Why is everything else nothing to people. Why is everything for some and nothing for others? A high level of intelligence does not guarantee success in life

It would be logical to assume that marriage is the lot of the most beautiful, the youngest, the most slender, with the best character, but life in general rarely lends itself to the rules of logic. Those who marry with a frequency of once every few years, with each new "married" are by no means younger, but for some reason this does not interfere with them. And smart-beauties in the registry office were not called, they are not called.

And this mystery torments millions of people (mostly women) all over the world. What prevents you personally to replenish the marriage statistics? Most likely, one of the most typical stories is happening to you.

“I would leave the family, but…”

Suppose you are dating a married man. Of course, he “loves” you (well, how else), he says, be patient, and it’s been like this for 15 years. After all, he has children and a wife “near death” (but still won’t die).

It's time to honestly admit to yourself: this is a waste of time. There is no smell of marriage here. No, sometimes there are wins in this lottery. There are stories when a woman meets a married man, he divorces his wife and marries her, and they live "happily ever after." But the probability of winning here is about the same as in Sportloto.

Exit the cinema at last and return to the ground. In real life, the ratio of those who have been fooled for years and those who are married is about a hundred to one. We are sure that you will become the owner of the coveted prize - the flag is in your hands. And yet remember: they sell meat in the meat department, and fish in the fish department. If you want meat, you don't have to stand behind fish, if you want to get married, date single people.

Prince for an hour

Another scenario: you met “the one” (bachelor), fell in love with him with all your heart. And to put it mildly, a serious relationship did not give up to him. Sex once or twice a week more than suits him. Well, the movies can still sometimes take you out or feed you at McDonald's.

And you are in despair: he does not introduce you to his parents, nor to his friends. Why? But who knows - maybe he is shy, or maybe he does not want to complicate his life. And he definitely doesn't want to get married. At least for you.

Of course, if sex with him is the best thing that happened in your life, it's up to you. But keep in mind: this is not the groom.

Remember: everyone goes to discos and nightclubs to “marry”, but only for one night. And in the morning plans change dramatically.

And he has 5 reasons for this

Suppose you finally met a normal person, and everything is fine with you. But he does not invite you to live together.
You meet, meet, meet... and one day you say:
- Listen, why don't we still live together?
- I'm not ready yet.

Variants of this “I’m not ready” can be different: I don’t have my own housing, the apartment is being renovated, “Well, I won’t bring you to a rented house”, “I live with my mother” (with dad, grandmother, dog and a very restless fish in the aquarium) . Or like this: “I live with my mother, grandmother, dog, cat and younger brother, and the fish also brought my husband.”

And our men, mind you, in principle, do not run a race, who will run up to responsibility faster. It's not their thing at all! They will pull to the last. And those women who behave like victims, agree to all conditions for the sake of the ghostly “someday we will definitely get married”, doom themselves to eternal uncertainty and lack of prospects.

The partner of such a woman is incredibly inventive in terms of excuses: “we have no money”, “now is not the time”, “better later”. It is clear that the bride will remain a bride: the psychology of the victim dictates to her that "it will do," "you can endure."

Marriage as a fixed idea

For many women, and especially young girls, marriage is a fetish. Because my friend is already married. Because the bobblehead is on the hood. Because the veil. Because this is such a holiday that "should be."

But the fact is that after the holiday, family everyday life begins. A woman with a difficult fate and a man with a difficult character make these everyday life harsh. The registry office, baby doll and veil are safely forgotten - long live continuous scandals, conflicts, showdown, hard life, lack of money, endless part-time jobs, rented apartments and so on.

Some naively believe that after two or three “training” marriages, the next marriage will go like clockwork. But no.

It happens, of course, that the second marriage turns out to be better than the first, but more often an unsuccessful experience leaves its mark, and one has to live with it, internally expecting a repetition of failures. As if staying alert all the time.

Do you need it?

If not, do your best to get that obsession out of your mind. Take care of yourself, love yourself at last - and there, be sure, the same one, on a white horse, will appear.

And you yourself decide whether you want to go somewhere with him under the march of Mendelssohn or not.

All the topics covered by the book "Geniuses and Outsiders" are connected by one main idea: we reduce the reasons for people solely to their personal qualities, losing sight of many not so obvious, but no less significant factors. This is a rather unusual view of success, different from what is promoted by popular books on self-development and motivation, the main message of which can be reduced to the phrase: “Believe in yourself, try, never give up, and you will succeed.”

So, let's analyze the key ideas of the book "Geniuses and Outsiders".

1. You can not explain someone's success only by personal merits. Opportunity and luck play an equally important role.

By explaining the success of a person solely by his own merits, we discount people whom we consider unpromising. And it's like thinking that the tallest oak in the forest became so only because it grew out of the most enduring acorn, without taking into account other equally significant factors:

  • that this acorn had to fall into a fertile place,
  • that other trees did not hide the sun from him,
  • and the fact that neither woodcutters nor animals reached him.

The great importance of favorable opportunities is confirmed by the analysis of the birthdays of Canadian hockey players. By chance, it was found that most of them, including members of the national league, were born in January, February and March, and the smallest at the end of the year.

This phenomenon was not connected with mysticism or astrology. The explanation was simple. The matter is that in Canada selection in age hockey groups comes to an end on January, 1st. The child will fall into the group for nine-year-olds, even if he turns ten on January 2. And he will play in the same band with a child who will celebrate his tenth birthday in December. And at this age, a difference of 12 months means a noticeable difference in fitness, which, accordingly, provides significant advantages for children born at the beginning of the year.

Bigger and stronger kids get on teams with better coaches, they have to train more and play more games, and as a result they become great hockey players.

However, most people are convinced that success is due solely to personal merit, and therefore, no one wants to try to look at those who were considered insufficiently capable.

2. It takes 10,000 hours of practice to become a pro, which is the equivalent of 3 hours of practice a day for 10 years

Louis Smith/Unsplash.com

The book Geniuses and Outsiders popularized a study conducted in the early 1990s by psychologist Anders Ericsson at the Academy of Music in Berlin. This study found that the best students in the academy exercised more than others:

  • by the age of nine - six hours a week,
  • to twelve - eight o'clock,
  • to fourteen - sixteen ...

And so on until the age of 20, when they began to study more than 30 hours a week. Thus, by the age of 20, the best students had a total of up to 10,000 hours of classes. Average students had 8,000 hours, while slow students had 4,000.

Then Erickson and his colleagues found a similar pattern between professional pianists, who each had 10,000 hours of practice by age 20, and amateur pianists who never practiced more than three hours a week.

Erickson's research is also interesting in that he was not able to find a single person who has reached, who would not make serious efforts and exercise less than their peers. On the other hand, there were no those who, working hard with all their might, did not get ahead.

Based on other studies of professional competence, scientists have deduced the number of hours leading to mastery in any field (music, sports, programming, and so on).

It takes 10,000 hours to become a master, which is equivalent to about three hours of practice a day or 20 hours a week for 10 years.

However, it is important to note that in order to earn such a number of hours, young people need the support of the environment, participation in special programs, or some kind of happy coincidence that would allow them to fully devote themselves to learning.

3. A high level of intelligence does not guarantee success in life.

In the 1920s, Stanford University psychology professor Lewis Therman began a study of the life paths of about 1,500 children with outstanding intellectual abilities, which he measured using Alfred Binet's modified tests. The IQ of each of the selected children ranged from 140 to 200. Theremin tracked the life path of his wards and documented all significant events in their lives. With his research, he wanted to prove that IQ plays a major role in a person's success.

Despite the fact that some of his geniuses have achieved some success in business, science, jurisprudence, few have become a figure of a national scale.

Some had a decent income, but not fabulous profits, and some could even be called losers. None of the carefully selected geeks won the Nobel Prize. Conversely, William Shockley and Luis Alvarez, whom Terman's colleagues did not include in the sample, considering them insufficiently intelligent, became these laureates.

It turns out that to achieve success, it is enough to have a high, but not phenomenal IQ, equal to about 120 points, and all subsequent points do not bring much advantage. A favorable environment in which a person must grow and develop also plays a huge role.

4. Practical intelligence is more important than IQ

Toa Heftiba/Unsplash.com

But what separates successful people from unsuccessful people if they have the same IQ? It's about the so-called practical intelligence - understanding what, when and to whom to say, and knowing how to use these words to achieve maximum results. Such household ingenuity should be formed under external influence. First of all - under the influence of the family.

As an illustration of the importance of the role of practical intelligence in achieving success, Malcolm Gladwell contrasts the stories of two people: the famous physicist Robert Oppenheimer, under whose leadership the atomic bomb was created, and one of the smartest people on Earth - Chris Langan, whose IQ ranges from 195-210 .

The environment in which Robert Oppenheimer grew up, the son of an artist and a successful entrepreneur, contributed to the development of the ability to build relationships, negotiate with other people and resolve difficult situations. There is a unique case when Robert Oppenheimer did not receive a serious punishment for trying to poison (!) his university teacher. The university administration gave him a probationary period and sent him to a psychiatrist for treatment. And even the presence of such a fact in his biography did not prevent Oppenheimer from becoming the head of the most important military project to develop the atomic bomb.

On the contrary, the life story of a smart man like Chris Langan shows that intelligence without the necessary social skills will not help to achieve success. Chris grew up in a poor family with many children and was often attacked by his drunken stepfather. He was deprived of attention and care, and from childhood life taught him to keep his distance and be independent. Despite the fact that in many subjects he understood better than his teachers, he could not establish contact with any of them. And this led to the fact that he had to leave the university and work in low-paying jobs. When Gladwell wrote the book, Chris Langan was living on a farm doing his own research. His work has hardly been published.

5. The culture we belong to determines our behavior in many ways.

Culture can have a huge impact on the destinies of people: lead to a misunderstanding of each other or give certain advantages.

Of great interest is the power distance index. It shows how this or that culture relates to the hierarchy, to what extent people agree with unequal vesting of power, whether members of society respect the elderly, whether those in power have special privileges.

Countries with a high power distance index include, for example, India, China, Russia, France, Korea, and Brazil. To countries with low - Germany, Great Britain, Portugal, Australia.

Also, cultures differ in the level of isolation on the scale "collectivism - individualism". The United States occupies an extreme position on the side of individualism. Not surprisingly, the United States is the only industrialized country in the world without a universal healthcare system.

Cultural heritage also shows up in unexpected areas such as mathematical ability.

Roman Mager/Unsplash.com

Why do representatives of Asian countries often outperform others in mathematical tests? According to Malcolm Gladwell, the explanation is simple. The logic of Asian languages ​​and the easier, compared to other languages, way of notating numbers initially contribute to better learning to count for Asian children.

All these seemingly insignificant factors influence our perception, behavior and ways of interaction. They can both give us advantages and deprive us of the opportunities available in other cultures.

However, as Malcolm Gladwell points out, culture is not a prison from which one cannot escape. As experiments show, a person is able to try on new behaviors and change his personality, which frees him from a fatalistic outlook on life. But before deciding where to go, we need to realize where we came from.

Final comments

The book "Geniuses and outsiders" became a bestseller immediately after the release. And well deserved. Malcolm Gladwell is a talented journalist, he presents his theory not dryly and abstractly, but through stories, each of which is interesting in its own way.

On the one hand, the book offers a somewhat pessimistic view of the nature of success. But on the other hand, its conclusions can be used in practice:

  1. Do 10,000 hours of what you want to be good at.
  2. Do not get upset because of not the highest results of the IQ test.
  3. Develop practical intelligence in yourself and in your children.
  4. Understand your weaknesses and peculiarities of the cultural environment.

The book will definitely provide useful food for thought, and unfolding ideas through interesting stories will make it an exciting read.

I read the book by Malcolm Gladwell "Geniuses and outsiders. Why is everything for some and nothing for others? The book has absorbed a lot of ideas and living examples that make you look at ordinary things from an unusual angle. On a lot of different things. Let's talk about them.

About the reasons

The only source of power is the ability to see the cause. And so you came to me, not seeing the reason, not having the power.

First, this book is about causes. Opaque at first glance and non-obvious reasons for various events. This book shows how true the idea of ​​hurricanes, starting from the flight of a butterfly, turns out to be.

Some time ago I read about product risks, at the very beginning of which a TED video made one obvious point that few people pay attention to: "You don't know you're wrong until you know you're wrong." In the context of the article, the following is meant. You made a decision and started to put it into practice. Your decision was wrong and the project is going to collapse. However, you don't know yet that your decision is wrong, and therefore you don't know that the project is going to collapse. But it goes regardless of what you think of it. And that's the whole point. That when you finally see the light, your project will not return to its beginning. Unlike you, who returned to the starting point of the decision.

A good strategy is based on understanding how your competitors will behave, what behavior they will choose. But the behavior itself does not arise from scratch. Our behavior forms a complex system of cause and effect. Knowing the causes, you can predict the behavior. Knowing the behavior, you can implement a win-win strategy. This is the logic behind game theory. Coursera has an excellent course on game theory from the Higher School of Economics, which I recommend to everyone. As part of the course, students were given the same problem several times to solve. True, not immediately, but after a lecture or two. It was very exciting, because. the number of points that a student wins in the course of solving a problem depends on how other participants in the course solve this problem. The most interesting thing was to observe how students' answers change each time when they begin to receive new information from lectures about the reasons for their own behavior and the behavior of other people. The picture of the overall results each time became completely different than the last time. The behavior of the players changed when the reasons became clear to them.

Understanding the causes of people's behavior is extremely important in business and product management in particular. This is the ability to correctly build the course of negotiations when concluding deals, when you need to know what exactly moves the other side in order to choose the right arguments and tactics. This includes making strategic decisions in a competitive market, when it is necessary to build a medium-term or long-term strategy for a company or product, taking into account changing market conditions, economic and political factors, technology development trends and demand structure. This is the correct design of the user experience of the product interface, when it is necessary to understand not only how users behave and think, but also how they behave. NOT lead.

Despite the fact that few people like Mr. Merovingian from the Matrix, he says surprisingly sensible things.

About people

I don't know any other way to be successful other than working hard. Only then does a person really feel that success is deserved (Dianochka Shurygina, I'm sorry, but you suck). That is why I liked reading the biography of Elon Musk more than Steve Jobs. Indeed, unlike Jobs, in "Tesla, SpaceX and the road to the future" the focus is not on the personality of Elon and her mental disorders, but on how Musk created his companies. Not on how he experienced difficulties, but on how he coped with them.

All the really great people are the Chinese peasants of Gladwell growing rice.

About fate

And here, if we abstract from all the individual personalities, their stories and the reasons for their stories, which are written in the book, if you look at the picture a little higher, an old philosophical question arises: are all these intricacies of accidents a regularity? The book does not answer the question. Moreover, she does not even put it on. But it is precisely this thesis that is the logical consequence of everything that was said in it.

In general, one of my hobbies is metamathematics, the science of causes and effects; the place where axioms are born. And in the future I intend to write a very tasty post about all this to show the beauty of this theoretical world, but not now. Now I just want to lead you to one of its doors.

You toss a coin. Your knowledge of probability theory tells you that there is a 50% chance of coming up heads. And it is right. Within this model of the world. Let's use another - theoretical physics. We know how the coin lies in the hand before the throw, we know the force and its vector, air resistance, the force of gravity and that the coin will fall on a table with a hard surface. Also, we know the density of the coin, its mass and overall geometric structure, as well as the physical characteristics of the table. What is the probability of coming up heads? A computer simulation of the experiment, other things being equal, will produce only one result each time. With 100% probability. Within this model of the world.

What changed? When did chance become true knowledge? Considering separately the mass of the coin, the vector of force or air resistance will give nothing. From the point of view of a coin that has already fallen heads, that the force of gravity was just that - an accident. At least we think so. But if you look at the entire system as a whole, then it is precisely this combination of the properties of the environment that made it possible for the coin to fall heads. Just like Steve Jobs to become the greatest visionary of our era.

How certain events happen is never an accident, because there are certain reasons for everything. The force of gravity is such, because our Earth is of precisely such a mass and consists of certain metals (well, or what it is made of). The density of the metal of the coin is exactly this, because its crystal lattice looks a certain way. The force with which the coin was tossed was exactly that, because such is the physiology of the body of the tosser. One who is born to crawl cannot fly. The examples in the book prove this.

About thinking

Grandmothers played an important role in my upbringing. And what are grandmothers for a person born in the late 80s? These are people who were born just before the Second World War. What do you think makes these people different from others? Their childhood fell on the most difficult time in Russian history. Hunger and deprivation have shaped the “if only there was no war” mindset, in which one is content with little. Collectivism is superior to liberalism. Private ownership is minimal, there is no free market. The state is the only benefactor other than its own garden. After studying at the university, you will be assigned to production. The state will give you an apartment, however, you will have to stand in line. But it’s possible for good reason…

When I was born, three years remained before the collapse of the largest power on this planet. However, even before the onset of this event, which few could have imagined, there was complete uncertainty about the future in the country, which also affected my parents. We often moved in search of a “better life” until we settled in Norilsk, where the “dashing 90s” and default awaited us. Many people in those days were looking for an island of stability. Stability is the only thing everyone wanted at that time, so as not to be interrupted from pasta to water.

How can people raise a child with such a model of thinking? Kind of a question. But it is not the fault of these people that the environment has shaped their thinking in this way. The effect of Mowgli at the level of the psyche, nothing can be done. And unfortunately, all my family’s upbringing of me with such introductory and could not go according to another scenario, except for “risk reduction”. Study hard or you won't get into college. You need to study at a university, otherwise they will not hire you. How does the clinic not allow free manual therapy? Do you at least eat something normal there, in your St. Petersburg? At work, everything is in order, the salary is at least paid, but now everything happens? How can you not arrange a child in kindergarten, what are you in line?

Previously, not realizing the reasons for their behavior, I was wildly angry and cursed. But now I have the knowledge of the reasons. They could not do otherwise, and advised me as dictated to them by their model of behavior. They were all born at the wrong time and in the wrong place. On the other hand, it was my generation that had the first chance to "start all over again."

To go beyond the stereotypes driven into the head had to spend too much time. As a result, I learned to take risks. I learned to make decisions and take responsibility for them. I learned to do everything myself. I learned how to say no (which is very important for products, isn't it). I have learned not to take into account the opinions of people who are not important to me. I have learned to care what others think of me. I learned to make mistakes and not be perfect. I learned to go to my goal no matter what. I want to believe that I have found my recognition, and the risk reduction strategy in it is only one of the possible, but by no means decisive. The only thing I regret a little is that if things were different, my 10,000 hours could have come much earlier. However, history does not know the subjunctive mood.

About education

That is why my goal in raising my son will not be to show him what my era was famous for and teach him how to live in it. And to prepare him for what may await him tomorrow. Everything that I know and can do today will be godlessly outdated when he finishes school. It makes no sense to teach him this.

In the book, important attention is removed to education. The example of a private American school is very indicative. And that is why it will be my duty to show my son how big and full of meaning the world is. How interesting and diverse it is in its manifestations, in its faces and eras. I will show him endless possibilities beyond the visible limits. I will show him the interrelationships of causes and events, and teach him to understand them. Already now he shows good abilities for associative thinking and the search for patterns. I will teach him to learn and find answers on his own. I will teach him to fail and win, because if you don't learn to fall, you won't learn to stand. I will teach him to make decisions and take responsibility for them. I will develop his strengths and ignore his weaknesses. I will show him where the boundaries of morality and conscience lie, so that he himself chooses which side to stand on.

I don't know what he will be when he grows up. And I have no preferences and wishes. The future is much more interesting when you don't predict it. I do not know how he will act in certain cases. I don't know if he will love math and listen to rock. I don't care what he wears or what hairstyle he has. The main thing is that he understands what is possible in this world. All, if he himself wants it, even if he was born at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

And again about the reasons

Let's rewind and talk about the judge and the reasons again. What if the totality of the causes of events that occur in people's lives is not a totality, but is a system and a connected sequence? Let's go back to the theory of probability. What is the probability that the ice cream stand you are passing by is just starting its 10-minute sale? What is the probability that you will buy yourself an ice cream after learning about this? What is the probability that after walking three steps, this ice cream will fall out of your hands? What is the probability that your bag with important documents will be stolen from you? What is the probability that after that the thief will run ten meters and slip on the ice cream that fell from your hands? What is the probability that, purely by chance, a police squad will be nearby?

Each event separately is quite a place to be, but their joint sequential occurrence is so unlikely that such small numbers have not yet been invented. But, one way or another, these events happened. Are they a collection of cases, or is some system visible here? I already about my interpretation of God and will not repeat myself. I don't know if that's really the case or not. But one thing I see for sure: everything God does is for the best. Sometimes the causes are so remote in time from the effects that no connection can be seen, and the events seem to us to be accidents.

But there is something stronger than these reasons. This is our will. In the last paragraph of the article, I wrote that vision is faith that builds reality. So, she does it with the help of her will. The will is what allows you to get up the seventh time, when you have fallen six times. The will is what allows you to go forward when others have already passed. Will is the only thing that can be stronger than reasons. The main thing is that she was, and then

God himself cannot protect us from our will.

Life is not fair. Money, power, fame and success are distributed among people extremely unevenly. Why is everything for some and nothing for others? Just because of their personal qualities - or is there something else?

Malcolm Gladwell was the first to discover the hidden laws of success. Bill Gates, The Beatles, Mozart are certainly talented. But we are greatly mistaken in thinking that talent is synonymous with the word "success".

We could control the mechanism of achievement - in sports, music, anywhere. But we do not do this, because we are sure that success comes only to the talented. But in vain.

I want to prove that you should not reduce the reasons for success solely to personal qualities. This does not explain the nature of achievement. And it does not answer the key question: what distinguishes special people from everyone else?

Hockey Paradox, or System Error

Thousands of Canadian boys join amateur sports as early as kindergarten. In each league - in its age group - players are evaluated. The best are prepared for the next level. It doesn't matter what family you have or how far you live. Success in hockey comes from personal merit. Or is it still not?

Psychologist Roger Barnsley saw a strange pattern: most often hockey players had birthdays in January, February and March. As it turned out, in Canada, the selection ends on January 1. This means that if a child turns 10 on January 2, he will play with those who will be 10 years old in December. At this age, the differences in fitness are huge. This means that the strongest and most dexterous, and simply ... the oldest guys will become the best players.

The system, designed to find the most talented, gives an advantage to people who are lucky enough to be born at a certain time of the year -.

Think about it: in classical music, future virtuosos are selected, in ballet - ballerinas, and in the education system - future scientists and intellectual elite.

hello school

And if hockey is just a game, things are more serious at school. Evaluating children in kindergartens and first grades, many teachers confuse development and ability. Therefore, older children fall into advanced groups, where they acquire better skills. And next year they show even better results. This is how stars are “born” (actually brought up).

Preparing outstanding people bears little resemblance to a modeling agency. More like the Marine Corps: if you find suitable men and women, then with the right training and training, you will be able to turn almost any of them into a unique fighter.

The small initial advantage of a child born in January over a child born in December persists for a long time, -

The world in the image and likeness of a modeling agency leads to despondency and melancholy, since beauty from birth is given to a few. A more marine-like world is encouraging: success will not depend on arbitrary factors.

10,000 hour rule

In his book, Gladwell first spoke - and to understand the essence of the idea, it is better to read the primary sources - about the magic figure of 10,000 hours. That's 20 hours a week for 10 years. That's how much practice it takes to become a world-class expert: in music, law, economics, anywhere.

An analysis of the biographies of prominent people showed that even those who were considered extremely gifted from childhood also worked hard.

  • Let's take Mozart as an example. He began writing music at the age of 6 and composed his first great concerto at the age of 21. By this time, Mozart had been writing for 10 years, and this is ... 10,000 hours.
  • Bill Gates. A brilliant young mathematician moves into a computer class, programming from 3 am to 6 am; as a young man, he had already accumulated 10,000 hours.
  • . If you analyze their path, it acquires painfully familiar features. An unknown rock band was invited to Hamburg, where they played seven days a week for 8(!) hours. By the time they were a big hit, they had played 1,200 live shows. They worked on and on - and again 10,000 hours.

It is also interesting that all these people had the opportunity to do what they liked -.

Not only talent is important, but also the desire to work for hours - until the moment when it is already difficult to make out where natural abilities end and the willingness to work hard begins.

False inspiration

The special can be defined as people whose life is an exception to the rule. At first glance, it seems that this is how geniuses, millionaires and star athletes appear. But their true nature lies in the fact that they are not at all special - and this cannot but excite the imagination.

We are inspired by false success stories - about people who made themselves, went from poverty to wealth. But such stories turn great achievements into unique ones. Success is out of reach. Real success stories - for all their complexity, originality and nuances - are much more inspired.

From the book of Larisa Parfentieva

What we call talent is the result of a complex intertwining of abilities, opportunities, and hard work. Knowing what success consists of, a person can manage it. Conclusion? The secrets of success can be revealed and reproduced.

What else is useful in the book

We cannot influence what happened to us. But we are quite capable of what will happen to us. If you try, you can even add a pinch of a happy occasion to life. For example, choosing the right environment and social circle.

Who will benefit from this book? For those who want to achieve something in life. Parents who want their children to be happy (show others). To young people who only choose. Gladwell's reflections are a juicy touch in our picture of the world.

There are hidden laws behind what has always seemed to be only a matter of chance -

From the book you will also learn:

  • How to make the most of opportunities
  • What is success made of?
  • What it takes to avoid failure
  • Unknown details from the life of the rich and famous
  • How to create a better future for your child
  • How Robert Oppenheimer Almost Killed a Teacher
  • Do Talented People Need to Work Hard?
  • What is the role of a happy occasion in our destiny
  • Why is it not so easy with geniuses
  • What is the nature of successful people?

... and the answer to the main question - "Why is everything for one and nothing for the other."

Success is a mosaic of many pieces. Opportunities and chances. This is true. But remember: no one can stop you from being successful. If there is no wind, grab the oars.

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All the topics covered by the book "Geniuses and Outsiders" are connected by one main idea: we reduce the reasons for people solely to their personal qualities, losing sight of many not so obvious, but no less significant factors. This is a rather unusual view of success, different from what is promoted by popular books on self-development and motivation, the main message of which can be reduced to the phrase: “Believe in yourself, try, never give up, and you will succeed.”

So, let's analyze the key ideas of the book "Geniuses and Outsiders".

1. You can not explain someone's success only by personal merits. Opportunity and luck play an equally important role.

By explaining the success of a person solely by his own merits, we discount people whom we consider unpromising. And it's like thinking that the tallest oak in the forest became so only because it grew out of the most enduring acorn, without taking into account other equally significant factors:

  • that this acorn had to fall into a fertile place,
  • that other trees did not hide the sun from him,
  • and the fact that neither woodcutters nor animals reached him.

The great importance of favorable opportunities is confirmed by the analysis of the birthdays of Canadian hockey players. By chance, it was found that most of them, including members of the national league, were born in January, February and March, and the smallest at the end of the year.

This phenomenon was not connected with mysticism or astrology. The explanation was simple. The matter is that in Canada selection in age hockey groups comes to an end on January, 1st. The child will fall into the group for nine-year-olds, even if he turns ten on January 2. And he will play in the same band with a child who will celebrate his tenth birthday in December. And at this age, a difference of 12 months means a noticeable difference in fitness, which, accordingly, provides significant advantages for children born at the beginning of the year.

Bigger and stronger kids get on teams with better coaches, they have to train more and play more games, and as a result they become great hockey players.

However, most people are convinced that success is due solely to personal merit, and therefore, no one wants to try to look at those who were considered insufficiently capable.

2. It takes 10,000 hours of practice to become a pro, which is the equivalent of 3 hours of practice a day for 10 years

Louis Smith/Unsplash.com

The book Geniuses and Outsiders popularized a study conducted in the early 1990s by psychologist Anders Ericsson at the Academy of Music in Berlin. This study found that the best students in the academy exercised more than others:

  • by the age of nine - six hours a week,
  • to twelve - eight o'clock,
  • to fourteen - sixteen ...

And so on until the age of 20, when they began to study more than 30 hours a week. Thus, by the age of 20, the best students had a total of up to 10,000 hours of classes. Average students had 8,000 hours, while slow students had 4,000.

Then Erickson and his colleagues found a similar pattern between professional pianists, who each had 10,000 hours of practice by age 20, and amateur pianists who never practiced more than three hours a week.

Erickson's research is also interesting in that he was not able to find a single person who has reached, who would not make serious efforts and exercise less than their peers. On the other hand, there were no those who, working hard with all their might, did not get ahead.

Based on other studies of professional competence, scientists have deduced the number of hours leading to mastery in any field (music, sports, programming, and so on).

It takes 10,000 hours to become a master, which is equivalent to about three hours of practice a day or 20 hours a week for 10 years.

However, it is important to note that in order to earn such a number of hours, young people need the support of the environment, participation in special programs, or some kind of happy coincidence that would allow them to fully devote themselves to learning.

3. A high level of intelligence does not guarantee success in life.

In the 1920s, Stanford University psychology professor Lewis Therman began a study of the life paths of about 1,500 children with outstanding intellectual abilities, which he measured using Alfred Binet's modified tests. The IQ of each of the selected children ranged from 140 to 200. Theremin tracked the life path of his wards and documented all significant events in their lives. With his research, he wanted to prove that IQ plays a major role in a person's success.

Despite the fact that some of his geniuses have achieved some success in business, science, jurisprudence, few have become a figure of a national scale.

Some had a decent income, but not fabulous profits, and some could even be called losers. None of the carefully selected geeks won the Nobel Prize. Conversely, William Shockley and Luis Alvarez, whom Terman's colleagues did not include in the sample, considering them insufficiently intelligent, became these laureates.

It turns out that to achieve success, it is enough to have a high, but not phenomenal IQ, equal to about 120 points, and all subsequent points do not bring much advantage. A favorable environment in which a person must grow and develop also plays a huge role.

4. Practical intelligence is more important than IQ

Toa Heftiba/Unsplash.com

But what separates successful people from unsuccessful people if they have the same IQ? It's about the so-called practical intelligence - understanding what, when and to whom to say, and knowing how to use these words to achieve maximum results. Such household ingenuity should be formed under external influence. First of all - under the influence of the family.

As an illustration of the importance of the role of practical intelligence in achieving success, Malcolm Gladwell contrasts the stories of two people: the famous physicist Robert Oppenheimer, under whose leadership the atomic bomb was created, and one of the smartest people on Earth - Chris Langan, whose IQ ranges from 195-210 .

The environment in which Robert Oppenheimer grew up, the son of an artist and a successful entrepreneur, contributed to the development of the ability to build relationships, negotiate with other people and resolve difficult situations. There is a unique case when Robert Oppenheimer did not receive a serious punishment for trying to poison (!) his university teacher. The university administration gave him a probationary period and sent him to a psychiatrist for treatment. And even the presence of such a fact in his biography did not prevent Oppenheimer from becoming the head of the most important military project to develop the atomic bomb.

On the contrary, the life story of a smart man like Chris Langan shows that intelligence without the necessary social skills will not help to achieve success. Chris grew up in a poor family with many children and was often attacked by his drunken stepfather. He was deprived of attention and care, and from childhood life taught him to keep his distance and be independent. Despite the fact that in many subjects he understood better than his teachers, he could not establish contact with any of them. And this led to the fact that he had to leave the university and work in low-paying jobs. When Gladwell wrote the book, Chris Langan was living on a farm doing his own research. His work has hardly been published.

5. The culture we belong to determines our behavior in many ways.

Culture can have a huge impact on the destinies of people: lead to a misunderstanding of each other or give certain advantages.

Of great interest is the power distance index. It shows how this or that culture relates to the hierarchy, to what extent people agree with unequal vesting of power, whether members of society respect the elderly, whether those in power have special privileges.

Countries with a high power distance index include, for example, India, China, Russia, France, Korea, and Brazil. To countries with low - Germany, Great Britain, Portugal, Australia.

Also, cultures differ in the level of isolation on the scale "collectivism - individualism". The United States occupies an extreme position on the side of individualism. Not surprisingly, the United States is the only industrialized country in the world without a universal healthcare system.

Cultural heritage also shows up in unexpected areas such as mathematical ability.

Roman Mager/Unsplash.com

Why do representatives of Asian countries often outperform others in mathematical tests? According to Malcolm Gladwell, the explanation is simple. The logic of Asian languages ​​and the easier, compared to other languages, way of notating numbers initially contribute to better learning to count for Asian children.

All these seemingly insignificant factors influence our perception, behavior and ways of interaction. They can both give us advantages and deprive us of the opportunities available in other cultures.

However, as Malcolm Gladwell points out, culture is not a prison from which one cannot escape. As experiments show, a person is able to try on new behaviors and change his personality, which frees him from a fatalistic outlook on life. But before deciding where to go, we need to realize where we came from.

Final comments

The book "Geniuses and outsiders" became a bestseller immediately after the release. And well deserved. Malcolm Gladwell is a talented journalist, he presents his theory not dryly and abstractly, but through stories, each of which is interesting in its own way.

On the one hand, the book offers a somewhat pessimistic view of the nature of success. But on the other hand, its conclusions can be used in practice:

  1. Do 10,000 hours of what you want to be good at.
  2. Do not get upset because of not the highest results of the IQ test.
  3. Develop practical intelligence in yourself and in your children.
  4. Understand your weaknesses and peculiarities of the cultural environment.

The book will definitely provide useful food for thought, and unfolding ideas through interesting stories will make it an exciting read.

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