Orlando bloom personal. Orlando Bloom punched Justin Bieber in the face because of his ex-wife. Filmography of Orlando Bloom at the beginning of his career

Orlando Bloom - a popular actor who has become a sex symbol of the new millennium, was born on January 13, 1977 in the UK, Canterbury.


Orlando inherited his non-standard appearance and extraordinary views on life from his parents, each of whom had an unusual and difficult fate. His father was a native of the Republic of South Africa, had Jewish roots. At home, he was an active opponent of the apartheid regime and, due to political persecution, was forced to seek political asylum in the UK.

There he met his future wife, Sonya Copland, who had her own small business - a school where English was taught to foreign students. In parallel with her main occupation, she wrote books, and on this basis they found a common language. Harry Bloom also wrote books on the subject of racial discrimination.

Orlando was the second child in the family, his older sister was born two years earlier. However, at the age of four, his father died suddenly, leaving his wife and two young children in the care of his friend Colin Stone. And only ten years later, Orlando found out that it was Stone who was his biological father.

From early childhood, parents taught their children to appreciate beauty, to understand art, to see beauty. Orlando and his sister, who later also became an actress, tried their hand at photography, studied music, and attended a riding school. All this was very useful to them later.

Carier start

For the first time on the stage, Orlando came out at school. He took part in amateur productions with pleasure, even though it was difficult for him to perform in front of the audience - he suffered from dyslexia since childhood. But regular exercise and constant memorization of long texts helped him get rid of this problem.

When the boy turned 16, he moved to London, where he managed to get into the troupe of a very prestigious youth theater, on the stage of which he first knew the taste of fame. The talented game of an extraordinary teenager was appreciated, and he was awarded a year of study at the Academy of Theater Arts. At the same time, he managed to acquire his own theatrical agent, who constantly arranged auditions and auditions for him.

Thanks to the efforts of the agent, already at the age of 19, he made his debut on the big screen, however, in a cameo role. Then new invitations followed, so far also only for episodes. But Orlando was not upset - he had enough time to continue his studies at the School of Music and Theater.

fame and success

While studying in his third year, Bloom gets to the casting, which selected the actors for the first part of the film "The Lord of the Rings". A talented actor easily passes the selection, although he does not get the role he was counting on at all. In the image of an elf, he imagined himself very vaguely. But time has shown that the producers were not mistaken.

Filming was to take place in New Zealand, where the young artist went with the film crew. It was the first time he found himself so far from home, without the support of his family, in completely new conditions for himself. Filming was very difficult.

The exit to the set was preceded by a two-hour make-up, which was then filmed for another half an hour. The artist had to master many tricks, archery, and not fly a helicopter.

But he returned home a completely mature man - strong and self-confident. In addition, the premiere of the film has already passed, and a celebrity and favorite of thousands of women has arrived at home. The release of the next two parts of the trilogy only cemented its success. And the artist's fees have increased by an order of magnitude.

It would seem that he has already achieved his goals, but immediately after completing the filming of the trilogy, he receives a new offer - to star in Pirates of the Caribbean, where the young beauty Keira Knightley became his partner. In this image, he again conquered women's hearts and became an irresistible hero-lover - courageous and passionate.

From that moment on, he became one of the most sought-after and highly paid actors of our time. But, despite the fact that in his filmography there are more than 30 films, ten years later he again returned to the image of the elf Legolas. Make-up artists had to work hard so that the difference of 10 years was invisible to the viewer.

Moreover, during this time the artist has matured greatly. But the image turned out to be successful again. However, after filming in three parts of The Hobbit, Bloom said that he would never put on this make-up again.

Personal life

Handsome and charming Bloom has always been a success with girls. Therefore, from a young age, the reputation of a womanizer was firmly entrenched in him. However, it didn't make him sad. And having become a real star after the premiere of The Lord of the Rings, he twisted one novel after another. Only an old friend Kate Bosworth managed to keep him near him for a long time, the relationship with which lasted almost 4 years.

With Kate Bosworth

But then he again launched into all serious. Moreover, he was constantly met with very popular actresses, and it was never known for certain whether they had a close relationship. Like a real gentleman, Bloom did not give any comments about his personal life. This continued until the actor fell seriously in love with Miranda Kerr.

At first, the girl did not want to have anything to do with him. But the actor gradually managed to soften her heart with beautiful romantic courtship. Having started dating in 2007, the couple only by 2010 was ripe for marriage. And a year later, their son Flynn was born. Alas, the idyll did not last long.

With Miranda Kerr

Orlando Bloom was born on January 13, 1977 in the ancient British city of Canterbury. At an early age, the boy was left without a father, after which Colin Stone, who was in close relations with the Bloom family, became his guardian. Later, the mother told Orlando that Stone was his own father. Bloom showed interest in the acting profession in his childhood, taking an active part in school performances.

Upon reaching the age of 16, Orlando left for the capital of Great Britain, where he decided to try himself as an artist at the National Youth Theatre. The game of the young actor was noted, and he had the opportunity to study at the British American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Bloom's first film debut was a small role in the TV series Casualty, in which he was cast in 1996, and then he was invited to take part in the drama film Wilde. Orlando decided to continue his education and entered the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, where he studied for three years. Simultaneously with training, the actor played in performances based on the works of Shakespeare and Chekhov.

In the photo, Orlando Bloom as a child with his mother

At the end of his studies, Bloom tried to get into Peter Jackson's new film project The Lord of the Rings, but instead of the role of Faramir, the producers offered the novice actor the role of the elf Legolas.

The rise of an acting career and the acquisition of world popularity

In 2000, the filming of the first part of the Fellowship of the Ring trilogy began in New Zealand, where Orlando is also sent. Hard work on the film project took more than a year, but it was participation in this film that made the young actor famous all over the world. In subsequent years, Bloom continued to work in the following parts of the trilogy - The Two Towers and The Return of the King, but at the same time starred in other films.

In 2003, Orlando was invited to the Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl film project, which only added to Bloom's popularity. In the adventure film directed by Gore Verbinsky, the actor played in a pair with Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley, with whom he was later credited with a romantic relationship. Bloom's acting career continued to rise, and his filmography was replenished with new works: then he starred in the large-scale historical dramas Troy and Kingdom of Heaven. After the created roles, the image of a romantic hero was fixed for Orlando, but the actor himself really wanted to play an ordinary guy in some comedy film. And he got such a role, starring in the lyrical melodrama "Elizabethtown" directed by Cameron Crowe, where Kirsten Dunst became his colleague.

In 2006, the British actor continued to act in Pirates of the Caribbean, while playing in Alec Keshishian's comedy Love and Other Troubles, where Orlando had a small role. His contribution to the development of the film industry has been highly recognized: in April 2014, Bloom received his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Personal life of Orlando Bloom

The famous actor, who became the object of love for numerous fans, has always attracted women due to his attractive appearance and growth under 180 cm. Many also note his resemblance to Luke Evans, considering them relatives. There were rumors about his romantic relationship with Sienna Miller, Kate Bosworth, Jessica Biel, Penelope Cruz, Naomie Harris.

In 2007, Orlando Bloom met a model that he liked at first sight. But the Australian star did not immediately agree to a date with a popular Hollywood actor, as she did not believe in the sincerity of the star's feelings. True, this only provoked the British actor, and he showed perseverance and perseverance. The lovers hid their personal lives for a long time, and only a year later the paparazzi were able to capture them together.

Pictured is Orlando Bloom with his wife and son

When Miranda introduced her lover to her family, they liked him. In the summer of 2010, Bloom and Kerr played a secret wedding ceremony, which was attended by relatives and close friends of the couple. Immediately after the celebration, it became known that the newlyweds were preparing for the birth of their first child. Bloom's son was born in January 2011, and the actor was with his wife during childbirth.

Despite the status of parents, which greatly pleased Orlando and Miranda, disagreements began to occur between them. The young mother wanted her husband to pay more attention and time to the family. Despite Bloom's promises to be with his wife and son more often, the couple began to gradually move away from each other, as a result of which, in the fall of 2013, they officially announced their divorce. Journalists noted that the former spouses had not appeared together at social events for a long time, and many of them called the frivolous behavior of the model, who allegedly flirted with men in front of the public, the reason for the divorce. Which actually led to the collapse of their personal lives.

After Orlando divorced Miranda, the paparazzi began to attribute to him romantic hobbies with new girls. At first, rumors about his affair with colleague Condola Rashad, then with Liv Tyler, were actively circulated in the press, and then the journalists reported about the actor’s romance with 25-year-old French actress Nora Arnezeder, with whom the Pirates of the Caribbean star met for almost four months. But already at the San Diego Comic-Con festival in July this year, reporters started talking about the actor's new girlfriend, who turned out to be 25-year-old actress Nina Dobrev. According to eyewitnesses, the actors whispered about something, danced, hugged each other, like old lovers.

The press also paid attention to the event when, in April of this year, Orlando Bloom and Selena Gomez visited together at a noisy party in Los Angeles. The 21-year-old singer and the 37-year-old actor were sitting together on the sidewalk flirting with each other when they were captured by sly paparazzi, after which the young people hurriedly left.

It should be noted that earlier there were rumors that the ex-lover Gomez had a close relationship with Bloom's ex-wife in 2012, so it is not surprising that the actor simply could not stand the Canadian singer, dreaming of taking revenge on him. And in July of this year, the press reported that Orlando kicked Justin out of a restaurant in Ibiza.

According to eyewitnesses, the 20-year-old singer spoke impartially about Miranda, which infuriated the actor. He attacked the offender with his fists, but he dodged. When Justin left the restaurant, the patrons applauded Orlando, clearly sympathizing with the actor. But Bieber did not remain in debt and posted on Instagram a picture of a crying Bloom, which collected almost 500 thousand "likes".

One of the most beautiful Hollywood couples, Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr, have announced their divorce after three years of marriage. Orlando dumped the 30-year-old supermodel for his co-star in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, 27-year-old theater actress Condola Rashad.

When Bloom kissed his partner Condola Rashad on the dark, barely lit stage at the premiere, the audience suddenly burst into applause. At first, Orlando did not understand why, and only after a while consciousness returned, and he ordered himself to stop.

The condola with difficulty broke away from his lips, and they bowed awkwardly and ran backstage. Since then, the play "Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet" has been on Broadway with a full house. And he and Kondola spend almost all their free time together. No, Orlando adores his son - he is dearer to him than anyone in the world - and every day he walks with Flynn for at least an hour. But with his wife, supermodel Miranda Kerr, the relationship finally came to naught. I can’t even believe that once everyone envied him - the prettiest model of the famous brand of lingerie chose him, Bloom!

They started dating in 2007, but only got married in 2010. Quiet and modest. Miranda didn't even show anyone her wedding dress. In 2011, a wonderful baby was born - son Flynn.

Orlando endlessly talked about how happy he was to be a father, he worked hard, and his wife went into business - and, to his considerable amazement, was very successful, releasing a wide variety of fashionable women's things. The employment of his wife seems to have somewhat strengthened their marriage, but Orlando felt that love had evaporated somewhere. Apparently, Bloom reproached himself, through his fault. Not without reason, despite the delight of his friends, he doubted for a long time whether to marry or not. And my mother was against it.

Orlando adored his mother. Energetic, cheerful Sonya Bloom was in charge of a school for studying foreign languages, but did not miss a single theatrical premiere or exhibition. During her husband's regular business trip to South Africa, Sonia calmly started an affair with her colleague Colin Sloane.

Orlando only learned at the age of 13 that Harry Bloom, a university lecturer and world famous fighter for racial equality, was not his father at all. But it never crossed his mind to criticize his mother. And since the boy had long been accustomed to the friend of the Sloan family and loved him, he limited himself only to the fact that he refused to change Bloom's surname. And he tried to come to terms with the fact that he had lost and gained his father at the same time ...

His mother and Colin supported his desire to learn to be an actor. Orlando suffered from dyslexia and spoke with difficulty, but he memorized huge monologues and entire plays of Shakespeare for the performances of the school drama circle in a matter of hours. He was accepted into the National Youth Theatre, and Bloom even won a grant to study at the British American Academy of Drama in London.

But fate threw him another "gift". Orlando, like all his peers in the 80s, dreamed of being Superman at least for a while - after the release of the film with Christopher Reeve. At a party in an old Victorian mansion, where the third floor could easily pass for the fifth, he and his friends moved along the eaves from one window to another, terribly having fun and laughing until Orlando's foot slipped down ... He woke up in a hospital room. “You can hardly walk without crutches. But the main thing is that you can walk at all, ”Bloom heard the voice of the surgeon. The actor endured the most difficult operation on the spine well. And a couple of weeks later he left the clinic on crutches. The agent rang almost immediately. Bloom was invited to New Zealand to audition for a role in the epic Lord of the Rings. The first serious proposal - what to do?

The auditions lasted several months, they did not pay attention to his crutches, and as a result they approved the role of the blue-eyed elf Legolas. After the crazy success of the Fellowship of the Ring trilogy, the young actor woke up famous. And soon he was starring with superstars in another cool franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean. During these shootings, Johnny Depp once said to him: "The most expensive thing in our profession is private life." Very soon, Bloom felt the words of a colleague in his own skin. That is why he and Miranda agreed that they would not give anyone a reason to further inflate the scandal around their relationship and divorce. For the sake of his son, the millions that Orlando managed to earn, and his own peace of mind, after all. The conversation took place after desperate nonsense began to appear on the Internet that Bloom allegedly left his wife because of jealousy.

Like, Miranda cheated on him ... with Justin Bieber! And it all happened a year ago at New York Fashion Week, where Miranda hugged the idol of teenage girls right on the catwalk. To be honest, they didn’t even have time to get upset - the couple looked painfully funny in all the photos. In short, Miranda agreed that Bloom would release another statement (in addition to what they had already released - about the intention to formalize their breakup): they remain a family. Bloom himself came up with the wording and did not lose. Usually, everyone writes that they remain friends, and then arrange a scandalous divorce with shaking dirty linen. And family is sacred. And the very next day the whole world was discussing their walk around New York. First to a restaurant, then to Central Park with his son, and then - yes, Bloom said goodbye to his wife at the entrance to their house.

They have friendly faces, laugh, smile, Orlando hugs the mother of his child by the shoulders. The most malicious gossips had only to consider under a magnifying glass how and where he kissed Miranda goodbye - on the lips or on the cheek.

To be honest, Orlando did not expect such reasonable behavior from his wife. Previously, Miranda could blurt out to the whole world that her husband bites his nails and does not like to change socks, she always rolled scenes when the waitresses made eyes at him. But she could be charming and obedient, like a child, throwing off her model rags and putting on cozy pajamas. Of course, she was terribly offended when Bloom confessed that he had fallen in love. He did not want to lie and hide in the corners. And is it worth artificially supporting cooled feelings? And with Condola, for the first time in years, Orlando feels happy.

Can eagerly read poetry to her and enjoy her enthusiastic look. Condola gives him happiness both on stage and after the performance, when they leave the theater to walk around New York at night. Holding hands like teenagers. Maybe he really finally, at 36, met his Juliet?

Orlando Bloom woke up as a star after the world premiere of the first film from the film epic "The Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship of the Ring". The audience admired Frodo's fortitude, respected the courage and devotion of Aragorn, but the entire female audience fell in love with Legolas. Why are the audience there, even the performer of the role of the elven princess Arwen, actress Liv Tyler, admitted with a smile that during the filming she regretted that, according to the script, her heroine was in love with the gloomy Aragorn, and not with the graceful and sexy Legolas.

It was clear that Orlando's romance with some Hollywood beauty was only a matter of time. More successful than the other contenders was the actress Kate Bosworth, whom Bloom met on the set of an advertisement in 2002. The stars began to meet, and soon Orlando was already telling reporters that he had finally found the love of his life, which he had been looking for for so long. "It's so beautiful when you fall in love and just can't stop thinking about her, I love to love!" - admitted the actor.

The best

Orlando's life seemed to be entering a golden period. After the super-successful "Lord of the Rings", the actor began acting in the new box office film epic "Pirates of the Caribbean". Of course, in the role of a hero-lover. In 2004, the influential magazine People awarded him the title of "Sexiest Man". In the same year, Bloom received another interesting title - the owner of the most beautiful nose on the planet.

The film career of the actor was on the rise. But, on the other hand, such big projects as "The Lord of the Rings" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" had their negative aspects - Bloom had to spend several months a year in different exotic parts of the world, while Bosworth starred in their paintings. In early 2005, Orlando and Kate announced that "they are just friends from now on." "They're still close, just working in different parts of the world," the actor's rep clarified, hinting that it's not all over between the stars. And it really was true. That same year, during her vacation, Kate took two of Orlando's dogs and went to his film set in the Bahamas. However, rare joint weekends could no longer save the relationship, and in 2006, the ex-lovers moved out of their common home and began to live their own lives.


Having had enough of shooting in the highest grossing films of the decade, Orlando decided to remind the public that his talent is not only a pretty face and a charming smile. In 2007, he played a season on the stage of one of London's theaters. Orlando devoted his free time from work to an in-depth study of Buddhism, meditation and yoga.

In 2008, Bloom begins dating the popular Australian Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr. Many believe that Orlando chose her for her beautiful figure and face, but one cannot discount the fact that Miranda, like him, practices Buddhism and studies Eastern philosophy.Surely it was Buddhism that became the main topic of their first dates - the couple was seen more than once at Buddhist meetings and in Buddhist temples.

In 2010, Orlando and Miranda surprised the world with the news of their secret wedding, and just a month later they announced that they were expecting a baby. The son of the couple Flynn Christopher was born at the very beginning of 2011. “It was a natural birth, quite long and difficult, but I managed thanks to Orlando, who was there,” Kerr shared the details.

It would seem that Orlando and Miranda expect a long and happy marriage. So it was at first, but then the actor again began to spend most of his time away from home, often on the other side of the globe. Rumors swirled around Hollywood that Kerr wasn't thrilled that her husband only saw his son on rare weekends. True, in public, the supermodel said something completely different. “We communicate almost daily,” Miranda admitted in an interview, “we talk on Skype, especially Flynn. In fact, I don’t really like telephone conversations, I prefer to write letters and texts, so I turn on Skype only when my son asks.”

Kerr was finally tired of communicating mainly on the Internet and by phone in the fall of 2013, and then the couple officially announced their breakup. As with Bosworth, Bloom's rep clarified that Orlando and Miranda have remained friends and will be raising their son together. By the way, after the divorce, the actor began to spend more time with Flynn. He probably felt responsible, not wanting his son to develop an “orphan” complex. Orlando was glad that the child had already grown up enough to take him to the shooting of The Hobbit: let the boy look at his star father in the form of Legolas, surrounded by gnomes, trolls and other Tolkien heroes.

Since the beginning of this year, the actor has been dating an American singer. Taught by past experience, Bloom does not tell reporters anything about the new novel. But judging by the fact that Perry has already been introduced to his mother and made friends with Flynn, this is more than just an affair. They may soon become one of the most beautiful new families in Hollywood, if, of course, they manage to adjust their filming and concert schedules to each other.

Yaroslav Stepanenko

Many people are interested in Orlando Bloom, does the star have a wife and children, what is his personal life and biography in general.

Briton Orlando Bloom is one of the most famous and talented film actors in the world. His creative career has been going on for almost twenty years, during which he has appeared in 40 films.

The most memorable roles were, of course, in the films The Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean. In addition, he is a frequent guest on television, and also plays in the theater on Broadway.

Orlando is handsome, charming, talented, and, of course, surrounded by crowds of admirers. His personal life is interesting to many fans from all over the world.

Until 3014, the actor's wife was the Austrian supermodel Miranda Kerr. Before that, Orlando had a relationship with Kate Bosworth, an American actress. Bloom met Miranda at a New York fashion show in 2006. He was captivated by the beauty at first sight, but the model did not believe in the sincerity of feelings and did not immediately reciprocate.

The actor had to look after and show perseverance. Actors and models have almost no time for their personal lives, and this often leads to a breakdown in relationships. But not in this case. Having met, the couple formalized the relationship and in 2010 they registered their marriage. The wedding, which was kept secret from journalists, took place in Texas.

Bloom and Kerr are considered the most charming couple in Hollywood. Wherever they appeared, they always found themselves in a crowd of fans and fans. Homebody Orlando did not like to attend various parties, but Miranda, by virtue of her profession, had to.

But the rich experience of working as a model helped the girl cope with all the difficulties. After all, Miranda first appeared on the catwalk when she was 13 years old, and by 2008 she was the model with the highest fees.

In early 2011, the star couple became parents. They had a son named Flynn Christopher Blanchard Copeland Bloom. The birth of a son was the most expensive gift for Orlando.

Now the three of them appeared everywhere, to the delight of fans and journalists. Almost until 2012, the couple did not quarrel. But there were rumors about the interest in Miranda from singer Justin Bieber. And they said about Orlando that he began dating Broadway actress Condola Rashad.

In 2014, Bloom and Kerr separated, but for the sake of the child, they maintained friendly relations. They can still be seen on walks with the whole family. In 2015, the beautiful Miranda agreed to a marriage proposal to billionaire Evan Spiegel, and Orlando began to appear in public with American singer Katy Perry. But they are in no hurry to officially marry.

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