Shades of lavender in the interior of the apartment: materials, successful combinations and finishing methods. Lavender color in the interior of the bedroom - the psychology of perception and applications Lavender color in the interior of a country house

Spectacular canvases create an atmosphere of calm and harmony, acting as an excellent alternative to rich and catchy colors. Coatings are successfully used in the Scandinavian or Provence style. They acquire a special depth in combination with pearl, silver, pink, black, sage green shades.

If you are attracted by dynamic design solutions, it is advisable to use trendy duets with yellow, orange, raspberry, light green. Expressive wallpaper with a lavender field is optimal for bringing to life the reception of an accent wall.

Lavender wallpaper in a romantic bedroom

Experts do not recommend pasting kitchens or dining rooms with lavender wallpaper: such materials are not the best option for eating. But if you still want to use this color, you should dilute it with cream or white. It is not recommended to experiment in an office with such a finish - it will not work to concentrate on important issues surrounded by lavender ...

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A very unusual and soft lavender color gives any room a very calm, romantic and peaceful mood. Due to its eccentricity, this color is rarely used in interior design, however, it turns out in vain.

The combination of lavender color in the interior

After all, this color has a very rich potential: soft and gentle notes of lavender delight and soothe the eye, setting in a positive way. This color will be especially appropriate in the bedroom, where people are used to relaxing and resting, it contributes well to healthy sleep.

Many are accustomed to decorating and equipping their rest room in green and blue tones, because, as is known and recognized by leading experts, these tones are symbols of calm and harmony. Psychologists have conducted research and found that it is in a room where green colors predominate that people feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible. However, it is worth trying to deviate a little from traditions and use lavender color in the interior. You will see, the result will not disappoint you!

In general, it must be said that, in accordance with the interior design trends of the 2016-2017 season, lavender has become an undoubted favorite among all shades. As a rule, this color is used in the design of children's rooms and bedrooms of the beautiful half of humanity, because the lavender color is very close to pink. In addition, many artists and designers also use it in the design of various exhibition centers, since the lavender shade is very easy to combine with any colors.

It must also be said that the lavender color looks very good framed by natural materials, such as wood, so if you want to choose furniture or finishes in the bedroom, then furniture made from natural materials will be the right decision. To create a room in a pleasant romantic style, it is ideal to use a combination of lavender and white.

In addition, this color can be used not as a main color, but as small accents, for example, it can be pillows, bed linen or bedspreads. They will fill the room with comfort, will attract attention, as if inviting you to sweetly relax and unwind.

Shades of lavender in the interior

I think it should also be noted that with the help of the lavender color you can make a very unique and luxurious living room, because it was not without reason that this color became especially popular and widespread during the peak of the popularity of the art deco style. To create a spectacular and successful design, you need to choose good colors and correctly place accents. For example, lavender combined with black, pink, silver or pearl will make your living room more refined and glamorous. On the contrary, to create a cozy, calming and homely atmosphere, combine lavender with cream or sage green.

It turns out that designers do not advise using lavender color for decorating a kitchen or dining room, as they believe that for some people this color seems rather irritable for eating. However, in order to get the desired effect, you can paint one wall in this color and dilute it with white or cream - then you will be able to create a comfortable atmosphere that will stimulate appetite.

Lavender color looks great in the bathroom. It brings to the interior a special accuracy, purity and some romance. In general, with this color you can make a typical male or female bathroom. When you design a bathroom for a lady, simply combine lavender with delicate shades, such as blue or pale pink. On the contrary, bright accents are needed to create a masculine style. Try experimenting with bright purple.

Particular attention should be paid to textiles that you will use in the lavender room. Not bad as a pattern look small flowers. And as the main background, white is the best color.

Lavender color in the interior photo

Making out the interior of the apartment, you need to carefully approach the issue of choosing primary colors and shades. Some of them are too bright and can quickly get boring, while others, on the contrary, are considered classic and do not lose their relevance over the years, while being easily “refreshed” with more juicy accents.

Lavender color in the interior is an interesting solution, when used correctly, it will fill the room with lightness and tranquility.

Features and psychology of color

It is easy to see from the photo that lavender is one of the undertones of purple. All shades of purple - warm and cool, bright and light - are considered strong, with powerful energy. Since the composition includes blue and red, psychologists describe purple as "the harmony of contradictions."

Lavender is a magical color, earlier it often symbolized the sacrament of various rites. A light purple hue surrounded many famous people, contributed to the mood for creativity: that is why it is still used in the design of school premises and playrooms.

In the interior, lavender is not only beautiful, but also promotes relaxation, has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, heals from disorders and depression. Too dark shades of lavender, on the contrary, with an overabundance can depress and irritate the nervous system, so you should not abuse them. Psychologists believe that this color somewhat dulls the appetite, it is quite suitable for the kitchen, the mistress of which seeks to lose weight.

What style of interior suits lavender color

This complex, specific shade can fit perfectly into many popular styles. Most often it is used in glamor, baroque, neo-baroque, lavender gives the room a sense of magic and goes well with mirrors, glass, crystal, gloss. Lavender is also used in the design of bedrooms in the Arabic (oriental) style: if in other rooms you need to strive for more “hot” tones, then a soft purple hue will be ideal for a sleep and relaxation room.

No less often lavender is used for styles such as:

  • provence;
  • classic;
  • retro;
  • vintage;
  • art deco;
  • palace classicism;
  • Mediterranean;
  • ethno;
  • pop Art.

Lavender is used even in laconic high-tech: with the help of this color, you can emphasize the clarity of the lines and soften the picture a little in the bedroom. In minimalism, lavender is combined with black and white tones, used as a light background for walls and ceilings.

What colors can be combined with lavender

Lavender goes well with many bright and pastel colors, although its duets with gold, silver, white, and green are considered the most successful combinations. No less often in interiors it is used in conjunction with soft pink, cream, which gives the room lightness and airiness.

Lavender with white

The combination of white and lavender in the room creates a feeling of freshness. In bright light, it looks good, but if you want to enhance the notes of romanticism, it is better to introduce decorative elements from soft fabrics, vintage or natural textures into the design. Usually white wall decoration is performed, which is diluted with lavender accessories. It is also possible to paint the walls in a lavender tone in combination with white furniture, ceiling and textiles.

Lavender with pastel

The combination of lavender and pastel shades also provides a fresh, delicate and peaceful look to any room. Adding cream, light gray, milky shades will add spaciousness, although at first glance, this combination can become blurry. To eliminate the visual "depersonalization" of the room, you need to introduce a few juicy accents from contrasting tones or shades of a dark purple palette.

Lavender with bright colors

The combination of lavender and rich tones will be justified if the goal is to get a lively, dynamic interior. Lavender with the following colors are considered trendy tandems:

  • yellow;
  • light green;
  • crimson;
  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • bright greenery;
  • purple.

When diluted with bright tones, lavender will look more stylish, and the room will take on an original look. It is only important not to overdo it with the addition of colors, otherwise they will overshadow the delicate background.

Lavender and dark tones

The color of lavender should be used more carefully in small rooms, because even with a slight dimming, it will visually hide the space. The introduction of dark tones is unacceptable here, it will only increase the oppressive feeling. The combination with black is not recommended, regardless of the size of the room: it is perceived hard, the atmosphere will escalate melancholy.

In rooms of sufficient size, lavender can be combined with dark shades as accents or individual decor elements. Successful duets can be lavender and the following colors:

  • dark purple;
  • purple;
  • chocolate;
  • terracotta;
  • emerald;
  • metallic.

When conflicting shades are chosen in a correctly calculated combination, the room takes on a luxurious look, but only a professional can find such a combination.

lavender interiors

Beautiful lavender color is suitable for a variety of rooms, it is only important to use it correctly when decorating the interior.


Lavender walls in the bedroom are a good solution in aesthetic and psychological terms. A gentle, light shade will promote a restful sleep, improve your mood, and help you relax after a hard day's work. Even a few minutes of being in such a room will negate nervous tension, give a sense of peace.

In the morning, in daylight, the lavender shade is filled with natural freshness, charges with positive energy, sets you up for work, that is, it acts in the opposite way. Usually this color is used in girls' bedrooms, as it traditionally refers to the "feminine" range. Men do not use lavender in the bedroom, such a decision will look strange. As for the matrimonial bedroom, as a compromise, you can decorate the walls with other pastel colors, and bring lavender in the form of decor - linen, curtains, textiles, accessories.


In the kitchen, the presence of lavender tones should be treated carefully. It is usually used in the implementation of a fashionable design technique, which is called the "accent wall". Also, lavender can be used to decorate the dining area, or you can install a dining group of this color in combination with light pieces of furniture.

Living room

For the living room, the color of lavender suits well, especially if the room matches the styles of art deco, classic. Matte paints, plain wallpapers of this shade or individual blotches, accessories are usually used. Some designers offer non-standard solutions: for example, furniture fronts or lavender-colored ceilings, which will look fresh and stylish when successfully combined with other light colors.


The bathing room is rarely spacious, so you should not get carried away with the use of rich, bright colors. Lavender should be gentle, pastel, combined with pink, silver or white, beige. This will eliminate the visual reduction in the size of the room and provide originality, optimism of the interior. In a large bathroom, it is allowed to combine light lavender with dark purple shades, which can be used to zone or highlight individual elements.

Children's room

In a girl's bedroom or playroom, a muted, soft lavender tone will positively influence a child's mood. This coloring of the walls is especially useful for hyperactivity: lavender tends to pacify, stabilize the nervous system. Best of all in children's rooms, this shade is combined with cream, beige, blue, white. To add playfulness, orange, light green accessories are introduced into the interior. Also, only the playing area can be highlighted with lavender, and the rest of the walls can be painted in a different pastel tone. Another suitable option: in a neutral-colored room, install a lavender chair and put the same carpet on the floor.

Hallway and corridor

In small hallways, it is allowed to use light lavender tones that will not cause the effect of visually reducing the room. If there is a desire to decorate the room with brighter colors, balance them with white, milky tones. A bright entrance hall with a fresco, a stone of lavender shades will look great.

Balcony or loggia

Usually balconies do not differ in significant dimensions, therefore only light shades of any palette are suitable for their decoration. On a light lavender background, brighter accents are also possible, however, in a minimal amount.

Ways to use lavender color in the interior

It is worth considering in more detail how lavender can be used when decorating an apartment, because design techniques are very diverse.

Wall, floor and ceiling decoration

The room takes on a different look, especially when changing the color of the walls. To decorate the premises, paints, wallpaper, decorative plaster, tile, stone, and some other finishing materials are used. The most popular option is wallpaper stickers. Here are some tips for choosing lavender canvases:

  • if the wallpaper is not plain, the pattern should be light, elegant in appearance;
  • for a small room it is better to choose wallpaper without contrasting decor;
  • plain corrugated canvases are a good option;
  • geometric patterns, floral prints are suitable for a classic style;
  • a golden material pattern is acceptable, but only in combination with appropriate furniture;
  • vertical lavender-white stripes allow you to visually increase the height of the room;
  • a great effect gives a combination of matte tones, mother-of-pearl and gloss;
  • you can use lavender-colored photo wallpapers, they depict flowers, landscapes, abstraction, surrealism.

Floor coverings in lavender tones are rare, but carpet or carpet is easy to find on sale. Typically, such products are used in the interior of the bedroom, children's room. Another coating option is ceramic tiles, which will look good in the bathroom. In the kitchen, you can use a light marble floor, coupled with lavender decor and ornaments.

Colored ceilings in the apartment always make the interior non-standard, interesting. The easiest way is to use a stretch ceiling, where the color of the canvas can be absolutely anything. Also, designers often use suspended multi-tiered structures, beams, photo printing with various original images.


For lavender walls, white, pearl, beige, transparent furniture will be an excellent companion. But in some cases, the interior will look more interesting when decorating the walls in pastel colors and installing lavender-colored furniture:

  1. Sofa. Able to decorate any design. It can have light or dark lavender upholstery, massive or elegant dimensions. For classics, Provence, it is better to choose models with smooth curves, a floral pattern.
  2. Bed. The lavender upholstery of the headboard looks gorgeous in combination with metal rivets, transparent rhinestones, buttons. You can also use lavender bedspreads, blankets, bedding, pillows, especially since they are easy to replace if necessary.
  3. Closet. Most often, cabinets in these shades are used in vintage style, becoming the center of the room, attracting attention. For a girl's room, cabinets with photographic images, glass or mirrors painted with lavender ornaments are often purchased. Among other things, mirrors can be decorated with stucco molding painted in this shade.
  4. Chairs, armchairs. They are part of a contrasting decor in the room or combined with other pieces of furniture. For example, in the kitchen, bright lavender chairs echo perfectly with a beige set that has a lavender finish.


Lavender color is not easy to perceive, therefore, in some cases it is recommended to introduce it into the interior in the form of bright spots: textile compositions, accessories. Its light, dark shades can be used for sewing curtains, while the combination with white or beige tulle is considered ideal. Curtains look interesting when decorating with tassels, magnets, ties, fringe. In the kitchen, you can hang lavender-colored curtains - this will make the daylight soft, refresh the room.

Of the textile elements of decor in the premises are also used:

  • pillows on the sofa, bed;
  • blankets, bedspreads;
  • mats with short or long pile.

window decoration

Large rooms with south-facing windows can be decorated in lavender. Of course, such an idea should not contradict the main concept of the style, otherwise the window will look pretentious. Frames covered with colored film are a bold decision. It is much easier to use curtains, lambrequins, tulle, art canvases and photo curtains for decoration: if necessary, less bright products can be hung in their place.

Accents in the interior

An important detail that helps to give the interior a finished look are harmoniously selected accessories. You can introduce lavender color into the design in the form of panels, pillows, carpets and lampshades, soft blankets, decorative planters and flower vases. Pictures on the walls, mosaics and frescoes with appropriate patterns and ornaments can echo with them.

Style selection

When choosing finishing materials and decor elements, it is necessary to be guided by the rules that each interior style follows.


Most often, lavender shades are found in the style of Provence (French country). Its distinctive features are freshness and simplicity, lightness and airiness. The best solution would be to decorate the walls in a delicate lavender tone combined with pastel shades. White furniture with a touch of antiquity, lavender decor, forging, transparent curtains, ruffles and frills emphasize the general style orientation.


This style is elegant, restrained, unpretentious, all the details in it are smooth, the palette is calm. You can’t use a lot of artificial details in the interior; if possible, you need to decorate it with stone, wood, metal and other natural textures. Lavender is used as a background and only in the form of a pale, pastel shade. It is also acceptable to introduce it in furniture upholstery, textiles.

Modern style

Colors according to this style direction can be juicy, bright, shapes - asymmetrical. Wall murals are popular in wall decoration, floor coverings can also be non-standard, saturated in color. The white ceiling can be replaced with a stretch of a delicate shade of lavender.


In a city apartment, it is also possible to build a corner of rustic comfort: decorate it in a country style. Lavender shades are used in textiles: curtains, blankets, pillows, as well as in decor: jugs, vases, candlesticks, chests. The use of natural materials, especially wood, is encouraged. Lavender color allows you to create both bright, memorable combinations and delicate, weightless details. It is only important not to overload the room, acting reasonably and tastefully.

Hello dear friends!

Lavender is the favorite color of many Provence style fans. Almost all fans of lavender want to surround themselves with their favorite shades of purple in the interior.

With this article, I am starting a series of notes on lavender color in the interior, so that after reading this information, you can make your home beautiful, cozy, and the use of lavender color is not only pleasant, but also useful.

And today I want to talk about the lavender color in the interior of the bedroom.

At the very beginning, it is worth saying that the lavender color belongs to the group of purple hues, and it makes no sense to consider it in isolation from the whole group. Shades of lavender can be warmer, lighter, can go along the border with lilac, sometimes lilac. So I would not categorically single out any one lavender color, especially if we talk about lavender as a plant, then you will not find one single color, lavender is very diverse.

To get started, I suggest you look at color palettes based on real lavender, so it will be easier for you to find a lavender shade that is closer to you.

What color you choose is a matter of taste. But if we are talking about the design of the bedroom, then it is still better to stop at a pastel shade. After all, the bedroom is a place of rest, relaxation, relaxation. The interior of the bedroom should soothe and tune in to rest, deep healthy sleep. In this sense, the choice of lavender color will be of great importance: it has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, restores calmness, relieves tension, and has a healing effect on various forms of neuroses. Perhaps that is why most women love this color;)

Lavender goes well with the colors of its group: purple, lilac, lilac, as well as white, beige, pastel gray, mint, blue, lemon.

It is generally accepted that the lavender color in the bedroom is certainly a feminine or girlish interior. Ready to agree, but partially. It is for women that the beneficial effect of lavender color is sometimes vital. But, in my opinion, the color has no gender, and the men's room may well be solved in lavender, or with accents on this color, only the shade must be chosen correctly and the color of the companion will no longer be pink and mint, but steel gray, for example, or the color of chocolate, as well as a deep blue color is quite suitable for a men's bedroom.

The matrimonial bedroom could very well be lavender.

Light, romantic, calm atmosphere, in my opinion, this is what you need!

But if the spouse is against such a decision, then the main color can be chosen neutral, for example, white, lavender goes well with it. And also lavender color can be added to the interior of the bedroom with decor items: paintings, curtains, pastel linens, candles or furniture items.

And if you think such an interior is too simple and boring - add bright details, they will immediately change the mood of the room!

The lavender color in the child's bedroom will be very out of place if the baby is hyperactive, falls asleep poorly, is whiny or moody. The girls' rooms look especially harmonious in the lavender color.

A boy's room in lavender color is the right choice if its inhabitant is a creative person, a passionate person with interests in music, painting and literature.

Regardless of the gender of the child, the study area, the place where the child does homework, reads and draws, is better to make lavender. According to American scientists, lavender color has a great effect on the memory, imaginative thinking and creative qualities of a child, which is why in America classrooms, auditoriums, and even corridors in educational institutions are often painted lavender.

It is worth saying that a lavender bedroom is not necessarily a Provence-style bedroom. That is, it can be such if this style and lavender itself are close to you. Then the bedroom may contain interior items characteristic of the style: wooden furniture, textiles made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen), lavender bouquets, metal planters, candlesticks, images of lavender or Provencal scenes in paintings, postcards, posters.

But given that the lavender color is universal, it goes well with any design, even a high-tech interior will look organic in lavender.

In the following articles I will talk about the lavender color in the living room, bathroom and kitchen, stay tuned;)

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Experts distinguish six basic shades of lavender. It is impossible to call the variety of tones on a flowering field just light purple. The combination of red and blue with white at the slightest change in proportion gives a new shade, creates a completely different mood. is rare.

It requires a professional approach, knowledge of the rules for combining tones, a sense of proportion. Since ancient times, lavender color symbolizes prosperity, sophistication and good taste.

The combination of colors in the interior and mood

Lavender surprisingly combines two colors that are opposite in mood. Hot red symbol of fire, energy, action. Cold blue calms, adjusts to reflections, dreams. A room looks great if the amount of color in it is metered and chosen with style in mind.

Lavender grows on mountain slopes. The color is combined with natural tones:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • white;
  • olive;
  • brown;
  • yellow.

Lavender is a great backdrop for patterns in silver and gold. Wallpaper in the style of damask, rhombus, scales will decorate any room, make it luxurious.

Depending on the density of the tone and the proportion of the primary colors, lavender is capable change the space, create a mood, emphasize the style in which the room is decorated.

Wallpaper color lavender in the interior

Dark rich tones present in the interior as an accent. Wall-paper is pasted on 1 or 2 walls in which there are no openings. Against their background, light furniture in a classic style is appropriate. If the room is small, then it is enough to limit yourself to 1 wall or stick wallpaper in fragments, visually adjusting the height of the ceiling with a vertical arrangement of stripes. The background is light wallpaper of pink, lilac, beige. The edging of the openings and the border are preferably white. They bring out the rich lavender color.

Wallpaper with an ornate floral pattern on a light background create a romantic mood. The interior looks interesting when companion wallpapers are glued to the walls. For lavender, a soft combination of a beige, milky background and a delicate ornament of thin lines is suitable. The living room will be relaxing, creating a romantic mood if there are wallpapers with opposite background and pattern colors on different walls.

Striped wallpaper, on which the dark color of lavender alternates with white, yellow, green, is suitable for a modern interior in the style of: country, country, avant-garde. For natural, rustic, ethnic, it is better to choose a wallpaper with a light lavender color background and a small floral pattern.

wall painting

A room with smooth walls looks good only in light colors. The combination with yellow will make the interior sunny. Lavender living room in techno style, avant-garde with fragments of rich lavender color will surprise friends with originality, subtlety of taste. It is pleasant to spend time in it, talking and making plans. Especially in the combination of a delicate floral accent on a beige, salad, blue background.

Glossy paint in light lavender tones makes the interior more spacious, saturates it with warmth and light. The room will look original if you put light furniture made of light wood. Sheathing should be combined with the tone of the walls. For avant-garde and art styles, you can use black, natural and artificial leather.

Lavender decor

If the room is finished without using lavender color or light colored wallpaper is pasted on one wall, decor should have a bright color.

  1. On the floor is a pile rug in lavender gray or aged brown. For youth styles, rich purple is suitable.
  2. Cushions on the verge of lilac, turquoise, purple lavender, blue and yellow. They look contrastingly with upholstery, make the living room cozier.
  3. Dark lavender glass vases and ceramic vases painted in natural tones.
  4. A picture or photo with a blooming field or a bouquet of delicate lavender will decorate the wall, enliven the interior.
  5. Curtains will give the room a fabulous mood, make the interior gentle.

The less space an object occupies in a room, its tone should be brighter and richer there.

Bedroom in floral tones

Properly designed lavender bedroom will become a place of rest and create a good mood in the morning. Gentle calm tones will set you up for relaxation. The warmth of a delicate natural lavender tone will warm you on winter evenings. The energy inherent in the red component will invigorate, help you wake up in the morning.

The bedroom does not like contrasts and exciting fiery colors. Therefore, the rich color of lavender paints the wall at the head of the bed. The room becomes romantic, and keeps calm due to the warmth of light wood, olive, chocolate tones.

A small bedroom looks good with pale white walls and lavender bedding. Transparent light curtains on the windows in combination with white ones will remind you of a sea sunset, clouds and waves.

Lavender children's bedroom suitable for babies of both sexes. It combines both the symbolic tones of pink and blue. Light wood furniture will make it airy. Chocolate and brown tones will add seriousness.

Kitchen interier

The kitchen has enough fire, water and metallic sheen. She brings everyone together and must match the taste of the hostess. Lavender color in the interior of the kitchen is desirable to use in minimal quantities. Basically, these are decorative elements.

If the kitchen is big, you can use the color of lavender for the backsplash, chairs around the dining table, curtains and even countertops. The walls opposite the work area can be painted in a very light tone with a gray tint.

A kitchen painted in a light purple tone will be cozy for a short time. The hostess spends a lot of time in it, cooking, working hard. It is better to surround it with light tones of green and cream. Bright inclusions of lavender in the kitchen will dilute the light monotony.

The kitchen is designed for activity. The calmness of cold blue with hot red will quickly get boring. Lavender - the color of celebration and relaxation.

lavender bath

Bathroom creates a mood for a person in the morning. She should charge him with vivacity for the whole day. While the owner is washing, the bathroom lined with delicate lavender-colored tiles invigorates him. The metallic sheen of the faucets on a delicate background looks fun and stylish. The snow-white bathtub and sink seem to sparkle against the elegant backdrop of a mountain flower.

In the evening, the bathroom should soothe and set you up for relaxation. This can be done by the blue component of the magical tone in combination with the pink part. It is only necessary to take into account that only the floor can be dark. The walls are light. Lighting is desirable to make bright, sunny.

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