Papillomas in the anus treatment of the cause. Papilloma on anus home treatment: effective folk remedies. Removing growths with medication


People consider papillomas in the anus to be a delicate problem, which is why they are embarrassed to seek medical help.

Neoplasms are located around the anus or in the anus itself. With the growth of papillomas, the lumen of the anal canal may be blocked, so it is important to make an appointment with a doctor in time.

Ways of HPV infection

When it enters the body, the virus is localized in the lower layers of the epidermis, without showing itself in any way. There are several reasons for this activation:

  • decreased immunity;
  • hormonal jumps;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • chronic diseases in history.

In most cases, the virus is transmitted through unprotected intercourse.

Infection occurs:

  1. With unprotected sexual contact.
  2. Through physical contact.
  3. From an infected mother to an infant at birth.
  4. Through the blood and mucous membranes.

The virus is waiting for an opportune moment when the body's defenses are reduced, but anal papillomas begin to grow immediately.

There is an explanation for this fact:

  • The anal area is always humid and warm, which is an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms.
  • Constant rubbing helps the virus cover more area on the surface of the skin.
  • It is almost impossible to maintain constant cleanliness near the anus, and several hours will be enough to consolidate the positions of the virus.

If at least one papilloma is found near the anus, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of HPV

Discomfort is hard not to notice, even small neoplasms are rubbed and cause pain. You can find them when visiting the toilet and when performing hygiene procedures.

The main symptoms are similar to manifestations of hemorrhoids, so only a specialist should make a diagnosis:

  1. Frequent urges to the toilet, which in most cases turn out to be false.
  2. Burning sensation and itching near the anus.
  3. Pain in the anus.
  4. Feeling of moisture and constant wetting near the anus.
  5. Pain during bowel movements.
  6. Discharge of mucus and blood from the anus.
  7. Sensation of a foreign body in the anus.

The infection manifests itself in the form of a number of unpleasant symptoms that cannot be overlooked.

If growths have formed on the surface of the rectum, the disease is asymptomatic at the initial stage. Neoplasms can grow in size and come out within a few days.

If a build-up is found, you should not prescribe yourself treatment in the form of dubious therapy. Education may not be a papilloma at all, and only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis during a visual examination.

A person should also be alerted by the fact that not always the only papilloma in the anus region speaks of the initial stage of the disease. It is likely that there is already an advanced form of intestinal papillomatosis, which does not manifest itself in any way.

The danger of ignoring the problem lies in the fact that neoplasms are regularly injured due to rubbing. The anus is a real breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, so the risk of infection is high.

HPV diagnostics

With papillomas on the anus, you will need to consult a proctologist who will examine the patient:

  • External examination of the anus for the presence of papillomas.
  • Rectal examination with a microscope - sigmoidoscopy. Allows you to examine the surface of the rectal mucosa.
  • Anoscopy - examination of the anal canal and opening using an anoscope.
  • Taking biomaterial for further analysis (scraping, blood, tissue particles).

All of these procedures are painless, but can cause some psychological inconvenience. High-quality treatment is possible after a correct diagnosis, so embarrassment can be left.

Outwardly, papillomas in the anus area look like growths of a light pink color, similar to cauliflower inflorescences. Sometimes they resemble ordinary spots, which differ in color from the main skin tone.

On average, the size reaches 1 mm, but over time, the growths can increase.

Treatment methods for HPV in the anus

Before conservative therapy, papillomas should be removed.

The optimal method of removal is chosen by the attending physician:

  1. Cryodestruction. Papillomas are exposed to liquid nitrogen, freezing the affected areas and destroying them with ice crystals. The recovery period takes a lot of time, but after the procedure there are no traces left.
  2. Electrocoagulation. Neoplasms are burned out using high-frequency electric current. The method is effective only when removing growths near the anus, since the use on the mucous membranes is not always advisable.
  3. Chemical methods. A special solution is applied to the papilloma, which destroys the neoplasm at the cellular level. The method is rarely used due to the risk of damage to healthy tissue.
  4. laser therapy. The most popular and effective method using a laser. The procedure is painless, and after the recovery period, no scars remain on the skin.

It is advisable to conduct an additional histological examination of the excised tissues in order to exclude the presence of cancer cells and receive timely treatment.

Papillomas begin to appear from the moment of a decrease in immunity and require immediate treatment.

After the intervention, the wound needs special care:

  • Until the crust has fallen off, it is necessary to protect the affected area from getting wet.
  • Wear only cotton underwear for good ventilation and fast healing.
  • Treat regularly with antiseptics.

Additionally carried out:

  1. Therapy aimed at the restoration and healing of tissues.
  2. A drug course to suppress the virus in the body.
  3. A course of immunostimulating drugs.
  4. Hormone therapy.

Papillomas on the anus should be removed under the supervision of a doctor. If a neoplasm is found in the anus, it may be a polyp, condyloma, or ordinary anal papillae of a hypertrophied size.

The danger of traditional medicine

Self-treatment leads to the degeneration of papillomas, before manipulation, consultation with a specialist will not interfere. Localization of neoplasms excludes the possibility of self-treatment.

Externally, papillomas can be removed, this will not reduce the concentration of the virus in the body.

Popular recipes include:

  1. Iodine. There is no efficiency, but the possibility of a burn is high. "Advisers" reassure that the traces of defeat will not be visible to anyone. No one mentions the long healing time and the risk of infection of the treated area.
  2. Laundry soap. The presence of alkali "guarantees" the complete elimination of papillomas, but the treatment is accompanied by damage to healthy tissue. It is recommended to apply a thick layer of soap on the anus and go to sleep. Doubtful advice, because the burning of alkali will not allow you to close your eyes.
  3. Salt solution. It is believed that salt dries out the thin leg of the papilloma - and it will fall off. You need to carry out daily procedures that require effort and some skill.
  4. Essential oils. Use is impractical, since oil must be applied pointwise to a specific growth. It is difficult to cope with such a task on your own, so you will have to ask for help. If a person is not ashamed to tell a loved one about the problem, then he will be able to trust the doctor as well.
  5. Onion and garlic. Compresses on papillomas of the anus will cause more discomfort and only increase the pain.

Doctors have a negative attitude towards such manipulations, because in the pursuit of "cheap and fast" methods, the patient misses precious time.

Prevention of papillomas

If the virus has already entered the body, you should:

  • maintain immunity at the proper level;
  • visit a doctor regularly;
  • establish a nutritious diet;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Prevention is easier than cure, especially when it comes to HPV. If a virus is detected in one partner, both should undergo a course of therapy.

In order not to face the disease, you need to lead an orderly sex life and not engage in casual relationships.

Papillomas on the anus can cause a lot of trouble. The culprit of their spread is papillomavirus. The danger of such neoplasms is a high risk of malignancy in the absence of proper therapy.

According to statistics, about eighty percent of the inhabitants of the Earth are carriers of HPV (human papillomavirus). Most of them may not suspect that they are infected. This is due to the "sleeping" phase of papillomavirus. During this period, HPV does not manifest itself in any way. Activation of papillomavirus and the development of papillomatosis contribute to:

  • Decreased immunity due to an acute viral or bacterial infection;
  • Physical or emotional stress;
  • Hormonal changes in teenagers, pregnant women or nursing mothers;
  • undergoing chemotherapy;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics or steroids;
  • Use of hormonal contraceptives or spirals;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Classification of papillomas on the pope

Genital warts or papillomas that form around the anus are classified into the following subspecies:

  1. Single large;
  2. Multiple, merging into one formation;
  3. Single small size.

Very often, during a superficial examination, papilloma and wart are confused. A distinctive feature of papillomas is the "leg". Thin or, in isolated cases, wide. The surface of the papilloma is scaly. The color of the formation is from whitish to dark brown. Localization of genital warts - the skin around the anus or the mucous membrane of the rectum. The second variety often causes the problem of timely emptying (constipation). It is much more difficult to diagnose such internal formations.

Ways of infection

Penetrating into the human body, papillomavirus settles on the lower layer of the dermis. The incubation or "sleeping" period of the disease can last several months, and sometimes years. At this time, HPV is found exclusively in the layers of the skin or mucous membranes. After the transition of the disease to the active stage, a sharp growth of virus cells begins, they are introduced into the DNA of the cells of the dermis, provoking their growth and the appearance of growths. At this point, a sick person becomes dangerous to others, as the possibility of transmitting the papillomavirus opens up.

Why does perianal papilloma transmission occur?

Infection with the human papillomavirus occurs through sexual contact with an infected partner. The use of contraceptives does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against infection.

The risk of infection is directly proportional to the duration of sexual contact with an infected partner.

HPV can enter the bloodstream through microtrauma of the skin or mucous membranes. The skin in the genital area is much thinner, so the risk of injury is much higher. The blood of a damaged neoplasm increases the possibility of spreading the infection.

Symptoms of anal papillomatosis

The initial stage of the development of the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Itching or burning sensation around the anus;
  • The occurrence of painful sensations during defecation, occasionally with slight bleeding;
  • Feeling of swelling of the anus or the presence of a foreign body in it;
  • Constant feeling of moisture on the pope;
  • Profuse discharge of mucus from the anus;
  • Slight increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees.

Contacting a specialist

Many are interested in the question of which doctor to go to if papillomas grow on the buttocks or around the anus, and whether it is worth seeking help from a specialist at all. A proctologist deals with growths near the anus or in the rectum.

The risk of malignancy of benign formations in the anus is very high.

This is due to the constant injury of genital warts in the rectum. It is possible to avoid the development of a neoplasm into an oncological disease only by timely seeking qualified medical help and starting therapy.

Diagnosis of anal papillomatosis in most cases consists in examination, interviewing the patient and, if necessary, sigmoidoscopy. Such a study allows the proctologist to assess the full picture of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Therapy of anal neoplasms

It is possible to treat genital warts by various methods, the effectiveness of each of them depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the history of chronic diseases, the course of papillomatosis. The decision on the choice of method of therapy is made by the attending physician.

Removal of genital warts

The condition for the effectiveness of therapy for papillomatosis of the anus is the complete removal of growths. You can get rid of the neoplasm with the help of:

  • laser destruction. Under the influence of a laser beam, the formation cells are evaporated in layers. The advantage of laser exposure is minimal blood loss. The full healing process takes several weeks;
  • radioknife. The non-contact method allows you to remove the papilloma, eliminating the likelihood of developing a secondary infection. Complete healing takes seven to twelve days;
  • Cryodestruction. Freezing the neoplasm with liquid nitrogen. A small scar may appear at the site of the removed formation. Wound healing takes ten to fourteen days;
  • Electrocoagulation. With the help of a high frequency current, the build-up is burned out. Healing takes three to four weeks;
  • surgical operation. The doctor uses a scalpel to excise the papilloma together with the root. It is recommended to use surgical excision for overgrown papillomas with deep roots.

The risk of recurrence of papillomatosis is due to the viral nature of the disease. Therefore, you should remain under the supervision of a specialist even after the complete disappearance of the rash.

Pharmacy funds

Pharmaceutical preparations against the human papillomavirus are aimed at strengthening the body's immune defenses. These include:

  1. Viferon. Immunomodulating agent, release form - gel or rectal suppositories;
  2. Genferon. An interferon substitute produced by the body in response to a viral attack. Genferon in the form of anal suppositories is recommended for complex therapy of papillomatosis;
  3. Allokin-alpha is available in the form of ampoules and is used to treat papillomas with an increased risk of malignancy;
  4. Likopid - tablets that have an immunostimulating effect;
  5. Immunomax - an injection solution that activates the body's defenses;
  6. Epigen. Release form - spray, relieves unpleasant symptoms (swelling, burning), increases the body's immune response, promotes wound healing after surgical excision of genital warts.

Local preparations

To remove papillomas around the anus at home, local antiviral ointments or adhesive plaster impregnated with a special composition are used. The main thing with home therapy is to prevent damage to healthy areas of the skin. Given the location of the papillomas, the patient will need outside help.

Solcoderm and Polophyllotoxin in the form of an ointment is used for the local treatment of papillomatosis on the anus. It is required to apply the ointment carefully, in order to avoid getting the product on healthy skin. Can lead to scarring of healthy tissues.

With the help of an adhesive plaster with a special composition, growths can be removed in a few hours. The procedure is quite painful, due to strong compression of the growths. To relieve pain, wet the damaged area with water.

Folk recipes for anal papillomas

Traditional medicine offers its own ways to deal with anal papillomatosis:

  • Moisten the defects with potato juice, a decoction of wild rose, horsetail, nettle or plantain tincture two to three times a day. Continue treatment until the problem is completely eliminated;
  • The juice from the stem of a freshly picked celandine is carefully processed exclusively by the growth itself. To protect healthy skin around the growth, you should lubricate it with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly;
  • Chaga can increase the effectiveness of the use of celandine. After preparing a decoction of these two components, it is cooled, poured into molds and sent to the freezer. Ice cubes are applied to the growths for two to three minutes twice a day;
  • A solution of iodine is used to get rid of anal papillomas. The neoplasm should be spot-treated with iodine, avoiding contact with healthy skin, two to three times a day.

When making your choice in favor of one or another method of getting rid of neoplasms, remember that traditional methods of treatment require a lot of time and are not always effective. It is better to consult a specialist in the initial stages of the disease.

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Often, pathological formations are formed in the anus in men and women, which may not manifest themselves in any way. Sometimes there are papillomas in the anus, caused by the human papillomavirus. Such formations near the anus are, as a rule, benign. But when creating favorable factors, papillomas near the anus can develop into a malignant tumor. Therefore, if papillomas are found in the anus, it is necessary to consult a doctor and treat the deviation.

Papillomas in the anus are a dangerous neoplasm that may not show obvious symptoms for a long time.


According to the nature of manifestationsSingle1 papilloma is formed near the perianal area
MultipleChaotic appearance or formation of several pathological formations nearby
By appearancepointedOutgrowths on a thin stem, painted in pinkish color
Tumor-likeFlat tumors that are rarely seen around the anus
papularFormations painted in dark pink color and resembling a wart
Grow inside the posterior opening and form a tubercle
KeratoticNeoplasms with a dry top layer


Papillitis in the anus develops when a person's immune defenses are weakened, and the virus begins to actively multiply. According to statistics, about 70% of all inhabitants of the planet are infected with papillomavirus, but only half show papillomas in the anal area. The following reasons are capable of provoking the development and formation of papillomas in the anus:

Unprotected sex, trauma, excessive stress can cause the growth of papillomas in the anus.
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • constant overwork, stressful situations;
  • weakened nervous system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • long-term drug therapy;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • abuse of alcohol and tobacco products;
  • broken hygiene.

Ways of infection

The human papillomavirus is transmitted in different ways, but not everyone is activated and manifested by papillomas of the anus. Infection occurs in the following ways:

  • sexual;
  • household contact when using infected items;
  • infection of the child during labor or intrauterine development.

Characteristic symptoms

If for some reason the virus is activated, then soon the person will show neoplasms around the back canal. At first, the symptoms of papillitis are not felt, and the person does not suspect infection. But as the papillomas of the anal passage increase, symptoms appear:

Papillomas in the anus become a source of pain, itching, stench, bleeding.

  • mucous discharge from the anus;
  • itching and burning sensations in the anus;
  • unpleasant feeling during bowel movements;
  • bleeding during bowel movements;
  • bad smell;
  • signs of hypotension;
  • elevated temperature.

Papillomas are often touched by feces or toilet paper, which is why there is a high probability of damage to their integrity and infection. In this case, inflammation and the appearance of purulent fluid develop. There is swelling in the area of ​​the anus and soreness. The general condition of the patient worsens, pressure decreases, nausea and vomiting are disturbing.

Diagnosis of papillomas in the anus

Papilloma on anus is often mistaken by the patient for other diseases of the anus, so you need to see a doctor who will help distinguish papilloma from hemorrhoids and other lesions of the rectum. The doctor examines the affected area and prescribes the following procedures:

  • PCR analysis;
  • cytological examination of the smear;
  • serological examination;
  • coloproctology.

If there is a suspicion of the malignant nature of papillomas in the anus, then a morphological study is prescribed.

Treatment Methods

Medical treatment

Treatment of papillomas in the anus will include taking special antiviral tablets.

Papillomas on the anus can be completely removed only by surgical removal. But in order to avoid a relapse, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs that suppress the activity of papillomavirus:

  • "Viferon";
  • "Genferon";
  • "Allokin-alpha";
  • "Immunomax";
  • "Epigen".

Drugs and their dosage are prescribed by the doctor individually for each patient. Medications help to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition. The intake of immunostimulating agents and vitamin complexes is also indicated. Such pharmaceuticals will strengthen the immune system, which will be able to resist pathogens.

Treatment with folk remedies

At home, papillomas formed in the anus can be treated with folk remedies. Such therapy is used as an auxiliary to eliminate painful symptoms and suppress the activity of the virus. It is necessary to coordinate each component with the doctor so that allergies and adverse reactions do not occur. The most effective traditional medicine are:

  • potato juice;
  • rosehip-based decoction;
  • plantain;
  • celandine juice.

Papillomavirus leads to the formation of benign growths on any part of the human body, which tend to increase in size. They should not be ignored, as under the influence of various factors they can transform into malignant tumors. Papillomas in the anus are a serious danger. The delicate structure of the growths is often injured, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate through the damage, leading to an inflammatory process.

Reasons for the appearance

It is reliably known that most people on the planet are carriers of papillomavirus. Infection occurs through microcracks on the skin and mucous membranes during household and sexual contacts. The condom is not reliable protection and does not save from infection. Penetrating into the body, the virus is embedded in the lower layers of the epidermis and at first does not manifest itself. The incubation period can last several years.
The impetus for the transition of the disease into an active form are:

  • weakened immunity;
  • transferred infections;
  • frequent colds;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • bad habits;
  • lack of proper hygiene;
  • chronic fatigue.

A common cause of anus papillomas in women is pregnancy and childbirth.

In the active phase, the virus rapidly multiplies and causes intense cell division. As a result, growths form around the anus and in the rectum. If they are small, they do not bring noticeable discomfort, so the patient does not seek help for a long time.


The accumulation of anal papillomas causes a constant feeling of moisture in the anus. Burning and itching gradually increase, the skin around the anus becomes inflamed and sore. With large growths, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • pain during bowel movements;
  • specks of blood on underwear caused by damage to papillomas;
  • discomfort when walking;
  • mucous discharge from the anus;
  • bad smell.

The growths formed in the rectum provoke frequent constipation, sensation of a foreign body in the anus, and rare spotting during defecation. Papillomas in the intimate area are regularly injured, so the disease is fraught with infection and serious consequences. The inflammatory process leads to tissue swelling and redness. In advanced cases, suppuration of papillomas is observed, requiring urgent intervention by a specialist. A person complains of acute pain, weakness, his temperature rises.

Diagnosis and treatment

Frequent damage to the papillomas of the anus is dangerous to health, so when growths appear, it is better to consult a proctologist. To make a diagnosis, the doctor must examine the intimate area and interview the patient. Often, a sigmoidoscopy is required to reveal the full picture.

Treatment is prescribed on an individual basis based on the clinical picture of the patient. To suppress the reproduction of papillomavirus, a diverse therapy is required, aimed at:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • tissue healing;
  • removal of inflammation.

Ointments and rectal suppositories are used. Genferon and Viferon have proven themselves well. Immunomodulators for internal use and multivitamin complexes are also prescribed.

The therapy does not eliminate papillomas, but only stops the inflammatory process and relieves pain. To completely remove the growths on the skin around the anus and in the rectum, surgery will be required.

Removal methods

Methods for cleansing the skin and mucous membranes depend on the size of the processes, their shape and location in the intimate area. Common ways are:

In addition to these methods, the doctor may suggest standard surgical removal and burning of papillomas with Podophyllin solution. Before any intervention, a thorough examination is necessary. Tissue healing occurs over several weeks. After surgery, women need to be observed by a gynecologist to prevent the formation of papillomas in the vagina. Men should have additional tests and urethral swabs.

If the growths are disturbing during pregnancy, you need a gentle treatment that does not involve exposure to powerful medications. You can use folk methods or carry out laser removal. The tactics of therapy should be determined only by a specialist.

It is impossible to completely get rid of papillomavirus. The operation removes the external signs of the disease. To prevent them from reappearing, you need to take care of your health and take immunity boosters every six months.


Papillomas on the buttocks and in the anus can be cured with folk remedies. Fighting at home should be in agreement with the doctor, strictly adhering to the rules of personal hygiene and without injuring healthy skin.

With self-treatment of anal papillomas, one must be extremely careful not to introduce an infection that causes suppuration and the rapid growth of neoplasms.

Papillomas in the anus are a very common problem today. Both women and men suffer from it. Due to the fact that the growths in this place are quite intimate, people are in no hurry to seek help. Letting the disease take its course, they exacerbate its course. Neoplasms on the mucosa tend to grow, complicating bowel movements, or degenerate into malignant tumors. What causes growths in the anus, how to identify the disease by the initial symptoms, and what treatment does modern medicine offer?

Features of infection

Anal papillomas occur as a result of infection of the body with papillomavirus. This is an infection that is transmitted from person to person. Its danger lies in the tendency to a high degree of oncogenicity. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection occurs in three ways:

  1. Sexual. During sexual contact, the infection is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through secretory secretions or trauma. The risk zone includes not only classic sex, but also anal and petting.
  2. Contact household. The use of common hygiene products with an infected person is fraught with HPV infection. You can catch the virus by kissing and even shaking hands.
  3. Perinatal - a way of transmitting the virus from mother to child. It is believed that during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal, infection may occur.

If papilloma appears on the rectal mucosa or on the anus, then it is worth talking about the first two options for infection. With almost 100% certainty, it can be argued that the infected person had or periodically has unprotected sex. Lack of hygiene in sexual life is the main factor of the disease.

HPV lives in the body of many people. However, not everyone has the virus goes into the active stage. From the moment of infection to physical manifestation, sometimes it takes from six months to 2-3 years.

Negative factors remove papillomavirus from the stage of suspended animation. These include:

  • environmental situation - harmful emissions, radiation levels, increased gas pollution, excessive solar activity;
  • decreased immunity, hormonal fluctuations, taking hormonal drugs;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially endocrine and skin;
  • bad habits - alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • stressful conditions, lack of sleep, fatigue;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • the use of contraceptives;
  • poor heredity and a tendency to oncology;
  • pregnancy.

Simply put, the virus is activated when its habitual habitat changes. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent infection. Moreover, the human body does not have an HPV antivirus, so infection often occurs again even after treatment.

Manifestations and early symptoms

Papillomas near the anus or on the mucous membrane of the anus are of a benign nature. They are represented by small papillary tubercles that rise above the skin or mucosa. They have a very diverse structure: dense, similar to cauliflower inflorescences, thin needle-like, growing on a leg. The color of the neoplasm depends on its age: earlier growths are colored flesh or pink, old ones have a brown or dark brown tint. Usually the size of the papilloma reaches from 0.5 mm to 1 cm.

Experts classify papillomas of the anus according to their appearance:

  • Pointed. They look like a thin needle or a cock's comb on a leg.
  • Tumor-like. A swollen outgrowth of a round or oval shape. It is quite rare in analyses.
  • Papular. Similar in appearance to common warts. Their distinguishing feature is color. They are painted in dark pink, sometimes burgundy or bloody. They are located on the skin near the anus.
  • Keratotic. Hard growths with dry coarsened top.

Neoplasms can have a single prevalence, massively surround the anus with a ring, or form tubercles.

HPV disease is usually asymptomatic, so people often detect it in themselves already at an advanced stage. The main problem is that a person cannot see neoplasms on the anus on their own. However, focusing on the main symptoms, it is possible to identify the disease at an early stage. It is worth paying attention to:

  • periodic itching in the anus and around it;
  • frequent burning and discomfort after defecation;
  • spotting in the stool;
  • feeling of pain when walking;
  • blood on underwear due to friction of growths;
  • constant humidity and causeless discharge;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the anus;
  • sometimes an increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees.

If one of these symptoms is found, it is worth contacting a specialist for a detailed diagnosis and determination of a treatment regimen.

Please note: the growths in this place are constantly injured and grow rapidly. This is due to infection, the occurrence of inflammation and suppuration, as well as a favorable warm and humid environment. Neoplasms can swell, redden and hurt.

Disease diagnosis and control

To identify the nature of growths, it is worth visiting your doctor. Many do not like to go to see a proctologist, but this is a necessary measure necessary for health.

Diagnostics consists of the following steps:

  1. Visual inspection of the affected area and determination of the nature of the neoplasms that have appeared.
  2. Sigmoidoscopy is an examination of the rectal mucosa using a special microscope to obtain a picture of the disease from the inside. Violations and deviations in the epithelial tissue of the anal passage are determined.
  3. Tissue analyses.

Only after a study, the appropriate treatment is determined on an individual basis. To complete the picture, it is recommended to be examined by a dermatologist, immunologist and surgeon.

All neoplasms that do not pose an oncological threat are removed. This is done in order to avoid their degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Modern treatment of growths provides for two methods: medical and surgical. Drug refers to a conservative type, which is effective only in the early stages of papillomatosis. The technique is aimed at eliminating the virus, increasing the protective functions of the body and strengthening the immune system. Preparations containing interferon, modulators for obtaining a positive immune response, antiviral, chemotherapeutic and hormonal drugs are prescribed. Another purpose of the drug type is to control relapse. Many drugs are used after surgical removal of the neoplasm.

Surgical treatment involves the complete removal of the growth from the surface of the skin or mucosa. Modern methods of getting rid of papillomas in the anal passage include:

  1. Electrocoagulation. The growth is cauterized with high-frequency current to the state of a burn of the 3rd degree. In the process, a stupa is formed on it, which disappears after a while. The procedure uses local anesthesia. Complete healing occurs in 1-2 weeks. The method is used when removing papillomas on the skin near the anus. It is rarely used on mucous membranes.
  2. Cryotherapy. Freezing build-up at extremely low temperatures using liquid nitrogen. It is destroyed by the action of ice crystals. In the anus during cryotherapy, nearby areas of the mucosa are also affected. Because of this, the healing process reaches 3-4 weeks. A scar and a scar remain at the site of removal.
  3. Laser vaporization. Modern and most popular treatment. The neoplasm is "evaporated" from the skin and mucous membranes with a high-tech laser. It does not cause pain and subsequent relapse.
  4. Surgical excision. The neoplasm with adjacent tissues is excised from the surface of the skin with a scalpel. On the mucosa, this method does not work. The procedure is quite "bloody", so healing occurs in 4-5 weeks.
  5. Chemical impact. For removal, the drug Podophyllin is used. It is applied to the growth with a special spatula and left. Destruction occurs at the cellular level. The disadvantage of the method is the negative impact on healthy cells.

After removal of the neoplasm, it is necessary to conduct a biopsy of the material. This is the only way to determine the exact nature of papilloma and exclude oncology.

Monitor your health constantly! After all, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

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Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.