Nutritional value of corn. Caloric content Yellow corn, dry grain. Chemical composition and nutritional value Corn carbohydrates

Corn is one of the oldest crops on our planet. It is known that people began to use corn as early as the 5th millennium BC. However, despite this, scientists still continue to argue about its origin, because no wild ancestors of corn have been found. Some consider it a divine gift, others - a gift from alien civilizations.

For a long time, corn was known only on the American continent, but after the travels of Columbus, it also gained popularity in Europe. In Russia, the "corn boom" occurred during the reign of N.S. Khrushchev. Today, corn is one of the most popular foods that both adults and children enjoy eating.

The amazing beneficial properties of corn, despite the high calorie content, made it an important component.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of corn

Nutritional value of 100 g:

  • Calories: 325 kcal
  • Proteins: 10.3 gr
  • Fats: 4.9 gr
  • Carbohydrates: 60 gr
  • Dietary fiber: 9.6 gr
  • Water: 14 gr
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 1.6 g
  • Starch: 58.2 gr
  • Ash: 1.2 gr
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.6 g
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: 3.46 g


  • Calcium: 34 mg
  • Magnesium: 104 mg
  • Sodium: 27 mg
  • Potassium: 340 mg
  • Phosphorus: 301 mg
  • Chlorine: 54 mg
  • Sulfur: 114 mg


  • Vitamin PP: 2.1 mg
  • Beta-carotene: 0.32 mg
  • Vitamin A (RE): 53 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.38 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.14 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic): 0.6 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.48 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folic): 26 mcg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 1.3 mg
  • Vitamin H (biotin): 21 mcg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 3.2 mg
  • Choline: 71 mg

Trace elements:

  • Iron: 3.7 mg
  • Zinc: 1.73 mg
  • Iodine: 5.2 mcg
  • Copper: 290 mcg
  • Manganese: 1.09 mg
  • Selenium: 30 mcg
  • Chromium: 8 mcg
  • Fluoride: 64 mcg
  • Molybdenum: 28.4 mcg
  • Boron: 270 mcg
  • Vanadium: 93 mcg
  • Silicon: 60 mg
  • Cobalt: 5.3 mcg
  • Aluminum: 440 mcg
  • Nickel: 83.8 mcg
  • Tin: 28.9 mcg
  • Titanium: 27.9 mcg

Corn differs from other cereals in that it has a well-balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Thanks to this, the benefits of corn increase several times.

The benefits of corn

Corn is a storehouse of nutrients, so its beneficial effect on the human body is simply incredible. Corn is a good catalyst for excretory processes. Regular consumption of corn helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent.

Corn actively affects the metabolic processes of the body and that determines its dietary properties. Corn carbohydrates are effective neurostabilizers, so it is recommended for people suffering from epilepsy and other diseases of the central nervous system. Glutamic acid helps to increase brain activity.

Another useful property of corn is its ability to lower blood levels. It also promotes the growth of muscle tissue.

There is evidence that corn pectins have an antitumor effect.

Like most foods, in large doses, the harm to the human body from corn can be significant. Corn is contraindicated for stomach ulcers and high blood clotting, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.

If you have no contraindications, then you can use corn in any form, but in small quantities. At the same time, it is recommended to eat only boiled corn, since raw corn is poorly absorbed, which can cause feelings of heaviness in the stomach and bloating. Children are recommended to give corn from 2 years. Pregnant women can consume the product only in small quantities.

The use of corn folk medicine

In folk medicine, extract and infusion of corn stigmas are widely used. They are effective tools for

The old word "maize", which is easy to find in history books as a kind of overseas delicacy, this is modern sweet corn. Sweet corn is a cultural representative of the cereal family. This plant is grown to produce oblong cobs with yellow or light gray grains that are edible.

In the past, it was a delicacy that was brought "from across the sea." And this is no coincidence, because it includes:

  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fiber and more.

Due to its wealth of important chemical compounds and their properties, this cereal is one of the healthiest grains on Earth after wheat and rice. However, all the richness of its useful properties is contained in its raw form. When corn is processed - candied, boiled and preserved, it loses even more than half of its vitamins and minerals. But this minimal harm which preservation can cause to the product. Instead, it has a longer shelf life and can be delivered to almost any store counter.

Calorie value in sweet canned corn

Often the question of the calorie content of foods, the harm and the benefits is important, and corn is no exception. So, how many calories does this cereal contain? Is it useful for those who protect their figure?

The calorie content of this sweet canned product is 119 kcal per 100 grams. This indicator is significantly increased by the presence of sugar content. If you eat raw grains, then the calorie content will be less due to the absence of additional substances in it that add calories to the product. Canned corn, the calorie content of which has quite acceptable limits for weight loss, can be recommended as one of the dishes for various kinds of diets. At the same time, the nutritional value of this product only increases, and reviews about the product have the most positive connotation.

The composition of sweet canned corn and its beneficial properties

Composition of sweet corn

The composition of this product includes many useful substances.

Especially stand out:

  • carbohydrates;
  • fiber;
  • vitamins of their groups B and E;
  • proteins;
  • minerals, among which are especially distinguished: zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K); phosphorus (P); iron (Fe) and so on.

Beneficial features

Corn is not only delicious, it also has many health benefits. Thanks to its nutritional value, you can adjust your diet, its effectiveness and not worry about the “harm and benefit” ratio: the product will not bring any harmful effects.

Corn is full of such an important element for overall health as magnesium. Its content in this product is higher compared to all other elements. It will be very useful for various ailments and diseases. In addition, magnesium contributes not only to healing, but also to the rejuvenation of the body. It slows down aging, gives energy to cells, restores lost youth at the cellular level.

In addition, this product increases stress resistance. This ability to restore the nervous system is explained by the rich content of B vitamins. The content of vitamin B1 in sweet corn is especially abundant. He oversees the stable functioning of the nervous system, muscles, heart contractions, and he is also responsible for the production of red blood cells. Just 150 g of these canned grains - and you get almost a quarter of the daily requirement for an adult vitamin B1.

Sweet corn contains the most important and first antioxidant in the human body - vitamin E group. It is a preventive and therapeutic element in relation to sclerosis. A daily menu containing this product will help eliminate or reduce the possibility of heart disease and cancer. At the same time, carbohydrates, which are also rich in sweet corn, allow you to saturate the body with energy and at the same time protect against excessive body fat.

This cereal also acts as a blood sugar stabilizer. This product is able to saturate nerve cells with protective power. It also acts as a therapeutic element in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system. It is included in the mandatory composition of the diet of patients with poliomyelitis and epilepsy.

Corn can stop the progression of muscular dystrophy. In addition, by eating this cereal crop, painful symptoms can be relieved in patients with diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Such acids, glutamine and phytin, which are part of corn, will be the first helpers with mental overstrain, chronic fatigue and exhaustion of the body, and anemia.

Sweet corn can be safely given for poisoning and for vomiting and nausea during periods of both illness and recovery. Corn will help eliminate unwanted symptoms after eating a rich fatty meal. Favorably, it affects the body and at the time of a hangover. In business weight loss corn - the first assistant. She can eat, and get enough, and avoid excess body fat.

Sweet canned corn in cooking

Today, corn is sweet due to the great benefits it brings to the human body, and due to its good taste. widely used in the preparation of various dishes:

  • salads,
  • soups,
  • rolls and so on

Sometimes this product is used as independent dish or garnish.

Few people know, but due to its benefits and taste, it is used in the manufacture of sauces, they are part of ketchups and other seasonings.

The preparation of soups, casseroles, pies and desserts is also often not complete without this product.

There is even corn flour, which makes excellent bread, pies and other pastries.

The preparation of many national dishes is impossible without the participation of corn. Recipes for many dishes have come down to us. In particular, we know that the ancient Aztecs used corn to make tortillas- unleavened, but very tasty cakes. In some specialized restaurants, you can not only taste them, but also bring a lot of useful and nutritious elements to your body. , reviews of which practically do not have any negative connotations, it deserves the attention that consumers give it.

This solar cereal was once assigned the most important state role. It was entrusted with the mission - to catch up and overtake America. Why exactly did she receive this honor, what benefits or harm does canned and boiled corn bring, how many calories (kcal) are in her cob or head? Too many secrets and questions have gathered around her, so isn't it time for us to find out what kind of "beast" this is and why its popularity is increasing day by day.

corn story

Corn is one of the oldest plants on earth. These slender giants, reaching a height of up to 3-6 meters, have a 12,000-year history, and the ancient Mexican tribes were the first to cultivate it.

Since then, maize has played a crucial role in the development and formation of America, because it was this cereal that became the progenitor of Indian agriculture, thanks to which such legendary tribes as the Mayans and Aztecs were able to survive for many hundreds and even millennia. These ancient civilizations even elevated corn to a cult, worshiping it and considering it their patroness.

By the 15th century, thanks in large part to Columbus' irrepressible craving for travel, corn seeds conquered Europe, and from there maize began its triumphant march along the Mediterranean coastline. In general, the birthday of "popcorn" is considered to be January 22, 1630, when a whole bag of puffed corn from the great leader Kvodekvin was presented to the colonists with all honors.

On the territory of Russia, maize was marked by its presence already in the 17th century, but it was only actively cultivated since the times of the USSR, when Nikita Khrushchev set out to compete with the United States at all costs and become a leader in matters of corn world domination. It was then that corn was appreciated by our compatriots, and now it is difficult to imagine our life and diet without these hairy cobs and sweet yellow grains.

Nutritional, energy value, calories per 100 grams

The taste of maize has been appreciated by the inhabitants of almost the entire earth, at least in canned form and as an edible entertainment in cinemas - this cereal has become incredibly popular in all corners of the planet. In America alone, the average Yankee eats up to 65 liters of popcorn a year.

However, love is love, but you also need to think about health. And first of all, corn gourmets are concerned about the nutritional value of the object of their desire.

The calorie content of fresh corn on the cob is far from modest and is about 320 kcal per 100 g of product, where proteins account for up to 4%, carbohydrates - up to 23%, fats - 3.5%, fiber -2.5%.

But this is not so much its disadvantage, but rather its advantage, because the presence in corn of a huge amount of the right carbohydrates necessary for nourishing nerve cells, protein, instant sugars and dietary fiber in the company with starch, this impressive energy value is more than compensated.

In addition, it has been scientifically established that this solar cereal has an incredibly high biological activity, which directly indicates the amazing ease of its absorption by the body.

By allocating a place for maize in the daily diet, we will be able to activate the metabolic processes in the body, which will raise vitality, have a beneficial effect on the general condition and strengthen the defenses. Regardless of the impressive calorie content, corn can and should even be included in the diet menu, as it can reduce appetite and quickly saturate.

We mainly eat cereals that have undergone heat treatment, where the picture of energy value is not so “caloric” and frightening:

Boiled corn:

  • Calorie content - 123 kcal:
  • Proteins - 4 g
  • Fats - 2.5 g
  • Carbohydrates - 22.2 g

Canned corn:

  • Calorie content - 115 kcal:
  • Proteins - 3.8 g
  • Fats - 1.2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 22 g

Useful and medicinal properties

The benefits of young milk corn on the cob are truly limitless, but canned yellow grains of sugar did not go beyond the healing glory. This crop occupies an honorable third place in the list of the most important cereals, only behind wheat and rice.

And all thanks to the most valuable composition of these grains, which is incredibly rich in mono- and disaccharides, fatty acids, ash and starch. And what kind of vitamins were not noted for their presence in corn: folic and ascorbic acid, tocopherol, B1, B2, B5, niacin and choline.

Corn can be safely given the champion title in iron content Fe, because there are as many as 3700 mcg of it in these yellow heads. Minerals are also present: Zn, Mn, K, P, Cu, Mg, F, Ca, Na, I, Co.

Thanks to such an excellent vitamin and mineral composition, corn is a truly universal healer, because in its arsenal there is a whole range of beneficial effects that it can have on our body. One of the effects of maize is a sedative or anti-stress effect, which has a great effect on loose nerves and the nervous system as a whole, as well as on cardiac activity and the production of red blood cells. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

So what else is young boiled corn on the cob good for?

It is able to deal with the pathologies of the liver, the cardiovascular system, digestive problems, in particular constipation, and also alleviate gouty attacks with a bang. But it is worth remembering that the greatest amount of usefulness is stored in a steamed product.

Corn stigmas they also know something, for example, they are assigned the role of bile formation, excellent blood-creators and regulators of the optimal level of bilirubin. Therefore, their use is so indicated for hepatitis, cholecystitis, nephrolithiasis. In addition, they will quickly and effectively get rid of puffiness, gynecological diseases, stop the blood and stimulate urination.

Corn oil- this is an excellent prophylactic against obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus.

In general, maize can be trusted with our body. It will gently but intensively cleanse it of toxic accumulations, restore normal cholesterol levels and relieve muscle failure.

* Interesting from Povarenka
The usefulness of corn lies not only in its excellent composition and beneficial effects on the human body. Elements of this plant are used to extract rubber, soap, drugs, synthetic compounds, dyes and explosives.


Why is corn bad? There is no doubt that there is a lot of usefulness in corn, however, this healing product also has some contraindications.

For example, for those who suffer from thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and have an increased coagulative function of the blood, this cereal is strictly prohibited. Also, do not lean on popcorn for people prone to anorexia and suffering from an appetite disorder.

In the middle of summer, the southern regions of our country begin to abound with a fresh harvest of maize. And how you want to enjoy boiled milk sweet corn. However, how great our disappointment can be if we approach the purchase of cobs "sleevelessly" and end up with something inedible.

The right approach to choosing this product can serve as a guarantee of quality, taste and excellent pleasure, so today we will analyze in as much detail as possible all the subtleties and nuances that should accompany a quality product:

  • A good cob should have a dense and fresh green “coat”, that is, the leaves should serve as a strong wrapper for the corn head.
  • In mature milk maize, the grains have a pale yellow color. A white hue can signal insufficient ripeness of the cob, and dark yellow, hard grains clearly indicate its overripeness, and even with long-term cooking of such an instance, one should not even dream of a delicious delicacy.
  • Black spots and "bald patches" on the cob can mean one thing, some people have already enjoyed this corn before you, it could be caterpillars, slugs or banal mice.

Buying canned corn

Often we still buy canned products in the store, using them for salads, snacks, pizzas, and so on. But what a shame it is when, after opening the jar, instead of sweet juicy grains, a far from pleasant surprise awaits us. When buying canned food, you also need to have some knowledge.

  1. The first thing to focus on when buying canned food is the date of manufacture. This is necessary not so much in order to verify the suitability of this product, but this information will tell you about the quality of the grains used in spinning.
    If the tin was rolled up in the winter-spring period, then it is better not to take such a product, since the corn for its manufacture was not taken fresh, after all, it was not the season. But summer and autumn jars will contain good maize, harvested at the very peak of the harvest.
  2. Modern technologies use indelible paints to mark the date, which are applied to the lids or bottoms of cans.
    The same tins, on which the day, month and year are imprinted, may indicate that Soviet equipment is still used in production, which can cause the development of packaging corrosion.

But if the manufacturer writes the date on a paper label, then this is a wake-up call, because it is much easier to replace a piece of paper than damaged products.

  1. If you are tormented by the choice of containers - glass or tin, then it is better to give preference to the first option, since in such a package we can examine the products from all sides and evaluate the quality of the marinade (ideally, it should have a slightly cloudy milky shade without sediment). In addition, the product is stored in glass for up to three years, while in metal it is only 24 months.
  2. Try to choose products made according to GOST standard, so you are guaranteed to get a quality product. It is also worth paying attention to the composition, because in ideal canned food you will not find anything but corn, water, salt and sugar.

And so we made a successful raid on a vegetable shop and now we are the happy owners of 20-30 kilograms of first-class corn on the cob.

It is simply not realistic to use such a volume of yellow cereals at a time, and now we must somehow save our “catch” from certain and speedy “death”. To do this, we need to know, firstly, how long corn is stored, and secondly, how to store it correctly?

We offer some valuable tips that will allow you to enjoy a healthy and tasty cereal for a long time.

  • The first method provides for a short preservation, from three to ten days in a refrigerator. But before that, we have to prepare the cobs by removing the husk from them, removing the fibers and identifying the corn in the fastening bags, which we send to the refrigerator.
  • Another option for storing corn in the refrigerator will help us delay the spoilage date of the grains by 3 weeks. To do this, soak the cobs for 20 minutes in water with ice, salt and lemon juice, and then separate the seeds from the stalk and pack them tightly in plastic bags.
  • In order for the life of maize to be long and happy, it is necessary to remove the stigma from the open and uncut cobs, after which the corn is woven into “braids” and hung out to dry in a through, dry and cool room. You can also hang the cobs individually.
  • You can save boiled corn both canned and frozen. In the first case, the cobs are boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and the seeds are separated from them. After that, the grains are placed in sterile jars, and poured with salted boiling water. Such canned food should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.
  • You can also store corn on the cob and grains in the freezer. However, before that, you need to thoroughly clean the heads of fibers and leaves, remove the spoiled seeds and cut off the upper tip. Next, the yellow “bombs” are dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes, after which they are immediately dipped in ice water. After that, the blanks are dried, packed in bags and sent to the freezer.
  • If you intend to freeze only the grains, then after drying, separate them from the stalk, fill them with a plastic bag and store them in the freezer. The shelf life of such corn should not exceed 1.5 years.

Undoubtedly, in canned or boiled, sweet and dairy corn there is great benefit and minimal harm, great taste and a wide range of its use, and it is for such wonderful qualities that we appreciate this oldest cereal that saved ancient civilizations from hunger and still serves humanity by faith. and true.

Corn belongs to the cereal family, and corn on the cob belongs to the female inflorescences. The Indians of the American continent call this plant "maize", but the meaning of its value does not change - sweet corn grains of milky-wax ripeness are a valuable food product and surpass many vegetable crops.

Nutritional value and calorie content of corn

The low calorie content of corn allows it to be used in dietary nutrition. Yes, and corn porridge is useful for babies - since this cereal does not contain gluten, it is quite possible to introduce it into the diet of a child up to a year old. So, what is the nutritional value of corn kernels?

It should be noted that the composition of proteins / fats / carbohydrates, as well as the calorie content of this product, directly depends on the method of preparation and variety. We will consider the usual sweet yellow corn boiled in water.

Corn grain protein contains almost all essential amino acids for the body. Corn kernels contain a small amount of fiber - only 2.7 g per 100 g of grain, so they are remarkably absorbed by the body.

The chemical composition of corn

Of the vitamins in the grain, you can find B1, B2, E, carotene (in grains with a red color). Also, corn is rich in salts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, in a smaller amount - iron and calcium. But first things first.

Let's start with the vitamins in corn:

Like all cereals, corn is rich in B vitamins involved in all metabolic processes. In addition, it is this vitamin group that helps women look younger and healthier: skin color, hair and nails improve.

What minerals are in corn:

When milk, cheese or other dairy products are added to corn dishes, its value increases, since dairy products enrich it with amino acids - lysine, tryptophan and methionine, bringing the protein value of these dishes closer to meat and improving their mineral composition.

Corn dishes are useful not only for healthy people, but also for those who need proper dietary nutrition, as sweet corn regulates digestion. Corn porridge is useful for intestinal diseases, but in a pureed form.

Recently, on the shelves you can see very young small cobs of corn, which are added to salads and vinaigrettes, and also used as a side dish.

Interesting facts about the golden beauty

This cereal contains a lot of carbohydrates, fiber, protein, a large amount of B vitamins, vitamin E, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc. Magnesium, which is found in large quantities in corn, perfectly compensates for the deficiency of this element during diseases associated with aging.

Fact 1 - Corn in the fight against stress

The antioxidant vitamin E fights against premature aging and the formation of cancer cells. The carbohydrates in corn provide our body with energy without causing weight gain.

Fact 2 - Corn is over 7,000 years old!

Corn was the main food of the Mayan, Inca and Aztec tribes, who called this cereal grain maize. It is believed that Central America is the birthplace of corn, where it was grown 7 thousand years ago.

According to legend, the sun god sent a golden rain of corn to Earth to feed people. and Columbus brought this golden beauty to Europe as a curiosity of the New World. At first this cereal was called "Indian wheat". In the 16th century, the French and Italians began to grow it. Thanks to the Spaniards and the Portuguese, corn came to Africa.

At first, corn was not very popular, only the flour made from it was valued. Only in the 19th century did corn become widespread.

Fact 3 - Corn is not only food

The Indians used corn for more than just food. This culture was held in high esteem by them, they made jewelry, alcoholic beverages and oil from grain. The leaves were used to fill mattresses, make dolls and moccasins.

Corn was also used in the construction of huts. Smoking pipes were made from cobs.

What are the benefits of corn

Corn is especially useful for urban residents who get tired quickly, are constantly nervous and eat poorly. Magnesium and potassium will give a good work of the heart and muscles, phosphorus and calcium will take care of healthy sleep and strong bones, iron will maintain hemoglobin levels, and zinc will give healthy nails, hair and eyes.

The elderly also need to eat corn - the queen of the fields will support the work of the joints, visual apparatus and digestive organs, normalize sleep and reduce swelling

After stormy feasts, corn porridge will be an ideal option, which normalizes digestion and stops fermentation processes.

Diabetics also do not hurt to include cereals and corn salads in their diet - it helps to normalize sugar levels.

For women's health, corn is especially valuable: its beneficial properties alleviate the condition with painful menstruation and menopause, and if you regularly eat maize during pregnancy, this will significantly reduce swelling.

The use of corn in traditional medicine

The use of corn in folk medicine is quite extensive. This is explained by the fact that the chemical composition of corn is rich in vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber and fiber. No wonder the ancient Indians used corn for treatment.

Glaucoma treatment

To prepare the infusion, grind the corn stigmas, then take 15 grams of such raw materials and pour one glass of boiling water. After that, let it brew for 40 minutes and strain. After the infusion has cooled, it can be applied. For effective treatment, such an infusion must be applied 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon, without drinking any liquid.

obesity treatment

Since corn reduces overall appetite levels, it can help those people who are obese. To prepare the tincture, you need to grind the stigmas, then put about 20 grams in a large cup and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water. Let this tincture brew for about one hour, and then take 1 tablespoon no more than 5 times a day.

Getting rid of pancreatitis

To treat a disease such as pancreatitis, a decoction of corn fruits should be prepared. Preparing such a decoction is very simple: you need to take corn during the period of milky-wax ripeness, preferably white varieties, then they must be cooked together with wrappers and stigmas until soft. Then cool the broth and take 3 times a day, one glass.

Treatment of diabetes

It is necessary to mix 2 tablespoons of cornmeal with 1 tablespoon of crushed and dried rose hips. You should also add 1 tablespoon of blueberry leaves and 1 tablespoon of immortelle flowers. Next, this mixture should be poured with 2 cups of boiling water and held for several minutes over low heat. After that, everything should be insisted for about an hour and can be applied. It is necessary to take 15 minutes after eating a third of a glass 3 times a day. Treatment is carried out according to the scheme: take 3 weeks, then 3 weeks off.

Treatment of urolithiasis

One tablespoon of cornmeal should be poured with one glass of boiling water in the evening, and then thoroughly mixed. After this, it is necessary to let it brew all night, and strain in the morning. This infusion should be taken 3 times a day before meals, 2 tablespoons.

What is made from corn?

In many industries, corn is simply irreplaceable - the green parts of the plant and grain are used for compound feed, dry stems are used for paper and linoleum, building materials. Starch is used in the finishing of leather, in the manufacture of fibers, medicines and even explosives. Corn oil is the raw material for soaps, expensive paints and even rubber substitutes.

But for ordinary people, the most important thing is what is made from corn for culinary purposes. Several staples are popular on our tables today:

  • boiled corn;
  • canned corn;
  • food starch; 0

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

For the manufacture of a canned product, sugar varieties are used, which has a natural sweetish taste. Canned, as a rule, yellow corn, exotic black or red grains are less common. Canned sweet corn loses some of its beneficial properties during heating, so it is preferable to use fresh or frozen corn.

Canned sweet corn is found in glass and tin packages, has an elastic texture, pleasant aroma and delicate sweet taste of real corn.

Canned sweet corn calories

The calorie content of sweet canned corn is, on average, 58 kcal per 100 grams of product. But depending on the manufacturer, there is a calorie content above 100 kcal.

The composition and useful properties of canned sweet corn

Canned sweet corn has antioxidant properties, helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and eliminate toxins, improves blood clotting and normalizes sugar levels, and prevents the development of sclerosis. The product helps to increase mental activity during periods of high stress, improves immunity, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Those who are diagnosed with thrombosis, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer should not get carried away with canned corn. Canned corn loses almost all vitamins and minerals, contains salt and sugar, increases appetite due to high GI.

Selecting and Storing Sweet Canned Corn

In a glass jar, the size and color of the grains are visible (medium-sized and bright yellow corn is the most useful, too pale or dark colors are not recommended), brine, which may be slightly cloudy. In a tin, the product is not visible, but such corn heats up less during pasteurization, since the metal heats up faster, which reduces the heating time and retains more useful properties. When buying, you should pay attention to the production date, a product made in July-August will be from the most ripe corn, not dried out or frozen.

Store canned corn in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight during the expiration date printed on the package. After opening the jar, you need to place the remaining corn in the refrigerator, store for no more than two days, transfer it from a tin can to glass or ceramics.

canned corn in cooking

Canned sweet corn is an excellent independent side dish, which is served both cold and warm. Corn is used to make soups, salads, various appetizers, Latin American and Indian dishes, it is added to casseroles, pancake dough and bread. Corn goes well with just about anything, raw or baked, and is an ingredient in many stews. Fresh spicy, and perfectly set off the sweet taste of canned corn.

See more about canned corn in the video clip “Real food. How best to eat corn" TV show "Live Healthy".

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