Process the garlic in the spring. Effective ways to process garlic before planting. How to process garlic from pests

Any gardener is frustrated when his plants do not grow and develop as they should. In spring and summer, some gardeners face a common problem - garlic turns yellow. To protect your plantings from yellowing and preserve the future harvest after winter, you definitely need to find out the reason why this is happening and what to do.

Both winter garlic and spring garlic can turn yellow; as a rule, it turns yellow at the beginning from the feather and stem part. To treat, you need to carry out processing or top dressing with special means.

The main problems with this spicy vegetable fall into three broad categories:

  • Wrong care
  • Diseases
  • Pests

The main diseases of garlic include the following:

  • Fusarium
  • Bacterial and neck rot

Diseases and pests are serious problems that need to be diagnosed in time and measures taken to treat plants. Each disease has its own characteristics.

Rust and how to deal with it

The most common garlic disease in Russia is rust. A serious problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.

Outwardly, the disease manifests itself as follows: spread small orange spots all over the leaves garlic. In appearance, "rust" looks like small yellowed bulges of a rusty color. If the gardener does not react in time, the plant gradually turns black and dies.

By nature, rust is fungal disease. Most often, the disease remains in the ground from last year. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is not recommended to plant plants in the same place every year. In addition, garlic beds should be located away from beds with onions.

If leaves affected by rust are found, they must be cut off immediately. If the infection is massive, it is worth using and treating chemicals. They are applied strictly according to the instructions.

Fusarium - how to process for the fight

Fungal disease. In the common people it is called "rot".

Infection occurs through the soil and if you plant low-quality seed. The development of the disease occurs at a temperature 13-30 degrees and high humidity. Outwardly, the disease manifests itself as follows: garlic leaves begin to turn yellow from the tip, dry out and die. In this case, the roots rot, the development of the head stops and the plant dies.

As a preventive measure, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the planting material. You can also additionally disinfect and water the soil with special chemicals.

To combat the manifested disease, you need to use antifungal agents, according to the instructions or method.

Common name for the disease downy mildew. The disease has a fungal nature and is common in all regions of Russia. Peronosporosis is especially active at high humidity.

Outwardly, the symptoms of the disease look like leaf lesions. At the same time, the growth and development of the vegetable slows down, the leaves change color and shape, the flower stalks turn yellow.

To avoid infection in your beds, you need to plant only healthy seed, monitor soil moisture. Plant beds are best placed in sunny and ventilated areas of your garden plot. If the disease still struck the garlic, you need to use special means.

Bacterial and neck rot

Bacterial diseases affect garlic less often than fungal ones. Neck rot strikes itself teeth. To avoid this disease, plant vegetables annually in different places and monitor the health of the seed.

It is also worth using special sprays for pest control. Insects can exacerbate the disease and are even sometimes its source.

People call this disease green mold. Fungi are the causative agents. The disease most often manifests itself during improper storage. Heads deteriorate and collapse from the inside.

Reasons why garlic may turn yellow in spring

In summer time yellowing of the leaves indicates its maturation. However, spring yellowness indicates problems.

There are main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • early boarding;
  • frosts;
  • acidic soil;
  • lack of watering;
  • pests.

Early planting and frost

Winter garlic turns yellow more often, this happens due to spring frosts. If spring garlic is planted too early, it can also be affected by low temperatures. Young garlic sprouts are covered with a film - this protects them from hypothermia.

If the negative impact of frosts still could not be avoided, it is worth watering the plants with special development stimulants. These drugs will help the vegetable develop normally in the future.

acidic soil

Spicy vegetable grows well and develops in the ground with a neutral balance. Too acidic soil causes yellowing of the leaves. In addition, the earth must be loose and pass oxygen well.

You can reduce acidity if you feed the soil with lime. The proportions of this additive are calculated based on the characteristics of the land.

Insufficient watering

In young plants, yellowing of the leaves can be caused by a lack of moisture. In May - June, the formation of a vegetable takes place. At this time you need regularly loosen the soil and produce timely watering.

For watering the vegetable, they use settled water that has warmed up in the sun.


The most common insects that spoil garlic and onions are onion fly, nematode, root mite, tobacco thrips. They are capable of causing irreparable harm to the crop of this spicy vegetable.

The healing properties of garlic are indispensable in the cold season, and he is good in salads and snacks, as well as in meat dishes and sauces. Garlic, like onions, is grown in almost every garden plot or vegetable garden. But in order to get a good harvest of a vegetable, you will need to follow the agricultural cultivation technique. And an important role is played by the spring dressing of garlic.

Most often, winter garlic is grown on plots. He is planted on the beds before the onset of winter, he endures frost and cold. As soon as the snow cover comes off, green stems appear from the ground.

But if the soil lacks nutrients, then the tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow. The plant weakens, becomes less resistant to diseases, and one cannot count on a good harvest.

First dressing of garlic

In order for the garlic to "wake up" faster after the winter and start growing as early as possible, the aisles are carefully loosened in the spring. Then, in order to prevent fungal diseases, they are treated with a solution from a watering can (half a teaspoon per bucket of water).

If it grows on the site, then you can shed the bed with a decoction of last year's walnut leaves. Two handfuls of leaves are poured with 3 liters of water, boiled over low heat for 5-8 minutes. Cool, strain, top up with water up to 10 liters. This is an excellent stimulant for the growth and development of garlic and the prevention of the development of fungi.

Interesting! According to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, food should become medicine and vice versa. This formula works with garlic like no other product. Its beneficial properties have been known since time immemorial. Ancient Aesculapius and modern doctors recommend the use of garlic for many diseases. A medium-sized head of garlic contains a quarter of a person's daily requirement for manganese, vitamin B6, and a complex of minerals.

After treatment with iodine, the bed should be mulched. Since there is still no fresh grass at this time, we use old sawdust and pine needles as mulch.

Special attention! For good large heads of garlic, be sure to remove the arrows as soon as they grow to 10 cm. But we advise you to leave a few arrows. First, they will serve as an indicator of the maturity of the heads. As soon as the shell covering the bulbs bursts, the heads are ready for digging. And besides, bulbs are seed material for the renewal and healing of garlic.

Garlic: we carry out the second processing

The second treatment is carried out literally a few days after iodine bathing. For a quick set of green mass of foliage and stems, garlic needs nitrogen. It can be served as a 1:10 dilution of slurry, or a solution of urea or ammonium nitrate.

An excellent result is obtained by foliar and root dressing with a solution of ammonia (a tablespoon of ammonia in a bucket of water). Ammonia solution is quickly absorbed by the plant, it negatively affects pathogens.

Interesting! Did you know that the American city of Chicago owes its name to this odorous vegetable. Because Chicago means "wild garlic" in an Indian language.

Third dressing of garlic

As a rule, the third treatment is carried out when 4-6 leaves have formed on the plant. At this time, the plant needs a full range of nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. A complex fertilizer is selected with an approximately equal content of the main nutrients. The most affordable is nitrophoska. To prepare a nutrient solution, 1 tablespoon of fertilizer is dissolved in ten liters of water.

If the soil on the site is neutral or slightly acidic, then an ash infusion will give a good effect. For this, two glasses of wood slag are poured with 2-3 liters of boiling water. After cooling, bring the volume to 10 liters and water the garlic.

Attention! If the reaction of the soil solution is shifted to the alkaline side, then the use of an ash solution is not recommended.

Garlic is considered an unpretentious culture. And yet, like any other plant, he needs food. If you do not observe crop rotation, plant garlic at the wrong time, and even do not adhere to care standards, you cannot count on a large harvest. Top dressing is needed for winter garlic starting in spring. How to feed garlic in the spring and when to carry out the procedure will be described below in the article.

When to do spring feeding?

Before moving on to the question of how to feed garlic in the spring, you must first determine exactly when to apply spring fertilizer! Winter garlic is usually fed only three times, if there are no problems with growth or disease, nutritional deficiencies, which will be discussed below.

The first dressing is needed immediately after the snow has melted. In different regions and in different years, this time may fall on March, April or even May, so they look solely on the weather, and not on the numbers!

The second is carried out after about 2 weeks.

Important! Feeding garlic is less likely to get sick, it increases resistance not only to fungal and viral diseases, but also to the negative effects of insects!

The third fertilization is necessary in mid-late June. At this time, the head is formed, so it is not advisable to skip this time. It also cannot be transferred to spring, because it is in June that the head is formed. If you feed earlier, all the nutrients will go to the development of greenery, and not turnips.

What can you feed in the spring

In addition to the planned introduction of fertilizers, when growing garlic, top dressing is used. The fact that it is necessary is suggested by the plants themselves.

Young shoots may turn yellow or become sluggish. It is necessary to carefully study the symptoms, because the signs of a lack of trace elements are sometimes similar to a nematode and other diseases.

In the spring, gardeners feed garlic three times. The first procedure is carried out immediately after the snow melts. At this time, the plant is deficient in minerals necessary for vegetation. The second complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 2 weeks.

The exact timing and composition of the nutrient mixture are determined depending on the degree of plant formation and characteristic features.

  • Beds with drying plants are fertilized with ammonium nitrate.
  • When lightening feathers, potash baits are used. Before watering, you can sprinkle the soil with wood ash.
  • Greens may turn yellow due to acidification of the soil. In such cases, before planting, the soil is enriched with dolomite flour or crushed limestone.
  • Slow green growth indicates nutritional deficiencies. Solutions are used as top dressing: based on urea (1 tablespoon per bucket of water), mullein (1 cup per 10 liters of water) or bird droppings (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).

Wood ash for garlic is both a prophylactic against diseases and a source of nutrition.

Treatment of garlic with protective preparations

Garlic can be processed in the following ways:

  • As a top dressing, you can apply ash, scattering one glass of powder over a plot of one square meter between the rows. A solution prepared at the rate of 200 grams of powder per 10 liters of water can be used both as watering and as top dressing. The ash not only nourishes the garlic, but also helps to disinfect the soil, help the plant if the leaves begin to turn yellow. You can use humus (but not fresh manure), or chicken manure diluted in water in a ratio of 1:15.
  • Accelerate the growth of garlic, get rid of yellowing and drying of the leaves will help watering with an aqueous solution of salt, prepared from 3 tablespoons of salt and 10 liters of water. This will help to disinfect the soil and prevent the reproduction of the stem nematode.
  • Ammonia (ammonia) diluted in water (250 ml per 10 liters) will benefit garlic, both as a top dressing and as a pest control agent. Many pests cannot tolerate ammonia vapor. After watering with a prepared product, the plantings need to be loosened.

So, now you know how to feed garlic in the spring, planted before winter. Carrying out all the necessary procedures (fertilizing, watering, weeding, loosening) to care for garlic, you can expect a bountiful harvest.

First feeding, timing and methods

Have you noticed that sometimes garlic peeks out from under the snow? Hurrying to the surface, already and the moisture got drunk properly. But not healing trace elements. Let's help.

We start work on the first feeding 7-10 days after the snow melts. Purpose: to stimulate the growth of greenery, prevention from pests and bacteria. This will help the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers, to choose from:

  • Urea (the nitrogen concentration in it is 46%) is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 10 l. water. It dissolves well in ordinary water at room temperature. We simply water the beds with the composition.
  • Mullein infusion should be prepared in advance. 5-7 days before watering, pour 1 part of manure with 5 parts of water. To work, mix 1 liter of infusion with 10 liters of liquid.
  • Infusion of chicken manure also needs to be infused for 5-10 days. We dissolve only 1 liter of the concentrate in 15 liters of water, and pour the garlic with this composition.

Second dressing of garlic

Its term is calculated from the moment of the first one, 2 weeks should pass. Purpose: building up the aerial part and laying heads.

What to use as a fertilizer? Both the previous options and complex fertilizer from the store are suitable. It should contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and also there are magnesium, and cobalt, and zinc, and copper and other ingredients.

Nitrophoska quickly saturates the root and upper parts of the plant, it is safe. Absorption is facilitated because all components are contained in the form of salts. 2 tbsp. l. Dissolve in a bucket of water and water the garlic beds.

After each watering with fertilizers, it is good to sprinkle the surface of the garden bed with ash or humus.

Third spring dressing

This is a consolidation of the result of the first two, and it is carried out when the heads of garlic begin to build up their potential. As a rule, watering is needed in mid-June, or by the end of the month.

A good option would be to add superphosphate, it can be mixed with potassium sulfate, for example, and get a good nutritional complex, or do not add anything.

Mullein is also suitable for mixing with superphosphate, in which case the nutritional value and usefulness of top dressing will increase.

The third root dressing is the last one. The next time is meaningless, because our garlic has already received enough that it needed, and will soon dig it out.

Folk methods of feeding garlic

Between chemical fertilizers and organics, many summer residents, especially those who have small gardens, choose natural fertilizers. This is not strange. After all, natural substances are safer both for the soil and for what is planted on it, and, accordingly, for a person who uses his crop for food. True, the result of such complementary foods will be longer. Most often for garlic use:

  • cow dung (mullein) is one of the most popular fertilizers. It is permissible to make it at any stage of development of a vegetable crop. The stool contains a lot of healing trace elements: phosphorus, calcium and others. However, when using mullein, it is worth considering some nuances. Only garlic, which they managed to plant in the spring, is fertilized with fresh manure. And for winter garlic, only “liquid mullein” is suitable. For its manufacture, dry manure is diluted in a container with water, a ratio of 5: 1. The mixture is infused for two to three weeks, while it needs to be stirred from time to time. The resulting mass is mixed with water 1 to 10 and the beds are watered;
  • wood ash is also a good remedy. It serves not only as a source of nutrition, but also prevents diseases, repels harmful bugs and insects. Fertilizer is usually used at the stage of the second feeding in two ways: either sprinkle the soil between the rows, or treat the plants with ash dissolved in water (200 ml per 10 l of water);
  • table salt is used as an additional fertilizer against yellowing of feathers and leaves, as well as for better plant growth. To prepare the solution, you just need to collect a bucket of water and add 3 tablespoons of salt. Then stir the mixture thoroughly. 3 liters of this saline solution is enough for 1 sq. m. landing;
  • ammonia or ammonia also refers to what you can feed the garlic after the winter. On the one hand, the vapors that are released destroy pests, and on the other hand, the nitrogen released during fertilization has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of garlic. 25 ml of alcohol are mixed with 10 liters of water. This mixture, like ordinary water, is watered with garlic plantations. After watering loosen the earth.

A popular fertilizer among gardeners and gardeners is chicken manure. It gives plants carbon dioxide and enhances biological processes. However, it is not suitable for all plants. For garlic, it is recommended to choose a different fertilizer. Since after using bird droppings, especially fresh ones, the taste of the plant deteriorates, and it deteriorates faster during storage.

What fertilizers should not be used to process

Enriching the soil for better plant maturation does not mean using everything. Each crop responds better to a particular type of fertilizer.

So garlic perceives organic matter well, but at the same time it will be extremely difficult to cope with fresh manure. Therefore, rotted mass is used for fertilizers.

Experienced gardeners recommend that you combine organic nutrition with minerals. Otherwise, from an excess of natural humus, the planting material will rot in the ground, or the crop will not have a long shelf life.

When choosing mineral bait, you should pay attention to the period of their use. Nitrogen-containing are relevant only during the development of the feather part. When forming the head, such nutrition will be inappropriate.

Compliance with the bait regime and consumption rate guarantees the production of large root crops. And the grown crop throughout the cold season will complement different dishes with its aroma and taste, and fight pathogenic bacteria.

Hi all! How to water the garlic in the spring so that it does not turn yellow? Every summer resident who wants to get a good harvest should know how to feed garlic in the spring, planted before winter.

The use of proper feeding will contribute to the fact that the vegetable will accumulate more nutrients in itself, strengthen the immune system, and increase its resistance to diseases and pests.

What you will learn from this article:

Watering the garlic with solutions so that it does not turn yellow

Not everyone knows that you can water young garlic in the spring with a solution of potassium permanganate. Salt solutions will help improve the quality of the soil and saturate it with useful minerals.

Salt is used if you need to scare away pests. Especially - the onion fly and the nematode. Salt solution recipes:

  • From an onion fly - 250 g per 10 liters of warm. It is necessary not to water, but to spray. After it, the shoots are watered with plain water. Expect an increase in the number of arrows.
  • From the root nematode - 2 tbsp. spoons for 10 liters of water. This is enough for 2 m2 beds. It is necessary to water the plant with clean water. Repeat the procedure after 10 days.

You can find out that you need to add a saline solution from yellowed leaves. This is the first sign of the negative impact of pests.

Potassium permanganate is used if the arrows develop poorly, and the shoots quickly turn yellow. It is brought in before planting for the winter. But you can water the beds with a solution in early spring.

Timing of fertilizing garlic

Top dressing of garlic in the spring should be carried out with strict adherence to the timing and norms of fertilizing. Thus, the seed material will be placed already in enriched soil, which will become the key to the active growth of the plant. In the fall, it is worth applying fertilizers that contribute to the activation of growth processes in the spring.

As soon as the snow melts, the first spring dressing of both spring and winter garlic is carried out. At stable positive daytime temperatures, the shoots that have appeared should be covered with wood ash or poured with an ammonia solution.

The latter is prepared by mixing 25 mm ammonia with 10 liters of water.

After 15 days from the moment of the first feeding, a second feeding should be carried out. It is allowed to use both the previously used remedy and a different nutritional composition. Garlic summer top dressing helps replenish the supply of nutrients in the ground necessary for healthy head growth.

The third bait is carried out in the second or last decade of June. The signal for its beginning is the formation of arrows. If necessary, make additional bait.

How to pour garlic in the spring so that folk remedies do not turn yellow

In the spring, garlic is fed with urea for the first time. For a solution of 10 liters of water, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea. Consumption of working solution per 1 sq. m is 2 liters. You can also fertilize with mullein infusion.

For its preparation, 1 part of manure is poured into 5 parts of water and infused for 14 days. The finished fertilizer is diluted 10 times before use. For watering 1 sq. m use 1 bucket of mullein solution. Garlic responds well to the addition of ash to slurry.

The second dressing of garlic includes nitrophoska (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) or bird droppings infusion (1:15 dilution). The consumption of the working solution of nitrophoska is 3 liters per 1 sq. m. Feeding with bird droppings allows you to increase the consumption rate by 1 sq. m. m 5 - 8 times. You can use special complex fertilizers for garlic.

In the spring, between the application of liquid fertilizers, it is useful to mulch the garlic beds with humus and ash.

For a long-term effect, granular fertilizers can be laid out on the beds with garlic. Such top dressing should be carried out after abundant watering and with the condition of powdering the granules with humus. You need to feed strictly according to the norm, you can not pour on the eye.

In the third summer top dressing, only superphosphate is present. It is bred in the amount of 2 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water, with a consumption of 1 sq. m to 5 liters. This top dressing is important for obtaining large cloves of garlic.

In general, three basic top dressings are enough for a good harvest. In the event that planting was carried out in seasoned soil and after the recommended predecessors. Winter garlic planted in unprepared soil without fertilization requires more care. In addition to complex mineral fertilizer, it must be fed with organic matter and microelements.

Organic nutrition - time-tested recipes

How to water the garlic in the spring so that it does not turn yellow? Organic top dressing of garlic is the main tool in the dacha area of ​​any gardener, cultivating a vegetable in small plots, not everyone wants to resort to chemistry. Organics can be applied to the beds without fear for the nitrates accumulated in the plants.

Garlic loves fertilizers, let's figure out which ones:

Saturation with mullein can be carried out throughout the growing season. The composition of the mullein contains a large amount of nitrogen, which is necessary for plants to build up green mass. It is worth considering the varieties of mullein used at different times of the year.

In autumn, only rotted manure is brought to the garlic bed, planting it into the ground during digging, fresh excrement cannot be used (it is used only for the autumn preparation of ridges, which will be planted next spring).

To prepare a liquid solution, a large container is taken (a barrel, a large bucket), manure is poured, poured with water in a ratio of 1: 5, and closed with a lid. The contents are left to ferment for two weeks, periodically opening and stirring.

The resulting ready-made mullein for use as a fertilizer for garlic is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 (a liter ladle per bucket of water), plantings are watered at the rate of 8-10 liters per square meter of land.

In the absence of fresh manure in the household, fertilizer can be purchased at the garden store in liquid form in bottles (Radogor) or dry.

How to water garlic in the spring so that ammonia does not turn yellow

Chicken manure is not used for spring feeding of spring and winter garlic during the growth period, chicken excrement is introduced into the soil in autumn, well in advance of planting (200-250 grams / m² for digging).

The use of wood ash saturates and enriches garlic with micronutrients, disinfects the soil. The potassium, calcium and magnesium included in the composition are good for plants in the formation of heads.

In autumn, ash is applied during planting, pouring a small amount on the bottom of the rows, thus protecting garlic cloves from putrefactive diseases. Ash is used in May, June - at the second stage of fertilization.

It is poured in rows between rows, a liquid solution (200 grams per 10 liters of water) is evenly poured under the plants. If the leaves turn yellow, you need to water the plantings with a solution of ash or carry out dusting, garlic loves this procedure.

The use of a salt solution (3 tablespoons per bucket of water) accelerates the growth of garlic, fights yellowing and drying of the leaves, the plants are watered at the rate of 3 l / m². Disinfection of the earth and planting material with saline prevents the spread of stem nematodes, threadworms wintering in plant bulbs and soil.

What fertilizers should not be used to process

Enriching the soil for better plant maturation does not mean using everything. Each crop responds better to a particular type of fertilizer.

So garlic perceives organic matter well, but at the same time it will be extremely difficult to cope with fresh manure. Therefore, rotted mass is used for fertilizers.

Experienced gardeners recommend that you combine organic nutrition with minerals. Otherwise, from an excess of natural humus, the planting material will rot in the ground, or the crop will not have a long shelf life.

When choosing mineral bait, you should pay attention to the period of their use. Nitrogen-containing are relevant only during the development of the feather part. When forming the head, such nutrition will be inappropriate.

Compliance with the bait regime and consumption rate guarantees the production of large root crops. And the grown crop throughout the cold season will complement different dishes with its aroma and taste, and fight pathogenic bacteria.

How to water garlic in spring so that it does not turn yellow video

Everything about growing vegetables at home in a garden, garden or country house, see the section - varieties with names and photos, planting and care, reproduction and flowering, disease and pest control.

Where to buy onion seeds and sets with delivery

Growing garlic in the backyard is a popular activity among gardeners. The culture is considered relatively unpretentious and with minimal care gives a high yield of dense cloves.

The most important agrotechnical measure is top dressing. How to feed winter garlic in the spring, when its first arrows appeared from the ground? What is the right way to schedule nutritional supplements? What to look for when choosing organic and mineral fertilizers? These and many other questions can be answered by an agronomist in the proposed material.

Before feeding winter garlic in early spring, you need to carry out minimal crop care activities. Then you should wait at least 7 days in order to be able to assess the condition of the seedlings, their needs for mineral and organic substances.

There is a significant difference in how to feed garlic in spring, planted in well-seasoned soil in autumn, and those plantings that were made in a hurry, without first adding compost and mineral complexes. So first, a revision. And for its implementation, remember a simple rule: for a good harvest, you need strong tops. It is the ground leafy part that is the real laboratory for the production of nutrients, which then flow to the cloves of the head.

Accordingly, the first thing to feed the garlic planted before winter in the spring for a good harvest is nitrogen and phosphorus minerals. These two elements will give an instant increase in green mass and start the process of nutrient synthesis. And the second secret is the high level of soil moisture in the first 3 weeks of crop growth after germination. Therefore, if the winter was not snowy, then we water abundantly and fertilize every 5 to 7 days.

Let's talk about all this in more detail.

Leaves turn yellow - what to do?

Let's start, according to tradition, with a problem that worries most gardeners. They do not know what to do if garlic leaves turn yellow in spring - how to eliminate these consequences of unsuccessful wintering. And here you need to understand that the problem lies in the structure of the soil. He can be:

  1. saline (a large amount of nitrates have accumulated, which are not absorbed by the root system of the culture);
  2. acidified (the soil has a high acid content and alkalization with ash, dolomite flour or lime is required);
  3. heavy, not breathable;
  4. depleted in organic matter and minerals;
  5. clay and flooded.

All these problems lead to malnutrition of the culture. The first thing to wish for, if garlic turns yellow in spring, is to find out what is wrong with the soil and compensate for the identified shortcomings. If you figured out why the problem appeared, then it will not be difficult to deal with it. You should not resort to the use of table salt, as folk advice recommends. This way you can exacerbate the problem.

Remember that there is no universal advice on how to water the garlic in the spring so that it does not turn yellow, since the decision in each case will be individual. But if you follow all the rules of agricultural technology given in this article, then the culture will quickly grow and give new green feathers that will not be yellowed and twisted.

Tips for what to do:

  • test the pH level, adjust it to a neutral reaction;
  • add humus or well-rotted compost;
  • lay drainage holes in the garden bed so that moisture does not stagnate;
  • regularly loosen to a depth of 12 cm;
  • fertilize with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

All of these activities work together. Doing one thing and expecting a positive result is not the right tactic.

How to fertilize garlic in spring?

Before fertilizing garlic in the spring after winter, wait until all shoots have appeared. They should be equal and friendly. This usually happens within 5-7 days after the snow cover melts.

When garlic sprouts in spring, it depends on a number of factors: planting depth, soil freezing, soil saturation with melt water, variety, etc. Sometimes planted cloves stick out and they begin to sprout faster. It is also possible to freeze part of the planted material. Therefore, you should not wait longer than 10 days after the snow melts. Otherwise, precious time will be wasted.

So, before you water garlic seedlings with fertilizer in the spring, check the soil moisture. If the soil is dry at a depth of 5-10 cm, then first you need to shed the bed well with clean warm water. For 1 m2 you need to use 12 liters of water. After 5 - 10 minutes, you can water with a prepared solution of mineral or organic fertilizer.

What to fertilize depends on what the gardener has. It would be ideal to mix ammonia, boric acid and phosphorus. These three elements give a powerful stimulating effect and charge the crop with a high content of trace elements for rapid growth.

It is recommended to water the bed with a composition with humic acids and growth stimulants of beneficial microflora ("Shine", "Baikal", etc.). Sprouts can be sprayed with a solution of succinic acid (2 g per 2 liters of water). The consumption of this amount of solution is for spraying 10 m2.

Look in the table for a summary of what, how much and when to feed winter garlic planted in the fall:

1st feeding (7 days after germination) Amofoska 20 gr. per 10 liters of water per 2 m2 or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea per 10 liters of water per 3 m2
2nd feeding (14 days after germination) Organic fertilizer (horse manure or bird droppings in the amount of 100 g per 10 liters of water, leave for 2 days)
3rd feeding (21 days after germination) Superphosphate 20 gr. per 10 liters of water per 5 m2
4th feeding (in early June) Mullein infusion with the addition of nettle infusion and a few drops of 5% alcohol tincture of iodine
5th feeding (at the end of June) Superphosphate 25 gr. per 10 liters of water per 3 m2
6th feeding (at the beginning of July) Nettle infusion with added yeast to stimulate the process of head formation

Caring for winter garlic in spring

And yet, care for winter garlic in the spring should begin with cleaning the winter shelter (if there was one). Of course, straw is a valuable nutrient for soil biocenosis - it provides food for earthworms. But at that time, it can contribute to the aging of the culture and the formation of putrefactive processes. Therefore, after the snow melts, it is necessary to remove the straw and carry out a number of agrotechnical measures.

Here is a list of what to do with garlic in the spring, caring for a crop in a country house or a personal plot :

  • remove the winter shelter;
  • loosen the soil thoroughly to a depth of 15 cm;
  • add rotted compost mixed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium into the aisles (10 g of each element per 10 liter bucket of compost should be taken);
  • mulch the surface of the ridge with the material available to you (ideally, it should be fresh green grass, which will create a greenhouse effect, release a large amount of carbon dioxide and stimulate the growth of green mass).

But the further care of garlic in the spring in the country includes a variety of nutritious top dressings. We will talk about them later in the article.

We do not recommend skipping the previous stage, since top dressing in itself is just adding the necessary nutrients to the soil, if the root system of the crop is not ready to absorb and process them, then they will only saline the soil and disrupt its natural biocenosis.

The first feeding in the spring: what, when, how much?

The very first dressing of garlic in early spring should be carried out no later than 7 days after the appearance of mass shoots. It is at this moment that the active growth of green mass begins. If the culture does not have enough nitrogen and phosphorus, then massive yellowing of the leaves and the death of part of the root system will begin. Correcting such a mistake in the future will be very difficult. Therefore, you should not hesitate.

Ammonia is a simple remedy

The easiest way to activate the growth of green leaves is to fertilize winter garlic in the spring with ammonia. Enough 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water. We recommend adding 100 gr. wood ash and 5 gr. boric acid. Such a solution will help start the processes of nutrient synthesis.

Urea is a priority

Garlic in early spring can be fed with urea. This fertilizer contains a high percentage of nitrogen (up to 7%). It is prepared from 10 liters of water and 25 gr. urea. It is advisable to add an extract of humic acids to the finished solution. 2 liters of solution is sufficient for watering 1 m2. After fertilizing, water with clean water.

natural fertilizer

You can prepare a highly effective fertilizer for garlic in the spring from nettles, which grow in large numbers immediately after the snow melts. A finely chopped bucket of greens should be poured with 10 liters of warm water and 50 gr. fresh pressed yeast. Put the composition in the greenhouse for 3 days. Then strain. Dilute in proportion of 1 liter of infusion to 10 liters of water. This amount is enough for 2 m2 of the ridge.

Superphosphate - the second top dressing

The second feeding must necessarily include the introduction of phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, it is advisable to mix 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate, 3 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate and 10 liters of water. Pour 3 m2 of plantings with a solution.

Organics - when and how to apply

The bulk of organic matter is introduced in the form of compost and mulching. It is also necessary to timely water the garlic with solutions of mullein or bird droppings. They prepare in advance. You need to mix 100 gr. dry bird droppings and 10 liters of water. Insist 3 days. Add 1 liter per 10 liters of water when watering.

5 common gardening mistakes

All gardeners, out of inexperience, make 5 main mistakes when growing this crop. Here they are:

  1. planting after onions, potatoes or carrots - the soil is poor and will not allow you to grow a high yield;
  2. the introduction of fresh manure in the fall for digging the beds for planting winter garlic - the manure will not have time to decompose and will not give even a 10th part of the nutrients, meanwhile, this substance greatly slows down the growth of the crop;
  3. too deep planting of cloves (nutrients do not penetrate into the soil, and they are not available to the root system);
  4. acidic or saline soil where root development is impossible;
  5. lack of nitrogen, due to which the leaves turn yellow in early summer.

These errors lead to a decrease in crop yields. They need to be taken into account and corrected in time.

Processing garlic in spring

When processing garlic in the spring, not only fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is carried out. It is extremely important to protect garlic from diseases and pests, strengthen the immune system, enhance protective properties, and stimulate the growth of green mass.

The first thing to treat garlic in early spring from diseases is Bordeaux mixture or phytosporin solution. Watering with table salt is not worth it - this is not a very effective remedy, and it can cause a lot of harm. If there are signs of damage by pests, then you can dilute the drug "Aktara" or "Commander" at the rate of 2 ml per 5 liters of water. Spray all plantings with these compositions in dry calm weather. Be sure to spread the metaldehyde granules in early spring, as slugs wake up quite early and begin to actively damage young garlic shoots. The sooner the fight against this pest begins, the higher the chances of a significant reduction in its numbers by mid-June.

Stimulating treatment in spring of garlic planted in autumn is carried out with a solution of boric acid, iodine, succinic acid, NB-101, Zircon, Epin, etc. Perfectly stimulate the growth of the green mass of garlic spraying with infusion of pine or fir needles. It contains a large amount of extractive substances, which also increase the immunity and resistance of the culture to various diseases.

Continue top dressing in the summer - you need to have time to feed twice during June and 1 time during July.

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