Turning glossy paint into matte. Glossy paint: advantages and disadvantages, application to the surface and matting How to make glossy paint matte after painting

What people are not looking for on the Internet. I came across such a controversial question - how to make glossy paint matte. Many will be surprised and suggest just buying a matte one. But sometimes it's not so easy to choose desired color among the matte, so you have to resort to tricks.

Glossy paint is made matte after it has been applied to the surface. The easiest way is to cover the paint layer with matte acrylic varnish. Glossy paint can be made matte using gasoline. Wipe the paint with it after drying. After the glossy paint has dried, go over the surface with fine sandpaper. You can turn glossy paint into a matte finish before painting. Add baby powder, tooth powder, or rice flour to the paint can. But get carried away with the powder, add no more than 10 percent, otherwise you risk lightening the color. Mix the paint well and filter. You can make glossy paint matte using paraffin or wax. Add it to the paint can and mix well. Glossy paint has an unpleasant property that manifests itself during storage. A glossy surface forms on the surface. thin film, and the coloring composition falls to the bottom of the jar. Therefore, before use, remove the film from the surface and stir the paint well before use. You may also encounter the fact that the paint on the wall will take a long time to dry and will begin to harden in the can. In this case, add solvent to the jar in small portions.


how to make paint matte, how to make glossy paint matte

We can talk about the advantages of glossy and matte paints for a long time, but matte paint has one significant advantage - it can visually smooth out all the unevenness and defects of the walls, which glossy paint will only emphasize. In addition, only matte paint is suitable for some types of interiors, so the question of choice becomes acute. suitable shade. Unfortunately, the choice of matte paint colors is not as wide as the choice among glossy paints, so you have to look for ways to turn glossy paint of the desired shade into matte, because sometimes doing this is much easier than looking for exactly what you need in hardware stores.

There are many ways to remove unnecessary shine from glossy paint. Let's look at the most popular and simple ones.

So, after the walls are painted with glossy paint, you need to cover it on top with acrylic matte varnish, which will leave the color of the walls the same and eliminate shine. This method is one of the simplest and easiest to perform.

Even a cleaned one can cope with the removal of shine. petrol, which you need to carefully wipe the top layers of paint. As a rule, after this procedure, the shine disappears and the surface becomes matte. If such treatment does not help, or partially does not help, then the areas that remain shiny can be treated with fine sandpaper. But you should work with it extremely carefully so as not to damage the coating itself.

You can prepare matte paint before it is applied to the walls. And supplements such as tooth powder, rice flour, dolomite or even baby powder, which need to be mixed with gloss paint. It is important not to overdo it with the addition of different powders: for example, their part in the mixture ready for application should not exceed 10%, otherwise the color may turn out much lighter than expected. After the paint and powder have been mixed, the finished paint needs to be filtered, and only then can it be applied. Moreover, it is important to remember that when using this method, you cannot use an airbrush when painting, which can become clogged and deteriorate due to the presence of small particles of powder in the paint.

In addition to the powders listed above, substances such as wax or paraffin. After adding them to the paint, ready mix mixed, and after that it is ready for use. It is worth noting that in the case of both powders and wax or paraffin, the paint can be tested for small area walls, but if the effect is insufficient, then perhaps it’s worth adding required ingredient, without allowing its excess.

When you start painting walls with prepared paint, there may be situations where the paint will harden in the can. To avoid this, solvent should be added periodically.

Thanks to their glare-absorbing properties, matte walls appear smooth and neat, even if they are not. It often happens that the paint of the desired shade is not available at the hardware store. Therefore, it turns out to be quite simpler to paint the walls with glossy paint, and then use special methods turn it matte.

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The most simple method Transforming glossy paint into matte is coating the painted surface with acrylic varnish. Then you need to let the paint dry completely. After drying, the color of the walls will even out and acquire a matte surface.

One more good remedy Refined gasoline is used to matt the surface. It is enough to treat the walls with gasoline to get rid of the shine. If the intended effect has not been achieved, then using fine sandpaper you can rub the surface of the wall. But this option requires extreme caution so as not to erase the paint to a deep layer.

Also, at the initial stage, you can matte glossy paint by adding baby powder, rice flour or tooth powder. To make the paint matte and not lose its color, you need to dissolve 10% of the powder in the paint, then filter the resulting solution. It should be noted that this method is not applicable to working with an airbrush, since powder additives contribute to clogging of the sprayer.

Using wax or paraffin you can also turn glossy paint into matte. A small amount of wax or paraffin must be mixed with the paint. After this, the mixture is applied to a small area of ​​the wall surface. If the gloss still remains, you can add another portion of wax.

When working with homemade matte paint, a situation often arises when the paint in the can quickly begins to thicken, but takes a long time to dry on the walls. In this case, when working with paint, it is necessary to pour solvent into it in small portions and mix vigorously.

Usually, over time, a glossy base appears on the surface of the paint, and the pigment responsible for the color settles to the bottom. Using a pipette, you can collect the top glossy layer from the surface of the paint and stir the paint. You can observe the result obtained by applying paint to a small area of ​​the wall.

Glossy paints do not always look good on the walls of rooms. For example, in southern rooms, constantly illuminated by sunlight, a glossy wall produces constant glare that irritates the eyes. It is in such cases that it is better to paint the walls with matte paint. If you only have a glossy one at your disposal, this is not a reason to spend money on purchasing another one. matte paint. Let's look at how you can make matte paint from glossy paint in a simple and accessible way for everyone.

Ways to eliminate glare on wall surfaces

The matte surface looks much more organic in rooms that are mostly exposed to sun rays. There are several ways to get rid of annoying glare.


You can mechanically clean the wall surface by treating it with a soft sanding attachment using a sander. The method is simple, but has a number of everyday disadvantages:

  1. When sanding at home, a significant amount of fine dust is released, so you have to remove all the furniture from the room being processed, make a very reliable shelter for your respiratory organs and eyes, and subsequently put up with the tedious cleaning of the room.
  2. It is not always possible to provide a uniform texture of a matte surface, which is why its visual perception deteriorates.
  3. Subsequent care for a sanded wall becomes more difficult, where household dust will settle more easily.

That's why mechanical grinding A glossy surface is permissible only in small areas, and is used mainly when treating technical areas of the house.


After the surface has completely dried, cover the wall previously painted with glossy paint with a layer of matte varnish. It is better to do this right away, because over time, microcracks may appear on the gloss, the paint may change its original color, and the wall will have to be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt deposits before coating.

Gasoline treatment

Option to process glossy surface walls with gasoline will require special safety measures: the room must be cleared of flammable objects and constantly ventilated. Work must be performed only in a respirator or gauze bandage.

After such treatment, the wall must be washed for a long time and thoroughly. warm water. The method, in addition, does not guarantee uniformity of shade on the cleaned wall. After completing all the work, it is also advisable to sand the wall using fine sandpaper.

Make your own paint

You can prepare matte paint with your own hands, thereby immediately painting the wall in matte colors. This method is the most rational and will be accompanied by minimal costs time and money, will save the area of ​​the room being treated.

Analyzing all the options, we can conclude: the most effective would be to immediately paint the wall with matte paint, which you can easily prepare yourself.

Methods for obtaining material

They are divided into mechanical and chemical. The latter are more reliable, since when painting you do not have to constantly stir the coloring composition.

There is always a sufficient amount of matte additives in the house that are absolutely safe from an environmental point of view and can be dissolved in the glossy base paint. These additives include:

It is important that in all of the above cases you cannot use a spray gun or sprayer of such a coloring composition, since the spray nozzle will quickly become clogged. Only careful filtering of the final composition will help.

The technology of adding wax or paraffin to glossy paint has more advantages. The additive should be heated over low heat, then, without allowing it to cool, slowly pour into the paint while mixing thoroughly.

This method of obtaining a matte coloring composition is not suitable for all paints, but only for those that do not lose their stability at elevated temperatures, as the product manufacturer’s instructions warn about.

How to dye

The most important thing is to keep the mixed ingredients uniform. Both wax, paraffin, and chalk-containing additives have a density that is sharply different from the main glossy paint. Therefore, the coloring pigment can rise to the top, and the additives, on the contrary, can settle to the bottom of the vessel with the working solution.

When planning to make a coloring composition, take a small portion, strictly maintaining the concentration of additives. It is also useful to do a test painting of a part of the wall, make sure that the components are selected in the required proportions, and then carry out painting.

For painting, it is better to use a paint roller - it will allow you to quickly and evenly cover the wall surface with such paint.

Any of the described methods for preparing matte paint from glossy paint has one significant limitation: as it decreases in capacity, the material thickens.

Therefore, an organic solvent must be periodically added to the paint. Unfortunately, it changes the original color and helps reduce the original density of the paint. Therefore, as the coloring composition is consumed, it is necessary to increase the concentration of matting additives to it. Articles By
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