Presentation for children of the device of the Russian hut. Presentation on the theme "peasant hut". Furnace - dwelling



1 . From what material were huts built in Rus'?

1 . From what material were houses built in Rus'?

2. What was the name of the part of the peasant house,

made from treated logs?

3. With what symbolic concepts

peasants connected different parts of the house?

Izba - a room heated by a stove

“The peasant was quick-witted, he put a hut on the stove”


The main decoration of the house was an icon.

Icons were placed on a shelf-deity.

In addition to icons, the goddess kept items consecrated in the church: holy water, willow, and an Easter egg.

FURNACE - the soul of the house,

the main guardian of the family,

family hearth.

FURNACE - dwelling


SHESTOK - a wide thick board on which

placed pots, cast iron, household utensils

Where to start drawing a Russian hut?

  • Determine what you will depict: the female half, the red corner, the male half, the oven ...
  • Consider the layout of the drawing.
  • Determine where in the drawing there will be an image of the floor, ceiling, walls.

We proceed to the practical part of the lesson, carefully read the task.

The sequence of constructing a perspective image of the hut

When doing practical work, refer to the test on the slide. In the first lesson on this topic, you must perform a linear construction of a drawing of a hut and begin the arrangement of household items in a graph.

red corner



The corners of the hut are not red,

and red with pies!

The presentation was prepared according to the program of B.M. Nemensky for the lesson of fine arts in the 5th grade on the topic “The inner world of the Russian hut”.

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Hut on the territory of the museum in the Intercession Monastery in Suzdal. Izba, a log dwelling among Russians; heated living space in the house. In Ancient and Moscow Rus', a hut was called a public place; original name in the 16th century (Local hut, Posolskaya hut).

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Construction of a hut The construction of a house for a peasant was a significant event. At the same time, it was important for him not only to solve a purely practical problem - to provide a roof over his head for himself and his family, but also to organize the living space in such a way that it was filled with life's blessings, warmth, love and peace. And at the same time, every peasant believed in the traditions of their ancestors. During construction, the location of the house was important. People believed that if a house was built in an “unfortunate place” (where the road passed, there was a bathhouse, where people used to be buried), then the inhabitants of the house would not have well-being, there would be quarrels, illnesses ... a place where people lived in complete prosperity.

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General view of the hut The floor in the hut was sometimes made of earth, but more often - wooden, raised above the ground on beams-logs cut into the lower crown. In this case, a hole was made in the floor into a shallow underground cellar. A kind of entrance hall was often attached to the hut - a canopy about 2 m wide. Sometimes, however, the vestibule was significantly expanded and arranged in them as a barn for cattle. They used the canopy in a different way. They kept property in the spacious, tidy hallways, made something in bad weather, and in the summer they could, for example, put guests to sleep there. Archaeologists call such a dwelling "two-chamber", meaning that it has two rooms. According to written sources, starting from the 10th century, unheated extensions to huts - cages - spread. They communicated again through the canopy. The cage served as a summer bedroom, a year-round pantry, and in winter - a kind of "refrigerator". The usual roof of Russian houses was wooden, hewn, shingled or shingled.

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The interior space of the hut The interior of the hut was characterized by simplicity and expedient placement of the items included in it. The main space of the hut was occupied by an oven, which in most of Russia was located at the entrance, to the right or left of the door.

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The interior of the chamber differed from the interior of the inner space of the hut by the presence of a Dutch woman instead of a Russian stove, or by the absence of a stove at all. The rest of the mansion attire, with the exception of the blankets and the platform for sleeping, repeated the motionless attire of the hut. The peculiarity of the upper room was that it was always ready to receive guests.

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A necessary element of the decoration of the dwelling was a table serving for a daily and festive meal. The table was one of the most ancient types of mobile furniture, although the earliest tables were adobe and motionless. In a traditional Russian dwelling, a movable table always had a permanent place; it stood in the most honorable place - in the red corner, in which the icons were located. Icons were the main decoration of the houses. The icons were placed on a shelf or an open cabinet called a goddess. It was made of wood, often decorated with carvings and paintings. In addition to icons, the goddess kept items consecrated in the church: holy water, willow, an Easter egg, sometimes the Gospel.

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Thus, the Russian hut, with its special, well-organized space, immovable attire, movable furniture, decoration and utensils, was a single whole, constituting a whole world for the peasant.

Row layout A type of village development in which all houses
stand in a row, straight or curved, repeating
coastlines or roads. Main facades
houses with this type of development look "at
sun", "for the summer" or "on the water".
Row buildings had a deep
rational seed. Turning the windows to the south gave
opportunity to make the most of
natural light and minimize
lighting the hut with open fire in the summer

Row building

Cage - the simplest wooden
construction that is
covered rectangular frame.


Logs or beams of one row of wooden
log house. Connected, they
form rectangles or
polygons. Bundles between logs
cut down in various ways
application of nails.
Bundles repetitive in shape and size
logs ("crowns") were stacked on top of each other,
forming a log house. depended on the number of crowns
log height.

Types of wall felling:

A - "in okryapka"; b - "in the hook"; in - "in uniform"; g - "into the needle"; d - "in dir"; e- "in
ohlop"; g - "in the cloud"; s - "in a thorn with a thorn"; and - "in an oblique paw"; to - "in the paw with
prisec or spike"; l - “in a thorn”, “in half a tree”,
"in the dressing"; m - “to the pickup”, “to the pole”, “to the rack”

Cutting "into the oblo" ("into the bowl")

Cutting "into the oblo" ("into the bowl")
One of the ancient ways of tying logs in the corners
crowns. At the same time, in each log was cut down
round bowl into which perpendicular
the next log was laid. Every bundle
had an equal output of logs. Issues
gave stability to the entire structure of the log house,
prevented the log house from freezing.
Initially, to connect the crowns, they were cut down
round bowls at the top of each log, and
later on its underside. This
contributed to a better preservation of the log house, so
how the water flowed into the bowl to a lesser extent. ?

Cutting "in oblo"

Cutting "in the bowl" ("in the oblo")

Cutting "in the paw" - a way to connect corners
logs without residue. Usually used
during the construction of religious buildings.

Log house "in cut"

Log house "in cut"
A type of log house in which the logs are not stacked tightly, but on
some distance apart and connected between
itself not along the entire length, but only in the corners. big gap
between logs (beams) contributed to a better
log cabin ventilation.

The device of the northern Russian hut

Hut heated in black. Furnace in a henhouse
The hut did not have a chimney. During the firing of the furnace
smoke filled the entire space of the hut,
climbed up and went out through the portage
windows and wooden chimney to the outside.
Despite the disadvantages during operation,
the chicken hut had a number of advantages. Soot and
soot settled on the walls, protecting the logs from
moisture penetration. The stove kept warm for a long time,
required less wood. Log cabin of a chicken hut
served longer.

Kurnaya ("black", "ore") hut

The interior of the chicken hut

Furnace with chimney and chimney



Basement - the lower unheated part of the log house. In northern
areas, the basement height could reach 2-2.5 meters.
The basement protected the dwelling of a person from excessive moisture and
snowdrifts, from the harsh winter cold. Podletnoe
the premises had a commercial purpose. Here
supplies and utensils were stored. In winter, in the basement could
keep poultry and livestock.

Upper room ("mountainous" - located on a "mountainous", elevated place)

Upper room ("mountain" - located on
"mountain", lofty place)
Front room in a peasant dwelling.
In the second half of the 19th century, it settled without
stoves and was used as housing only in
warm season. In summer, in a well-lit
In the upper room, women were engaged in needlework. Here
a sleeping place was allocated for the newlyweds.
At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, wealthy peasants
they equip a Dutch oven in the upper room, which
significantly expands the functions of the room.
Often the upper room served as a place for reception and
accommodation of guests.

Povet (“povit”, in the southern regions - “barn”)
- the upper tier of the covered courtyard, which served for
hay storage (hayloft).
The poveti room was also used for storage
agricultural implements. Right here in
bad weather was carried out by some species
agricultural work.

Vzvoz - inclined log
scaffold (roll) leading from the "street" to
tell. On this flooring the horse
climbed the tale with
wagon loaded with hay.

Nail-free (male) roof - plank roof with
special load-bearing structure, equipped with
horizontally laid logs ("sleep down").
The ends were cut into the transverse logs of the facade
log house ("males"). Tes, fit on the bed. Roof
was built without a single nail and had a very strong

System "by streams and by hens"

Chickens - male element (nailless)
roofs. These are spruce beams - hooks, on
which the flows lie.
Threads - an element of male (nailless)
Tes, which was laid on the roof, in
the lower part rested against the flow
(pre-hollowed out for drain
water) log.

Chill (with a helmet)

A hollowed-out log that crowned the structure
nailless roof. Were brought under the stupor
upper ends of the roofing board, outer part
okhlupnya retained the rounded shape of the log. Butt
okhlupnya was decorated with a sacred horse
(decoration carved in the form of a horse or a bird).
Konik had a deep meaning, it embodied the ancient
pagan beliefs of the Slavs about nature. Horse
symbolized the sun moving across the sky. Except
Moreover, the conic was a protective symbol. among the people
believed: "The horse on the roof is quieter in the hut."


The board that protected the ends of the log beds
from excess moisture. In the northern regions
the chapels were richly decorated with carvings.
Sacred symbols (waves, meander lines, circles, crosses,
solar rosettes), which formed the basis of ornamentation
prichelin, were considered by the peasants not only as
decoration of the house, but also as a message to the well-being of the owners
at home and to protect the house from evil spirits and the evil eye.



A short, carved board,
covering the junction of the berths. Towel canvas
adorned with a solar rosette symbolizing
the movement of the sun across the sky. Usually on the front
at home there were three towels that covered
upper and lower joints of the piers. Getting up on
in the east, the sun rose to its zenith and set in the west,
personifying the constant movement and cyclical nature of life.

Valance - a board with a carved bottom edge,
located under the slopes of the brownie
roofs, on porches, on benches.
Functionally closed rough joints
structures and served as decorative
element. The prototype of the later cornice.



Upper and
timber in

slanting window

Windows with "cuts" - windows where the roundness of the log
around the window opening was shy, and sometimes
simple carved patterns were applied to the walls.

Deaf (flat) woodcarving

One of the common types of carving.
Used to decorate housing: window
platbands, doors, facades. This type
thread is characterized by non-cutting (or
deaf) background, as well as a pattern,
remaining almost on par with
board. Blind wood carving happens
geometric, consisting of circles,
triangles, various quadrilaterals
and other figures and elements.

Four-wall house

The classic version of the peasant
dwellings. Consists of an insulated frame
(actually the hut) and attached to it
canopy protecting the entrance from bad weather.
This type of building is considered
the simplest option, from which it takes
the beginning of the evolution of wooden
housing construction. Usually,
construction of a four-wall residential
houses were limited to the poorest

Four-wall house

House-six-walls (hut with a prirub)
In the evolution of wooden housing construction, it takes
an intermediate place between a four-walled house and a five-walled house. In the moment
extensions of the residential part to the main frame
"prirub" was attached. Distance between
log cabins was 20-40cm.
The horizontal plan of the building changed. Now he
had six walls, two of which were parallel,
and four are perpendicular to the street. Hence the name
at home - "six-wall". According to the scale of the residential
part of the farmyard was rebuilt. Then
the house was re-roofed.

Six-wall house

Five-wall house

Type of house, the front hut of which has
capital log cut in the middle
part, forming two rooms inside
one log. In plan, the residential part had five
walls, two of which were parallel
street, and three - perpendicular. To the hut, as before, a canopy and a large
economic yard.
Five-walls were erected by wealthy peasants already in
second half of the 18th century. But at the end of the 19th century
such houses were rare.

Five-wall house

Chetverik - in Russian stone and wooden architecture
quadrangular building or component
compositions of tented and tiered temples, including
combined with an octagonal part ("octagon on
The octagon is an octagonal log house, which was
a separate building or part of it.
"Eight on a four" - a popular constructive
type of building in Russian church architecture. Wherein
the lower part is a cubic volume (in
wooden architecture - log house), and the top -
an octahedron placed on it. Above may be
there is one or two more octagon, with completion in the form of a tent or dome. Russia is special
This type became widespread in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Features of cutting "in oblo"

For felling houses, it is necessary to use
high quality wood, not contaminated
tree beetles and fungus. Harvest
logs of the desired length and diameter and preferably
the same thickness. If this is not possible, then
trees are selected according to the upper cut diameter with an acceptable difference between
diameters up to 30 mm. From such logs it is easier
cut a log Butt sides of logs
squeezed from the inside to a thickness,
equal to the upper diameter, giving their ends
oval shape. The cutting of logs is performed from

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The interior of the hut was distinguished by simplicity and expedient placement of the items included in it. The main space of the hut was occupied by an oven, which in most of Russia was located at the entrance, to the right or left of the door.

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Many ideas, beliefs, rituals, magical techniques are associated with the oven. In the traditional mind, the stove was an integral part of the dwelling; if the house did not have a stove, it was considered non-residential. According to popular beliefs, under the stove or behind it lives a brownie, the patron of the hearth, kind and helpful in some situations, wayward and even dangerous in others. In a system of behavior where such an opposition as "one's own" - "alien" is essential, the attitude of the hosts towards a guest or a stranger changed if he happened to sit on their stove; both the person who dined with the owner's family at the same table, and the one who sat on the stove, were already perceived as "one's own". Appeal to the furnace occurred during all the rituals, the main idea of ​​which was the transition to a new state, quality, status.

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As for the stove ... let's think seriously, could the "kind" and "honest" Empress Stove, in the presence of which they did not dare to say a swear word, under which, according to the concepts of the ancients, the soul of the hut lived - Brownie - could it personify " darkness"? No way. It is much more likely to assume that the stove was placed in the northern corner as an insurmountable barrier to the forces of death and evil, seeking to break into the dwelling. The relatively small space of the hut, about 20-25 square meters, was organized in such a way that a fairly large family of seven to eight people was accommodated in it with more or less convenience. This was achieved due to the fact that each family member knew his place in the common space. Men usually worked, rested during the day on the men's half of the hut, which included a front corner with icons and a bench near the entrance. Women and children were in the women's quarters near the stove during the day. Places for night sleep have also been allocated. Old people slept on the floor near the door, the stove or on the stove, on the golbets, children and unmarried youth - under the boards or on the boards. In warm weather, adult married couples spent the night in cages, passages, in cold weather - on a bench under the floor or on a platform near the stove.

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The stove was the second most important "holiness center" in the house - after the red, God's corner - and maybe even the first. The part of the hut from the mouth to the opposite wall, the space in which all the women's work related to cooking was performed, was called the stove corner. Here, near the window, against the mouth of the furnace, in each house there were hand millstones, so the corner is also called a millstone. In the oven corner there was a ship bench or a counter with shelves inside, which was used as a kitchen table. On the walls were observers - shelves for tableware, cabinets. Above, at the level of the benches, there was a stove beam, on which kitchen utensils were placed and various household items were stacked. On a holiday, the hut was transformed: the table was moved to the middle, covered with a tablecloth, festive utensils, which had previously been stored in crates, were put on the shelves.

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The stove corner was considered a dirty place, unlike the rest of the clean space of the hut. Therefore, the peasants have always sought to separate it from the rest of the room with a curtain of colorful chintz, colored homespun cloth or a wooden bulkhead. The stove corner, closed with a wooden partition, formed a small room, which had the name "closet" or "prilub". It was an exclusively female space in the hut: here women cooked food, rested after work. During the holidays, when many guests came to the house, a second table was placed by the stove for women, where they feasted separately from the men who sat at the table in the red corner. Men, even of their own families, could not enter the women's quarters without special need. The appearance of an outsider there was generally considered unacceptable. The traditional fixed furnishings of the dwelling were kept for the longest time near the stove in the women's corner.

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The table always stood in the corner, diagonally from the stove. Above it was a goddess with icons. Along the walls were motionless benches, above them - shelves cut into the walls. In the back of the hut, from the stove to the side wall, under the ceiling, a wooden flooring was arranged - a bed. In the southern Russian regions, behind the side wall of the stove there could be a wooden flooring for sleeping - a floor, a prima. All this immovable atmosphere of the hut was built together with the house and was called a mansion outfit. The stove played a major role in the interior space of the Russian dwelling throughout all stages of its existence. No wonder the room where the Russian stove stood was called "hut, firebox." The Russian stove belongs to the type of ovens, in which the fire is kindled inside the stove, and not on the platform open from above. The smoke exits through the mouth - an opening into which fuel is laid, or through a specially designed chimney. The Russian stove in a peasant hut had the shape of a cube: its usual length is 1.8-2 m, width 1.6-1.8 m, height 1.7 m. The upper part of the stove is flat, comfortable for lying. The furnace furnace is relatively large in size: 1.2-1.4 m high, up to 1.5 m wide, with a vaulted ceiling and a flat bottom - a hearth.

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All significant events of family life were marked in the red corner. Here, both everyday meals and festive feasts were held at the table, the action of many calendar rituals took place. In the wedding ceremony, the matchmaking of the bride, her ransom from her girlfriends and brother took place in the red corner; from the red corner of her father's house she was taken to the church for the wedding, brought to the groom's house and also led to the red corner. During the harvest, the first and last were installed in the red corner. The preservation of the first and last ears of the harvest, endowed, according to folk legends, with magical powers, promised well-being to the family, home, and entire economy. In the red corner, daily prayers were performed, from which any important business began. It is the most honored place in the house. According to traditional etiquette, a person who came to the hut could go there only at the special invitation of the owners. They tried to keep the red corner clean and smartly decorated. The very name "red" means "beautiful", "good", "light". It was cleaned with embroidered towels, popular prints, postcards. The most beautiful household utensils were placed on the shelves near the red corner, the most valuable papers and objects were stored. It was a common custom among Russians when laying a house to put money under the lower crown in all corners, and a larger coin was placed under the red corner.

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The red corner, like the stove, was an important landmark of the interior space of the hut. In most of European Russia, in the Urals, in Siberia, the red corner was the space between the side and front walls in the depths of the hut, limited by the corner, which is located diagonally from the stove.

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the red corner is well lit, since both of its constituent walls had windows. The main decoration of the red corner is a goddess with icons and a lamp, so it is also called "holy". As a rule, everywhere in Russia in the red corner, in addition to the goddess, there is a table, only in a number of places in the Pskov and Velikolukskaya provinces. it is placed in the wall between the windows - against the corner of the stove. In the red corner, near the table, two benches meet, and above, above the shrine, there are two shelves of a bench; hence the Western-South Russian name for the corner "day" (the place where the elements of the decoration of the dwelling meet, join).

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Each family member knew his place at the table. The owner of the house sat under the images during a family meal. His eldest son was located on the right hand of his father, the second son - on the left, the third - next to his older brother. Children under marriageable age were seated on a bench running from the front corner along the facade. Women ate while sitting on side benches or stools. Violating the once established order in the house was not supposed to be unless absolutely necessary. The person who violated them could be severely punished. On weekdays, the hut looked rather modest. There was nothing superfluous in it: the table stood without a tablecloth, the walls were without decorations. Everyday utensils were placed in the oven corner and on the shelves.

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Against a semi-dark background of the interior of a peasant hut, a peasant woman sits at a table on a bench with a crying child in her arms and swings a spoon at the boy

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Short Shop - A shop that runs along the front wall of a house facing the street. During a family meal, men sat on it. The shop, located near the stove, was called kutnaya. Buckets of water, pots, cast irons were placed on it, freshly baked bread was laid. The threshold bench ran along the wall where the door was located. It was used by women instead of a kitchen table and differed from other shops in the house by the absence of an edge along the edge. Judgment bench - a bench that goes from the stove along the wall or door partition to the front wall of the house. The surface level of this shop is higher than other shops in the house. The shop in front has folding or sliding doors or is closed by a curtain. Inside it are shelves for dishes, buckets, cast iron, pots.

The creation of a hut. The creation of a hut. Strict observance of traditions Strict observance of traditions Place: dry, high, bright. Place: dry, high, bright. "Happy" place - habitable and prosperous; "unfortunate" - burial places where there was a road or a bathhouse. "Happy" place - habitable and prosperous; "unlucky" - burial places where there was a road or a bathhouse.

Creating a hut Material: pine or larch. Material: pine or larch. Never use old or dead trees, or trees growing at road junctions ("Lust") Never use old or dead trees, or trees growing at road junctions ("Low")

The log house was made in late autumn (sometimes even right in the forest), where it stood idle until spring. The log house was made in late autumn (sometimes even right in the forest), where it stood idle until spring. Only after shrinkage of the log house was it transferred to the place where the hut was built. Only after shrinkage of the log house was it transferred to the place where the hut was built. Often the whole village gathered for this and a holiday was arranged at the expense of the builder, who needed help with the transfer. Often the whole village gathered for this and a holiday was arranged at the expense of the builder, who needed help with the transfer.

Orientation in parts of the world The hut was oriented in parts of the world: north - winter, evil, south - summer, good, east - sunrise, west - sunset. The door, according to custom, was located on the south side. The hut was oriented according to the parts of the world: north - winter, evil, south - summer, good, east - sunrise, west - sunset. The door, according to custom, was located on the south side.

The internal structure of the hut The doors were small in size - about 120 by 150 centimeters. They entered the house crouching - the threshold was also made quite high. The doors were small in size - about 120 by 150 centimeters. They entered the house crouching - the threshold was also made quite high.

The "red" corner is a specially designated place in the hut for icons. Settled in the far corner of the hut The most illuminated part of the hut The icons were placed in the "red" corner with the expectation that the icon was the first thing that a person entering the room paid attention to. Entering or leaving a room or house, a Christian first of all rendered honors to the King of Heaven, and only then to the owner of the house.

The "Red" Corner Just as the living quarters of an Orthodox Christian is considered a symbol of an Orthodox church, so the red corner is regarded as an analogue of the altar. As the living quarters of an Orthodox Christian is considered a symbol of an Orthodox church, so the red corner is considered as an analogue of the altar. The red corner is the most important and honorable place in the house. According to traditional etiquette, a person who came to the hut could go there only at the special invitation of the owners. The red corner is the most important and honorable place in the house. According to traditional etiquette, a person who came to the hut could go there only at the special invitation of the owners. It is traditionally believed that the icon should not hang, it must be installed in the place allotted to it. Icons are placed on a special shelf or in a closed icon case. It is traditionally believed that the icon should not hang, it must be installed in the place allotted to it. Icons are placed on a special shelf or in a closed icon case.

Icons Patronal ("nominal") icons of family members Patronal ("nominal") icons of family members Icons of the Savior and the Virgin Icons of the Savior and the Virgin Icons of the most revered saints in this family (more often: Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon the Healer) Icons of the most revered saints in this family (more often: Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon the Healer)

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