard sponges and aggressive detergents.

Photo of lemon kitchens in the interior


Lemon shade is one of the most unexpected in the interior of any room. This color of celebration and relaxation is nowhere more appropriate than in the kitchen, because this is the room in the house where the family most often gathers or meetings with friends take place. It is here that every member of the family spends time every day. A properly designed lemon-colored kitchen can become a favorite place in the house, where its inhabitants will be charged with vigor and optimism for the whole day!

Every housewife surely dreams of a beautiful kitchen. But the design of any design begins with the finishing work. Modern wallpapers are very diverse materials. They are both the simplest, paper, and cutting-edge, washable. So which ones to choose? Read on and see photos of wallpaper for kitchens!

Paper wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

Probably, this type of wallpaper is the most common and famous, everyone knows it. But how will they withstand the load in the kitchen? If we talk about the benefits, they are hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. They are also no less attractive from a financial point of view.

At the same time, compared to other types of materials, they are not so wear-resistant, they are not able to retain moisture, and these factors are of great importance in every kitchen!

The choice of paper wallpaper for wall decoration in kitchens can be called a kind of test, since every inaccurate movement can render them unusable.

At the same time, paper wallpapers are offered on the market in the widest variety of colors, images and more, and they are also quite affordable in terms of budget. Therefore, many choose them for kitchens. In this case, it is important to know the types of paper wallpaper so that your choice is made correctly. They are:

  • Single-layer paper - simplex, representing a sheet of paper with a printed pattern on one side. Their advantage in efficiency, the ability to breathe. At the same time, they are short-lived, afraid of moisture, burn out under the influence of direct sun.
  • Duplex is a two-layer type of paper wallpaper, consisting of two canvases. This increases the strength of the material, as well as sound and heat insulation. At the same time, they have a texture, and the pattern is bright and of high quality.
  • Reminiscent of the previous version, foam wallpaper. But here, some acrylic polymers are applied to the base, which, as a result of foaming, form a relief pattern that is resistant to moisture and abrasion. Such wallpapers for the kitchen are washable, this is their advantage, among other types.

Vinyl wallpaper

This type of material is based on fabric / paper, everything is covered with polyvinyl chloride on top, and then embossing / pattern is applied.

This is a completely non-toxic type of material, quite durable, the same applies to high humidity and to the formation of fungus. But the latter is the most unpleasant thing that simply appears in the kitchen, where there is an increased level of humidity and temperature.

Among the huge range of vinyl wallpapers, foamed options stand out, as well as silk-screen printing, compact vinyl.

Non-woven - comfortable and modern wallpaper for the kitchen

At the heart are cellulose fibers, fabrics. Wet and dry, do not shrink. During the pasting process, the adhesive is applied to the walls, not to the material. Thanks to this, the pattern is adjusted as accurately as possible. Today, such material is modern and popular, they are pasted over living rooms and kitchens, bedrooms and hallways.

They are great for smoothing out cracks and bumps. But if you choose this type of wallpaper, also specially for painting, they will make an excellent canvas to show creativity in the walls of the kitchen.

Affordable and high quality acrylic wallpaper

They are considered an analogue of vinyl foam type. The difference is that not foamed vinyl is applied to the main layer, but acrylic spraying. It is it that is able to create textured patterns on the surface of the material. The application is spot-on, thanks to which the material breathes.

This type of wallpaper is practical, durable -, firstly,. They are also moisture resistant, and are not susceptible to mechanical damage, secondly. This is what makes the material incredibly attractive for decorating kitchens.

They also have disadvantages. For example, if you choose wallpaper for painting, it should be borne in mind that they can be painted much less times than from vinyl or non-woven.

Glass fiber is the perfect option to decorate the kitchen!

They are very similar to fabric made of fiberglass, and they are based on specially prepared glass, processed under the influence of a temperature of more than a thousand degrees Celsius! After this method, some fibers are formed, which are then turned into yarn, and materials are already woven from it. It is recommended to use paints based on latex or water to paint glass wall papers.

This option is just perfect. After all, while thinking about what wallpaper to choose for the kitchen, you just have to think! Glass fiber - moisture resistant, wear-resistant, practical, resistant to mold. Yes, they are just perfect!

Liquid type of wallpaper

They are powdered cotton fibres, mineral crumb binder, cellulose, pigmented paints, and sometimes decorative items. They are applied in a completely different way, as everyone knows and is used to. Before applying, they must be diluted in water as a dry mixture, and when they swell, apply to the walls with a brush or spatula.

This version of the material is able to perfectly mask the existing defects and flaws on the surface of the walls or ceiling. Their advantages are in the inability to fade in the sun, excellent sound and heat insulation properties, non-toxic, do not accumulate dirt and dust.

Since this type of material is specific to some extent, it can only be cleaned in a dry way, which is why this material is not the most practical in the kitchen.

But, if you still really want to use them, treat them with one wall, which is removed from vapors and moisture. For example, in the dining area.

Wallpaper ideas for the kitchen. Which ones to choose?

Of course, from the widest range of the head can go around. To make the picture clearer, you need to understand the price range of materials. And so, the cheapest ones are paper ones, then vinyl ones, after them on a non-woven base and the most expensive ones are glass wallpapers.

Classic is always in fashion

Choosing this style in the kitchen, you should know that over time it will not become outdated, even regardless of new fashion trends and trends. A classic, as it was, it is, and even in ten years it will be relevant.

Of course, in this style, wall decoration is done using fabric-based wallpaper, but this is completely unacceptable for kitchens. First of all, because of their impracticality. And if you decide to choose wallpaper, regardless of tiles and panels, you should still prefer the option of practical washable wallpaper.

When looking for material for a classic-style kitchen, choose soft, discreet tones, on which there may be some kind of unusual pattern.

If the goal is to accentuate pieces of furniture but not wallpaper, it's perfectly possible to use a classic style and even encourage the use of a plain type of wallpaper.

Modern will allow you to enjoy nature!

Of course, this is no longer a classic. This style allows you to decorate the interior with bold solutions, non-standard forms, referring to nature and everything natural, while plant motifs are introduced quite unobtrusively.

Ornaments of plants reflect Art Nouveau quite harmoniously. But you should not use them too much either, so that the kitchen does not turn into a densely growing forest. Ideally, you can choose wallpaper in neutral colors, with a soft and smooth ornament applied.

Oriental style is diverse and charming

The design of wallpaper for the kitchen in this case today can be the most diverse. It is simple and harmonious.

The ideal option is the execution of fabric wallpapers, or bamboo panels. But, for kitchens, this option is far from the most practical. And very soon all the troubles can turn out quite the opposite.

Oriental style in kitchens can be brought by imitating bamboo panels, which characterizes the oriental ornament.

As for the color scheme, it is not at all necessary that there are only red or burgundy tones. In this case, the manifestation of fantasy will be completely out of place.

Provence style - lavender fields ...

It is beautiful, originally from the villages of France. But the lavender solution is not a limitation in this case. There can also be colors of olives and mustard, wheat and sand. The main patterns will be a cell and a stripe, flowers.

And the fights that look like cracked plaster or like a barn board will bring some extraordinariness to the kitchen.

Create coziness with country music!

It is this style that will create a warm homely atmosphere. It is natural, using natural materials. In a kitchen of this style, family gatherings will always be comfortable!

As for the color palette, do not abuse bright accents, as well as contrasts!

As for ornaments, a strip with a cage and flowers are most appropriate here. Among the primary colors, gray and burgundy, yellow and black, olive and blue, white or dark green should be preferred.

Hi-tech - the style of the future

Everything here is minimalistic and simple, as well as technologically advanced. On these three components and build, in fact, the whole style. There should be absolutely no pretentious elements that are acceptable to country or classic.

The ideal version of the wallpaper is plain, or imitated for brick / concrete. Among the main tones, you should choose light, in cold shades, for example, gray or white.

White - the color of modernity and taste

It is classic and popular. It can be used as an ideal background for a different shade, with which you can place accents, bring some outrageousness to the kitchen interior.

In addition to many advantages, with the help of white you can visually enlarge the space in small kitchens!

Wall mural

Here it is very important to take into account the specifics of the room, making a choice in favor of samples that have moisture and wear-resistant materials. They can be glued in the meal reception area, as well as in the part where food is cooked.

By combining wallpaper, zone the space

Using a combination, you will not only make interesting accents, but also zone the room. But when choosing a material, you should pay attention to some aspects:

  • No need to choose different categories of colors. The material must belong to one color segment, and the difference in them may be in texture and color.
  • The best combination of bright and neutral tones.
  • The geometric patterns are a great combination with abstraction.
  • An ornament in a floral motif can perfectly complement with the help of textures and floral patterns.

Modern kitchen design trends with wallpaper

This year, wallpapers in natural and ethnic motifs are incredibly popular. Increasingly, contrasts are used, as well as a combination of different materials. Also no less popular are wallpapers in the motive of vegetation, with maps, and 3D options.

Wallpaper for the kitchen - 100 photos of a beautiful combination in the interior of the kitchen

The lemon color used in the interior is considered one of the most cheerful shades in the palette. It looks attractive not only in the photo, but also live.

Almost everyone associates a warm, sunny shade with summer and warm days. It has been proven that yellow and its combination with other tones have a positive effect on the nervous system, adding optimism and calmness.

Designers advise using yellow in the interior as the main one, that is, it is recommended to paint the walls and ceiling in lemon shades. With the help of lemon-colored tones of different saturation, you can highlight the details necessary in the decor. Despite this versatility, you should not oversaturate the room with yellow details, as this is annoying.

Palette of lemon shades

It is unlikely that all shades of lemon color can be listed, but this is not necessary, since not all of them are used in decorating residential premises. For the design of apartments, designers most often recommend choosing lemon yellow, light lemon, corn, linen, mustard. Popular shade of saffron, "old gold".

Depending on the background, you need to select other tones. The right combination should harmoniously emphasize the lemon color or complement it with its brightness and saturation. Bright lemon is optimally combined with achromatic black and gray. They muffle the juiciness of yellow, and the room becomes more calm and mature.

Light lemon or pale lemon are successfully combined with mustard, fawn. You can also choose a good combination of yellow with pink or grassy.

The nuances of interior design

You can very easily create dozens of combinations of lemon tones with other shades. The living room will be transformed if you choose the right combination of lemon with gray, white, pink or even black. In the children's room and bedroom, the yellow color of the wallpaper is best combined with grassy, ​​apricot and white. The interior of the kitchen, in addition to lemon shades, may contain ash-gray, fruity tones.

The lemon-colored tile looks impressive, with the help of which the kitchen apron is decorated. They will tell you how to choose the right design for a kitchen or another room in the house, photos of popular and fashionable interiors posted on thematic resources on the Internet. The refreshing color of lemon always remains at the peak of popularity.

Bright living room

In the portfolio of designers, you can most often see a photo of a living room decorated in yellow. This room is designed to receive guests and gather all family members, and the lemon color makes it more friendly and conducive to conversation.

If you chose yellow wallpaper, then you need to choose the right furniture. Preference when choosing furniture should be given to the classic style or minimalism, that is, strict and simple forms.

You should know that yellow wallpapers significantly expand the area and therefore it is recommended to use them when decorating walls in small rooms. Lemon color is often used as the main color for the ceiling and floor. If you think that such brightness will quickly tire you, then you can choose a different approach: buy wallpaper in neutral tones, and use lemon yellow in furniture, picture frames, and decorative elements.

Color combinations in the bedroom

The bedroom looks harmonious, where the lower half of the walls are painted yellow, and the upper half is white with green or pink elements. With this approach, the design of the room does not look overloaded and at the same time creates a cheerful atmosphere. Light lemon color should be repeated evenly throughout the interior - rugs, curtains, accessories.

solar kitchen

For the kitchen, you can choose almost any lemon shade. It can be a bright lemon or muted color, and shades are often used that are close to orange in their saturation.

In yellow tones, you can decorate the walls, choose a kitchen set, and light lemon tiles on the walls and on the floor will organically fit into such a room.

It is best to combine lemon color with white or pink shades.

The color of lemon gives warmth to the interior, and for the kitchen it is one of the conditions for spiritual comfort and good appetite.

You can get a great interior if you put a white suite in the kitchen and finish the walls next to it with lemon tiles. You can do the opposite, but it should be borne in mind that the first option is more suitable for a small room, and the second is optimal for spacious kitchens.

The interior also looks great, where the kitchen is made in white and grassy shades, and the accents in it are made with the help of yellow tones. Dark lemon color is not recommended for ceiling decoration, and the flooring will look great if you choose mustard linoleum or parquet of the same color with splashes for it.

This rich shade of green harmoniously fits into such modern interior styles as hi-tech, minimalism, constructivism, loft, avant-garde.

High tech . Lime color will bring freshness and warmth to the restrained. This citrus shade can be used both in individual details and in the color of furniture or walls.

Metal, glass, glossy surfaces and interior elements that are inherent in this style are perfectly combined with juicy fruity shades.

Minimalism. The austerity inherent in this style and the lack of a large amount of decor are perfectly compensated by a bright citrus accent in the interior.

All attention in such a room will be concentrated on one or two elements of the interior of a bright color.

Constructivism. To give a cold and restrained kitchen interior in the style of constructivism a touch of warmth and comfort, add a few bright decor elements. These can be vases, dishes, wall clocks or lime-colored furniture.

Loft. This bright shade can also fit well into. This democratic style allows the use of bright accents.

Vanguard. This extraordinary and very dynamic interior style involves the use of rich colors. In an avant-garde kitchen, bright shades of green are quite appropriate.

Mix of styles. Nowadays, it has become fashionable to design interiors in the eclectic style, that is, to mix elements inherent in different styles. So, it is not uncommon to find a very successful combination of an ultra-modern shade of lime in the kitchen with a traditional classic set.

What other colors go with lime?

With a bright and intense shade of lime, all neutral colors are perfectly combined: white, gray and black. You can also use yellow, orange, green, cinnamon, turquoise, blue, purple and red with this shade.

We offer you a large selection of real photos with examples of lime-colored kitchens in various color combinations.

White . Intense and bright shade of lime looks great in combination with white. The interior of the kitchen becomes truly fresh and light. This color combination gives a sense of space and visually expands the walls.

Grey . Neutral gray also pairs well with bright greens. You can use the entire palette of grays, from light to dark tones. Look at the following examples of combinations:

Black . Bright and rich green looks good with black, which sets it off and makes it more intense. However, these two colors should be used in the interior only in combination with white, milky or cream.

Brown . You can also add all shades of brown to the color palette of your kitchen: from light to wenge.

yellow and green. The use of these two colors harmoniously looks in the interior, as they are related to the shade of lime.

Blue, turquoise and purple. The use of these colors creates a contrasting combination and makes the interior even brighter, so here you need to maintain a balance and not overdo it.

Red . Nature itself provided us with this combination of red and bright green hue. However, in this case, it is also worth being careful and not making it too intrusive and flashy.

Features of the selection of furniture, finishes and decor

Furniture . In such a kitchen, natural wood furniture will harmoniously fit in: walnut, birch, ash or maple. It is also possible to use furniture painted in white, black or gray.

If your kitchen set has lime-colored facades, then it is better to decorate the walls in a neutral light tone. In the event that the walls have a bright green color, then the furniture should be chosen in a neutral color.

Tabletop. The most practical and beautiful will look like a table top made of natural wood or MDF in light gray or black.

Apron . When choosing an apron, you should consider the overall style of the interior. Materials such as glass and ceramic glossy tiles are best suited.

When you think over the entire interior of a room, much attention is paid to the design of the walls. Today, there are a lot of options for their decor: wallpapering, painting, tiling, and so on. It all depends on the style in which the entire interior is designed, and on the financial capabilities of the customer. But still, most people prefer wallpaper.

Types of wallpaper for the kitchen

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account some factors that will help determine the most suitable option. Let's consider some of them.

Vinyl wallpapers. The most popular type. They have such an important property for the kitchen as moisture resistance. Do not fade under the action of sunlight. Easily glued, while masking the uneven surface of the walls well. Resistant to mold and mildew. The disadvantage is the inability to pass air. The kitchen should be ventilated frequently.

Texture wallpaper. In another way, they are also called compact vinyl. Their main purpose is to imitate stones, brickwork, and plaster. Easy to wash and do not scratch. Available in a wide variety of designs and colors. The main disadvantage of such wallpapers is the high price.

Wallpaper that can be painted. The basis of this type of wallpaper is vinyl. It tolerates the sun's rays well and prevents color fading. It also tolerates moisture and temperature changes well. Wallpaper can be repainted several times.

Non-woven wallpaper. A significant advantage of such wallpaper is the fact that it is not necessary to apply glue to them, but only to the walls. Do not wrinkle and do not tear when sticking. They also do a good job of masking the unevenness of the walls. They are made from cellulose fibers, so they are quite environmentally friendly. Well pass air and transfer moisture. The disadvantage is the high price. Also, dust collects on the textured layer, which at times will have to be vacuumed.

The modern type of wallpaper is glass wallpaper. They have a number of advantages: they tolerate moisture and temperature changes well, are fireproof, resistant to the appearance of fungus, and do not deteriorate when various acids come into contact with them.

Plain wallpaper made from pre-impregnated paper. Their main advantage is low price. The quality leaves much to be desired: they crumple, tear, burn out, are not resistant to water and alkalis. However, it is quite an ecological option, as it is easy to let air through.

What type of wallpaper should be avoided

The kitchen is the place where food is prepared and eaten. Therefore, fat, moisture, high temperature constantly affect the wallpaper. The most inappropriate solution for the kitchen will be paper wallpaper. They quickly deteriorate due to the impossibility of cleaning or painting them.

You should also avoid wallpapers made from natural materials: linen, cotton, silk, bamboo, wood. They quickly and permanently absorb all sorts of odors and smoke.

Wallpaper with a relief pattern will not look very practical in the kitchen. The corrugated layer will quickly collect all the dust and dirt, and it will be impossible to wash it without harming the pattern.

What color to choose

Color plays an important role in the perception of the entire interior. It also helps to hide some imperfections.
The most suitable color scheme for wallpaper will be the choice of yellow and all its shades. But it is worth remembering about the rest of the style of the kitchen. Everyone prefers their own color: country and Provence love green and other colors of nature, modern - white, black.

For large areas of the kitchen, any color of wallpaper is suitable. Even dark shades that visually reduce will look very impressive. But with a small kitchen, it is best to give preference to light colors of wallpaper. On the contrary, they visually enlarge the room.

Now let's dwell on some colors and their impact on humans.

Yellow, light beige, orange, golden stimulate the appetite. The person feels at home. All this leads to heartfelt conversations. However, everything is in moderation. An excess of this color can tire the eyes.

Red color and its shades. In addition to increasing appetite, they can also act as an irritant for the nervous system.

The blue tint of the wallpaper reduces appetite. A great option for those who follow their figure and are afraid of overeating.

The blue color has a calming effect. Looks great in a nautical theme of interior design. Such wallpaper should not be glued in countries with a cold climate. This will create even more chill.

Green color as well as yellow, conducive to communication. A great option for those who love nature. This color is able to calm and create a friendly atmosphere.

White color. Gives the kitchen some airiness. However, a perfectly white kitchen will look more like a hospital room. Therefore, this color is diluted with bright objects.

Black and purple are not welcome in the kitchen.

wallpaper pattern

Not everyone likes plain wallpaper. Some prefer to glue wallpaper with a relief or other pattern. Here are some tips for choosing such wallpapers:

  • A kitchen with a low ceiling is best covered with wallpaper with a vertical or diagonal pattern. This option will significantly increase the height of the ceilings and give the room a larger area.
  • If the kitchen furniture is without bright frills, then it is better to choose a wallpaper with a wild pattern that will attract all the attention to itself.
  • With small areas of the kitchen, it is better to avoid any pattern on the wallpaper. This will visually reduce the kitchen even more.
  • As for the pattern on the kitchen wallpaper itself, it can be very diverse: geometric patterns, animals and plants, birds, hieroglyphs, stripes, and so on.

Wall mural

For many people, photo wallpapers are still associated with those that were still in Soviet times: poor quality, fast fading, heavy sticking, a small assortment. However, now modern technologies make it possible to create photo wallpapers of amazing beauty plus high quality.

For the kitchen, you should choose a special type of photo wallpaper that perfectly tolerates moisture, grease, and temperature changes. That's why The most suitable photo wallpapers for the kitchen will be vinyl or non-woven.

They are impregnated with a special solution that protects them from fading and dirt, and allows repeated cleaning with water. If the photo wallpaper is placed in front of the working kitchen area, then it is imperative to protect such wallpaper with an additional layer of glass or a water-repellent coating.

Wall murals are a separate element of the interior. Therefore, they should be placed on a free wall, away from the cooking area. You should not choose too bright wallpaper. This can lead to eye fatigue quickly.

If desired, you can glue not only the walls, but also doors and other elements of kitchen furniture. This will create a more "deep" interior. For small kitchens, window murals will serve as a wonderful decor element.

Combined wallpaper

There is no better place for combined wallpaper than the kitchen. This is a great opportunity to designate a working area and a zone for eating and relaxing in this way. More and more often, designers are resorting to this option for wallpapering. To make everything look beautiful and harmonious, you should follow some tips:

  • All wallpapers must be of the same quality and price segment. The main difference between them will be in color and texture.
  • The thickness of the combined wallpaper should be the same. This will avoid difficulties when gluing and docking wallpaper.
  • If some wallpapers are plain, then others should be chosen with a bright pattern.
  • Bright colors go well with neutrals.

The most common option when combining wallpaper is the vertical division of the kitchen walls. It can be symmetrical when wallpaper with wide stripes, but different in color, is glued to two opposite walls.

This technique allows you to make the room more square. The asymmetric option implies that one wall is glued with wallpaper with wide stripes of one color, and the opposite wall with narrow stripes of another color. Such sticking will shorten the kitchen, but at the same time give it volume in width.

Modern wallpaper for the kitchen

With all the variety of wallpapers, there are modern trends that should be taken into account, since repairs to the kitchen are not done for one year. To date, kitchens are designed in a modern style: modern, high-tech.

This option involves the use of minimalism and rigor. Therefore, the wallpaper should be moderately bright in order to attract the main attention, but at the same time be restrained in order to fit into the whole style of the interior.

More and more preference is given to wallpaper in light shades or just white. This option allows you to expand the kitchen, give airiness and rigor. You can also choose plain light wallpaper with bright motifs or patterns.

Since much attention is now paid to quality, the best option for the kitchen would be to choose glass or vinyl. It is also allowed to combine different wallpapers according to the color scheme. As for style, oriental motifs are very popular lately. And lovers of home comfort will suit modern wallpaper with a pattern on a plant theme.

The latest trend of the year is wallpaper with a pattern in the form of decorative plates. Still in vogue are various stickers. They will perfectly complement the wallpaper in any style, but here the main thing is to choose everything correctly in order to avoid pretentiousness.

Wallpaper for a small kitchen

As mentioned earlier, the smaller the room, the more light shades should be present in the interior. This will help visually increase the area. However, a pure white kitchen is not worth doing. This will create the illusion of being in a hospital room, and will also create the need for frequent and very thorough cleaning.

The best option for a small kitchen would be wallpaper in bed shades with a very small pattern. If you have chosen a photo wallpaper or a 3D drawing, then you need to glue them on a free wall, which acts as a dining place. This will make a bright accent.

When choosing wallpaper, you should also focus on the entire kitchen interior. So, for example, if the furniture has a glossy sheen, then the wallpaper should also be glossy. The color should be neutral.

As for quality, wallpaper for a kitchen, especially a small one, must be washable and withstand sudden changes in temperature, as well as steam.

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