Prepositions in Spanish (Spanish prepositions). Another memory training, or verbs with prepositions in Spanish Where do Spanish prepositions go in a sentence

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In Spanish, prepositions express cases. In addition, many verbs are used only in combination with certain prepositions.

Basic prepositions:

V; on (when indicating the direction of movement, answering the question: where?)

with (who? what?)

indicates the ownership of an object or person, answering the questions: whose? whose?

from - when designating a place as the starting point of movement;

o - when designating a person, object, phenomenon that is the object of conversation, reflection (talk about something - hablar de algo)

from, from ... (in the designation of time and distance)

in, on (to designate a place, answering the question: where?)

before (to indicate a time or space limit)

for (who? what?)

by, through

on (by whom? what?)

after; behind (what? whom?)

Fusion of articles and prepositions

In Spanish, there is such a phenomenon as the fusion of masculine definite articles and prepositions.

This rule is correct only for definite articles and for prepositions a And de:

definite article el+ preposition A = al

Definite article el+ preposition de = del

Vuelven al trabajo a la una de la tarde. They return to work at one o'clock.
Vamos al campo y volvemos a la ciudad mañana. We are going to the village and returning to the city tomorrow.
El professor no contesta a la pregunta del estudiante. The teacher does not answer the student's question.
Es uno de los mejores escritores del siglo XIX. “He is one of the best writers of the 19th century.

The preposition a is translated into Russian as "v, y, k, za, po" depending on the sentence and is used:

  1. After verbs of motion:

go go somewhere

come, arrive somewhere

come, arrive somewhere

travel somewhere

go go somewhere

Hoy vamos al cine. - Today we are going to the cinema.
Cada ano viajo a Spain. Every year I travel to Spain.
Vengo a casa a las 11 de la mañana. – I come home at 11 am.

  1. When designating time: when, what time:

Cada jueves cenamos a las 22 de la noche. We have dinner every Thursday at 10 pm.
tengo class a las 15 de la tarde. – I have classes at 3 pm.

  1. It is placed before animate nouns when answering the question “Who?”, “To whom?”:

¿Invito a los chicos? Should I invite the guys?
Veo a Pili todos los dias. I meet Pili every day.

¿Le doy el libro a Maria? I give the book to Mary.
Debo contestant a todos los usuarios. – I have to answer all users.

  1. When answering the questions “For what?”, “For what purpose?”:

Vengo a hablar de tu comportamiento. – I come (for what?) to talk about your behavior.

  1. In stable combinations that answer the question "How?":

No soporto las citas a ciegas. I can't stand blind dates.
¿Vamos a casa a pie? - Shall we walk home?
Este chisme esta hecho al tuntun. - This thing is made at random (at random).

The preposition de is translated into Russian as "from, from, to, from, oh, by, because of" depending on the sentence and is used:

  1. When answering the questions “Who?”, “What?”, “Whose?”:

tengo la guitarra de Pedro. - I have a guitar (of whom?) Pedro.
Son las cosas de Juan. - These are the things of (whom?) Juan.

  1. When you want to indicate that a thing is made of something:

He comprado una nueva mesa de madera. I bought a new wooden table (a table made of wood).
¿Me puedes dar aquella caja de plastic? “Can you give me that plastic box over there?”

  1. Designation of the starting point of the movement ("from", "where from?"):

Venimos de casa. We are coming from home.
Salgo de Moscow mañana. I am leaving Moscow tomorrow.

And with other verbs meaning "of":

soy de Madrid. - I'm from Madrid.

  1. Often the preposition de is translated into Russian as "o", i.e. talk about something, etc.:

Hablamos de nuestras aventuras. We are talking about our adventures.
Estoy leyendo and libro de philosophy. I am reading a book on philosophy.

The preposition con, as a rule, is translated into Russian as "s":

Vivo con mis amigos. – I live with my friends.
Hablamos con el director. We are talking to the director.
Tráigame, por favor, un café con gelado. Bring me some coffee with ice cream, please.

In phrases answering the question "How?", "In what way?", "By what?":

Te ayudare con placer. - I'll help you with pleasure.
¿Siempre comes con apetito? Do you always eat with gusto?

The preposition en is translated as "in, on, by, at" and is used:

1. When designating a place:

Mi amigo trabaja en la oficina. My friend works in the office.
Quedamos en la cafeteria de al lado. Let's meet at a cafe nearby.

2. When designating time:

En dos horas estamos en casa. We'll be home in two hours.
En agosto me voy a Italia a ver a mi novio. In August I will go to Italy to visit my boyfriend.

3. When designating a vehicle:

Siempre viajo en avión porque los trenes me dan miedo. I always travel by plane because I am afraid of trains.
¿Vamos en coche? - Shall we go by car?

The preposition hacia is translated as "to, about" and indicates an approach to a place or time:

Siempre sale y va hacia el centro. He always comes out and walks towards the center.
¿No vemos hacia las tres? - Meet around three?

The preposition sin is translated into Russian as "without":

¿Esperamos un poco o vamos sin tus amigos? – Shall we wait a bit or are we going without your friends?
Parece que viene sin ganas. “He seems to have come reluctantly.

In turns with an infinitive, it is translated into Russian as a negative participle turnover:

Trabajo todo el dia sin comer. I work all day without eating.
se ha ido sin mirarme siquiera. He left without even looking at me.

The preposition sobre is translated as "on, over, about, about".

1. Indicates the location - on or above any surface:

Las llaves estan sobre la mesa. - The keys are on the table.
estamos volando sobre Spain. We are flying over Spain.

2. Indicates an approximate number, quantity, measure of something:

Te llamo sobre las 7 de la tarde, ¿vale? - I'll call you around 7 pm, all right?
Ghana sobre dos mil euros al mes. He receives about 2,000 euros a month.

3. Indicates what we are talking about or about and is equal to the Russian “o”:

¿Me compras algun libro sobre economy? Will you buy me a book on economics?
Cuentame algo sobre tu vida. Tell me something about your life.

Translated as "until some place or time":

La tienda está abierta hasta las 21 de la tarde. – The store is open until 9 pm.
¿Caminemos hasta la plaza? Let's go to the square, shall we?

It takes on the role of an intensifying particle and is translated into Russian by the word "even":

hasta yo no aguanto tanta presion. Even I can't stand that kind of pressure.
hasta el Corte Ingles está cerrado hoy. “Even el Corte Inglés is closed today.

The preposition desde is translated as "from, from, from."

1. Indicates the circumstance of the place:

Me saluda desde el tren. He greets me from the train.
Desde la ventana se ve el arcoiris. - You can see the rainbow from the window.

2. Used in combination with the preposition hasta and indicates a time interval or distance:

Desde las 8 de la mañana hasta las 3 de la tarde estoy en la oficina. I am in the office from 8 am to 3 pm.
Desde el mar hasta las montañas no hay nada. There is nothing from the sea to the mountains.

3. In combination, desde hace indicates the duration of any action:

Vivo Aqua desde hace un ano. - I've been living here for a year.
Trabajo en esta empresa desde hace dos anos. I have been working for this company for 2 years.

The preposition ante is translated as "before, opposite" indicates the location of something in front of something or someone:

Debes comparer ante tu jefe. You must appear before your superior.
estamos ante la puerta. - We are in front of the door (opposite the door).

Prepositions in Spanish- these are service parts of speech that serve to connect words in a sentence (see the article "conjunctions in Spanish") and express the relationship between them. Since there are no cases in Spanish, the role of Spanish prepositions in this case increases significantly.

Prepositions in Spanish are simple and complex. In Spanish, 18 simple prepositions are used, each of which we will consider separately. We will consider complex prepositions in Spanish in a separate article.

preposition a

1. The Spanish preposition "a" is used before a direct object and conveys relations corresponding to the accusative case in Russian:

Conosco a Juan - I know Juan

2. The preposition "a" is used before an indirect object and conveys relations corresponding to the dative case of the Russian language:

A quien da el lapiz Jorge? - to whom does Jorge give the pencil?

3. The preposition "a" has the meaning of the preposition of place and is placed after the verbs denoting movement (ir, venir, etc.). The circumstances before which it is posed answer the question Where? Where?

El va a la tienda - he goes to the store

Estamos sentados a la mesa - we sit at the table

4. Has the meaning of the preposition of time in Spanish; circumstances preceded by the Spanish preposition "a" then answer the question When?

El tren de Kiev vendrá a las ocho - the train from Kyiv will arrive at 8 o'clock

5. Denotes a measure of value (the circumstances before which it is placed answer the question How many?)

Tenemos pagar a dos euros - we have to pay 2 euros each

6. Indicates the course of action (corresponds to the question How? how?)

A pie - on foot

A toda prisa - hastily

7. Sometimes denotes the instrument of action, the circumstance answers the question how? and corresponds to the instrumental case in Russian:

Le golpearon a cordelazos - he was beaten with a rope

8. In infinitive phrases:

Al pasar - passing

Al salir - going out

9. Before an infinitive that has an imperative form:

A trabajar - work!

A comer - eat!

In Russian, the following prepositions correspond to the Spanish preposition "a": v, k, na, po, u.

preposition ante

The preposition ante is a preposition of place and denotes the location of an object in front of or opposite something:

El estaba ante de mi hermano - he stands in front of my brother

In Spanish, there is an adverb antes and a prepositional phrase antes de, which indicate the time before an event - they should not be confused with the preposition ante we have considered.

Often in colloquial speech, the turnover delante de is preferred to the preposition ante.

In Russian, the Spanish preposition ante corresponds to the prepositions “before” and “opposite”

preposition bajo

1. The preposition bajo is a preposition of place in Spanish and answers a question under what?

El lápiz cayó bajo la mesa - the pencil fell under the table

In colloquial speech, the preposition bajo is replaced by the turnover de bajo de.

2. In some cases, the preposition expresses the cause, effect or condition:

Lo hará bajo tu responsabilidad - he will do it under your responsibility

In Russian, the Spanish preposition bajo corresponds to the preposition "under".

preposition con

1. The preposition con in Spanish indicates the instrument of action (in this case, the turnover with this preposition answers the question how and in Russian it corresponds to the instrumental case without a preposition): Dibujan con lapices - they draw with pencils

2. Indicates a joint action (in this case, the turnover with the preposition con answers the question with whom?/with what? and in Russian it corresponds to the instrumental case with a preposition): voy con mi amigo - I'm going with my friend

3. Indicates the course of action (in this case, this circumstance with the preposition con answers the question How?, and in Russian it corresponds to the instrumental case with the preposition "c"): ella le miraba con temor - she looked at him with fear.

The Spanish preposition con corresponds to the preposition "with".

preposition contra

1. The Spanish preposition contra indicates the object against which the action is directed:

Luchamos contra la guerra - we fight against the war

2. Indicates the object that the subject we are describing has encountered:

El avión estrelló contra la tierra - the plane crashed (on impact) on the ground

In Russian, the Spanish preposition contra corresponds to the preposition "against".

preposition de

1. The Spanish preposition de characterizes relations that correspond to the genitive case in Russian. In these cases, he:

a) indicates belonging to someone or something:

Este libro es de Juan - this book of Juan

b) indicates the substance from which the object is made:

La caja de madera - a wooden box

c) indicates a sign or quality of an object:

La máquina de escribir - typewriter (typewriter)

d) indicates a proper name that refers to a common noun:

El mes de agosto hace calor - it's hot in (month) August

2. The preposition de is used before circumstances and indicates:

a) to the place (starting point):

el tren de Kiev vendrá a las ocho - the train from Kyiv will arrive at 8 o'clock

b) for a while: de noche - at night

3. In set expressions: de pronto - all of a sudden

4. Indicates the subject of the statement (in Russian it corresponds to the prepositional case): el habla del fútbol - he talks about football

The following prepositions correspond to the Spanish preposition de in Russian: from, from, from, about.

preposition desde

The Spanish preposition desde indicates the starting point of the movement or the initial period of time: desde Kiev - from Kyiv; desde septiembre - since September

In Russian, the preposition desde corresponds to the prepositions “from” and “from”.

preposition en

1. The preposition en in Spanish serves as a preposition of place and indicates a position inside something or in some place: Ella está en Kiev - she is in Kyiv

2. The Spanish preposition en is a preposition of time: Hace calor en verano aqui - it's hot here in summer

3. The preposition en is also used in terminological phrases when naming a specialty: especialista en dermatologia - a specialist in dermatology

4. In addition, the preposition en indicates a vehicle: en avión - on an airplane

The preposition en in Russian corresponds to 2 prepositions: “in” and “on”.

preposition entre

The preposition entre in Spanish is a preposition of place or time indicating:

a) to an intermediate position in space or time: entre Kiev y Barcelona - between Kiev and Barcelona; entre las dos y las tres - between 2 and 3 o'clock;

b) indefinite localization: entre los hombres - among men.

In Russian, the analogues of the Spanish preposition entre are the prepositions “between” and “among”.

preposition hacia

1. The preposition hacia in Spanish is a preposition of place or time and indicates an approximation to something in space or time, or an approximate indication of space or time:

Voy hacia el centro de Kiev - I'm going (approaching) to the center of Kyiv

Ellos llegarán hacia las tres - they will arrive at three o'clock

2. The preposition can also indicate the object of the feeling:

Ella siente un amor hacia los animales - she feels love for animals

In Russian, the Spanish preposition hacia corresponds to the preposition "k" and the dative case.

preposition hasta

1. The preposition hasta in Spanish indicates a limit in space or time:

El sendero conduce hasta el bosque - the path leads to the (most) forest

esperamos hasta las tres - we are waiting for three o'clock

2. The preposition hasta can mean the end or limit of some action:

Lucharemos hasta la victoria - we will fight until victory

The preposition hasta in Spanish has a corresponding preposition "to" in Russian.

preposition para

1. The preposition para indicates the purpose of the action or for whom it is performed:

El escribe para Ana - he writes for Anna

Tenemos preparar para el viaje - we must prepare for the journey

In these cases, the synonym for the preposition para is the preposition a, depending on the context.

2. Sometimes the preposition para can indicate the end or end of some action:

Tengo una hora para mi vuelo desde Kiev - I have an hour (time) before my departure from Kyiv

3. The preposition para can be used before circumstances:

a) places: el avión vuele para Argentina - the plane flies to Argentina

b) time: acabamos estudiar para el viernes - we finish school on Friday

c) goals: para organizar el curso de lecciónes de lengua española en Kiev necesitamos un mes - to organize a course of lectures in Spanish in Kyiv, we need one month

4. The preposition para indicates the purpose of something: el papel para copias - paper for copies (copy paper)

The following prepositions correspond to the Spanish preposition para in Russian: for, to, in, to, on.

preposition por

1. The preposition por in Spanish is used before circumstances:

a) places: pasear por el jardin - to walk in the garden

b) time: salgo por un momento - I'll go out for a minute

c) reasons: por esta causa - for this reason

d) goals: por no atrasar - to keep up

e) way or mode of action: hablo por teléfono - I speak on the phone

2. The preposition por indicates the object for which the action is performed: luchar por su independencia - to fight for one's independence

3. Used with the verbs comprar, vender, pagar etc(buy, sell, pay, etc.): comprar por 100 euros - buy for 100 euros

4. When pointing to an object on which some action is being performed: agarrar por los pelos - grab the hair

5. When expressing attitude towards something: indiferencia por el fútbol - indifference to football

In Russian, the following prepositions correspond to the Spanish preposition por: for, by, to, before and the instrumental case of the noun to which they refer.

preposition segun

The preposition según in Spanish indicates something:

según el horario - according to the schedule

según mi opinion - in my opinion

In Russian, its analogue is "according to" or "in accordance"

preposition sin

1. The Spanish preposition sin indicates the object without which the action is performed:

trabajar sin descanso - to work without rest

2. Indicates the nature of the action or state:

sin confusión - without embarrassment; sin temor - without fear

In Russian, the preposition sin corresponds to the preposition "without".

preposition so

In Spanish, the preposition so does not occur on its own, but is included in set expressions: so pena de - under fear of something; so pretexto de - under the pretext of something.

preposition sobre

1. The preposition sobre indicates the position of an object above or above something:

el lápiz está sobre la mesa - the pencil is on the table

2. Indicates the subject of speech: hablamos sobre los todos - we are talking about everyone

3. Indicates the subject against which the action is directed:

El perro se ha lanzado sobre el gato - the dog attacked the cat

4. Expresses an approximate number or amount of something:

Tengo sobre quarenta euros - I have about 40 euros

The following prepositions correspond to the Spanish preposition sobre in Russian: on, over, around, about.

preposition tras

The preposition tras in Spanish indicates the position of an object behind or following something (in space or time):

tras de puerta - behind the door

tras la primavera viene el verano - spring is followed by summer

The Spanish preposition tras is rarely used on its own, instead of it I often use the prepositional phrase detrás de. In Russian, the prepositions “for”, “behind” and “after” correspond to it.

This completes the review of simple Spanish prepositions, and in the next article we will consider

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Below is a list of the most commonly used words, the scope of which is: Prepositions. The table below has 3 columns (Russian, Spanish and pronunciation). Try to repeat the words after listening. This will help you improve your pronunciation and also help you remember the word better.

List of adjectives

Russian language Prepositions Audio
beforedelante de
behinddetras de
afterdespues de
insidedentro de/en
outsidefuera de
aboveencima de / sobre
underdebajo de
instead ofen lugar de
nearcerca de
genitive prepositionde
since (for a while)desde

Here is a list of sentences containing multiple vocabulary items shown above topic about: Prepositions. Sentences are added to help you understand how the structure of the entire sentence can affect the function and meaning of individual words.

Prepositions with examples

This is a list indicating the direction of the vocabulary. If you learn the following words by heart, it will make your conversation with the natives much easier and more enjoyable.

Vocabulary direction indications

Russian language direction indications Audio
Can you help me?¿Me podria ayudar?
Could you show me?¿Me lo enseña?
Come with me!¡Venga conmigo!
City centerCentro / centro de la ciudad
Sorry...¡Disculpe! / ¡Perdone!
Go straightVaya recto
How can I get to the museum?¿Como se va al museo? / ¿Cómo se llega al museo?
How long does it take to get there?¿Cuánto se tarda en llegar ahí?
I'm lostEstoy perdido
I'm not from hereNo soy de aquí / Soy de fuera
It is far from hereEsta lejos / Queda lejos
It's nearbyEsta cerca / Queda lejos
Wait a minute!¡Un momento, por favor!
Turn leftGire a la izquierda
Turn rightGire a la derecha
Left, left, left, left, leftizquierda
Right, right, right, right, rightderecha
Straight, straight, straight, straight, straightrecto
drive, driveconductor
To turngirar
Walkandar / caminar
traffic lightel semaforo

daily conversation

In conclusion, get acquainted with the list of phrases used in everyday communication. For a complete list of popular expressions, please see.

A complete list of simple Spanish prepositions: a, ante, bajo, con, contra, de, desde, durante, en, entre, excepto, hacia, hasta, mediante, para, por, salvo, según, sin, sobre, tras, vía.*

* Note 1. In the literary works of past centuries, especially in poetry, the preposition was often used cabe which mattered close, about. It is now completely out of use.

Note 2. In the traditional list of the list of prepositions, there is a preposition so, which is now used only in established expressions: so pena de in fear of something, so pretexto de / so capa de / so color de on the pretext of something.

Almost all simple prepositions in Spanish can be divided into several groups according to the meaning they give to the expression they define:

However, all of the above prepositions have other meanings.

Pretext A

The most meaningful suggestion. Points to:

  • Manana mi amiga va a Petersburgo. - Tomorrow my friend is leaving for Petersburg.
  • Llegue a casa muy tarde. - I came home very late.

2. time, frequency:

  • La función empezara a las siete. - The show will start at seven o'clock.
  • Tenemos las clases de español tres veces a la semana. - We have Spanish classes three times a week.

3. age:

  • Ingresé en la Universidad a los dieciocho anos. - I entered university at the age of 18.
  • Pedro se caso a los treinta anos. - Pedro got married at 30.

4. date designation:

  • Estamos a primero de julio. - Today is July 1st.

5. price, measure of value:

  • La carne está a tres pesos el kilo. - A kilo of meat costs three pesos.
  • ¿A cuánto están esos melocotones? - How much are these peaches?

6. Used before a direct object if it names a person or personified concept:

  • Busco a Pedro con mirada. - I look for Pedro.
  • Amamos a la patria. - We love the Motherland.

But: after the verb tener pretext A not set:

  • Tengo una germana. - I have one sister.

7. if the animal has a name, or it is about its own animal:

  • Mi amiga me dejo a su gata al ir de vacaciones. - My friend left me her cat when she went on vacation.

8. before indirect addition:

  • Leo a mi nieta un relato muy interesante. - I am reading an interesting story to my granddaughter.
  • Pedro presta a Maria su boligrafo. - Pedro gives Maria his pen.

9. when designating a location:

  • A gran distancia de aqui está el ferrocarril. - There is a railway at a great distance from here.
  • Vamos a encontrarnos a la entrada del cine. - Let's meet at the cinema entrance.
  • a la derecha / a la izquierda right left
  • a la maravilla wonderful
  • a largo / corto plazo long term / short term
  • a pie / a caballo on foot / on horseback
  • a oscuras in the dark
  • a tiempo during
  • al reves vice versa
  • a toda prisa hastily
  • Abrió la puerta a oscuras, no había luz en el pasillo. - There was no light in the corridor, and he opened the door in the dark.
  • Vive muy cerca de su trabajo, por eso va a pie. - She lives close to work and walks.

11. to express action in the near future, futuro próximo:

  • Mayana voy a descansar. - Tomorrow I will rest.
  • ¿Vas a viajar este verano a algún país extranjero? - Are you going to any foreign country this summer?

12. before the infinitive in the meaning of the order:

  • ¡A callar! - Be silent!
  • ¡A trabajar! - Get to work!

13. In many paraphrases (see " Paraphrases with the infinitive »):

  • Volvio a mirarme con sorpresa. - He looked at me again in surprise.
  • Se puso a estudiar derecho a los cuarenta años. - He began studying law when he was 40 years old.

14. as part of a verb construction al+ infinitive, as a replacement for the subordinate clause of time (see " Infinitive constructions replacing subordinate clauses »):

  • Llegamos al pueblo al atardecer. - We arrived at the village when it got dark.
  • Al escuchar la noticia, me sorprendi mucho. - When I heard this news, I was very surprised.

Pretext A obligatory when using many verbs (see " Using prepositions with verbs »).

pretext ante

This preposition is translated depending on the context and performs an opposite-concessive function (indicates some situation or reason that prompted a particular decision):

  • Ante tus razones es imposible replicar nada. - Nothing can be said against your arguments.
  • Ante esta situación, si no puedes cambiar nada, tienes que aguantar. - In this situation, if you cannot change anything, you must endure.
  • No se rendió ante las dificultades y siguió luchando. - He did not give up in the face of difficulties and continued to fight.

In the meaning of location, a complex preposition is used delante de before anything, and in the temporal sense - antes de up to some point.

pretext bajo

1. Corresponds to the Russian preposition under in the meaning of the location of one object below another:

  • Tu lapiz cayo bajo la mesa. - Your pencil fell under the table.
  • El gato duerme bajo la butaca. - The cat sleeps under the chair.

2. Indicates submission to someone:

  • Está bajo las ordenes de su mujer. - He obeys his wife.
  • Todos los empleados están bajo las ordenes de su jefe. - All employees report to their boss.

3. Indicates a historical era, a situation and is translated depending on the context:

  • Bajo Felipe II el Imperio español se convirtió en la principal potencia europea. - Under Philip II, the Spanish Empire became the main European power.
  • Bajo la dirección de Pedro Almodóvar se rodea una pelicula nueva. - Director Pedro Almodovar is making a new film.
  • Está todo bajo el control. - Everything's under control.

pretext con

Its main meaning:

1. Indicates a tool and means:

  • Escribo con mi pluma. - I write with a pen.
  • Se ha quemado con el agua hirviente. - He was burned by the boiling water.
  • Juan me convenció con sus argumentos. - Juan convinced me with his arguments.

2. Names the way of action:

  • Me miro con alegría. - He looked at me happily.
  • Cuente con detalle toda su vida. - Tell me in detail all your life.

3. Indicates joint participation, accompaniment with someone:

  • Hablo conmigo muy amable. - He spoke to me very kindly.
  • Seremos cuatro. Maria llegará con Carmen. - There will be four of us. Maria will come with Carmen.

4. Associates the object being defined with the definition:

  • El desayuno es: café con leche y tostada con mantequilla y queso. - For breakfast, coffee with milk and toast with butter and cheese.
  • Hago la tortilla con patatas. - I'm making an omelet with potatoes.
  • Esta camisa con bolsillos no es muy cara. - This shirt with pockets is not very expensive.

5. Indicates the object that was collided:

  • El niño cayo tropezando con una piedra. - The child fell, tripping over a stone.
  • El avión sufrió una avería chocando con la montaña. - The plane crashed after colliding with a mountain.

6. Used in infinitive constructions, replacing a subordinate concessive clause (see " Infinitive constructions replacing subordinate clauses »):

  • Con hacer mucho calor, tengo que ir de compras. - Although it is very hot, I must go shopping.

7. Mandatory when using some verbs, as well as adjectives (see " Using prepositions with verbs" And " Using prepositions with adjectives »).

pretext contra

8. Indicates the object against which the action is directed; translated into Russian by the preposition against:

  • El medico me recetó la medicina contra la tos. - The doctor gave me cough medicine.
  • Levantaron al niño temprano contra sus deseos. - The child was raised early against his will.

9. to the object that the subject of the action encounters; translated in this case by Russian prepositions o/o/k or V:

  • Se despedía de los dueños apoyándose contra la puerta. - He said goodbye to the owners, leaning against the door.
  • Los niños echaron las piedras contra la ventana de su amigo para llamarle a pasear. - Children threw pebbles at a friend's window to invite him for a walk.

This preposition often occurs in the environment of prepositions en And de:

  • Algunos diputados votaron en contra de la ley nueva. - Some deputies voted against the new law.

pretext de

One of the most frequently used and ambiguous prepositions; in most cases corresponds to the meaning of the Russian genitive case. Its main meanings:

1. Indicates that an object or person belongs to someone or something.

  • Este sombrero es de mi abuela. - This is my grandmother's hat.
  • Estos cigarrillos son de papá. - Those are daddy's cigarettes.

2. Indication of origin:

  • Nuestro profesor es de España. - Our teacher is from Spain.
  • Somos de un pueblo de la provincia de Madrid. - We are from a small town in the province of Madrid.

3. Indicates the starting point of the movement:

  • El tren va de Valencia. - The train leaves from Valencia.
  • Los estudiantes salen del aula. - Students leave the classroom.

4. Indicates a profession:

  • Es ingeniero de profession. - He is an engineer by profession.
  • Juan trabaja de economista en un ministerio. - Juan works as an economist in the ministry.

5. Indicates the material from which the item is made:

  • Es una mesa de madera. - This is a wooden table.
  • Me gusta mucho mi falda de lana. - I love my woolen skirt very much.

6. Indicates a sign or quality of an object:

  • Tengo un buen diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos. - I have a good dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.
  • María quiere comprarse esta blusa de seda de color rosa. - Maria wants to buy herself this silky pink blouse.

7. Indicates the reason:

  • Temblaba de miedo. - She was trembling with fear.
  • Esta loco de amor. - He is crazy about love.

8. Indicates the topic of the statement. Here's an excuse de corresponds to the Russian prepositional case:

  • Hablamos de la filosofia. - We talked about philosophy.
  • Los hinchas hablan del último juego de su equipo preferido. - The fans are talking about the last game of their favorite team.

9. Indicates the time and manner of action. It is often used in adverbial phrases with these meanings:

  • De noche hay que dormir. - You have to sleep at night.
  • Me volvio de espaldas. - He turned his back on me.

Other adverbial phrases with a preposition de:

  • de dia afternoon
  • de este modo / de esta manner Thus
  • de memoria by heart
  • de momento at present
  • de paso passing by, passing by
  • de pie standing
  • El profesor siempre está de pie en la clase. - The teacher is always in class.
  • A mi padre le gustaba mucho la poesía y sabía de memoria muchos versos. - My dad was very fond of poetry and knew many poems by heart.

10. Indicates a part of the whole:

  • Quiero comprar un kilo de naranjas. - I want to buy a kilo of oranges.
  • El hombre bebió un vaso de agua. - The man drank a glass of water.

11. Used in several constructions - paraphrases (see " Paraphrases with the infinitive »):

  • No dejes de enviarme este libro. - Be sure to send me this book.

12. Used in independent and dependent infinitive constructions, replacing the subordinate conditional sentence: (see " Infinitive constructions replacing subordinate clauses »):

  • De no ser ella tan egoísta, podriamos ser amigas. - If she wasn't so selfish, we could be friends.

Using prepositions with verbs" And " Using prepositions with adjectives »).

pretext desde

1. Indicates the initial segment of time and space. Translated as from, from:

  • Sus vacaciones empiezan desde el septiembre. - His vacation will start in September.
  • Estoy de pie desde las nueve de la mañana. - I've been on my feet since nine o'clock in the morning.
  • Desde mi balcon veo a los ninos jugando. - From my balcony I can see the children playing.
  • Desde aquí no se oye ni se ve nada. - Nothing can be heard or seen from here.

2. Indicates the starting point of the movement. Translated as from:

  • Se aterrizó el avión de Madrid. - The plane from Madrid landed.
  • El tren des de Valencia llega al andén número cuatro. - A train from Valencia arrives at the 4th platform.

3. Included in some established phrases:

  • desde/de ahora en adelante henceforth and henceforth
  • desde entonces since then
  • desde aquel entonces for a long time
  • desde luego Certainly
  • Desde ahora en adelante te prohibo que hables conmigo de tal manera. - From now on, I forbid you to talk to me like that.
  • Desde luego hay que invitarle a la fiesta de mañana. - Of course, he should be invited to tomorrow's holiday.

pretext durante

Has only a temporary value; translates as during, during:

  • Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial cayeron millones de hombres. - Millions of people died during World War II.
  • Durante el invierno se puede esquiar y patinar. - In winter you can ski and skate.

pretext en

1. Indicates the location of something or someone in space; translates as in, on:

  • Colocamos la ropa en el armario. - We put our clothes in the closet.
  • El coche está en el taller mecanico. - Machine in the workshop.
  • María vive en un pueblo cerca de Madrid. - Maria lives in a small town near Madrid.
  • Los ninos estudian en el colegio. - The kids are in college.

2. Indicates a time point or date:

  • En septiembre empieza el ano escolar. - The school year starts in September.
  • Pablo Neruda nació en el año 1904 y murió en 1973. - Pablo Neruda was born in 1904 and died in 1973.

3. Included in the group of adverbs of the mode of action:

  • Su padre, mientras se ducha, canta en voz alta. - Her father sings loudly when he takes a shower.
  • Relátamelo todo, pero en breve, por favor. - Tell me everything, please, just briefly.

4. Indicates the material from which the item is made:

  • En el conjunto del monumento a Cervantes en la Plaza de España están las estatuas en bronce de Don Quijote a caballo sobre Rocinante y Sancho Panza montado a su asno. - In the ensemble of the monument to Cervantes in the Plaza of Spain there are bronze figures of Don Quixote saddling Rocinante, and Sancho Panza on his donkey.

5. Used with vehicles:

  • A todos los niños les gusta andar en las bicicletas. - All children love to ride bikes.
  • Prefiero ir en taxi a casa de mi amiga. - I prefer to take a taxi to my girlfriend.

Mandatory when using some verbs and adjectives (see " Using prepositions with verbs" And " Using prepositions with adjectives »).

pretext entre

1. Indicates an intermediate location. Translated as between:

  • Colombia está entre Venezuela y el Ecuador. - Colombia is located between Venezuela and Ecuador.
  • El cine está entre una farmacia y un restaurante. - The cinema is located between the pharmacy and the restaurant.

2. Indicates an indefinite, approximate location. Translated as among, in:

  • La muchacha se perdió entre la multitud. - The girl was lost in the crowd.
  • No pienso que estes entre muchos enemigos. - I do not think that you are among many enemies.

3. Indicates an approximate length of time. Translated as between, with:

  • Llego a casa entre las dos y las dos y media. - I come home between two o'clock and half past three.
  • Entre el viernes y el lunes estaremos en nuestra casa de campo. - From about Friday to Monday we will be in our country house.

4. Indicates joint participation. Translated as between, in:

  • No lo relataremos a nadie. Que se quede esto entre tú y yo. - We won't tell anyone. Let this stay between us.
  • Entre nuestro grupo reinaba una amistad grande. - There was an atmosphere of great friendship in our group.

prepositions excepto / salvo

Synonymous prepositions. They have only one meaning - except, except for:

  • Todos llegaron a la fiesta excepto Luis, está enfermo. - Everyone came to the party except Luis, he is sick.
  • Trabajamos todos los dias de la semana salvo el domingo. - We work every day of the week except Sunday.

pretext hacia

Points to:

  • Nos dirigimos hacia la más cercana estación del metro. - We headed to the nearest metro station.
  • Pedro volvió la cabeza hacia la puerta. - Pedro turned his head towards the door.

2. approximate location or time. Translated as about, to:

  • Los españoles cenan muy tarde, hacia las nueve o las diez de la noche. - Spaniards eat very late, around nine or ten in the evening.
  • La nave navega con rumbo hacia la costa. - The ship is sailing towards the shore.
  • Discutieron muchos temas y la conversación se desvió hacia los problemas de la injusticia. - They discussed many topics, and the conversation turned to issues of injustice.
  • María siente verdadera pasion hacia la pintura. - Maria has a true passion for painting.

pretext hasta


1. limit in spatial terms. Corresponds to the Russian preposition before:

  • Llegamos en el autobús hasta el monasterio antiguo. - We took the bus to the old monastery.
  • El tren seguirá hasta el punto final de su itenerario. - The train will proceed to the final destination of its route.
  • Un tiket de ida y vuelta hasta la Plaza Cataluña, por favor. - One round trip ticket to Plaza Catalunya, please.

2. limit in temporal meaning. Also corresponds to the Russian preposition before:

  • Elena mira la television hasta las doce de la noche. - Elena watches TV until twelve o'clock at night.
  • De costumbre los empleados trabajan hasta las seis de la tarde. - Employees usually work until six in the evening.

3. Combining with an infinitive, noun or subordinate clause, indicates the limit of any action:

  • Me gustan tanto sus versos que estoy dispuesta hasta aprenderlos de memoria. - I like his poems so much that I'm even ready to learn them by heart.
  • Es muy bien conocida la famosa expresión de Ernesto Che Guevara: "¡Hasta la victoria siempre!" - The famous slogan of Ernesto Che Guevara is well known: “Always to victory!”
  • Estudiará este tema hasta que logre comprenderlo. - He will study this topic until he understands it.

4. Preposition hasta is an integral part of such important and frequently used expressions as:

  • hasta luego see you soon
  • hasta cierto punto to any extent
  • hasta el fin to end
  • hasta la vista Goodbye
  • Tienes razón hasta cierto punto. - To some extent you are right.
  • El libro resultó tan aburrido que lo leí hasta el fin con mucha dificultad. - The book was so boring that I read it to the end with great difficulty.

pretext mediante

Has only one meaning - through, by means of:

  • Resolveremos el conflicto mediante las negociaciones. - We will resolve the conflict through negotiations.
  • Aprendió a manejar bien su coche mediante estas reglas. - He learned to drive well with these rules.

pretext para

In all its meanings, it is most often translated by Russian prepositions for, to or the Russian subordinate clause of the goal, conveys the relations of instrumental, genitive and dative cases.

1. Indicates the purpose of the action or shows for whom (or what) it is performed:

  • He llegado para hablar contigo. - I have come to talk to you.
  • Es una nueva medicina para adelgazar. - This is a new drug for weight loss.
  • Estamos preparandonos para la salida al teatro. - We are getting ready to go to the theatre.
  • El professor lo explica para Juan. - The teacher explains this to Juan.

In this phrase, that is, before an indirect object, the preposition para synonymous with preposition a . In phrases of this type, either of these two prepositions can be used.

2. Indicates the destination, directions:

  • ¿Vas para la redacción? - Are you going to the editor?
  • El avión sale para la Habana. - The plane leaves for Havana.

3. Indicates a point in time:

  • Tienes que hacerlo para finales de mes. - You must do it by the end of the month.
  • Vamos a dejarlo para el otro dia. - Let's leave it for another day.
  • Compraré un regalo para su cumpleaños. - I will buy a present for his birthday.

4. Has a definitive character:

  • Es un tenedor para el pescado. - This is a fish fork.
  • Compre este reloj para ti. - I bought this watch for you.

5. Conveys a point of view, opinion:

  • Para nosotros esto no tiene ninguna importancia. - For us it doesn't matter.
  • Para mi es un verdadero placer. - For me, this is a real pleasure.

6. Conveys comparative connotation:

  • Es una nina muy educada para su edad. - She is a very well educated girl for her age.
  • ¿No vas muy abrigada para el calor que hace? - Aren't you dressed too warm for this warm weather?

Pretext para obligatory when using some verbs and adjectives (see " Using prepositions with verbs" And " Using prepositions with adjectives »).

pretext por

Corresponds to the Russian instrumental case, most often translated by Russian prepositions for, by.

1. Indicates the cause:

  • Le pasan tantas cosas desagradables por decir tonterias. - Various troubles happen to him, because he speaks nonsense.
  • No vas a enfadarte conmigo por una tonteria, ¿verdad? - You won't get mad at me for this stupidity, will you?
  • Gracias por haberme llamado. - Thank you for calling me.

2. Indicates the purpose of the action:

  • Bolívar luchó por la independencia de Venezuela y otros países latinoamericanos. - Bolivar fought for the independence of Venezuela and other Latin American countries.
  • Vamos a la tienda por flores. - Let's go to the flower shop.

3. Indicates time, approximation in time and periodicity:

  • Por la mañana es mejor levantarse temprano. - It's better to get up early in the morning.
  • Por unos minutos no supo que contestar. - For several minutes he didn't know what to say.
  • Por esas fechas estaba en las Islas Canarias. - Somewhere in those days he was in the Canary Islands.
  • Visita a sus padres una vez por semana. - He visits his parents once a week.

4. Points to the place:

  • Paseamos por un parque muy hermoso. - We walked in a very beautiful park.
  • No subas por la escalera, funciona el ascensor. - Don't take the stairs, the elevator is working.
  • No sé, donde he dejado mis gafas, por aquí, creo. - I don't know where I left my glasses, I think it's here.

5. Indicates the manner of action:

  • Se lo comunico por telefono. - He told him this over the phone.
  • Dice que le gustaría resolver el problema por las buenas. - He says that he would like to solve the problem in an amicable way.

6. Indicates an action performed instead of someone or on behalf of someone:

  • Puedes firmar por él, pregúntale. - You can sign for him, ask him.
  • En la reunion Pedro hablo por todos. - At the meeting, Pedro spoke on behalf of everyone.

7. Indicates price:

  • ¿Cuánto has pagado por todos los productos? - How much did you pay for all the products?
  • Pagaria mucho por este libro. - I would pay a lot for this book.

8. Used in the passive voice to indicate the producer of the action:

  • América fue descubierta por Cristóbal Colón. - America was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
  • Ese cuadro fue pintado por Francisco Goya. - The painting was painted by Francisco Goya.

9. Used in independent and dependent infinitive constructions, replacing the subordinate clause of the cause (see " Infinitive constructions replacing subordinate clauses »):

  • Por trabajar mucho gana bastante. - He makes good money because he works hard.

10. It is used in several stable revolutions:

  • por ahora now, at the moment
  • por ejemplo For example
  • por fin finally
  • por eso That's why
  • por lo general usually, in general
  • por lo visto apparently
  • Por ahora estoy ocupada, no puedo hablar contigo. - I'm busy right now, I can't talk to you.
  • Por fin terminaron los examenes. - Finally the exams are over.

Mandatory when using some verbs and adjectives (see " Using prepositions with verbs" And " Using prepositions with adjectives »).

pretext segun

Indicates conformity with some expression or opinion, causality or dependence. Translated into Russian by prepositions by, according to:

  • Según mi opinión tú no estudias demasiado. - I don't think you study enough.
  • Aprendió a manejar su coche según las instrucciones que había recibido. - He learned to drive a car from the instructions he received.
  • Según comunicó el diario las elecciones empezarán en octubre. - According to the newspaper, the elections will begin in October.

pretext sin

Indicates the absence of someone or something. Translated by Russian preposition without:

  • No te preocupes, no iremos al cine sin ti. - Don't worry, we won't go to the cinema without you.
  • Los diabeticos deben tomar té y café sin azúcar. - Patients with diabetes should drink tea and coffee without sugar.
  • Es imposible vivir sin amigos y sin amor. - It is impossible to live without friends and without love.

When used with an infinitive, it conveys the meaning of a Russian gerund with negation:

  • Se fue sin despedirse. - He left without saying goodbye.
  • Lo dijo sin pensar. - He said it without thinking.
  • Es dificil vivir sin trabajar. - It's hard to live without working.

pretext sobre

Almost in all meanings it is translated by Russian prepositions on, over, oh, around.

1. Indicates a position above something or someone, both in spatial terms and in moral:

  • Las revistas estan sobre la mesa. - The magazines are on the table.
  • Juan se impone sobre todos sus amigos por sus conocimientos. - Juan surpasses all his friends with his knowledge.

2. Indicates the thematic content of a speech, statement, book, etc.:

  • Es un libro sobre la pintura española. - This book is about Spanish painting.
  • Estamos hablando con mi amiga sobre algunos pormenores. - We talk with a friend about different little things.

3. Indicates an approximate temporal value, in the amount of:

  • Tendrá sobre cuarenta anos. - She must be about forty years old.
  • Llego sobre la una de la tarde. - He came at about one o'clock.
  • He comprado sobre dos kilos de manzanas. - I bought about two kilograms of apples.

pretext tras

1. Indicates the time following something. Translated by Russian preposition after:

  • Tras el verano llega el otoño. - After summer comes autumn.
  • Tras la boda se fueron a Italia. - After the wedding, they went to Italy.

2. Points to a place. Translated as behind, behind:

  • Mi pluma cayo tras el escritorio. - My pen fell behind the desk.
  • Tras la puerta te espera algun señor. - A gentleman is waiting for you outside the door.

In this sense, the preposition tras often replaced in modern Spanish by the compound preposition detras de behind.

pretext via

In modern language, the noun has passed into the category of prepositions via road. Used in the meaning of a compound preposition a traves de through.


  1. Article
  2. Noun
  3. Adjective
  4. Pronoun
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